How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes in one day at home

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Dark circles under the eyes tend to age your appearance more than wrinkles or gray hair. However, you can still reduce the appearance of dark circles under your eyes and, in some cases, remove them completely.

  • Why do bruises appear under the eyes?
  • What to do to get rid of a black eye from a blow
  • How long will it take for a black eye to go away?
  • How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes forever with the help of cosmetology
  • How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes at home
  • How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes of a man
  • How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes of a teenager
  • How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes from lack of sleep
  • What color concealer to use for dark circles under the eyes
  • How to disguise dark circles under the eyes with makeup
  • Treating dark circles under the eyes at home
  • Questions and answers about dark circles under the eyes
  • Top best remedies for dark circles under the eyes
  • Rating of the best pharmaceutical remedies for dark circles under the eyes
  • The most effective patches for dark circles under the eyes

Why do bruises appear under the eyes?


Dark circles under the eyes are more noticeable on people with darker skin tones. This happens because people with darker skin tones have more pigmentation in the skin under their eyes. Dark circles are also more noticeable with deep-set eyes.

Thinning skin

The skin under the eyes is naturally thin and delicate. As you age, it becomes even thinner, allowing the blood vessels in the area under the eye to become more visible. Fat pads under the eyes also lose volume and no longer firm the skin, promoting sagging that worsens darkness.


In people who suffer from seasonal allergies and hay fever, swelling of the tissues in the nasal cavities causes blood to pool around the eyes, creating what is sometimes called allergy flares. Rubbing itchy eyes can make dark circles darker and more pronounced.

Fluid retention

There are many reasons why a person may experience fluid retention. For example, excess table salt.

Some medical conditions that affect the heart, thyroid, kidney or liver are associated with fluid retention. Iron deficiency anemia can cause a bluish tint under the eyes.

Medicines that cause blood vessels to dilate, from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to corticosteroids and calcium channel blockers, can contribute to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Sleep deprivation

Lack of sleep doesn't actually cause the under-eye area to become darker, but rather causes the skin to appear pale throughout, which allows blood vessels near the surface of the skin to be more visible.


Dark circles under the eyes can be a sign of dehydration.

Where do dark circles under the eyes come from?

We asked this question that worries many people Olga Guryanova , a cosmetologist at the Novoklinik aesthetic medicine and cosmetology centers. Dr. Guryanova noted that she often hears from her patients complaints about the appearance of dark circles under the eyes and names several main reasons for their appearance:

1. Pigmentation. Dark pigment in the area around the eyes is not so rare. Often young mothers face this problem immediately after giving birth. Unfortunately, working at home can be ineffective, and the situation requires contacting a specialist.

2. Features of the structure of the eye area. People of asthenic build, that is, very thin, often have almost transparent white skin. According to Guryanova, due to this structural feature, they will have visible vessels under the eyes. In this case, the doctor’s task is to tighten the tissue, because it will not be possible to solve the problem with any external means.

3. Endocrine diseases. Hyperthyroidism (a syndrome that occurs due to too much activity of the thyroid gland and is characterized by excessive amounts of the hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine) can manifest itself as pigmentation and increased vascular patterns under the eyes. Here it will be necessary to work with an endocrinologist to eliminate the internal imbalance.

4. Congestion in the cervical-collar area, venous congestion.

“This is the “sin” of people with constant static tension in the cervical-collar region: computer scientists, accountants, excuse me, cosmetologists, dentists. That is, all those who experience constant stress in this zone. The main work here is strengthening the muscle corset, creating drainage so that blood can drain better. The better the blood drains, the less darkening under the eyes will be,” the doctor said.

5. A simple lack of sleep can also affect darkening in the eye area. If the body does not rest for a sufficient amount of time, all processes within it begin to proceed more slowly. This statement is also true for the speed of blood circulation. As a result, blood stagnates, and the vessels dilate and become noticeable under thin skin. This also includes a factor such as eye strain. If you sit at the computer for a long time or do work that puts strain on your eyes for a long time, expect “retribution” in the form of dark circles.

6. Anemia. Our blood gets its bright red color when hemoglobin comes into contact with oxygen. The less oxygen, the darker the blood. When there is a lack of iron in the body, hemoglobin ceases to be produced in sufficient quantities, and the existing one becomes bluish due to loss of oxygen. The area around the eyes is the first to react to such changes.

7. Lack of fluid. Dehydration is a direct path to dry and thinning skin, which means noticeable dark circles under the eyes. This explains the fact that unaesthetic dark circles are frequent accompaniments of poisoning.

8. Cardiac problems. When the heart cannot cope with its job, this leads to stagnation of blood and the formation of dark spots under the eyes.

9. Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol negatively affect the strength of the walls of blood vessels, hence the unhealthy, tired appearance.

Sitting in front of a monitor for a long time is a direct path to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

What to do to get rid of a black eye from a blow

Apply ice to a black eye

Home remedies for dark circles under the eyes include rest and ice applied early after the injury to reduce swelling and pain.

Ice helps reduce swelling by constricting blood vessels, reducing fluid accumulation, and cooling numb areas.

  • Apply ice for 20 minutes every hour for the first 24 hours (a bag of frozen vegetables can be used as it will conform to your face shape better than ice cubes).
  • To avoid possible cold damage to the object, wrap the ice or frozen object in a cloth or use a commercial ice pack.
  • Do not use raw meat on a black eye, as applying potentially bacterial meat to a mucous membrane or open skin wound can be dangerous.

Use grape seed oil

Grapeseed oil contains bioactive compounds that can inhibit melanogenesis. This can help reduce pigmentation and dark circles.

What you can do: Take 2-3 drops of grape oil and gently rub it into the skin surrounding your lower eyelids. Leave it on overnight and wash it off the next morning. You can repeat this every night for several weeks.

Use a potato mask

Potato juice contains azelaic acid, which can inhibit tyrosinase activity to reduce pigmentation. This may help the bruise fade.

What you can do: Extract about 1-2 tablespoons of potato juice in a bowl. Apply the juice to the bruise and leave it until it dries. Rinse with water. Do this at least twice a week.

Apply rosehip oil to a black eye

Rosehip oil contains proanthocyanidins, which exhibit anti-melanogenic properties. Therefore, it can inhibit pigmentation of the skin around your eyes and reduce bruising.

What you can do: take a few drops of rosehip oil. Dilute it with coconut oil and apply it to the bruise with a cotton pad. Leave it on overnight and wash it off your skin in the morning. Repeat this remedy every night until the dark circles disappear.

Apply aloe vera gel to the black eye

Aloe vera gel contains aloisin, a compound that inhibits tyrosinase activity. This can help in preventing excessive pigmentation on your skin. It can also hydrate the skin in the surrounding area and make it supple.

What you can do: Take a teaspoon of aloe vera gel and massage it into the affected area. Leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning. You can do this every evening until the black eye disappears.

Review of creams and ointments

Conventionally, there are 2 categories of anti-edema remedies:

  1. Specialized cosmetics for the skin around the eyes. Sold in cosmetic stores or pharmacies.
  2. Pharmacy creams and ointments intended to treat other problems. Sold only in pharmacies.


Proctonis cream or ointment has a rich list of active substances (extract from shark liver, glycerin, cocoa butter, anti-inflammatory herbal extracts). "Proctonis" softens and moisturizes the delicate skin of the eyelids. Estimated cost 150–250 rubles.



The drug "Solcoseryl" is a wound healing agent. When used in the eyelid area, it improves regeneration at the cellular level, stimulates wound healing, and fills the skin with vitamins. The cost of Solcoseryl starts from 300 rubles.


Retinoic ointment

The ointment contains retinol, which heals, tightens and rejuvenates the skin. Retinoic ointment fights swelling, pigmentation, and age-related changes. Price about 300 rub.

Retinoic ointment


Curiosin gel tightens, moisturizes the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles. The effects are achieved due to the hyaluronic acid contained in the composition. “Curiozin” costs at least 500 rubles.


Video: Curiosin indications for use

Zinc ointment

Zinc oxide helps restore skin, refreshes and rejuvenates. Zinc ointment contains a protective factor against ultraviolet rays. The product will cost 20 rubles.

Zinc ointment


Hyaluronic acid, glycerin, aloe juice, included in Blepharogel, when applied to the eyelids, help cope with swelling, wrinkles, improve the healing of small wounds, and moisturize the skin. The main purpose of the drug is the treatment of blepharitis. Gel for puffiness under the eyes costs about 200 rubles.



The main purpose of Relief ointment is the treatment of hemorrhoids. The effect is based on improving local blood circulation and toning the vascular wall. Therefore, Relief ointment also helps with swelling under the eyes. The cost of the ointment is about 350 rubles.


Heparin ointment

Medicines based on heparin improve blood flow and thin the blood. This helps reduce the appearance of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. The minimum cost of heparin ointment is 40 rubles.

Heparin ointment


Troxevasin gel limits the flow of fluid into the tissues, promotes the resorption of excess moisture, thereby reducing swelling. "Troxevasin" tones blood vessels and reduces signs of inflammation. The product costs 200 rubles. and more.


Video: Troxevasin. Mechanism of action, application, contraindications


Afulim ointment effectively copes with swelling under the eyes, as it improves blood circulation and tones the walls of blood vessels. The cost of the product is 1800 rubles.



Tetracycline eye ointment has an antibacterial effect and relieves swelling of the eyelids in infectious diseases. The minimum price of tetracycline ointment is 20 rubles.



The combination of angioprotective and anti-inflammatory components quickly reduces swelling of the eyelids. The cost of "Indovazin" is approximately 300 rubles.



The remedy is classified as a homeopathic medicine and is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The composition is rich in herbal extracts, so Traumeel is effective when applied topically for swelling under the eyes. The price of the gel is about 500 rubles.


Eye cream-gel with shea butter

KORA cream-gel contains shea butter and herbal extracts that reduce bags and circles under the eyes. Active components fight expression lines and signs of fatigue. Approximate price 450 rub.

Cream-gel KORA with Shea butter


The composition of the gel includes extracts of ivy, horsetail, mantle, and chamomile. These components smooth out wrinkles, reduce inflammation, and create a feeling of comfort. The gel costs from 1000 rubles.

Gel Lierac

Dr. Nona

Balm “Dr. Nona" contains Dead Sea salts, as well as rosehip, jojoba, and sesame oils. Active components moisturize the skin, fill it with minerals and vitamins, and reduce swelling. The balm costs approximately 3000 rubles.

Balm Dr. Nona

LiftActiv SUPREME (Vichy)

The moisturizing and tightening effect of LiftActiv SUPREME cream on the skin around the eyes is ensured by natural ingredients. They improve the natural production of collagen and elastin. Puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are reduced by the action of caffeine contained in the cream. The product costs about 1,500 rubles.

Cream LiftActiv SUPREME

Anti-stress gel (Clinique)

The gel against bags under the eyes is presented in the form of a serum in a tube with a steel applicator. Caffeine and plant substances included in the serum quickly relieve swelling and dark circles under the eyes, and the applicator additionally cools the skin. The price of the product starts from 2000 rubles.

Anti-stress gel Clinique

Taking vitamin complexes will be useful. They will fill the body with missing vitamins and refresh the skin.

Home use of creams is only an emergency aid to restore a good appearance. To get rid of puffiness under the eyes forever, you need to identify the cause of the swelling. To do this, go to the clinic, undergo examination and, if necessary, treatment.

Advise effective ways to get rid of puffiness around the eyes. Share the article with your friends on social networks. Be beautiful and healthy. All the best.

How long will it take for a black eye to go away?

A black eye is often the result of trauma to the face or head and occurs when blood and other fluids collect in the space around the eye. Swelling and dark discoloration lead to “black eye.”

Most siyanki have relatively minor damage. Many heal on their own within a few days, but sometimes bruising can indicate a more serious injury.

As the bruise heals, the swelling around the eye decreases and the bruise gradually disappears. The bruise usually starts out as a very dark purple color, and as it fades, it may change to light purple, then greenish, then yellow before disappearing.

The use of ice in the first 24 hours after injury has the most significant impact on the rate at which the injury heals.

How to make a compress

An ointment compress with liniment is a simple and effective way to treat many pathologies. It's quite simple to do. There are several effective ways. Basic:

  1. For a compress with Vishnevsky ointment for bruises and bruises, you will need a bandage or gauze folded in several layers. The size of the bandage should correspond to the area of ​​the damaged area. Apply a sufficient amount of product to the bandage and apply to the damaged area. Wrap the bruised area in polyethylene and secure tightly with an elastic bandage. Change this dressing every 6-8 hours.
  2. The second recipe is prepared in the same way, but you will first need to soak the gauze in alcohol to enhance the effect. Keep this compress for 12 hours rather than 8, after which prepare a new one.

The second method is used when it is necessary to obtain a more pronounced and prolonged warming, analgesic, and absorbable effect. That is why this method of applying Vishnevsky ointment for bruises of the limbs is quite relevant.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes forever with the help of cosmetology

Medical Treatment Options for Dark Circles

  • Chemical peels: Chemical peels can help eliminate dark circles by modulating the amount of melanin on the surface of the skin.
  • Laser Therapy: Laser therapy can help relieve dark circles by eliminating pigmentation in the skin around your eyes and also boost collagen formation.
  • Blepharopigmentation: Pigment is injected into areas where the skin is thinning or pigmented. This procedure can lead to complications such as pigmentation and resulting inflammation in the area around the surgical site.

These methods are invasive and require medical intervention. You should also keep in mind that you will need ample time to recover from these procedures.

Relevant products in the Online store:

MICRO BIOCELLULAIRE Fluid for dark circles under the eyes

RUB 1,495 2,300 rub.


White Lucency Eye cream for dark circles

171 rub. 5,700 rub.


Total Recharge Treatment against signs of fatigue in the skin around the eyes

RUB 1,374 RUB 2,290



Future Solution LX Eye and lip skin restoration cream

RUB 7,499

All goods

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes at home

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes in the morning

Gently tap your eyes.

Lightly touch the swollen areas of the eyelids using your ring finger. This can stimulate blood flow by moving accumulated blood away from the area.

Massage the bridge of your nose.

Close your eyes and massage the top of your nose. Focus on the skin to the right and left of your nose. This can relieve sinus pressure that may have built up while you were crying.

Apply cooled face cream.

Let the facial moisturizer cool for about ten minutes, then gently massage into skin. The cold will treat puffiness while the cream will soften and brighten your skin.

  • Avoid creams that contain mint or fragrance. They may irritate your skin.

Rinse your eyes with a cold washcloth.

Dampen a soft, fluffy cloth with ice water. Wring it out and then fold the cloth over your eyes for about ten minutes. The cold should constrict the blood vessels around your eyes, reducing swelling.

  • You can get similar results with an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas. You can even make your own cold pack by stuffing a sock with uncooked rice and throwing it in the freezer.

How to get rid of persistent and chronic dark circles under the eyes

Eat less than 2,300 mg (0.16 tbsp) sodium per day.

A high-sodium diet can lead to things like high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, and can also make your eyes appear fuller. Sodium causes the body to retain more fluid, and since the fluid around the eyes is what makes them look puffy and puffy, you want to avoid eating too much of it.

  • An easy way to reduce the amount of sodium you eat is to limit the amount of processed foods and dishes you eat.

Avoid sugar and artificial sweeteners.

Both sugar and artificial sweeteners cause inflammation, which can lead to puffy eyes. When eating baked goods or sweetening your coffee or tea, try using healthier alternatives to sugar and artificial sweeteners such as honey and stevia. When you buy packaged foods, read the ingredient list and look for products that are low in sugar and artificial sweeteners.

Use eye creams and sunscreen to combat aging around the eyes.

As people age, the skin around their eyes becomes weaker and more prone to bruising. If you notice that your eyes appear bluer in the morning, start applying an anti-aging under eye cream to the skin under your eyes every evening. Also, gently apply sunscreen around your eyes whenever you plan to be outside to protect them from the sun.

Use coconut oil

Coconut oil contains a high concentration of small chain fatty acids. These fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and increase blood circulation, two of the causes of dark circles under the eyes. Before you go to bed, massage cold-pressed virgin coconut oil under each eye for 30 seconds. It may take several weeks to see results. Bonus: Coconut oil is affordable and easy to find.

The best remedies for bruises and bruises

Some of the products in the previous section could combat pain and swelling due to their well-balanced composition, an example is Dolobene. But there are special ointments, gels and creams that simultaneously improve tissue trophism, reduce the severity of bruises, and at the same time contain substances from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, natural components - badyagu, which anesthetize and reduce the symptoms of inflammation and swelling. Let us describe the most effective and popular drugs from this group.


Rating: 4.9


The review of topical remedies for bruises began with Troxevasin, which contains troxerutin. What happens if troxerutin is combined with a popular drug from the NSAID group, indomethacin, or Voltaren? The result is a highly effective gel - Indovazin. It is indicated for chronic insufficiency of the veins of the lower extremities, for bursitis, arthrosis, as well as for contusions, sprains, bruises and hematomas. Indovazin has an analgesic effect, reduces swelling, protects blood vessels and relieves inflammation by reducing cyclooxygenase activity. Indovazin should be used in a small strip, from 1 to 2 cm, which is rubbed lightly onto the affected areas 3 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days without consulting a doctor. Indovazin is produced by the Bulgarian pharmaceutical company Balkanfarma, and one tube of 45 grams will cost 300 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Indovazin is a highly effective remedy, and it quickly resolves the hematoma and eliminates inflammation, while the drug has a good price and is available to everyone. But it should be borne in mind that it contains a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which means that it is contraindicated during pregnancy, can cause minor allergic reactions, and the gel should not be applied to large areas for a long time if the patient has an exacerbation of a gastric ulcer and duodenum, or erosive gastritis.

Gel with badyaga 911

Rating: 4.8

Gel with badyaga 911

Badyaga are single-celled creatures that live in the form of a colony in exceptionally clean, running water. Their microscopic skeletons are made of silica, and silica is nothing more than silicon oxide, which sand is usually made of. But the skeletons of the badyagi have extremely thin, microscopic needles made of silicon oxide, which are called spicules. A powder is prepared from these skeletons; it is capable of mechanically irritating the skin, since, roughly speaking, millions of miniature sand needles are stuck into it. As a result, blood flow to this area occurs, and hyperemia is caused.

After the blood begins to flow away from the application area, it takes with it the remnants of the hemorrhage. Badyaga has long been used in folk medicine to treat bruises and contusions, and it is still used today. In addition to badyagi extract, the composition of the gel with badyaga 911 includes chamomile and horse chestnut extract, juniper oil, arnica, mint and tea tree, plus a perfume composition. As a result, the gel resolves hematomas faster, has an antiseptic effect, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It should be applied by rubbing into the affected area 2-3 times a day. This gel is produced in 100-milliliter tubes by the domestic manufacturer Twins TEK; the packaging costs about 100 rubles, which is quite inexpensive.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of badyagi is its proven experience over centuries: it removes bruises and hematomas really well and quickly. A sponge made from badyagi helps to cleanse the skin of the face, and for the same reason, get rid of acne. It stimulates blood flow, enhances local immunity, and the ability of the epidermis to regenerate. But there are also disadvantages. So, you need to rub in the gel quite often, and this is not always convenient. In addition, badyaga and all products made from it have a specific and not entirely pleasant smell. Finally, we must not forget that the mechanism of action is the penetration of tiny silica needles into the skin. Therefore, after application there may be tingling and redness of the skin, and this will be completely normal.

Balm "Ambulance" for bruises and contusions

Rating: 4.8


The “First Aid” balm contains a large number of natural extracts, including badyagu, which was mentioned above. This is a unique composition in the form of a liquid ointment called a balm. The active ingredients are emulsion wax, camphor with a cooling effect, extracts of sage and badyagi, mint, horse chestnut and lavender, and ginkgo biloba extract. This impressive composition additionally contains silver ions. As a result, this balm has very high healing activity for various scratches, abrasions, abrasions, both combined with a violation of the integrity of the skin and without it.

The balm should be applied up to three times a day to the affected area of ​​the skin; the balm should be used until the bruise is completely resolved. This balm is produced by the domestic company Korolev - Pharm, and a 100 ml tube costs only 160 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

This balm is well balanced, has a white color, creamy consistency and a pleasant smell, it can be applied to the skin around the eyes, the balm has no side effects, except for the development of individual intolerance, its price is low. It can be used for very wide indications, and even for sunburn.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes of a man

Elevate your head while sleeping to promote fluid drainage

Sleeping on your back can cause fluid to accumulate around your eye area, which can cause your eyes to look puffy in the morning. Try elevating your head with a couple of pillows, a wedge pillow, or an adjustable bed.

Wash your face with cold water.

If you're in a rush or in a public place, visit the bathroom for a quick refresh. Fold the paper towel twice to make a neat square, then soak it in cold water. Press it lightly onto your eyelids for fifteen seconds each. Look up and place the towel directly under your lower lashes, pressing gently for another fifteen seconds on each eye. Let your skin dry. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

  • Do not rub your eyes or use soap.
  • Some people like to mix about 1 tsp. (5 ml) table salt in 1 cup (240 ml) ice water. Don't try this if you have red, irritated skin.

Cover your eyes with cold spoons.

Choose a pair of metal teaspoons that fit snugly over your eyes. Freeze them for about two minutes or keep them in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes. Place them on your eyes with slight pressure. Leave them until they are warm.

  • If you have time, freeze six scoops instead. Replace the spoons with a new, cold pair as soon as they warm up. Stop after the third couple to avoid skin damage from prolonged cold.
  • You can also try adding cold tea bags to your eyes to reduce puffiness.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes of a teenager

Sleep more

When you have large dark circles under your eyes, lack of sleep is usually the first suspect and for good reason. When you don't give your body enough rest, it will act out. Fatigue can cause inflammation and as you already know, your eyes are an easy target. The blood vessels around your eyes dilate and your skin appears puffy.

  • Teens should get 8-10 hours of sleep each night, adults should get 7-9 hours, and older adults should get 7-8 hours.
  • If you don't get enough sleep 1 night, even a 20-minute nap during the day can help you feel and look more rested.

Reduce your salt intake.

If you are a big consumer of salty foods this may contribute to bags under your eyes. The seasoning causes fluid retention and the delicate skin around your eyes is very vulnerable. Eating a lot of salt can make your eyes look puffy and bruised.

Drink more water
The main cause of dark circles under the eyes is dehydration. Think of it this way: when your body feels like it's not getting enough water, it will cling to the water it does have. The only place your body will collect and retain water is in your eyes. Start drinking more water and you can reduce your body's fluid retention.

  • The recommended daily water intake is about 13 glasses (three liters) for men and nine glasses (2.2 liters) for women.
  • If you have trouble drinking that much water, try flavored water or unsweetened tea or coffee.

Remove your makeup before going to bed.

It can be tempting to skip washing your face and crawl into bed after a long day. However, sleeping in your makeup can contribute to puffiness around your eyes. Makeup residue can clog pores, cause irritation, and leave the skin around your eyes inflamed. Use a gentle makeup remover and wash your face before bed to reduce this problem.

The main causes of dark circles under the eyes

  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • violation of healthy lifestyle principles;
  • presence of internal diseases;
  • improper skin care.

For many of us, the appearance of bruises in the lower eyelids can be observed from childhood until old age. Most often, this can be explained by the fragility of the blood vessels that are located directly under the eyes. It has also been noted that owners of dry and thin skin face this problem to a greater extent, as they damage blood vessels during everyday mechanical action when removing makeup. The problem does not disappear with age. This is due to the increased production of melanin in older people, which is precisely noticeable on the skin of the lower eyelids.

Individual characteristics include the desire to quickly lose excess weight. The fact is that after rapid loss of fat, the skin is not able to quickly recover without special care. In other words, thinning of the skin of the eyelids and destruction of collagen occurs.

And finally, external factors: excessive sunbathing leads to the destruction of collagen, and long exposure to cold or cold wind leads not only to the appearance of bruises under the eyes, but also increases the risk of developing rosacea - a disease in which the capillaries dilate and form a characteristic cyanotic cobweb.

Important! If bruises under the eyes appear frequently, then it is worth undergoing a comprehensive examination, since the cause may be hidden deep inside the body.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes from lack of sleep

Get a good night's sleep.

You may notice that your dark circles are more noticeable at night when you don't get enough sleep. This is because lack of sleep tends to make your skin paler, making the darkness under your eyes stand out more. Make every effort to get enough sleep each night to minimize the appearance of dark circles.

  • Adults typically require 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.
  • Teenagers typically need 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night.

Avoid foods that may cause swelling.

Certain foods can cause puffiness and bloating, leading to dark circles under the eyes. It's best to stay away from overly salty foods, alcohol and carbonated drinks if you want to get rid of your dark circles.

  • Try to drink about 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Certain foods also improve blood flow to the skin, which can help reduce dark circles. Try including foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, such as walnuts, salmon, soybeans and spinach.

Keep your head up while you sleep.

When you lie down at night, fluids can accumulate under your eyes and make the area appear darker. Elevating your head slightly while you sleep can help prevent these fluids from accumulating. Add an extra pillow to your bed to help prop up your head while you sleep.

Use your ring finger to apply eye creams.

When you apply eye cream or concealer under your eyes, you probably use your finger. But if you apply too much pressure, you will increase the amount of friction, which can increase the pigmentation of your skin. Apply products under your eye using your ring finger because it is the weakest of your fingers, so it will be the most gentle.

  • Using your ring finger can also help reduce fine lines and wrinkles under the eyes because you won't be pulling on the skin as much.

Why do bruises under the eyes occur?

Every adequate adult understands: in order to look fresh, young and attractive, without unhealthy puffiness and circles under the eyes, you should get enough sleep, not abuse alcohol and nicotine, and not sit for long periods at the computer. The rules are simple, but sometimes it’s simply impossible to follow them, and then you have to start looking for a truly effective cream for dark circles under the eyes.

Previously, dark circles under the eyes were considered a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle, but today it has been proven that it’s all about genetic predisposition, in particular, the thickness of the dermis and the location of the capillaries under it.

However, even the best and most expensive product from a trusted brand does not always give the expected result. This happens because the cream only removes external manifestations and does not solve the causes of the problem. Whereas, in addition to overwork and lack of sleep, there can be a huge number of them. The most common ones include:

How to get rid of black circles under eyes

  • liver dysfunction;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • avitaminosis;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • problems with blood vessels and blood circulation;
  • heart pathologies;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx: sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis.

And this is not a complete list of diseases that cause blue circles under the eyes. Of course, you can try to disguise them with cosmetics, buy a concealer that hides any skin imperfections and pretend that everything is fine. But sooner or later the problem will still have to be solved radically. It is better not to delay a visit to the doctor, because any disease is easier to cure at the initial stage than at an advanced stage. In the meantime, examination and treatment will take place, the situation will be corrected by a suitable cream or gel to eliminate darkening and puffiness under the eyes.

What color concealer to use for dark circles under the eyes

To combat blue and gray under eyes, choose an orange or peach foundation. Orange is a complementary color to blue, meaning that when orange is applied to a blue area, the colors “cancel” each other. Choose a color that is only one or two shades darker than your skin tone—otherwise, the concealer will show up against your normal skin color. Concealers come in liquid and stick form.

  • Liquid concealers are good for light coverage, while sticks are great for smaller or tighter areas.
  • Any type of concealer will work, although remember that liquid makeup can look glossy, while cream products can give a matte appearance. Choose makeup based on your skin type—oily skin is more likely to look “shiny” with certain liquid products.

CATRICE Allround Concealer

Medicines for a black eye

Applying cold to the damaged area of ​​the face is only part of the treatment for a black eye. The main part of the therapy consists of applying special medications to the swollen area - this will not completely get rid of the bruise, but, in any case, will speed up the healing process.

Today, pharmacies are ready to offer a variety of anticoagulant medications in various forms: ointments, gels and creams are the most relevant for the treatment of bruises.

The most popular and effective drugs for a black eye:

  • Troxevasin. The demand for the drug is explained by its high quality: regular application of Troxevasin to the damaged area will eliminate the black eye in 2-3 days;
  • “Bruise-Off” is an ointment, the peculiarity of which lies in its composition. Leech extract is widely known for its anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory effects. The visible effect is achieved after 2–3 days from the start of use. The ointment is also valuable as a concealer - its ability to retouch a black eye is in no way inferior to foundation;
  • Heparin ointment. If heparin ointment is applied to the affected area at intervals of 8–9 hours, you can expect a positive result in the shortest possible time. The fact is that the product contains components that can not only resolve existing subcutaneous hemorrhage, but also significantly reduce the pain that accompanies a black eye.
  • "Lyoton." This remedy is recognized and approved by doctors for several reasons: the drug has not only anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant effects, but also the ability to strengthen the walls of the vessel.

An alternative to these drugs can be products containing ascorbic and nicotinic acids, known for their ability to prevent fragility of blood vessels and capillaries.

How to disguise dark circles under the eyes with makeup

Prepare your skin.

Apply eye cream to both eyes to make sure your under-eye area is well moisturized. If there is any hint of dryness, the concealer will become chalky and very noticeable to others.

  • Try storing your eye cream in the refrigerator before applying. The cool temperature of the cream contracts the skin, allowing for a tighter appearance.
  • If you wear foundation, apply it before applying concealer. However, any powder-based makeup, including foundation, should go last, after concealer.

Apply concealer

Use either a small nylon concealer brush, a sponge, or your fingers to apply the concealer underneath the shadows of your eye bags. Apply concealer to ensure even, blended coverage without smudging. You should apply it just below the crease of your bruises and blend down towards your cheekbones in a triangular manner. Aim for the top of your cheeks, just below the bags and bruises.

  • Do not apply makeup directly to the swelling! The area under your eyes will wrinkle under heavy makeup, causing your bruises to stand out even more. Applying concealer under your bags draws attention to the area rather than your puffy eyes.
  • When it comes to concealer, less is more—too much can give a caked-on appearance.
  • If you are using powder, be sure to apply concealer before applying foundation.

Assess bruises under the eyes

Take a moment to let the concealer set. If there is still visible bruising under your eye you can add a little more concealer but keep it light. If the concealer is too bright you will need to blend your makeup.

  • If your concealer is too dark, balance it with a concealer that is one shade lighter than your skin tone. This will help highlight the area under the swelling.

Mix concealer

Use concealer or foundation of your natural skin tone to blend your previous application of concealer into the rest of your skin. This helps create a more natural appearance and removes a baked-on or overly bright appearance.

  • Stroking the concealer instead of rubbing helps prevent your makeup from smearing and creates a more even blend.
  • If you use your fingers to blend concealer, use your ring finger. The ring finger tends to be the weakest finger and provides a softer touch.

Brighten the area around your eyes.

Use a pale pink colored marker to add some color to the inner and outer corners of your eyes. This helps draw attention to your eyes and also takes attention away from bags and bruises.

  • Avoid eyeliner or eye shadow in darker colors. These colors can draw attention to bruises you are trying to hide.
  • Don't forget about the inner area of ​​the eye near the bridge of the nose. Adding just a little concealer or highlighter here can help brighten up your entire face.

Set makeup.

Use face powder to set makeup on your face, keeping it locked in and looking good all day. Take care to apply only a thin layer.

  • There is no need to apply powder all over your face. Just lightly apply powder in the areas where you have applied makeup.
  • You may choose to use a little more powder in areas prone to shine. The powder provides a matte finish.

Balsamic liniment for bruises

Not many people know that Vishnevsky ointment will help with bruises. In practice, the product copes with such cosmetic effects very quickly. The presence of tar in the composition helps to normalize blood circulation at the site of injury, which accelerates regeneration processes. Castor oil in the composition helps the wound heal quickly. Therefore, considering whether Vishnevsky ointment will help with bruises, it is undoubtedly positive.

It also contains xeroform, so the product is the best antiseptic. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects, it copes with inflammation and microbes. Another useful component is birch tar. It increases blood circulation, which improves tissue nutrition. The blood does not stagnate in place, so a bruise will not form from the ointment. Vishnevsky ointment is able to penetrate even the deepest layers and have a healing effect.

For bruises, apply the product directly to the damaged area. It is recommended to conduct sessions before bedtime. The first results will already be noticed after 2-3 procedures. The tar in the composition increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, so direct exposure to rays should be avoided during treatment.

Ointment for bruises on the face

Hematomas and bruises on the face can appear for various reasons. More often, bruises appear due to mechanical impact on the skin, that is, due to a bruise or blow. A remedy for hematomas will help you quickly cope with the problem. Bruises on the face go away much faster than on other parts of the body. It will only take a couple of days for complete healing.

Before using Vishnevsky ointment for bruises under the eyes, you must apply a cold compress. A piece of ice wrapped in a cloth will do to prevent frostbite on the tissue. The effectiveness of such a compress is that under the influence of cold the capillaries and capillaries narrow, so less blood goes under the dermis on the face.

After applying the compress, Vishnevsky ointment is already used for bruises. Its active components penetrate into the place of blood accumulation and promote the resorption of the hematoma.

Treating dark circles under the eyes at home

Use eye cream with retinol in the evening.

You can help reduce dark circles and puffiness under your eyes by incorporating retinol eye cream into your evening skin care regimen. Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A, which helps fade hyperpigmentation and smooth out fine lines, making it an ideal ingredient in an eye cream. Apply a small amount of cream under your eyes and pat gently until it is completely absorbed into the skin.

  • Retinoids make your skin more vulnerable to sun damage, so it's important to use your retinol eye cream at night and wear sunscreen during the day.
  • Retinol is a powerful ingredient that can sometimes irritate your skin when you first start using it. To avoid dry, flaky skin, you can start using eye cream every other night until your skin gets used to it.

Cream Deoproce

Take an antihistamine for allergies.

If you have allergies, the histamines released by your immune system in response to your triggers can cause puffiness and broken capillaries under your eyes, which leave you with dark circles. Use an antihistamine to help limit your reaction and keep your under eyes bright.

  • Be sure to talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any over-the-counter pills to make sure they won't cause a reaction with any other medicines you take.
  • Itchy eyes are also common with allergies. Frequent rubbing of the eyes can cause the pigmentation under the eyes to darken. Antihistamines can usually relieve the itching, but try to avoid rubbing your eyes in general.
  • When your sinuses are congested, fluid can accumulate under your eyes, causing swelling and darkness.

Uses of cucumbers

Apart from being a delicious snack, cucumbers are also an ideal solution for dark circles. Cucumbers contain vitamin K, a fat-soluble vitamin that increases blood circulation and reduces blood clotting. Cooled pieces placed on the eyes can cause blood to pump as well as erase any redness.

Apply lemon juice to dark circles under your eyes

Vitamin C and citric acid are natural skin brighteners and lemon juice is packed with these ingredients. When combined with other ingredients such as essential oils, tomato juice, cucumber juice, or even applied on its own, lemon juice can reduce puffiness and inflammation around the eyes and lighten dark spots under the eyes. Use cotton balls to apply the juice under each eye in the morning and before bed. But avoid getting it too close to your eyes because lemon juice can burn your skin if it comes into direct contact.

Causes of bags under the eyes

There may be several reasons.

  1. The dermis under the eyes is too thin and tends to be transparent, so swelling and bruising may occur there.
  2. Allergy to anything.
  3. Dehydration and iron deficiency.
  4. Bad habits (tobacco, alcohol, coffee).
  5. Reduction of subcutaneous fat in the area under the eyes during the aging process or due to sudden weight loss.
  6. Diseases.
  7. Lack of sleep and chronic stress.

As we see, there can be many reasons. Some are within our power to eliminate, others are not. Therefore, if the formation of bags bothers you for a long time and there are accompanying troubles (for example, feeling unwell), we recommend that you consult a doctor and undergo the necessary tests.

Icon Skin, Eyes Yoga Eye Serum Cream, 15 ml


Icon Skin, Eyes Yoga Eye Serum Cream, 15 ml

Anti-aging remedy for puffiness and circles under the eyes. For use after 35 years.


RUB 1,830 RUB 757

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Markell, Bio-Helix Snail Mucin Eye Fluid, 10 ml

Markell, Bio-Helix Snail Mucin Eye Fluid, 10 ml

The product fights dark circles under the eyes and reduces puffiness.


175 RUR

175 RUR Buy

Questions and answers about dark circles under the eyes

Are dark circles under the eyes permanent?

Dark circles are not permanent. You can choose from a variety of medical and natural methods to get rid of them.

Does sleep help reduce dark circles under the eyes?

Sleep can help you get rid of fatigue. This, in turn, reduces the appearance of dark circles and puffy eyes.

What vitamins should you take to eliminate dark circles under your eyes?

Vitamin K may help as it can help with circulation and blood clotting. Vitamin A can also help as it can get rid of pigmentation.

What foods should you eat to eliminate dark circles under your eyes?

Consuming foods like green leafy vegetables, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc. can help eliminate dark circles as they are rich in vitamin K.

Related materials:

dark circles under the eyes | Men | skin around the eyes | bruises under the eyes | fatigue | Skin care | Eye care | gel | Insomnia | Stress | fluid | cooling | Recovery | Cream | man | Decleor | Decleor | Giorgio Armani | Armani | Armani | Giorgio Armani | Shiseido | Shiseido Men | Shiseido | Biotherm | Bioterm | GUAM


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Top best remedies for dark circles under the eyes

Christina Retinol-E Eye Cream

Eye cream with retinol was created by Christina specialists for women over 30 years old. This is a highly active product that gives amazing results: the skin becomes elastic and firm, wrinkles are reduced and new ones do not appear, excess skin pigmentation is removed, skin aging is significantly slowed down. The effectiveness of the cream is ensured thanks to a complex of vitamins A, E, C, which neutralize free radicals and prevent cell damage at the DNA level. A high percentage of active retinol helps reduce existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones. After three months, you will not recognize your reflection in the mirror - young and radiant skin around the eyes radiates health and youth.

Cream for dark circles under the eyes Dr. Sea

The light cream has a delicate texture, deeply moisturizes and nourishes the delicate skin of the area around the eyes. Active ingredients of the cream: hyaluronic acid, collagen, vitamin E, green tea extract.

– Hyaluronic acid intensively moisturizes the skin, helping to increase skin elasticity.

– Collagen helps maintain skin elasticity.

– Retinol refreshes the area around the eyes and gives a well-groomed appearance.

– Vitamin E (tocopherol) nourishes the skin, has an antioxidant effect, and maintains an even and natural complexion.

– Green tea extract tones and refreshes the area around the eyes.

Concealer set Lavelle Perfect face

Maybelline New York The Eraser Eye Concealer

Refresh your look and add shine in no time! The concealer perfectly conceals dark circles under the eyes and skin imperfections using a convenient dot applicator with a sponge. The formula, based on goji berries and haloxyl, cares for and transforms the eye area.

Lierac brightening fluid for dark circles under the eyes

Buy Lierak Brightening Fluid, correction of dark circles under the eyes Dioptisern, leave a review of this product on our website and receive a discount on your next purchase.

Dioptiserne Brightening Fluid is an intensive targeted treatment against 3 types of dark circles under the eyes:

  1. Brown circles – Vitamin C
  2. Sunken Circles – Tripeptide that stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid
  3. Blue circles – Arnica

Active concentrate for dark circles and bags under the eyes Anti Puff

Concentrated active to eliminate skin problems around the eyes: puffiness, dark circles and bags under the eyes. It has both lymphatic drainage and lipolytic and lifting effects. *BIOSKINUP CONTOUR 3R is a natural complex created from three unique plants: the tropical Marapuama plant, Brazilian ginseng and white lily.

Acts in several directions:

  • Increases the elasticity of the vascular wall
  • Reduces hyperpigmentation
  • Restores microcirculation
  • Helps reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes

Cream for eliminating dark circles under the eyes Skin Doctors Eyecircle

The cream reduces dark circles under the eyes, reduces the appearance of unwanted color, increases elasticity around the eye area, reduces skin pigmentation, tones and deeply nourishes.

Rating of the best remedies for bruises

NominationplaceName of productprice
Best Remedies for Body Bruises1Troxevasin – gel250 ₽
2Bruise off148 ₽
3Dolobene420 ₽
4Lyoton 1000550 ₽
The best remedies for bruises and bruises1Indovazin300 ₽
2Gel with badyaga 911105 ₽
3Balm "Ambulance" for bruises and contusions160 ₽
The best remedies for dark circles under the eyes1Arnigel307 ₽
2Stopsinyak with badyaga stick for face and body105 ₽

Rating of the best pharmaceutical remedies for dark circles under the eyes

Gel for puffiness under the eyes Dr. Brandt

Gel for puffiness under the eyes “Without Bags” “hides” excess weight under the eyes within a few minutes, tightening the skin and instantly eliminating puffiness, and the peach shade of the product visually masks dark circles, giving the look a youthful and rested look.

-In addition to the immediate effect, this miracle product also has a pronounced prolonged effect, gradually smoothing and brightening the delicate, thin skin under the eyes and giving it elasticity. To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to use the course for 4 weeks.

Gel Clarins Gel Contour des Yeux

A non-greasy, refreshing gel that eliminates puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, refreshing and hydrating the delicate skin around the eyes.

Rosehip helps eliminate toxins, eliminates puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. Rose water concentrate softens, relieves tension and irritation. Small serrated palm extract refreshes, tones and eliminates puffiness of the eyelids.

Prepares the skin for applying decorative cosmetics and makes makeup last longer. Does not cause irritation, suitable for even the most sensitive eyes.

Gel SesDerma

The lightweight gel instantly tightens and smoothes the skin around the eyes, reducing puffiness. Lightens excess pigmentation in this area, stimulates microcirculation, improves the production of collagen and elastin in the skin.

Ingredients: Lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, N-hydroxysuccinimide, turmeric, horse chestnut extract, ginkgo biloba extract, vitamin C, glycosaminoglycans, retinol.

Cream-serum for the skin around the eyes against dark circles AVA Laboratorium

Vichy AQUALIA THERMAL awakening balm for the eye contour

New care from Vichy Aqualia Baume Eveil Regard: – Improves the distribution of moisture in the skin of the eye contour thanks to Dynamic Moisturizing Technology. – Improves microcirculation thanks to the stimulating effect of Caffeine, for a noticeably fresher look when waking up. – Intensively nourishes and saturates with useful elements, smoothes out dehydration wrinkles - thanks to Glycerin in high concentration (the highest among the products in the Aqualia Thermal range). – Vichy Spa thermal water – protects, restores and soothes the skin; The delightful gel texture of an opal shade melts upon application, turning into life-giving moisture and quickly absorbed by the skin. Tested under dermatological and ophthalmological control. No parabens.

The best remedies for bruises on the body

The review begins with drugs that do not have pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity, but only resolve bruises. Therefore, they are recommended to be used when there is only a cosmetic defect and, therefore, at least a day has passed since the injury occurred, and the condition is not acute. Also, these local agents can be used for a different mechanism of hematoma formation, for example, with reduced blood clotting.

Troxevasin – gel

Rating: 4.9


The rating of local remedies for bruises opens with Troxevasin, a gel that is available in the form of a 2% concentration of the active substance. The drug contains a derivative of rutin - troxerutin. This remedy is very popular for the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities, and it is described in the section on drugs for the treatment of varicose veins. But in addition to venotonic and venoprotective effects, Troxerutin has anticoagulant and antioxidant activity. It reduces the fragility of capillaries and their permeability to the liquid part of the blood, and increases the tone of the smooth muscles of small vessels. In the same case, if a capillary rupture has already occurred, as happens when a bruise forms, then Troxevasin improves the resorption of the spilled blood.

Troxevasin is indicated for bruises and contusions of soft tissues of various locations, as well as for varicose veins and varicose dermatitis. Troxevasin - gel should be applied to the site of the bruise twice a day, morning and evening, and rubbed in until completely absorbed. Troxevasin-gel is produced in tubes weighing 40 g by the Bulgarian company Balkanfarma, and the average cost is 250 rubles per package.

Advantages and disadvantages

The big advantage of Troxevasin is the ability to quickly get rid of swelling and speed up the resorption of a bruise. Troxevasin works well in places where there is an extensive capillary network that is close to the surface of the skin, as this facilitates absorption. If the bruises are on the thigh, on the forearm, on the skin of the abdomen, then after two or three days there will be nothing left of them. If there is an extensive hematoma, then Troxevasin, of course, will cope with it, but within a week. The disadvantages of the drug include shallow absorption. Therefore, if the bruises are deep, it is better to take ointment. Also, the drug, despite being well tolerated, can cause allergies, dermatitis or urticaria.

Bruise off

Rating: 4.8


This gel was created specifically to accelerate the lysis of hematomas, the resorption of household bruises, and is actively used after surgical interventions for application to sutures. It can be used both for bruises of the body and bruises on the face, including on the skin under the eyes. What does it consist of? Ingredients: leech extract and pentoxifylline. It is known that leech extract contains hirudin, and this substance allows leeches to drink blood with impunity, which does not clot.

This is a natural anticoagulant, and this effect on the clotted blood, of which the hematoma consists, will consist of a slow but effective resorption of this blood clot. As for pentoxifylline, this drug improves capillary circulation, and the lysed hematoma will disappear faster. Therefore, these components can be considered well chosen. This medicine must be applied four to five times a day to the desired area of ​​skin, and rubbed in with soft, massaging movements, but without effort. This drug in the form of a gel is imported to Russia by the Ukrainian company Biokon, and the average cost of a 30 g tube is 148 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Plus the gel Bruise off is a well-chosen composition that allows you to effectively and quickly resolve hematomas. This product is inexpensive, but, alas, it is applied 5 times a day. This is too high a frequency and not everyone will like it. In addition, the gel should not be used by people with low blood clotting, bleeding gums, or hemorrhagic syndrome.


Rating: 4.8


Dolobene gel is used to resolve bruises and hematomas. It already contains 3 active ingredients. Heparin is an anticoagulant, dexpanthenol is a provitamin that improves skin trophism, and dimethyl sulfoxide (Dimexide). As a result, the product has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect, with a slight analgesic effect. Heparin thins the blood and improves the resorption of hematoma, Dexpanthenol improves trophism of the skin at the site of injury, and Dimexide enhances these effects. Dolobene is indicated for many injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including inflammatory ones. These are myositis and bursitis, cervical-brachial syndrome, neuralgia and neuritis, dislocations, sprains and hematomas.

Dolobene is used topically and applied to the skin no more than 4 times a day. You can use bandages under which the gel is applied. The duration of treatment depends on the size of the bruise and the severity of the hematoma; the drug can be applied to the skin of the face, but it should not be applied to the mucous membranes. Dolobene is produced by the German company Merckle, and the most popular 90 g package will cost an average of 500 rubles. The smallest package of 45g has an average cost of almost the same - 420 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dolobene is an effective remedy not only for bruises, but also for numerous bruises, sprains and dislocations, so it is recommended to have it in every home medicine cabinet. It should be remembered that applying the drug to the skin increases photosensitivity, and therefore if you use Dolobene in the summer, it is advisable not to sunbathe or visit a solarium. The advantage of Dolobene is the ability to use it as a contact gel and for iontophoresis. The most common side effects are skin reactions such as redness. Due to the dimexide content, a patient with sulfide intolerance may have specific reactions, as well as a temporary change in taste sensations. But in general, Dolobene is very well tolerated, and if it is used on the first day after injury and bruise formation, it can quickly eliminate the hematoma and relieve swelling.

Lyoton 1000

Rating: 4.7

LIOTON 1000.webp

This interesting name arose because each gram of Lyoton contains 1000 units in terms of heparin, the active ingredient of this gel. Heparin is a natural anticoagulant, so it should only be used if there is no significant pain or swelling, and you just need to resolve the bruise. If there is pain, he will not be able to cope with it, just like with severe swelling. But it easily removes minor swelling. Its physiological effect reduces platelet aggregation, increases blood fluidity and reduces blood clotting.

Lyoton 1000 is indicated, in addition to the fight against bruises and hematomas, for thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins, after surgery on the veins, as well as for injuries and bruises of muscles, tendons, and periarticular tissues. Lyoton should be applied to the skin by squeezing out a strip 3 to 10 cm long, depending on the area and degree of development of the hematoma, and rub in with light movements, no more than 3 times a day. Lyoton 1000 is produced by the pharmaceutical company Berlin Chemie, Germany. The most popular packaging of 50 grams will cost 550 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any good drug, Lyoton 1000 has both pros and cons. It is consumed much less than heparin ointment, since it is more concentrated. It can be used by pregnant women; its range of indications is very wide. Sometimes this gel can be applied to the face for swelling; women often use this. But if the skin at the site of the hematoma is damaged or there are wounds, then after applying Lyoton-1000 there may be a risk of increased capillary bleeding if the blood has not stopped yet. Finally, Lyoton has a fairly high price.

The most effective patches for dark circles under the eyes

Hydrogel patches for the skin around the eyes against dark circles with green tea extract LUKE

Refreshes and moisturizes, makes the skin elastic. Contains vitamins A, C and E, wormwood and green tea extract.

Wormwood extract reduces redness and irritation of the skin. Green tea extract not only tones the skin, but also has the ability to penetrate deeply into the skin, which promotes the natural production of collagen by the skin.

Directions for use: 1. Clean the skin around the eyes, pat dry with a towel. 2. Separate the patches from the protective film and apply to the skin under the eyes. 3. Leave the patches on for 20-30 minutes. 4. Carefully remove the patches by pulling the edge. Don't wash it off. Give a light massage with your fingertips.

Ayoume patches

Pearl powder extract, rich in minerals and amino acids, significantly reduces puffiness, dark circles, strengthens the skin surface, makes it more elastic, reduces the number and depth of wrinkles and moisturizes.

Colloidal gold has a unique ability to prevent premature aging of the skin, as it improves respiration and nutrition of cells, saturates them with oxygen, stimulates blood circulation, and also removes toxins and waste, helps fight wrinkles and pigmentation.

Hydrogel patches for the eye area with collagen and gold Sefite

A set of 60 hydrogel eye patches with collagen and gold is an indispensable product for caring for the delicate skin around the eyes. They are easy to use, and the result of application is noticeable immediately. Due to their softness and elasticity, they adhere well to the skin.

Patches are designed to combat dark circles, the consequences of lack of sleep and stress. Formulated with nourishing ingredients that quickly penetrate the skin. Patches can be used not only on the lower eyelid, but also to moisturize the skin on the cheekbones, forehead, chin or lips. Active components moisturize the skin and reduce dark circles, eliminate puffiness, start the regeneration process in the epidermis, prolonging youth and preventing the appearance of expression lines and age-related wrinkles in the delicate area around the eyes.

Features of the cream

The skin around the eyes is thin and vulnerable, balancing between a lack of moisture and its excess. Therefore, the cream should moisturize the epidermis, have a light texture, and not tighten the delicate skin of the eyelids.

The following effects will help against swelling under the eyes:

  • improvement of microcirculation;
  • toning of blood vessels;
  • improvement of cellular metabolic processes;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • relieving signs of inflammation;
  • cooling.

Manufacturers of cosmetics for puffy eyes strive to produce hypoallergenic products. However, before using the cream, perform an allergy test on the skin of the inner surface of the forearm. If your skin reacts to applying the cream, then discard this product.

Cream composition

Active ingredients provide a life-saving effect of the cream against swelling of the skin around the eyes. The composition may contain:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • glycerol;
  • sodium hyaluronate;
  • panthenol;
  • collagen;
  • urea;
  • medicinal herbs (cornflower, licorice, chestnut, chamomile, coltsfoot, mint);
  • elastin;
  • caffeine;
  • liposomes;
  • soybean hydrolysate;
  • argireline;
  • vitamins A, B, C, E, K, H, F;
  • menthol;
  • seaweed.

A good cream contains SPF factors to protect against ultraviolet exposure.

It is desirable that the product does not contain foreign impurities: dyes, fragrances, parabens, mineral or animal fats. These substances tend to accumulate in body tissues, causing harm not only to the area around the eyes, but also to other organs.

Restrictions during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a child, preference should be given to traditional methods of treating edema based on herbal ingredients. If you still decide to use a specialized cream for puffiness under the eyes, be sure to study the composition. The cream should not contain caffeine. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

How to choose a product?

For young people, light creams against morning puffiness that have a lymphatic drainage effect are suitable. A plus will be the presence of an applicator, with which it is convenient to carry out a light massage. The applicator will additionally create a cooling effect.

For older people, it is better to choose a cream with moisturizing ingredients and antioxidants.

Rules of application

The remedy for puffiness and bags under the eyes should be applied 2 times a day (morning and evening). In the evening, anti-edema cream is applied no later than 2 hours before bedtime. If you apply the cream before bed, it can cause increased swelling.

Using the cream

Before using the product, you must remove makeup and cleanse your skin. The cream is applied with light patting movements.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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