A vessel burst in a child’s eye: find out the reasons

It is not for nothing that a red spot on a child’s eye worries mothers who are attentive to the health of their baby. This is a sign that a blood vessel in the child's eye has burst. This is a pressing problem for both children and adults.

A bloody spot or a red streak on the sclera of the eye can cause more than just aesthetic discomfort. A child cannot always describe the unpleasant sensations in the eye. He rubs his eyes, feeling as if there were specks of sand in his eyes.

A red spot on one eye most often appears due to injury

Almost always, a red spot appears on one eye as a result of injury, fragility of blood vessels, or a foreign body entering the eye. If the site of hemorrhage is too noticeable and stands out against the background of the sclera, then this is not such a harmless phenomenon and cannot be ignored. And the appearance of vascular ruptures in both eyes of a newborn child requires immediate examination by a doctor.

Capillaries in the eyes can burst as a result of increased blood pressure. If at the same time the child is capricious and complains of a headache, then the parents should contact the pediatrician. If the capillary rupture is small, then there is no need to panic. The child perceives the parents' anxiety very strongly. He needs to be calmed down, a damp swab should be applied to the eyelid, and he should be put to rest. And observe for a week to see if the spot on the sclera resolves. In order not to miss possible eye pathologies and to prevent vision problems in the future, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist.

Forms of hemorrhage in the eye

Depending on the area of ​​the eye where the vessel burst, the following types of hemorrhage are distinguished:

  • In the retina of the eye. This form of blood accumulation sometimes appears in a healthy baby at birth. If you do not pay attention to this, vision problems may arise in the future.
  • In the eye socket. In this case, hemorrhagic spots are visible on the sclera, eye mobility is impaired and vision decreases.
  • In the vitreous body. A tubercle appears on the protein shell. Vision drops sharply, spots appear before the child’s eyes. In this case, you should not hesitate - immediately see an ophthalmologist.
  • In the anterior chamber. If a vessel in a child’s eye bursts in this place, then it differs from other types of hemorrhage in its mobility. The location of the spot depends on whether the baby is sitting or lying down. Goes away on its own within ten days. Otherwise, you will have to visit a specialist.

Now let's talk about the reasons that cause redness on the sclera.

Why do blood vessels in a child’s eyes burst?

Vessels can burst for the following reasons:

  • fragility of blood vessels. Severe coughing, screaming or crying can cause red streaks and spots to appear on the surface of the eyes. In this case, the capillaries in the eye burst due to their fragility: vitamin deficiency. A, C, E, hormonal imbalance, diabetes. In a newborn, this occurs from physical stress during the passage of the birth canal, hysterical crying;
  • fatigue and eye strain. Modern children spend a lot of time on computers and all kinds of gadgets, in front of the TV. Excessive eye strain and fatigue also lead to red eyes. It is necessary to limit such loads on vision, take breaks, give your eyes a rest;
  • cold or ARVI. Sometimes a vessel bursts when you cough hard, try to blow your nose, or have a high fever;
  • injury. A child may unwittingly injure himself with a toy or get hit when playing with other children;
  • constipation. If you need to push too hard, small blood vessels in the eyes may burst due to constipation;
  • conjunctivitis – allergic inflammation of the eyes (bacterial and adenoviral conjunctivitis in children);
  • Getting a foreign object (eyelashes, dust, sand) into the eye irritates the mucous membrane of the eye. And involuntary rubbing of the eye can cause damage to the capillaries. A more serious injury is very dangerous - metal scale or a sharp speck getting into the eyeball. In this case, consult a doctor immediately;
  • external stimuli. Very bright light and dry air provoke itching in the eyes, and rubbing the eyes leads to redness and damage to the capillaries:
  • high pressure. An increase in blood pressure in children can occur during illness, when swimming, or when the weather changes;
  • stress, hysterical screaming (in infants).

Vessels in a child’s eyes can burst for several reasons.

Cause: eye pressure

The norm of eye pressure in children and adults is the same. This criterion is measured in millimeters of mercury. And factors that increase it include:

  • Physical and mental fatigue.
  • Getting foreign bodies into the eye.
  • The presence of diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular system, kidneys.
  • Heredity.

If the cause of the damaged vessel is eye pressure, symptoms and treatment are determined only by an ophthalmologist. As for the signs of the disease, not every child can talk about how he is feeling, but the baby begins to complain:

  • for eye pain and headache;
  • “sand” in the eyes and the feeling of a foreign body in them;
  • that his tears are flowing.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately rush to see a specialist. Changes in eye pressure can lead to glaucoma. And only a doctor can correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment. This is exactly what we will talk about now.

a blood vessel burst in the eye what to drip

Possible reasons

Before going to the hospital, you should take a sober look at what is happening and think about what could have such a negative effect on the eye.

Bursted blood vessels in a baby’s eye can indicate various reasons, depending on age, and are not always dangerous.

  1. Severe overexertion in infants. If a vessel ruptures in the eye of an infant, the cause may be long and strong crying, after which a red mark forms in the eye. It’s not scary, it’s just that there was a strong load on the baby’s delicate capillaries.

The baby is crying

  1. Watching TV. In older children, this occurs quite often, due to prolonged exposure to television programs or computer games. If parents begin to notice that the vessel is bursting not for the first time, it is necessary to take immediate action, as vision impairment may occur.
  2. Constipation. This problem occurs quite often in young children. The child strains, as a result of which the capillary may burst from strong tension.
  3. Lack of vitamins. Vascular weakness can be caused by a deficiency of vitamins such as C and P.
  4. The entry of a foreign body can also affect the integrity of the vessel.
  5. Eye injury. Damage to the eye can leave a mark in the form of a broken capillary.
  6. Viral disease. It is possible that the disease may develop due to a severe illness. A common runny nose can also be the cause.
  7. Diseases of a different type. For example, this could happen to a baby with diabetes or thyroid dysfunction.
  8. Increased intracranial pressure is a very serious reason that requires seeing a doctor.

Types of hemorrhages

As a result of the type of bleeding that occurs, the doctor can determine whether the fragility of the visual vessels poses a risk.

Table - Types of ocular hemorrhage:

Type of hemorrhage and photoDescription

In the retina of the eye

Often found in children, it causes inconvenience and discomfort. It is necessary to consult a doctor, as this is fraught with deterioration of vision and loss of whiteness of the sclera.

In the eye socket itself

The eyeball becomes bulging, this is visible visually. The sclera is filled with blood, the eyeball loses mobility, and vision deteriorates. The cause is often an eye injury or blood disease, so a visit to the doctor should not be delayed.

In the vitreous

This type of hemorrhage affects vision deterioration, the gaze catches sharp flashes of light and spots. Emergency hospitalization is required.

In the anterior chamber of the eye

This type of hemorrhage is not dangerous; the spot moves along with the eyeball and should go away on its own within 10 days. If this does not happen, you need to consult a doctor.


So, the child has a red spot in his eye. This moment cannot be ignored, but there is no need to panic either. If at the same time you have a high fever and cough, then a cold should be treated.

If a foreign body gets into your eye, go to the doctor immediately; do not remove it yourself. At home, you can give your child a bath and wash out his eyes. Parents often ask the question: if a vessel in the eye bursts, what should the baby take? Even for infants, Tobrex, Ophthalmodek, and Floxal are suitable. Some experts recommend Taufon, but not all ophthalmologists agree with this. Its effects have not yet been fully studied.

If the red spot does not go away for a long time, then you cannot do without a specialist.

Also, give your child plenty of fluids. Sometimes blood vessels can become damaged due to lack of moisture. The child should eat more citrus fruits. They contain vitamin C, which is necessary to strengthen blood vessels.

Do not allow your child to sit for a long time in front of the TV or computer and do not let him drink strong tea or coffee.

Useful video

More useful information about red dots or spots in the eyes can be found in the following videos:

Typically, the appearance of a red spot in the eyes is not associated with organic eye damage. It quickly disappears without visible consequences. However, if a child suffers from hypertension or diabetes, it is necessary to carefully monitor his eyes. When the first suspicious symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

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the child has a red spot in his eye

In addition to the above, in order to prevent a vessel from bursting in a child’s eye, it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • Do not smoke in the room where the baby is. Nicotine has a negative effect on capillaries, especially children's ones.
  • Do not allow your child to sit in front of the TV or computer for a long time.
  • Bright light in the baby's room is also undesirable.
  • His menu should include more vegetables and fruits (preferably dark green).
  • If you notice an eye infection, follow all doctor's orders, even if your child doesn't like it.
  • The room where the baby is located should have optimal humidity. In dry air, dryness of the eyeball can develop, which leads to rupture of the vessel.
  • While walking, try to keep direct sunlight out of your baby's eyes.
  • Never self-medicate. It is advisable to take your child to an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

By following these measures, you will help your child maintain good vision and not feel discomfort from vascular damage.

Symptoms - how to determine that a vessel in the eye has burst

If a capillary in a baby's eye bursts, it is impossible not to notice it with the naked eye. Attentive parents can detect even the smallest red streak in the eye. When blood vessels rupture near the lower eyelid, dark red circles are visible.

Damage to the eye vessels causes discomfort in the child. He complains of visual pain, itching and fatigue. Due to the fact that a vessel in his eyes has burst, he rubs the diseased organ and is nervous.

Sometimes a vessel may burst due to high blood pressure. In this case, the baby complains of pain in the head area. He is constantly capricious and cries. This condition is accompanied by increased body temperature, weakness and the release of large amounts of sweat.

It is typical that the vessels burst only in one eye. Bilateral damage to blood vessels occurs only as a result of trauma during childbirth.

Symptom treatment

Treatment for a burst eye vessel depends on the underlying cause that caused the problem. The following general principles of therapy can be cited:

  • carefully examine the mucous membrane of the eye . If you notice a foreign object, rinse your eye with plenty of clean water. If the baby is old enough, you can pour water into a basin and ask him to dip his face in it, opening his eyes under the water. If a foreign object is found in the baby, use a saline solution that can be dropped into the eye using a pipette. Do not try to remove the object with your hands and show the patient to a specialist as soon as possible;
  • if the cause of burst blood vessels lies in overexertion, try to provide the baby with rest . Temporarily isolate him from watching TV and computer games;
  • contact a specialist who will select the appropriate treatment for your baby.

It is worth noting! Safe eye medications that can be used to eliminate the problem of burst blood vessels in children include:

  • Visin - the drug relieves swelling, burning, dryness and eliminates redness;
  • Taufon - promotes rapid regeneration of the mucous membrane and restoration of capillaries;
  • Emoxipin - normalizes blood circulation, restores and strengthens the walls of blood vessels,
  • Hyphenosis - helps fight dryness and eye fatigue, and also relieves inflammation and eliminates redness.

It is not recommended to use antibacterial drugs until visiting an ophthalmologist . In addition, you should not use products such as Albucid.

This drug may cause a severe burning sensation and cause visible discomfort to the victim.

How to deal with the problem in newborns?

Important! In this case, it is necessary to identify the root cause of the redness. If the problem arose during childbirth, the baby will be examined by a neonatologist, who will tell you whether the child needs help.

If the capillaries do not recover after discharge, the ophthalmologist will prescribe the approved medications for the baby.

In addition, the baby can damage the eye himself, since in the first months of life he is not able to control the movement of his hands.

In this case, the newborn may be prescribed drops to prevent the development of infection .

In general, the treatment of fragility of eye vessels in newborns is practically no different from the treatment of problems in older children.

To strengthen the walls of capillaries, infants may be prescribed vitamins in liquid form.

If the baby’s condition does not return to normal within 3-5 days, and additional problems in the form of suppuration or lacrimation are added to the redness, it is necessary to urgently show the baby to a pediatrician and ophthalmologist.

First aid

If you notice that a blood vessel in your child’s eyeball has burst, then before calling an ambulance, you should examine him yourself. You may be able to provide first aid yourself.

We need to see if the reason may be that a foreign body, sand or other granular substances have entered the eye and damaged the vessel. In this case, it is necessary to urgently rinse the eye with plain water, while keeping your hands clean. Instead of water, you can use herbal infusions that relieve inflammation, for example, a decoction of chamomile or string. Some doctors advise applying anti-inflammatory ointment to the eyelid.

Drops are placed in the baby's eyes

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Weak eye vessels

Hello, my name is Victor. Question: “Why do blood vessels burst in a child’s eyes?” This happens quite often, then goes away after a while. But still, every such manifestation worries me.

Hello, Victor. Perhaps the reason is a lack of vitamins responsible for the integrity of blood vessels. Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, take a course of multivitamins, walk in the fresh air more often and avoid frequent TV watching.

These methods will help as a preventive measure, and be sure to visit a doctor. I can email you a link to information on this topic if you are interested. There is also a video in this article with visual examples that you can compare with your case.

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