6 simple ways to maintain good vision into old age

For myopia, the patient is prescribed glasses with diverging lenses. With their help you can see more clearly. They are not medicinal, but wearing them can prevent vision deterioration.

There are several methods to improve vision with myopia. One of them is spectacle correction. However, it is worth taking into account the type of myopia and the degree of its development. There are two main types: anatomical and accommodative.

The first is constantly progressing, so glasses are necessary to avoid deterioration of vision. In the second case, a set of exercises for the eyes is prescribed. Daily exercise helps the eye muscles work. Glasses for accommodative myopia can only do harm.

Should children wear glasses?

If a child of preschool or school age has vision problems, then he must use glasses correction. The fact is that his eyes are just learning to see, so if you wear glasses irregularly or use the wrong model, your vision will deteriorate. Otherwise, you can not only progress the disease, for example, myopia or farsightedness, but also get amblyopia and strabismus. With amblyopia, the clarity of vision decreases, but this process is considered reversible. With strabismus, a child's eyes look in different directions, making it difficult for him to focus on any object. The human visual system is fully formed by the age of 9-11. This is why it is so important to use corrective glasses if your baby has problems with vision clarity. This is necessary so that the retina of the eye has the experience of receiving a clear image.

Glasses for myopia in children

It is impossible to completely cure myopia in children. However, it is necessary to stop the progression of the disease, so treatment includes:

  • stopping the development of the disease;
  • prevention of complications;
  • vision correction.

For correction, the doctor prescribes glasses for the child. If myopia is congenital, an optician should be prescribed as early as possible. It relieves tension from the visual organs and stops the loss of vision. A child should wear glasses only on the advice of an ophthalmologist. Upon reaching adulthood, myopia can be cured using laser surgery.

Prevention is of great importance. It consists of proper organization of the workspace (location in front of the computer, breaks during work, normal lighting), proper nutrition, and performing exercises to train accommodation, which can be performed both at the workplace and at home. It is also important to spend more time outside in natural light, the lack of which is one of the main causes of myopia, especially in childhood.

Should adults wear glasses?

Many people assume that regular use of eyeglasses worsens vision because the eye muscles become accustomed to wearing them and therefore relax. Therefore, some believe that sometimes it is better to give them up, for example, when reading or other similar activities. But is this right? If from time to time you allow yourself to do without glasses correction, then there is nothing wrong with that, the clarity of vision will not deteriorate and the disease will not begin to progress. But if a patient, for example, with myopia, does not consider it necessary to wear them at all or does without them most of the time, then his vision will inevitably begin to decline even more over time. The fact is that with uncorrected vision, the eye muscles experience excessive tension, as a result of which the blood supply deteriorates and visual functions are gradually lost. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to use spectacle optics regularly. However, sometimes you can refuse it without fear of consequences.

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Five persistent myths about vision that we willingly believe

Wearing contact lenses creates its own myths

1. If you squint, you will ruin your vision!

“In fact, when we squint, we automatically constrict the pupil and improve the focus of vision,” says Dr. Jay Pepoz of the Vision Institute in St. Louis. “And this not-so-bad habit only means that our eyesight is starting to deteriorate and we need glasses.”

“The whole point is that the desire to squint indicates a violation of the refraction of light inside the eye,” explains Dr. Kenneth Chang from the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Clinic. — It is the incorrect refraction of light that makes everything around blurry. There are two options: squint or wear glasses.

It would seem nothing serious. But the constant habit of squinting adds facial wrinkles to us, and tension in the facial muscles can cause headaches. So it seems that the habit is not harmful, but in fact it is not at all useful.

2. Don’t read in the dark, you’ll break your eyes!

- This is about the same as saying - don’t take pictures in the dark, you’ll ruin the camera! - Richard Rosen, director of ophthalmological research at the New York Eye and Ear Clinic, laughs. - The weaker the lighting, the wider our pupil becomes, increasing the area of ​​the visual impulse and dissipating its concentration. So twilight cannot damage your vision.

Perhaps twilight will not play a role, but long reading itself, especially in an uncomfortable position, can damage the eyes - concentration on one point, at the same distance, causes tension in the eye muscles. In this regard, long reading can be even more dangerous than watching TV, where the eyes are forced to follow a constantly changing picture.

3. Eat more carrots with sour cream, then your eyes will see better.

Here Russian ophthalmologists agree with their American colleagues: this is truly a myth. Of course, retinol, that is, vitamin A, is necessary for our eyes. But it rather serves to maintain normal moisture in the mucous membrane rather than to preserve vision.

Nevertheless, we still need retinol in adulthood, although to get it from carrots alone, you need to eat at least three kilograms of them. Meanwhile, calcium and vitamin D are much more important for children and adolescents. They are necessary not only for healthy bone formation, but also for strengthening the lining of the eye, for the proper formation of eye muscles.

Therefore, children need more cottage cheese and other dairy products, chicken and cod liver, and egg yolks. By the way, adults also need to include these foods in their diet.

4. Gadgets damage your eyesight more than books.

Partially true. All of them - books, electronic readers, and phones - have the same principle of harmful effects on the eyes. We look intently at one point, often straining our eyes while reading the small print. But gadgets have one big advantage, which becomes a disadvantage for the eyes - you can play and watch them in the dark, while lying in bed. But this greatly affects the condition of the eye muscles, and also affects the neck muscles, which become numb, and because of this, blood circulation worsens both in the brain and in the visual muscles.

Blefarogel 1 can be bought at the pharmacy

When looking at a book or gadgets, we blink much less often, which can lead to dry eye syndrome. Remember this feeling - as if several specks had gotten into your eye at once, a burning sensation, a desire to make a couple of tears so that they would wash away the unpleasant symptoms, and the understanding that your eyes are completely dry... But you can just cope with this. For example, do a light eyelid massage twice a day with Blepharogel 1, which can be bought in pharmacies. It is based on hyaluronic acid, which helps moisturize not only the skin of the eyelids, but also the conjunctival cavity. And aloe vera extract has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

5. A contact lens can get behind the eye, remain there forever and ruin your vision.

Not true. Yes, in an unfavorable scenario, the lens can curl up and get inside the conjunctival sac - this is the space between the eyelid and the eye. The lens won't go anywhere any further. All that remains is to carefully get it out of there.


Vision in the city deteriorates more

Surprisingly, it is true that urban residents are more likely to suffer from visual impairment. And it’s not just that we sit at the computer a lot, we suffer from air conditioners, polluted air, where there are many particles of dirt and dust. But also that we are surrounded by high-rise buildings, limiting space. The eyes remain without perspective.

It’s not for nothing that any eye exercise is based on the exercise “look into the distance and look at a point close by.” Ophthalmologists say that limited space really affects the development of myopia. Unlike residents of rural areas, the eyes of city residents often stumble upon high-rise buildings without seeing open spaces. And vision training as such does not work.


how to ruin your eyesight by wearing glasses

1. Black trousers, white shirt, bright scarf. The secret to success is simple solutions. 2. The best exercise machine to get rid of a manly gait is a narrow skirt two palms below the knee. 3. Remember the law: voluminous sleeves - smooth hairstyle, short dress - tight tights, talking outfit - silent shoes. Let there be only one active zone in the outfit. It's not at all scary if it's your eyes. 4. Yves Saint Laurent also noted that a turtleneck is a wonderful way out of any situation. It beautifully hugs and emphasizes the breasts, while hiding details from prying eyes. 5. Jeans, like plastic surgery, can either fantastically improve your figure or completely ruin it. 6. Traditionally, the right investment is a classic cashmere V-neck jumper. 7. Mothers of girls should definitely teach them how to dress. It is a mistake to think that a woman by nature knows how to dress, make up and comb her hair correctly. 8. Any outfit can tell a lot more about a person than he himself would like. 9. Good taste needs to be trained every day. When you stop doing this, then no matter how old you are, 19 or 75, old age begins. 10. Beauty cannot be perfect to please everyone. There must be at least some nick in beauty. 11. In any woman’s wardrobe, clothes are divided into three types - for herself, for her friends and for men. These outfits should not be confused. 12. If you are going on a date, it is better if the outfit emphasizes the difference between the chest, waist and hips. 13. Review your collection of scarves, handkerchiefs and lipsticks. When a scarf and lipstick sound like a duet, you will look great even if you are wearing a dress of the color that you like, but is not yours. 14. If your skirt or dress rides up when you walk, you definitely need either a different style or a larger size. 15. There are no ugly women, only bad hairdressers. 16. Don't be afraid of high heels. In stores you can find high-heeled shoes or boots that are very comfortable and can be worn from morning to evening. 17. If you want to visually lengthen your legs, choose shoes that match your trousers. 18. If you're wearing a flashy dress, be sure to keep your hair simple so as not to distract attention from it. 19. Don't be shy about your curves. Everything God has given you is beautiful. And if it’s beautiful, you need to emphasize your shape. The main thing is to do it competently and tastefully. 20. There is a rule for an evening set: one thing should shine. Either a dress or accessories. 21. If you have a problem with excess weight, heels sometimes play a decisive role, helping to hide figure flaws. 22. Fashion is not feathers and rhinestones, fashion is a skirt that fits well, it is trousers that lengthen the legs, it is a dress that a woman puts on and flies. Fashion is when a woman picks up a new bag and her life changes. 23. A new dress is a cheaper and safer tool than psychotherapists and antidepressants. 24. Take the money you have saved for a rainy day and buy yourself some new shoes. And perhaps the rainy day will never come. 25. In order to look sexy and elegant at the same time at any age, turn to proven solutions: a tuxedo, stilettos, a tiny clutch bag. 26. If you want to move up the corporate ladder, dress like you're already there. 27. An excellent set for all occasions - a black turtleneck, cropped trousers with elegant shoes with low heels and stockings that match the shoes and trousers. 28. A little black dress will decorate a woman at any age. The only thing very older ladies should do is wear thick black tights. 29. A red dress is a shout, a burgundy dress is a point of view, a black dress is a life position. 30. Costume jewelry should be chosen so that it is clear that it is costume jewelry. If the jewelry does not try to pass off wishful thinking, then you will look luxurious even among women shining with natural stones. 31. You can attract the attention of others simply: put on bright lipstick, put on huge sunglasses, and pick up a bright bag. Be wary of boring sets and lack of accessories. 32. Inexpensive items decorated with rhinestones, as a rule, look defiantly vulgar. 33. A well-dressed person is one whose clothes are not noticed. The person, his personality, his face comes to the fore. This is precisely the role of classic basics. 34. Jeans are not fashionable, jeans are only well-fitting. 35. Every person has something that can turn him into a star. 36. A heel gives a woman some instability, which means there will certainly be a man who wants to support her. 37. A thing should last a long time and be passed on by inheritance, especially if it has a good name. 38. Sports chic is not sold in sports stores. 39. Women love with their ears, and ears love diamonds. 40. Goodbye stress! Hello, overweight.

How do you know if your vision needs help?

Due to prolonged stress, the eyes begin to deform and grow. The image begins to form not on the retina, but in front of it, this is what is called myopia. Clear signs of such deformation are the following symptoms:

  1. Blurred image in the distance
  2. Eye discomfort and irritation
  3. Feeling of “sand” in the eyes
  4. Burning and pain in the eyes
  5. Pain when moving
  6. Rapid eye fatigue


Many people still think that it is an age-related disease; in fact, glaucoma can occur at any age. In the overwhelming majority, the onset of the disease is not felt, meanwhile glaucoma is quietly destroying the optic nerve. Vision deteriorates irrevocably, and complete blindness looms. Why does a patient with glaucoma lose the ability to see? The eye constantly produces special moisture; it washes the lens, cornea, and vitreous body of the eye. If the amount of fluid produced in the eye and the moisture flowing out of it is in balance, then the intraocular pressure is normal. And if the fluid does not go away, but accumulates, then the level of intraocular pressure begins to rise. Optic nerve fibers that experience pressure change and can no longer be a full-fledged conductor of nerve impulses. It is almost impossible to feel pathological changes, but they can be quickly identified using diagnostics. Here's an argument for why you need to regularly visit an ophthalmologist and undergo examinations: tonometry - measuring the level of eye pressure - and gonioscopy - studying the outflow pathways of intraocular fluid, as well as computer analysis of the retina, optic nerve and visual field testing.

How to treat:

The therapy will be complex. If the diagnosis of glaucoma is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe special drops that normalize the circulation of moisture in the diseased eye. You will have to go to see an ophthalmologist regularly, because over time the eye begins to get used to the drug and stops responding to it. Only an ophthalmologist can select new drops and determine their dose. If the drugs do not have an effect, the doctor will most likely insist on the need for laser treatment or surgery.

Is it possible to lose vision with astigmatism?

First of all, let's figure out how astigmatism manifests itself. In general, in modern society this violation is not uncommon. It is often accompanied by myopia or farsightedness. The cause of astigmatism is the irregular shape of the cornea, as a result of previous injuries or operations.

Unfortunately, no. Just as a person cannot regrow an amputated limb, this defect cannot be corrected physiologically, with the help of medications and lifestyle. And in this case, exclusively the correction method is used.

— Let's start with spectacle correction. Complex glasses are used here, which can cause discomfort. It's all about the lenses, which are significantly different from ordinary glasses for distance or near. In simple terms, you still need to learn how to wear astigmatic glasses.

— Contact lenses are more comfortable both physically and psychologically. In case of astigmatism, rigid toric lenses are used to correct vision while wearing.

— Excimer laser correction will help restore vision partially or completely. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, and postoperative rehabilitation is quite easy if you follow the doctor’s instructions.

Some people believe that it is completely normal to live with astigmatism. Using correction methods, you can literally not notice deviations. In addition, according to some astigmatists, existing astigmatism does not affect the general condition and does not develop further if measures are taken in time.

But there are also opponents of such a theory who have personally experienced all the consequences of this deviation. Pain in the eyes, headaches, loss of vision over time, constant fatigue. In addition, in difficult cases, a person will be contraindicated from driving a car, serving in the army, and some physical restrictions are also imposed, for example, weightlifting.

Ophthalmologists reassure. Nowadays, corrective actions make it possible to ensure the most comfortable life for astigmatism, even in some advanced cases. The main thing is constant medical monitoring and compliance with instructions. However, the danger of astigmatism is not exaggerated, but rather understated.

At its core, this violation is very “insidious.” In addition, it can provoke a number of other ailments, such as myopia, farsightedness, photophobia, dry eye syndrome, and eye muscle dystrophy. It can also progress, moving from a milder form to a more complex one.

And, if we ask the question of whether it is possible to completely lose vision with astigmatism, the answer will be this: with a successful combination of circumstances (successful for the progression of the deviation), astigmatism can cause vision to be lost partially or completely. Moreover, vision loss can be irreversible, even as a result of corrective surgery.

It is the complete and irreversible loss of vision that is the reason why you should contact an ophthalmologist immediately as soon as the slightest suspicion arises. The sooner action is taken, the greater the chance of maintaining clear vision. You should not put off going to the doctor, since there is no clear time frame for the progress of such a deviation. For some, astigmatism can remain at one degree throughout their lives, while for others it can go from mild to severe within a year. It all depends on many factors.

How to save your eyesight?

Like our entire body, our eyesight needs healthy training. The best way to tone your eye muscles is to do visual exercises every day. Gymnastics is an absolutely free and simple way to maintain and improve visual acuity.

We make a dot from plasticine and sculpt it on glass. We select a distant object outside the window, look into the distance for a few seconds, then turn our gaze to the point

Gymnastics for the eyesGymnastics to tone muscles with myopia
You can make the load more complex - focus on four equidistant objects.

It is important to do gymnastics every day. While working at the computer, take a break for 5 minutes to do eye exercises. This will help keep your eyes healthy.

You can learn how to do eye exercises in the video.

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