My cat's eye is swollen and festering - should I treat it or will it go away on its own?

With ophthalmological diseases, pus is often released, the eyelids become red, sore and swollen. If an adult or child has one eye that is festered and swollen, you should not self-medicate, which can only cause harm. To find out the cause of the pathology, contact an ophthalmologist, who will prescribe a comprehensive examination, after which he will select a treatment that will help get rid of swelling and purulent discharge in the eyes.

Why is the problem disturbing?

An eye tumor that is accompanied by pus is most often associated with an infection. Often a swollen organ is detected in a baby who is not even one year old. In young children, the disorder is caused by weak protective functions of the immune system, which is unable to resist pathogens. There are other reasons when a patient has swollen eyes that fester:

The pathology may be of an allergic nature.

  • Inflammatory reaction in the conjunctival area. Viruses and bacteria can provoke the disease. Often the source of a swollen and festered eye is an allergy.
  • Ulcerative lesion of the cornea. The mucous membrane becomes covered with a purulent film, which is difficult to remove.
  • Infectious lesions in the eye area. Symptoms appear against the background of ocular herpes or fungal keratitis.
  • Dacryocystitis. The disorder is characterized by an inflammatory process in the lacrimal sac, as a result of which pus accumulates in the visual organ and it swells.
  • Blepharitis. It manifests itself as damage to the hair follicle of the eyelashes, as a result of which the normal function of the meibomian glands is disrupted.
  • Barley. A swollen eye is associated with the appearance of a neoplasm, which contains purulent fluid inside.
  • Infection with demodectic mite. In medicine, the deviation is known as demodicosis. The organs of vision not only fester and swell, but also severe itching occurs.
  • Drying of the mucous membrane of the eye. The disorder may occur when sitting at the computer for a long time.

If the patient’s eyes become red, swollen and begin to fester, and a pathological neoplasm is noted, then it is strictly forbidden to squeeze it out. In this case, there is a high risk of infection spreading and complications occurring.


Therapeutic therapy is prescribed individually for each patient, based on the diagnosed disease. The first step is to determine the cause of the pathology, and only then begin treatment.

If allergic conjunctivitis develops, antihistamine drops may be prescribed. In case of a bacterial disorder, agents such as Levofloxacin and Tobramycin can be used for treatment.

When redness and suppuration of one eye are accompanied by high fever, blepharitis is diagnosed. In this case, complex therapy is prescribed.

When trachoma is diagnosed, medicinal antibiotics, tablets or drops are prescribed for treatment. In some cases, if there is a complication, surgery may be prescribed to open the purulent follicles.

Treatment of children

When redness, swelling and suppuration are diagnosed in a child, different treatment methods are used. For dacryocystitis, an operation called dacryocystorhinostomy is prescribed. It helps normalize the outflow of tear fluid.

To wash sore eyes, use a decoction of calendula or chamomile. The same components are used for compresses.

Additional symptoms

Irritation and photophobia appear.
If in children and adults the eyelid is swollen and the eye is swollen with purulent fluid due to an allergic reaction or other ophthalmological disorder, then an extensive clinical picture will be observed. The patient may also experience pain in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, and the nose may also become red. The pathology is accompanied not only by swelling and purulent discharge from the eyes, but also by other unpleasant symptoms:

  • soreness and sore throat;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the organs of vision;
  • pain and itching;
  • enlargement of nearby lymph nodes;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • fear of bright light;
  • accumulation of pus in the corners of the eyes, especially in the morning;
  • stuffy nose.

What types of eye injuries can a cat have?

Bleeding in a cat's eye

Blunt or sharp objects can cause traumatic effects. If the wound is caused first, then it is safer, because a blunt object does not penetrate into the deep layer of the eyeball. Other injuries have different consequences. They are capable of displacing the eye relative to proptosis and causing:

  • lens displacement;
  • bleeding;
  • retinal detachment;
  • bone fractures near the eye socket.

The latter carries with it a high probability of damage to the wall near the organ by tissue fragments.

It is clear that penetrating injuries occur after a sharp or foreign body. Such damage most often occurs in the spring, when the March battles begin and thorns, weed thorns, and plastic parts from toys get into the eyes. As a result, wounded eyelids, corneas, conjunctiva and sclera, choroid; Sometimes there is a risk of lens injury or displacement.

Of course, any cat is capable of injuring the organ that helps it see, regardless of gender or age. But practice shows that young individuals or already seasoned ones who are injured in the process of scrapes with rivals are most susceptible to danger. Quite often, damage occurs in animals that live near large transport routes. Crushed stone or small debris can bounce off and cause irreparable damage.

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Pets are more likely to be injured after outdoor travel. And castrated individuals do not often participate in fights, and their eyes are not so exposed to risks. It must be remembered that injuries may not always be mechanical. Sometimes such a pathology occurs due to an overly caring owner who independently prescribes a potent drug to the pet. Reckless and unnecessary use of antibiotics leads to loss of hearing and vision. If the animal is sick, then it is necessary to show it to the veterinarian.


A portion of the secreted fluid is taken for examination.
If the patient experiences red eye whites, the process of suppuration and swelling, then you should immediately see an ophthalmologist, since it is difficult to independently determine the cause of the disorder. The specialist will examine the affected visual organ and prescribe the following manipulations to make an accurate diagnosis:

  • laboratory blood test;
  • bacteriological culture of purulent contents;
  • diagnostics of eyelashes to identify demodicosis mites;
  • cytology and PCR analysis, which examines purulent discharge;
  • tubular and allergy test;
  • dacryocystography.

What to do and how to cope with the violation?

Conservative methods

Swollen eyes in children and adults need to be treated after determining the source of the problem. If the visual organ is very red, swollen and painful, then medications are prescribed. During therapy, it is better not to use contact lenses, glasses and other correction devices that may additionally cause irritation. The drugs presented in the table help relieve eye swelling and suppuration.

Drug groupName
Antibacterial agents"Albucid"
Drugs that relieve allergic reactions"Azelastine"
Topical medicationsTetracycline ointment

If your eyes are swollen and watery, you can use physiotherapeutic procedures. This therapeutic measure is additional and is prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies

An aqueous infusion of the plant is used for rinsing.
For pus under the eye, which causes the eyelid to become red and swollen, you can use natural ingredients. Such medications are aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms and alleviating the patient’s condition. Various decoctions and tinctures, which are used as compresses and lotions, help eliminate red eye whites. It is also recommended to wash the visual organs several times a day, which will help the pus come out faster. When the eye is swollen and begins to fester, the following natural substances are used:

  • chamomile inflorescence;
  • calendula;
  • strong tea.

A cat or dog scratches its eye: what to do?

In any case, it is worth showing the animal to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Edema can develop rapidly, within a few minutes, and threaten the life of the animal. Your first aid in this case can significantly alleviate the cat’s condition and improve the prognosis.

  • If your swelling is hot and red, you can try applying cold and go to an appointment;
  • If there is swelling of the muzzle or lips, try to give the animal an antihistamine (if you have one at home) and go to a veterinary clinic in Krasnoyarsk as soon as possible. It is better to clarify the dosage of the drug by calling our clinic 7(391)2-179-779;
  • If you see your cat's breathing deteriorating due to swelling in the face or any other part of the body, try to provide air flow. See your doctor as soon as possible. If breathing stops, it is necessary to perform artificial respiration through a napkin, carefully opening your mouth with it.

At the clinic, the doctor will urgently examine the animal and provide symptomatic therapy aimed at stabilizing the condition, and then conduct additional diagnostics to make a diagnosis.

The cost of treatment depends on the diagnosis, for example, with allergic edema, several injections of antihistamines (from 100 rubles) and exclusion of allergens are usually sufficient.

Krasnoyarsk, Partizana Zheleznyaka str. 9g; 7 (391) 2-179-779

“A cat or dog scratches its eye: what to do?” - Every pet owner has probably asked this question. In most cases, the reason for this behavior of the animal is explained quite simply: your pet has contracted conjunctivitis.

Eye injury is one of the most dangerous eye diseases. Even if the injury seems mild and harmless, its consequences can be quite serious, including complete loss of vision.

Remember that the best sedative is kind, comforting words spoken by the owner in a gentle and calm tone. Panic and screaming, on the contrary, will make the cat even more anxious. In addition, you can give your pet a little sedative, for example, “Cat Bayun”. When the animal has calmed down, you can wash the fresh scratches with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and wipe the wounds with a gauze pad that needs to be soaked in brilliant green. Algorithm for treating wounds.

In case of any, even the most minor injury, the wound still needs to be treated with antimicrobial drugs. We propose to do this using the following algorithm. After the bleeding has stopped, carefully trim the hair that surrounds the damaged area. If there are foreign objects in it (sand, grass, pieces of glass), they must be removed with tweezers. Next, we treat the wound with three percent peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate in order to eliminate bacterial flora and remaining dirt. We recommend disinfecting the skin around the wound with a solution of brilliant green, alcohol or iodine.

This is followed by treatment of the damage with “Sanatol” or “Streptocide”. If you see a deep defect, then you first need to stop the bleeding, treat everything according to the above method and then apply a sterile bandage to the wound, the edges of which are fixed with a regular adhesive plaster.

Preventive measures

To prevent the eye from becoming red and swollen, it is recommended to follow some preventive rules. First of all, it is recommended to limit the time spent at the computer and in front of the TV. If your work involves computer technology, then you should regularly take breaks for special gymnastics, which prevents the development of dry eye syndrome. It is possible to prevent suppuration and swelling with the help of a balanced diet, which should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and beneficial microelements. When washing, avoid aggressive cosmetics that cause irritation of the mucous membrane. Be sure to follow the rules of hygiene; you should not rub your visual organs with dirty hands, which can cause infection and cause inflammation.

If your pet has an eye injury

Eye injury is one of the most dangerous eye diseases. Even if the injury seems mild and harmless, its consequences can be quite serious, including complete loss of vision.

In case of eye damage, it is extremely important to quickly deliver the animal to a veterinary specialist - ophthalmologist, who will provide professional, qualified assistance. In case of injury to the eyeball, it is not even the days, but the hours that have passed after the injury that decide the fate of the injured eye.

Eye injuries are conventionally divided into 2 types:

  • Eye injuries from sharp objects (animal claws and teeth, sharp grass, plant thorns, wire, etc.);
  • Injuries to the eye from blunt objects (bruises or contusions) of the eye.
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