Low blood pressure, headache and eye pain

Fluctuations in blood pressure (BP) caused by a number of diseases or changes in weather conditions can cause eye pain. During a hypertensive attack, the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid is disrupted - cerebrospinal fluid, which is not completely absorbed into the blood vessels, which provokes shooting pain in the eyeballs. The pathology is accompanied by dizziness and often occurs in the morning.

Can your eyes hurt from pressure and why?

A decrease in atmospheric pressure before precipitation leads to an increase in blood pressure, accompanied by pain in the head and eyes.

With a normal level of cerebrospinal fluid, intracranial pressure ranges from 3 to 15 mm Hg. Art. Biological fluid performs a protective function, provides brain cells with nutrition, and regulates homeostasis. When blood pressure is impaired, the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid is disrupted, which provokes an increase in intracranial pressure. This condition is accompanied by stabbing or shooting pain in the eyes. The following factors can cause fluctuations in blood pressure and ICP:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • hypoxia;
  • head injuries;
  • tumor development;
  • side effects of medications;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • alcohol poisoning.

Glaucoma as a cause of pain

If intraocular pressure is higher than normal, glaucoma may occur.
The condition of the eyes and the presence of unpleasant symptoms are affected by intraocular pressure (IOP), which increases against the background of a drop in blood pressure. In a healthy person, IOP is 9–21 mm Hg. Art. If this indicator is higher, pain in the eyes and a number of additional symptoms appear, and glaucoma begins to develop. The pathology is dangerous because signs of the disease appear when serious changes have already occurred. Factors influencing increased intraocular pressure:

  • Pathological abnormalities in the body. Against the background of a number of diseases, the natural fluids of the eye apparatus begin to be intensively produced.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Accompanied by increased arterial and intraocular pressure.
  • Stress, physical and emotional fatigue. Nervous stress and intense physical activity are especially dangerous for people with hypertension.
  • Complications of existing diseases.
  • Anatomical changes in the eyeballs. People with atherosclerosis and farsightedness, as well as those with a family history, are recommended to undergo regular ophthalmological examinations.

Do you still think that it is difficult to cure hypertension?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against blood pressure is not yet on your side...
The consequences of high blood pressure are known to everyone: these are irreversible damage to various organs (heart, brain, kidneys, blood vessels, fundus of the eye). In later stages, coordination is impaired, weakness appears in the arms and legs, vision deteriorates, memory and intelligence are significantly reduced, and a stroke can be triggered.

In order to avoid complications and operations, Oleg Tabakov recommends a proven method... Read more about the method >>

Headache and pressure on eyes. There is hardly a person who has never experienced such a painful condition. When this pain is fleeting, they do not pay attention to it. But what if you constantly have a headache and pressure on your eyes? What to do in such a situation? Let's figure out why this happens and how to deal with it.

Possible reasons for this condition may be:

  • signs of overvoltage;
  • migraine;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • benign or malignant brain tumors;
  • pathologies of cerebral vessels;
  • inflammatory colds;
  • infectious diseases of the brain;
  • trigeminal and facial neuralgia;
  • toothache;
  • allergy;
  • increased eye pressure;
  • all kinds of traumatic brain injuries, bruises;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • reflex pain (gastritis, colitis);
  • chemical poisoning;
  • mental illness;
  • bad habits;
  • weather dependence;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • period of menstruation in women;
  • reaction to bright light, smells.

And yet, when there is a headache in the forehead and pressure on the eyes, how to treat such conditions?

Treatment of headaches must begin with diagnosis of the disease that caused it.

The functioning of the vascular system can be improved through a special course of therapy. It consists of taking caffeine or strong tea, which is accompanied by walks in the fresh air. Standard inhaled oxygen is also prescribed. The course of such treatment should last at least ten days.

Strengthening the nervous system is an important measure in the treatment of hypotension. It is worth considering that if you are sick, drinking alcohol, staying in a room with high humidity is strictly prohibited, and stressful situations should be avoided. Only by eliminating all harmful factors can one expect an improvement in the condition.

MORE ABOUT: Treatment of eyes with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin

If you feel unwell, a heating pad can help. To do this, you need to fill it with hot water and warm your chest, nose, neck and forehead. Rubbing your palms, nose and tea with lemon and honey will also help cope with the bad condition. If this doesn’t help, you can try drinking no more than fifty grams of wine.

When taking medications, it may happen that the pressure will drop more and its level will drop even below 100/70. In this case, you should stop taking medications and consult a doctor who will select the required dosage of the drug.

In the cold season there is no need to force it. Wear a hat, gloves, and warm winter shoes. When freezing, the cardiovascular system begins to work harder to ensure the body warms up.

Antispasmodic drugs will help in the fight against headaches, but they have a number of side effects, for example, taking a tablet of such a drug can make you feel dizzy. To avoid such a problem, it is necessary to take antispasmodics along with drugs that dilate blood vessels.

So, let’s decide which medication can help combat hypotension and low blood pressure.

The very first assistant in the fight against low blood pressure is caffeine. It increases blood pressure and can be used to excite the nervous system. This will lead to increased performance. It is contained in the amount necessary for the body in such drugs as Caffetamine, Citramon.

It is quite reasonable to drink natural coffee. One cup will relieve headaches and stabilize low blood pressure, the main thing is not to increase the dosage of caffeine, otherwise you will only aggravate the situation and cause even more harm to the body.

Clinical picture

With low blood pressure, patients' eyelids become so heavy that it is difficult to open their eyes. When coughing, sneezing and head movements, the pain syndrome intensifies.

Changes in blood pressure, in addition to pain in the eyes, provoke the following symptoms:

With sudden changes in pressure, a person constantly wants to sleep.

  • general weakness, drowsiness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • feeling of heaviness in the arms and legs;
  • irritability;
  • pre-fainting state.

When intraocular pressure increases, the patient's eyes hurt, dry eye syndrome occurs, and a burning sensation is felt, but often these symptoms are perceived as fatigue from long reading and working at the computer. Often the pathology is accompanied by migraines and redness of the conjunctiva. Visual acuity gradually decreases, especially in the evening. If left untreated, impaired IOP leads to blindness.


Here are some effective folk methods that will not harm, but can quickly relieve headaches:

  • An old proven grandmother's method is to tie a cabbage leaf to a sore spot, that is, to the head.
  • To cleanse and heal the body, take a teaspoon of honey diluted in a glass of warm water every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Rub the temples with “Star” balm or apply lemon peel to them.
  • It is useful to take a warm bath, adding sea salt or pine extract to it. Some people benefit from a hot shower, others benefit from a cold shower. You can take a contrast shower if there are no contraindications.
  • Massaging the muscles that have caused tension can also help relieve pain.
  • Hot tea with lemon with the addition of honey, mint, St. John's wort will help as a sedative.


If a patient suffering from hypertension has pain in the eyeballs, the risk of retinal damage and vision loss increases. To determine the cause of changes in intraocular circulation, CT and MRI are used. Changes in brain function are recorded using rheoencephalography. If elevated IOP and glaucoma are suspected, the following methods are used:

  • Palpation. The IOP level is determined by the doctor by palpating the eyeballs through the eyelids.
  • Maklakov tonometer. After instilling the anesthetic into the eyes, a weight of up to 10 grams is placed on the cornea. The prints formed on the cargo are transferred to paper. IOP is determined by their size.
  • Non-contact measurement of intraocular pressure. The eye is exposed to compressed air. The condition of the eyes is assessed based on the changes that occur.

Associated symptoms

At the first signs of problems with blood pressure, you should consult a doctor.
If manifestations indicating various pathologies in the body are observed, you should consult a doctor. Sensations in case of disturbances in the functioning of cerebral vessels with high or low pressure are shown in the table:

Wandering painsCardiopalmus
FormicationDrowsiness, weakness
Head compressionVomiting, nausea
Throbbing painExcited state
Heavy eyelids, red eyesLoss of consciousness, asthenia

What treatment is prescribed?

With this disease, it is necessary to do eye exercises.
If increased IOP pressure causes pain, the patient should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do eye exercises;
  • avoid injury;
  • use moisturizing drops;
  • reduce the time spent watching TV shows and working on a PC.

Drug therapy, which involves the use of eye drops, is prescribed individually. If serious complications develop, surgery is performed. If the cause of the pain is a blood pressure disorder, the underlying disease is treated. In both cases, it is important for the patient to avoid stress, physical and emotional stress.

Traditional medicine tips

You should definitely use the golden mustache tincture.

For treatment you need:

  • chop the leaves;
  • pour vodka (500 ml);
  • leave to infuse in a dark place (for 12 days).

The tincture must be shaken periodically. It is taken half an hour before eating in an amount of 30-40 ml.

Fresh tea leaves can be used as a preventative measure.

Use a cotton pad to wipe your eyes. This improves vision and eliminates image blur. Chamomile decoction is also useful, which is also useful for wiping.

  • pour boiling water (1 tbsp.) chamomile (3 tbsp.);
  • put on low heat for 10 minutes;
  • cooled, filtered and used for its intended purpose.

People have been treating ailments with various herbal remedies for a long time. In this case, a combination of lily of the valley and nettle will help.

  • mix lily of the valley flowers (1 tsp) and nettle (0.5 cup);
  • the mixture is poured with water at room temperature (300 ml);
  • at 9 o'clock the collection is placed in a cool, dark place;
  • when the period is over, add baking soda (1/2 tsp);
  • The mixture is applied using a cotton pad - to the left eye and to the right twice a day.


Pressure on the eyes can be caused by a variety of reasons. The most common is eye fatigue. Eye fatigue occurs from prolonged use of a computer or gadgets, reading in low light, or straining the eyes with small objects.

Other causes of pressure on the visual organ:

  • Glaucoma. High intraocular pressure occurs due to increased formation or impaired outflow of intraocular fluid. Glaucoma develops. The disease is more common in people over 40 years of age.
  • Inflammatory ophthalmic diseases (conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis). The reason is the penetration of viruses and pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Arterial hypertension. An increase in blood pressure affects the vessels of the visual organ.
  • High intracranial pressure. ICP increases as a result of cysts, brain tumors, and head injuries.
  • Migraine. Pain in half the head may spread to the eyes.
  • Colds, sinusitis. Viral and bacterial diseases cause tissue swelling and a pressing sensation.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the brain (meningitis, encephalitis). Inflammation is accompanied by tissue swelling.
  • Hypothermia. Cold leads to vasospasm.
  • Incorrectly selected glasses or lenses. Incorrect optics irritate the eye and disrupt visual functions.
  • Osteochondrosis. The symptom occurs due to circulatory problems with cervical osteochondrosis.
  • Lack of oxygen (anemia, smoking). Oxygen starvation disrupts metabolic processes in tissues.
  • Diabetes. The reason for the feeling of pressure on the eyes in diabetes mellitus is damage to the capillaries.

How to behave correctly?

First of all, inspect it for damage, hemorrhages, and foreign bodies. If you notice an injury, seek medical attention. If there is no visible damage, you can rinse your vision with special solutions (such as artificial tears) or clean water.

If you have chronic diseases, for example, arterial hypertension, measure your blood pressure; you may need to take your usual medications to lower it. The same applies to attacks of glaucoma and migraines.

Periodically give your eyes a rest, do special relaxing exercises and self-massage. A cool compress or tea lotions may also help.

In any case, if the pain is intense, accompanied by blurred vision, or remains for a long time, you should visit a doctor to rule out a serious pathology and receive recommendations for treatment.

If pressure and pain in the eyes occur due to overwork, wearing lenses or poorly chosen glasses, eliminate the influence of irritating factors. Relax in a dark, cool room. To restore eye tone, you can perform therapeutic ophthalmic exercises.

Eye exercises:

  • Move your eyes up and down 6 times, close your eyes and repeat this exercise.
  • Without moving your head, look left and right 6-8 times, then repeat the exercise with your eyes closed.
  • Starting from the upper right corner of the room, draw an imaginary circle with your eyes, then in the middle of the room - a circle, a triangle.
  • Repeat with your eyes closed.
  • Draw a figure eight, an infinity sign, open and closed eyes with your eyes.
  • Perform the exercises while standing or sitting without moving your head. It is recommended to perform the complex daily.

If cephalalgia occurs along with pain and pressure in the eyes, take a painkiller - Analgin, Tempalgin, No-shpu, Nise or another.

If pressure and pain in the eyes occur frequently, or are accompanied by other symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.

You will be prescribed diagnostic procedures, based on the results of which a specialist will determine the cause of the pain and prescribe adequate treatment.

What can't you do?

Do not use painkillers for 2-3 days in a row. Never use ophthalmic drops or other medications to treat eye diseases without a doctor’s prescription.

If pressure and pain in the eyes are accompanied by visual disturbances and short-term loss of vision, do not drive a car or operate vehicles and devices that require increased concentration.

Do not try to determine the cause of eye pain at home and do not self-medicate. After determining the diagnosis and prescribing therapy by your doctor, strictly follow the recommendations and dosages of taking medications.

  1. Pressure and pain in the eyes occur due to visual fatigue, migraines, increased intracranial pressure, ENT diseases and other pathologies.
  2. Unpleasant symptoms can also appear when wearing contact lenses and poorly chosen glasses.
  3. To eliminate pain due to overwork, eliminate irritants and rest, perform eye exercises.
  4. If you experience frequent eye pain or develop additional symptoms, consult your doctor.
  5. Do not self-medicate.

Treatment of high eye pressure If you complain that your eyes hurt, there is pressure on the eyes from the inside, then you need to consult an ophthalmologist. Treatment of eye pressure should begin with identifying and eliminating the causes of complaints.

The second stage of treatment for high eye pressure is drops. If the cause is computer vision syndrome, then moisturizing drops and vitamins are prescribed. It is recommended to do eye exercises daily. Inflammatory eye diseases are treated with antibacterial agents.

To reduce eye pressure, avoid using TV and computers, rest as much as possible, walk in the fresh air, do not engage in work that requires significant eye strain, and give up strength sports.

In some cases, surgery is necessary to normalize eye pressure. Two types of operations are performed: excision of the iris with a laser and stretching of the trabecula with a laser. As a result, there is a natural outflow of excess secretion products from the eyes.


The most widely used method today is “pneumotonometry” - measuring intraocular pressure using special equipment that acts on the human eye with a stream of air.

In this case, there is no contact with the surface of the eye, there is no likelihood of infection and no discomfort on the part of the patient. The value of eye pressure obtained in this way ranges from 10 to 21 mmHg. (depending on the measuring instrument manufacturer).

Another common way to measure eye pressure is using weights (according to Maklakov).

The method is more accurate, but requires the use of anesthetics (an allergic reaction may develop) and contact of loads with the surface of the eye (there is a possibility of infection). Normal values ​​of eye pressure with this measurement method are from 15 to 26 mmHg.

Eye pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury. For normal eye function, the pressure must be constant, then full microcirculation of the eye will be ensured. The normal eye pressure ranges from 10 to 21 mm. Hg Art.

There are several ways to measure the pressure inside the eye:

  • Pneumotonometry involves the use of equipment that acts on the eye using a stream of air. The method is a priority, since it does not involve contact with the surface of the eye, is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, and there is no likelihood of infection of the eye;
  • Using special weights is a fairly accurate method, but it causes discomfort and involves contact with the surface of the eye, which entails the possibility of infection. Here, the normal eye pressure ranges from 15 to 26 mm. Hg Art.
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