Is it possible to wear lenses if your vision is good?

Contact lenses are a modern way of vision correction; millions of people around the world have already experienced their benefits.

Contact lenses vary in material of manufacture, moisture content and oxygen permeability, wear period, and purpose. According to the period of wearing, lenses are divided into: one-day, two-week and monthly lenses. The wearing period is determined from the moment the lens packaging is opened; after the expiration date, the lens must be thrown away. According to their purpose, lenses can be divided into:

- transparent - ordinary contact lenses that correct myopia and farsightedness. They have two parameters: optical power and base curvature.

  • toric – lenses for the correction of astigmatism, as well as myopia and astigmatism.
  • colored lenses: changing eye color and tint. Colored lenses can also be vision correcting.

Benefits of contact lenses:

  • Maximum visibility. Contact lenses provide better peripheral vision and do not limit the viewing angle, since they do not have a frame.
  • Merger. Lenses will never behave like glasses: they cannot fog up, break, break, or fall off your nose at the most inopportune moment, so you can suddenly change your body position, feel comfortable in any environment, be active and modern.
  • Beauty. Your eyes will no longer be hidden behind glasses and frames; their beauty will be obvious to everyone. At the same time, nothing will stop you from acquiring a collection of stylish sunglasses for the summer.
  • Vision without interference. Due to their distance from the eye by 1-2 cm, the glasses slightly distort the image. The lenses, tightly adjacent to the eye, convey the image perfectly.
  • Sportiness. Contact lenses, unlike glasses, cannot fog up, fall off, or break. It is lenses that are your reliable partner in swimming, extreme snow and active games.

How to care for lenses and eyes

Primary requirements

Hygiene rules require:

  • do not wear contact lenses for longer than the indicated period,
  • The lens container should be changed more often,
  • Always have eye care products.

Moisturizing drops must be present as care products. They are instilled directly onto the lenses already put on.

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Eye care

Basic eyelid care products when wearing contact lenses include:

  1. Blepharolotion (with chamomile, green tea and witch hazel extract). It improves the tone of the eyelids, enhances blood supply and metabolic processes in the skin of the eyelids, and cleanses the glands. Eyelid compresses from this lotion relieve dry eye syndrome, relieve fatigue and inflammation, and restore tear production.
  2. Blepharogel with aloe vera extract and hyaluronic acid is applied to the eyelids using massage movements. As a result, blood circulation in the eyelids improves, fatigue is relieved and the outflow of secretions is normalized.
  3. Blepharoshampoo is a hypoallergenic eyelid cleanser. It includes: olive oil, chamomile, green tea, calendula, polyvinylpyrrolidone.

When wearing contact lenses, optimal eye care follows the following regimen:

  • after removing the lenses and placing them in a container, the eyelids are cleaned with Blepharoshampoo,
  • apply a moisturizing compress from Blepharolotion to the eyes,
  • perform a light massage in the eyelid area using Blepharogel,
  • put on lenses (if necessary).

Rules for wearing, removing and caring for contact lenses must be followed. This is especially true for beginners who have decided to replace traditional glasses with them. Following recommendations regarding the use of contact lenses promotes safe use and eye health.

Daily contact lenses.

You put them on only once and wear them for only one day, then throw them away and start the next day with new lenses. In many situations, daily contact lenses are the ideal solution, and there are a number of arguments for this:

  • Flexibility of application. The lenses can be easily alternated with regular glasses, for example, using them only for sports.
  • Convenience. You don't need tedious procedures with solutions and containers. Daily lenses require no maintenance.
  • Hygiene. Unnecessary contacts and contact with the eye, as is the case with constant wear lenses, are excluded. A fresh pair of lenses is taken out of the package and used only once. This prevents microparticles of cosmetics, protein and lipid deposits from the tear film from depositing on the lenses and allows you to avoid irritation and allergies to preservatives contained in contact lens care solutions.
  • Variability. You can choose daily lenses both for occasional use, for example, for training, and for wearing every day, instead of glasses.

Recommended wearing time

Each type of lens has a recommended wearing period. That is, how long a day they can be worn without harm or discomfort to the eyes. Find the type of product you or your child is currently using:

  • Hydrogel ones can be worn for 6-8 hours. After this time, discomfort may occur: oxygen reaches the cornea worse, dryness and redness appear.
  • Silicone hydrogels are used for a maximum of 12 hours. This material has good oxygen permeability, thanks to which the eyes do not experience discomfort for a longer time.
  • One-day wear retains comfort for up to 15 hours.

In addition, there are lenses with prolonged wear (up to 7 days without removing) and continuous wear (up to 30 days). You can even sleep in such products.

Frequent misconceptions.

  1. Putting on contact lenses is difficult. At first, putting them on and taking them off requires some skill and time, but over time this procedure will not be difficult for you.
  1. Can I just buy contact lenses if I already wear glasses? When choosing contact lenses, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist in an optician. Only a doctor can choose the lenses that are right for you. Even if you wear glasses, you may not be able to wear contact lenses with the same power. The fact is that the lens is located directly on the eye, and the glasses are at some distance from it. Because of this, the optical power of glasses and lenses may vary.
  1. Lenses may fall out if moved suddenly. A correctly selected and correctly placed lens will never fall out of the eye.
  1. All contact lenses are the same. There are many types of lenses. They differ in such parameters as smoothness, flexibility in repeating the individual shape of the cornea, duration of wear, the ability to transmit oxygen to the breathing cornea of ​​the eye or maintain the natural moisture of the eyes. Therefore, it is better to choose the best option from specialists.

How safe is it to wear non-prescription lenses?

With proper care, cosmetic lenses have absolutely no harmful effects on the eyes.

  • Maintains viewing angle. The colored part of the product covers only the iris; in the pupil area it is colorless.
  • Protects eyes from external influences and paint penetration. For this purpose, special shells are provided in the lens body: external and internal.
  • Allows the eyes to “breathe”. During production, modern materials are used that allow sufficient oxygen to reach the cornea.

In the online store you can purchase high-quality lenses at a competitive price. We will promptly answer your questions and help you place your order. We wish you happy shopping! team

Basic rules for using contact lenses:

  1. Hands must be thoroughly washed before contacting lenses to protect the surface of the lens, and therefore the eyes, from invisible bacteria and microparticles.
  2. It is better to use liquid antibacterial soap without fragrances. Bar soap gets dirty easily. Rinse off the soap well with water so that it does not get on the lenses.
  3. To prevent fibers and microparticles from getting on the lens, choose a towel made of smooth fabric.
  4. All lenses, except daily ones, must be thoroughly washed and disinfected in a special solution before putting them on.
  5. It is better to select a solution for them together with your ophthalmologist: not all lenses and solutions are compatible. They differ in their composition and ability to clean, disinfect and rinse lenses, however, there are also multifunctional solutions. Take care of the bottle neck and do not use the solution after the expiration date.
  6. Under no circumstances should lenses be over-weared. They must be used strictly in accordance with the period of use (1 day, 2 weeks, month).
  7. Under no circumstances should you sleep in lenses.

To wear or not?

Each person makes their own decision about whether to use lenses at home. Some people experience irritation after five hours of use, while others do not feel it even for several days. To make your choice, honestly answer 3 questions:

  • How long do lenses remain on the eyes? If you have an eight-hour working day at the computer plus a commute home, then it’s better to take them off when you return. Any type of contact products limits the flow of air to the cornea, so experts do not recommend wearing them constantly, even if we are talking about silicone hydrogel material, long-term or prolonged wear.
  • Is there such a need? If you can do without contact correction products for a while and feel comfortable, then give your eyes a rest at home. If you have poor eyesight and experience some limitations in your activities, then wear glasses.
  • How do your eyes feel? If there is a feeling of dryness, sand, redness appears or vision becomes blurred, then the lenses must be removed. Regardless of how much you wore them: such symptoms are harmful to the cornea and can lead to the development of edema and other diseases.

If you take care of your lenses according to all the rules, do not overwear them and constantly monitor your sensations, then they can be used anywhere and anytime. If unpleasant symptoms regularly occur after wearing it, be sure to seek help from a specialist. The doctor will select an acceptable vision correction system taking into account your individual characteristics, daily routine, and working conditions. team

What not to do when wearing contact lenses. 24 rules

girl inserts lens into eye
Buying contact lenses today is not a problem. For example, you can find a large selection of devices for vision correction of this type here -

But today we won’t talk about where and how to buy lenses. And about how to use them correctly.

Or rather, how not to use them incorrectly.

So, 24 warnings that every contact lens wearer should know.

  1. Do not continue to wear contact lenses if you suddenly experience severe discomfort in your eyes. Also, refuse lenses if the discomfort is not severe, but constant.
  2. If you notice any damage to the surface of the lens, even the tiniest scratch, do not place it in your eye under any circumstances.
  3. Do not wear lenses for longer than the time specified in the instructions for use.
  4. If you have not used lenses for several days, the first time you use them after a break, do not leave them in your eyes for the maximum period allowed.
  5. Try not to touch the lenses with your fingernails.
  6. If you drop a lens, don't spin around. Instead, quickly check your eyelashes, clothes, shoes. Carefully feel with your hands the place where you just stood. Wet lenses are so sticky that they can cling to almost any surface.
  7. Never attempt to pick up a dropped lens using your fingernail or by pushing it forward along the surface in an attempt to lift it up. Instead, wet the pad of your finger with water and touch it to the fallen lens, which will stick to the wet surface of your finger. And you can lift it without difficulty.
  8. To care for your lenses, use only the solution recommended by your doctor. Never try to replace one brand of solution with another without the advice of a specialist.
  9. Never use contact lenses from different brands at the same time. Since if you experience any problems with your eyes while using lenses, you will not be able to accurately determine which brand product is to blame.
  10. Do not touch the contact lens care bottle with the nose of the bottle. This may cause the sterile solution to become contaminated.
  11. If the lens was out of solution for a long time, for example, it fell, and you could not find it for a long time, under no circumstances should you place it directly into the eye. Instead, soak in a salt solution for at least two hours, and then clean thoroughly according to the instructions.
  12. Never wet your lenses with saliva.
  13. Never use plain water to rinse your lenses. Only special saline or disinfection solutions.
  14. Do not overload the lens storage container. Since this can lead to the fact that the upper lenses, rising above the others, will be damaged by the cover.
  15. If you use contact lenses, you cannot use various drops to moisturize your eyes, such as Visine.
  16. It is strictly forbidden to wipe contact lenses with towels, various rags or the hem of clothing. All these soft objects scratch delicate lenses.
  17. Do not swim, bathe or shower while wearing contact lenses. Because water can easily wash the lenses out of your eyes. Sometimes such an unpleasant event occurs even when exposed to heavy rain and, of course, while crying.
  18. Be sure to stop using contact lenses during colds, ARVI or flu. Infection can easily get into the eyes, and lenses will help spread it.
  19. Never leave a container with lenses on various hot objects (in the glove compartment of a car, on a windowsill above a radiator, on hot sand, etc.). The lenses may melt.
  20. Sleep with contact lenses only if your doctor has given you permission to do so.
  21. Do not ride on rides or in open-top cars without eye protection. Wind can dry out lenses.
  22. Do not use hand cream or other greasy cosmetic products before handling your lenses. The fat from your hands will easily transfer to them. And then it will be extremely difficult to remove it.
  23. If you use contact lenses, you must avoid using waterproof makeup. Since they cannot be removed without the use of special cleaners, which are too abrasive to clean the surface of the lenses.
  24. 24 It is also prohibited to use various thickeners and eyelash extensions with contact lenses, since the fibers and other components they contain heavily contaminate the lenses.

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