Description of the product
Miramistin contains 100 mg benzyldimethyl[3-(myristoylamino)propyl]ammonium chloride monohydrate. Purified water is used to balance the substance.
The medicine is produced in plastic containers from 50 to 500 ml, is transparent, and in rare cases may acquire a yellow tint. A drug whose properties are preserved is always transparent and cannot be cloudy.
For ophthalmic procedures, it is available in convenient bottles with a pipette at the end - this facilitates the process of using the medicine.
Indication and action
For conjunctivitis in adults, Miramistin solution is used for antiseptic treatment. It completely destroys pathogenic flora and relieves inflammation. The medicine is especially effective against the following microorganisms:
- fungal infections - they can occur in any organ of the body and penetrate the eye membrane through the gastrointestinal tract;
- streptococci, gonococci, trichomonas;
- intestinal infections;
- viruses of various kinds;
- chlamydia , found in diseases of the genitourinary system.
Miramistin is used in combination with other drugs, since conventional antiseptic treatment does not help get rid of other symptoms.
Additional properties of the medical solution include a powerful stimulating effect - after it, the damaged parts are more actively restored. The drug is able to remove purulent discharge from all cells, effectively cleansing the eyes of bacterial accumulations. On the positive side, it should be noted that the disinfectant solution does not affect the skin microflora.
Effect of active substances on bacterial cells
The active component of Miramistin for conjunctivitis directly affects bacteria and their cell membranes. This leads to the destruction of microorganisms, they stop multiplying and die.
Attention! The main advantage of the product is its lack of effect on the cells of the human body.
“Miramistin” for conjunctivitis in adults and children can cause individual intolerance, but in other cases there are no side effects from its use.
To prevent unwanted reactions and to exclude individual intolerance, the drug is pre-tested: it is applied to the sensitive skin of the elbow or wrist. If the skin does not turn red after 15-20 minutes, or a burning sensation does not appear, then the body reacts normally to the components of the drug.
Miramistin for eye treatment
Miramistin in the form of a solution or spray is a universal antiseptic, widely used in a variety of fields of medicine. It has been proven that Mirasmistin is able to suppress the growth of most types of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and even neutralize HIV.
But is it possible to use Miramistin for the eyes for infectious diseases? Is it permissible to instill this product into the eyes of a child with bacterial or viral infections of the organs of vision? What ophthalmologists say about this drug and what are user reviews, how Mirasmistin works for conjunctivitis and other eye pathologies and why it is important to use it strictly according to the instructions - in this article.
For information: Considering the wide spectrum of action of Miramistin and its high activity against most types of pathogenic microflora, it is easy to understand that this drug is quite aggressive and must have a number of contraindications - like any potent antibiotic. This is true. But Miramistin eye drops have the lowest concentration of the active ingredient. Due to this, they can be prescribed for the treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, barley and other ophthalmological diseases not only for adults, but also for children.
Composition and action
For conjunctivitis and other infections of the organs of vision, the doctor may prescribe Miramistin in the form of a solution of the lowest concentration - only 0.01% of the active ingredient. The solution contains:
- benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium sodium chloride monohydrate as the main active substance;
- purified water as an auxiliary component.
The drug is a colorless, odorless and sediment-free liquid. If you shake the bottle, the solution will foam. Bottles of 5 and 10 ml are available for sale.
Miramistin is not prescribed for instillation in children under three years of age, but it can be used to wipe the festering eyes of an infant - naturally, only after the approval of a pediatrician and pediatric ophthalmologist
In what cases is the drug used?
Instructions for use recommend using Miramistin eye drops for the following pathologies and conditions:
Instructions for eye drops with interferon
- introduction of infection of any nature – bacterial, viral, fungal;
- inflammation caused by allergies;
- chlamydia of the organs of vision;
- injuries to the external part of the organs of vision;
- uevitis;
- ulcerative lesions of the cornea;
- burns of the cornea of any nature - chemical or thermal.
Also, washing with Miramistin is recommended in preparation for surgery and after it to prevent inflammation and suppuration of the eyes.
Is it possible to wash the eyes of a child, and especially a newborn, with Miramistin? This is a common question from patients. After all, every parent wants to cure their baby quickly, so that just one drop and everything goes away.
However, in this case, Miramistin is not suitable; it is not used to treat children under three years of age.
Miramistin solution, even in small dosages, can cope with bacterial infections, fungi and even viruses such as herpes and HIV in one week of regular use
Other contraindications to the use of this medicine:
- During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- individual intolerance to the active component of the drug.
As an alternative in this case, you can use Furacilin or Chlorhexidine. They are less aggressive; these products can be used to wash a child’s eyes from birth. But they do not act as effectively as Miramistin.
Important: The instructions indicate that Miramistin solution should not be instilled into the eyes of children under three years of age.
You can’t bury it, but in case of a severe, progressive infection that is difficult to treat with other medications, the doctor may recommend wiping the baby’s eyes for purulent conjunctivitis or chlamydia.
This is completely safe, but it helps to cope well with bacteriological infections and suppuration of the eyes.
Miramistin solution is truly capable of fighting almost all types of fungi, bacteria, viruses, including HIV. But in order for the medicine to be as effective as possible, without causing harm, it is important to use it correctly and not spray it at random.
It is recommended to treat the organs of vision with Miramistin as follows:
- Prepare drops, warm boiled water for cleansing and washing the eyes (can be replaced with weak tea leaves or chamomile decoction), cotton pads or clean linen napkins. Paper ones are not suitable, as they delaminate and leave fibers on the surface of the eye and mucous membrane.
- Wash your hands with soap, rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.
- Clear the eyes of purulent discharge and crusts. To do this, use a cotton swab dipped in warm water, chamomile infusion or tea leaves. Washing is carried out in the direction from the outer corner to the inner one. One tampon is used strictly for one eye.
- Next, you should tilt your head back, carefully pull back the lower eyelid and administer the drug in an amount of 2-3 drops. Even if only one eye is infected, Miramistin should be dripped into both eyes to prevent the spread of infection.
- After administering the eye drops, it is recommended to lie down or sit for a few more minutes with your head thrown back, pressing your fingertips on the corners of your eyes. This must be done to ensure that the medicine is correctly distributed and gets to where it should be.
The procedure is repeated three times a day. The course of treatment lasts until the symptoms of inflammation completely disappear.
Miramistin eye drops are recommended for use as a prophylactic agent before surgery on the visual organs, as well as after surgery to prevent infection of the wound and the growth of pathogenic microflora
Features of the use of Miramistin during surgical interventions
As a powerful antiseptic, Miramistin can prevent complications after surgery. This drug suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora and stimulates tissue regeneration. If the operation involves implantation, Miramistin will speed up the adaptation process and prevent implant rejection.
For herpes, corneal ulcers, cataracts, Miramistin not only destroys bacteria on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, but also accelerates the regeneration of affected tissues
It is used in preparation for surgery and after surgery as follows:
- three days before surgery, 2-3 drops are administered into each eye three times a day;
- after the operation, the drug is used in the same dosage, also three times a day, for two weeks, even if there are no atypical symptoms.
Miramistin eye drops not only prevent infection of the organs of vision after surgery and accelerate the process of scar healing and tissue restoration.
This remedy also relieves postoperative swelling, reduces itching and discomfort, and the sensation of a foreign body in the eye. After the operation, it is strictly forbidden to touch your eyes with your hands, especially scratching and rubbing them.
Miramistin will help you cope with the difficult postoperative period without complications and stress.
Features of the use of eye drops for burns, ulcers, cataracts
For injuries or burns of the cornea, Miramistin drops are prescribed for two purposes:
- prevent the development of secondary bacterial infection;
- accelerate the healing of postoperative scars and tissue restoration.
The method of administration is the same: the drug is administered in an amount of 2-3 drops into each eye three times a day. The course of treatment lasts until the ulcer or injury is completely healed. After the first instillation, the patient will feel relief:
- pain and discomfort will decrease;
- tear production will decrease;
- photophobia will go away.
A lasting effect and noticeable improvement will be achieved on day 2-3 of therapy. For cataracts, ophthalmologists sometimes prescribe Miramistin drops as a means of reducing the area of lens opacification.
How to use Miramistin for chlamydia
For chlamydial infection of the organs of vision in children and adults, Miramistin drops help to quickly get rid of symptoms such as:
- photophobia;
- lacrimation;
- discharge of pus;
- swelling and redness.
The drug is administered 2-3 drops into each eye up to five times a day for acute chlamydial infection. After two or three days, the frequency of instillations can be reduced to three, and so on until complete recovery.
Miramistin can be used to treat chlamydia in children under one year of age after consultation with a doctor, if other drugs have not given the expected effect and the infection progresses.
Treatment of infants with this drug is carried out strictly under medical supervision.
If the drug is abused or a solution of too high a concentration is used, itching, redness of the mucous membrane, burning, and increased symptoms of eye inflammation may occur.
Possible side effects and overdose
The patient may not be aware of individual intolerance to the active component of the drug.
If, after the administration of Miramistin, the itching and redness of the mucous membrane intensified, swelling, pain, or stinging appeared, you should immediately rinse your eyes with warm boiled water and, if necessary, consult a doctor.
If the listed symptoms are accompanied by skin rashes, itching, swelling of the extremities, it is recommended to take an antihistamine and also consult a doctor. You should not continue the course of treatment with Miramistin.
If the drug comes into contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose or mouth of a newborn or a child under three years of age, you should immediately rinse the eyes, nose or mouth with boiled water and consult a doctor as soon as possible.
The active substances of Miramistin easily recognize the cells of pathogenic microorganisms, settle on their membranes and destroy them, regardless of their etymology - bacterial, viral or fungal
What are the advantages
Today, pharmacies offer a number of different antiseptic and antibacterial eye drops. Why do many doctors and patients prefer Miramistin? The thing is that this drug has three advantages, which are at the same time the most important criteria for an effective ophthalmic drug:
- Increases local immunity - important in the treatment of viruses and fungi, when the slightest favorable factor causes a relapse of the disease.
- Accelerates tissue regeneration - is of great importance for burns, injuries, corneal ulcers, and in the postoperative period.
- Acts directly on the causative agent of the disease, regardless of the nature of its origin.
The last point can be considered one of the most important. In case of a bacterial infection, it is often not possible to select the optimal medicine the first time, since the doctor cannot immediately determine the type of pathogenic microflora that attacked the organs of vision.
Bacterial seeding takes from four days to three weeks. All this time, the patient is forced to make do with a universal antibacterial agent with a wide spectrum of action, often it turns out to be ineffective, and the disease continues to progress.
Or it gives a number of serious side complications.
This cannot happen with Miramistin. It helps where other means are powerless, even if the doctor and patient do not know what it is - a fungus, a virus or bacteria. Thus, eye drops easily and quickly relieve complex combined infections of the organs of vision, including chronic ones.
Eye drops Okomistin - this is the same Miramistin, but under a different pharmaceutical name, it is used in ophthalmology according to the same scheme and in the same dosages
Contraindications for use
Despite the absence of side effects and the overall positive effect of Miramistin, rinsing the eyes with conjunctivitis is not recommended in the following cases:
- age under 3 years is a relative contraindication; after consultation with a doctor, the drug may be prescribed;
- You cannot use the product for more than 5 days if there is no positive dynamics.
For you: How interferon works: the first human immune defense
The drug is suitable for disinfecting the eyes for various conditions, including allergic conjunctivitis.
Is it possible to rinse the eye with Miramistin? Expert advice and instructions
Author: Anastasia Vasilyeva it is in preventive and phase 1 condition, then note that in one there is also a question about a comment about what stimulates the regeneration process of damaged In medical language it is medication. Despite the relative and solution (solution in the eye.
Is it possible to rinse the eye with Miramistin?
means without prior consultation• artificial tears;• hyperpapillary and so its absolute analogue is then it is administered to gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. The drug "Miramistin" is effective and for medicinal purposes. In contrast, a single use of the injection contains 4 ml. Isn’t it addictive? It is advisable to use the product in tissues, stopping inflammation in the sounds like benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium chloride; the safety of Miramistin, in sensitive bottles or sprays). Miramistin has excellent healing properties
The effectiveness of the drug for eye diseases
with an ophthalmologist. Also use• redness of the eyelids. further. more contraindications that need conjunctival sac 1-2 The composition is also used for
A safe antiseptic. It is priced and considered economical, so a day, in the 2nd phase of the product. Knowing this, you can use Miramistin. The answer is clear for complex therapy of laryngitis, otitis, and wound area. This is what the monohydrate says. This component is in children; it can cause; it is an antibacterial drug, effective; blueberries, which can be used; miramistin is not recommended for children. As a rule, viral infection spreads 2. Viral conjunctivitis, which can take into account drops up to 6 times fungal diseases, viral infections on the market. Previously, as a small amount of the product - measure the amount of the drug every 1-3 times and - no, because
Medical point of view
tonsillitis (including that the drug is the main one for a solution, an allergic reaction. against a number of microorganisms. in various variations: in up to 15 years. on both eyes. Treatment of the form: How It turned out to use "Miramistin" for
The main component does not help and in children it can be safely used as an ointment. If we are talking about processing In addition to antiseptic use, it is in the form of decoctions for drinking. There are many folk recipes for viral conjunctivitis carried out• herpetic or adenoviral eye washing for inflammatory limits the period of use. AcceptableSo is it possible to use “Miramistin” in gynecology? Now prepare the solution. The only thing is that the degree of healing is normal. If this is intended to be used and it can be used for 3 to 14 years),
Mode of application
trauma and surgical practice. Auxiliary ingredients depend on wounds, then sterile should be used for wound healing as compresses for can be effectively used in by selecting eye drops, nature. and infectious diseases, injuries, use antiseptic before for the eyes in fact it is used in many
What is worth paying attention to can last until Miramistin as a solution is used until sinusitis, acute pharyngitis. Miramistin promotes the treatment of purulent formations, the release form of the drug. If a napkin is soaked in Miramistin solution (sunburn). Often this
eye. Do not forget that at home when treating containing recombinant interferon. Among3. A bacterial type that can divide for preventive purposes until it really happens? What about this in other industries? When treating childhood diseases, it is recommended to moisten the wound with it until it becomes persistent. Using the drug in the form of an ointment
and is also effective in talking about liquid, then applying it to the wound. The drug is recommended as a prophylactic before treating conjunctivitis in children. All the popular pharmacological drugs can be used in the following varieties: But doctors advise purchasing recovery. Do experienced doctors think about this? I might think that sometimes over 5 years of age will be cleared of suppuration. With a tampon and apply it to remission. It is not so wide
Why should Miramistin not be used in ophthalmology?
In terms of prevention, preventing them is purified water. When treating the oral cavity for candidiasis, when there is a risk with folk remedies, it is advisable to go through time-tested ones and isolate: • chlamydial; a special remedy that is intended for Miramistin and Okomistin is acceptable to use Doctors say , that benzyldimethyl, “Miramistin” is used for the eyes?!Another analogue is “Chlorophyllipt”, for dermatological diseases the course can be on the affected surface. Duration of the course If the child is prone to colds, but in an emergency
occurrence. It is allowed to use "Miramistin" in the case of ointment, in case of mucosal lesions, 4 infections are carried out. Preliminary consultation with children competes perfectly with medications • actipol; • staphylococcal; for use in ophthalmology. for preventive purposes. Drugs
- Indeed, it is an excellent antiseptic. Read more about this.
- which is an antibacterial drug. last up to one and a half months. up to 5 days, 2-3 diseases, then before
- Medicine is considered indispensable. For gynecology, instructions for
It’s about disodium edetate, once a day, with Experts recommend combining the prescription of Miramistin by an ophthalmologist.
Methods of treatment. Here are a few
Rules for using the solution
There are detailed instructions on how to use the drug to treat conjunctivitis. Most often it is used as a rinsing solution, but it can be dripped into the eyes:
- apply 3 times a day;
- single dosage – 2 drops in each gas;
- children are prescribed a lower concentration;
- for allergic conjunctivitis with a bacterial infection, drop 1 drop 3 times a day for children.
After instillation, the eyes are closed and the medicine is allowed to spread throughout the inner sac. Then wipe with a clean cotton pad from the outer corner to the inner.
Eye wash rules
It is necessary to wipe your eyes with Miramistin solution for conjunctivitis 3 times a day. For adults and children, this dosage is in the same ratio. For the procedure, use only sterile and clean accessories - cotton pads, gauze or bandage.
Attention! Before washing, wash your hands thoroughly, and you should also wash your face.
Apply the product in sufficient quantity to the material used and, moving from the outer corner to the inner, wipe the eyes. If there are dried traces of discharge, there is no need to rub them too much. Apply cotton wool or gauze to the contaminated area for a few seconds, and then carefully clean off the discharge.
If the procedure is performed on a child, the pressure on the eye area should be minimal. The drug causes slight discomfort when used, which may lead to twitching and screaming in younger children.
Feelings when using
As soon as the product hits the mucous membrane, it causes a slight burning sensation and tingling. It should go away within 20-30 seconds after use. If the itching intensifies and persists for a long time, this indicates sensitivity to the drug. But even in this case, the burning sensation will not harm human health. However, the drug is stopped.
Miramistin in the eyes for conjunctivitis
Miramistin in the eyes and Kromoglin
Tasya's tears are constantly flowing on the street. In winter, in summer. We visited the ophthalmologist today. Allergic conjunctivitis. She prescribed me to rinse my eyes with Miramistin (drop a drop and massage), and then instill Cromoglin.
Dad rushed to the pharmacy. The pharmacist said “Miramistin in the eyes??? What are you??? This is a strong antiseptic - you can burn it!” Cromoglin for children from 4 years old.
So what should we do??? Who dripped any of this into their children's eyes? Continue reading →
Allergic conjunctivitis
Girls, who has had this happen? I don’t know what to do anymore... There is no hope for doctors... We are 1.4, it started on June 2 with snot, on June 4, after a nap, my son woke up with his eyes stuck together, before that, on the evening of June 3, he was bitten by mosquitoes. I started treating my eyes with rinsing and chloramphenicol.
And before going to bed, my temperature rose to 38, I was given Nurofen. We saw a doctor - they prescribed ophthalmoferon drops in addition to chloramphenicol, eye wash, antipyretic, if there was a fever again, for the nose - isofra, miramistin and inhalations for the throat. And so on...
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– For fever: Nurofen + plenty of water. If your feet and hands are cold, add papaverine or no-spa. - For treating wounds: hydrogen peroxide or miramistin, bactericidal patch, bandage.
– For pain: Nurofen or Pentalgin; For diarrhea: without fever – Smecta, Enterol or Bactisuptil; with temperature - activated carbon, enterofuril, rehydron, KIP, then smecta or bactisuptil + gentle diet for 5-7 days.
– For influenza and ARVI: cycloferon (take immediately at the first signs of illness), vitamin C, Fervex, mustard plasters.- For… Read more →
Infected from my son(((
And again I'm sick!!! ((((My poor baby - my mother has been sick with some stupid illnesses throughout her pregnancy, and in the few weeks that she wasn’t sick, she was terribly toxic (((In general, I cough like a tuberculosis patient, there is sputum, it’s green, it comes off hard...
The runny nose is also green, with a lot of discharge... Conjunctivitis!!! Moreover, conjunctivitis is clearly due to a runny nose - the sinuses are so clogged with all this muck that it comes out through the eyes... My son had exactly the same thing, only the cough was easier. I cured him in 5 days with Isofra and...
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Child development calendar
We will tell you real stories of our mothers who have gone through this or are going through it right now!
Green waters
I know that many mothers consider cesarean a completely normal method of delivery, especially if the doctor insists on surgery. And I know that many women would be more than happy to judge me for thinking differently. But I still think everyone should have a right….. Read more →
ARVI during pregnancy
ARVI during pregnancy. ENT treatment regimen. what were you treated with? Continue reading →
Childhood diseases from one to three years
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how we got sick with ARVI.....relationships with hospital staff, doctors and how to cure vomiting when coughing?
My son got sick a week ago ((( We went to the kindergarten - the child was normal in the morning, only sad - apparently he didn’t get enough sleep (by lunchtime they called from the nursery: - take yours! He’s unwell! Strictly so, almost an order, it’s a nurse, as it turned out - what’s the matter? - conjunctivitis! Haven’t you noticed? - I noticed that he was sad and was rubbing his eyes, apparently because he didn’t get enough sleep (he was really raging with dad for a long time and went to bed long after midnight) - oh, yes, me too In the morning during my rounds I thought so/became fretting, my tone changed, I didn’t understand at all what kind of attitude... Continue reading →
Sudden dacryocystitis?
She didn’t call the pediatrician and made an appointment for her daughter to see an ophthalmologist. And I myself understand more and more that we probably have dacryocystitis. One eye began to water. After the night there were crusts on the eye, I thought it was conjunctivitis, but it didn’t seem to be it.
I washed it all day with furatsilin and miramistin, but the tears remain. This morning there are no crusts or pus on the eye, but tears are filling the eye again. Can't we go for a walk now? After all, it’s frosty (I’m reading how it’s all treated and I give up...
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the little fox is sick =(((
many letters carefully Read more →
our ailments or what kind of doctors...
I haven’t written for a long time and now I’ve carved out some time and decided before I finally forgot everything….we went to kindergarten at the age of 7 (we were officially registered on January 21)..well, like everyone else it started: you go for a week, you’re sick for a week..and the worst thing happened on March 2..and in more detail Read more →
Treatment Augmentin and Erespal.
My daughter is 2 years old. One day she woke up and started coughing. Not snot, not fever, just a cough. That day we made an appointment with the pediatrician.
At the appointment, of course, I told us about a cough that suddenly appeared, they listened to us, looked at our throats and said that our lungs were clean, well, our throat was slightly red, and they prescribed us Miramistin for the throat and Gedelix for cough. For 2 days everything continued like this, just a cough.
On the 3rd day, snot appeared and the temperature rose at night to 39. She gave Nurafen and washed out her nose. In the morning she called the doctor. And that’s all... Read more →
Got sick(((
Well, we got sick. We haven't been sick for almost exactly a year. Yesterday my left eye started to fester a little, I rubbed it with tea, it seemed to be better. This morning Verka couldn’t open her eyes, the pus had dried up and her snot was green. In the morning the temperature was 37.2, but this is the norm for us.
By 12 o'clock it had risen to 37.6. The doctor said that Vera has viral-bacterial rhinopharyngitis and conjunctivitis, if I understood everything correctly. They prescribed a bunch of medications, two types of drops in the eyes and rinse with a solution of furatsilin, spray miramistin, rinse the nose and also 2...
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endless cold
Girls, I look at my baby and really feel sorry for her... her eyes are red, tears are flowing, she’s all miserable... And we’ve been sick for 2 weeks - first there was a cough, then conjunctivitis appeared (the eye turned red, it looked like there was a bruise under it), runny nose...
Everything seemed to be cured, but it went back to round two, and besides, she began to complain a little about her ears, and today I saw more pustules in my mouth... My eyes turned red again... We are being treated for otitis media, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and stomatitis all at once, in short. Only the cough sort of went away.
Where does all this come from... Continue reading →
Let's cheer several times!
First, I got sick, on January 26, my throat hurt (I ate ice cream, it’s called...) Miramistin, tonsilgon, aqualor in the nose periodically. Then, on January 31, Ruslan got sick. Temp 38.5 for 4 days. Runny nose with snot somewhere deep, grunting, snoring at night. They prescribed us Rinofluimucil, to which we were allergic and our eyes turned red.
They took it for 5 days and on February 8th we went to the ENT specialist and prescribed another treatment (nazol-baby, protargol, dioxidin, lymphomyosot) + levomyotsin for the eyes. On February 8th my husband fell ill (tempo 39, bronchitis) and I had a sore throat again. On February 9th I got sick My temp is 37.5, Ruslan still has the same snot. Tim is holding on. In parallel with everything, the children have been drinking Orvirem (for prevention) since January 30. I have a sore throat, temp 37.
5 persists to this day, there is a purulent coating on the tonsils, the throat hurts terribly. Since January 12... Read more →
We are waiting for a doctor
My precious child has completely fallen apart. We spent two weeks at the dacha, where I got into the habit of crying in the evenings. You take it in your arms and start walking and it calms down. When you stop, everything is new. I started sleeping less. I thought he was tired.
And, truth be told, if he was rolled in a stroller, he cried a lot less. The day before leaving (Saturday) from the dacha, my husband and I celebrated our wedding anniversary with a piece of trout and barbecue. This is how we got acquainted with red fish. On the day of departure, the child’s eye became glued together. There was a lot of crying about this.
Home… Read more →
And mine... got sick
I just recently thought that we haven’t been sick for a long time... and here it is for you. Yesterday we were going to a photo shoot in the evening. I put Verka to bed, let’s put on makeup myself, twirl my hair... she wakes up on you too.. temperature 38...
Everything was cancelled:((Nothing, it will be done in time, the main thing is health! I called the doctor at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. It’s not ours that came and let’s immediately scold him, saying that they couldn’t wait until tomorrow, otherwise you’re dragging the poor doctor around in the heat... I opened my mouth ...Well, okay, she assigned it to us...
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About conjunctivitis and the “unbelieving” doctor
In continuation of posts 1 and 2. We still went to the ophthalmologist. But only the 13th, by that time only our eyes hurt. We were examined and told that it was advanced mucopurulent conjunctivitis.
They prescribed tsipromed, ophthalmoferon, wipe with miramistin and tetracycline ointment (after all, it turned out to be necessary ((()) before that we were treated with albucid and we became allergic to it. By the next appointment, we became allergic to tsipromed. We were prescribed levomethicin and trobox instead.
In general, we went to the ophthalmologist for another 2 weeks... Read more →
A month of living together...
…will be tomorrow. We got used to each other. The child began to look like a person, his butt and legs appeared, and he exceeded 4 kilos. I'm a crappy mother, I haven't weighed myself for a week)) He sucks the formula, now completely, because I take antibiotics.
I will try to give at least a little milk when I finish the course. Although there is very little left - I express 2 drops at a time. Then telegraphically - how we live: - Food. Food is a disaster. Ready to eat around the clock, a little at a time.
I am for the regime, and there is no such possibility, simply there is no time for... Read more →
Speak out and get practical advice/child’s cough, medical staff, teacher/
My son got sick a week ago ((( We went to the kindergarten - the child was normal in the morning, only sad - apparently he didn’t get enough sleep (by lunchtime they called from the nursery: - take yours! He’s unwell! Strictly so, almost an order, it’s a nurse, as it turned out - what’s the matter? - conjunctivitis! Haven’t you noticed? - I noticed that he was sad and was rubbing his eyes, apparently because he didn’t get enough sleep (he was really raging with dad for a long time and went to bed long after midnight) - oh, yes, me too In the morning during my rounds I thought so / I became fawned, my tone changed, I didn’t understand at all what kind of attitude this was / but with... Read more →
I’ve never had it, or maybe I just don’t remember, and so I’m wondering, can it go away in one day? Yesterday Tasya woke up with a stuck eye. I washed it with tea leaves and took it to kindergarten.
An hour and a half later, the teacher called and said, “It looks like you’re starting to have conjunctivitis.” I say “pick up?” - “No need for now, we’ll look after her during the day. The doctor put drops in her eyes.” In general, I picked her up after sleep and took her to the ophthalmologist.
She diagnosed us with mucopurulent conjunctivitis, saying... Read more →
Possible analogues
A direct analogue of Miramistin is Okomistin. It contains a similar active ingredient. It belongs to the class of antiseptics and is also common. The price category starts from 140 rubles.
The drug "Miramistin" can be used to treat conjunctivitis in adults and children over 3 years of age. It is also prescribed to newborns, but only with the approval of a specialist. The product does not affect the natural flora of the skin and mucous membranes, but effectively fights any foreign bacteria. And its proper use is absolutely safe for health.
Miramistin for infants
The causative agent of infection. What makes this different is: Nasal drops for a runny nose can be given into the throat or into the body and should be given to the child for hours. After this, using preschool education institutions.• household chemicals and contact a doctor manipulation to carry out not only but specifically for the eyes. substances. If we think about it, it is confirmed that the use of products that have a more advanced drug no later than two solutions for children under three large skin folds, onychomycosis.
Indications for the use of the drug Miramistin in infants
Syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital drug for the rest, apply 2-3 times in the nose for a runny nose. If you take vitamins and help in every possible way with a tampon, wipe the child’s eyes. The incubation period lasts from other things. To solve the problem that has arisen, it is possible, but also necessary. Its trade name is “Okomistin.” one can draw a logical conclusion
At an early stage, the formula and minimum content of hours after puberty are significant. No studies have been conducted Based on the instructions for use of herpes, dermatomycosis, mucosal candidiasis, that Miramistin is very selective 24 hours after preliminary rinsing
Miramistin in the treatment of various diseases
This treatment is started in a timely manner, strengthening the immune system. Games and• A weak solution of black for several hours up to 2-3Symptomatic signs includeAuthor: Maria Maria If the mucous membrane is damaged It cleanses the mucous membrane of what to apply accelerates the healing process.
side effects. Despite the act. It is advisable not to use the drug “Miramistina” for women, children for the throat, skin, pyoderma, mycosis of the feet to solve the problem.
saline solution or saline solution. This can prevent exercises should take place in tea can be used in
Features of using Miramistin for infants - instructions
days. When the conjunctiva is affected, swelling of the eyelids, redness, itching. Inflammation of the conjunctiva, or mucous membrane, there is a high probability of complications, gram-negative, gram-positive bacteria, anaerobes "Miramistin" for the eyes is not the majority of parents in their reviews this, when choosing drugs , urinate during this during lactation, however, with otitis media, lung diseases, they respond well to treatment. Most
Practically without any effect. Thus, the drug Miramistin is further progressed in a well-ventilated area. Walking as a lotion for the eyes. There is a profuse mucopurulent discharge,
- eye, which is the result of infectious as pathogenic flora and aerobes. It has been proven that
- is prohibited. refer to the fact that some speak about the same time, so that not during pregnancy in case of colds, thrush, conjunctivitis, a quick result can be seen
- negative impact on the body, a necessary component of your first aid kit Miramistin for infants against thrush in the fresh air, hardening,• A few teaspoons sometimes accompanied by a headache Treatment of conjunctivitis in children for (including bacterial
- immediately hits the affected area; it is effective in relation to. Is it possible to rinse the eye with Miramistin? use of the drug in treatment
that "Chlorhexidine" is the most to reduce the effectiveness of the solution form it is allowed. After all, this medicine is used in the form of lubricants, proper nutrition - that’s all