Red spots under the eyes (causes, symptoms, treatment)

One of the most difficult moments in the work of a make-up artist is the aging of an actor. Sometimes it is necessary to make a young actress into a very old woman or a dying patient with a haggard face and diseased skin. So the most important thing in this matter is to create realistic dark circles under the eyes, which will give the woman a tired look and significantly increase her age. Add the right light, the right facial expression, and the viewer weeps with pity.

And in life, women and girls have very real dark circles of natural origin, which cannot be removed in any way, and they have to be carefully, but in vain, covered with foundation and powder. And still, colleagues and relatives will notice an unhealthy appearance and will definitely spoil the mood with caring questions.

Reasons for appearance

The reasons for the appearance of red circles under the eyes may vary, but they all indicate health problems. The most common ones include the following:

  • Allergic reaction. The cause of redness in the area around the eyes may be due to the body's natural reaction to an allergen irritant. Allergies can be caused by cosmetics, medications, food, as well as natural phenomena (wind, sun rays, etc.);
  • Kidney failure. Red circles under the eyes may indicate kidney disease. The frequent appearance of redness, swelling, and general swelling of the eyelids should alert you;
  • Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the body, causes red circles around the eyes. The reasons in this case are obvious - insufficient exposure to fresh air, frequent and prolonged work in front of the computer;
  • Ocular blepharitis. The causes of blepharitis can be allergies, myopia and farsightedness, the presence of parasites (mites infect the eyelids), resulting in red circles around the eyes. The disease is also provoked by suppressed or weak immunity, lack of vitamins, bad habits, stress, etc.;
  • Improper skin care around the eyes.


There are many diseases that are accompanied by this manifestation. In addition, there are many external factors in life, which, in turn, also cause something similar. Common causes of redness of the skin under the eyes include:

  • An allergic reaction is a common and easily explained cause. Redness under the eyes can be the result of an allergen entering the body, it does not matter how it got there. An allergen can be anything: house or street dust, any food, cosmetics, feathers and fur of poultry and animals, etc. If the cause is an allergy, then the spots are local in nature, and also itch and peel a lot.
  • Severe general overstrain of the body. There are also many factors involved here - tiring work (at the computer), lack of sleep, etc. In this case, not only the skin turns red, but also the eyeball and mucous membrane. If you ignore this problem for a long time, persistent bruises and bags will appear under the eyes, and they will not be so easy to deal with. The problem can be solved - you need to normalize your daily routine, get proper sleep, and reduce the time you spend at the computer. If your work involves sitting at a computer for a long time, then you need to use special drops that relieve eye strain.
  • Skin diseases. If this is the case, then the redness spots will be less intense, but peeling will also be present.
  • Inflammation in the eyes (abscess, for example), when the lesion is located directly in the layers of the skin. In this state of affairs, there will definitely be swelling of the eyelids, sometimes severe.
  • Disturbance of metabolic processes in the body. The reason for this may be pregnancy, puberty, diseases (thyroid pathologies, diabetes and obesity).
  • Diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract. It often happens that the presence of red spots under the eyes indicates urolithiasis (moreover, progressive) or inflammation in the kidneys.
  • Poor nutrition. For the most part, spots under the eyes indicate a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. Often such manifestations occur in those who are heavily on diets or adhere to vegetarianism and veganism.
  • Incorrect care. As already mentioned, the skin around the eyes is delicate and any rough impact can easily damage its structure.
  • Insect bites - not necessarily bees or wasps. The bite of even the smallest and seemingly harmless midge can cause serious trouble. The substance released when bitten by midges can be toxic and a person immediately develops an allergic reaction. The result is severe itching, redness of the skin and peeling.
  • Wearing old glasses (this applies to swimming goggles). Glasses are the same personal item as, for example, a comb or toothbrush. Over time, small mites may appear in them, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. A person does not see them, but they come into contact with the skin and cause allergies or skin diseases.
  • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation without sunglasses. There is a so-called sun allergy, when the eyes find it difficult to be exposed to direct sunlight, and they react by redness of the eyelids and skin.
  • Poor quality running water. When washing your face, tap water somehow gets on the delicate skin under your eyes. Since it contains chlorine and other impurities, the body may give an unexpected reaction. To prevent this from happening, it is better to wash your face, in particular the skin under the eyes, with chamomile decoctions.

Only a specialist can understand this variety of causes of redness of the skin under the eyes.

The following factors are identified that provoke age spots around the eyes:

  • When carrying a child, during menopause, and when taking medications containing hormones, a woman’s body undergoes serious modifications at the hormonal level.
  • The production of melanin in some areas of the epidermis is disrupted, resulting in dark spots.
  • Pathologies of the reproductive system in the fairer sex often cause pigmentation under the eyes.
  • Prolonged stay in the sun or in a solarium.
  • Circles under the eyes are often observed in people who are prone to nervousness, stress and lack of sleep.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland and ailments of the reproductive and urinary systems often cause pigmentation on the face.
  • Poor-quality cosmetics or receiving illiterate services in the field of cosmetology.
  • The appearance of pigmented areas on the skin in people over 40 years of age. At this age, melanin pigment begins to increase.

Symptoms, signs and diagnosis

Red circles under the eyes are characterized by redness, puffiness and swelling in the lower eyelid area. Such symptoms do not appear without reason, they just reflect the internal “rebellion” that occurs in the body. As a rule, the appearance of red circles under the eyes is accompanied by weakness in the body, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, and apathy.

In order to find out the true reason why red circles under the eyes often appear on the skin, it is necessary to do several examinations at once to determine the true cause of this pathology. Sometimes it is necessary to involve more than one specialist for an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, as soon as redness appears around the eyes, it is necessary to undergo examination by the following doctors:

  • An allergist will determine whether the redness is associated with allergic reactions;
  • A nephrologist will examine the kidneys and confirm/refute the presence of renal failure;
  • Neuropathologist - since stress may well provoke the appearance of redness around the eyes, an examination by this doctor is extremely necessary;
  • An immunologist will determine whether redness is associated with a weakened immune system or a lack of certain vitamins;
  • A dermatologist will check the condition of the skin and examine any redness in the eye area.

Depending on the identified cause of the disease, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

Why do my eyelids turn red?

The eyelids become red for various reasons. This may be due to exposure to negative environmental factors:

  • dust;
  • strong wind;
  • cold air;
  • contact lenses that don't fit;
  • smoke.

Redness of the skin around the eyes and swelling are caused by inflammatory diseases. They are called:

  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • fungi;
  • allergy;
  • injuries.

Eye infections occur regardless of gender and age. Low immunity and insufficient personal hygiene contribute to the occurrence of red eyes.

Preventing redness around the eyes

For preventive purposes, you should try not to smoke, not drink alcohol, limit the consumption of coffee, tea, fatty and salty foods, spend more time in the fresh air and less time at the computer. It is also necessary to provide proper cosmetic care for the skin of the eyes (nutrition, hydration).

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and a minimum of stress, timely and regular examinations are the basic principles for the prevention of all diseases, including redness around the eyes.

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The eyes and the skin around them are very delicate tissues that primarily reflect any problems in our body. Red circles under the eyes can appear for many reasons, so do not rush to hide them under a layer of makeup, but be sure to find out the cause of their occurrence.


Cosmetology procedures

As we have already said, it is almost impossible to completely remove age spots at home. If you want to remove them forever, you will have to seek help from a cosmetologist.

The most common means of removing age spots in beauty salons are chemical peels and laser removal of age spots. These are quite complex procedures that have many contraindications. However, they are the ones who can radically solve the problem.

During chemical peeling, pigmented areas of the skin are exposed to a special complex of acids, the composition of which is selected by a cosmetologist depending on your skin type and the depth of pigmentation. To achieve a lasting result, as a rule, a course of 3-5 procedures is required, which are repeated after 10-14 days. Age spots under the eyes cannot be removed with chemical peeling. You must use sunscreen throughout the course.

Salon procedures are considered the fastest way to get rid of skin defects. Cosmetological methods for eliminating age spots include:

  • Cosmetologist procedure
    Laser skin resurfacing. Dark pigmented cells are removed using a laser beam. The procedure is carried out quickly, the beam does not affect healthy cells. If the spot is large, the laser will remove it in several sessions. Skin restoration takes about 7 days; the cosmetologist prescribes products to patients that promote tissue regeneration. Laser resurfacing is not recommended for sensitive skin types.

  • Microdermabrasion. To remove age spots, aluminum oxide is used. The pigmented area of ​​skin is removed along with the top layer. Microdermabrasion restores the skin's natural tone and is recommended for removing small dark spots. Immediately after the cosmetologist’s manipulations, the skin acquires a pink color and becomes sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. In this regard, cosmetologists advise using high-level sunscreens to prevent pigmentation from returning. Side effects are rare and include:
  • feeling of skin tightness;
  • redness;
  • a slight burning sensation.
  • Injection in the eye area
    Mesotherapy. Removes pigmentation by introducing a special medicinal solution into the middle layer of the skin. The procedure stimulates cell renewal; several procedures will be required to completely eliminate the defect. Between mesotherapy sessions there is a break of several weeks.

  • Phototherapy. The technique is based on the removal of age spots using infrared irradiation. To protect the skin from burns, a special gel is applied to the irradiated area of ​​the skin. The product allows you to evenly distribute and absorb rays.

All salon procedures are allowed if the pigmentation is not too close to the eyeball. Any cosmetic procedure should be performed by an experienced specialist in a clinic with a good reputation.

During the period of cell renewal, you should not massage your face, go to the bathhouse or sauna, or do facial cleansing. For small defects under the eyes, you can try lightening creams or traditional recipes.

  • phototherapy - action on pigmented areas using high-frequency infrared radiation pulses, which leads to the destruction of melanin in certain places,
  • laser treatment – ​​pigmented areas are removed layer by layer with a laser, this will require several sessions,
  • mesotherapy - the introduction of microdoses of drugs under the eyes, into the middle skin layer, which should help improve blood flow, the regenerative process, usually suitable when the causes of the defect are age-related,
  • microdermabrasion – resurfacing using aluminum oxide crystals.

Red circles under the eyes as a symptom of the disease

Red circles under the eyes may not be the only symptom of a disease. When examining and examining the patient, you should pay attention to other signs that appeared simultaneously with red circles near the eyes:

  • lacrimation from the eyes, constant or appearing as a reaction of the eyes to a sharp source of bright light;
  • swelling near the eyes;
  • presence of alcohol odor from the breath;
  • rash on the body, runny nose, sore throat;
  • visual disturbances, headache, disturbances of consciousness;
  • increased intraocular pressure, sudden deterioration of vision, eye pain;
  • sudden dilation or constriction of the pupil.

If a number of the listed symptoms are detected, consultation with a doctor should be mandatory. The last few signs should be especially wary, as they may be a signal of a serious problem - cerebral hemorrhage, brain cancer, inflammation of the meninges or an aneurysm.

Red circles under a child's eyes

The state of health of a child can often be judged by his appearance, which is especially noticeable on the skin of the face. You should not panic suddenly when you notice red circles under your child’s eyes. After all, there can be many reasons for this, and not all of them are so terrible. First you need to figure it out.

As practice shows, most often they appear when the child suffers from sleep disorders or does not eat properly. This sign may also indicate the development of an allergic reaction in the child’s body.

In any case, you should not try to cure the symptom yourself: this can only aggravate the course of the disease that caused the appearance of this symptom, but has not yet been diagnosed.

Of course, if circles under a child’s eyes are not uncommon, then through observation you can trace and establish the provoking factor, but it would still be better to seek help from a doctor. After all, red circles can be a dangerous signal that the baby has a disease of the brain, kidneys or circulatory system.

Redness near the eyes may indicate a malfunction of the thyroid gland, or an infection of the nasopharynx, eyes and even ears. In such cases, the help of a specialist is simply necessary.

Sometimes this symptom only means that the child is simply tired and needs rest and healthy sleep. This is especially true if children sit for a long time in front of computer or TV screens. Such situations can be resolved by creating a schedule or daily routine that clearly states how much time the child can spend in front of the monitor. Instead of sitting at the computer for a long time, invite your child to take a walk in the fresh air, play active games, etc.

If the cause cannot be identified, consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe all the necessary studies to establish and promptly begin treatment of the cause of this phenomenon.

Red-blue circles under the eyes

This is one of the indicators of any problems in the body. In most cases, this symptom is associated with overwork and lack of sleep, stressful situations, chronic intoxication of the body or pathology of the urinary system, and less often with heart disease.

The appearance of red-blue “shadows” near the eyes can also be caused by prolonged exposure to a computer screen. The skin near the eyes is very thin and vulnerable, they are several times more delicate than other skin surfaces. Under the adverse influence of external factors, oxygen-depleted blood is retained in the capillary network near the eyes and begins to appear through a thin layer of skin. If, in addition, the tissues contain insufficient moisture, the circles under the eyes become even more pronounced, and the eyes look sunken.

If you do not take any measures to eliminate the causative factors of red-blue circles near the eyes, then over time more serious pathological consequences will appear.

general information

Skin color depends on various factors, but above all, on the number of pigments, the thickness of the skin layers, the number and location of blood vessels under the dermis, as well as on the condition of the human body as a whole. The appearance of dark areas on the surface of the skin is called pigmentation, which in some cases is considered a harmless problem in the field of cosmetology, and in others it is a medical problem requiring emergency treatment. The color of the skin is influenced by the content of 3 pigments, each of which provides the dermis with a specific shade.

Darkening of skin areas occurs in the process of blocking one of the pigments, namely melanin, from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. Typically, melanin in normal quantities prevents sunburn, malignant tumors and other pathologies. But if the indicators of this pigment go beyond the norm, to a greater or lesser extent, then uneven pigmentation occurs and, under the influence of various factors on melanin, pigment spots appear.

Most often, dark circles appear in the area around the eyes, since the epidermis in this area is very thin and has practically no sebaceous and sweat glands. This is what makes the skin around the eyes drier and less protected from environmental influences. Therefore, the skin on this area of ​​the face requires careful care and increased protection.

Diagnosis of red circles under the eyes

To diagnose the disease, it is necessary to conduct a number of studies. What diagnostic methods can be used? Which doctor should I see?

  • If the appearance of red circles near the eyes is associated with allergies, then an allergist may prescribe diagnostic skin tests and laboratory tests. Skin tests include a prick test, intradermal test, or needle test. All these methods give a result indicating the presence of an allergy within 20 minutes.

Laboratory methods include determining the level of immunoglobulin E in the blood (IgE), a complete blood count, and possibly a stool test.

  • Red circles are one of the symptoms of conjunctivitis; usually this disease is diagnosed by an ophthalmologist without the use of additional tests, based on an external examination and the patient’s complaints.
  • Red circles under the eyes, as a result of kidney or bladder diseases, are diagnosed by a therapist or urologist using a general blood test, biochemical examination, and urinalysis. In some cases, it is necessary to use a biopsy, histological analysis of tissue and ultrasound of the kidneys. Less commonly, excretory urography is performed - a radiographic study of renal function.
  • If brain diseases are suspected, cerebrospinal fluid examination, tomography and x-ray of the skull, as well as bacteriological examination are performed. Most often, such diseases are dealt with by a neurologist.

In addition to the above studies, it is recommended to check blood and intraocular pressure and donate blood for hemoglobin.

Based on the research results, treatment for the corresponding disease will be prescribed.

Treatment for red circles under the eyes

Treatment of red circles under the eyes cannot be based only on getting rid of a cosmetic defect. The cause of this symptom can be quite serious, so only a full examination will help determine the factors causing this symptom.

If the studies did not help to detect any pathologies in the body, then you should pay attention to your lifestyle and some habits.

  • If you are used to frequently touching and rubbing your eyes while sitting in front of a monitor screen, get rid of this habit. When rubbing the eyes, the mucous membrane is irritated, and an infection can spread from unwashed hands, which will subsequently cause an inflammatory reaction.
  • If you suffer from chronic lack of sleep and overwork, adjust your daily routine. If you can’t sleep for a long time, take a sedative: your body needs proper rest.
  • If you are prone to allergies, try to avoid direct contact with the allergen. Contact your doctor: he will prescribe you special medications.
  • Drink enough water. Lack of moisture in the body can also cause this symptom.

Among the medical and cosmetic methods of getting rid of red circles under the eyes, the following are the most popular:

  • microcurrent treatment is a method that accelerates the outflow of venous blood and lymph, as well as eliminating excessive pigmentation;
  • laser therapy – lightens under-eye circles while eliminating wrinkles;
  • manual therapy and massage of the facial surface and cervical spine - improves lymph flow, improves blood circulation;
  • lipofilling procedure - the introduction of an additional fat layer into the periocular area.

Traditional treatment

  • The use of contrast baths and washes help eliminate fatigue and, if used regularly, help get rid of red circles near the eyes. It is recommended to use contrast baths frequently, about 7 times a day, alternately with cool and very warm (not hot) water.
  • Use compresses made from medicinal plants that soothe the skin. Take one teaspoon of chamomile, fennel or sage, steam 100 ml of boiling water and leave. We apply it as a compress, either warm or cold.
  • A well-known mask made from grated raw potatoes gives a good effect. Place the potatoes in cheesecloth and apply to the eye area for 15 minutes. If you don’t have potatoes on hand, you can replace them with ground parsley root.
  • Cucumber mask: cut a fresh cucumber into thin slices and apply to the eye area for 15 minutes.
  • Use eye exercises, especially if you work in front of a monitor for a long time. Close your eyes, move your eyeball to the sides, diagonally, virtually make movements with your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise, “draw” virtual numbers from 1 to 9 with your eyes.

Take medications containing blueberry and horse chestnut extracts, vitamins A, C, and lipoic acid.

[2], [3], [4]


Compliance with preventive measures will help you forget about the problem of bags under the eyes:

  • Limit salty, canned foods.
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Don't drink a lot of water at night.
  • Sleep on a high pillow.
  • Wash your face with cold water.
  • Get preventative medical examinations annually.

Preventing bags under the eyes

Don't ignore frequent red bags under your eyes. It is recommended to consult a specialist. This will help determine the presence of diseases in the early stages.

Share methods of getting rid of red bags and circles. Repost, maybe your friends will find this information useful. Be healthy.

Red circles under the eyes: causes

Considering the main reasons for the appearance of red circles under the eyes in adults , we can highlight the following:

  • improper and unstable nutrition;
  • features of skin pigmentation (most often, this is a hereditary factor);
  • improper care of sensitive skin around the eyes (use of low-quality cosmetics, insufficient hydration);
  • lack of oxygen;
  • too sensitive and thin skin in the eye area;
  • unhealthy lifestyle, including alcohol abuse.

Photo 1: Sometimes red circles under the eyes combined with watery eyes can be symptoms of conjunctivitis. Source: flickr (Klis).

Often, red circles in the eye area signal us about a serious illness , usually associated with internal organs.

Diseases that cause red circles to appear

  • Brain diseases, including hemorrhage and meningitis.
  • Allergies to wool, medications, citrus fruits and more.
  • Kidney problems.
  • Improper functioning of the bladder.

Also, if you notice redness of the skin around the eyes, it is recommended to check intraocular and blood pressure .

This is interesting! If red circles in the eye area are not a disease, but chronic lack of sleep, cold lotions made from a decoction of parsley, cucumber juice, sea buckthorn oil, and tea leaves can cope with this symptom.

How to remove white spots under the eyes using folk methods?

To prevent the skin around your eyes from becoming red:

  • Take breaks while working at the computer and try not to look at the monitor for too long.
  • Monitor the air humidity - it should not be very dry. A humidifier is a real salvation during the heating season.
  • Use only high-quality cosmetics for your eyes.
  • Take regular walks in the fresh air.
  • Get enough sleep (you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day).
  • Include foods rich in B vitamins in your diet - milk, beans, fish, liver, and cereals.

Cornflower, string, mint, and parsley also help well against red spots. Cotton swabs soaked in these decoctions should be applied to reddened, flaky areas. Such lotions will improve the skin around the eyes.

In cases where drug treatment does not help or is in doubt, you can resort to alternative medicine. There are many medicinal plants for external and internal use that will provide a cosmetic effect and remove intoxication products from the body.

How to treat stye on the eye with folk remedies, see here.

Recipe No. 1

Recipe No. 2

Potatoes will help eliminate red spots. It needs to be peeled and grated. Apply the potato mask to your eyes 2 or 3 times a day for 10 minutes.

Another effective remedy is raw cucumber. Grate the cucumber and place the resulting mixture on your closed eyes and eyelids (15 minutes). The mask perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

You can make two gauze bags and pour dill seeds into them. Immerse the bags in hot water for 10 minutes, then squeeze lightly and let cool slightly. Next, apply them to your closed eyes and sit there for 15 minutes.

To avoid causing redness around the eyes, you need to follow several rules:

  • Daily hygiene procedures. By cleansing the skin, most bacteria are removed, which can contribute to the development of metabolic disorders and epidermis.
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is worth minimizing the consumption of fatty and spicy foods, alcohol, and should not smoke. This will help avoid disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and possible allergies.
  • Enriching the diet with dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese), fish dishes, liver and cereal porridges.

See the material on how to care for your eyes.

There is a whole arsenal of folk remedies that help improve the skin around the eyes and bring the whole body back to normal.

If the skin around the eyes is red, you do not always need to resort to treatment; often it is enough to take preventive measures. In this matter, the key to success is an integrated approach. You need to fully rest and eat, get enough sleep and lead a healthy lifestyle. Vitamins and minerals will additionally help strengthen the body.

In order to prevent the recurrence of pigmentation in the eye area, the following preventive measures must be taken:

  • take proper care of your skin using cosmetics of appropriate quality;
  • remove makeup carefully, do not rub the skin;
  • protect your skin from sun rays every day - day cream with parsley and lemongrass extract works well for this;
  • give your eyes rest during the day;
  • eliminate folic acid deficiency;
  • monitor the health of the liver, on which the appearance of pigmentation largely depends.

DETAILS: Parsley eye mask recipes for the skin around the eyes and under the eyes

The diet should contain foods that contain a lot of vitamins A, C, E, these are:

  • eggs;
  • vegetable oils;
  • nuts;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • liver.
  1. Using sunscreen.
  2. Nourishing masks.
  3. Control of hormonal levels.
  4. Regular consultations with specialists.

What to do

  • Try to rest well and get enough sleep.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Eliminate alcohol and add more healthy foods to your diet.
  • It is also advisable to reduce the time spent at the computer and TV.
  • Try to spend more time outdoors.

Women, of course, are more concerned about their appearance than men. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex, instead of determining the causes and undergoing a course of treatment, try in every possible way to mask the unpleasant symptom with the help of various cosmetics.

Photo 2: Masking with foundation and powder will not get rid of red circles around your eyes!

To determine the exact cause of the appearance of red circles under the eyes, you need to immediately contact a medical facility, take the necessary tests, undergo an examination , and then begin treatment.

Homeopathic treatment

In the modern healthcare system, homeopathic medicines are increasingly preferred to treat red circles under the eyes and eliminate all causes associated with this symptom. Homeopathy has long proven its effectiveness in the fight against various diseases. To treat red circles under and around the eyes, homeopathic remedies can be used either as stand-alone medications or in combination with other medications .

The main and most effective homeopathic remedies for combating and eliminating red circles under the eyes:

Tarentula Hispanica (Tarantula)For red circles under the eyes associated with lack of sleep and overwork.
Acidum Succinicum (Acidum Succinicum)For redness of the skin around the eyes.
Belladonna (Belladonna)For the appearance of red circles under the eyes, as well as for allergy symptoms.
Bryonia (Bryonia)For redness of the skin around the eyes. Can also be prescribed for allergy symptoms.
Phosphorus (Phosphorus)Prescribed to patients whose symptom is a pale face and red circles around the eyes.
Sabadilla Officinarum (Sabadilla Officinarum)When red circles appear around the eyes, accompanied by burning and lacrimation.

Important! For a detailed consultation, contact your homeopathic doctor, who will prescribe the most effective homeopathic medicines specifically for your case.

Diagnosis of the disease

Redness of the skin of the eyelids is caused by various ophthalmological diseases. Let's look at the main ones:

  1. Conjunctivitis - accompanied by inflammation and discharge of pus. One of the symptoms of conjunctivitis is itching.
  2. Blepharitis is an infectious pathology characterized by redness of the skin of the eyelids, itching and swelling
  3. Meibomite is the “folk” name for barley. Appears in both children and adults.
  4. Demodex - itching is especially pronounced on the eyelash line; characteristic rashes are also noted on the eyelids.

    Manifestations of conjunctivitis

All of the listed pathologies require specific treatment, so if the skin around the eyes is red, first rule out their presence, and only then look for allergens, vitamins, and so on.

Puffiness, swelling around the eyes, redness and peeling are a clear sign that you need to visit an ophthalmologist, especially when similar symptoms are observed in a small child.

The doctor will conduct a visual examination and, if necessary, prescribe laboratory or hardware diagnostics:

  • general blood and urine testing;
  • biopsy;
  • histology;
  • allergy tests;
  • Ultrasound.

Based on the results of the examination, a diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed.

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