Lymphatic drainage is an effective treatment for bags under the eyes

Massage is a full-fledged medical procedure that requires the master to have certain skills in working with biologically active points and tissues of the body. If carried out carelessly, massage can even cause harm, and severely.

With facial massage, the question of the professionalism of the master is even more acute. Nerve endings and blood vessels are concentrated on the face, and if damaged, a person can lose his beauty forever.

For bags under the eyes, some cosmetologists offer manual techniques in combination with the use of devices - vacuum, microcurrents, etc.

If the problem is swelling caused by local lymphostasis and impaired blood supply to tissues, massage can slightly “accelerate” the circulation of biological fluids. But if we are talking about fatty or skin bags under the eyes, in this case the effectiveness of the massage decreases.

It is very important to understand the cause of the formation of bags under the eyes and only then choose a correction strategy.

Indications for testing

The functioning of the lymphatic system is negatively affected by many factors that modern people face: poor ecology, unbalanced nutrition, metabolic disorders, chronic diseases and, of course, age-related changes. As a result, the body loses the ability to quickly get rid of harmful substances and transport glucose and proteins. Therefore, toxic compounds gradually accumulate, and this has a corresponding effect on the appearance. A low lymph flow rate is indicated by swelling, puffiness, and a bluish or jaundiced complexion.

As a rule, a concomitant problem is poor circulation, which leads to the formation of blood clots in the vessels and deterioration of skin regeneration processes. Against this background, wrinkles actively form, the upper layer of the epidermis becomes coarser, the complexion becomes dull, etc. The lymphatic drainage massage procedure helps to cope with the above problems.

Main indications:

  • swelling of the face;
  • swelling of the skin of the cheeks, cheekbones, eyelids;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • bluish, icteric complexion;
  • small expression wrinkles;
  • skin ptosis, double chin.

Process therapy

One type of hardware lymphatic drainage is process therapy. This procedure is carried out using an appropriate suit and two microscopic processors. They maintain constant control over the pressure of the process in all areas of the body.

The presented technique allows you to get rid of toxins in the body and has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Process therapy is an effective method, which many people speak positively about, and some are delighted with the results obtained.


As with any cosmetological technique, there are some restrictions on the use of the lymphatic drainage facial massage technique. Among the main factors prohibiting the procedure:

  • oncological diseases;
  • acute inflammatory, infectious, non-infectious conditions (ARVI, bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, herpes, etc.);
  • exacerbation of chronic dermatological diseases;
  • pathologies of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin (cuts, burns, etc.);
  • pustular rashes with pyoderma, streptoderma;
  • thyroid diseases (thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism);
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • severe rosacea of ​​facial vessels;
  • pathologies of the lymphatic system;
  • history of allergies;
  • acne in the acute stage;
  • seizures, epilepsy.

Hardware vacuum lymphatic drainage

This type of hardware lymphatic drainage is also a fairly effective method. It is carried out by applying negative pressure to skin areas. Due to this action, cellular metabolism is stimulated, and the outflow of blood and lymph is significantly improved.

This type of procedure should only be carried out by a highly qualified specialist with extensive experience in this field, since any wrong step can lead to undesirable consequences.

Lymphatic drainage massage techniques

There are a large number of techniques used for this procedure. They can be used separately or in combination, combined with cosmetics to restore skin, etc. However, there are several movements that are the basis of lymphatic drainage massage:

  • Stroking. They are carried out along special lines to avoid stretching the skin: along the forehead, from the corners of the eyes to the temples, from the line of the nose to the temples, from the middle of the chin to the earlobes, in the neck, shoulders and forearms. After the cycle is completed, it repeats in the reverse order.
  • Clicks. Performed with moderate force, but with noticeable pressure to stimulate lymph flow. Manipulations are carried out along the above lines, after which the cosmetologist begins to move back to the forehead using ordinary light stroking.
  • Kneading. Used in the area of ​​the back of the head and scalp.

How often should I do this treatment? The decisive factor here is the individual characteristics of the body and the professionalism of the cosmetologist. It is on his skill, knowledge of the anatomy of the skin, the structure of the lymphatic and circulatory systems that 60% of the result and the durability of the effect depend.

Massage around the eyes - varieties

There are two types of decongestant eye massage:

  • Manual
  • Hardware

Both, of course, can be done in the salon. But since there is not enough time, and sometimes money, to visit a cosmetologist, you have to solve the problem yourself at home. As for hardware eye massage, a vibrating glasses massager is ideal for performing it. I myself have not had to use such a device, but according to the reviews of many, including my sister, it is a very worthwhile thing. In addition to the positive effect on the skin, this massager also provides a pleasant relaxing effect.

How to remove bags under the eyes with manual massage? There is a simple technique that everyone can master. For the procedure you need to allocate 10-15 minutes, preferably in the morning. Do it daily for a week or a little longer.

As a rule, during this time the condition returns to normal (unless, of course, the cause is very serious problems with the kidneys or heart). After the course, maintenance procedures once a week are sufficient. You can also do lymphatic drainage in the evening, in which case it will be a good preventative measure against swelling, bruises and wrinkles.

Stages of the procedure

Lymphatic drainage massage for puffiness under the eyes, bags, bruises and other problems is done with soft stroking and pressing. This not only stimulates the lymphatic system, but also gives a pleasant sensation. This effect is enhanced by the use of special aromatic oils.

Stages of implementation:

  • removing makeup, deep cleansing the skin of impurities;
  • survey for allergic reactions to cosmetics;
  • selection of massage oil or cream with a suitable composition;
  • performing lymphatic drainage massage (40-50 minutes);
  • cleansing the skin of cosmetic residues;
  • applying an alginate mask taking into account skin type;
  • finishing treatment with cream (in summer, products with SPF 50-100 are used).

Useful tips against edema

  • Do special exercises for the facial muscles - it improves blood flow and stimulates the outflow of fluid from the intercellular space.
  • Before the procedure, wash your face with cold water - it also increases blood circulation, thanks to it the face will become fresh, blush will appear, the skin will tighten, fine wrinkles will be less noticeable.
  • You can apply pieces of ice from frozen green tea or chamomile decoction to the skin of your eyelids.
  • Do not neglect moisturizing creams - they do not increase swelling, because... act in the shallower layers of the dermis.
  • Do not overdo it with products containing hyaluronic acid - this substance tends to bind liquid molecules, which can cause swelling to increase.
  • Choose an orthopedic pillow so that the neck muscles are in an anatomically correct position during sleep.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage for puffiness under the eyes. indications, contraindications, equipment, devices for manual procedures at home

In addition to cosmetic manipulations to remove bags under the eyes, review your drinking regimen. It is recommended to follow the standard recommendations of doctors, drinking about 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. But when drinking, you also need to know when to stop.

If you are constantly thirsty and drink a lot of water, you should consult your doctor. This may be a symptom of the early stages of diabetes or thyroid disease.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage for puffiness under the eyes. indications, contraindications, equipment, devices for manual procedures at home

If swelling is observed not only around the eyes, but the whole face looks puffy in the morning, and the legs swell in the evening, you need to contact a urologist / nephrologist - a specialist in kidney diseases. Fluid retention is a direct sign of dysfunction of the urinary system.

Pay attention to your diet. Excessive consumption of table salt contributes to the retention of fluid that accumulates between soft tissue cells.

You may want to reduce the amount of sodium you eat. Salt food less during cooking and consumption, and add natural spices to improve the taste.

Lymphatic stagnation

A symptom of lymphatic stagnation is the so-called “allergic agents”, in other words “black eyes”. More often, bruises under the eyes can be seen in adults. The darkness under the eyes is mainly due to the accumulation of veins, and the face itself can also become swollen.

Lymphatic congestion occurs on the nasal mucosa and lymphatic tissue in the nasal passages (including the adenoids). This is a reaction to a varied number of allergens. If in childhood it is mainly food, pollen or fungal spores, then in the elderly population microbes are added to all of the above.

Symptoms of lymphatic stagnation:

  1. Chronic sinus pain. Most people don't realize that pain is related to sinus problems.
  2. Nasal congestion. There is no difficulty breathing, runny nose or pain. This condition can also be caused by chronic nasorhinitis.

It is important to eliminate the cause of dark circles, and not fight them only with massage.

Therefore , before you start doing a massage, you need to find out:

  • what is the state of the blood circulation;
  • why is my nose stuffy?

Remember, eliminating lymph stagnation means the disappearance of blue under the eyes.

Massage at home

Lymph stagnation can be eliminated through exercise and allergen elimination. One massage without finding out the cause, of course, will help remove fluid from overloaded lymph flows, but the result will not be long-lasting.

Interesting fact: the movement of lymphatic fluid occurs due to facial expressions and gravity. For example, astronauts often experience swelling in their facial area while they are in orbit. All due to the lack of gravity.

The skin under the eyes is very delicate, so direct massage can only do harm. As an exception, this area can only be massaged for:

  • removing puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • lower eyelid lifts.

When starting a lymphatic drainage massage at home, you need to moisturize the facial area, and immediately before the procedure, squeeze the lower eyelid. Stimulates lymph nodes and light touch. After it, you can see a decrease in puffiness and blueness under the eyes.


There are two types of lymphatic drainage massage:

  • manual;
  • hardware.

Both types can be implemented at home or by professionals. Of course, in the latter case you can count on a better effect. If you can’t do such a massage in a salon, then you can try to do it in the best possible way at home.

The manual procedure has all the qualities of a hardware procedure, but also relaxing properties. Stress is relieved, metabolism is restored, fine wrinkles are removed, and the immune system is strengthened.

Hardware massage makes the skin elastic and improves its color. The procedure activates the natural process of collagen synthesis, tones muscles, and improves blood circulation.

Each of these types of lymphatic drainage massage is:

  • deep;
  • median;
  • superficial.

The type you need is determined by your condition and the number of procedures performed.

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