Why does the eye of a newborn baby fester?

Features of the eyes in newborns

The eyes of a newborn are especially susceptible to infection.
A baby's eyes differ from adults not only in structure. They are not sufficiently adapted and formed. Their peculiarity is that newborns are farsighted, cannot focus their gaze, and have weak eye muscles.

Very often the eyes of infants become inflamed. Causes of inflammation:

  • bacteria,
  • viruses,
  • allergens.

Manifestations of the disease: the eyes become red, swollen, watery, and pus appears. It is important to get treatment in time to prevent the infection from spreading.

Most often, a baby is diagnosed with conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis:

  1. Conjunctivitis is characterized by increased lacrimation, swelling of the eyes and nose, and the appearance of purulent discharge. It is important to know that the disease is caused by viruses and bacteria in order to prescribe the correct treatment.
  2. Dacryocystitis develops when there is a blockage (film) of the nasolacrimal duct. Tears stagnate in the lacrimal sac, the eyes become sticky, and purulent discharge appears.

For these diseases, rinsing is prescribed.

General rules for washing

For rinsing, you can use either boiled or purchased purified water.
In order for the rinsing procedure to be effective and not cause harm, you need to follow some rules. The eyes are carefully washed (preferably after sleep). You can use a cotton pad, boiled water and a gauze cloth. If there are no signs of inflammation, clean boiled water is sufficient.

Dip a cotton pad in water, wring it out a little and wipe the eye from the outer to the inner corner. The remaining water is removed with a gauze cloth. The same needs to be done with the second eye.

Take only boiled water: running water contains a lot of bacteria.

Before the procedure, hands are thoroughly washed with soap.

How to rinse your eyes with saline solution for conjunctivitis?

In case of infectious conjunctivitis, it is permissible to rinse your eyes with saline solution if you have no contraindications and the ophthalmologist has given the appropriate recommendation. Washing can be done in two ways.

  • Option 1.

You can use cotton swabs or disks that need to be moistened with a small amount of saline solution. A clean swab is used for each eye to prevent the spread of infection. Gently wipe the eye with moistened cotton wool in the direction from the outer to the inner corner. If there is a lot of discharge and it was not possible to remove them at one time, then the manipulation is repeated using a clean cotton pad.

With bacterial conjunctivitis, a person often wakes up in the morning with stuck together eyelashes, on which pus has dried. In this case, you must first apply a damp cotton pad to the eye and wait a little until the discharge becomes soft, after which it can be removed.

  • Option 2.

Another method of rinsing is more suitable for cases when the discharge from the eyes is liquid and does not require significant effort to remove it. Using clean fingers, you need to carefully pull down the lower eyelid, drip a sodium chloride solution into your eyes (usually 2-4 drops), then close your eyes and rotate them to evenly distribute the liquid over the surface of the eyeball. The leaking solution can be carefully removed with a clean disposable handkerchief or napkin.

  • We wash the eyes of infants.

First of all, you need to remember that if you have conjunctivitis, you can wash your baby’s eyes with saline solution only after consulting a doctor. For such young children, “homemade” solutions are not used - only sterile pharmaceutical ones.

If conjunctivitis occurs in very young children, their eyes need to be washed with saline solution according to a certain scheme.

The baby is placed face up on a flat surface. It is optimal if a bright toy hangs above his head, which the child will look at with pleasure. An adult, with clean hands, gently pulls down the baby's lower eyelid and drops one or two drops of saline there. Then he covers the eyelid with his hand and gently massages the eyeball through the skin so that the product is distributed. A similar manipulation is repeated with the second eye.

What rules must be followed when instilling sterile saline solution into the eyes?

  • Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with antibacterial soap to prevent additional eye infection.
  • It is advisable to take a semi-lying position or tilt your head back.
  • In order not to injure the eye and drip the solution into the conjunctival cavity, it is recommended to perform the procedure in front of a mirror.
  • Before rinsing your eyes with saline solution, you need to make sure that its temperature is comparable to normal body temperature. It is not recommended to drop cold saline solution into your eyes. To assess the temperature of the liquid, apply one drop to the inner bend of your elbow.
  • Do not touch the eyelids or eyes with the dropper or the tip of the bottle. This can lead to infection on the bottle, which in the future can provoke a relapse of conjunctivitis or will slow down the healing process.

Washing out festering eyes

From pharmaceutical products for rinsing, Furacilin solution is often used; you should only buy it ready-made, and not in tablets, since if you prepare it yourself, particles of the medicine may remain.
Purulent discharge appears due to:

  • neglect of hygiene rules (infection);
  • appearance of a foreign body;
  • eye diseases (conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis).

Simple water is not enough to wash purulent eyes. Drugs with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects are needed. There are several means:

  1. Without consulting a specialist, you can use an ancient folk remedy - tea leaves. Despite its harmlessness, it can cause harm: too hot can cause a burn. It is better to take warm, medium-strength tea leaves
  2. Chamomile decoction, like tea leaves, is used not hot and not strong.

Before washing, wash your hands well with soap. A clean cotton swab is moistened in the chosen product and wiped the eye according to the rules. This procedure is done at least once a day. Some experts recommend applying gentle pressure to the tear duct to squeeze out all the contents.

There is controversy regarding the use of breast milk for lavage. Some believe that milk is very healthy and sterile; it cleans the eyes well. Others claim that it contains many nutrients, which promotes the growth of bacteria even more.

Treatment with Furacilin

The medicine quickly and painlessly cleanses the contaminated mucous membranes of children, therefore it is often used for inflammatory processes. Furacilin is a cheap product and has been a part of any family first aid kit for many years.

The prepared solution is dropped into the eye using a pipette. Bury in the outer corner, not in the inner.

The second method of application is rinsing:

  • warm the solution to room temperature;
  • moisten a sterile bandage in the medicine;
  • wash your eyes one at a time, even if only one eye is festering.

Rinsing and instillation are carried out up to 3 times a day.

Video - dilution of Furacilin tablets

Selection of medications for a newborn

The most popular and simple remedy for washing the eyes of a newborn is chamomile infusion.
When selecting medications, you need to be careful. It is advisable to consult with your treating pediatrician. Doctors usually prescribe the following.

  • Furacilin is an antimicrobial agent. Release form: tablets and aqueous solution. Since the tablets do not dissolve well, they are first thoroughly crushed. One crushed tablet is mixed with 100 ml. boiled water. The resulting solution is stored for no more than a day, the next day a new one is diluted.
  • Potassium permanganate solution - it should be a weak pale pink without visible crystals. Just two or three crystals per glass of boiled water are enough.
  • Boric acid solution (2%) – 1 tsp. acids are diluted in a glass of water. Each eye is washed with a clean cotton swab.

Eye drops are used as prescribed by a doctor. Open the bottle with clean hands.

The tip of the pipette should not come into contact with anything.

Holding the baby's head firmly (he may jerk and get hurt), pull down the lower eyelid. Without touching the eyeball, drop a drop between the eyeball and the eyelid. The baby must blink so that the medicine spreads over the eye. Do the same with the second eye.

Typically, the following eye drops are prescribed to eliminate inflammation in newborns.

  1. Albucid is an antimicrobial agent that can be used from birth. The active substance is sulfacetamide.
  2. Tobrex – active ingredient tobramycin. According to the instructions, it is not used for babies under one year of age, but in practice, doctors prescribe drops for infants.
  3. Vitabact is an antiseptic, indicated for use from birth. Prescribed for dacryocystitis.
  4. Oftalmoferon is a combination drug with a wide spectrum of action.

The dose and duration of treatment are prescribed by the local pediatrician. There is no need to self-treat, otherwise you may harm the baby.

Boric acid eye rinse for infants

Mommies! What do doctors now advise to wash the eyes of babies with? Boric acid is now said to be harmful

Rinse with warm, freshly brewed tea.
Salty water. i.e. natural

Warm fresh weak tea...

It depends on what is sometimes easier to drip from

Simple clean boiled water.

There is special water at the pharmacy. Run!!!! What kind of tea is it now??? You'll spread more infection!!!

Rinse for what purpose? For hygiene purposes, use ordinary boiled water, and to combat acidification, the doctor usually prescribes antibacterial drugs.

We were not prescribed anything... Only in case of conjunctivitis, which we didn’t have) ) ​​And with the older one they told me to wipe it with furatsilin, but that was 7 years ago!

God.. . Well, what kind of boric acid and tea leaves, and even more so milk?? ? For washing, use simple boiled water or furatsilin solution...

If you still feed, then with your milk. And I agree with the girls. At the pharmacy I asked for boric acid, they said albucid, but that’s probably due to conjunctivitis

Is it possible for kittens to wash their eyes with a tea solution?

It’s better, just like for a child, with boric acid.

Can. Not necessarily freshly brewed. Possibly old. For each eye there is a separate swab.

Yes. But usually the cat does this.

Beautiful, are you sure that this is not an infection in kittens? And you won't need antibiotics or a veterinarian?

You can only have not strong tea

We washed it, and everything is very, very good!

Why tea? Better than a drop of Iris, probably.

Is it recommended for infants to wash their eyes with a solution of boric acid and, if so, in what proportion?

Mommaaaaaaaaaa why?

This is the first time I’ve heard this, who advised you to do this?

Boric acid is poisonous and allergic. This is the method of the last century.

I don’t think it’s worth it….in any case, I’ve never washed mine

How about just boiled????

This is the first time I’ve heard it! And if your eyes are festering, it’s better to use chamomile!

Nu u teba i shutki

It’s a nightmare, but the whole body is weak with alcohol?

Oh. You don’t need to do such a bad thing - you’ll burn the mucous membranes of your eyes. Are the little guy's eyes sour? Then a weak infusion of chamomile or black tea. And tell the doctor, maybe you need an antibiotic. And just for the sake of sterility, don’t get into your eyes.

If you really want to rinse, use green tea

Better than ordinary tea! It's definitely harmless!

We had problems with our eyes after birth, I washed it with black tea and it went away very quickly

Better than tea leaves

If your eyes are festering, drop Albucid once and the FSE will go away

Children used to wash their eyes with boric acid. It is now recognized as dangerous. If there are problems with the eyes, in the first weeks of life they wash their eyes with soap - baby or household soap (sounds terrible, but this is done even in maternity hospitals and is quite effective). If it doesn’t help, you need to talk to an ophthalmologist - it could be obstruction of the tear ducts, then you will need a massage and special drops. The sooner you contact, the better - otherwise you may need probing - not a very pleasant procedure.

No, boron should not be washed with furatsilin solution - crush 1 tablet and dissolve in 1 glass of warm water - let it cool on a cotton swab and rinse!

In fact, infants' eyes are washed with breast milk. This is the first time I've heard about boric acid.

My ophthalmologist advised me to dilute a 5 ml bottle of penicillin. boiling water, and dripping into the eyes - this is if they fester. And if everything is in order, then just boiled water!

My son has festering eyes, cough, runny nose (severe) what to do

Is there any way to call a doctor for your child?

Call a doctor.

Call a doctor and wash your eyes - drops in the pharmacy for conjunctivitis..

To the hospital!!!

What causes conjunctivitis and how to treat it

There are bacterial, viral and allergic forms of conjunctivitis. With the bacterial form, both eyes are usually infected and accompanied by copious mucus production. The viral form usually affects one eye and is accompanied by tearing and mild discharge. Both of these forms of the disease are highly contagious and are easily transmitted through contact with a sick person. Therefore, during treatment it is necessary to strictly observe the following hygiene rules: use only your own towel; wash your hands regularly; change linen and towels daily; do not visit the children's group. Often conjunctivitis occurs due to an allergic reaction to some irritant: pollen, dust, odors and is expressed by redness of the eyelids, severe itching, and the release of viscous pus. The difficulty of treating conjunctivitis in young children is that children, feeling burning and itching in their eyes, constantly rub them with their hands. It is quite difficult to prohibit this. Therefore, mom needs to wash her eyes several times a day with herbal infusion of chamomile and calendula. For treatment of conjunctivitis to be successful, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. A specialist will examine your eyes and find out the cause of conjunctivitis. It should be remembered that a severe complication of conjunctivitis can be purulent inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye. Treatment of conjunctivitis is complex and includes antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and antiparasitic drugs (depending on the cause of the disease). In addition, the patient may be prescribed antihistamines and immunomodulatory drugs. The eye can be considered healthy when the infectious agent is eliminated.

How to wash the eyes of newborns. When a baby appears in the family, it is joy and excitement at the same time. If your baby’s eyes are sticky or festering, the easiest way is to use a 2% boric acid solution. Dissolve boric acid in boiled water...

How to help kittens...they were born in the entrance, and everyone suffers from their eyes...What can I do to drip their eyes? I rinse them with water,

Strong tea leaves need to be washed

Then, passing a cotton swab from the outer to the inner corner of the eye, you need to rinse the eyes of the newborn baby. To do this, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of boric acid in a glass of boiled water.

Eye drops from the pharmacy Levomycetin, the entrance is full of infection... kittens are not domestic, but yard ones, tea leaves and just water cannot cope, antibiotics are needed

Wash it in the same way as for children. tea and furcilin. I have two kittens myself

Tea leaves.

You can rinse with saline solution and apply tetracycline ointment 4 times a day, but it would be better to see a veterinarian, there may be a virus

Rinse with furacillin + tetracycline eye ointment for 5-7 days

Baby care. Newborn care. We wash the eyes of the newborn. To do this, you need to buy boric acid, dilute one teaspoon of acid in one glass of boiled water at room temperature.

Furacillin aqueous. And levomecetin-ch. drops

Of course, you can try tea leaves))) and drops, but we also wiped the kittens with tea leaves (street ones) and everything was fine with the eyes!!!

Our vet recommended Garazon drops. The kitten’s conjunctivitis could not be cured by anything and could not be washed away with any tea. And it turned out that this was a truly effective remedy; the entire conjunctivitis infection disappeared irrevocably in three days. Our vet knows what he advises.

What should I do if my child's penis hurts under his skin? Help

To the doctor

Today, boric acid is used to treat conjunctivitis, as well as inflammation of the outer mucous membrane of the eyes. If a child’s eyes begin to hurt badly, this often happens from watching TV for a long time or being in front of a computer screen...

This may be a consequence of poor hygiene, foreign objects, clogging, or cystitis. To the doctor!

Take the damn thing to the doctor

The foreskin is pulled back and washed with boric acid. Teach your child to shake off the last drop as you do yourself. A solution of aqueous boric acid. And maintain hygiene. This is why many nations circumcise boys.

This happened to us too. Take and make baths with ordinary steamed chamomile. Naturally, at the same time, you carefully expose the head so that the grass can process everything. After this, blot everything with a napkin and apply OFLOCAINE ointment. Apply to the head and slowly smear everything. And look, everything will pass. You continue the procedure until the inflammation goes away. Good luck to you.

The kitten is sick ((Help cure it!

What you treat children with is the same way you treat a kitten, just calculate by weight. Sniffles your nose - treat a runny nose. After treatment, deworm, but also do not make a mistake with the dosage. The pet store will tell you. But it would be better to find a vet.

In this article we will tell you why the eyes of babies can fester and what treatment is required for this. These are furatsilin, chamomile decoction, boric acid solution and others. Your optometrist will advise you on the best way to wash your newborn's eyes.

Well, putting tea on the eyes is right, but with a clogged nose, I don’t even know what I can do, try putting a drop of some high-quality cold drops into the clogged nostril, if that doesn’t help, then go to the vet, no matter how far away he is

Rinse your eyes and nose with St. John's wort herb tea. It will clean everything very quickly. Both the eyes and the nose... the crusts will get wet... he will sneeze and that’s it.

Why is treatment in social media? networks?

It is better to wash the eyes (both eyes with different cotton wool) with a weak solution of boric acid. There are IRIS eye drops for animals - if you don’t get to the veterinary pharmacy, you can drop one drop of albucit or chloramphenicol (eye drops for people). The nose must first be carefully cleaned of boogers with a 0.1% solution of furatsilin and then lubricate the nasal cavities with oxolinic or furatsilin ointment. And watch out - he probably caught a cold - if he coughs or sneezes - I give mine ASD-2 - and everything is resolved quickly enough

With treatment from the Internet you will completely ruin it, at the veterinary pharmacy they don’t know much either, it’s better to go to the vet

Washing your eyes with boric acid is an extremely simple procedure. If you are washing two eyes, use a separate cotton pad for each of them. Boric acid solution for the treatment of skin diseases.

Looks more like a viral infection, take your baby to the veterinarian! You can consult in more detail on the veterinary forum 8

Help, what to do if a cat’s eyes fester

Take it to the vet, they will tell you what to treat

In this case, boric acid can help, use this: rinse with the solution three or four times a day, wait until it dries, then apply Boric acid for the eyes. The population in Russia is very conservative, so they prefer to be treated the old fashioned way.

Depending on the reason.

Take a cotton pad, wet it slightly and wipe. Mine also has this kind of bullshit in front of my eyes. They probably have it like we have pellets in the corners of our eyes after sleep.

Only a doctor will determine. We are used to the fact that when a kitten’s eyes fester, we wash it with strong tea and that’s it. But when it dragged on, we went to the doctor. We were prescribed drops. diagnosis. the tear duct is clogged. after 6 months for surgery. Don't delay!

Levomycetin is an antiseptic eye drop, sold in a regular pharmacy, they can be dripped onto adults, children, and cats, both for treatment and for prevention. So don't worry, there won't be any harm! Most likely, your cat has developed conjunctivitis.

Give her a vet. Your dad doesn’t work for free either, so there’s no reason to be surprised that the branch charges money for appointments.

It is necessary to wash the eyes of a newborn regularly, such hygiene is... A solution of boric acid, a spoonful of a two percent solution is diluted in a glass of water. The solution of potassium permanganate is turned pale pink until the crystals are completely dissolved

How to treat a kitten's eyes?

Well, in such conditions, I can recommend wiping your eyes with chamomile infusion 3 times a day. In general, if you do end up at the pharmacy, buy anti-inflammatory drops

Before you start rinsing your baby's eyes, you should wash your hands thoroughly to avoid infection. In this case, the best method is to use a 2 percent boric acid solution.

Simple brewing, not hot

Go to the pharmacy!!!!

Two of the three kittens have closed eyes.

As a doctor who deals exclusively with each eye individually of every kitten in the world, I inform you that you would be better off going to a veterinary clinic.

Many young mothers are interested in the question of how to wash the eyes of a newborn? After all, the baby’s eyes require special care. Already at home, after discharge from the maternity ward, you can treat purulent eyes with a solution of 2% boric acid.

Do they eat from their mother - without complementary foods? It looks like they really have a lot of protein in their food... which means they need to wash their eyes... Children are washed with a weak solution of boric acid - I don’t know why, kittens - with novocaine...

Tetracycline eye ointment

It’s better to just go to the veterinary clinic so that there are no problems later

There may be worms

A kitten (16 days old) has a festering eye. what to do, it sticks together, I constantly wipe off the pus with saliva and he sees again. what to do?

Rinse with tea leaves or boric acid.

One of the stages of daily hygiene for a baby is washing the eyes. How to wash the eyes of a newborn? If your baby's eyes stick together or even fester, then the easiest way is to rinse them with a 2% boric acid solution. For this…

Buy eye drops for cats from the vet. store. But it’s not good to shove your drool with germs into a kitten’s eye.

We also have a small kitten) wipe with tea leaves but only a little

Try it with urine (((Buy Tsiprovet eye drops at a veterinary pharmacy and instill them according to the instructions. And don’t let your drool into your child’s eyes, please...

Sofradex drops in a regular human pharmacy help very quickly. I always use it to treat my animals if there is something wrong with their eyes.

Gently and carefully rinse your eyes: twist a tight band of cotton wool (cotton swabs will not work), dip it in the solution and squeeze the liquid onto the eyeball; if the eyelids are stuck together, moisten their surface. Repeat these manipulations until the eyeballs and eyelids are clear. It is important to know not only how, but also what to wash your cat’s eyes with. For this purpose, products with antibacterial properties are suitable: 0.02% furatsilin solution; boric acid solution (2 tsp per 0.5 cup of water); Chamomile decoction at the pharmacy, take any EYE solution!!!! antibiotic ointment, pus, an indicator of a bacterial infection - tetracycline or erythromycin and place the rinsing field in the eye 2 times a day

In order to eliminate redness of the skin under the eyes caused by fatigue, it is good advice to rinse your eyes with a solution of table salt or boric acid, as well as a decoction of chamomile. Rinse eyes with boric acid.

What are you doing? You can't let saliva get into the kitten's eye! What if you put kitten saliva in your eye? You need to buy drops for cats at the pet store and put them in the kitten’s eyes. After this, gently wipe the eye with a cotton swab.

I have a 1 month old kitten and he cannot open his eyes. I tried the tap and boiled water, my eyes opened the next day they stuck together and festered

The kitten's eye is very purulent (yellow discharge), there is redness, the eye is sticking together. There is no way to take him to a veterinarian.

Rinse with strong tea leaves. That is, wet the cotton wool and anoint it

Previously, children had their eyes washed with boric acid. If there are problems with the eyes, they wash their eyes with soap in the first weeks of life - baby or household soap, which sounds terrible, but this is done even in maternity hospitals and is quite effective.

Diamond eyes

Rinse well with boric acid solution. At worst - brewing tea.

There is no way to remove it, call a veterinarian at home, still sit on the answers (if a cat’s eyes hurt, this is not always an eye disease, perhaps the reason is different)

Tetracycoin or erythromycin ophthalmic ointment.

It’s better to go to the vet, otherwise God forbid the eye pops out. There will be a one-eyed cat. Or at least ask the veterinarian pharmacy for something.

Imagine how beneficial it is for a baby’s stomach if it helps the eyes! If the eyes are very festered, you can rinse them with a pipette using a 1% solution of boric acid.

My cat has the same problem, we give him human taufon, try rinsing with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and rinse with chamomile infusion as often as possible, if this does not go away after a while, go to the veterinarian! we didn’t go and launch it, we had to inject antibiotics

For example, it could be inflammation of the third eyelid, or coronavirus, or panleukopenia, or... You still need reasons to find an opportunity to take your baby to the doctor.

Connectivitis? If yes, look for treatment on the Internet.

It is better not to self-medicate, but to take the cat to the doctor. Perhaps the cat injured the eye, brought in dirt, inflammation of the 3rd eyelid - there can be many reasons, but self-medication can only make it worse. In general, for now you can rinse with chamomile, drip a little fosprenil (antiviral), and apply tetracycline ointment. But it’s better and more correct to go to the doctor, but the cat has nothing to do on the street, let him live at home

Look at home to see what eye drops you have and apply them. If it doesn't get better by morning, run to the vet.

Boric acid was removed from the Mother and Child Medicine Kit. But some pediatricians stubbornly continue to recommend it for treating the oral cavity and eyes of newborns.

If one eye is festering, I emphasize one, try Sofradex drops or tetracycline ointment, but be sure to use eye ointment. But it’s still better to see a doctor, he will know better on the spot.

Tetracycline ointment, tseprovet1 as a last resort, brewing tea

The dog was scratched in the eye by a cat, what can you put in the eye, the eye looks normal, but it’s a little festered.

Start with Oftadek drops, in a human pharmacy, even newborns get them, they don’t sting. If it doesn’t go away in a couple of days, then you’ll need to take it to the vet and pick up some antibiotic drops.

Boric acid solution. Boric acid is used in medicine as a weak, non-irritating antiseptic and disinfectant.2. Rinse the bottle with water strained through a swab.

Eye ointment - tetracycline or erythromycin. Apply according to instructions, several times a day. To fester is no longer normal, it means an infection. Boric acid is not necessary! Still acid!!!! It's not for the eyes.

Give interferon and go to the vet... galloping...

Levomekol drops, and to the vet,

Drops "IRIS" with mechanical impact on the eyes. 7-10 days 3 times a day

Last week, our cat scratched the dog’s eyeball, the vet prescribed rinsing with boric acid, erythromycin ointment, Gamavit injections and 0.5 aloe once a day.

Question How to wash the eyes of a newborn? may occur in young parents whose family has recently welcomed a new member, and to eliminate crusts or excess mucus accumulation in the eyes, an aqueous solution of boric acid is used to prepare...

No drops needed for babies. Apparently just bacteria from the paw got into the eye and the mucous membrane became inflamed. Ask your veterinarian, advice is free. He’ll at least examine the eye, the drops will treat the cause; if you don’t identify the cause correctly, you’ll spend extra money just like that, without results. It is useful for the dog to consolidate this outcome of the situation in memory. Let it happen sooner rather than later. It’s okay, he’ll learn to climb more carefully.

What herbs can you use to wash your eyes if your baby has conjunctivitis and any drops you buy don’t go away?

Only chamomile is a good antiseptic

Boric acid To prevent the appearance or removal of barley on the eye, sometimes it happens that you feel a cold. In such cases, it is enough to rinse your eyes with a decoction of onions with the addition of a small amount of boric acid or honey.

Wet tea bags every morning helped me.

Buy children's penicillin at your child's pharmacy. Dissolve penicillin on the tip of a knife (a little more is possible) in 1/4 cup of warm water. Rub your eyes with this solution 3-4 times a day, each eye with a separate cotton pad (or a piece of cotton wool).

Rinse with drinking tea and smear (literally place on eyelashes) tetracycline eye ointment. Quickly removes conjunctivitis. Doesn't bake like drops.

Did the faggot die or something?

*** If a child’s eyes fester, they must be washed with a solution of boric acid (1/2 tsp per glass of warm boiled water) or potassium permanganate (1-2 drops of a strong solution of potassium permanganate diluted in boiled water until a pale pink color appears colors) . Chamomile infusion is good. *** It is necessary to rinse the eyes separately with cotton balls in the direction from the outer edge of the eye to the nose. Each eye must be wiped with a clean piece of cotton wool, the healthy eye being wiped first, and then the sick one. After rinsing, the eyes are also dried with separate dry cotton pieces.

If you are wondering how to wash your eyes with conjunctivitis, there are several effective recipes. For the procedure, use a weak solution of manganese, furacelin or boric acid.

Calendula tincture: 1 tsp. per glass of warm boiled water;

The baby MUST be shown to a pediatric ophthalmologist. There is no need to try all the treatment methods known to you and your friends on your child.

How to deal with blepharitis?

I know from the experience of 9 years of working in the Wellness Program that COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH IMPROVEMENT will help the body cope with such trouble! And so... Safe2C or Safe that si Details are easy to find on the Internet or here in my world... Good luck. Dima. Novosibirsk

Is it possible to drip boric acid into the ear? Why is boric acid needed? It creates an unfavorable environment for fungi and bacteria, disinfects the skin and mucous membranes. Rinse the ears with hydrogen peroxide

Hello. About 15 years ago I cured my daughter’s blepharitis. Drop the urine of a small child into the eyes, and also rinse with a cotton swab. During treatment, exclude all sweets.

Blepharogel 1 or 2 check with your doctor

The baby is 6.5 months old. I noticed his pussy was a little swollen and a little white-green liquid came out of it

Don’t panic ahead of time, you’ve already done everything you can

Boric acid powder helped us a lot!! Sold in a pharmacy, costs 3 kopecks! Place a level teaspoon in a glass of boiled water and rinse 5-6 times a day from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one!!!

Chamomile will suffice for now. We also kept the little one’s pisyun in a solution of potassium permanganate, when the tip became inflamed, it still doesn’t open well there

If you have potassium permanganate, take a bath with it. No - with boric acid powder dissolved in water, with chamomile decoction (not a lotion - a bath). Try to expose the head; A lot of dirt has accumulated under the foreskin; apparently the boy has a narrowing of the foreskin (phimosis). Be sure to see a doctor, of course.

It happens, my son is 20 years old, and this was not the case. The main thing is to calm down. If your baby is bothered by anything, he will let you know... screaming You should definitely go to the doctor, but I think it’s nothing serious... Girls also experience spotting up to 1 year of age. The most important thing is that you wash everything and don’t put on diapers yet, so as not to rot.

It was under the foreskin that microbes could multiply. That is why it needs to be moved away every day when bathing and washed under it. Now you can make a local bath with a soda solution (weak, 1 incomplete teaspoon per glass of water) - pour this solution into a small container and immerse the pussy there for a couple of minutes (push the foreskin back again), no need to put it in potassium permanganate: it dries it out.

You don’t need to self-medicate because you have only one doctor in the clinic? go to someone else even if not from your site. go to the reception and say urgently need a doctor; any pediatrician will examine you.

In this case, it is better not to rinse your eyes with water. So what should you resort to to provide first aid to powdery eyes? In the last century, when eyes were inflamed, it was recommended to wash them with a solution of boric acid.

Does thrush bother a one-month-old baby?

It doesn't bother me at all... but it needs to be treated. give boiled water more often))

Your doctor will tell you how to wash a newborn’s eyes when an infection develops. You can dissolve a teaspoon of 2% boric acid in a glass of boiled water and Many pediatricians recommend washing a newborn’s eyes with furatsilin.

Take vitamin B12, dab it with a cotton swab and clean the poor baby’s mouth. it will grow if left... And she definitely worries him.

Thrush is not only an external manifestation, but also an internal itch, so the child may be restless

My daughter had thrush at 3 months, it didn’t bother her, she washed it with boiled water and soda. It took 3 days.

I missed it and didn’t remove it from my mouth. She left and then began to appear in the crotch. Red rash, burning, weeping, small restless. I had to urgently treat with antifungal drugs internally. Don't start it, disgusting thing!

27 years ago, visiting nurses advised treating thrush in infants. wiping the tongue and oral cavity with a solution of boric acid, 1 teaspoon per glass of boiled water. I wrapped a sterile bandage around my index finger, soaked it in the solution and wiped my tongue. The child was one month old. noticeable improvement came immediately. three days later my mouth was clean. By the way. Thrush is treated topically with a solution of boric acid in glycerin.

My daughter is 4 months old, her eye is a little festering, my mother said to wash it with boric acid, but she doesn’t remember how to dilute it, she bought powder at the pharmacy. 2 grams per 100 ml of water, washed with a 2% solution.

Soda in boiled water, and then wrap a bandage around your finger, dip it in the solution and wipe the child’s mouth (necessarily after eating) and after 2-3 days there will be no trace left))))))

The doctor told us to rinse with soda

Solcoseryl can be applied in a thin layer to the pacifier and the baby will suck and the paste will treat the mouth and you do not need to rub it in with your finger.. but you need to use the soda solution to treat the mouth..

Baking soda didn't help us, boric acid did.

Worrying. we are 3 weeks old. Now doctors advise diluting soda with water, but when you clean your mouth, you feel sorry for the child to tears (((

Use as an eye wash for inflammation of the eyelids. Boric acid If the eyes begin to fester, they should be washed with a solution of boric acid, and fresh cottage cheese should be placed on them in a napkin overnight.

For mothers with children

This is NOT related. navel - omphalitis begins. We were also prescribed Levomekol. thickly on gauze and under diapers

Previously, boric acid was very widely used as an antiseptic, including in children. In the form of a 2% aqueous solution for washing the eyes for conjunctivitis or a 3% aqueous solution as a lotion for various weeping inflammatory processes on the skin.

Check for staphylococcus

No, it's not related.

This has nothing to do with

This has nothing to do with it, treat the navel with chloramphenicol alcohol, and before that with peroxide

Loose stools are normal and have nothing to do with the navel. The navel is not connected to the intestines at all - the umbilical cord was connected to the circulatory system of the baby and mother. With the navel above, they advised against omphalitis

You can avoid this if you know how to wash your eyes when conjunctivitis occurs in order to quickly get rid of it and wake up again in a good mood and clean. For procedures, you can use a weak solution of manganese, boric acid or furacelin.

The green stuff got into the stomach through the navel))))) Was the poop green?))))))))))

The eye of a newborn kitten has become infected. he doesn't have a mother. what to do?

You can rinse with drinking tea.

Currently, boric acid is used to treat a number of conjunctivitis, inflammation of the outer membrane of the eye, various dermatitis, inflammation of the skin, otitis, inflammation of the ear cavity.


To the vet! Otherwise the cat may lose its eye!!

They say you need to rinse with tea, but it’s better to see a veterinarian

Just like a person. Same medications. And to the animal doctor.

It needs to be washed with boron, it helps. Just warm up the solution, otherwise it will start to scratch.

How to wash your eyes with conjunctivitis. The choice of eye wash solutions is quite large. For children and for allergic conjunctivitis, it is recommended to choose neutral solutions. boric acid solution

See a doctor for the animal and it will probably go away on its own, it’s like a transitional age

Try rinsing the eye and removing the pus; if that doesn’t help, contact your veterinarian.

Give antibiotic drops to children. 1 drop 2 times a day. rinse with weak tea or just boiled water. it won't go away on its own.

There are Diamond Eye drops at the pharmacy or wherever they sell animal food. They are made from the herb St. John's wort. They should rinse their eyes or buy some herbs and brew them as tea to rinse them too. Two or three times... and everything will pass.

Rinse with tea carefully

Both organs become irritated and the eyes begin to leak. Clinical studies have shown that inhalation of this substance also leads to lung damage. Boric acid penetrates the body quite easily through the skin, so its effect on...

I washed it with penicillin diluted with boiled water

A 6-month-old child has a festering eye, we treat it with antibiotics from birth, nothing helps))) HOW TO TREAT IT??

Try wiping with calendula decoction, it helped us immediately

It is best to wash the eyes with cotton wool. Take a small ball of cotton wool. Soak the cotton wool in this solution and, tilting your head back strongly, drop boric acid into your eyes.

Try going to another doctor, another clinic (after all, there are specialists in eye diseases).

Grandmother's recipe for old tea leaves or chamomile decoction

Antibiotics are very harmful when used for such a long time. Check with your doctor, maybe the tear duct is clogged and you need to get a puncture.

Damn you are torturing a child! to the doctor!!!! immediately!

Calendula and chamomile should help. You need to find out in more detail what herbs can be used to treat. But from birth, treating with antibiotics is a nightmare. I was injected with an antibiotic for 2 days in the maternity hospital and we are still suffering with my intestines; the antibiotic killed all the beneficial microbes. I also heard that you can drip breast milk! Health to your baby!!!

Since kidney function in children is relatively underdeveloped, and the younger the child’s age, the more pronounced this underdevelopment is, boric acid is most dangerous for young children and, in particular, for newborn babies.

Definitely see a doctor, if you’ve already been, go to another one. And ask how to restore intestinal flora after antibiotics. Otherwise the baby will be uncomfortable ((((

If at birth, then you have obstruction of the lacrimal canal. What kind of competent doctor has been treating you for six months? Go to another specialist for a referral to the ophthalmology department for probing of the lacrimal canal. this is a quick procedure. They came, took the child, 5 minutes - and went home.

A friend treated it with probing of the lacrimal canal... In general, if this has recently started, then rubbing it with tea may help, but you need to use old tea leaves that have been left for at least a day, and if you wash it with recently brewed tea, it will fester even worse, obviously black tea

It looks like an obstruction of the tear duct... It’s just useless to treat... And massage, in principle, is also unlikely to help... Don’t delay with probing either, it can only be done until a certain age without problems... And then with anesthesia, why do you need this....

Perhaps the baby has viral conjunctivitis, not bacterial, which is why antibiotics do not help. Conjunctivitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva, the clear outer mucous membrane of the eyes that covers the sclera and inner surface of the eyelids. There are three most common types of conjunctivitis: · viral · bacterial · allergic Viral conjunctivitis usually develops after an acute respiratory illness, cold or sore throat. Bacterial conjunctivitis is a consequence of damage to the conjunctiva by bacteria such as staphylococcus and streptococcus. As for allergic conjunctivitis, it manifests itself against the background of general allergization of the body. Quite often, allergic conjunctivitis depends on the time of year or the use of cosmetics, perfumes, and medications. Diagnosis of conjunctivitis begins with a slit lamp examination of the eyes. If bacterial conjunctivitis is suspected, a culture of the conjunctiva (scraping) is taken, which makes it possible to clarify the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. The main symptoms of bacterial conjunctivitis are: · swelling of the conjunctiva · purulent discharge from the eye · redness of the eye · lacrimation · itching, pain, burning in the affected eye When treating bacterial conjunctivitis, eye drops and ointments are used, which contain broad-spectrum antibiotics. The following drugs are most often used: solution of furatsilin (1:5000), potassium permanganate (1:5000), rivanol (1:5000); 2% boric acid solution; 20-30% sodium sulfacyl (albucid); 10% norsulfazole solution; 0.25% solution of chloramphenicol; 0.5% gentamicin solution. Viral conjunctivitis usually affects both eyes at once and is manifested by: · profuse lacrimation · irritation and redness of the eyes · swelling of the conjunctiva · photophobia Treatment of viral conjunctivitis includes the prescription of antiviral drops and ointments, as well as drugs that help strengthen the patient's immune system. It is also recommended to take vitamins and microelements. Interferon solution used 6-8 times a day, 0.1% deoxyribonuclease solution 4-5 times a day are highly effective in the treatment of viral conjunctivitis. It is also possible to use Poludanum solution 4-5 times a day. A good result is achieved by treatment with 0.25-0.5% tebrofen, florenal, bonaftone ointments applied to the conjunctival area 2-4 times a day. The main symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis are: · itching · lacrimation · swelling of the eyelids In the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen that triggered the development of the disease. If it is impossible to identify or remove the allergen, the patient is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs in drops and tablets. If treatment has no effect, the doctor may prescribe steroidal anti-inflammatory drops. Correctly selected treatment usually results in complete recovery. Untimely or unjustified therapy can lead to the development of a chronic form of the disease, which is characterized by frequent exacerbations. In any case, treating a disease is always more expensive than preventing it. Therefore, you should adhere to the basic rules, the observance of which will help you avoid conjunctivitis: · wash your hands with soap more often · avoid swimming in contaminated waters · do not touch your face and eyes with dirty hands · use individual towels and disposable napkins instead of handkerchiefs.

Boric acid was removed from the Mother and Child Medicine Kit. But some pediatricians stubbornly continue to recommend it for treating the oral cavity and eyes of newborns. And it costs nothing for mothers, and especially grandmothers, to treat their child’s skin with a solution of boric acid.

Lord, the child has already been shown sounding. Have you seen an ophthalmologist? Do you know that there is such a thing as dacryocystitis? Dacryocystitis is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac due to congenital underdevelopment of the lacrimal ducts. It is a borderline state between a developmental anomaly and an acquired pathology. The first sign of dacryocystitis is the presence of mucous or mucopurulent discharge in the conjunctival cavity, lacrimation and mild conjunctival hyperemia. Often this condition is regarded as conjunctivitis. A severe complication of unrecognized dacryocystitis in newborns can be phlegmon of the lacrimal sac or orbit and fistula of the lacrimal sac. Dacryocystitis is distinguished from conjunctivitis by the presence of mucopurulent discharge from the lacrimal openings when pressing on the area of ​​the lacrimal sac. Sometimes, after long-term previous treatment with drops, this symptom becomes uncharacteristic. Then the Vesta canalicular test, diagnostic lavage and probing of the lacrimal ducts are performed.

The cat is sick, help!

Preventing eye infection in a newborn

Inflammatory processes in the eyes can be prevented by following preventive measures:

  • The eyes are washed twice a day with a sterile bandage moistened with boiled water;
  • if one of the family members gets sick, he is obliged to use disposable masks so as not to infect the baby;
  • Every time you touch a baby, you should wash your hands with soap.

Eye washing is one of the hygiene procedures. Preventive measures will help avoid eye diseases. Inflammatory processes must not be started, otherwise serious pathologies may develop.

In the video below you will find a detailed description of proper eye care for a newborn:

Why do you need to wash your eyes with conjunctivitis?

Washing is an important hygienic procedure that must be performed regularly for various types of conjunctivitis. Usually, the doctor recommends rinsing the eyes before each instillation of drops or use of medicinal ointments. What effect does washing have?

  • Helps remove pus and mucus, prevent discharge from drying out and eyelashes from sticking together.
  • Cleans the surface of the eyeball from contaminants and helps reduce the number of harmful and dangerous microorganisms.
  • Increases the effectiveness of medications by reducing the number of microbes and speeds up the healing process.
  • It can have an anti-inflammatory, calming effect if solutions with the appropriate effect are used for rinsing.

For conjunctivitis, it is permissible to rinse the eyes with clean water, a solution of potassium permanganate, boric acid, furatsilin, a decoction of chamomile and some other herbs.

Before using any of the solutions, you should definitely consult your doctor. One of the widely used eye washes for inflammation of the conjunctiva is saline solution.

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