A complete set of exercises to restore vision from Professor Zhdanov

  • Zhdanov: a complete set of exercises to restore vision
      Gymnastics to restore vision
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      Is it possible to restore vision 100 percent with such exercises? Conclusion
  • Vision is something that worries every person. Seeing well is very important! But a large number of people face such a problem as vision loss. Many are sure that in this situation there are only two options - to wear glasses or contacts for the rest of your life, or to decide to have surgery. However, this is not at all true! It is possible to restore vision using different methods. There is a whole complex developed by Professor Zhdanov for restoring vision . Let's talk about this in more detail and find out why these courses are effective and how they work.

    Everyday exercises to develop cognitive abilities

    These exercises can be done without interruption from the natural course of life, adding new, sometimes piquant conditions. They train terrain orientation, balance, all types of perception and, as a bonus, increase memory capacity.

    1. Designate a day of darkness: shower, eat, clean without light.
    2. Watch videos without images or with images but no sound.
    3. If there is a child, check his homework (+1000 stamina).
    4. Give each video you watch a title. Summarize the whole meaning in one word. Come up with names for the shops and establishments you walk near. Don't repeat yourself.
    5. Navigate around the city without a map, invent unfamiliar routes.

    When should you expect effects from eye gymnastics?

    In general, doctors advise performing eye exercises 4-5 times a day until the results show themselves. This can be either 4 weeks or 6 months, depending on the disease, age, etc.

    Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov, Avetisov, Zhdanov, Bates. Exercises for myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, glaucoma
    Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov, Avetisov, Zhdanov, Bates - a list of exercises that will help relieve tension from the eyes and improve their condition.

    Eye gymnastics is so popular not only because of its ease of use, but also because it has no side effects as such, making it unique in comparison with drugs, surgeries or medical procedures.

    Thanks to this, it has a wide reach of people who can use it. And in our time, most doctors advise at least simple preventive exercises to everyone, regardless of vision.

    Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

    Balance and coordination exercises

    Balance and coordination exercises improve blood flow to all parts of the brain. Accordingly, more oxygen enters the main organ, which stimulates cellular respiration and slows down the process of cell death.

    1. Stand up straight, arms extended with fingers spread. Connect them so that your fingers match. After a second, separate and place your hands on your shoulders (right to right, left to left). Connect your fingers again. Repeat the exercise 10–20 times at a fast pace and with a minimum of misses when connecting your fingers

    Put your fingers together
    Put your fingers together

    1. Sit down and stretch your legs crossed at the ankles so that your feet touch the floor. Slowly bend forward as you exhale. Extend your arms parallel to your legs. Return to the starting position while inhaling. Repeat 4-6 times.
    2. Lie down. Bend your lower leg and bring your upper arm to your bent elbow. Do the exercise slowly, being aware of every millimeter of movement.
    3. Stand straight but relaxed. Alternately tilt your head to the sides and touch your shoulders with your earlobes. Extend your hand forward and imagine that you are holding your index finger at the core of a flower with five petals. Follow the contours of the flower with the upper body.
    4. Remember what the peace and approx signs look like. Extend either hand and alternately show the signs made from your fingers. Practice for a minute. Then do the same with both hands and at a very fast pace. At the third stage, add sound: say the proverb “There is honey cake, but I have no time for honey cake”

    When you achieve synchronization, perform the exercise so that each hand shows a different sign.
    When you achieve synchronization, perform the exercise so that each hand shows a different sign.

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    A set of 7 exercises to improve vision

    You can find a huge number of charging variations online. All of them are based on 7 basic exercises. They will help against both myopia and farsightedness, because they improve muscle tone and with this help normalize visual acuity.

    Exercise for the eyes


    Rapid eye movements left and right. Ten to fifteen repetitions in both directions. Do not focus your gaze on any objects; it is important to make quick movements, without focusing your vision.

    Charging in a circle

    Circular eye movements, 5 – 7 repetitions to the left, to the right. Don't rush to do the circles quickly. You may feel dizzy and very tired during this exercise.

    If the discomfort is strong enough, start the complex with 2-3 circles and gradually increase their number.

    Up down

    Vertical movements of the eyeballs - up and down. Ten to fifteen repetitions. If you find it difficult to do them yourself, have someone show you the movements with a bright object that you can follow with your eyes.

    Girl crying, eyes with tears


    Intense blinking. For greater effect, squeeze your eyes tightly and quickly unclench them. Ten to fifteen repetitions. Tears may come out of habit, this is normal and there is no need to worry.

    Finish blinking by closing your eyes for 15 to 20 seconds to rest.


    The exercise is aimed at peripheral vision - the part of vision located outside the center of gaze. It is necessary to move your index fingers away from your face by about 40 centimeters. Slowly spread our hands in different directions so that out of the corner of your eye you should see the fingers of both hands. We hold this for some time, then slowly bring our fingers together again. Repeat ten to fifteen times.

    Near and far

    The idea is to first look at the closest object, then at the distant one. For a close object, we use our arms extended in front of our faces; for a distant object, stand in front of a window and look at, say, houses in the distance. Repeat ten to fifteen times.

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    Relaxation after exercise

    After completing the entire complex, the eye muscles may become very tired. The essence of the last, final exercise is to give your eyes a rest. We stroke the upper eyelid of a closed eye with the pads of our fingers, first from the inner corners to the outer ones, then vice versa.

    This eye exercise has no age restrictions. Its regular implementation will also be useful for children with vision problems or for prevention purposes.

    Imagination exercises

    Imagination distinguishes us from animals. This is what biologists say: seals deny this fact. Develop your imagination to be able to navigate different points of view, experience subconscious experiences, and think creatively.

    1. Imagine in your head how you play the piano. How are your fingers positioned? At what speed are they moving? What melody is being played - hear the sound, catch the rhythm, try to move to the beat. Think of a story - why this composition was born, what feelings it is associated with. Do the exercise in silence.
    2. Print out several copies. On each one, complete the picture in accordance with the random theme that arose in your head (animals, body parts, accessories, etc.).

    I mentally drew the girl. And you?
    I mentally drew the girl. And you?

    1. Name associations with the numbers 12, 7, 4, 56, 11. When these numbers run out, come up with new ones and repeat the exercise.
    2. Look at the picture. Imagine the music with which she is associated. Write down a story that, in terms of dynamics (cheerful, cheerful, sad, etc.) repeats the composition in your head.

    Radcliffe as a corpse in The Swiss Army Knife
    Radcliffe as a corpse in The Swiss Army Knife

    1. Think about the last movie you watched. Transfer the script to another era: how will the plot be transformed, will the characters’ characters change, will the ending be the same?

    Opinion about eye exercises for doctors and patients

    Gymnastics for the eyes according to the methods of Norbekov, Bates, Zhdanov and Avetisov are most often prescribed by ophthalmologists. In most cases, the doctor helps you choose the right exercises and their frequency, timing, or prescribes individual exercises, depending on the disease.

    In addition, eye exercises are often prescribed not so much for treatment as for prevention and preventive protection of vision. According to statistics, every 3rd ophthalmologist recommends some gymnastics exercises for the eyes.

    To find out the opinions of patients, a large-scale survey was conducted on forums dedicated to eye problems, shown in the table:

    Percentage of respondentsThe effect of gymnastics for the eyes
    51%Helped and had a noticeable effect
    20%Helped with myopia, but the effect was slow
    10%Helped stop vision deterioration, stopped the process
    19%Didn't help and didn't bear any fruit

    For any study with a large sample, 51% is a huge number to demonstrate effectiveness.

    Exercise to develop taste and olfactory perception

    Exercises involve the lower part of the parietal lobe, and also affect the limbic system, which regulates emotions and memory. So in the process of doing it you will get not only new neurons, but also a good mood.

    1. Come up with and prepare a dish that contains the maximum number of ingredients and which you have not tried.
    2. Order an unknown dish in a cafe and guess the ingredients: first by the smell, then by the taste. If you like liquid states, order a cocktail and repeat the procedure.
    3. Go outside and smell objects that you have seen but not smelled: a fence, a sign in a cafe, a kettle in the office. Relate in your head the smells of inanimate nature with already familiar smells of any nature. Then smell the plants, animals, birds. Do this if you are not allergic and you are confident that it is safe to interact with wildlife.
    4. Give as many definitions of the smells of common things as possible: onions - bitter, pungent, disgusting, etc.
    5. Compare the smells of objects from the same species group: perfume with perfume, herbs with herbs, cats with cats. How are they different? Find a large number of differences.

    Gymnastics for eyes with farsightedness

    Physical exercises for hypermetropia and presbyopia are an effective way to correct impaired vision. Of course, you should not forget to wear glasses: if you do not do this, then no exercise will be effective.

    Exercises for Presbyopia

    For presbyopia and general cases of decreased vision, the following therapeutic and preventive course of gymnastic exercises for the eyes is recommended:

    • Sit on a chair, keep your back straight. The muscles throughout the body should be as relaxed as possible.
    • Focus your gaze on an object that is located in the distance or on the street. Don't take your eyes off the subject. Turn your head so that your eyes remain in the same position. You should perform up to 10 turns in each direction.
    • Extend your hand in front of your eyes to a distance of about 30 cm. Focus your gaze on your fingers, and then lift them up and look at any other object located outside the window on the street.
    • Sit on a chair, fold your hands at the back of your head, bend your back back. Bend down as much as possible and repeat this exercise about 15 times.
    • Sit on the sofa, massage the neck and back of the head.

    Exercises for children

    For very young children, you can do the following exercises:

    • Using your fingertips, massage the area around the eyeball, keeping your eyelids closed. Massage the eye for half a minute, then pause for 30 seconds. Repeat these steps 5 times.
    • Lay the baby on his back and attract his attention with a toy. Next, it is slowly brought closer to the eye in the form of a “snake”. Repeat this exercise several times.

    Older children can be asked to see the grimace on the face and try to copy it. The child can alternately open or close his eyes, squint them. This exercise improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the eyes.

    They conduct training sessions with school-aged children. It is useful to engage in the following sports:

    • tennis;
    • cricket;
    • basketball;
    • volleyball;
    • badminton;
    • golf.

    Any sports activities are carried out in moderation. If done regularly, they help improve vision and eliminate signs of farsightedness. The exercises are designed to strengthen the eye muscles.

    Listening exercises

    The nuclei of the eighth nerve, located on the border of the medulla oblongata and the pons, are responsible for auditory information. They receive information from the right and left ears, after which it is compared and processed. The main work of deciphering sound occurs in the cerebral cortex. Exercises will help develop reaction speed and will also prevent age-related deafness.

    1. Work in pairs. Let the interlocutor read the text in a quiet, monotonous voice at a distance of 3–4 meters from you. He should stop every three minutes: during this time, retell the essence of what you read.
    2. The interlocutor at the same distance pronounces words in reverse. Your task is to hear and name correctly. Next, practice with long phrases and paragraphs.
    3. The interlocutor reads the poem with expression and changes intonation in the right places. Repeat exactly. The poem can be read from a page - the main thing is intonation.
    4. Group exercise: isolate yourself from your friends with a screen. Each of them must walk back and forth. After the end of the fashion show, guess which steps belonged to whom.
    5. Watch videos of foreigners and memorize their manner of speaking, intonation and other sound features characteristic of the nation.

    I specifically do not give exercises for visual perception, since it is best to choose them to your taste. There are hundreds of apps for this. For example, CogniFit with the ability to take neuropsychological tests and personal training.

    About farsightedness

    Hyperopia, or farsightedness, is a refractive error in which the image from an object is focused not on the retina, but behind it.
    The patient has difficulty viewing nearby objects. In severely advanced cases, a person cannot see objects that are located approximately 10 m from the eye. Distance vision with farsightedness, as a rule, does not suffer: the patient can clearly see objects located in the distance. True, in advanced cases he does not succeed, and the patient sees equally poorly both near and far.

    Farsightedness - is it a plus or a minus?
    The usual age of onset of hypermetropia is after 40 years. Recently, ophthalmologists have been registering the disease at 35 years of age or even less. With hypermetropia, pay attention to the following symptoms:

    • blurred contours of nearby objects;
    • the need to strain your eyes and squint when looking at nearby objects;
    • fatigue during prolonged monotonous work at close range;
    • eye pain;
    • pain in the head area;
    • difficulties with certain types of mental activity.

    Separately, there is so-called presbyopia, or age-related vision loss. It is characterized by a progressive deterioration of visual function and the inability to look at objects located at close range for a long time.


    My family and I play the board game “Baramelka”. It develops reaction speed and logical thinking. The principle of the game is to grab the item named by the leader before the other participant. True, there is a serious catch, which you will learn about in the process. I'll keep the intrigue. I recommend the game to adults and children; it’s an excellent simulator for training cognitive functions.

    Try to guess the rules: this also develops imagination
    Try to guess the rules: this also develops imagination


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