Washing eyes with potassium permanganate
Is it possible to wash your eyes with potassium permanganate if you have conjunctivitis?
Rating: 5 / 5 Washing the eyes with potassium permanganate helps destroy pathogenic microflora. The product is strong
Retinal detachment
3 methods of surgical treatment of retinal detachment
The retina is the thinnest multilayer structure of the eye, covering 70% of the area of ​​the inner surface of the eyeball.
Beauty injections - what, where and why to inject (part 1)
Eye injections for glaucoma: types and list of effective drugs Many ophthalmologists agree on
Myopia in children
Preventive examination by an ophthalmologist: who should undergo it?
Eye exams for children are no less important than vaccinations and visits to the pediatrician. Even
Alcon Natural Tear eye drops - Negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Anonymous https://vidguk.ukr/ru/drops_for_eyes_alcon_tear_natural-r8
How to choose the right eye drops? The selection criteria should be determined by the direction of action of the drug,
yellow sclera in a child
What does a comprehensive vision diagnostics include?
Oculist or ophthalmologist – which doctor should I make an appointment with? There is a common misconception that
Nonsteroidal drugs in ophthalmology
Nonsteroidal drugs in ophthalmology
List All anti-inflammatory drugs for topical use in the form of drops have similar properties, so
Urine therapy treatment of glaucoma
The effectiveness of urine therapy in the treatment of eye diseases Urine therapy is a well-proven method of treatment. Her
Eye drops Sante PC for working on a computer monitor, laptop screen and smartphone / SANTEN / 12 ml.
What effect does a computer have on our vision? Many users know that when working for
Indian eye drops - list of the best, reviews
Indian eye drops - list of the best, reviews
Ayurveda is a system of alternative Indian medicine, the treatment methods and preparations of which are widespread in the country
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