Eyebright herb for the eyes - medicinal properties and contraindications

Traditional methods of treatment do not always find support from doctors, but herbal medicine today is considered a full-fledged component of modern medicine. A variety of herbal medicines are used quite often. The most common eye remedy is eyebright tincture.

Eyebright grass

Eyebright is the most effective herbal medicine in the field of ophthalmology. Thanks to this remedy you can get rid of many eye diseases.

Chemical composition and beneficial medicinal properties of eyebright

All the beneficial substances of eyebright are contained in the above-ground part of the plant. Thanks to tannins, flowers are effective in combating diseases of bacterial and microbial origin, and iridoids accelerate metabolic reactions in the body. The presence of organic acids stimulates the functioning of the immune system, thereby preventing tumor processes and suppressing the manifestation of inflammatory reactions.

Bitterness will help increase appetite and eliminate dyspeptic disorders. The oils in the composition have properties similar to antibiotics. The presence of glycosides has a positive effect on heart function and vascular tone. Eating eyebright helps replenish the supply of macro- and microelements in the body.

Medicines based on this plant help reduce blood and eye pressure SIM_davl_055, and also relieve spasms and relieve pain. For symptoms of asthma and allergies, it is also recommended to use eyebright. Also, an infusion of flowers is often taken to prevent vision impairment, cataracts and conjunctivitis. Rash of nervous origin and diathesis in children are indications for taking the plant.

Doctors say eyebright is rarely used in medicine, however, it can be found in herbal medicines.

Healers and healers most often use the plant for eye diseases. So, with age-related deterioration of vision, this plant is relevant. To treat the eyes, eyebright can be used in different dosage forms. For example, it is more effective to use lotions for inflammation of the optic nerve, and drops for conjunctivitis.

Eyebright can be used for swelling, poor blood circulation and a reduced amount of blood cells. Improved memory and the condition of hair and skin can also be achieved by treatment with this plant.

In folk medicine you can find many recipes used for viral diseases and skin diseases. Thus, warts on the body, eczema and dermatitis of various origins can be quickly cured with eyebright juice. The first results of the treatment appear a few weeks after the start of use, since the flower has a gradual and cumulative effect.

What pharmaceutical preparations contain eyebright?

If it is not possible to collect and dry eyebright yourself, in herbal pharmacies you can purchase ready-made raw materials for preparing decoctions and infusions at home. Dry and crushed eyebright is packaged in plastic bags or cardboard boxes.

For ease of use, herbal teas are available in bags containing eyebright and other organic ingredients.

Herbal pharmacies offer various bagged teas containing, in addition to the main component, dried blueberries, black currant extract, cedar oil, resin and other organic additives that are beneficial for the eyes. It is worth paying attention to the products of pharmaceutical companies Horst, Evalar, Altai-Pharm.

And you can also buy inexpensive eye drops that contain eyebright without a doctor’s prescription. For example, a highly concentrated tincture of eyebright from the Nature's Answer brand. The multicomponent drug “Flavigran eyebright” has proven itself well. In addition to eyebright herb, it contains:

  • buckwheat extract;
  • blueberry extract;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oils.

According to the instructions for use from the manufacturer, this drug is effective as a means of enhancing the effect of other medications for cataracts and glaucoma; it is also recommended to be included in complex treatment for corneal ulcers, retinal detachment, and complex kerato-conjunctivitis.

Contraindications to eyebright and possible harm to the body

Treatment with eyebright is prohibited primarily for people with low levels of stomach acidity, as the plant can reduce low levels. Water-based dosage forms can increase blood pressure, while alcohol-based forms reduce vascular tone and pressure. For these reasons, the use of the plant for people with hypotension SIM_davl_052 and hypertension SIM_davl_006 is highly not recommended.

Gynecologists do not recommend consuming the flower for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The effect on the body of children under 4 years of age has not been identified, therefore it is advisable to avoid treatment with the plant in childhood. In addition, medications using alcohol may be harmful when treating some skin and eye conditions.

Eyebright extremely rarely causes adverse reactions, but if there is an individual intolerance to the plant, allergic reactions of varying intensity may develop, which can manifest themselves:

  • itching;
  • rash;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • hyperemia.

To eliminate discomfort, fatigue and irritation in the eyes, apply lotions or compresses. Eyebright will help reduce intraocular pressure and normalize vision when it decreases with age.

This plant is often used to prevent trachoma, dacryocystitis, myopia and blepharitis. To achieve a greater therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use eyebright in different dosage forms in combination with medications.

What are the benefits of eyebright?

Eyebright extract has been used for centuries in the treatment of a number of diseases. The nutritional and herbal ingredients make it beneficial for many eye problems, including: ophthalmia (severe eye inflammation), blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), conjunctivitis (pink eye), cataracts, styes, weeping eyes and red or tight eyes. Additionally, eyebright extract has also been found to be very beneficial in treating respiratory conditions including bronchitis, colds, sinusitis and allergies. Skin problems such as acne and stretch marks, as well as poor memory, have also been found to be treatable with eyebright medications.

Methods of preparing herbs and universal recipes

In order to get the maximum benefit from the plant, you need to know the rules for collecting and preparing it.

Collection of flowers must be carried out during flowering periods, when the above-ground part contains the maximum amount of medicinal substances. The plant can be found in fields, meadows and forest edges. Eyebright blooms from the beginning of May until the end of summer, so mid-summer is perfect for collecting. Since the plant is a parasite and grows in groups, it will not be difficult to find. When harvesting, the plant is completely torn out of the ground, and at home the root system is separated from the above-ground part.

Dry the flower in a dry, dark place with low humidity, at a temperature of no more than 38-40 degrees, in order to preserve all the beneficial substances. They are stored in the plant for several more years in dried form.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare the tincture, add 0.2 liters of alcohol to 0.05 kg of the dry part of the flower, mix thoroughly, pour into a container and seal hermetically. The container is placed in a cool place without access to sunlight and shaken every other day. The tincture will be ready in 10 days. The duration of treatment depends on the pathology and can last from several months to six months. This dosage form can be taken 1 teaspoon an hour before meals, several times a day, or the concentrate can be diluted one and a half times with warm water and used as a lotion or rub.


Eyebright extract is an extract of the maximum amount of beneficial substances in its pure form. The extraction process can be either alcoholic or aqueous. The result is a complex of useful substances, vitamins and minerals. The extract is used to treat eye diseases. Microcirculation of the eye is significantly accelerated, metabolism in the retina and optic nerve improves.

The likelihood of damage to the lens, the development of cataracts, glaucoma, myopia and decreased visual acuity is reduced several times due to the fact that plant substances neutralize free radicals that are formed in the visual analyzer. Ascorbic acid, which is part of the composition, normalizes the level of not only eye, but also intracranial pressure. The extract is also effective in relieving fatigue.

The drug is sold in capsule form and can be purchased in pharmacies. Typically, the course of treatment with such medications is at least 3 months.

Use of the plant for various diseases

Due to the presence of a complex of useful substances, the plant is used to treat many diseases.

What is eyebright?

Eyebright (Euphrasia Officinalis) is a herb that belongs to the eyebright family. The entire plant (stem, leaves, flowers) of eyebright is edible and can be used in herbal medicine. The name of the herb eyebright comes from its common use as an alternative treatment for eye-related ailments. According to researchers, eyebright herb contains many chemical components, organics and nutrients, the properties of which can not only help in the treatment of eye diseases, but can also help with a number of other diseases. Eyebright herb contains vitamins B, C, E and beta-carotene, alkaloids, antioxidants such as caffeic acid, ferulic acid and flavonoids, glycosides, iridoid protective compounds, many tannins and essential oils.

For hair and skin

For hair loss, it is recommended to rub a decoction of the plant into the scalp. This strengthens the hair follicle and significantly improves the hair structure. To eliminate brittleness and hair damage, you can also take medicinal eyebright baths.

Due to its antibacterial properties, a diluted tincture is used to treat acne and rashes with suppuration, childhood diathesis, eczema, skin tuberculosis and non-healing wounds. To do this, apply compresses to the damaged area or wipe it with tincture.

Where and how to buy eyebright grass

Eyebright herb, whole, high quality and hand-picked, can be easily found in the FitoLady online store by following the link Buy eyebright herb. Eyebright is available in special food sachets, loosely dried leaves with eyebright flowers. From high-quality eyebright raw materials purchased at the FitoLady store, you can easily make powder if necessary, and prepare tea or tinctures, decoctions and oils. It is often ordered along with dried blueberries, which is also used in the treatment of eye-related conditions.

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Reviews about the medicinal properties of eyebright

Since eyebright is often used to treat various diseases, specialists and patients share their experiences of using the plant.

Doctors Uchelkina L.A., ophthalmologist: “I always prescribe eyebright in the drug for hypersensitivity, which is manifested by redness, tearing and itching of the mucous membrane of the eyeball, as well as to improve visual acuity. In addition, I noticed a positive effect of the plant on preventing age-related changes in the structure of the eye and reducing inflammation. In folk medicine, the flower is also used for other diseases, but before use, I recommend consulting a doctor.” Patients Andrey, 43 years old: “I often drive, and fatigue and redness of the eyes are a real problem for me, especially in the evening. I used to use eye drops, but they only relieved redness, and then I switched to eyebright. Preparations based on it perfectly relieve irritation and relieve the feeling of fatigue. Before long journeys, I take the decoction internally. At first I felt a little nauseous, but it went away quickly. Overall I'm very pleased." Tamara, 38 years old: “I work at the computer very often, so tired eyes are the norm. Recently I started drinking a decoction of eyebright with calendula. The decoction tastes very pleasant and helps to cope with tired eyes and constant pain. I also found out that my vision improved by one, and this made me very happy. I recommend to everyone".

Eyebright is a herbaceous annual parasitic plant that is most often used to treat eye diseases. The flower is also effective for other pathologies due to the complex of medicinal substances in its composition. However, before using it, you should consult your doctor.



Reviews from supporters of traditional medicine and doctors will help you decide whether or not to use this plant and preparations from it to treat ophthalmological diseases.

Natalya, 41, Moscow: “As a family, we try to use various chemicals as little as possible, we monitor our diet, and we harden ourselves. And when suddenly someone gets sick, we take the pills last and try to make do with folk remedies. I have known about the benefits of eyebright for the eyes since childhood; my grandmother collected and brewed these flowers when one of her grandchildren had a stye on their eye. I now use her recipes to treat my children. The eyebright is steamed with boiling water, left for half an hour, and then I apply this paste to the sore eyes. In three days everything goes away. You can also wash your eyes with the decoction if you are tired or red. I recommend it to everyone, it will relieve redness and dryness well.”

Svetlana, 29, Kazan: “Today, when every day you use a computer, laptop, tablet or phone, you cannot do without special additives for the eyes, we all know and understand this. Personally, I’m not a fan of collecting and brewing all kinds of herbs and flowers; it’s easier for me to buy ready-made capsules and take them. Fast, convenient and really helps. I have been taking Horst eyebright extract for three months now. I began to see better even without lenses, my eyes get tired less, do not redden or swell. It doesn’t help any better than an expensive American supplement, but it costs much less.”

Alina, 33, Stavropol: “I’m not a doctor myself, but my sister is a doctor. And so she strongly advises us all to take a course of eyebright supplements twice a year. He says that this is the best prevention of retinal detachment, optic nerve overstrain and myopia. If glaucoma develops, then dietary supplements, of course, will not help, this needs to be understood. But for prevention, I think these tools are indispensable. Carrots and blackcurrants alone will not have this effect.”

Summary: Eyebright is a parasitic wild plant native to the southern regions. The stems of the plant, its leaves and flowers are used to prepare medicines, alone or in combination with other organic components. Traditional medicine recommends using this plant for almost all eye ailments, as well as to prevent vision deterioration under heavy loads. Official medicine does not confirm the effectiveness of eyebright and allows the use of medicines from it only as auxiliary, general strengthening agents.

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