What are the differences between Artelak Balance Uno and Artelak Balance drops?

Artelak Splash is widely used for the treatment of pathological processes in the eyes, in particular the cornea.

Drops are effective for eyelid deformation, keratoplasty, erosions and microtraumas.

Prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of these pathologies in the presence of dry eye syndrome.

Compatible with any drugs, except those containing metal salts. Contraindicated in the acute phase of a burn and in children.

Price - 465 rub.

More information about the drug can be found here

Composition of drops and their effects

The active ingredient of Artelac is hyaluronic acid, which is found in human tears. Due to this, the drops provide natural hydration, soothe irritated mucous membranes and do not cause side effects.

Composition of Artelak drops:

Active substance0.15% sodium hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid)3.2 mg hypromellose
ExcipientsPolyethylene glycol, sodium potassium chloride, boric acid, vitamin B12, calcium chloride dihydrate, magnesium chloride hexahydrate and oxideEdetate disodium, disodium phosphate dodecahydrate, cetrimide, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sorbitol and distilled water

Eye drops do not change the physiological state of the surface of the eye. They moisturize, protect and lubricate the mucous membrane. The product acts as a natural lubricant. After its use, a protective film is formed on the surface of the eye.

Electrolytes in the drops normalize metabolic processes in cells

Improvements can be noticed immediately after use, but a long-term effect occurs after 3 days. Complete cure is possible after 2-3 weeks of treatment.

Cheap analogues

Eye diseases must be treated promptly. If the prescribed Artelak Splash is too expensive for the family budget, buy cheap substitutes that work no worse than this medicine.


Eye drops are developed based on hyaluronic acid. Vixipin slows down oxidative processes in visual structures, reduces capillary permeability and is prescribed to strengthen the vascular wall.

The drug is used for myopia and diabetic retinopathy. Vixipin Yuni is prescribed for hemorrhages in the anterior chamber of the eye.

Cost - 7 rubles.


Available in the form of ophthalmic gel and drops. This allows you to choose a more convenient method of application.

Dexpanthenol is used to treat eye moisture problems. It stimulates regeneration processes and normalizes cellular metabolism in damaged tissues. It is recommended to use together with Artelak Splash or instead of it.

Cost - 17 rubles.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for the use of Artelak eye drops:

  • burns of the cornea or conjunctiva after surgery;
  • keratoplasty and plastic surgery on the eyelids;
  • dry mucous membranes caused by environmental factors;
  • previous conjunctivitis;
  • trophic changes, microtraumas, erosions, keratopathy, lagophthalmos, eyelid deformation;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • fatigue, feeling of “sand”, burning, irritation and redness;
  • discomfort when wearing contact lenses;
  • decreased secretion of natural tears.

According to the instructions for use of the drug Artelak, it should not be used if you are individually intolerant to the components in the composition. Contraindications include the acute phase of a burn during the elimination of toxic substances. Do not combine drops with eye products that contain metal compounds.

After instillation of Artelak or Artelak Uno, at least 15 minutes must pass before using other eye drops.

Analogues of artelak splash

  • Artelak Splash eye drops are a moisturizing solution that has the characteristics of natural tears, helps soften the cornea, lubricates it and protects it from aggressive external factors. This drug is often prescribed in the complex treatment of various eye diseases that are accompanied by a lack of tear production.

    The composition of "Artelak Splash" is as follows: the solution contains hypromellose in an amount of 3.2 mg as an active component, as well as such auxiliary components as disodium phosphate dodecahydrate, disodium edetate, sorbitol, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, cetrimide and water.

    Drops are produced in a plastic bottle with a volume of ten milliliters. Instructions for Artelak Splash eye drops are included in each package.

    "Artelak Splash" helps soften the surface of the cornea and protects epithelial cells from the harmful effects of environmental factors. Due to the fact that these drops have a high viscosity, the period of contact of the drug with the stratum corneum increases. Due to the similarity of the optical refractive power of this product with that of ordinary tear fluid, during its use all the characteristics of the tear film are stabilized. This is confirmed by the instructions for use attached to the drug “Artelak Splash”.

    The protective effect of eye drops helps restore the protective layer located on the surface of the cornea if its own tear fluid is produced in insufficient quantities.

    In the presence of certain damage to the surface of the eyeball during use of the drug, the area of ​​inflammation decreases, epithelialization of the disorders occurs, and the degree of hyperemia decreases within a few days after the start of treatment. It will take about a month to achieve maximum results and be completely cured.

    The instructions for Artelak Splash eye drops indicate that they are used in the following cases:

    • if you have dry eye syndrome;
    • as a means to reduce the external manifestation of signs of corneal dryness, including itching, irritation, pain and a feeling of sand in the eyes;

  • with dry cornea caused by defects in the production of mucin and tear fluid against the background of various diseases, and incomplete closure of the eyelids;
  • as a means of additionally moisturizing the cornea during the use of hard contact lenses.
  • The price of “Artelak Splash” interests many.

    The drug "Artelak" should be instilled into the eyes. The doctor prescribes an individual medication regimen for each patient. If the specialist does not consider other methods appropriate, then Artelak can be dripped into the conjunctival sac one drop at a time several times throughout the day. Before this, you need to slightly pull the lower eyelid with the fingers of your free hand in order to apply the drops with maximum convenience. After the drug enters the conjunctival sac, it is necessary to move the eyeball so that the liquid is well distributed over the surface. Before using Artelak, soft contact lenses must be removed and can be put back on after fifteen minutes. If the treatment is long-term, the doctor must periodically monitor the condition of his patient. It is very important that when instilling the medicine, you should avoid contact between the tip of the bottle and the mucous membrane, skin and other surfaces. After use, it is necessary to close the bottle with a special protective cap to prevent contamination of the solution.

    This is confirmed by the instructions included with Artelak Splash eye drops.

    The drug "Artelak" can cause such adverse reactions as lacrimation, foreign body sensation, burning, pain, itching in the eyes, short-term blurred vision. Cetrimide (a preservative) can also cause eye irritation, and the risk of this effect increases the more often and for a longer period of time the drug is used.

    Allergic reactions to the components that the drug contains are contraindications to the use of this drug. In addition, it should not be used in children, since the use of the drug in this age group of patients has not been sufficiently studied. It is worth noting that after instilling the drug into the eyes, you must stop driving a vehicle until your vision becomes clear again.

    During pregnancy, Artelak drops do not have a negative effect on its course and the development of the fetus. In addition, the drug cannot pass into breast milk, which means that it can be used not only when carrying a baby, but also when breastfeeding. What is the price for Artelak Splash? More on this later.

    If the integrity of the bottle is not compromised, the drops can be stored for up to three years. Once it is opened, the drug is used for no longer than six weeks. "Artelak" is stored at ordinary room temperature, and the place where it is located should be limited for children's access. It is not recommended to use drops if the bottle has been damaged or the exact date of its opening is unknown.

    Due to the fact that the solution has a high viscosity, the patient may experience temporary blurred vision after drops enter the conjunctival sac. The shelf life of "Artelak Splash" in a closed package is two years, after opening - three months.

    In addition, it is not recommended to wear soft contact lenses during treatment. Hard lenses must be removed before the procedure and reinserted only after thirty minutes.

    According to reviews, “Artelak Splash” does not affect the action of other systemic agents. If local complex ophthalmic therapy is prescribed, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the regimens for using a number of drugs that the doctor suggests. It is very important to take them sequentially, maintaining time intervals between them. If Artelak is used in parallel with other ophthalmic agents, it is necessary to pause - at least 15 minutes between the time the solution is instilled and the use of eye drops. It is worth noting that eye ointments in any case are used only after instillation of Artelak. It is not advisable to combine it with other drugs in order to moisturize the eyes and eliminate corneal hyperemia and burning. This is confirmed by the instructions for Artelak Splash eye drops.

    There are a large number of analogues of the Artelak Splash solution on the pharmaceutical market, namely:

    • "Stillavit." These eye drops have a moisturizing effect and are characterized by protective properties. Thanks to their composition, a film is formed on the surface of the eye, which persists for a long time and, importantly, does not interfere with vision. This drug is instilled two drops three times a day. Judging by the reviews, patients note a positive effect from its use. The price is three hundred and fifty rubles.
    • "Visine." This solution is similar in structure to tears and lasts up to eight hours. It should be used up to four times a day, one drop at a time. Price - three hundred thirty rubles. What other analogs do “Artelak Splash” have?
    • "Systane Ultra". This solution is very effective in eliminating corneal dryness and eye irritation. It can be used as needed; up to two drops should be instilled. Cannot be used in parallel with other ophthalmic agents. The price is very affordable - only one hundred and fifty rubles, and the reviews from patients are very good.
    • "Oxyal". This is a moisturizing solution of synthetic origin. It allows you to remove the consequences of negative factors. Apply three times a day, two drops. You can use it more often only after consulting a specialist. Price: three hundred and fifty rubles.

    Judging by the reviews, Artelak Splash is a good drug. Patients talk about him mostly in a positive way. An unusual bottle dispenser allows you to store the medicine longer. There is no burning or discomfort, which is especially necessary for sensitive eyes. But there are some inconveniences, in particular, that you need to practice using the dispenser before the first use, otherwise the solution will not appear. However, you eventually get used to it quickly.

    The effectiveness of the drug in eliminating pain and dryness is noted. You just need to sit for a while with your eyes closed, and then the remedy works even better. The drops are used quite sparingly, but to use them correctly you need to get used to the dispenser.

    Reviews in which it was not suitable for patients and caused a burning sensation and prolonged itching are very rare. Most often, the drug is highly effective. The instructions for use for Artelak Splash contain a lot of detailed information.

    Found 31 analogues. Prices for ARTELAC BALANCE and availability in pharmacies. Before using any medication, you should always consult your doctor.

    Below are

    analogues ARTELAC BALANCE

    , medications with similar indications for use and pharmacological action, as well as prices and availability of analogues in pharmacies. To compare with analogues, carefully study the active ingredients of the drug; as a rule, the price of more expensive drugs contains its advertising budget and additives that increase the effect of the main substance.

    ARTELAC BALANCE instructions for use

    We kindly ask you not to make a decision to replace ARTELAC BALANCE on your own, only as directed and with the permission of your doctor.

    Indications for the use of Hilo-Kea are: symptoms of dry cornea (feeling of sand in the eyes, dryness, irritation, burning, redness); the need to moisturize the cornea; superficial corneal erosions, corneal dystrophy, eye burns (drops are prescribed to speed up healing). Hilo-Kea can also be prescribed during the recovery of patients after ophthalmological interventions. Instructions for use

    Sikapos is recommended as a means of replacement therapy for patients with reduced tear production and dry cornea. Instructions for use

    Oxial can be used to reduce dryness and irritation of the eyes in patients with contact conjunctivitis caused by smoke, wind, ultraviolet radiation, dust, cosmetics, conditioned air, chlorinated water, as well as those that occur during intense visual stress, when taking certain medications, and with “dry eye syndrome.” eyes". The drug is indicated to relieve discomfort in patients using contact lenses. The solution can be used in the complex treatment of conditions arising after laser vision correction operations. Instructions for use

    Avizor Comfort Drops are moisturizing and lubricating drops for all types of contact lenses. Avizor Comfort Drops are recommended mainly for contact lens users who spend a long time in front of a computer monitor or in unfavorable atmospheric conditions (long air flights or car trips, staying in rooms with dry air-conditioned air or in a stuffy, smoky room, etc.). d.). Instructions for use

    Avizor Moisture Drops Unidose are recommended for patients with symptoms of redness, dryness and tired eyes. The drops contain sodium hyaluronate, a natural ingredient found in the eye that forms a protective coating that prevents dehydration. Moisturizing, lubricating single-dose drops provide excellent hydration to your eyes, thereby providing visual comfort and comfort when wearing contact lenses. Moisture Drops Unidose are designed specifically for individuals living in adverse conditions that contribute to dryness and redness of the eyes. Instructions for use

    EYE-t Ectoin 0.5% is recommended as an effective and safe remedy against dry eye syndrome. Instructions for use

    Artelak drops are intended for the symptomatic treatment of drying of the cornea and mucous membrane of the eye (dry eye syndrome), caused by impaired tear secretion and tear secretion function due to local or systemic diseases, as well as in the case of insufficient or incomplete closure of the eyelids. For wetting and additional hydration of hard contact lenses. Instructions for use

    Artelak Splash Uno eye solution is intended for intensive and long-term hydration of the anterior surface of the eye (cornea and conjunctiva): For dry eyes caused by lifestyle, stress on the eyes, exposure to environmental factors such as long-term work at the computer, and, as a result, , infrequent blinking, exposure to air-conditioned rooms, cigarette smoke, and exposure to wind when outdoors. For severe dry eyes caused by systemic diseases, eye surgery or taking certain medications, such as contraceptives, antihistamines, beta blockers, antispasmodics, diuretics. To eliminate discomfort when wearing hard and soft contact lenses. Instructions for use

    Vidisik eye gel is used as replacement therapy for decreased tear secretion, treatment of dry eye syndrome, and symptomatic treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Instructions for use

    Slezol Forte drops are recommended for use in dry eye syndrome; to relieve corneal syndrome (including discomfort, burning, foreign body sensation). Instructions for use

    Vial Tear drops are used: - as a means for daily moisturizing of the mucous membrane of the eye to preserve its protective physiological properties in conditions of increased dry air; - to eliminate burning and irritation caused by dry eyes and prevent complications associated with them; - relief of discomfort caused by eye irritation, as well as the influence of wind or sun on it; - when constantly at the computer, reading, driving a car; to clean the mucous membrane of the eye from dust and allergens; - for preventive purposes to moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye when working in harmful conditions, in poor lighting, as well as when the production of tear fluid decreases with age. Instructions for use

    Visalin-N drops are used for symptomatic temporary relief of secondary eye hyperemia due to moderate irritant effects. Instructions for use

    Optive is prescribed for dry eye syndrome (dry cornea). Instructions for use

    Wet-Chest is recommended for irritation and dry eyes, which are associated with intensive work at the computer, as well as the influence of dust, sunlight, air conditioning and other factors. Instructions for use

    Thealoz Duo ophthalmic solution is intended only for topical use in the eyes to protect, moisturize, and lubricate the surface of the eyes in case of discomfort, burning, or irritation. Instructions for use

    Thealoz eye drops are prescribed to patients who experience discomfort, a foreign body, sand in the eyes, dryness, irritation, burning of the eyes, significant fatigue as a result of exposure to environmental factors: dust, dry air, smoke, pollution, during air travel, working in air-conditioned rooms, long and intense work in front of a computer monitor. Thealoz eye drops quickly provide a feeling of comfort during long-term wearing of contact lenses. Thealoz eye drops can be used in the complex treatment of erosive damage to the cellular structure of the cornea that occurs with keratoconjunctivitis and other dystrophic pathologies of the cornea. Moisturizing eye drops with trehalose can also be prescribed as an adjunct in the treatment of infectious eye diseases, in conjunction with antiviral, antimicrobial or antifungal therapy (depending on the type of pathogen). Drops for dry eyes Thealoz can be effectively used for preventive purposes in persons exposed to the harmful influence of external factors and who have a hereditary predisposition to dry eye syndrome. Instructions for use

    Instructions for use

    Indications for the use of the drug Oftagel are: dry keratoconjunctivitis and other diseases accompanied by “dry eye” syndrome, which is expressed in lacrimation, fatigue, itching and burning, and the sensation of a foreign body in the eye. Including eye irritation (as a result of exposure to dust, smoke, when working on a computer - “office eye syndrome”), insufficient tear production, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Sjögren’s disease, diseases of the eyelids leading to insufficient contact of the cornea with tears, restorative therapy after laser and surgical interventions on the cornea. Instructions for use

    The drug Cationorm is recommended for use in dry eye syndrome. Instructions for use

    Indications for the use of the drug Oftolik are: - Feelings of burning, irritation and discomfort caused by dry eyes. — As tear substitutes in case of decreased secretion of tear fluid. - Dry eye syndrome or any other condition that requires softening and moisturizing the cornea. Instructions for use

    VitA-POS improves the condition of the tear film and protects the ocular surface, helping to eliminate discomfort from the feeling of “dryness”, the feeling of a foreign body, burning in the eyes, including those arising under the influence of: - Climatic factors, such as air-conditioned air in a car, on an airplane ; wind, cold, intense solar radiation, environmentally unhealthy air or cigarette smoke - Intense visual stress, for example, when working for a long time with a computer, camera, spending too much time in front of the TV, the need to drive vehicles at night, when wearing contact lenses for a long time. application

    Indications for use of the drug Pinalex are: dry eye syndrome; eye injuries and their consequences; corneal diseases; dystrophic changes in the retina; pre- and postoperative periods during ophthalmological operations; diabetic retinopathy; glaucoma; thrombosis of the vessels of the eyeball; optic nerve atrophy; age-related changes. Instructions for use

    SuperOptic HydroBalance is recommended for use in the following cases: - when exposed to irritating environmental factors such as dust, smoke, UV radiation, high room temperatures (for example, from central heating, saunas), air conditioning, wind, chlorinated water, cosmetics ; - with a decrease in the frequency of blinking movements caused by prolonged viewing of TV, reading, working on a computer or driving a car; - with a decrease in the amount or disturbance in the composition of the tear fluid, including dry eye syndrome, as well as for persons over 40 years of age; - when wearing contact lenses (after consultation with an ophthalmologist). Instructions for use

    Artelak Splash drops are intended for intensive and long-term moisturizing in cases of severe “dry eyes” caused by lifestyle and exposure to environmental factors, such as prolonged work at the computer and, as a result, rare blinking, staying in an air-conditioned room, cigarette smoke, strong wind; systemic diseases, eye surgery or taking certain medications, such as contraceptives, antihistamines, beta blockers, antispasmodics, diuretics. To eliminate discomfort when wearing hard and soft contact lenses. Instructions for use

    Nimokide is used to reduce redness, irritation and discharge from the eyes. Instructions for use

    Indications for the use of the drug Defislez are: erosions and trophic changes in the cornea, microtrauma of the corneal epithelium, bullous dystrophic changes in the cornea, keratopathy, ectropion, lagophthalmos, deformation of the eyelids, ectropion, deformation of the eyelids, lagophthalmos; condition after plastic surgery on the eyelids, thermal burns of the cornea and conjunctiva, keratoplasty, keratectomy; replacement therapy for decreased secretion of tear fluid; dry eye syndrome (Sjogren's syndrome), xerosis, keratosis (combination therapy); hypersensitivity, acute phase of a chemical burn (until the chemical substance and necrotic tissue are completely removed); upon completion of additional research methods: gonioscopy, electroretinography, electrooculography, echobiometric examination of the eyeball. Instructions for use

    Indications for the use of the drug Slesin are: - insufficient lacrimation; - dry eye syndrome: Sjögren's syndrome, xerosis, keratosis (as part of combination therapy); - lagophthalmos; - deformation of the eyelids; - ectropion; — erosion and trophic ulcers of the cornea; — bullous dystrophic changes in the cornea; - keratopathy; — microdefects of the corneal epithelium; — condition after chemical and thermal burns of the cornea and conjunctiva; — condition after plastic surgery on the eyelids; — condition after keratoplasty, keratectomy; - eye irritation caused by smoke, dust, cold, wind, sun, salt water, allergic components, as well as when using contact lenses; - the need to prolong the action or reduce the irritating effect of other eye drops; — carrying out diagnostic procedures: gonioscopy, electroretinography, electrooculography, ultrasound. Instructions for use

    Aistil drops are used in the symptomatic treatment of dry eye syndrome. Instructions for use

    Balarpan drops should be used as part of complex therapy: - erosions, non-penetrating wounds of the cornea, conjunctiva and sclera; — penetrating wounds of the cornea and sclera after surgical treatment; — burns of the cornea, conjunctiva, sclera (chemical and thermal); — damage to the cornea as a result of surgical interventions (keratotomy, keratomileusis, keratoplasty, cataract extraction); — dry eye syndrome; — keratitis, including with ulceration of the cornea; - keratoconjunctivitis; — epithelial-endothelial dystrophy of the cornea; — for contact vision correction to improve the tolerability of contact lenses; - as a prophylactic for involutional changes in the cornea; Instructions for use

    Sicaprotect drops are used for the symptomatic treatment of corneal and conjunctival dryness caused by decreased tear secretion, which may be associated with local or systemic diseases or mechanical inability to close the eyelids; moisturizing the eye when wearing hard contact lenses. Instructions for use

    Indications for the use of Hypromellose-P are: erosions and trophic changes in the cornea, microtrauma of the corneal epithelium, bullous dystrophic changes in the cornea, keratopathy, ectropion, eyelid deformation, lagophthalmos; condition after plastic surgery on the eyelids, thermal burns of the cornea and conjunctiva, keratoplasty, keratectomy; replacement therapy for decreased secretion of tear fluid; dry eye syndrome (Sjogren's syndrome), xerosis, keratosis (combination therapy); prolonged action or reduction of the irritating effect of other eye drops. Instructions for use

    Differences between Artelak Balance and Artelak Splash

    When purchasing eye drops, you may have a choice between Artelak Balance and Artelak Splash drops. How are these tools different? The main difference is the speed of onset of the effect and the duration of action. Balance promotes long-term hydration, thanks to the “protector” component in the composition. It should be used if there is insufficient secretion of natural tears.

    The splash provides instant hydration. It should be used when symptoms of irritation and dryness occur periodically, for example, when eyes are tired at the end of the working day or when wearing contact lenses.

    There are no preservatives in Splash, but despite this, the drug is suitable for months after opening the bottle.

    The balance contains an oxide preservative, thanks to which the drug can be stored for 2 months after opening the bottle. When it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, the substance breaks down into water, oxygen and sodium chloride.

    The prices for these two products are the same, 400-450 rubles.

    Artelak is produced in Germany. They go through all stages of quality control, so they rarely have a negative impact. The drops are safe even for infants in their first days of life.

    Author: Oksana Belokur, doctor, especially for Okulist.pro

    Pharmacological properties and indications for use

    The components of Artelak Balance form a film on the surface of the eye that prevents moisture evaporation. In combination with hyaluronic acid, this ensures a comfortable condition of the mucous membrane and cornea. The substances in the medicine are similar to those in the human body, so they act as carefully as possible, but quickly.

    If there is discomfort in the eyes, fatigue, dryness or pain, ophthalmologists recommend using Artelak Balance eye drops. They also help cope with inflammation and redness of the mucous membrane. The solution can be used after microtrauma with small objects, when complex treatment is not required.

    Unpleasant sensations in the eyes can occur while taking combined oral contraceptives, antihistamines, diuretic and antispasmodic therapy, and treatment with beta-blockers. Patients may be bothered by symptoms of dryness in the morning, but more often they appear in the evening due to visual fatigue and heavy workload. In all these cases, it is advisable to consult an ophthalmologist to exclude more serious pathologies.

    Useful video on how to instill eye drops

    Artelak drops are intended to effectively combat dry eye syndrome, which appears as a result of the use of contact optics, prolonged work at the computer, some systemic eye diseases, and the influence of other negative factors.

    The manufacturer offers two options - Artelak Splash and Artelak Balance. What to choose?

    Artelac drops are recommended in cases where the cornea of ​​the eye requires intensive, high-quality hydration. At the same time, Artelak Splash and Artelak Balance are different drugs that differ primarily in their composition.

    The main active ingredient of Artelak Splash is hyaluronic acid (sodium hyaluronate) in a concentration of 0.2-0.24%. This substance is found in the mucin layer of the natural tear film. It not only has a moisturizing effect, but also has the property of accumulating moisture, that is, attracting water molecules. Therefore, these drops are used when very quick, instant hydration is needed.

    The main active ingredient in Artelak Balance is hypromellose, which effectively moisturizes, softens, and promotes tissue epithelization. The solution is also supplemented with vitamin B12 and a special corneal protector. In addition, the drug contains a preservative that ensures sterility for 60 days. The solution has a high viscosity, which significantly increases the duration of contact of the drug with the cornea.

    Splash drops are used for intermittent and/or slight dry eyes, as a treatment or prevention of dry eye syndrome, to eliminate discomfort when wearing contact lenses. The instructions also list among the indications systemic diseases with impaired hydration of the conjunctiva, as well as dry eyes as a result of taking certain medications.

    What is the difference?

    Both ophthalmic solutions are manufactured in Germany or Russia under license from Bausch & Lomb, a company specializing in the production of contact lenses and related products. When comparing the difference between Artelak Splash and Artelak Balance, you should focus on the composition, concentration of solutions and the form of release of the drugs (regular or “Uno”).

    • "Splash" consists only of sodium hyaluronate in a higher concentration of 0.24%.
    • “Balance” is more diluted with water - 0.15%, but it additionally contains vitamin B12 (gives the liquid a pinkish color).

    The concentration of the main substance of 0.15% is balanced with the physiological need, due to this, sufficient effectiveness is achieved in eliminating the symptoms of dry eye. It is advisable to use a 0.24% solution to replace your own tears when wearing contact lenses without harm to health.

    Regular drops are available in 10 ml bottles. In addition to these components, the solutions include vital electrolytes: sodium, potassium and calcium.

    Artelak Splash and Balance Uno differ in their release form - single-use dropper bottles. One tube contains a single dose, designed for one use. The package contains 30 such doses, each 0.5 ml. This release form does not contain preservatives, so you need to use the entire volume of the mini-bottle immediately.

    Instructions for use of eye drops

    Before using eye drops, be sure to wash your hands with soap. If this is not possible, alcohol wipes will do. But in this case, you need to wait until the composition dries completely so as not to cause a burn to the mucous membrane. To ensure that the solution gets to the right place, use the pad of your index finger to gently move the skin under the lower eyelid, exposing the conjunctiva. The drug is instilled into the resulting bag, according to the dosage and treatment regimen.

    Artelak Balance. The drug should be instilled into both eyes. The standard dosage is 1 drop, and the frequency of use is from 3 to 5 times. Sometimes the numbers can change upward, especially with pronounced symptoms.

    The medicine can be used over contact lenses. It does not spoil their structure, and this does not affect the action of the active substances in any way. The drops are colored pink due to vitamin B12 in the composition. But they do not leave streaks on the lenses. Use an open bottle within 2 months.

    Artelak Balance Uno. Since the drug does not have preservatives, open bottles are not stored longer than 24 hours. The more time has passed since the lid was removed, the lower the effectiveness of the product. Therefore, it is produced in disposable small-volume dropper tubes.

    The frequency of use and the amount of solution does not differ from the instructions for use of Artelak Balance - 1 drop 3 to 5 times a day. The exact dosage should be selected by a doctor in accordance with the severity of symptoms, diagnosis and the presence of concomitant diseases.

    Why is hyaluronate needed?

    Hyaluronic acid is a natural component that is normally present in many tissues of the human body. Takes a direct part in binding and transporting water, providing constant hydration. It has unique viscoelastic and hygroscopic properties. This ensures the widespread use of Artelac Balance or Splash for dry eye syndrome for moisturizing. This condition develops when:

    • long periods of work at the computer;
    • harmful working and production conditions;
    • constantly wearing contact lenses;
    • surgical intervention for myopia or farsightedness;
    • previous infectious and inflammatory diseases of the eye;
    • taking oral contraceptives, adrenergic blockers, antispasmodics, antiallergic and diuretics.
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