Bioptron device - contraindications and use

Answers to questions asked at the webinar on February 13, 2013 “MRS seminar. The main thing about Bioptron" . How to use BIOPTRON light therapy for varicose veins?

It is necessary to act on the affected areas from a distance of 10 cm at a right angle for 4-10 minutes 1 or 2 times a day. Large areas should be treated sequentially without moving the device during the session. BIOPTRON light therapy improves microcirculation and tissue trophism.

Can BIOPTRON Light Therapy be used during pregnancy?

Despite the fact that over 20 years of scientific research and clinical use, no negative side effects from BIOPTRON light therapy have been identified, in accordance with general recommendations for the use of medical methods in treatment, the manufacturer does not recommend the use of light therapy in the first trimester of pregnancy.

How to use BIOPTRON light therapy for sore throat?

It is necessary to act on the area of ​​projection of the palatine tonsils on both sides for 4-6 minutes. In children, it is also recommended to act on the middle third of the sternum for 2-4 minutes.

Can skin mites be cured?

The main treatment for this disease should be prescribed by a dermatologist. BIOPTRON light therapy can be used as an additional method in complex treatment, improving skin condition and strengthening the immune system.

Can BIOPTRON light therapy be used during eye surgery?

The manufacturer recommends closing your eyes and removing contact lenses when using BIOPTRON light therapy, as bright light may cause discomfort. After eye surgery, BIOPTRON light therapy can be used, but the eyes must be kept closed. BIOPTRON light will help relieve swelling, improve microcirculation and tissue regeneration.

Is it possible to cure hay fever?

BIOPTRON light therapy helps fight the symptoms of hay fever - rhinitis, conjunctivitis, swelling of the nasopharynx, being an additional method of treating seasonal allergic reactions.

Where can I consult a disabled child with a congenital neurological pathology and select the correct program for using the BIOPTRON device?

To answer this question you need to know the region and age of the child. Thus, in Ufa, BIOPTRON light therapy is successfully used in the neurological rehabilitation of newborns at the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital. To make recommendations on a treatment program, we need an accurate opinion from a neurologist.

Can BIOPTRON light therapy be used for tumors?

In this case, consultation with your doctor is necessary. Recent studies conducted at the Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences have shown that BIOPTRON light stimulates antitumor immunity and is safe even for malignant neoplasms, however, we cannot recommend the use of BIOPTRON light therapy without the permission of the treating oncologist.

What is the lamp life of the BIOPTRON device?

The lamp service life declared by the manufacturer is 2000 hours of operation.

Can BIOPTRON Light Therapy be used if I have pacemakers or metal implants?

Yes, BIOPTRON light therapy is safe for patients with pacemakers, as well as metal and silicone implants, as evidenced by the certificate of electromagnetic compatibility.

For what diseases is the use of BIOPTRON light therapy contraindicated?

According to the instructions for the devices, without the permission of the attending physician, the use of BIOPTRON light therapy is not recommended for the following diseases: allergy to light, photochemical reticulosis, photochemical exfoliative cheilitis, exudative erythema, lupus erythematosus, solar herpes, light pox, xeroderma pigmentosum, eye inflammation, retinal diseases, and also when taking medications and/or herbs that increase sensitivity to light.

How is BIOPTRON light therapy used for diabetes?


For diabetes mellitus, BIOPTRON light therapy is used to improve blood circulation, prevent and treat diabetic ulcers, angiopathy, and polyneuropathies. In this case, the patient must receive basic treatment for his disease under the supervision of the attending physician.

Can BIOPTRON cause fever in children?


No, he can not. BIOPTRON light therapy is safe to use even in newborns. It causes a slight increase in skin temperature at the site of exposure (one degree), but cannot provoke a general increase in body temperature.

Is it possible to use BIOPTRON light therapy for thrombophlebitis?

Yes, you can, but you need to use it in accordance with the instructions, maintaining a distance of 10 cm from the device to the surface of exposure, so as not to cause heating. BIOPTRON light therapy helps relieve inflammation and improve microcirculation. Thrombophlebitis is not a contraindication when using BIOPTRON light therapy for the treatment of injuries and other diseases.

Is it possible to help a child with cerebral palsy? What color and from what distance should you shine the light?

Cerebral palsy is a complex neurological disease that must be treated under the supervision of a physician. BIOPTRON color light therapy is a method of maintaining well-being, it is used in accordance with the programs that are included with each color therapy kit. You can use any of these techniques, depending on the needs and condition of the patient, to maintain his well-being and improve his mood, but color therapy does not cure cerebral palsy. The experience of treating perinatal encephalopathies using color therapy is described in the guidelines for neonatology.

How much maximum can BIOPTRON be used per session?

The duration of exposure is determined by the indication, for the treatment of wounds - 2-8 minutes, for other indications, such as pain relief and strengthening the immune system - 4-10 minutes, for chronic pain you can increase the exposure time to 15 minutes, for SAD - 20 minutes. increasing the distance to 20 cm. Longer sessions are safe, but impractical.

Are instructions included with the devices?

Yes, each package with the BIOPTRON device contains instructions for use in several languages, including Russian, which indicate indications, contraindications and methods of exposure.

Can BIOPTRON light therapy cause a child's heart rate to increase?

No, he can not. BIOPTRON Light Therapy has no side effects and is safe for use even in newborn babies.

Is BIOPTRON light therapy used for eye diseases?

Yes, it applies. BIOPTRON light therapy helps relieve inflammation, improve tissue trophism, and relieve swelling, including post-operative swelling. Sessions should be carried out 2 times a day for 4-6 minutes on closed eyelids.

How to treat infertility with BIOPTRON light therapy?

Infertility is not an indication for the use of BIOPTRON light therapy. Light therapy can strengthen the immune system, improve the general condition of the body, BIOPTRON light, when applied to the groin area, improves microcirculation, increasing libido, but infertility treatment requires an integrated approach under the supervision of the attending physician.

Is it possible to use BIOPTRON light therapy in oncology and during rehabilitation after tumor removal?

Recent studies from the Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences have shown the safety of using BIOPTRON light therapy for cancer. Polarized light strengthens the immune system, including antitumor immunity, accelerates rehabilitation and promotes wound healing. But the course of the oncological disease must be monitored by the attending physician, under whose guidance light therapy should be used.

Diabetes causes vision loss, will BIOPTRON improve the situation?

BIOPTRON Light Therapy can improve the general condition and well-being of diabetic patients. You can use it to improve microcirculation in tissues with your eyes closed from a distance of 10 cm.

How is BIOPTRON light therapy used for coxoarthrosis?

It is necessary to influence the area of ​​the affected joint for 10 minutes twice a day. For chronic pain, the exposure time can be increased to 15 minutes. BIOPTRON light therapy helps reduce inflammation and pain, improve blood supply to the joint area and improve mobility.

Does BIOPTRON light therapy help relieve swelling of the nasopharynx after illness?

Yes, it helps, as it promotes microcirculation and improves lymphatic drainage. You need to act for 4-6 minutes on the side surfaces of the nose or on the bridge of the nose, depending on the model of the device. BIOPTRON light also strengthens the immune system and helps prevent diseases.

How often can treatment with the device be used if, after heart surgery, the patient takes Warfarin to thin the blood.

The patient can use BIOPTRON light therapy on the elbow area for 4 minutes 2 times a day.

Is BIOPTRON light therapy used in the treatment of tuberculosis?

BIOPTRON light therapy, like any physical treatment, is not used for active disease. In other cases, it is used as an addition to the main treatment, as it strengthens the immune system and improves the general condition of the body.

How to use BIOPTRON light therapy after surgery for sinusitis?

The impact should be carried out on the lateral surfaces of the nose (or on the middle part of the face, depending on the model of the device) for 4 minutes twice a day. BIOPTRON light therapy will reduce swelling, speed up healing and strengthen the immune system to prevent relapses.

How does light affect vision?

BIOPTRON Light Therapy is safe for the eyes, however, it should be used on closed eyelids and contact lenses should be removed before the session to ensure a comfortable experience.

Vision problems “sleeping eye”: a 9-year-old child had strabismus after an injury, will BIOPTRON help?

If the term “sleeping eye” means cataract, then it, like strabismus, is not an indication for the use of BIOPTRON light therapy.

The use of a Bioptron lamp to increase immunity, in the fight against colds, and nasal congestion

Programs developed by the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences can reduce the incidence of respiratory infections and speed up recovery if the disease does occur.

Application of the Bioptron device in pediatrics

Bioptron light therapy is used in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of a wide range of diseases. Its effectiveness has been studied and proven over more than 20 years of scientific and clinical research and practical application. Polarized light heals wounds, including chronic ones, relieves pain, strengthens the immune system, and helps cope with skin diseases.

Bioptron light therapy can be used at any age, including newborns. This is a modern and convenient method of maintaining and restoring health for the whole family.

Indications for use

The use of a healing lamp is indicated for more than 60 diseases. The instructions for the device contain a complete list of them.

The use of the device will help with the following conditions:

  • In order to reduce wrinkles. Millions of women turn to the device for non-invasive cosmetic procedures. The Swiss-made device was recognized as the best anti-aging product at the European Congress of Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine in Paris.
  • Pain. Is the person experiencing muscle pain in the upper or lower back? Diagnosed with arthritis or other joint disease? Clinically proven and certified for the treatment of pain, Bioptron radically reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation. Pain should not be a part of human life. Indications for use: rheumatology - osteoarthritis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, sports injury - muscle spasm, sprain, bruise, rupture of ligaments and muscles, tendinitis.
  • Wound healing. The wound-healing effects of bioptron light therapy are associated with improved blood microcirculation, increased trophic function and increased serum concentrations of growth factors and some cytokines. Indications for use: burns, after injury, wounds after surgery, venous leg ulcers, bedsores, healing of skin grafts.
  • Dermatological diseases. The light penetrates deep into the skin with equal doses of blue and red, destroying bacteria that cause acne outbreaks. The energy produced by the device causes the process of photo-biostimulation. In this area it is used to treat acne, eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, herpes infections, ulcers, gum disease and oral mucosa
  • Bioptron is clinically tested and certified to combat seasonal affective disorder. In autumn and winter, when the days are shorter and darker, many people experience fatigue, low mood and lack of energy. These symptoms, known as winter blues, are caused by a disruption in our body clock. Lack of light can negatively affect sleep rhythms. BIOPTRON light allows you to safely receive the amount of light needed to combat this condition and charge you with positive energy. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is characterized by a combination of symptoms such as chronic fatigue, decreased motivation, increased appetite, and increased need for sleep.
  • In ophthalmology, the device is used for demodicosis of the upper or lower eyelid, postoperative swelling of the cornea, and any types of conjunctivitis.

A course of bioptron light therapy leads to complete recovery and significant improvement in 92% of children, while the effectiveness of drug therapy does not exceed 70%. Positive changes are observed after the 1st light treatment, while the 2nd or 3rd procedure reduces cough, throat hyperemia, improves nasal breathing, sleep, appetite, reduces fatigue and irritability

What is light?

Light is the visible range of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. The differences in colors (and their corresponding forms of radiation) are determined by frequency/wavelength. The highest frequency radiations include gamma rays and x-rays. Other forms include ultraviolet and infrared radiation, as well as radio waves. Together they make up the electromagnetic spectrum. The difference between types of radiation is determined by the wavelength and ability to penetrate the skin.

Ultraviolet light

Ultraviolet light is located below the visible part of the spectrum and has a wavelength of less than 400 nm. It leads to tanning on the skin. It is known that ultraviolet light is one of the most important factors causing the development of skin cancer (melanoma, basal cell carcinoma) and skin aging. Therefore, the spectrometer of the Bioptron device does not contain ultraviolet light.

Visible light

Visible light lies within the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum and has a wavelength from approximately 400 nm to 780 nm.

Infrared light

Infrared light is located above the visible part of the spectrum. It has a wavelength from approximately 780 nm to more than 50,000 nm. Infrared light has a thermal effect and causes heating. Infrared light therapy is now widely used in rheumatology and sports medicine to treat muscle strains and relieve pain.

Laser light

Another light source that is often used in medicine is a low-energy (low frequency) laser. The word laser comes from the English abbreviation LASER, which translates as “light amplification by stimulating emitted radiation.” Laser light is different from natural light. Main characteristics of low energy laser light:

  • Monochromatic (waves of only one length)
  • Coherence (means that all waves are "in phase")
  • Polarization (light waves travel in parallel planes)
  • Low energy (when using low power energy, cells are stimulated without a thermal effect)

Lasers can be very dangerous when used without proper training and safety precautions.

For comparison: Bioptron is not a laser device and its use does not require any special training.

Bioptron lamp design

The main part of the device is the optical module. With its help, a flow of energy similar to sunlight is projected onto the body, only without harmful ultraviolet radiation. In the head part there is a control panel, on which the specialist sets the session time, which is indicated on the timer.

The lamp consists of a fan and a power supply, which are located on a small board. The timer is implemented on the U6046B chip. The power supply accepts 220V and outputs 12V DC. There is also a Brewster mirror, a protective glass filter and dust protector, and a Bioptron medical filter.

The device body is plastic. The lamp is ordinary - halogen.

Included with the device:

  • floor stand;
  • children's eye mask;
  • OXY spray;
  • instructions for use;
  • storage case;
  • warranty card.


Currently, BIOPTRON Light has been studied through 20 years of scientific and clinical research. The laboratories of BIOPTRON AG are constantly involved in testing and optimizing BIOPTRON devices in accordance with the latest scientific research carried out by independent institutes. The devices are certified.

  • 2008 Dekra Quality System Certificates EN ISO 9001:2000/7.08 and EN ISO 13485:2003 + AC:2007 / 7.08
  • 2008 Dekra Certificate, medical device receives special CE marking 0124 in accordance with Annex II, Section Directive 93/42 EEC
  • 2008 Declaration of Conformity by Dekra (European Certification Organization) for all devices

BIOPTRON AG has received ISO 9001:2000 / ISO 13485:2000 quality certificates issued by Dekra-its (European Certification Organization). Bioptron light therapy devices (Bioptron Compact III, Bioptron Pro and Bioptron 2) comply with the requirements of EU Directive 93/42/EEC (certificate issued by Dekra-its).

1. Certificate of Conformity (EN ISO 9001)2. Certificate of Confirmation of Quality of Production (EN ISO 13485)3. Certificate of Conformity of the Quality Control System (Directive 93/42/EEC)

Reviewed by the FDA. For more information, visit the 510(k) Premarket Notification Database Our 510(k) No: K032216

How the device works

Light therapy is based on the positive effects of light on the body. The device produces safe rays that a person needs for a normal life. It does not contain dangerous ultraviolet radiation, which is what distinguishes the device from solar energy.

The designed mirror directs light waves parallel to each other. The beams, reaching a specific area, increase blood flow. Thanks to this, the use of a lamp helps relieve allergy symptoms, reduce local inflammatory processes and strengthen the immune system.

The device produces radiation between 480 and 3400 nm. Polarized visible light penetrates up to 2.5 cm into the skin. The molecules that make up the cell membrane are polar. The hydrophobic ends are not charged, while the hydrophilic ends have an electrical charge.

When polarized light passes through these membranes, the channels in them are organized in such a way that the cell becomes optimally functional.

Light therapy has been known for thousands of years

Light therapy has a long history. For thousands of years, people around the world have learned the importance of light for the normal functioning of the human body.

The first light source used for treatment was sunlight. The use of sunlight for healing is known as heliotherapy. The mention of the first isolated cases of heliotherapy dates back to approximately 1400. BC. Hindus treated patients with skin diseases using various plants that had previously been exposed to sunlight. Hippocrates, who lived in the fifth century BC, recommended the use of sunlight to treat various diseases. Ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Arab doctors introduced light therapy into general medical practice. Although many ancient physicians theorized that the therapeutic effects of sunlight were caused by the heat of the sun, no scientific explanation for light therapy existed at that time.

At the end of the 19th century, heliotherapy was recognized by many doctors. In 1903, in Switzerland, in the town of Leysin, Dr. Rollier opened the first hospital for the treatment of tuberculosis and rickets using sunlight. In 1914, he published the book “La Cure du Soleil” (“Cure by the Sun”), in which he described the results of heliotherapy.

Exposure to natural sunlight outdoors was widely used to treat wounds during World Wars I and II in England, Italy, France and Germany.

Instructions for use

The device is allowed to be used when directly influencing the affected areas or active points, the stimulation of which strengthens the immune system and the circulatory system.

Mode of application:

  1. Clean the skin with a disinfectant or antiseptic solution. Use lotions, unless this concerns ophthalmological diseases, when the action of the medication is directed to the organs of the visual system. Kit includes Light Fluid or Oxy Spray. It is recommended to use them to degrease and cleanse the skin in the affected area.
  2. Point the light filter at the affected area. The light should fall on it at right angles.
  3. Do not touch skin. Keep the device at a distance of 10–12 cm.
  4. The filter must not be allowed to move. It should always be aimed at one area. If the device does not completely cover the affected area, it is gradually shifted.

The duration of treatment depends on the extent of the damage and the type of disease. The light filter should not be exposed to the skin for more than 10 minutes. If the client experiences discomfort, the procedure is stopped.

The number of sessions is determined by the doctor. Light therapy does not last longer than 20 sessions. The device can be used up to 3 times a day. To consolidate the result obtained, the course of treatment with Bioptron is repeated after 2 weeks.

Types of science

Scientists distinguish several types of bionics:

  • Biological, which studies biological processes in nature.
  • Theoretical bionics, which builds mathematical calculations and formulas based on this data.
  • Technical bionics, which uses these calculations and observations to solve various engineering problems and create technology.

Based on basic science, a separate direction is distinguished - neurobionics. There are versions that it was this scientific direction that became the basis for the development of artificial intelligence.

Question answer

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The Bioptron Zepter is available in three models: 1, 2 with floor stand and Medall with stand. The lamp is not cheap, so there are few people willing to buy the device. The device is purchased by cosmetology centers, ophthalmology clinics and public hospitals.


  • PAG-960-C-SET - a compact device that is suitable for use at home and in medical institutions - 50–70 thousand rubles;
  • PAG-880-C-SET - 80–90 thousand rubles;
  • PAG-991-SET - from 100,000 rub.


The use of a miracle lamp is contraindicated for inflammation of the appendix, acute thrombophlebitis, blood cancer and epilepsy. The device should not be used if there is impaired blood circulation in the brain, decompensated kidney disease or active tuberculosis.

For children, the device must not be used in cases of grade 3–4 prematurity in the first 2 weeks of life, thymomegaly, and in the acute period of perinatal injury to the central nervous system.

Therapy with the device is prohibited in case of light intolerance, elevated body temperature, or exacerbation of chronic cardiovascular diseases.

For children from 2 to 15 years of age, the procedure is carried out in consultation with a doctor. Use of the device at home is prohibited.

Reviews from doctors

Vladimir Leontyevich, pediatrician: I advise parents whose children often suffer from colds to buy Bioptron. The device speeds up recovery by 2 times and, unlike medications, does not cause side effects. But first you need to agree on the possibility of use with a pediatrician or family doctor; there are contraindications for which use is prohibited. For example, at high body temperature.

Marina Aleksandrovna, ophthalmologist: Bioptron Zepter is indispensable in physiotherapy, especially in ophthalmology. Many patients have problems with rapid healing, this device is a salvation for them.

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