Features of using sodium sulfacyl in the nose

Use of the drug

The medicine should be instilled into the nose, two or three drops three times a day, and the procedure should be repeated until the runny nose disappears completely. The only contraindication to the drug is the individual sensitivity of the body itself. If drops are needed for a child, you should be aware of the irritating effect; during treatment, you must strictly follow the dosage. Before putting drops in your baby’s nose, the medicine must be diluted with pre-boiled water one to one.

Folk remedies for cough for children 5 years old

If you look at the reviews about the actions of sodium sulfacyl, you can see for yourself that the drug is still popular today. It is easily accessible, in addition, it is one of the few drugs that can be used without qualified help and prescription. It would be best to keep this medicine in your medicine cabinet. But before using the drug, you should consult a doctor.

How the drug works

The main therapeutic effect of sodium sulfacyl is the ability to suppress microbial flora. The active component has a slightly alkaline reaction. It breaks down enzymes involved in the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines, which are part of the DNA of pathogenic microflora. Losing the ability to reproduce, microbes gradually die.

The medicine Sulfacyl sodium is not an antibiotic. It only facilitates the functioning of the immune system. Therefore, it is not used to treat eye and nose infections in children with weak immune systems.

The active substance not only suppresses the activity of viruses and bacteria, but also dries out the mucous membrane, reducing the volume of secretions. Thanks to this property, inflammation of the eye tissues and nasal sinuses is reduced. The use of the drug is relevant for infants who are not able to blow their nose on their own.

Contraindications and side effects

According to the annotation, Sulfacyl should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to the active component.

The drug is used with caution during pregnancy and lactation if the expected benefit to the woman outweighs the likely threat to the development of the fetus. However, in practice it has been established that the medication is safe throughout the entire period of gestation.

Side effects after use may include:

  • allergic reactions. Most often occur in childhood. Before use, it is necessary to check individual sensitivity to the drug. To do this, one drop of the substance is dripped into the sinus and waited for half an hour. In the absence of any negative effects, treatment can be continued;
  • burning. Local discomfort may occur immediately after application to the mucous membranes and disappear on its own after 2-3 minutes.

Negative consequences after using Albucid can occur when it is combined with diuretic and antidiabetic substances. In addition, drops are not used in conjunction with medications containing silver ions.

Cases of overdose have been recorded with prolonged use of the drug in high dosages. In this case, patients may experience local tissue redness, swelling and itching.

Currently, pharmaceutical companies offer a huge range of different medications to eliminate rhinitis. Sodium sulfacyl is still considered the safest, time-tested and accessible remedy: it will help cope with a runny nose and prevent complications of infection. However, it is recommended to use it for mild forms of the disease.

Features of the use of drops for the treatment of children

Sulfacyl sodium is approved for use at any age, and even in newborns. Indications for its use are the following pathological conditions:

  • conjunctivitis (viral and bacterial);
  • keratitis (infectious and traumatic);
  • blepharitis.

Sulfacyl sodium is also prescribed for preventive purposes. The use of the drug helps prevent the development of infectious eye diseases in infants and suppuration after foreign bodies get into the eyes. They treat the eyes before surgery and after surgery.

The powerful antimicrobial effect of the drops allows them to be used to treat nasal diseases. It is recommended to instill Sulfacyl sodium into the nose for a runny nose caused by viruses and bacteria. The presence of a bacterial infection is indicated by yellow or green mucus coming from the nose.

Treatment of nasal infections in children should be carried out only after consultation with a pediatrician or otolaryngologist. To reduce the feeling of discomfort, the bottle is pre-warmed in your hands. Sulfacyl sodium can cause a burning sensation that goes away on its own after 2-3 minutes. You can avoid its appearance by diluting the solution with water in equal quantities.

Before using the medicine, the nasal mucosa is first washed with saline solution. For the first time, it is recommended to drop 1 drop and observe the baby’s condition. If there is no allergic reaction, you can begin treatment.

When and why is the drug “Sodium Sulfacyl” dripped into the nose of children?

The drug "Sodium Sulfacyl" refers to sulfonamide drugs and has an antibacterial effect. Used to treat various eye diseases. It is also possible to prescribe the drug "Sodium Sulfacyl" into the nose of children.

How were sulfonamides discovered?

Sulfonamides were discovered in 1908 in Austria, but for 20 years their antimicrobial effects were unknown. In 1935, scientist G. Domagk discovered that the substance prontosil, entering the body of an animal, treats it from streptococcal infection. For this discovery, G. Domagk received the Nobel Prize. It was later discovered that the breakdown of prontosil in the body leads to the formation of sulfonamide, which kills bacteria. Soon, a large number of drugs were created based on this substance, including the drug “Sodium Sulfacyl”.

Properties of the drug

The drug "Sodium Sulfacyl" has antiseptic properties and belongs to the group of sulfonamides.

Very often on various forums, in addition to exchanging opinions on the effectiveness of this drug, there are also questions like: “Please tell me, is it possible to use the drug “Sodium Sulfacyl” in the treatment of a runny nose? I purchased it, and only then read that these were eye drops. This is probably a mistake. Maybe I remembered the name incorrectly, is there anything similar for the nose?” Indeed, why do doctors prescribe eye drops to treat a runny nose? And why is it recommended to drip sodium sulfacyl into the nose of children?

Why is the drug "Sodium Sulfacyl" effective for a runny nose?

The action of this medication has a bacteriostatic basis. This is expressed in the fact that the drug prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, and the body itself copes with the infection.

According to the instructions, Sulfacyl Sodium drops are used to treat eye diseases, but there is often a situation when this drug is prescribed as nasal drops. This remedy will help if the disease is of bactericidal origin. A sign of such a runny nose is white and green mucous discharge from the nose. This process often occurs in young children, and mothers successfully treat their babies with these drops. It should be noted that reviews of the use of the drug “Sodium Sulfacyl” in the nose are often positive.

When using the medicine “Sodium Sulfacyl” (nasal drops), there may be unpleasant sensations, specifically a burning sensation, since the drug tends to dry out mucous secretions. The opened bottle should be used within a week, after which you need to purchase a new bottle of medicine.

The use of sodium sulfacyl for the treatment of runny nose in children

Before using the drops, the nose should be rinsed with water and a small amount of salt or using a special product. Then drip drops with a vasoconstrictor effect, and after a few minutes - two drops of the medicine “Sodium Sulfacyl” into one nostril. If a child’s snot appears against the background of an acute respiratory viral infection, then it is not recommended to use the medicine “Sodium Sulfacyl” in the nose of children. Treatment with this remedy will be effective if the bacteria that caused the runny nose are sensitive to albucid, the main component of these drops

Do not forget about precautions when using medications - you must use vasoconstrictor drops carefully, no more than three times a day and no longer than a week

As a rule, the use of sodium sulfacyl drops when fighting a runny nose significantly reduces the amount of discharge, as a result of which it becomes easier for the baby to breathe. Doctors allow moderate instillation of the medicine “Sodium Sulfacyl” into the baby’s nose.

The decision to prescribe this drug for the treatment of a runny nose should be made only after examination by a doctor. Under no circumstances is it recommended to take medication without consulting a specialist. Self-medication is unacceptable, especially in relation to a child.

Release forms

Drops are available in bottles, dropper tubes and vials with a dropper. You need to purchase a form that is more convenient for instilling the drug “Sodium Sulfacyl” into the nose of children. If the bottle does not have a nozzle, then you will have to buy an additional pipette.

Contraindications to the use of sodium sulfacyl drops

The instructions for the drug include increased susceptibility to sulfonamides as a contraindication. When taken orally, allergic reactions and dyspeptic disorders (digestive disorders) are possible. Since Sulfacyl Sodium nasal drops along the nasal passage will, one way or another, end up in the throat and then in the stomach, the last point must be taken into account.


Indications and contraindications for use

Infectious and inflammatory eye diseases:

  • Purulent ulcer of the cornea (the source is often purulent dacryocystitis);
  • Panophthalmitis (infected with pneumococci, streptococci);
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelid);
  • Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea, the presence of infiltrates in it);
  • It is successfully used for the prevention of blenorrhea (gonococcal conjunctivitis. Causative agent - Neisser's gonococcus) in newborns.

Intramuscular administration is prescribed for the treatment of urinary tract infections and other diseases of the genitourinary system.

Streptoderma and staphyloderma are treated with the drug. Also used to treat infected wounds.

Used to treat rhinitis if the cause of the disease is pathogens that are sensitive to drugs of the sulfonamide group. This is a good alternative to antibiotic treatment for rhinitis of bacteriological etiology.

In this regard, doctors began to prescribe sodium sulfacyl for the treatment of a runny nose. But this is only if the runny nose is bacterial. And the fact that it is bacteria that cause rhinitis (sinusitis) will be indicated by characteristic symptoms - yellowish-green mucus is released from the nose.

Also read about how to treat runny noses in children using thuja oil at the link. It is also effective in treating adenoiditis.

Now, if you put drops in your nose, following the doctor’s advice, there will be a noticeable relief in the breathing process, and there will be much less discharge. How to treat sinusitis in children is described in this material.

Use of sulfacyl sodium for other purposes is possible only with the permission of the attending physician.

Before instilling the drug into the nose, you must:

  • Rinse the nasal passages with saline or saline solution. If you don’t have a ready-made sterile one, you can boil water and make it yourself. To do this, per liter of warm boiled water you will need two level teaspoons of sea or simple kitchen salt;
  • The solution should be filtered before use;
  • Instill vasoconstrictor drugs - Tizin, Galazolin;
  • Drop sodium sulfacyl into the nasal passages. First in one nostril, and then, without getting up from your seat and turning your head to the side, into the second.

Be prepared for the fact that the drug may cause a slight burning sensation in the nasal mucosa.

Before use, you need to screw the cap all the way so that its spike makes a hole through which you can then drip liquid. Hold the bottle in your hands for a short time so that the temperature of the solution is closer to normal human body temperature. More often, sodium sulfacyl for a runny nose is prescribed by pediatricians for children under six months, 1 drop three times a day in each nostril for 7 days.

Drop two drops into each nostril three times a day for adults and children over twelve years of age. The final step will be to instill moisturizing drops or ointments into the nose so that the nasal mucosa does not dry out. This is especially true for children.

If the dropper tube has been opened, the medicine cannot be used after 28 days of storage in the refrigerator.

Contraindications for use:

  • Intolerance to sulfonamides;
  • The drugs Anestezin and Novocain reduce the effectiveness of sodium sulfacyl;
  • It is not advisable to use during pregnancy or lactation.

How to cure a runny nose during pregnancy is described in this article.

In rare cases, when instilling sodium sulfacyl into the nose, slight redness, slight swelling, and itching may be observed.

Is it possible to use drops for a runny nose during pregnancy?

There is not enough information about the presence of the active substance sodium sulfacyl in breast milk, so the attending physician must decide whether to use the drug or not, after weighing the pros and cons.

Dosage of the drug for small children and infants - instructions for use

Sulfacyl sodium can be instilled into the eyes of infants as a prophylactic against blenorrhea (a type of conjunctivitis in newborns. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, characterized by profuse suppuration).

The drug is quite effective in treating infectious eye diseases in slightly older children.

It is also an effective remedy against runny nose (rhinitis) and even inflammatory processes in the ear. Typically, sodium sulfacyl is prescribed to children over one year old if they have a stuffy nose and a severe runny nose, 1 drop in each nostril at least three times a day for 7 days. From the age of six, with the same dose of undiluted drug (20% concentration) - 1-2 drops in the nostril. The instillation procedure is carried out four times a day. For newborn babies, a 20% solution is diluted with boiled water at a rate of 1:1. Features of using Snoop Spray are described here.

The drug is completely ineffective for rhinitis of allergic origin.

Indications for the use of sodium sulfacyl in the nose

Albucid is effective for a runny nose caused by bacteria sensitive to sulfonamides, which is characterized by copious green mucous discharge from the nose. For prolonged rhinitis that occurs against the background of colds, doctors prescribe adults 20% or 30% sulfacyl, 2 drops three times a day.

Sulfacyl sodium for runny nose, 1 year old child
Serious bacterial infections accompanied by rhinitis cannot be cured with Albucid

In such cases, in order to prevent further spread of the pathological process to the ENT organs and maxillary sinuses, complex therapy, including antibiotics, is necessary.

This product does not treat runny nose caused by allergic reactions. But for otitis media, in the absence of another suitable drug at hand, sulfacyl can be dripped into the ear. To treat ears, drops are diluted with boiled, cooled water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:4.

Sulfacyl sodium for runny nose, 1 year old child
If two or three days after starting to use sulfacyl you do not feel any visible results, you should immediately consult a doctor

Advantages of Albucid:

  • Low price. Similar drugs containing an antibiotic are many times more expensive.
  • No addiction. Due to their addictive properties, almost all vasoconstrictor drops are not recommended for use for more than seven days in a row.
  • When instilled into the nose, sulfacetamide practically does not enter the systemic bloodstream, so the only contraindication to its use is individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the solution.
  • Side effects are extremely rare, most often a slight burning sensation is observed.

Dosages for treating nasal infections

The dosage is selected taking into account the patient’s age:

  • For babies under 1 year old, one drop is dripped into the nose into each nostril no more than 4 times a day;
  • from 1 year to 3 years – two drops in each nostril no more than 3 times a day;
  • over 3 years – 3 drops in each nostril three times a day.

During the procedure, the child is placed in a horizontal position, with his head slightly tilted back. Having dripped into one nostril, it is pressed against the nasal septum and held in this state for 5 seconds.

Sulfacyl sodium is a universal medicine. Possessing an antimicrobial effect, it can effectively cope with ear infections. It can be used to treat acute otitis media by dropping 1-2 drops into the ears three times a day.

Treatment of infectious diseases of the nose is carried out within a week. If there is no positive effect, you should contact your pediatrician.

Medicinal properties and principle of action

Sulfacyl sodium for runny nose, 1 year old child
Thanks to the medicinal components included in the drug, Sulfacyl sodium has an antimicrobial and bacteriostatic effect against such types of bacteria as:

  • Gonococci.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Streptococci, etc.

Therefore, Sulfacyl sodium drops are indicated for the bacterial form of conjunctivitis.

The principle of action is as follows: after use, the active components of the drug penetrate deep into the tissues of the mucous membrane of the eye and act from the inside, due to which a lasting therapeutic effect is achieved.

Expert opinion

Ermolaeva Tatyana Borisovna

Ophthalmologist of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences

The active components sometimes penetrate into the blood, but due to the low content of sulfacetamide, they do not have a systemic effect on the human body.

Properties of the drug

The drug "Sodium Sulfacyl" has antiseptic properties and belongs to the group of sulfonamides.

The diseases for which this medicine is used include conjunctivitis, purulent ulcer of the cornea, blepharitis and others. The product is highly effective against the growth of various bacteria.

Very often on various forums, in addition to exchanging opinions on the effectiveness of this drug, there are also questions like: “Please tell me, is it possible to use the drug “Sodium Sulfacyl” in the treatment of a runny nose? I purchased it, and only then read that these were eye drops. This is probably a mistake. Maybe I remembered the name incorrectly, is there anything similar for the nose?” Indeed, why do doctors prescribe eye drops to treat a runny nose? And why is it recommended to drip sodium sulfacyl into the nose of children?

Is it possible to drip the drug Sulfacyl sodium into the nose of adults and children?

Nasal congestion is one of the most unpleasant symptoms of colds, which requires treatment. If left untreated, it can become chronic or cause serious inflammation of the sinuses.

In addition, a runny nose is the result of a bacterial infection that affects the nasal mucosa and upper respiratory tract. Improper treatment leads to the spread of pathogenic microorganisms and the development of pneumonia, pneumonia and other serious complications. Sulfacyl sodium - eye drops that are also used in the nose. They are prescribed to both children and adults. The product is effective against rhinitis and helps cope with the unpleasant symptom.

  • Indications
  • Release forms
  • Analogs
  • Mechanism of action
  • When should the product be used nasally in adults?
  • Method of therapy
  • Limitations and negative consequences
  • Infants
  • Older children

Possible complications caused by the drug

The drug is safe, and taking it in dosages recommended by the doctor, there are no complications caused by the drug.

An overdose can only occur if it is used for a long time.

Treatment of nasal polyps with folk remedies

Tonsillitis in children - features of the disease and treatment methods are described here.

Prevention of chronic tonsillitis in children //drlor.online/zabolevaniya/gortani-glotki-bronxov/angina/profilaktika-anginy-u-detej.html

How does Sulfacyl sodium interact with other drugs?

The drug should not be used in combination with drops that contain silver salts, acids, or zinc sulfate. Reduce the effectiveness of the drug Novocain, Dicain. Toxicity increases when used together with dicylates and Diphenin. When used with indirect anticoagulants, the activity of the latter increases.

If the treatment regimen involves the use of several drops, you should take a break between their use of at least 15 minutes. If dry mucous membranes appear after using the drug, an additional moisturizer is prescribed. An open bottle can be used for a month. It should be stored at a temperature of 15-25° in a dark place.


For the treatment of children, a 10% and 20% solution is used. The drug copes with pathogens of bacterial ethology. The main medicinal substance is easily absorbed, forming a concentration in the tissues of the human body.

After instillation, the drug dries out the nasal mucosa. The vessels of the mucous membrane narrow, which reduces the amount of mucus and stops the development of microbes. Using a product to treat nasal diseases requires the following steps:

  1. A large amount of snot prevents the drug from reaching the nasal mucosa. Before use, it is necessary to rinse the nasal passages with a solution of sodium chloride.
  2. To prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions, a small amount of solution is instilled into the nose. Use of the drug continues if no reactions occur after 30 minutes.
  3. The medicine is diluted with warm water to reduce the burning of the nasal mucous membranes. For dilution, use the drug in equal proportions with water. Such measures are intended to instill medicine into the nose of children so that the child does not get scared and easily tolerate unpleasant sensations.
  4. The technique of administering the product involves a horizontal position of the human body. The person should lie on his back, head tilted to the side and slightly back. The nostril is pinched after instillation. The person turns his head to the other side and holds this position for 15 minutes. After this time, the procedure is repeated from the second nostril.

The dosage of the drug into the child’s nose is determined by his age. Children under one year of age are prescribed 1 drop 4 times a day. The course of treatment is no more than 7 days. The drug can be used for 7 days only when a positive result is observed in the first days of use. A single dose for children over six years of age is 1-2 drops three times a day.


In otolaryngology, Albucid is used to eliminate bacterial rhinitis, which is most often impossible to distinguish from viral rhinitis on your own. Therefore, the use of nasal drops is allowed only after visiting a doctor.

Sulfacyl sodium for runny nose, 1 year old child

The drug is used in the treatment of runny nose caused by microorganisms sensitive to sulfonamides, and accompanied by thick yellow or green discharge from the nasal cavity.

However, with inflammation of the middle ear, medicine can be a real salvation. To get rid of otitis media, drops are diluted with water in a ratio of one to two.

Reaction and side effects

Sulfacyl sodium for runny nose, 1 year old child
After instilling the drops, you may experience a slight itching or burning sensation in the eye, as well as blurred vision (disappears after a few minutes) and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth if some part of the drug enters the oral cavity through the nasolacrimal duct. Sulfacyl sodium does not cause systemic reactions in the body.

Side effects may include the following reactions:

  • Local manifestations of allergies (the eyes may tingle slightly, sometimes there is a runny nose or sneezing).
  • Severe pain and itching in the eyes (in case of overdose).
  • Redness of the conjunctiva.
  • Watery eyes or dryness.
  • Swelling of the lower or upper eyelids.

Expert opinion

Ermolaeva Tatyana Borisovna

Ophthalmologist of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences

If the patient increases the dosage of the drug without permission (without the consent of the doctor), this may cause a sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the eye and severe discomfort.

Sulfacyl sodium eye drops - description of the drug

Eye drops in medical practice are used quite effectively to eliminate inflammatory processes. But only if the microorganisms that cause the disease are sensitive to the active substance sulfacetamide.

Sulfacyl sodium for runny nose, 1 year old child
Price from 40 rub.

Sulfacyl sodium belongs to the group of sulfonamides (streptocide, norsulfazole and others from the same category). Drugs that were previously used to treat and prevent wound infections. They were administered orally as injections, intravenously. The pharmaceutical industry produced a product in the form of a powder for powdering wounds. And in the form of tablets for internal use. Sulfonamides were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century.

Sodium sulfacyl is produced by the pharmacological industry in various pharmaceutical forms. It can be:

  • Bottles in cardboard packaging;
  • Dropper bottles in a cardboard box;
  • Dropper tubes in cardboard packaging;
  • Ointment for external use (tubes of 10 grams);
  • Sterile solutions, both for intramuscular and intravenous administration (ampoules);
  • Powder.

The concentration of sulfacetamide also varies. There are 10, 20 and 30% solutions. Color: transparent or slightly tinted. Sulfacyl sodium has the following properties:

  1. Activates the body's immune system.
  2. Inhibits the synthesis of tetrahydrofolic acid. In turn, this negatively affects the correct microstructure of deoxyribonucleic and ribonucleic acid in the cells of harmful microorganisms. They completely lose their ability to reproduce, gradually dying off, leaving no new ones in the body.
  3. Creates an unfavorable environment for a variety of pathogenic bacteria, which ultimately leads to their death.

The drug has an exclusively local effect and its components do not enter the circulatory system, and if they do, they are absorbed in very limited quantities.

In what form is sodium sulfacil available?

The drug Sulfacyl sodium is available in the form of an aqueous solution of the active substance. 1 ml of drops contains 200 mg of sulfacetamide, a drug from the sulfonamide group that has antimicrobial and antibacterial effects. Sulfacetamide is an intermediate product in the synthesis of streptocide.

The drug is supplied to the pharmacy chain in the form of a solution placed in bottles, dropper bottles and dropper tubes of the following volume:

  • 1 ml;
  • 5 ml;
  • 10 ml.

The concentration of the active substance may also vary. For adults and children over 12 years of age, sodium sulfacyl 30% is used, for young children - 20%.

Side effects

Incorrect use or non-compliance with the recommended dosage when using Sulfacyl sodium can lead to unpleasant side reactions, including:

  • local manifestations of an allergic reaction in the form of slight tingling in the eye area, sneezing or runny nose;
  • severe itching and pain in the eyes, causing a lot of discomfort;
  • eye irritation, manifested as redness of the conjunctiva;
  • swelling of the upper or lower eyelids.

Important! If during the therapeutic course with the use of this drug you notice the appearance of a whitish coating on your eyelids, you should not worry or immediately panic. This is not an allergy, but just remnants of a medicinal solution, which, flowing from the eyes when instilled, dry out over time

If the patient decides to increase the dosage of the drug without the knowledge of the attending physician, this may lead to pain or an unpleasant burning sensation in the eyes. An overdose is also accompanied by increased tear production and the appearance of a feeling of a foreign object in the eyes. Such symptoms cannot be ignored, so if you notice them in yourself, immediately contact a specialist for an examination and adjustments to the course of therapy.

Is it possible to instill sodium sulfacyl into the nose?

The range of eye drops now offered in pharmacies is truly huge. There are various anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve fatigue, tension, and stronger antiseptics, which are sold exclusively by prescription. When purchasing, it can be very difficult to navigate among complex names. But if you ask any seller, he will say that in a wide range of eye drops, the most popular products are those that relieve and prevent inflammatory processes.

You need to have some kind of universal remedy in your home medicine cabinet to prevent eye diseases. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to follow newfangled trends by purchasing the advertised drug “Vizin”. It is enough to have a time-tested and generations-tested solution “Albucid” (aka sodium sulfacyl). For a long time, these drops were considered an essential element of any not only home, but also car first aid kit. The strong anti-inflammatory effect and high efficiency also make it possible to instill sodium sulfacyl into the nose and ears.

Sulfacyl sodium: formula and principle of action

This medicine has an international name, which is somewhat different from the commercial one - “Sulfacetamide”. The peculiarity of the drug is that it does not suppress the immune system and is not addictive with long-term use. The action of the drug is based on the bacteriostatic properties of sulfacyl, which allow it to stop the proliferation of bacteria in the inflamed area

It is important that a person has a fairly strong immune system, since this remedy increases it. This way, the body can cope with the infection on its own.

The microbes that cause most local infections require para-aminobenzoic acid. The whole trick of the described drug is that in its formula it strongly resembles this substance. Bacteria mistakenly react with sulfacyl, as a result of which they lose the ability to function and reproduce normally. Sodium sulfacyl is especially effective against Escherichia coli, Toxoplasma, Vibrio cholerae, Shigella, gram-negative and gram-positive cocci.

Is it possible to instill sodium sulfacyl into the nose?

Albucid drops have a wide list of indications for use. This is the already mentioned conjunctivitis, and also blenorrhea, blepharitis, purulent formations on the cornea, chlamydial eye infections. The medicine is used to prevent inflammation of various origins. Its last property is especially important in cases where sand, dust or other foreign bodies get into the eyes. By ensuring in advance that you have this universal product in your home, you will save yourself from many problems in the future.

In some cases, doctors may recommend instilling sodium sulfacyl into the child's nose. This is usually due to a prolonged runny nose in the baby caused by some kind of bacterial infection. As with instillation into the eyes, this procedure causes an unpleasant burning sensation in the mucous membrane, which is unlikely to please a small patient. Therefore, to reduce the concentration of the active substance, it is sometimes possible to dilute the drops with boiled water. The same applies to the treatment of otitis media.

Sodium sulfacyl can be instilled into the nose and eyes not only for people, but also for animals. Only in this case it will have to be diluted with clean water on a fifty-fifty basis. Most often, the pharmaceutical solution "Albucid" is used to treat eye infections in small kittens and puppies. A characteristic sign of such diseases will be poorly opening, watery eyes with yellowish discharge.

Pharmacological action and group

Drugs used in ophthalmology. Sulfonamides (Sulfacetamide).

Available without a prescription.

Antimicrobial agent for local use only. It acts bacteriostatically against the majority of both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, having a fairly wide spectrum of action.

Thanks to local application, it can penetrate into the fluid of the eye, where it counteracts harmful microorganisms, but at the same time almost does not enter the general bloodstream.

Sulfacyl sodium for children

Sulfacyl sodium eye solution can be used together with other medications in the presence of an infectious and inflammatory process associated with the organs of vision in children, regardless of age.

The most effective concentration of the active substance is considered to be 10%, which has the necessary effect on microbes. This remedy burns and stings the eyes less, making it easy to use when treating young patients.

There is also a series of nasal drops. They are used as a treatment for viral diseases in the nasal passages. Most often they are recommended for use in diagnosing rhinitis, the development of which is caused by bacteria.

This use helps to inhibit the development of the infectious-inflammatory process and accelerates the fight against the disease, shortening the treatment period.

At the same time, you should not use sodium sulfacyl as a basis to combat serious bacterial disorders, since the active composition will not live up to expectations. Moreover, such treatment may be harmful to the child's health. When using drops on your own, you should monitor the improvement of the child’s condition. If the disease does not change over several days of use, you should abandon such therapy and immediately consult a doctor.

Selecting an analogue

Sulfacyl sodium is ideal for treating young children. But it has the ability to cause burning and discomfort. If an allergic reaction occurs, you should consult a doctor who will select another drug that has a similar effect. There are several of them in the pharmacy chain.

Tobrex . Tobrex contains tobramycin, a substance with antibacterial activity. It is allowed to be used to treat children over 1 year of age. Tobrex cannot be used in combination with aminoglycosides.

Tsipromed . The active ingredient is ciprofloxacin, an antibacterial agent from the group of fluoroquinolones. The effectiveness of the drug is due to its rapid action, which lasts for 4 hours. The use of Tsipromed is allowed from 1 year.

Oftaquix . This is an antimicrobial agent containing levofloxacin hemihydrate. It is also used for local treatment of infectious processes in children over 1 year of age.

Levomycetin . The drug is available in the form of a solution, bottled in dropper bottles. It has broad antibacterial activity, making it effective for treating diseases of the eyes, nose and ears.

Normax . This medicine comes in the form of a clear or light yellow solution. Normax is intended for the treatment of adults, so it is prescribed to children and adolescents only in special cases.

When and how to use Albucid correctly for a runny nose? — LorTut

After birth, the child becomes familiar with the environment. This is usually the first encounter with bacteria and viruses and can lead to nasal mucus, cough and fever. This is especially frightening for mothers of infants.

There are many medications available in pharmacies to treat runny noses in young children. Today we will talk about Albucid.

A little bit of history

20th century, back in 1932. Domak first discovered sulfonamides, which are mainly effective against gonococcal conjunctivitis. This was a real advance in ophthalmology and helped cure and prevent blindness.

In addition, during World War II, German soldiers carried out tests in concentration camps, especially mutilating the wounds of prisoners of war, and then injecting them with sulfonamide antibiotics, which helped prevent sepsis.

The main property of sulfonamide is that it kills bacteria and blocks the synthesis of folic acid.

Albucid, or sulfaztamide, is an antibacterial agent; the main active ingredient is sulfaztamide, which belongs to the sulfonamides.

The main effect of albucid is bacteriostatic. This stops the growth of bacteria.

Albucid acts mainly locally. It used to be widely used in ophthalmology, but was later used to treat the common cold.

Active against:

  • Streptococci;
  • Staphylococci;
  • Chlamydia;
  • Gonococchi;
  • E. Escherichia coli.

Available in bottles of 5 and 10 ml. Albucides content - 30% and 20%. In pediatric practice, a 20% solution is used.

Indications for treatment with sulfacetamide

First of all, their main area of ​​activity is ophthalmic bacterial infections. For example:

  • blepharitis;
  • purulent conjunctivitis;
  • corneal ulcer;
  • gonococcal conjunctivitis.

Albucid is also used to treat a runny nose with a long nose with detachment of purulent mucous membrane.

Albucid is incompatible with silver preparations: Protargol and Krotargol. Its activity is reduced when using local anesthetics procaine and tetracaine.

Pediatricians recommend it for newborns if they have a runny nose of a bacterial nature. Albucid does not affect viruses.

Albucid for runny nose in babies under one year old

If a newborn has a runny nose, pediatricians often prescribe sulfaztamide 1-2 drops per nostril 2-3 times a day.

If the child is naughty and the head turns, he can wet the cotton wool with drops and treat the nasal mucosa. Albucid may cause localized burns and therefore anxiety.

Albucid drops, caused by local exposure to the source of the pathogen, can help avoid the entry of antibacterial drugs into the body.

Side effects

The only significant side effect is an allergic reaction to the sulfonamide group. This may occur in the form of rubber and burns if it gets into the eyes.

If the medicine is buried in the nose, it can also burn the nasal mucosa and tears.


The child's medical history shows an allergy to a group of antibacterial sulfonamide agents.

Some sources indicate that Albucid should not be used in pregnant women, even during lactation. In fact, it is not recommended for pregnancy only in the 1st trimester, when the main organs and systems shift. But otherwise, the drug is not contraindicated in newborns.

Probably only Russia suspected about eye drops in the nose. The drug is quite old, but even now it does not lose its significance. Albucid is not an antibiotic; it can rather be called a local antiseptic. When using this drug in the nose, some pediatricians explain that the microbial flora in the eye and nose is the same.

Many doctors also claim that albucid is effective for prolonged rhinitis. However, if you read Albusid's manual, you will find no use for these drops if you bury them somewhere in your nasal passages. Personally, I believe that administering Albucid to a newborn baby is a placebo.

'When we go on vacation, I always take Albucid with me.' Excellent help for colds, and the price is about 60 rubles. The only thing is that the child does not like to burn it after use, but it is tolerable.'

Elena S.

'A doctor who was advised to bury a child with a cold was surprised because the instructions were eye drops. My baby is about a month old and the medicine actually worked on his runny nose for three days.'

  • Oksana M.
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Instructions for using the drug in the nose with dosages by age

The instructions for use of sodium sulfacyl do not contain instructions for using the drug for instillation into the nose. When prescribing drops, the pediatrician determines the dose of the medicine and explains the rules of administration.

Before starting the procedure, the nasal passages are cleared of accumulated mucus. For this purpose, it is advisable to use saline solutions or special pharmaceutical products. After this, vasoconstrictor drugs are used to help relieve swelling.

If you violate the instillation technique, the medicine will flow into the nasopharynx and will not have the desired local effect. Small patients are difficult to fix in one position, so pediatricians recommend using cotton swabs. The baby’s nasal mucosa is alternately lubricated with a stick soaked in the solution.

Infants are recommended to drip a 20% solution diluted with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. No more than 1-2 drops of medicine should get into each nasal passage.

Sulfacyl sodium has a limited shelf life. After opening the bottle, the medicine can be used for 4 weeks, then its remains are disposed of. It is better to store the drug in the refrigerator and warm to room temperature before use.

Sulfacyl sodium should not be used to treat nasal mucous membranes for more than 7 days. If in the first few days the treatment does not produce results, the quality and quantity of discharge does not change, the doctor should change the drug.

How were sulfonamides discovered?

Sulfonamides were discovered in 1908 in Austria, but for 20 years their antimicrobial effects were unknown. In 1935, scientist G. Domagk discovered that the substance prontosil, entering the body of an animal, treats it from streptococcal infection. For this discovery, G. Domagk received the Nobel Prize. It was later discovered that the breakdown of prontosil in the body leads to the formation of sulfonamide, which kills bacteria. Soon, a large number of drugs were created based on this substance, including the drug “Sodium Sulfacyl”.

Contraindications to the use of albucid

Despite the positive reviews about the results of treating children with eye drops for a runny nose of a bactericidal nature and other diseases, you need to remember the contraindications specified in the instructions for use of this medicine.

So, albucid cannot be instilled into the nose of a child if he:

  • is being treated for kidney failure;
  • allergic reactions to the use of sulfacyl;
  • takes medications containing silver together with albucid.

Therefore, before starting treatment with these eye drops, you need to carefully read these instructions.

The active substance is sodium sulfacetamide in a single dose of eye drops of only 200 mg per 1 ml.

In addition, to use the drug, it is further diluted, which makes it possible to use albucid in the nose of a child, even an infant, with minimal risk of absorption of the drug into the blood.

Medical practice has shown that there are people with personal intolerance to albucid, which can cause itching, redness and swelling of the skin. Of course, in this case it is necessary to stop using eye drops for a runny nose and seek advice from your doctor.


You should know! The drug is not used if the patient is individually sensitive to any of its constituent components.

If there is a negative reaction to sulfa drugs and sulfacetamide, then this drug is highly likely to cause negative consequences and allergic reactions.

In addition, sensitivity to carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, sulfonylureas, thiazide diuretics and furosemide increases the likelihood of a negative reaction to sodium sulfacyl.

Simultaneously with topical drops of sodium sulfacyl, silver salts should not be used for any purpose.

After 4 months from the moment of opening the package or the expiration date indicated on the bottle, the medication must be disposed of and use is strictly prohibited.

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