How to use castor oil around the eyes for wrinkles: the principle of action of the drug and reviews from women

Castor oil for skin - composition, properties, contraindications

Castor oil is perhaps the most popular home care product. It is used in products for hair growth and hair loss, for growing eyelashes and eyebrows. With the help of castor oil, you get rid of age spots and dry skin.

Castor oil acquires all these properties thanks to its remarkable composition:

Fatty acid

They give the skin smoothness (ricinoleic acid), help active substances penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin (palmitic acid), help improve cellular metabolism (oleic acid), kill bacteria on the surface of the skin (caprylic acid), moisturize and relieve irritation (stearic and linoleic acid).

Vitamins E and A, microelements

Antioxidants are designed to fight free radicals and protect the skin from external aggressors

Castor oil is obtained from castor bean seeds. This plant is distributed throughout the world and therefore castor oil is quite cheap.

For skin care, it is necessary to use high-quality oil obtained by cold pressing. To obtain this product, castor bean seeds are compressed under a cold press. Castor oil obtained in this way retains all useful substances - fatty acids, vitamins and microelements.

Castor oil for wrinkles

Oil selection

There are a wide variety of oils that can be applied to the skin of the eyelids to eliminate bruises and bags:

  • Coconut. Contains amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Helps smooth and brighten skin surfaces. Prevents the early appearance of crow's feet on the eyelids.
  • Almond. The composition includes microelements that promote deep hydration of the skin in the eyelid area. The product provides whitening of the epidermis in the presence of dark circles. The structure of the oil is light, so it does not weigh down the skin.
  • Castor. Thanks to its composition, it helps accelerate metabolism, as well as the healing of damaged skin surfaces. Included in many pharmaceutical products that promote tissue healing. Nourishes the skin, makes it firm and elastic. Helps eliminate dark circles and bags.
  • Pink. Deeply moisturizes the skin without weighing it down. Nourishes the epidermis with useful substances, thereby preventing the appearance of early wrinkles. The product has a healing effect by accelerating metabolism.
  • Lavender. The product helps relieve inflammation, irritation, peeling, and redness on the skin of the eyelids. It can also be applied if you have allergic reactions to other substances. It has a calming effect.
  • Sandalwood. Improves the elastic properties of the skin. Tightens her up, makes her younger. The effect is observed with constant use. Improves skin tone by eliminating darkening due to various causes. Helps enhance lymphatic drainage, which eliminates swelling.

The choice of oil depends on the need for its use. It is also necessary to remember the possibility of allergic reactions. If the patient is allergic to any herbal remedy, it is recommended to first consult with an allergist to prevent the development of a cross-reaction.

How to choose castor oil for skin care

It is better to purchase high-quality cold-pressed castor oil in specialized stores that sell components for cosmetics or special eco-stores.

When purchasing cheap castor oil at a pharmacy or supermarket, you risk buying a product obtained by hot distillation. The amount of useful substances in such a product is minimal and therefore there is no point in using it for skin care.


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Treatment of colds, bronchitis, asthma

Heat some oil in a water bath or in the microwave. Rub it into your chest in the area of ​​the lungs and bronchi. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the oil. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to carry out this procedure in the morning and evening.

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Features of use and contraindications of castor oil

Castor oil is very thick and it is not advisable to use it on the skin in its pure form.

It is not recommended to use castor oil as a single remedy. But if, according to the recipe, for example, in oil compresses, you still applied it in its pure form, then be sure to remove the residue with a cleanser. Do not leave the oil on your skin overnight or just for a long time.

Castor oil is comedogenic and instead of getting rid of wrinkles, you risk getting skin rashes.

Castor oil is a universal product for any skin type and causes virtually no irritation.

But when using castor oil in home remedies for wrinkles around the eyes, you need to understand that due to the special sensitivity of this area, heavy castor oil can cause swelling, rashes, and irritation.

Do not use castor oil for a long time. To achieve a positive effect, it is enough to take a course of masks with castor oil for about a month. This course is enough to restore the skin around and smooth out wrinkles. After the course, you must take a break from using castor oil for at least 2 weeks. Then, if indicated, you can resume the course of masks.

Use of castor oil for eye treatment

Due to its properties, castor oil is used in the treatment of numerous eye diseases. However, it should only be used as an adjuvant, while the main therapy involves medications prescribed by the attending physician.

Castor oil can also be used for preventive purposes.

Indications for use

The oil works best for inflammatory pathologies. This is explained by the fact that castor oil has wound-healing and moisturizing properties.

It is advisable to use the product for the following pathologies:

  • Blepharitis
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Cataract
  • Inflammation of the choroid
  • Keratitis
  • Barley

The oil is also recommended for dry eye syndrome caused by blocked tear ducts. Castor oil can be used for rinsing in case of foreign body penetration. It is useful to use the oil if household chemicals, burns, or other types of lesions get into the eye.

Operating principle

The benefit of castor oil for ophthalmic diseases is explained by the fact that such a remedy prevents the affected area from drying out. As a rule, during the inflammatory process, the process of wetting with tear fluid is disrupted, which causes drying out. In such an environment, the infection multiplies faster and the eye itself becomes more sensitive to irritating factors.

The oil moisturizes tissues and helps reduce the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, castor oil reduces sensitivity to harmful factors, such as temperature changes and exposure to bright sunlight.

The oleic acid contained in the oil activates metabolic processes, thereby accelerating healing. New cells appear faster at the site of the affected areas, and they are more resistant to pathogenic microorganisms.

Thus, castor oil has a complex effect, relieving the inflammatory process, moisturizing the sore eye and accelerating the healing of the affected areas.

Methods of application

Most ophthalmologists recommend using pure castor oil as eye drops. This application option is best suited for cataracts, conjunctivitis, and severe dryness of the membranes.

The oil should be collected using a pipette and dropped into the sore eye. 1 drop per dose is enough. You can repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day, preferably at equal intervals.

For inflammation in the eyelid area, it is best to apply lotions. To do this, apply a small amount of oil to a clean cotton pad, which is then used to wipe the affected area.

Using a generously moistened swab, you can remove hairs or other foreign bodies from the eye. In this case, it is recommended to move from the middle of the eye to the inner corner.

Precautionary measures

Although castor oil is considered a safe remedy, it should be used with caution. This eliminates the risk of negative consequences and improves the effect of use.

Rules to follow when using castor oil for the eyes:

  1. It is important to wash your hands thoroughly before procedures
  2. You can apply the oil to your eyes no less than 30 minutes after taking the main drug.
  3. When instilling, you should tilt your head back and point your eyes upward.
  4. After applying the oil, it is recommended to lie down with your head tilted back for a few minutes.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to apply castor oil to contact lenses.
  6. The oil should not be used in case of bleeding or injury.

It is important to note that when castor oil is instilled, vision may temporarily deteriorate. Therefore, the patient should not drive or perform work that requires increased concentration.

Benefits of castor oil for wrinkles around the eyes

  • Actively moisturizes and eliminates dryness and flaking
  • Whitens and evens out the skin color of the eyelids, eliminates pigmentation in the eye area
  • Accelerates skin cell renewal
  • Protects eyelid skin from harmful environmental influences.
  • Relieves itching and inflammation
  • Smoothes out fine wrinkles, after a course of using products with castor oil, makes deep wrinkles less pronounced
  • Prevents the appearance of new wrinkles
  • Promotes collagen and elastin production
  • Helps remove toxins from the skin

Composition and effect on eyelashes

Castor oil is used in medicine and cosmetology. In Europe, this remedy was used already in the 18th century. It is produced from the seeds of the common castor bean and contains the most important fatty acids - oleic, ricinoleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic.

The benefit of castor oil for eyelashes is to nourish the hair follicles, which activates their growth and eliminates excessive fragility and loss. After a course of procedures, the density is restored and the color becomes more saturated.

Castor oil for wrinkles around the eyes - best ways to use it

Oil compress

Oil compresses can be called emergency helpers for eliminating dry skin and smoothing out fine wrinkles. Use oil compresses with caution if you are prone to swelling.

After the procedure, be sure to wash off any remaining oil from the surface of the skin.

To prepare the oil mixture, add 1-2 drops of vitamin E to 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Be sure to heat the mixture to a temperature of 30-35 degrees.

Apply the mixture with a cotton swab to cleansed skin around the eyes. Perform a massage with light tapping.

After 10-15 minutes, rinse the mixture with warm water and a cleanser.

Don't worry that you'll wash off the oil and it won't do any good! Its beneficial substances have already penetrated the skin and have already begun to act. And excess castor oil will only create a film on the surface of the skin and contribute to clogging of pores.

Anti-wrinkle eye mask with aloe

Anti-wrinkle mask around the eyes with aloe and honey

This miracle product perfectly smooths out wrinkles around the eyes and eliminates dryness.

  • 1 teaspoon castor oil
  • 0.5 teaspoon honey
  • 0.5 teaspoon aloe juice

It is ideal to add live aloe juice to this product.

If you do not have this wonderful plant, then instead you can add 1 ampoule of pharmaceutical aloe extract.

Combine the ingredients and apply the mixture to the cotton pad halves. Apply the discs to the lower and upper eyelids for 15 minutes. After the allotted time, wash your face with cool water using a cleanser.

Rejuvenating mask with cottage cheese

This luxurious product is designed for gentle care of the delicate skin around the eyes. It relieves puffiness, removes bags under the eyes, whitens the skin of the eyelids, smooths out wrinkles around the eyes.

  • 1 tablespoon cottage cheese
  • potato juice
  • 0.5 teaspoon castor oil

To obtain potato juice, you need to grate 1 small potato on a fine grater and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth.

Chop the cottage cheese with a fork and add potato juice until a creamy mass is formed. Add castor oil to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly.

Spread the mixture in an even layer on halves of cotton pads and apply to the lower and upper eyelids.

The procedure takes 15-20 minutes, then rinse off the mixture with warm water and wipe your eyelids with ice cubes. Apply nourishing cream to your eyelids.

Anti-wrinkle eye mask with banana

Banana mask

This product perfectly softens, smoothes and nourishes the skin of the eyelids.

Mash a piece of ripe banana about 1.5 cm thick with a fork until creamy. Add 0.5 teaspoon of castor oil and half a chicken yolk to the banana pulp. Mix the mixture thoroughly.

Apply the mixture onto halves of cotton pads and apply to your eyelids. The procedure time is about 15 minutes. You must lie down during the procedure.

Wash your face with warm water, wipe your eyelids with green tea infusion and apply gel with hyaluronic acid.

Useful tips for using castor oil

If you want to learn how to properly apply castor oil to your eyelashes, then follow these helpful tips and tricks:

  1. You should not give preference to purchasing the most expensive medications that the modern pharmaceutical industry offers. The composition of castor oil is the same regardless of the manufacturer and brand.
  2. Do not exceed the recommendations regarding the time of use of cosmetic masks, because some compositions can cause irritation and redness of the skin of the eyelids.
  3. Use the chosen product every evening, because only regular implementation of the procedure can give the desired result.
  4. To apply a castor oil-based composition, you can use cotton pads, swabs or clean fingers, but it is most convenient to perform such actions using a brush from an old mascara.

Thanks to its composition, rich in acids and vitamins, the effect of oil on eyelashes gives positive results. You can use cosmetic masks at home. In addition, such therapeutic agents will not require significant investment of time or money from you.

Benefits and harms

Castor oil is a powerful restorative and nourishing agent for skin and hair. It actively moisturizes and has a healing effect. When taken orally, the product improves intestinal motility, helps cope with constipation and intoxication.

The potential harm of castor oil is associated with the possible occurrence of individual intolerance. When applied topically, it can provoke itching, burning and other allergic manifestations. Getting the product into the eyes sometimes causes conjunctivitis, and excess castor oil can cause the eyelids to swell.

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