My head hurts and my vision is blurry, what is it?

The appearance of ripples in the eyes, accompanied by a headache, signals the appearance of stagnation in the process of blood supply to the brain. Compression of blood vessels can be caused by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and migraine. To improve the condition, an integrated approach to the problem is required, including pain relief during exacerbation, maintenance therapy and restorative procedures.

Main causes of the syndrome

The appearance of glare or flickering in the eyes followed by headaches can be a hereditary pathology. Most often, the problem occurs in women, it practically does not occur in children, and in men it appears much less frequently. In 95% of cases, ripples in the eyes appear followed by headaches as a result of external factors, which include:

  • abuse of diets that cause a lack of vitamins, brain hypoxia and poor circulation;
  • sudden changes in atmospheric pressure, including temperature changes. This also includes the acclimatization factor in people who moved from another place of residence to a colder, dry, hot or humid climate;
  • hypoxia due to sports activities - ripples in the eyes followed by headaches can appear in a stuffy room, or when refusing to stay in the open, clean air;
  • sometimes the cause of symptoms is emotional fatigue or prolonged stress;
  • costs of the profession - staying in an uncomfortable position, sitting in one place for a long time, working with toxic substances often leads to the formation of ripples and pain;
  • Smoking, alcoholism, and caffeine abuse can cause glare, clouding and flickering in the eyes;
  • a similar symptom often occurs in response to the consumption of foods high in preservatives, dyes and flavors.

If the effect of the provocateur is not eliminated within a short time, the symptoms may become chronic. Over time, they will lead to malfunctions of other organs.

Principles of treatment of a pathological condition

A specialist determines which methods help eliminate this unpleasant symptom of blurred vision. If refractive error occurs as a result of a certain ophthalmological disease, wearing specialized optical lenses or glasses will help.

In this case, a surgical intervention such as LASIK can also significantly help a patient whose eyes are blurry, relieving him of refractive problems.

If the pathological phenomenon is provoked by dry eye syndrome, medications that imitate natural tears should be used. A variety of moisturizing gels and ointments are also suitable in this case. If your eyes are blurry as a result of cataracts, the problem can be corrected with surgery. For glaucoma, drops are used that lower intraocular pressure. In complex cases of glaucoma, surgical intervention is also performed.

It should be noted that ophthalmic factors of clouding in the eyes must be treated without fail. If some pathological processes are triggered, this can even lead to absolute blindness. Other diseases that cause blurry vision are treated differently. Each specific case has its own method of therapy.

What should you do if you only sometimes float before your eyes?

Migraine as a cause of symptoms

If ripples form in the eyes and a headache, then this is a sign of ocular migraine - atrial scotoma. The disease belongs to a group of neurological disorders and often occurs due to changes in the structure of the vessels of the optic nerves.

This pathology is also characterized by changes in vision, the appearance of blurred boundaries and other visual defects: spots, glare, flickering. A person suffers from discomfort, loses his ability to work, and develops depression.

In most cases, the pathology is localized in both eyes at once, but may affect only one apple. The eyes flicker and darken for 30 minutes, after which the patient suffers from an acute migraine.

Treatment of the pathology depends on the severity of the symptoms. If the ripples in the eyes and the subsequent headache are very severe, drugs are prescribed to change the lumen of blood vessels, nootropic substances and drugs to combat depression. Doctors often recommend massage as a physical therapy procedure.

Types of migraine

There are 2 types of migraine, each of which has its own characteristics and processes:

  1. Migraine with aura. Approximately 1 hour before the attack, the patient experiences specific symptoms: vision is impaired, the eyes blink, the outlines of the image change, and pulsation appears. With physical activity and movement, the pain intensifies, and the patient also reacts sharply to light, sound and smells. The duration reaches several hours, rarely goes away immediately after taking the drugs.
  2. No aura. With this form of pathology, pain in the head appears without any accompanying symptoms. Most often, the cause is an unhealthy lifestyle or genetic predisposition. Migraines without aura often appear as a result of excessive smoking, drinking alcohol, or stress.

Both of these types of migraine symptoms have in common: severe headache and ripples in the eyes, flickering, glare, and a feeling of thirst. With migraine, most women experience emotional imbalance. Both sexes suffer from irritability and psychological discomfort.

Pathologies that can cause dizziness

There are many reasons that cause the condition when everything begins to swim and spin in the eyes. To determine the exact cause of this phenomenon, it is necessary to note in conjunction with what additional symptoms such whirling occurs.

  • Migraine. A severe headache can impair coordination and cause spots to appear before the eyes. This symptom occurs simultaneously with a feeling of weakness, speech impairment, sensitivity to light and sounds, and clouding of consciousness.
  • Stroke. The feeling when everything is floating and double before your eyes during a stroke is accompanied by depression, drowsiness, severe cephalalgia, nausea, and loss of orientation in movement. Since at the moment there is a violation of blood circulation in the brain, the patient needs urgent medical help.
  • Vascular atherosclerosis. Floating images in the eyes can be caused by blood vessels clogged with cholesterol plaques, which can cause a lack of oxygen. In addition, the patient may experience memory loss, sleep disturbances, decreased attention, and rapid fatigue. If everything floats before your eyes, that means it’s interesting to many.
  • Traumatic brain injuries. With this pathology, not only can there be blurred vision, but also excessive lethargy, drowsiness, nausea and dizziness.

  • Brain tumor. When dizziness is recurring and has a paroxysmal occurrence, the reason that everything is floating in gases may be a brain tumor. How strong this condition will be, and how long it will last, depends entirely on the size of the tumor.
  • Otitis. Such an inflammatory process in the ear area can manifest itself not only in the appearance of standard symptoms, but also nausea and dizziness.
  • Arterial hypertension. If the sensation of everything floating in front of your eyes was caused by an increase in pressure levels, then simple adjustments will not be enough. To avoid subsequent clouding of the eyes, it is necessary to undergo a diagnostic examination and a course of therapy. This phenomenon can also occur with low blood pressure, but this occurs somewhat less frequently.
  • Pregnancy. Swimming in the eyes can be due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, as well as a consequence of a lack of vitamins.
  • Vision problems. Very often, for people suffering from one or another eye disease, everything before their eyes blurs.
  • These may be symptoms of VSD in adults. Treatment for this disease will be presented below.

Hypertension as a cause

If a patient constantly suffers from high blood pressure, then he is at risk of people prone to stroke and other emergency conditions, for example, a hypertensive crisis. If ripples begin in the eyes, and then an intense headache forms, then this is a harbinger of a dangerous condition. In this case, the pain is pulsating in nature, located mainly in the occipital region.

Visually, a person sees how the eyes dazzle in the form of “flies”. Vision decreases greatly, the background darkens. With severe hypertension, nausea, sleep problems and other serious disorders occur.

The disease must be treated using different medications. But without eliminating the cause, it will not be possible to get rid of persistent symptoms. Antihypertensive drugs and diuretics are often prescribed, and the patient’s lifestyle is changed.

A person's illness appears in the dark

Many patients at an ophthalmologist's appointment talk about the appearance of flashes and lightning before their eyes when they are in a dark room. To determine the possible causes of the symptom, a thorough diagnosis will be required. After all, a violation is not always the result of some pathology.

If flickering appears in the dark and disappears after a few seconds, while no other negative signs are observed, the symptom is not considered a violation.

In this situation, the phenomenon is due to:

  • fatigue of the visual organs;
  • the reaction of the retina to a sudden change in lighting.

Flickering in the eyes, which makes itself felt in the dark, is accompanied by a large number of diseases, among which there are also ophthalmological ailments.

Glare can be a concern if:

  1. Vascular diseases. If a patient is diagnosed with hypertension or diabetes, flashes in the eyes are a fairly common symptom that is disturbing not only as a result of changes in lighting, but also when the eyes are closed. This indicates short-term spasms and impaired blood flow in the retina.
  2. Loss of retinal integrity and detachment. If flickering begins to bother you, it means that the retina has begun to peel off.
  3. Vitreous detachment. Flickers before the eyes usually when the eyeballs move.
  4. Migraine. Before attacks accompanied by severe headaches, photopsia appears. It is sometimes present without pain.

Only a qualified specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and, if necessary, draw up a treatment plan.


The appearance of ripples in the eyes and headaches is often associated with physical and psychological fatigue. You can recognize it if there are accompanying factors:

  • constant loads of 12-16 hours a day or more;
  • severe stress;
  • irregular work schedule.

As a result, muscle overstrain occurs, blood circulation in the brain worsens, and hypoxia develops. As a result, functions decrease, and the body gives signals about ongoing problems.

Important! When you are overtired, the picture before your eyes becomes blurry, your head often hurts, your health worsens, you experience dizziness and decreased visual acuity.

In the first stage of overwork, rest long enough to relieve symptoms. If the process is started, a nervous breakdown may occur. In severe cases, nootropics, sedatives, and, less commonly, antidepressants are recommended for therapy. It is also useful to visit spa treatments, go to massage and physiotherapy.

Feeling sick after sleep

If there are some problems with the retina, the patient may find that glare and flashes appear in the eyes after sleep. We are talking about a violation of the integrity of the retina. Retinal tears often lead to detachment and significant deterioration in visual function, including blindness.

Usually the retina is damaged due to its dystrophy, which develops due to:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • myopia;
  • injuries to the visual organs;
  • cataracts;
  • surgical intervention;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • intoxication and other factors.

The integrity of the retina is disrupted due to a sudden jump, bending, lifting a heavy load, severe stress, high pressure, head injury, or removal of the lens.

However, breaks do not always lead to retinal detachment. Timely treatment plays a big role in this, thanks to which it is possible to stop the progression of the pathological process.

The severity of symptoms depends on where the rupture or detachment is located. When the retina is stretched in the affected area, the patient, after waking up, sees various flashes before his eyes; rather, this is a temporary symptom. If a veil appears, there is most likely a detachment, so postponing a visit to the doctor may result in vision loss.

Pregnancy and symptoms

After conception, a woman’s body may react unconventionally: ripples will appear in the eyes, and then a headache will develop. This may be a consequence of hormonal changes and other changes in the body in preparation for the upcoming birth.

At these moments, pressure increases, the position and structure of blood vessels changes. A woman may experience aching headaches and glare in her eyes. However, in addition to the normal state, this may also be a consequence of a pathological process:

  • a sharp decrease or increase in blood pressure;
  • decreased hemoglobin;
  • ophthalmological diseases that destroy the retina, lens or other parts of the eye;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • poisoning by toxins or other harmful substances.

These pathologies are dangerous for the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Even if the symptoms are mild, it is recommended to undergo a full examination.

Flickering in the eyes - causes of the problem

When flashes before the eyes occur only occasionally, they usually do not pose any danger.

Repeated flickering should alert you, especially if it is accompanied by alarming symptoms:

  • severe headache;
  • noise in the ear canals;
  • fainting;
  • convulsions;
  • dizziness;
  • narrowing of visual fields;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • disorientation.

Flickering before the eyes can be caused by many disorders, including serious diseases:

  • retinal pathologies;
  • migraine attacks;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • detachment of the posterior hyaloid membrane;
  • swelling of the cornea or cataracts;
  • mydriasis (excessive pupil dilation);
  • metabolic problems;
  • weakness due to insufficient intake of nutrients;
  • glaucoma;
  • various inflammatory ophthalmological diseases;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • osteochondrosis, in particular of the cervical spine;
  • acute intoxication;
  • toxic damage to the optic nerve;
  • diabetes mellitus, which actively progresses, causing characteristic changes in the retina;
  • internal hemorrhage;
  • increased pressure in the cranial cavity (intracranial hypertension);
  • eclampsia during pregnancy.

The listed factors require immediate contact with medical specialists and the appointment of competent treatment, which will avoid possible complications.


One of the causes of unpleasant factors that appear like ripples and headaches is cervical osteochondrosis, caused by excess weight, lack of physical activity and an unhealthy lifestyle:

  • the vertebrae begin to change structure;
  • their position gradually shifts;
  • intervertebral discs are destroyed;
  • nerves and blood vessels are compressed;
  • severe deformation develops.

All this leads to poor brain function, deterioration of cognitive functions, and oxygen starvation.

With osteochondrosis, vision often becomes cloudy, tinnitus appears, and any movements of the neck cause severe discomfort. There is a pronounced crunch in the area of ​​the damaged vertebrae.

Medical treatment

It is necessary to begin therapy after identifying the causes of the disease; self-administration of analgesics, antispasmodics and NSAIDs can lead to addiction and exacerbation of symptoms. You can get rid of unpleasant sensations without medications:

  • massage your temples and head;
  • do gymnastics for the neck and eyes;
  • take a walk outside or ventilate the room well;
  • use a cold compress from a decoction of medicinal herbs or plain water - apply it to the sore spot and on the eyes;
  • take a contrast shower;
  • sleep for 1-2 hours in a cold room without access to light.

If your head starts to hurt, you need to measure your blood pressure to make sure there are no dangerous factors.

When using drugs, their purpose and effectiveness should be taken into account. For mild attacks, you can take Aspirin, Indomethacin, Analgin or Ibuprofen and Paracetamol.

Important! The drugs “Naramigran”, “Relpax”, “Amigrenin”, “Sumatriptan” are indicated in the treatment of acute attacks of headaches.

Doctors also recommend using medications to treat regular migraine attacks between relapses. For this purpose, new antidepressants, a group of anticonvulsants, and drugs based on propranolol are prescribed.


Often headaches and ripples in the eyes are just signs of an unhealthy lifestyle. Here's what you can do to get rid of them without drugs:

  • try to drink as much clean drinking water as possible - a natural prevention of dehydration, which affects 80% of the population;
  • alternate between work and rest; if you want to sleep 12 hours, sleep for that long;
  • eliminate caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol for a while; if the pain goes away, try not to introduce them into everyday life;
  • spend more time in the fresh air and try to ventilate the premises.

Moderate physical activity is the best prevention of headaches not associated with pathological causes.

If a person is often bothered by a headache, which is preceded by ripples in the eyes, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. This can be caused by both serious organ diseases and ordinary fatigue.

What to do if a symptom appears

What to do if for some reason there is flickering in the eyes? When the symptom regularly reminds itself, the patient is referred for diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

Taking into account the identified violations, therapy is prescribed, which involves the use of certain drugs:

  1. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed.
  2. If the cause lies in poisoning, the body is detoxified.
  3. The presence of diabetes mellitus requires adjustment of insulin dosages.
  4. When a defect is provoked by taking a drug, it is discontinued or a safer drug is selected.
  5. Hemorrhages can be managed with replacement and hemostatic therapy.
  6. If glare is caused by vitamin deficiency, the use of vitamin-mineral complexes is prescribed.

When the root cause is eliminated, the unpleasant symptom will often disappear on its own. In addition to drug treatment, you will need to reconsider your nutritional diet, give up bad habits, and correctly allocate time for work and rest.

Manifestations of osteochondrosis can be eliminated with the help of an appropriate course of therapy and special gymnastics.

It is unlikely that the patient will be able to get rid of the disorder on his own. After all, only by seeing a doctor can you find out exactly what to do to normalize your well-being.

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