Oftan Idu drops for eyes

Antiviral eye drops "Oftan Idu" are used for diseases of the organs of vision caused by the herpes virus. Once in the affected area, the product attacks them from the inside. The medicine has a number of limitations and contraindications. When used together with contact lenses, the latter must be removed from the eyes. Also, when using drops, it is not recommended to work with complex mechanisms or get behind the wheel.

Drug analogues

If for some reason the patient is unable to use this medication, the doctor may prescribe a remedy similar in its effect to Oftan Ida drops (analogues)
. Such drugs will be Oftalmoferon, Poludan, Actipol, Okoferon and Florenal.


This is a remedy that has an immunomodulatory effect. Used to treat viral eye diseases.

This drug is based on recombinant human interferon and diphenhydramine (diphenhydramine). Auxiliary components are boric acid, sodium chloride, sodium acetate, water for injection, Trilon B, PVP, macrogol, hypromellose.

Eye drops are used as part of complex therapy to treat:

Of the contraindications, only individual hypersensitivity to any of the components of the medication was noted.


The product has an immunostimulating, antiviral effect
and stimulates the production of endogenous interferon. Poludan contains polyadenylic and polyuridylic acids. Excipients: sodium hydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium chloride.

A remedy is prescribed for the treatment of viral eye inflammation. In case of increased individual sensitivity, the product should not be used. The drug has no other contraindications.

This medication can be used simultaneously with other antibacterial agents. But Poludan is incompatible with enzyme preparations: its therapeutic effect will decrease.


Eye drops with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects (induce the production of endogenous interferon). Applied topically. They have an antioxidant effect and accelerate healing. The main substance is para-aminobenzoic acid. Additional components: sodium chloride, water for injection.

Actipol has practically no contraindications, only individual sensitivity is noted. The drug is not combined with sulfonamide medications used locally.

Adverse reactions include local allergic manifestations and, rarely, slight swelling of the conjunctiva.


Antiviral eye drops
. They have an immunostimulating effect. The medicine contains recombinant human interferon. A drug is prescribed for the treatment of eye inflammation:

  • Ophthalmoherpes - eye herpes - one of the most severe forms of herpesvirus infection;
  • Viral keratoconjunctivitis;
  • Viral keratouveitis.

The drug has no contraindications other than individual intolerance to the components. Among the side effects, allergic reactions (redness, itching, slight swelling) may occasionally develop. If these effects occur, you must stop using the medication.


Antiviral drug of synthetic origin. Its action is aimed at suppressing the reproduction processes of viruses: adenoviruses, herpeviruses, varicella zoster viruses.

The drug is available in three forms:

  • Eye drops;
  • Ointment;
  • Eye films.

The drug is prescribed as a treatment for viral eye infections: herpes keratitis; adenoviral conjunctivitis, etc.

Eye drops (films) may cause adverse reactions:

As you can see, the drug Oftan Idu has many worthy analogues that give the same antiviral effect

But it is important to remember that only a doctor should prescribe any medicine, even the most harmless at first glance. Self-medication is unacceptable under any circumstances


Composition, release form

FormAvailable in the form of a clear solution in a 10 ml plastic bottle with a drip dispenser
Active substance0.1 percent solution of idoxuridine, it contains 1 mg
Additional itemsRepresented by boric acid and benzalkonium chloride, as well as water

Sold by prescription only.


Since the main substance idokuridine is antiviral, Oftan Idu is prescribed for eye damage from nuclear viruses.

This may include damage to herpes simplex, which causes complications such as keratoconjunctivitis. The remedy is also prescribed for keratitis caused by other viruses.

The mechanism of action of the drug is its penetration into DNA and disruption of cell reproduction.

It penetrates both the DNA of viruses and human DNA, which causes its high toxicity and the presence of contraindications.


During the acute stage of the disease, you need to instill one drop every hour into the conjunctival sac during the daytime.

At night, the same number of drops should be applied every 120 minutes. As the condition improves, the frequency of procedures is reduced to once every 2 hours during the day and once every four hours at night.

The course of treatment depends on the disease. For most viral diseases, a five-day treatment is sufficient, but for dendritic keratitis, the product must be used for at least two weeks.

Fluorescein is used to monitor the condition of the eyes when using drops.


Taking corticosteroids increases the likelihood of side effects of the drug, while the therapeutic effect is reduced.

When used with drugs based on boric acid, the likelihood of developing conjunctivitis increases.

What is the composition and action?

The main substance in the composition of Oftan Idu is idoxuridine. The component helps block the proliferation of the virus that causes the disease by changing the synthesis of the cell nucleus. Its main “targets” are the herpes virus and Varicella (chickenpox). In addition to the main active ingredient, the eye drops also contain the following ingredients:

  • boric acid;
  • water;
  • benzalkonium chloride.

“Oftan Idu” drops are available in the form of a clear liquid. Packaged in a 10 ml plastic container. with dispenser. The end of the “pipette” is sterile, so they should not touch the mucous membrane of the eye or any other surface, because it can cause an infection. The drug is available only with a doctor's prescription. The main substance is absorbed into the systemic circulation and therefore may cause side effects.

Side effects

People with intolerance to certain components may experience:

  • an allergic reaction accompanied by redness, itching, lacrimation and swelling of the eyelids, photophobia;
  • follicular conjunctivitis;
  • diffuse keratitis.
  • the drug can slow down wound healing;
  • with prolonged use, it clogs the lacrimal glands.
  • after some time, a pinpoint lesion of the cornea occurs (after instillation of Oftan Idu stops);
  • new strains of viruses that will be immune to active substances.

In case of overdose, any side effects may increase their effect or increase the frequency of their occurrence.

Side effects of Oftan Idu

The medication allows you to quickly overcome serious viruses that affect the eyes. But its significant drawback is problematic penetration through the thickness of the cornea. It is for this reason that it needs to be buried so often.

The active substance itself is quite toxic, and when used in large dosages, there is a possibility of causing side effects.

The following possible side effects are identified:

  • Inflammation and swelling in the eye area;
  • Increased tear production;
  • Contact dermatitis;
  • Photophobia;
  • Headache and irritability;
  • Cloudiness of the cornea;
  • Minor spots or pinpoint defects appear on the corneal epithelium;
  • Allergic reactions in the form of blepharitis or conjunctivitis.

With prolonged use, the components of the substance can affect the properties of the upper layers of the epidermis. The regenerative function of which will significantly decrease, because of this, the damaged epithelium will take much longer to recover.

Side effects

Despite its high effectiveness, the drug can cause the following adverse reactions:

  • Redness and swelling of the eyelids;
  • Short-term impairment of accommodative ability;
  • Itching or burning immediately after instillation;
  • The appearance of microscopic scars on the surface of the conjunctiva;
  • Copious watery discharge from the eyes;
  • Cloudiness of the surface epithelium of the cornea;
  • Allergic reactions (rash, contact dermatitis);
  • Photophobia. If it is severe, you may need to wear sunglasses.

Oftan idu practically does not enter the bloodstream, and therefore does not cause systemic adverse reactions.


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EtoGlaza.ru » Medicines for eyes » Antiviral medicines

Instructions for use

Depending on the severity of the disease, the dosage may vary.

For acute viral infections, drops are instilled, 1 drop every hour throughout the day, into the conjunctival sac. At night, 1 drop is also instilled, but once every 2 hours. As symptoms ease, the frequency can be reduced.

The course of treatment may vary, from 5 to 14 days, depending on the disease.

Oftan idu (oftan idu) instructions for use


  • It is not recommended to wear soft contact lenses; they should be removed each time before the procedure. Only after 20 minutes can you start wearing them again.
  • The drug should not be used by pregnant and breastfeeding women and small children.
  • Parallel use of other ophthalmic agents is allowed only after 30 minutes.
  • Due to short-term clouding and loss of visual acuity, it is not allowed to use motor transport or undertake work that requires increased concentration.
  • Before use, you must wash your hands and carefully unpack the bottle, preventing any dirt from getting on it or coming into contact with non-sterile surfaces.
  • Due to poor penetration of the substance into the cornea, microorganisms may become resistant to this antibiotic. In this case, you will have to replace the product.


Zirgan price - from 759 rubles.

Indications for the use of eye gel: acute form of keratitis caused by herpes.


  • intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • cannot be taken during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Prohibited for use by minors.

Apply 1 drop under the lower eyelid 5 times a day until the corneal epithelium is strengthened. Then take 1 drop. 2 times a day for a week. The maximum duration of therapy is 21 days.


The cost in Moscow pharmacies is from 195 rubles. An antihistamine treats allergies, itching, inflammatory processes, and strengthens the immune system.


  • hay fever;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • persistent rhinitis due to allergies.

The effect on the fetus in pregnant women has not been studied, so you should avoid using the medicine during this period.


  • cannot be used by children;
  • intolerance to ingredients.

Dosage: 1 cm of gel is squeezed into each nostril 4 times a day for a week. The frequency of use of the medicine is reduced until the symptoms disappear. The nose is massaged with your fingers so that the medicine spreads evenly inside.

For conjunctivitis, 1 cm of gel is spread inside the lower eyelid 4 times a day for a week. After eliminating the symptoms, it is better to stop taking the medication. The duration of the course of therapy without interruptions is 6 weeks.

No examples of drug overdose have been recorded. The medicine is combined with antihistamines. When treating conjunctivitis, eye cosmetics are not used.


Eye drops in Moscow pharmacies cost from 126 rubles. The antiviral agent activates the body's protective functions. Taken for influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.

You should not use Poludan if you are intolerant to the components of the medicine.

Adult patients take 1 drop. per day under the lower eyelid 5 times a day for 5 days. No side effects are observed. When taking Poludan simultaneously with enzyme agents, its effectiveness decreases. Doctors allow the medicine to be used simultaneously with antibiotics.

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Alexandrova O.M.

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In pharmacies of the Russian Federation there are no analogues of Oftan Ida with the active antiviral substance - idoxuridine. However, it is possible to select drugs of the same pharmacological group - group analogues of this drug. They are similar in action, but contain other active components.

Eye drops from the list below are antiviral agents and, like Oftan Ida, are used in the treatment of herpetic eye lesions:

  • Aktipol;
  • Okoferon;
  • Trifluridine (Viroptic);
  • Poludan;
  • Oftalmoferon.

Group analogues are not always suitable substitutes for medications prescribed by a specialist. The possibility of their use must be agreed with the attending physician.

Substitutes for Oftan Idu: Idoxuridine (Bulgaria; Lithuania); IDURIN (India); Idustatin (Italy); Iduviran (France); Kerecid (UK); Sandoz Idoxuridine (Canada).

special instructions

The drug does not reduce the attention and speed of psychomotor reactions required when driving a car and operating complex mechanisms. The drops contain preservatives, which, in addition to their bactericidal effect, affect the organ of vision and can cause problems when using the drug

With prolonged use of drops containing benzalkonium chloride, the latter destroys the tear film, which causes the so-called “dry eye syndrome”. It is also capable of damaging the corneal epithelium, which leads to pinpoint lesions.

The drops contain preservatives, which, in addition to their bactericidal effect, affect the organ of vision and can cause problems when using the drug. With prolonged use of drops containing benzalkonium chloride, the latter destroys the tear film, which causes the so-called “dry eye syndrome”. It is also capable of damaging the corneal epithelium, which leads to pinpoint lesions.

When wearing contact lenses: do not allow the drug to come into contact with the surface of the lenses. The benzalkonium chloride contained in the drops is deposited on the surface of the lenses and causes them to become cloudy. Before instillation, the CL should be removed and placed back only after 15-20 minutes after instillation.

During therapy there is a possibility of photophobia. In this case, the patient must wear dark glasses and avoid bright sunlight.

It should not be combined with glucocorticosteroids (GCS).

The components of the drug make it difficult for wounds to heal, which must be taken into account when prescribing to patients with deep erosive lesions of the cornea.

Oftan go – indications for use, price in pharmacies, analogues

“Oftan Idu” are eye drops that have an antiviral effect against most infectious lesions of the visual organ. Let’s try to figure out what this drug is, to whom it is contraindicated, and whether there are analogues of Oftan Idu eye drops.

Characteristics and action

The drug is used for local treatment of eye inflammation caused by viral infections.

The active component is idoxuridine (1 mg), which quickly and effectively destroys viral cells, this is due to the similarity of the substance and the DNA component of the viral infection.

When idoxuridine enters a virus cell, it changes its DNA set, and it itself is destroyed.

This advantageous feature allows the substance to effectively fight viruses that contain DNA (herpes, chickenpox, CMV, rotavirus). At the same time, it does not penetrate well into the stratum corneum of the eye.

“Oftan Idu” is available in the form of a colorless 0.1% solution in a 10 ml dropper bottle.


  1. Keratitis caused by the herpes virus.
    With this disease, the stratum corneum of the eye becomes inflamed. The cause of the disease is hypothermia, minor trauma to the cornea, stress, acute viral infections. There is increased lacrimation, swelling and clouding of the cornea, decreased visual acuity, severe pain in the eyes of a cutting nature.
  2. Conjunctivitis caused by the herpes virus.
    Symptoms are deterioration in visual acuity, fear of light, weakness, increased body temperature, purulent discharge from the eyes, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, irritation, itching. The reasons are non-compliance with hygienic conditions, contact and household route of infection from a sick person.
  3. Superficial and dendritic keratitis.
    May appear as a complication of conjunctivitis. Symptoms – small dense formations of a grayish tint appear along the edge of the stratum corneum. The tree-like form of the disease often recurs at the slightest hypothermia or decrease in the body’s immune forces.

    In this case, the anterior layer of the corneal epithelium becomes inflamed and becomes covered with small blisters, which subsequently burst and form erosions. Such damage visually resembles a tree branch, which is where the name of the disease comes from.

  4. Eye diseases caused by other viruses (adenoviruses, papillomaviruses, poxviruses).

Instructions for use of eye drops “Oftan Idu”

In the acute form of the disease, instill a drop every hour (at night - every 2 hours) under the conjunctiva. If the patient's condition improves, then the dose is reduced - every 2 hours during the day, every 4 hours at night.

The treatment regimen and dosage can be changed, but only by the treating specialist, in accordance with the instructions for Oftan Idu drops, depending on the nature of the pathology, the severity of the disease and concomitant pathologies.

Usually the duration of treatment lasts about 5 days, but for dendritic keratitis a 14-day treatment with the remedy is required.

How does it interact with other medications?

These drops and glucocorticoids cannot be used at the same time, since the likelihood of developing systemic side effects increases, and the therapeutic effect of both drugs is reduced.

The risk of conjunctivitis increases if products containing boric acid are used together with drops.


  • Burning, itching, painful phenomena in the eyes;
  • Inflammation and swelling;
  • Fear of light;
  • Pinpoint lesions of the cornea after instillation (disappear after discontinuation of the medication);
  • Superficial keratitis (ingrowth of capillaries from the conjunctiva into the cornea);
  • Cloudiness of the epithelial layer;
  • Slow recovery from eye injury;
  • The appearance of scars;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Blockage of the nasolacrimal duct;
  • Discharge appears from the eye;
  • Allergies in the form of conjunctivitis and blepharitis;
  • Sensitization to the components of the product;
  • Childhood;
  • During pregnancy and lactation period. But if the use of the drug is urgently necessary during breastfeeding, then it is replaced with an artificial one;
  • Significant erosive lesions of the stratum corneum of the eye;

Indications for use

The drug can be used by people with diagnosed keratitis.
It is used only locally. It can be used as the main component in the treatment of an illness, or in combination. But it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of medications. An antiviral eye product is recommended for use if the patient has a history of factors such as:

  • keratitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • tree canker;
  • viral diseases of the organs of vision.
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