Loss of vision caused by accidental exposure of calcium hydroxide paste to the eye during endodontic surgery

Lemon juice in contact with the mucous membrane of the eye causes burning and discomfort, but the natural product is not hazardous to health. To relieve negative symptoms, it is enough to wash your face with cooled boiled water. If the burning sensation and increased tearing do not go away within 2-3 days, then you should consult an ophthalmologist. An acute reaction of the body to a drop of juice may be caused by hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction. In this case, the doctor prescribes a preventive course of medications that are dripped into the eyes for 2-3 days.

Properties of lemon juice

Citrus fruits are used in folk recipes for masks and lotions for the skin. To relieve puffiness and get rid of circles under the eyes, it is recommended to soak a cotton pad in lemon juice and gently wipe the skin.

Lemon juice is a natural acid, rich in micro-, macroelements and vitamins. Tocopherol, ascorbic and nicotinic acid are especially beneficial for the body. When applied to the skin, the natural remedy improves metabolic reactions, maintains tone and improves tissue nutrition. However, you should be careful when using lemon externally for cosmetic purposes, since the juice getting on the mucous membranes of the eye will cause the following unpleasant symptoms:

In such a situation, a person may experience increased tear production.

  • burning;
  • itching;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • acute pain syndrome;
  • redness of the skin of the eyelids.

SLS in toothpastes worsens vision!

Most people don't bother choosing a toothpaste. You just come to the supermarket, find a shelf with toothpastes and choose any one that: a) fits your budget; b) - has a pleasant taste (some people like mint, others like herbal, etc.). Some buy mass brands like Colgate, Aquafresh or New Pearl... Others buy only more expensive pastes like Lacalut or Splat, thinking that they are of higher quality and better in every way. But few people look at the composition. But in vain!

The most dangerous substance, which is part of 90% of toothpastes, is not fluoride, which has been talked about lately, but a foaming substance - sodium lauryl sulfate. Most often it is denoted by three Latin letters SLS or Cyrillic - PAV. It is this substance that, when it enters the oral cavity, foams and destroys plaque from tooth enamel.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS).

Available in 99% of toothpastes on shelves, including premium format toothpastes (for example, Splat and Lacalut).

Sodium lauryl sulfate is the same as A-surfactant - anionic surfactants.

A-surfactants have a very aggressive effect on the body . Even through washing powder they are harmful to health. They are not rinsed out during washing and are retained in the fibers of the fabrics, and then through the fabric they enter the skin, and through the pores of the skin into the body, where they are carried through the blood to the organs and accumulate in the tissues of the liver, lungs, heart and especially the brain . Moreover, they are not completely eliminated from the body. They accumulate on cell membranes, covering them with a thin layer, and when a certain concentration is exceeded, they violate the integrity of the cell and lead to diseases - a weakening of the immune system (which in turn leads to frequent diseases and allergies), illness Alzheimer's, etc.

Let's think about it! If such processes occur in the body even with indirect contact (penetration into the skin through tissue), then what happens when we actually eat these toxic substances?! After all, it is known that the oral mucosa has a pronounced ability to absorb. The amount of A-surfactant in the paste is of course less than in the powder, but this amount is instantly absorbed. After all, the rate of absorption of substances in the oral cavity into the blood is 30 seconds!

Sodium lauryl sulfate dries out the oral mucosa and increases the sensitivity of the gums to allergens and irritants such as food acids. In addition, it is a very strong abrasive, the use of which leads to thinning of the enamel.

The following experiment was carried out - a participant in the experiment had his vision measured using precise modern equipment. He then brushed his teeth with SLS toothpaste and immediately had his vision measured again by a doctor. Surprisingly, vision immediately deteriorated by 5%. Then he repeated all the actions again. And after the second cleaning, vision deteriorated by another 2%! You will say - if there really was such an effect, then we would all go blind. But in fact, our body is designed in such a way that it is capable of self-healing and fighting external destroyers. Therefore, the body certainly removes some of the dangerous chemicals coming from outside. But, firstly, it cannot completely remove them and they slowly accumulate in the tissues. And secondly, this function of fighting chemicals is given to the body as an emergency function. The body is not designed to constantly eliminate poisons. And we brush our teeth constantly, 2 times a day!

Conclusion: Sodium lauryl sulfate is a dangerous toxic chemical. Choose a toothpaste that does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate. This can also be indicated by the inscription “SLS free”.

You can also buy sulfate-free toothpaste in my store: - based on oak bark and eucalyptus. Be always healthy!

Is it dangerous for juice to get on mucous membranes?

If lemon gets into the eye, it will not cause any harm during surgery. The burn of the mucous membrane due to a drop of juice is minimal. Unpleasant symptoms disappear after 1-2 hours if there is no infection in the eye. Long-term symptoms and complications occur due to rubbing the eyelids with dirty hands or a towel. Redness of the eyelid skin may indicate high sensitivity, but an acute reaction can be neutralized with cosmetic moisturizers. You cannot intentionally drop lemon into the eye, but a single case will not affect vision and will not cause the development of ophthalmological pathologies.

Degrees of eye burns from acid

There are several degrees of acid burns.

Mild – 1st degree

The pain is not very intense, there is discomfort and a sensation of a foreign object in the eyes. The skin of the eyelids, mucous membrane and sclera are hyperemic. In this case, treatment at home is possible after consulting a specialist. Often – complete restoration of health and vision.

Medium – second degree eye burn with acid

The pain is severe. There is intense hyperemia and swelling of all eye tissues. The cornea is cloudy, on the mucous membrane there are bubbles with transparent contents. There is hope for vision restoration.

Severe – 3rd degree burn

The pain is unbearable, almost the entire eyeball and surrounding tissues are affected. The cornea and lens are cloudy, and a cataract or scab appears. The skin and mucous membranes are sharply hyperemic and edematous, necrosis may develop. Vision is significantly impaired.

Severe – 4th degree

If an eye burn with fourth-degree acid occurs, then deep damage to all eye tissues is observed: necrosis up to charring. The cornea is cloudy and perforation is possible.

The lens and vitreous body are damaged, intraocular pressure is increased. Vision is lost. The prognosis for recovery is unfavorable.

Common symptoms of an acid burn are pain of varying intensity, sensation of a foreign body and burning in the eyes, lacrimation and photophobia, swelling and hyperemia of the eyelids and eye tissues, visual impairment of varying degrees, up to its loss.

First aid

After a drop of juice gets on the mucous membrane, it is recommended to rinse the eye with cool boiled water. Flow-through cannot be used due to the increased risk of infection. A soda solution is also effective, since the alkali neutralizes the acid. You should also avoid touching your eyes with your hands to avoid scratching the cornea. If redness and discomfort do not disappear, ophthalmologists recommend the following medications:

Visine is good at removing unpleasant sensations in the visual organs.

  • "Sodium sulfacyl";
  • "Levomycetin";
  • "Vizin";
  • "Vitabact";
  • "Taufon";
  • "Systane";
  • "Albucid".

It is important to check with your pharmacist about the dosage of medications for children. "Albucid" 30% can cause burns to the mucous membrane and redness of the skin.

It is necessary to instill medications 3-4 times a day until the negative symptoms disappear. Traditional healers recommend rinsing with cold black tea, but you should not use strong tea leaves. Decoctions of chamomile and calendula have a calming effect. The lotions are placed on the eyes for 10-15 minutes. If the burning sensation intensifies and pain appears, you should immediately wash your face with cool water.

What to do if acid gets into your eye

In the warm season, eye injuries increase sharply. How to behave if you hurt them? Irina Borisovna Alekseeva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, senior researcher at the Department of Traumatology and Reconstructive Surgery at the Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, answers the questions.

“While playing tennis, the ball bounced right into my eye. I didn’t feel any pain, but after some time my eye began to see worse. Could this be a consequence of an injury?

— Eye contusion is very insidious. If this is a blunt injury, in which no penetrating wounds or rupture of the eyeball occur, then no consequences may be felt at first. Well, the ball bounced in the face during the game - it didn’t seem to be a big deal. As they say, we blinked and moved on. However, the eye is such a delicate and complex organ that even minor injuries can cause serious complications in the future. Here you need to be especially careful.

Contusion usually results in bleeding inside the eye. If left untreated, the blood clots and forms what is called connective tissue around the eye. It can lead to retinal detachment, injury to the lens with subsequent development of cataracts and ultimately to the death of the eye - both functional, when vision is lost, and anatomical, when the eye itself decreases in size and dies.

For example, we recently operated on a girl who a year ago accidentally hit her temple on a train. And I only remembered this with us. Over the course of a year, her vision deteriorated, and when she contacted us, it turned out that she had an old retinal detachment, which, although treatable, had an unfavorable prognosis. Unfortunately, it was not possible to completely restore vision.

Therefore, in cases of eye injuries, even minor ones, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist, an emergency room, a trauma center, a hospital, a clinic, or our institute. You will be prescribed treatment, and most importantly, the eye condition will be monitored and a prognosis for the future will be made.

“At work I have to deal with aggressive liquids. How to provide first aid if acid gets into your eye? «

— Eye injuries occur not only from being hit with a stick, stone or tennis ball, that is, from mechanical impact, but also as a result of various chemical agents entering them. In production, the cause of such injuries is often sulfuric and hydrochloric acid, and in everyday life, most often - vinegar essence. A lot of trouble can be caused, for example, by alkali getting into the eye when a battery explodes. Recently, injuries caused to the eyes by liquids from gas canisters, which usually contain some kind of acid, have become frequent.

What should you do in the first moments after this happened? Quickly run to the tap, run cold water and rinse your eye as thoroughly as possible. And not for 5-10 minutes, but for 30-40 minutes to get rid of the chemicals that got into the eye.

The same should be done in case of thermal burns. After all, getting even the most ordinary boiling water into the eye can result in clouding of the cornea and burn disease, which in one hundred percent of cases leads to irreversible blindness.

“I am a master of sports in volleyball. Due to myopia progressing after the injury, I decided to undergo surgery. Will I be able to participate in competitions after eye surgery?”

- Nowadays, many young people suffering from myopia undergo eye surgery - the so-called keratotomy. Unfortunately, this operation is fraught with very bad consequences. Since the scars that remain at the site of the incisions on the cornea of ​​the eye are very fragile, even the slightest mechanical injury can lead to rupture of the cornea.

For example, a small child, while in a woman’s arms, was waving his arms and accidentally hit his mother’s eye with his finger. This was enough for the postoperative scars to separate, the cornea of ​​the eye to open like a flower, and the entire contents of the eyeball to fall out.

Therefore, people who have undergone keratotomy should be extremely careful in all conditions. And since volleyball is a sport associated with increased trauma, it is not recommended to play it after such an operation. A ball hitting the eye or an accidental collision with a partner can damage the eyeball. And sports injuries are some of the most severe concussions we have to deal with.

“Please tell us about modern methods of treating traumatic cataracts.”

— Traumatic cataract develops when the eye lens is damaged. But vision can be restored if treatment is started in time. Today, there are many methods for removing cataracts. Depending on the severity of the injury, we use both traditional and so-called hardware methods of treatment.

One of the most modern is phacoemulsification of traumatic cataracts followed by implantation of artificial lenses. This method refers to small incision surgery. We implant new, so-called folding lenses into the eye through incisions whose size is only 3 millimeters, while previously it reached 10-12 millimeters. These operations are low-traumatic and allow you to restore lost vision with a 100% guarantee.

The advantages of our institute are that it has the status of a research institution; the most modern techniques for many operations are developed here. We are all general surgeons and perform combined operations - to clear the eye cavity of cloudiness, corneal transplantation, vitreous replacement, and “welding” the retina. Recently, we have widely used laser surgery, which allows us to stimulate the functions of the intraocular membranes. This is especially important after contusion with decreased intraocular pressure.

“While working in the garden, I turned around poorly and a branch hit me in the face. The injury is minor, but my eye hurts, I’m afraid I’ve got an infection.”

- Your injury is not at all as harmless as you think. I know of many cases when hawthorn or rose hip thorns penetrated into the eye orbit unnoticed by the person himself. Getting foreign wooden objects into the eye can lead to infection. Even more severe complications are caused by metal particles.

For example, a person knocks on metal with a hammer and suddenly notices that a speck has gotten into his eye, but in fact it is a microscopic fragment. Vision seems to be normal at first, but then suddenly begins to decline sharply. Because a piece of metal, which completely accidentally penetrated into the flesh of the eye, began to oxidize. This leads to damage to the retina, lens, optic nerve and ultimately to irreversible loss of vision. To avoid serious complications, again, rush to see a specialist.

“My son and his friends are interested in setting off firecrackers. How safe is this activity?

— Pyrotechnic toys often cause serious injuries in children. The guys don’t use instructions, and firecrackers sometimes have defects and explode right in their hands. The result is severe eye burns, sometimes with bilateral damage. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such injuries today. If you want to save your eyes, make sure that children do not get carried away with such toys or, at least, set off firecrackers only under the guidance of adults.

In general, in the summer the number of eye injuries in children increases sharply. They shoot bullets from slingshots, air pistols and shotguns, and throw various things into fires that explode. All this can lead to glass fragments or small stones getting into the eye. You need to remember this and keep an eye on your children. And at the slightest injury, consult a doctor. Unfortunately, very often people come to us when the infection has already developed and caused irreversible consequences.

“Having recovered from a slight contusion of the eye, I’m going on vacation to the south. What medications would you recommend taking with you?”

— You should always have albucid on hand; it is a harmless drug that does not cause complications. It is indispensable for the prevention of infectious diseases, and if sand, dirt, clods of earth get into the eye - you never know what happens on the beach or when working in the garden.

For people with allergies, bright sun rays, especially reflected ones, cause eye irritation like electroophthalmia, a disease that develops if you look at welding without protective glasses. The eyes turn red, begin to water, photophobia occurs, and the person practically cannot look at bright light. In such cases, albucid also helps well.

Place it in your eyes and make cold packs with anti-inflammatory herbs. For these purposes, you can use chamomile or even ordinary tea brewing. And don't forget to take your sunglasses with you.

Come for diagnostics at the address: Almaty, Tole bi street, 95a (corner of Baitursynov street).


What to do to eliminate unpleasant symptoms

The shampoo contains alkali , active ingredients and fragrances. Each of the ingredients presented tends to cause irritation to the mucous membranes.

Most children's products are based on a minimum alkali content or are completely based on other components.

If you notice redness or shampoo getting in, immediately rinse your eyes with boiled, but not hot, water. Don't use tap water , there are a lot of germs in there. Also, do not use dirty rags or scrub with your hands. Take a medical grade cloth and wipe gently.

If redness persists even three hours after the “accident,” contact an ophthalmologist. Folk recipes suggest using mashed potatoes, from which lotions are made. It is also good to use herbal decoctions.


What should be done for subsequent treatment?

Remember! You can act in the right direction only after consulting a doctor.

If you have carried out all the measures for rinsing the eye correctly and there are no consequences, the ophthalmologist may prescribe antibacterial drops instilled into the eye as a preventive measure.

This needs to be done for 3-5 days. Typically, chloramphenicol is prescribed: 3-4 times a day, 2 drops.

also prescribe anesthetic solutions for 2-3 days, no more.

If the cornea was damaged because you rubbed the eye and “drove” the salt deeper - onto the back surface of the eyelid or even into the cornea, treatment will be aimed at getting rid of the infection.

Then treatment may include taking antibiotics or using eye ointments of the same direction.

2.Signs of an eye infection

After an eye burn, it is important to watch for possible signs of an eye infection.

. These include:

  • Eye pain;
  • Sensation of a foreign body in the eyes;
  • Yellowish, greenish, or bloody discharge from the eyes;
  • Increased sensitivity to light (photophobia);
  • Redness of the eyes or eyelids;
  • High temperature without other reasons for this;
  • Blurred and impaired vision.

If there are any signs of eye infection after a burn, it is important to consult a doctor. In addition, a visit to the doctor is necessary after a chemical burn to the eyes in order to notice eye damage in time and avoid deterioration or loss of vision.

Visit our Traumatology and Orthopedics page

Symptoms and possible complications

Doctors note that in 90% of cases, long-term negative symptoms after salt gets into the eyes are caused by physical damage to the sclera or infection during wiping.

Since sodium chloride (NaCl) is a natural organic component, it will not cause harm if it accidentally comes into contact with the mucous membrane. However, if the crystals of table salt were large in size, then in rare cases they can scratch the cornea. Sodium chloride does not cause vision impairment, the development of conjunctivitis and the formation of pus. Complications, such as swelling of the eyelids and prolonged burning, are provoked by infectious contamination of the mucous membrane, which can be caused by running water or the touch of dirty fingers. If you rub the damaged area for a long time, you can also scratch the cornea. So you should not touch your eyes with your hands or a towel. Standard negative symptoms when sodium chloride comes into contact with the mucous membrane:

In such a situation, the mucous membrane of the organ may become irritated.

  • itching;
  • acute pain syndrome;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • burning;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • redness of the skin.
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