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Your child has already grown out of children's glasses, but has not yet reached the age of adults, and
Parenchymal keratitis: what are the features of this disease?
Causes of keratitis: The following reasons can lead to the development of an inflammatory process affecting the cornea of ​​the eye: Presence
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Jewelers, engravers and even doctors cannot do without binocular glasses. The device allows you to see small
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Working with small objects determines the need for various magnifying accessories and gadgets. Difficulties in
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️The best manufacturers of eyeglass frames in 2021 to buy. TOP - 10 best. frames
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Cheaper analogues of Visin eye drops: how to replace eye drops
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“Ksyusha wore glasses, but her vision only got worse”: is it possible to stop the development of myopia?
At the age of seven, Ksyusha was diagnosed with myopia, or, as it is otherwise called, myopia.
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Educational program on spectacle lenses. (Part I) L.A. Alekseeva Modern spectacle lenses differ significantly from lenses
Which frame is better: metal or plastic?
In the modern world, most people have vision problems. Corrective lenses will help you cope,
What eyeglass frames will be fashionable in 2020-2021?
Fashionable and stylish glasses have long ceased to be a necessary element for improving vision. Now
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