Causes of nervous tics Ophthalmologists call this deviation blepharospasm. The violation is quite common, at least once
What is eyelid tremor? Eyelid tremor is often confused with a nervous tic. They arise
Home Diseases Eye diseases A–Z From All About Vision Pain in the eyes is
Swelling under the eyes, the causes of which may be hidden in serious pathology, are not always correctly interpreted
Stinging and tearing of the eyes are common, but are rarely due to a serious medical condition.
For many of us, the years we have lived are associated with acquired pathologies. Internal changes in the body
Why do my eyes hurt when I have a fever? For colds or viral diseases that are accompanied by fever, our
If yellow sclera of the eyes is detected, the reasons for this phenomenon may be different. Most often they
Characteristics of the phenomenon If such a problem occurs, this may indicate that the
October 20, 2018 Ophthalmology Maria Ivanova Swelling under the eyes is a fairly common problem. Reason