Blood from the eyes as a means of self-defense: toad lizard

Bloody tears are a fairly rare occurrence. It is called hemolacria. Its appearance may indicate the development of serious diseases that can lead to death. It happens that it also occurs as a result of less dangerous reasons, for example, after an eye injury. Let's find out what to do if bloody tears flow.

bloody tears

Hemolacria is usually considered not as a separate disease, but as a symptom. Bloody tears, which in themselves are a terrible sight and should be the reason for a visit to the doctor, signal the presence of severe pathological processes in the body. It is recommended to go to the hospital immediately to determine the cause of hemolacria. Let's list the most common ones.

When to induce a nosebleed

Patients are often interested in the question of how to make the bleeding stop, but it is not a bad idea to know what will trigger the bleeding. Experts recommend inducing nosebleeds in the following cases:

  1. During a hypertensive crisis.
  2. With a sharp increase in intracranial pressure.

At first glance, the action is not very pleasant, but it will help to avoid stroke and internal hemorrhages. Sudden jumps in blood pressure caused by any reason can provoke oxygen starvation of the brain. As a result, blood vessels are damaged and the person loses consciousness. If help is not provided in a timely manner, a heart attack or stroke is possible. In such a situation, artificially induced bleeding will be beneficial - it will perform a protective function, quickly lowering the pressure.

It is important! If during a hypertensive attack it is not possible to provide professional medical assistance, it is necessary to make the nose bleed. In this case, blood pressure quickly returns to normal. It should be noted that nosebleeds are a last resort measure that is used when it is not possible to call an ambulance or take the person to the hospital.

Why is there bleeding from the eye and what to do in such a situation?

Blood from the eyes may visually appear as bleeding or hemorrhage. Bleeding is the leakage of blood through a violation of the integrity of the ocular structures. A type of symptom is hemolacria. Translated from Latin as “tears of blood.” Hemorrhage is an accumulation of blood in any area of ​​the eye.


The most common reason why blood flows from the organ of vision is damage to the eye with a violation of the integrity of the vascular wall. Bleeding from the eyes can occur in both an adult and a child. There may be pure blood or in combination with tears (hemolacria).

Bleeding from the eyes is caused by reasons related to:

  • mechanical damage caused by injury, burn;
  • condition after surgery (traumatization of eye structures);
  • extragenital endometriosis.

Extragenital endometriosis is a rare disease characterized by an atypical arrangement of tissue similar to the endometrium. One of the localization options is the conjunctiva of the optic organ. With endometriosis, blood flows from the eyes during menstruation.

The accumulation of blood clots in the eyes is caused by:

  • excessive physical activity (heavy lifting, pushing during childbirth);
  • exposure to extremely low or high temperatures;
  • fragility of the vascular wall due to vitamin deficiency;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • blood diseases;
  • oncological diseases of the lacrimal glands or ducts;
  • severe course of ophthalmological diseases.

Somatic diseases cause disturbances in the structure of the vascular wall, which increases the tendency to rupture. Excessive exposure to the body (temperature, stress) leads to overstrain of blood vessels and their rupture.

Localization of hemorrhages

Areas of hemorrhage may be located in the following places:

  • skin around the eyes;
  • mucous membrane;
  • iris;
  • vitreous body;
  • retina.

Superficial hemorrhages not associated with internal diseases do not require medical attention. This symptom goes away on its own in about 1 week.

Deeper hemorrhages, as well as a combination with blurred vision, pain, and other eye symptoms, require mandatory consultation with an ophthalmologist.

What to do if there is bleeding from the eye?

If blood appears from the eye organ, be sure to remove your glasses and contact lenses.

A person with any bleeding should be given first aid. It is to stop bleeding. If there is bleeding from the eyes as a result of an injury, then you need to apply ice or something cold to the damaged organ.

Main types of treatment:

  • conservative;
  • surgical;
  • folk

Hemolacria caused by endometriosis is treated with hormonal drugs, as well as surgical removal of pathological tissue.

Hemorrhages usually resolve on their own. To speed up the process of resorption of a bruise on the skin, you can use local remedies: “Badyaga”, “Heparin ointment”, “Troxevasin”.

You can speed up the resorption of hemorrhage on the mucous membrane or iris with the help of vasoconstrictor drops “Vizin”, “Systane”. Vitamins “Ascorutin” will help strengthen the vascular wall.

In some cases, surgery is required. The operation involves removing blood clots or removing elements of the eye organ. The necessity and extent of the operation is determined by the doctor based on examination and examination data.

Physical ways to cause nosebleeds

The easiest way to make your nose bleed is to hit the bridge of your nose. The blow must be clear and sharp. Despite its effectiveness, this method has serious disadvantages, which are expressed in the form of pain. A person will feel discomfort regardless of the force of the blow. If the mechanical impact is insufficient, the blow will have to be repeated. If you miscalculate the force, you can easily damage the nasal septum, since it consists of fragile cartilage tissue.

Other mechanical methods

There are less dangerous and more reliable methods to induce bleeding at home.

  1. The nasal mucosa is very susceptible to mechanical stress. Sometimes it is enough to scratch it with something sharp, such as a fingernail. It should be borne in mind that in this case there is a high risk of infection.
  2. Try to tear off the dry crusts in your nose. It is safer to use cotton swabs for this.
  3. Stand on your head or sit with your head down (between your knees). Blood will actively rush to the head, pressure will increase on the vessels located in the nose, and they will burst. It is strictly forbidden for people with spinal pathologies and hypertension to stand on their heads. The danger of this method is a sharp increase in intracranial pressure, which can cause excessive bleeding.
  4. Serious physical activity. Professional athletes often experience nosebleeds after strenuous training. This is due to a sharp increase in pressure, which causes damage to the capillaries. This method is contraindicated for people with heart pathologies, ulcers, asthmatics and patients with tuberculosis.
  5. Exposure to heat. Short-term thermal exposure will cause vasodilation, and long-term exposure will provoke bleeding. A blue lamp, a bag of hot salt, or sunlight are used as a heat source. The method is strictly contraindicated for people who have chronic nasal pathologies and high blood pressure.

In patients with vascular diseases, hemophilia and sinusitis in the chronic stage, it is easier to cause nosebleeds, since in such pathological processes bleeding periodically occurs on its own. There are reasons that provoke bleeding:

  • climatic conditions - a sharp drop in temperature, changes in atmospheric pressure, strong winds;
  • inhalation of cigarette smoke;
  • any strong odors;
  • treatment with certain medications.


Blood from the eyes as a means of self-defense: toad lizard

Depending on the surrounding nature, toad-like lizards can have a fairly varied color - from gray or sandy to brick-red and even black. When the small reptile detects a threat, it freezes, and the pattern on its scales makes it almost invisible against the background of its surroundings. But if the predator does not lag behind, the frynozoma begins to move in small dashes, freezing each time in a new place. This is how the lizard takes advantage of the chance to disappear from view.

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Blood from the eyes as a means of self-defense: toad lizard

A medical way to induce nosebleeds (without pain)

To get nosebleeds, not only mechanical methods are used. Medicines are also used that stimulate blood discharge from the nose.

For these purposes, drugs are chosen that activate the blood thinning process. The most popular drug is Aspirin. It is necessary to take several tablets of Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) at the same time. If this does not cause bleeding, you need to lightly scratch the nasal mucosa. This method is prohibited for people with peptic ulcers, gastritis, heart pathologies and tuberculosis. The danger of this method is the high risk of internal bleeding, since aspirin irritates the gastric mucosa.

Warfarin and Heparin are also used as blood thinners.

This is interesting! There are other ways to cause bleeding. Combine two methods - take two Aspirin tablets and actively exercise. The likelihood of nosebleeds increases by 60%. A method used by bodybuilders and powerlifters is to take supplements that increase blood pressure.

The main task after it has been possible to cause bleeding from the nose is to stop it quickly and prevent the development of dangerous complications - hemorrhagic shock and a sharp decrease in blood pressure. It is best if specialists take care of this and select therapy that is adequate to the patient’s condition.

Thorns and horns

Changing location doesn't always help. In this case, the lizard acquired a whole set of sharp triangles along the entire perimeter of its body, spines and tubercles on its back, and beautiful horns on its head. The tail is distinguished by the sharpest protrusions, and in general the lizard looks like a bristling, impregnable thorn. If the enemy does not lag behind, she presses her body to the ground, first on one side, then on the other, preventing the predator from picking up its body with its lower jaw. The raised head helps protect the back with the horns.

Blood from the eyes as a means of self-defense: toad lizard

Risks and Cautions

Given that the nose contains a large number of blood vessels, from a medical point of view, a specially provoked nosebleed can be dangerous. The nasal mucosa has a scientific name - Kisselbach's zone. Injuries and damage to this area have serious consequences.

First of all, there is a risk of infection. Any infection causes inflammation and complications in the form of:

  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sepsis;
  • meningitis.

It should be borne in mind that under certain factors, nosebleeds can sharply intensify and lead to irreversible consequences. In this regard, you can try to induce blood only if the body is not affected by risk factors:

  • alcohol intoxication;
  • long-term treatment with Aspirin or other medications that thin the blood;
  • hemophilia and other pathological processes associated with blood clotting;
  • regular use of vitamin complexes, which include vitamin C;
  • taking caffeine-based energy drinks or drinking large amounts of coffee several hours before the procedure.

The most serious complication that can cause nosebleeds is hemorrhagic shock. This pathological condition is characterized by:

  • large blood loss;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • slowing down the functioning of all internal systems and organs.

If the lost blood volume is not restored in a timely manner, the patient may die. A less dangerous consequence of blood loss is anemia (low hemoglobin levels). With a slight decrease in the number of red cells, the condition does not threaten the patient’s health, but if the process is not stopped in a timely manner, oxygen starvation may begin, as the organs experience oxygen deficiency.


Blood from the eyes as a means of self-defense: toad lizard

Viviparous phrynosomes are found, but most species lay eggs. One clutch contains up to 37 eggs, from which babies hatch 3-5 cm in length after 30 days. The instinct of self-preservation tells them that immediately after birth they need to hide, and small reptiles bury themselves in the sand for a long time, leaving only their heads on the surface.

Blood from the eyes as a means of self-defense: toad lizard

How to make realistic blood at home with your own hands?




Hi all! My name is Dziuba Daria :)

Today I will finally tell you how I make blood at home.

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Bottom line: realistic blood at home

And for those who have a weak Internet, the article is presented below. This is the same thing, only in text form.

I have prepared for you not one, but four recipes and one bonus. All recipes will be below at the end of the article.

Some of these recipes are made from what you have in the kitchen or can be bought very cheaply at the store.

Now let's move down to the skulls.

Recipe No. 1. We will need: a bowl, a stirrer stick (mine is a sushi stick), honey. I took the most ordinary honey, guided by the fact that I had consumables and there was no point in taking expensive ones, so I took cheap ones.

Two dyes: blue and red. In stores, especially confectionery shops, you can find a bunch of different dyes. I have them in helium, because I couldn’t find anything else, and I tried to take exactly red-red, and not red-pink, scarlet or some other one. And blue dye, in this case I have a dark blue tint, but it also fits the description of the original color.

Blue and red food coloring

We also need a spoon and just a little water.

We start with honey. Add two heaped tablespoons of honey to our bowl. In my opinion, this is the most delicious recipe because it does not contain any additional thickeners. You have a honey base, a beautiful shade, everything is cool, and you can stuff it into your mouth, you can eat it as an attribute. I also like the thickness that is obtained directly from this recipe. For me, he is one of the most winning.

Add a couple of spoons of honey to the container

We take some water, wet the spoon, and add a couple of drops to the honey so that it is not so viscous. If your honey is super runny, then you don't need water.

Add a couple of drops of water to honey

My honey is still a little thick, so I want to dilute this moment, making it lighter.

Mix honey with water

I also really like this recipe because it can be used like blood in wounds, that is, the effect is a little bit of dried blood, because the honey is thick.

You can lick the stick, which I will do now, or you can gently wipe it off.

Open the red dye. I have it in helium and very concentrated. Can be used both dry and in drops. The gel coloring dose for this recipe is two fat plops, but you can always add more if needed.

Add red dye to the mixture

Initially, when I tried these dyes, I added, let’s say, a lot more, in order to understand whether it was a lot or not a little. The dyes are all concentrated, and if you are afraid that you will get super red, super thick at once, then add a little at a time.

If you like allo-red blood, then you can go with this option, it’s also a beautiful color.

Mix the mixture with red dye

Now, in order to create the depth and richness of the blood, we need a blue dye. You need very little blue dye, visually it’s a couple of drops, I would call it a match head.

Add blue dye to the mixture

And we knead the whole thing. I climbed in with two sticks, two sticks and stirred.

Stir all ingredients until uniform color

Beautiful, dark red, with a purple base, a very tasty shade, but I would still add a little more red, because I think I went too far with blue.

Also, don’t be afraid. If you added too much blue, but only a little is needed, calmly add red and correct your situation.

Let me say right away that I tried to conduct this experiment with gouache, naively believing that maybe gouache would help me. As a result, the blood turns out to be thicker, gives an unpleasant sediment, there is no transparency of color, and the result is not such a beautiful deep color as it is now, but what comes out is brown dirt and slurry. No, in principle, you can throw coffee into this brown mud and slurry and you will get zombie blood. Therefore, if you want to make zombie blood that is long dead, gore and not fun, then this is for you.

Our recipe is ready, the blood flows, there are drops and everything flows perfectly, cool, straight venous blood is obtained, and it will not run away anywhere, that is, it will flow very slowly and thickly. If you want blood for wounds, to decorate attributes, then this recipe is for you. It's also delicious, and if you want a bloody mouth, this is it.

Recipe #1 in action

You can see how I made a bloody mouth using this recipe on my Instagram. I think my smile will be remembered for a long time.

Recipe No. 2. We will need: a bowl, a spoon, a stirring stick, caramel syrup and two dyes (red and blue).

We need 2 tablespoons of syrup. Why did I choose caramel syrup, by the way? Because in color it seemed to me very similar to honey, it is the same with a dark golden hue, but is already many times more liquid than honey.

Add caramel syrup to bowl

We add a quarter of a teaspoon of red gel dye to the eye, and the same amount, that is, about half a teaspoon comes out, namely gel dye for complete color density. And I start mixing it into the syrup. In this case, it is more difficult to mix the coloring into the caramel syrup, because it separates a little, and it turns out to be lumps and a slight sediment.

Add red coloring to the caramel syrup container

It’s also best to mix the solution in a metal bowl, because a metallic sheen appears and it looks very cool. That is, if you want to mix blood for design, make bloody bowls for a party, then take metal bowls - it looks wow.

We use about a couple of drops of blue dye, just a little bit.

Add blue coloring to caramel syrup mixture

And we also actively knead, because if you look, there are such small ones as lumps of color, drops, such as inclusions, that is, it does not completely interfere, so we interfere more actively.

The color is not as cool as in the first recipe, although in the video it looks very cool, but in life it is a little duller, like weathered blood, and quite liquid. This also has its plus, but I still want to polish this recipe.

And in this case, we need corn starch, which will perfectly thicken our blood. We need 1.5 tablespoons of starch.

Add cornstarch to caramel syrup mixture

If you don’t have corn starch, but have potatoes, or you only managed to buy potatoes, then you can also replace it, but with the caveat that potato starch thickens faster, that is, you need to use not 1.5 tablespoons, but for example, 0.7 spoons. Therefore, add potato starch a little at a time. It’s better to start with half a spoon and see how thick it is.

Mix cornstarch with caramel mixture

Since I mainly work with corn starch, because at one time I was on a diet, all the recipes of which were based on corn starch, now I have a lot of it in my life, and I want there to be less of it, and so I I use it shamelessly as a blood thickener. Why not? And I also sculpt plastic on it for special effects and makeup. I explained how I do this in a separate video.

Corn starch is an excellent way to imitate wounds, who didn’t know.

This version of blood reminds me very much in color and consistency of some kind of strawberry jam, but the color is very cool and the thickness is wonderful. And if you let it sit overnight, which I literally tried the other day when I was making such things and my blood stood overnight, then the starch will completely dissolve, react, and you’ll get a cool, thick color. Therefore, it is better to make the blood in the evening, let it sit overnight, then the starch will thicken even more, and everything will be very cool.

It turns out to be such a viscous, but very pleasant blood. It’s no longer as liquid and spreadable as real blood. But it’s not as tasty as the first option, because the starch squeaks a little on the teeth.

Recipe No. 2 in action

Recipe No. 3. We will need: cherry syrup, a bowl, a stirring stick, the usual two dyes (red and blue) and our friend corn starch or potato starch, whichever is more convenient for you, and of course a spoon. I have already managed to clean everything up, but we will also need a spoon as a dispenser.

Ingredients for recipe No. 3

Add two tablespoons of cherry syrup.

Add cherry syrup to bowl

The same amount of red dye. Although let's take less, a quarter of a teaspoon.

Mix red coloring with cherry syrup

Why do I still add red dye to the cherry syrup? Because cherry syrup is of course a red base, but not a deep enough red color. The blood is still a deep color, and the cherry syrup is toy-like, let’s say, so I want to make it deeper.

Just like with caramel syrup, our dye is stirred in scraps, that is, we need to stir it more actively so that there are no clots left.

And we add blue dye somewhere as well, that is, about a gram.

Add a little blue coloring to the cherry mixture

And just like in the case of caramel syrup, we got liquid blood, which can also be left in this option, especially if we want to stain our clothes, then this liquid option will really stain things.

But if we want to apply it on the face, on the body, on wounds, on scars, then we will need to thicken it, and we thicken it with 1.5 tablespoons of corn starch.

The good thing about this recipe is that it smells so good of cherries. The color is very similar to the shade with caramel syrup, it is not so deep, not so black-red, it is more red-red, but it will be very cool for wounds, because the blood in our body is different, who didn’t know. Venous and arterial are also different in color, and this recipe works because the color turns out cool. You can play with dyes. If I had them more liquid, and not gel, I would drop them in drops, and then I would be able to more clearly control everything that happens to me with color. But since I have gel dyes, they are harder to work with, but this is the only one that I have found that is available in pure red and blue shades, so I have this thing.

Recipe No. 3 in action

Another important point when working with dye is that you must take into account that red dye stains very well and eats into the skin. It is likely that you will walk around with a bloody face, then wash your face, and you will have bloody stains on your hands, like I have on my fingers now. This is all natural red dye. And since it is natural, it penetrates the skin perfectly. Don't forget this point.

Before you do anything to your skin, apply at least a moisturizer first.

Recipe No. 4. We will need: corn starch, dyes (blue and red), Hershey's chocolate sauce and sugar syrup.

Ingredients for recipe No. 4

I mixed the sugar syrup myself. The recipe I used to make it will be at the end of the article. If you are interested and cannot buy ready-made sugar syrup, read the description, read it, and make it.

Of course, we will also need a bowl, a spoon and a stirring stick.

Let's begin. I pour 4 tablespoons of sugar syrup into a bowl, in some heaps, as it turns out.

Add 4 tablespoons of sugar syrup to the bowl

I'll add red dye, about that amount. This will be enough. If it seems that it is not enough, then you can easily add more. They don’t give it to you drop by drop, you have a whole jar.

Add red coloring to sugar syrup

As you may have already noticed, gel dyes do not mix well in syrups, so we stir vigorously.

Confectioners may say that I work incorrectly with confectionery dyes, since most likely gel dyes need to be first diluted in water and only then added to the product we are making, but to hell with conventions, this is my blood, I interfere as I want .

These are the lumps that form, or rather our blood is underdiluted. It looks like hemoglobin in the blood, very funny.

The consequences of mixing syrup with dye

I add a couple of drops of blue dye, one might even say one drop.

Despite our lumps, our blood turns out excellent, the result is a thick mixture with a beautiful color.

From the outside it looks like he is black, but he is not black. If you look more closely, it turns out that it is both black and red at the same time. It’s also delicious, downright ass-sucking, I would say so, because it’s still sugar syrup.

Checking the color on the skin

And now Hershey's is getting involved. We need a spoon of it. Those who like it sweeter can use more, but I think a spoon is enough. We mix it into our consistency.

Add Hershey's Chocolate Syrup to the Sugar Syrup Mixture

Why do we add Hershey's? In order for the color to be more complex in design, so that it looks like blood, because it’s easy to mix red, scarlet, or pink blood, but making it very similar to the real thing is more difficult.

Smells divinely like chocolate. It turns out that our color was more red, but has become more with a light brownish note, which is much more interesting.

And now we need to thicken our blood, and for this, cornstarch will help us again. We'll start with one and a half heaped spoons.

Mix starch with sugar syrup mixture

In general, starch itself greatly lightens the color, and, accordingly, the blood, so after you have added the starch, you can add more color and work out the depth, because in this case the starch acts like whitewash.

I'll probably add more red, because the starch ruined my whole color mood. And a little blue dye, just to be sure.

In general, working with each dye is individual, because different dyes in the same brand behave slightly differently, and if your red is not red-red like mine, but red-scarlet, tulip red, you can come across a lot of different names in the confectionery shop where you will buy these dyes, or in the store, then there is an individual calculation. I still try to take original shades, pure colors, so that there are fewer impurities.

Our blood has become much darker, and I like it better, it behaves like blood. I like that it starts out a little brown and then fades into scarlet. It is more liquid, so it is very good for staining clothes and depicting light wounds.

Recipe No. 4 in action

Recipe No. 5 Bonus. If it’s difficult to buy dyes, you don’t have them or you have pink, or you’re very excited about the idea that you want blood here and now, then here’s the simplest and safest option - cherry jam.

Recipe No. 5 in action

You can buy it, you can gut your grandmother’s supplies. We take the jam, catch the berries and eat them, and then apply the jam itself.

You can mix a little gouache into it, blue, for example, to make the color fuller and thicker, or you can mix in the same blue dye that you may have. If not, then the jam itself will work just fine. You can use strawberry, that's okay too. Both tasty and practical.

The most win-win option is cherry jam from your grandmother.

As you can see, it is very easy to stir up blood at home if you have food coloring. If you don't have food coloring, make sure you buy it for Easter, because egg dyes are constantly on sale this holiday. Get ready for Halloween from Easter, as they say.

But even if there is no such option, you can order the simplest blood from aliexpress or ebay. The big downside to this blood is that it's runny, but you can mix it with honey to make a great Halloween treat.

Blood from Aliexpress

You can also look at the websites of kryolan, graftobian and any other professional store that makes makeup products.

Well, the simplest option, if it doesn’t work out with the steel ones, is jam. You can try a huge number of varieties, the main thing is not to stick together.

And then I say goodbye to you. Subscribe, like. Bye everyone!

Tools used: bowl, spoon, sushi chopsticks

Ingredients used: water, honey, food coloring (blue and red), food-grade cornstarch, syrup (caramel, cherry, chocolate, sugar), jam

The dyes in the video are from Squires kitchen, shades “dark blue” and “red”

Sold in Russia in many confectionery stores with home delivery. Can be replaced with other brands and types. Try it. Buy those that are in the nearest stores, practice. You may not need others.

Blood recipe No. 1 2 teaspoons (tsp) honey A couple of drops of water 0.5 tsp. gel red dye 1-2 drops of blue dye Mix everything vigorously

Blood recipe No. 2 Caramel syrup 2 tsp. Red dye - 0.5 tsp. Blue dye 1-2 drops Corn starch - 1.5 tsp. for thickness

Blood recipe No. 3 Cherry syrup 2 tsp. Red dye - a quarter tsp. Blue dye 1-2 drops Corn starch - 1.5 tsp. for thickness

Blood recipe No. 4 Sugar syrup 4 tsp Red coloring - 3/4 tsp Blue coloring 1-2 drops Hershell chocolate sauce 1 tsp. Corn starch -2 tsp. After adding starch, if desired, you can add more red dye

Sugar syrup recipe Heat half a glass of water in a container on the stove, pour half a glass of sugar into it, dissolve the sugar completely, bring to a boil, remove from heat, let cool. Carefully! Be sure to let it cool!

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