Dark theme: is it actually better for the eyes?

We are born with a certain eye color, embedded in our genome, which changes only slightly throughout our lives. Every second person has at least once imagined himself with a different shade, but most often dreams remain dreams, because this often requires expensive surgical intervention, and lenses are not suitable for everyone. But few people know that with a strong desire, these changes can still be achieved without surgery; you just need to know some of the factors that influence eye color and use them effectively.

Effect of age and melanin levels

Light shades are more susceptible to changes due to the melanin content in the body. This is what affects eye color. Often a child is born with blue eyes, but by the age of one year they become lighter. The reverse process can also occur when the shades become darker over time. This phenomenon occurs because the level of melanin changes, and the more there is in the body, the less light is scattered. Also, eye color depends on predisposition; most often it is inherited from one of the parents.

Babies born with brown eyes are not subject to such changes, since their irises contain a large amount of melanin. It absorbs light and then reflects it, giving the eyes a stable brown color.

White theme is better during daylight hours

Bright or white light from a gadget screen is especially harmful in high-contrast lighting conditions—when a person is looking at a phone screen in a dark room.

One source of bright light in a dark room can also cause decreased vision. Therefore, in the evening on digital devices, we recommend reducing the screen brightness or setting the night mode.

Research confirms that when the room is bright, black text on a white background is easier to read than white text on a black background. This is because when looking at a black screen, your pupils dilate, which can cause your vision to become slightly distorted. But when looking at a bright screen, the pupils remain narrow and distortion does not occur.

Your emotions and experiences

Strong emotions, both positive and negative, affect not only the vital systems of the body, causing increased heart rate, rapid breathing and anxiety. They can also change the color of the iris, making it brighter. When a person is overwhelmed with anger or rage, the eyes become darker and richer in color, while in moments of great joy they become lighter. Some scientists note that it is in happy moments that a person’s eyes acquire their true color.

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The Real Pros of Dark Theme

Dark mode allows you to save energy for gadgets with OLED displays - these are used in the screens of TVs, computers, players, smartwatches and smartphones. On displays, when a color image or background is used, the charge is consumed by backlighting the screen. Black does not require backlighting, while white, on the contrary, consumes the most energy. This means that if you make the screen background dark, the gadget will discharge more slowly.

A dark background is useful when editing images: it emphasizes the visuals and helps focus on the graphics. The user sees the image and concentrates only on it.

Dark Mode is comfortable for people with photophobia, a disorder that is accompanied by increased sensitivity to light. A bright screen irritates the eyes with this pathology and tires them to such an extent that a person simply cannot look at the screen.

Proper nutrition and getting rid of toxins

In alternative medicine, there is the concept of “iridology,” which suggests that the condition of internal organs affects eye color. There is no scientific evidence for this theory yet, but experts studying this issue suggest a relationship between the upper quadrant of the retina and the brain, while the color of the inner circle depends on the state of the digestive system. As Robert Morse, a doctor in the field of nutrition, notes, raw food and strict diets do not always achieve the desired result, since each organism is unique and requires an individual approach. However, there are still some general dietary recommendations: by regularly eating fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood and honey, you can significantly lighten the iris and add brightness to your eyes.

7 things that change eye color. Yes, you heard right

Everyone is interested in knowing what they would look like with a different eye color. But besides photo editors and colored lenses, there are a number of factors that can affect the color of our irises. We will tell you some interesting facts about how a person can change this.


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All children are born with eyes ranging from light blue to blue, but the final eye color is formed only by 2-3 years, when the melanin pigment is produced. Therefore, the initially light eyes of babies gradually become gray, green or brown. This phenomenon is called the “sky effect.”

It is quite difficult to guess what eye color your child will have, since it is influenced by 16 genes. But you can calculate the approximate probability based on the color of the parents' eyes.

© When a newborn’s eye color is determined/steshka.ru


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Alternative medicine adheres to the theory that the health and condition of our organs affects the color of the iris. This direction in medicine is called iridology, but due to the lack of a sufficient evidence base, it is considered pseudoscientific.

However, Dr. Robert Morse believes that the outer layer of the eyes is associated with brain health, while the inner layer is associated with the digestive system. He is sure that each person's pigment is unique and requires individual analysis, but by consuming a large amount of raw vegetables and fruits, the shade of the iris can be adjusted. For example, spinach can help keep eyes looking youthful and bright, honey can add warm tones, and seafood can intensify color. Other foods that can affect eye color include olive oil, onions and nuts.

© Eyes changed color/livelovefruit.com

The photo shows the eyes of a girl who ate only raw vegetables and fruits for 6 years. Dr. Morse says a high concentration of yellow hues means a lot of toxins. She was able to improve the functioning of her digestive system and watched as the color of her eyes changed from greenish-brown to a lighter and more intense green, and the white of her eye became whiter and more vibrant.

Sunlight and Residence

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Brown eyes are the most common color on Earth, with 73% of the world's population having them. In some regions, the proportion of brown-eyed people reaches 95%, such as in Asia, the Middle East, South America, Southern Europe and Oceania. In the USA, 50% of the population has brown eyes. Dr. Eyberg noted that everyone originally had brown eyes, but the mutation reduced melanin production. Scientists suggest that this happened for the first time in areas northwest of the Black Sea.

Blue and blue eyes are also found in the Middle East and Central Asia, for example, in Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan (among the mountain Tajiks and Pamiris), northern Pakistan. They are also common among Ashkenazi Jews, for example, among Ukrainian Jews the percentage of bearers of these colors is 53.7%.

Only 2% of the world's population have green eyes. This shade occurs due to the moderate content of melanin combined with yellow-brown pigments. Most green-eyed people are in Spain, Ireland, Russia, Brazil, Iceland and Pakistan.

The rarest eye color is yellow, which arises due to the presence of the pigment lipofuscin (lipochrome) of a very pale color.


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Vivid emotions are, to some extent, a shock for our body. When we experience intense joy or sadness, our heart rate and breathing increase, and our eye color changes.

In dark eyes, the changes are not very noticeable, but the emotional and color spectrum of light green, gray and especially blue eyes is very wide.

The most dramatic change can be seen in moments of genuine happiness.

Makeup and clothes

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Girls have a special tool that affects the shade of their eyes. Makeup, clothes, hair color and accessories are secret weapons that real spies would envy. For example, brown-eyed girls can enhance their color with gold, pink and bright green shades in clothes and makeup.

For blue, gray and green eyes, you can increase the intensity using turquoise, emerald and blue colors.

Basic shades (white, gray and black) emphasize the natural clarity of the eyes.


In 2006, Delary ophthalmologist Alberto Kahn patented the technology for implanting an artificial iris. He lives and performs operations only in Panama, but the patent expires very soon - in 2023 - so there is a chance that this method will enter the international field.

This is a microsurgical intervention, so there is an unlikely chance of contracting an eye infection. But if you are bored with the new eye shade, you can return your previous color.

© biokrasota

And for those who dreamed of changing their eye color once and for all, in 2011, Dr. Gregg Homer invented laser surgery. The idea arose from laser removal of birthmarks and moles. Its essence is that the laser destroys melanin cells, thereby brightening the iris of the eye. This means that brown eyes may turn blue or gray.

“The fact is that in brown-eyed people, under a thin layer of cells in the iris, cells with a blue tint are hidden. The layer is so thin that it can be removed with a low-power laser in twenty seconds,” says Gregg Homer.

This solution is more radical, because it is no longer possible to return your previous eye color. The laser changes the color of the iris and does not affect vision, but it takes more time to identify the full list of effects.

What would celebrities look like with a different eye color?

Irina Shayk

© irinashayk/instagram.com

Kit Harington

© kitharingtonig/instagram.com

Kylie Jenner

© kyliejenner/instagram.com

Will Smith

© willsmith/instagram.com

Gigi Hadid

© gigihadid/instagram.com
Only by changing the color of your eyes do you become like a different person.
What can we say about the lack of makeup on the beauties from cosmetics advertisements?

Certain colors in makeup and clothing

With the right clothes, accessories and makeup, you can highlight your natural eye color or significantly change it. For those with brown eyes, soft pink or gold shades are ideal. Light green or mint colors will also highlight your eyes. If you want to focus attention on the green or blue iris, choose emerald in the first case and sapphire or turquoise in the second. White and black tones do not carry a certain load; they only emphasize the real color of your eyes.

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The eyes get tired of a dark theme during daylight hours and when you need to read a lot

In daylight, the dark background gets in the way: the text becomes barely visible, and the user has to strain his eyes to read it. During the day, it is better to use a regular light background.

You should not use a dark theme when you have to read a lot of text, no matter if it happens during the day or at night. If you read large chunks of text against a dark background, eye strain increases.

When reading from a screen for a long time, it is important that the contrast between the background and the text should not be too weak - this applies to both white and black backgrounds. Otherwise, the user may develop excessive accommodation tension: the muscles that regulate the curvature of the lens will spasm and contract. This can cause distance vision to deteriorate.

The contrast should be such that the eyes do not strain when reading.

Read our article “How to read correctly so as not to strain your eyes.”

Influence of place of residence

The most common eye color is brown. Almost 70% of residents on all continents have it, and in Asian countries this figure reaches 95%. In the northern part of Europe (Norway, Denmark, Estonia, etc.) blue-eyed people mainly live. Among mountain residents you can also find owners of this shade. A remarkable fact is that initially all people had brown eyes. Then, as a result of a mutation, melanin in the iris began to decrease - this led to the appearance of gray and blue colors.

Green and yellow eyes are rare on earth. Yellow-brown hues combined with low levels of melanin resulted in greenish hues. Always 2% of people have a pure, saturated color, most often it is a mixture of several tones (gray, blue, brown). Lipochrome is a special pigment that gives the iris a yellowish color.

Laser correction

For those who want to radically change their eye color (from brown to blue, for example), there is a procedure that involves the introduction of special implants. However, there were more negative consequences than benefits. Therefore, in 2011, Dr. Gregg Homer began developing a laser correction method that destroys melanin cells in the iris. As a result of this operation, which lasts only 20 seconds, those with black or brown eyes can get a blue or gray tint. 2-4 weeks after the procedure, the resulting color becomes richer and purer.

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Stages 4 and 5: Wrinkles and increased skin on the eyelids

As we age, we see the appearance of excess skin on the eyelids. In this case, the main thing is to improve the quality of the skin. Regular use of therapeutic peeling makes it more toned and fresh. Lifting threads are ideal for treatment. They effectively eliminate sagging, saggy skin that increases over the years.

In addition, already at the age of forty we observe the appearance of a “Mongolian fold” - a thick roll of skin above the eyebrows. To remove it, cosmetologists use lifting threads on the forehead, which help to visually “open the eyes.”

As we age, many problems arise around the eyes. Not only time, but also the winter period favors the deterioration of the appearance of this area. Dry indoor air is one of the causes of swelling and wrinkles. To prevent this from happening, you need to make regular compresses with black tea, reduce the time spent watching TV and reduce the amount of red wine consumed.

Also, you should not put off skin rejuvenating procedures, and already at the age of about 35, you should contact a cosmetologist to plan individual cosmetic procedures.

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Chameleon eyes

There is a small percentage of people who have the ability to change eye color depending on the situation. The unusual nature of the phenomenon lies in the fact that it is under study. Researchers on this issue agree on only one opinion: color changes have nothing to do with diseases and are not inherited from parents, but are an individual characteristic of a person. People with green eyes interspersed with blue or brown shades are especially susceptible to this phenomenon. Biologists explain this phenomenon by the fact that disturbances occur in the endocrine and nervous systems due to Reilly dispersion, as well as a certain level of melanin. Eye color can change due to strong emotions, stress, and also in response to weather conditions. Such people are usually unpredictable and prone to rash actions.

We are all accustomed to certain images of celebrities. Have you ever wondered what they would look like with a different eye color? We present to your attention a small selection of stars:

  • Julia Roberts.

  • Monica Bellucci.

  • Angelina Jolie.

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Stage 3: Crow's Feet

Crow's feet are the first wrinkles we notice in the eye area. They appear due to excessive emotionality and frequent changes in facial expression, as well as smoking, lack of sleep or excessive exposure to solar radiation.

These wrinkles cannot be prevented, but their appearance can be delayed or existing skin changes can be smoothed out. For this purpose, the treatment method with botulinum toxin type A is often used. Botox quickly and permanently eliminates such wrinkles, significantly rejuvenating the face.

Botox around the eyes before and after
Botox around the eyes before and after

Transverse wrinkles on the lower eyelid are another symptom of aging skin under the eyes. In such cases, special medical scrubs are used, designed for this delicate area, which improve the quality of the skin and significantly reduce it.

You can also use smoothing lifting threads. The method is ideal for people who want immediate results.

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