Troxerutin for bruises and contusions, application, reviews

Bruises that form for no reason can indicate serious problems with internal organs, so if they are detected, you must consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

With serious injuries, subcutaneous bruises appear almost instantly, but with light abrasions or blows they may appear only on 2-3 days.

Painful light green spots cause a person not only physical discomfort, but also moral discomfort, especially when they are on the neck, arms, legs or face.

But is it possible to quickly get rid of these “guests”, and how? – Use troxerutin gel for bruises and contusions!

Properties and composition of Troxerutin

Troxerutin is known as a complex drug that provides:

  • vein protection;
  • restoration of blood circulation;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • elimination of edema;
  • antioxidant effect.

Therefore, it can rightfully be called a gel for bruises, hematomas and contusions.

On the windows of pharmacies you can find the medicine Troxerutin produced by Russian and Bulgarian pharmacological companies. It comes in the form:

  • gel for external use;
  • capsules for internal use.

Troxerutin is the active component of both. This is a substance of plant origin, a flavonoid. There are only 2 grams of it in 100 g of gel, and 300 mg in one capsule. The gel is packaged in aluminum tubes of 40 g, capsules - in blisters and cardboard packages of 50 pieces.

A gel is usually used to treat bruises. It costs much less, and it has fewer side effects. Excipients of the gel are carbomer, benzalkonium chloride, sodium hydroxide solution, disodium edetate, water. They create the structure of the drug, thanks to which it is easily absorbed and reliably transports the active component into the affected tissues.

Is troxerutin effective for bruises?

Many people have a natural question: how effective is troxerutin gel for bruises and bruises? Some focus on the fact that we are talking about venotonics, therefore, the drug cannot affect the problem area. Others argue that the medication normalizes blood flow, “disperses” swelling and relieves pain. Which of them to believe is up to you to decide, but we recommend that you approach this issue objectively.

Troxerutin gel for bruises, contusions and bags under the eyes: effectiveness, instructions for use, analogues and reviews

A few important notes:

  1. The key to success in achieving this goal is the course use of the drug. The pharmaceutical drug is used until the swelling or bruise after a bruise is completely eliminated.
  2. The medication is ineffective in severe pathological processes. Such diseases require eliminating the root cause, not the effect.
  3. The gel can cope even with a large hematoma, provided that the patient was given first aid correctly.

In most cases, troxerutin really helps to cope with unsightly bruises, bruises and abrasions.

Proper treatment for bruises and contusions

It is possible to promptly eliminate a hematoma or bruise in cases where the patient is provided with competent first aid. So, proper treatment for bruises involves a number of important points:

Troxerutin gel for bruises, contusions and bags under the eyes: effectiveness, instructions for use, analogues and reviews

  1. In the first 2-3 hours, apply ice wrapped in a bandage or sanitary towel to the problem area. Herbal compresses chilled in the freezer will also work.
  2. If there is no ice, replace it with cold running water. The main task is to narrow the capillaries as much as possible.
  3. If more than a day has passed since the injury, cold compresses will not help. In this case, it is important to dilate the blood vessels so that the abrasion resolves faster. Hot salt, herbal infusions or an egg (necessarily hot) are applied to the problem area. Duration of therapy – 15 minutes. 2-3 times a day.

Drug treatment begins no earlier than one day after injury. In this case, it is easy to achieve rapid tissue regeneration and minimize associated complications.

Description of the drug

Troxerutin is intended for the treatment and prevention of venous pathologies. At an early stage, they manifest themselves in the form of “aching” pain, discomfort in the legs, the formation of spider veins, and swelling. The listed symptoms are the first “bell” of progressive vascular disease. Their main danger is the rapid worsening of the problem.

  • Troxerutin gel for bruises, contusions and bags under the eyes: effectiveness, instructions for use, analogues and reviews

  • The use of the gel in question in the first stages eliminates the risk of developing irreversible consequences and complications.
  • What does troxerutin help with:
  • dysfunction of venous metabolism;
  • high level of vascular wall permeability;
  • swelling that occurs due to the formation of a large amount of exudate;
  • "fragility" of capillaries.

The components of the gel have anti-inflammatory properties, they normalize natural blood flow, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, and strengthen the walls of capillaries and veins. This is an indispensable tool for those who, due to official or professional duties, are forced to constantly be on their feet.

Kilnico-pharmacological group

Troxerutin gel for bruises, contusions and bags under the eyes: effectiveness, instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The drug troxerutin, regardless of the release form, belongs to the pharmacological group of microcirculation correctors and angioprotectors. It is a decongestant and anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical agent.

pharmachologic effect

Troxerutin balm for bruises has a pronounced membrane-stabilizing and venotonic action. The main active ingredient of the drug is troxerutin. Its mechanism of action is as follows:

  • suppresses the synthesis of adrenaline in problem areas;
  • inhibits oxidative reactions with ascorbic acid and lipids;
  • prevents hyaluronidase (due to which valuable hyaluronic acid polymers are preserved);
  • activates the removal of metabolic products in affected tissues.

The drug does not have embryootic, mutagenic or tetratogenic effects.

Troxerutin suppresses the biochemical processes of free radical synthesis, which promotes tissue preservation at the cellular level. For diseases that are in the initial stage, monotherapy is preferable, in which the pharmacological load on the patient’s body is nominal.

Release form and composition

The pharmaceutical product is produced by the Western company Vramed (Bulgaria), and the Russian company Biokhimik produces the domestic analogue. The jelly-like gel of a yellowish tint is contained in an aluminum tube with a volume of 35 or 40 g. Each tube is placed in a cardboard box, which is accompanied by an annotation.

The composition contains several active ingredients:

  • troxerutin;
  • purified water;
  • triethanolamine;
  • carbopol;
  • trilon B.

Minor ingredients are the basis for the formation of the gel and are characterized by mild antiseptic properties. This form promotes rapid absorption of components by tissues and blood vessels.

Instructions for use for bruises

To treat bruises caused by a blow or injury, it is more effective to use a gel. Troxerutin. Technique for treating problem areas:

  1. The medication is applied to the damaged area in a thin layer.
  2. The composition is rubbed into the epithelial layer with light massaging movements.
  3. The dosage is determined individually, based on the area of ​​the problem area.
  4. The medicine is completely absorbed within 25-35 minutes.

Troxerutin gel for bruises, contusions and bags under the eyes: effectiveness, instructions for use, analogues and reviewsTroxerutin gel is applied to the problem area in a thin layer.
After using the medication, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly and avoid contact of the substance with the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth. If there are unhealed scratches, cracks or open wounds on the surface of the skin, the product is not applied until the damage has been epithelized.

Indications and contraindications

The abstract focuses on the ability of the troxerutin gel to quickly eliminate swelling and inflammatory processes that develop against the background of venous pathologies. Thanks to these properties, the pharmaceutical product is used for bruises on the face (including under the eyes). The active ingredients resolve hematomas and subcutaneous bruises.

Indications for use of the drug:

  • periphlebitis;
  • superficial thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins (treatment and prevention), aggravated by painful sensations;
  • congestion and vascular damage;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • ligament ruptures and sprains;
  • chronic form of venous insufficiency;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • diabetic microangiopathy.

Troxerutin gel for bruises, contusions and bags under the eyes: effectiveness, instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Troxerutin gel relieves hematomas formed due to injury, dislocations and bruises. The components not only activate tissue regeneration, but also restore blood flow in problem areas and replenish the deficiency of nutrients after oxygen starvation.

To increase the effectiveness of the medicine in question, ascorbic acid is also prescribed, which is a kind of catalyst for biochemical processes.

The drug is contraindicated for people who have been diagnosed with the following diseases or pathologies:

  • pancreatic dysfunction;
  • erosion in chronic or acute form;
  • ulcers localized in the digestive tract.

Troxerutin gel for bruises, contusions and bags under the eyes: effectiveness, instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Patients with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the gel should also refrain from using the medicine.

Directions for use and doses

In accordance with the instructions for use for bruises and swelling, troxerutin gel is applied to problem areas of the skin in a thin layer. For large areas of damage, simultaneous use of painkillers is allowed. The composition is rubbed into the epithelial layer with light movements. The recommended dosage is 1.5 g, which corresponds to a gel strip of 2-2.5 cm.

At the discretion of the attending physician, the patient is prescribed medicinal compresses or occlusive dressings.

Side effects and special instructions

When using troxerutin for bruises under the eyes, it is important to strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage and frequency of application of the composition. The components of the product in question have a cumulative effect. An overdose does not ensure a speedy recovery or relief from swelling, but it greatly increases the likelihood of side effects.

Adverse reactions:

  • allergic rash;
  • itching;
  • migraine.

The manifestation of the above symptoms indicates the need to discontinue treatment with the pharmaceutical agent in question and adjust the therapeutic regimen.

Similar drugs

Troxerutin analogues are often used to treat bruises with gels and ointments. Substitutes include the drugs Troxevenol and Troxevasin. They have almost identical composition and mechanism of action.

Proper treatment for bruises and contusions

How to ensure that bruises and swelling at the injury site go away as quickly as possible?

You need to apply the gel regularly until the hematoma resolves and the bruise disappears - this is about 10 days.

But the instructions for use of the drug warn that one dose should not exceed 1.5-2 g. This is 3-4 cm of gel.

For greater effect, Troxerutin gel is applied to an occlusive dressing, which reliably protects the damaged area and allows the therapeutic components to be completely absorbed.

It is known that treated areas should not be exposed to sunlight.

Can the gel be applied to the face? In this case, you need to be as careful as possible, because you should avoid getting Troxerutin on your eyes and mucous membranes. If this does happen, you should hurry up and rinse with cool running water.

When using the gel, one should not forget about side effects. The gel form minimizes their number. But with prolonged use, an allergic rash and headache may appear.

The daily dosage should not exceed 1500 mg.

Instructions for use

The anti-bruise product should be used on closed areas of the skin. It is allowed to use from the second trimester of pregnancy and in childhood. To do this, follow the instructions:

  1. A small amount of gel is applied to the palm and spread in a thin layer over the damaged surface.
  2. Rub the medicinal ointment in with light massage movements.
  3. The ointment is completely absorbed within 25–30 minutes.

The dosage is determined in accordance with the area of ​​damage.

The procedure is performed 2-3 times throughout the day. To avoid further contact with mucous membranes, you must wash your hands after use. The second option for using the gel is to apply it to the surface under compression hosiery. In this case, the product is kept for 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.

The duration and option of treatment can be determined by the doctor. You can use Troxerutin on your own for 5 days. If no improvement is observed, use should be discontinued.

A positive result is observed with the additional use of the active substance in the form of capsules.

Contraindications for use

When using the drug, one should not forget about its contraindications. Troxerutin gel is prohibited:

  • for children under 15 years of age, since appropriate studies have not been conducted;
  • in the presence of wounds, abrasions and other breaks in the skin;
  • with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with renal dysfunction. With prolonged treatment, active components can accumulate in the body and cause malfunctions.

special instructions

When used in the area around the eyes, avoid the mucous membrane.
The components of the gel have a cumulative effect, so do not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions. This exceeds the chances of getting unwanted side effects. Pregnant women in the 1st trimester and children under 15 years of age should avoid using the medicinal gel. Further use during pregnancy is agreed with the attending physician. The gel is contraindicated for disorders of the pancreas and peptic ulcer of the digestive tract.

Analogues of Troxerutin

What is the cost of Troxerutin and its analogues? The price of the gel depends on the manufacturer. A Russian-made product will cost the patient 43 rubles, a Bulgarian product - from 59 to 111 rubles. Preparations for external use that additionally contain horse chestnut or shark oil are more expensive.

What can replace Troxerutin gel? The most common and popular analogues are:

  • Troxevasin 2% - 221 rubles;
  • Troxevasin Neo - 283 rubles;
  • Troxevenol - 159 rubles.

An analysis of prices for drugs with similar effects proves that Troxerutin is the cheapest drug.

Similar drugs

Troxerutin analogues are often used to treat bruises with gels and ointments. Substitutes include the drugs Troxevenol and Troxevasin. They have almost identical composition and mechanism of action.

A similar therapeutic effect is provided by:

  • "Indovazin";
  • "Venorutoen";
  • "Lyoton."

For minor abrasions or bruises, use any of the listed medications. To eliminate severe pathologies, it is safer to seek help from a dermatologist.

Reviews from experts and consumers

Pharmacists and ordinary customers note the medicinal quality of Troxerutin gel. Reviews from almost all users agree on one thing: the gel helps eliminate bruises and swelling, and the consequences of contusions quickly and effectively. Especially if it was inflicted almost immediately after the injury. Buyers also note the availability of the product.

Summing up the advantages and disadvantages of Troxerutin gel, it can be noted that there are more of the former. This is an effectiveness proven by doctors over the years, and low cost. It is Troxerutin that will provide guaranteed first aid in case of injury.

Troxerutin is one of the cheapest remedies that can really fight varicose veins

How to use Troxevasin for bruises

Troxevasin helps against bruises due to the presence of troxerutin, which strengthens blood vessels, removes exudate, and improves local blood circulation. It is also used to reduce dark circles under the eyes that arise from lack of sleep, oxygen and vitamin deficiency.

The drug is applied in a thin layer to the hematoma 1-2 times a day. Or make compresses using a cotton pad. After 3-4 days, the bruise will go away, but in difficult cases the process is delayed for 2 weeks.

A 14-day course of use is also needed to eliminate dark circles. But here it is better to apply the gel as a cosmetic mask - in a thick layer, in the evenings.

You can replace Troxevasin with cheaper Troxerutin or Heparin ointment, Bruise-OFF cream, Traumeel S.

How does Troxevasin help against bruises?

Troxevasin helps against bruises because the drug has several types of effects:

  • strengthens vascular walls;
  • prevents the destruction of cell membranes;
  • reduces inflammation resulting from injury;
  • improves microcirculation in the area of ​​application, that is, it removes excess liquid.
  • Metabolic processes in the bruised area are disrupted. As a result, tissues begin to experience a deficiency of oxygen, essential biologically active substances. The drug restores blood supply to cells. As a result, swelling subsides, the skin is evened out and acquires a natural shade.

    Indications for use

    The drug is used for:

    • vascular atherosclerosis;
    • varicose veins;
    • inflammation caused by stagnation of venous blood;
    • hemorrhoids;
    • thrombosis;
    • inflammation of blood vessels and capillaries;
    • hematomas and swelling caused by bruises.

    The external remedy can also be used for a cosmetic effect if there are dark circles under or around the eyes. By improving the blood supply to this area, eliminating congestion and strengthening the walls of small vessels, the defect becomes much less noticeable or disappears completely.

    General contraindications

    The drug is used externally and does not enter the systemic bloodstream, but it should not be used for:

    • individual intolerance to the active substance and auxiliary components;
    • wounds, scratches on the skin resulting from injury;
    • eczema, weeping areas, other injuries in the bruise area;
    • ulcers and gastritis in the acute stage.

    Troxevasin is also not used in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, since its effect on the developing fetus is unknown. At later stages, the drug is permitted, but can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Precautions are also needed during lactation, that is, without the appointment of a specialist, a nursing mother should not be treated with it.

    Features of using Troxevasin for bruises under the eyes

    Troxevasin for dark circles under the eyes can be used in two cases:

    • if we are talking about dark circles caused by stagnation of blood, lack of sleep, due to age-related thinning of the skin of the eyelids and surrounding area;
    • when the mark appeared as a result of a blow, bruise and damage to blood vessels.

    The product will have an effect in 3-4 days for a small bruise, and after 10-14 days for a large bruise resulting from strong impact. When used for cosmetic purposes, it will work within 2 weeks due to regular application. The result will be a reduction in puffiness under the eyes and lightening of the eyelid skin or vascular spots.

    Troxevasin for a black eye can also be used in the form of compresses, which are done every 2 hours. For any method of use, it is important to avoid contact with the mucous membrane. If this happens, the eye should be thoroughly rinsed with warm and then cool water.

    How to quickly remove black eyes

    How quickly the drug removes black eyes largely depends on the characteristics of this formation itself:

    • if it is small, it hardly hurts, 3-4 days are enough for the dark spot to disappear;
    • for more serious vascular damage, this may take up to 7 days;
    • if the bruise is extensive, the bruise has affected the deep layers of tissue, it can remain noticeable for up to 2 weeks;
    • for subcutaneous hematoma, treatment lasts up to 1 month.

    The speed of restoration of skin color and relief also depends on the individual parameters of the person. In young, healthy people, cell regeneration occurs faster, so Troxevasin for bruises under the eyes from a blow is more effective.

    In old age (from about 50 years old) and with certain diseases, bruises “bloom” longer, despite treatment with a venotonic.

    Their disappearance is slowed down by diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders, infections accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

    Problems with blood circulation, vitamin deficiency, and reduced immunity affect the effectiveness of the drug. And you can help the drug work faster with the right lifestyle, that is, giving up alcohol and smoking, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, and fluids.

    Troxevasin will help with bruises on the face and other parts of the body faster if applied immediately after injury. The more time passes from this moment to the start of using the drug, the more distant the desired result will be.

    Is it always possible to apply under the eyes?

    You can smear Troxevasin under the eyes if:

    • dark circles formed as a result of chronic “lack of sleep”;
    • their cause is a decrease in the tone of small vessels;
    • worries about rosacea, that is, dilated blood vessels, asterisks;
    • there are fine wrinkles, the appearance of which is due to vitamin C deficiency;
    • in addition to dark semicircles, there is swelling caused by fluid stagnation;
    • a bruise appeared due to the blow.

    The gel is applied to the skin under the eyes, free of cosmetics, once a day, preferably in the evening. The layer of product should be thick enough, as when using a cosmetic mask. After half an hour, wash it off and apply your regular eyelid cream.

    You can use Troxevasin twice a day - in the morning and at night. In this case, it is applied in a thin layer, lightly pressing into the skin with your fingertips. And in the morning, the treatment can be covered with foundation or concealer. You just need to wait 10-15 minutes for Troxevasin to be absorbed.

    When using an eyelid preparation for cosmetic purposes, you need to consider that:

    • The skin under the eyes is thin and sensitive. Therefore, it is more likely that it will become drier due to regular application of the gel than when used on other areas of the face and body. And if there are any problems with the hydration of the epidermis, it is better to apply another remedy for dark circles or supplement it with a nourishing cream with hyaluronic acid. But it and Troxvazin should be applied at different times.
    • Do not allow the drug to come into contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes. This will cause burning and tearing. Therefore, you should not smear the gel on the upper eyelid, from there it will simply slide onto the cornea. And when used for the lower one, the drug should be applied away from its edge.
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