Gymnastics for the eyes. Accommodation treatment using Prof. Avetisova.

Eye training exercises

When working in the same conditions for a long time, visual fatigue may occur.
Therefore, you should periodically pause while working. Relaxation (recovery) will be more effective if you perform eye training exercises. When performing exercises, you should remember that working muscles intensively absorb oxygen. Restoring a tired muscle to normal is only possible if there is sufficient oxygen supply to the muscle tissue. Therefore, it is necessary to breathe deeply while performing exercises. Your rule is to do eye exercises little by little but often. However, remember that the goal is not to perform formal training, but to turn exercise into a habit. The more and more often you spend time on your eyes, the faster you will achieve a positive result. It is believed that the time of a single workout should be gradually increased from 3-5 to 10-15 minutes. In this case, it is advisable to conduct at least two eye workouts per day .


If you have diseases of the visual organs, you should switch to a balanced diet enriched with vitamins. In this case, it is worth including in the diet:

  • foods containing vitamin A. These are carrots, pumpkin, apricots, fish oil, liver, parsley, spinach, butter;
  • vitamin B2: pine nuts, eggs, champignons, almonds, cottage cheese, cheese, chicken, beef, ham, cod, bananas, green onions, herring, kefir, curdled milk, ham, cabbage, dill;
  • vitamin C: rosehip, pepper, blackcurrant, blueberry, kiwi, garlic, lemon, strawberry;
  • vitamin E: dried apricots, walnuts, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, spinach, prunes, oatmeal, salmon.

Healthy diet

Reading. You should only read while sitting, with a straight posture, holding the book at a distance of 30 centimeters from your eyes. Lighting should be good, but not bright. Reading while lying down is unacceptable. Every 20-30 minutes you should take short breaks so that the eye muscles can rest and relax.

Working at the computer. Body position is also important here: your back is straight, your face is no closer than 30-35 centimeters from the screen. Sometimes the doctor prescribes eye drops. This is not a signal to start dropping drops (if the diagnosis is dry eye and not glaucoma, you should listen to your doctor’s advice if you have glaucoma), but a signal that you need to reduce the strain on your eyes and give up the computer for a while.

Proper nutrition. It is worth remembering that the eyes require vitamins, and therefore it is necessary to include them in your diet.

Sports activities. It is better to give preference to such training where you need to focus on the subject: badminton, tennis, basketball. If you already have vision problems, you need to avoid strong static overloads, for example, it is not advisable to engage in intensive bodybuilding. But contraindications for playing a particular sport should be checked with a doctor.


Therapeutic gymnastics for the eyes. Simple exercises (no need to do complex ones) increase muscle tone, relieve tension and fatigue.

Cold and hot shower. Improves blood circulation in the organs of vision, especially in the retina.

Walks. Fresh air enriches the body with oxygen and improves the nutrition of eye tissue.

Thus, eye exercises and a number of preventive measures help strengthen the strength and elasticity of the eye muscles, maintain and correct visual acuity, and also contribute to the overall health of the body.


Cut out the letter C with a diameter of 10 mm from black paper and stick it on the window glass at eye level. The distance from the mark to the eye is 30 cm. Look at the cut out letter for 10–15 seconds, then look through the mark into the distance for the same amount of time. On the first day, practice for 5 minutes, then add 1 minute every day. Maximum lesson time is 15-16 minutes. Perform the exercise separately with each eye. Cover the other eye with your palm or a piece of paper. The eye under the palm should be open. This type of training is called a glass mark exercise . It is often recommended to be performed by schoolchildren with impaired vision. Theoretically, the exercise allows you to load the accommodation mechanism of the eye and relieve visual fatigue. However, its implementation requires constant attention and self-control. This is exactly what is difficult to expect from a child. In addition, it is difficult to figure out how to control the execution of the exercise. A number of devices presented on our website provide effective accommodation training. First of all, these are the “Rucheek” devices .

A set of exercises for myopia

It is recommended to perform gymnastics while sitting on a chair or standing:

  1. Close your eyes for 3 seconds, slowly open them for the same time. Repeat 5-6 times. Then blink as often as possible for 1 minute.
  2. Look straight ahead. Slowly raise your eyes up, down, right, left. Repeat the lesson 5-7 times.
  3. Stand up straight. Raise your index finger to the level of your nose. Gradually move your finger further and closer until you begin to see double. Do 5 approaches with breaks of 3-5 seconds.
  4. Take a deep breath, lean towards the table and exhale quickly. Repeat the task 5-6 times.
  5. Take the starting position sitting on a chair, place your hands on your lower back. Slowly turn your head to the right and left and look at your elbows for about 3-5 seconds. Repeat steps 4-5 times.
  6. Slowly and carefully move your eyes in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other.
  7. When performing this task, you need to bring your eyes to the tip of your nose. Next, describe a semicircle to the right, lower your eyes to the lower left corner and repeat the action again. Perform the workout 5-6 times. Then do the same thing, but in the other direction.
  8. Look at the lower right corner for 2-3 s, move your eyes vertically to the upper right corner. Next, look at the lower left side, and then at the upper left side, return your gaze to the starting position, to the lower right corner. Mentally you should get two triangles. Repeat 5-6 times and do the same in the opposite direction.
  9. Look to the left for a couple of seconds, then up to the center. Then move to the right all the way, hold again for 2-3 seconds. Lower your eyes down and into the center. Return to the starting position, a diamond should appear. Repeat the cycle 5-6 times.
  10. This type of gymnastics is called “Mark on the glass.” It is performed standing while wearing glasses. Paste a picture no larger than 1 centimeter onto the window. Stand at a distance of 30 centimeters from the mark. Look at the image for 5 seconds and slowly move your gaze to any object (tree, house, antenna) outside the window. Repeat the exercise for 10-15 minutes (if it is difficult the first time, then you need to increase the exercise time gradually, starting from 3 minutes and adding one minute every day).

Perform all of the above tasks 3-4 times a day.



The massage is performed while sitting and includes several exercises: Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, then open your eyes for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 7-8 times. Close your eyes and massage them with circular movements of your fingers for 1-2 minutes. With three fingers of each hand, lightly press on the upper eyelids, then after 1-2 seconds, remove your fingers from the eyelids. Repeat 5 times.

Temperature effect

Take two large soft pieces of fabric. Immerse one piece in as hot water as your facial skin can handle. Wring out the fabric and apply it to your closed eyes for 1-2 minutes. Following this, without delay, briefly apply another piece of cloth that has been soaked in cold water to your eyes. Do this three times, then dry your eyes.

Exercise "Clock" to improve blood circulation in the eyes

Imagine that you are standing close to a large wall clock, the center of which is located directly in front of your eyes. At the beginning of the exercise, the gaze is directed to the central point. Then, without turning your head, look at any number on the dial, and then look at the opposite number. So go through the entire dial. At the “3, 6, 9 and 12 o’clock” points, hold your gaze for 1-2 seconds; at other points, your gaze is not fixed. It is advisable to go through the dial clockwise and counterclockwise.

Exercise "Solarization"

The purpose of the exercise is to stimulate, excite the visual cells and increase the conductivity of the optic nerve. To perform solarization, stand facing bright sunlight with your eyes closed. Now begin to freely, without tension, turn your head and body to the right and then to the left. This exercise is especially necessary in winter, when the activity of the visual analyzer decreases due to the small number of sunny days. To prevent an adverse effect, especially in hot weather, you must remember: - the duration of solarization is regulated by the degree of comfort of your condition; in summer it is approximately 5 minutes, in winter - 15 minutes. Solarization is always carried out with your eyes closed! After solarization, it is advisable to rinse your eyes with clean cold water.

Next: Amblyopia: definition and treatment

Exercises for farsightedness

This set of classes will be useful not only for people with the disease, but also for those who work with small objects. When doing your workout, you will need either an alarm clock or a wall clock, as well as a wristwatch.

  1. It is necessary to take the original sitting position and cover one eye with a bandage. Look at the alarm clock at the number 1 for 2-3 seconds, and then at your wristwatch.
  2. Close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  3. As you exhale, quickly open your eyes and look at the alarm clock again at number 2, that is, at the next number, and then at your wristwatch.
  4. Close your eyes and slowly and leisurely turn your head from side to side 15-20 times: right and left.
  5. Follow the same steps, moving from number to number and so on until o.


Eye massage. Try not to directly affect the eyes, massage the area around the eyes, this will improve blood circulation in this part of the head. Two simple exercises:

  1. Relax and close your eyes. Slowly, without pressure, run your index fingers from the outer to the inner corner, first along the upper eyelid 18-20 times, and then along the lower.
  2. Another type of self-massage involves gently tapping your index and middle fingers on your eyebrows and lower eyelid, being careful not to touch your eyes.

Mark on glass

Useful for nearsighted and farsighted people. It is carried out without glasses or contact lenses.

Non-surgical eye treatment in 1 month.

  1. Draw a circle with a diameter of 3–5 mm on the window glass with a marker. The mark is drawn opposite the eyes.
  2. The patient moves 30–35 cm from the window. In the distance, find an object located not far from the drawn mark, because you cannot turn your head. Only the eyeballs are used in the lesson.
  3. Fix your gaze on a distant object. Translate to the mark, then again to the object outside the window.
  4. Repeat the action several times.

This technique is performed up to 2 times a day for 1 month. A positive result will become noticeable after a week of regular exercise. After a month's course, take a break for at least 2 weeks.

Then the duration of the gymnastics increases to 3 minutes, after 2 days it is performed for 5 minutes, on the remaining days until the end of the full course - for 7 minutes.
Only 14 minutes per day are allotted for performing gymnastics, this is enough to restore the functioning of the oculomotor muscles. When a person looks at the mark, the muscles tense, and into the distance they relax.

Gymnastics for the eyes - 2nd method of execution:

  1. Cut out a device from thick paper (cardboard) that represents the shape and dimensions of a table tennis racket. Make a horizontal cut in the handle and insert a long ruler.
  2. The manufactured device is positioned vertically. It slides smoothly along the ruler when it is necessary to increase the horizontal gap. On the front of the device, draw the letter “C”, 3 mm high.
  3. Hold the device vertically in front of you, put the edge of the ruler to the eye, and cover the other with your hand or bandage.
  4. Move the racket towards the eye until the letter “C” looks like the letter “O”.
  5. Then slowly move the racket back in the opposite direction until the “C” appears again. When the outline becomes blurry, the racket moves closer to the eye again.

The exercise is repeated for 10 minutes for each visual organ with an interval of 10-20 minutes. Before performing, make sure there is good lighting of the room and the letter.

As a result of the training, nearsighted people learn to relax the transverse muscles, and farsighted people, on the contrary, train them.

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