Neurodermatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Symptoms and causes of seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis most often occurs during adolescence, but also occurs in breastfed infants and adults. In addition to the scalp, the inflammatory process can affect the area of ​​the eyebrows, eyelashes, ears, nasolabial triangle and chin.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • skin irritation;
  • peeling;
  • oily sheen, sebostasis;
  • active formation of small or large scales;
  • red, inflamed lesions;
  • pain, increased sensitivity;
  • itching;
  • rashes (folliculitis);
  • hair loss.

Typically, the disease progresses as patients begin to wash their hair less frequently. As a result, healthy areas are affected, erythematous spots, round and oval plaques with greasy or dry scales are formed. Most often, it is in this condition that people consult a doctor.

Symptoms of the disease are caused by the rapid growth and development of yeast-like lipophilic fungi of the genus Malassezia, which are part of the skin microflora and are concentrated around the sebaceous glands. They break down sebum into oleic acid, which causes irritation. For most people, this leads to the appearance of dandruff, but for some, a more severe condition occurs - inflammation, swelling of the affected areas, purulent foci.

What are the reasons for hyperactivation of fungal microflora:

  • heredity;
  • neurogenic factors;
  • metabolic processes;
  • immune disorders;
  • hormonal changes.

The development of the disease in adults is often influenced by the following factors:

  • restriction of physical activity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • bad habits;
  • excessive sweating;
  • digestive tract problems;
  • the use of cosmetics containing aggressive components such as surfactants, sulfates, triethanolamine, diethanolamine, mineral oil, parabens, synthetic dyes and fragrances.


To suppress the activity of microorganisms, it is necessary to adhere to several preventive rules. First of all, you need to devote more time to strengthening the body (an active lifestyle, giving up bad habits, proper nutrition, long walks in the fresh air).

Experts also recommend limiting contact with people with obvious signs of herpetic lesions.

Another preventive measure is regular hand washing, especially in the off-season and after visiting public places.

You should not use items from someone who has herpes.

Types of seborrheic dermatitis

There are 3 types of disease:

  • fatty;
  • dry;
  • mixed.

Seborrheic dermatitis - treatment in Moscow

The oily type is most often observed during puberty and is accompanied by abundant secretion of sebum on the surface of the scalp. It can be easily determined by the external condition of the hair. They become sticky and have a greasy sheen, regardless of the frequency of washing. Another pronounced manifestation of this form is acne.

The dry type is characterized by difficulty in the release of sebaceous secretions from the pores. As a result, complications begin to develop: drying and redness of the skin, the appearance of comedones and dandruff.

There is also a mixed form, in which signs of two types appear simultaneously.

What is herpes on the eye

Herpes affects the skin around the eyes and elements of the visual organ itself. Due to the disease, a person experiences the following problems: dermatitis of the eyelids, the appearance of ulcers on the retina, conjunctivitis, choreoretinitis, etc.

Ocular herpes is much more dangerous than skin manifestations. It develops herpetic dermatitis, choreoretinitis, and ulcerative keratitis, which can significantly affect vision.

Usually caused by virus types 1 and 3. Symptoms: excessive lacrimation, pain in the eyes, blurred vision, redness of the eyelids and eyes; heat.

Diagnostics: examination by an ophthalmologist, use of a slit lamp, ELISA, PCR.

Treatment: ocular anesthetics, antiviral, vitamin preparations; general antiviral, immunomodulators.

Pathology can be caused by two types of herpes viruses: the causative agent of chickenpox and Herpes simplex virus-1. Viruses of this type are protected from negative influences by three shells.

When a pathogen enters the body, it joins the human genome. Only after this the virus can produce its components.

Rapidly accumulating in the cell structures, the microorganism causes rupture of its membranes. In this way, the herpes pathogen is released from the cell and penetrates into the general bloodstream.

The disease occurs in several forms:

  • follicular, in which mucous discharge from the eyes and redness of the retina are observed;
  • caratal, characterized by an acute course;
  • vesicular-ulcerative, in which crusts and blisters form on the skin of the eyes.

How to cure seborrheic dermatitis?

It is impossible to get rid of this problem forever. The fact is that Malassezia mushrooms are opportunistic microorganisms and should normally be found on human skin. The only question is to regulate their quantity.

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis on the head should be comprehensive and include several stages.
The patient is prescribed drug therapy, nutritional correction and special skin care. Important!
It is strongly recommended not to experiment using the advice of relatives and friends, or to try to get rid of the problem on your own. This is fraught with unpleasant consequences and serious complications. Do not try to rip off all the scales or squeeze out comedones and blackheads. Such manipulations can lead to the spread of infection. Often after this, irritation increases and scars remain. If you have symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a dermatologist.

If the drugs used are ineffective or have decreased effect, it is necessary to change the treatment tactics in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis at the Podology clinic

Why is herpes on the eye dangerous?

If a herpes infection affects only the upper layers of the skin, the disease disappears quickly and is not accompanied by unpleasant consequences. If deep tissues and the retina of the eye are involved in the pathological process, then complications manifest themselves:

  • glaucoma;
  • detachment ;
  • decreased acuity ;
  • blindness;
  • cataracts.

Treatment of herpes

Skin herpes in adults develops mainly due to infection of the body with a type 1 virus.

The consequences do not develop at the first manifestation of herpes. They occur only if the infection is chronic and with each relapse affects deeper tissues. Untimely medical care in this situation leads to irreversible results.

Herpes on the eye, which occurs in severe form, causes irreversible complications - blindness, glaucoma or cataracts. For this reason, it is important to begin treatment of the pathology at its first manifestation and not wait until it becomes chronic.

Advantages of treatment at the Podology Clinic

To make a correct diagnosis, our doctors conduct a thorough examination of the patient and collect anamnesis.
In this case, the cause of the disease must be established. Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp begins with local methods of exposure. The dermatologist prescribes special products to treat the affected areas: shampoos, masks, peelings, lotions and serums. They produce a lasting therapeutic effect, reduce inflammation, promote softening and safe removal of tightly fitting scales. Also, these products help get rid of oily shine and stagnant sebaceous secretions. To treat seborrheic dermatitis on the face, ointments and creams with antifungal components may be indicated.

Depending on the cause of the pathology, medications are prescribed that normalize the state of the nervous, digestive, immune, and endocrine systems.

The diet is adjusted, and a special diet is prepared that helps normalize the functions of the digestive tract. Vitamin therapy may be recommended.

The main principle of the clinic is to provide high-quality medical services at a high level. Our specialists treat each patient with responsibility and attention, examining their problem in detail. We have a reputation as a reliable medical center in Moscow, where we are always ready to provide professional assistance.

Several reasons why you should contact us:

  • professional medical care – our doctors have extensive practical experience, which allows us to make the diagnosis as accurately as possible and select the correct treatment regimen;
  • integrated approach – we eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the causes of the disease;
  • comfortable conditions for patients – diagnostics, consultations and treatment procedures;
  • affordable cost – we provide qualified medical services at reasonable prices.


The disease requires careful diagnosis due to the similarity of the symptomatic picture of various forms of herpes. An ophthalmologist treats the problem. In clinics, to determine the type of pathology, patients are prescribed:

  1. Slit shoe. The technique is a mandatory study performed for herpetic eye lesions. During the procedure, the degree of involvement of the retina in the pathological process is determined. The slit lamp also allows the diagnosis of vascular inflammation and focal opacities.
  2. Immunofluorescence study. The essence of the technique is the analysis of biological material under a microscope. Cells collected from the affected area are treated with antibodies to the herpes pathogen. When exposed to ultraviolet rays, virus-infected cells make themselves known by glowing. The diagnosis of herpes on the eye will not be confirmed in the absence of luminous elements. RIF is considered the most accurate type of diagnosis of the problem.
  3. Linked immunosorbent assay. The study is prescribed only in cases of severe herpes infection or the inability to differentiate the disease from others with similar symptoms. With ophthalmoherpes, IgM is usually present in the blood. The examination is usually carried out in two stages. In tests taken 2-3 weeks after the first procedure, an increase in the immunoglobulin G titer by 4 times is detected. The presence of low-avidity IgG also indicates the presence of a problem.

For a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to collect material at the early stages of pathology development. Timely seeking medical help allows you to avoid blindness and other complications of ophthalmoherpes.

Cost of seborrheic dermatitis treatment services

Our specialists treat seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp of varying degrees of complexity. The cost depends on several factors:

  • number of specialist consultations;
  • the need for diagnostic measures;
  • prescribed procedures and manipulations.

After your first consultation with a doctor, you can check with the administrator about the cost of all appointments in order to plan your further actions.

Our medical center offers the most optimal treatment regimens in terms of price and effectiveness. Remember that timely consultation with a doctor will have a positive effect on your health and will also save money and time.

Cetrin for neurodermatitis

Cetrin is a second generation antihistamine used for acute and chronic allergic diseases. The active substance, cetirizine hydrochloride, blocks H1-histamine receptors4. This prevents the development of allergic reactions, which result in redness, swelling of the skin, and severe itching.

Advantages of the drug:

  • Practically does not cause drowsiness in a therapeutic dosage.
  • Take 1 tablet (10 mg) 1 time per day, regardless of food intake.
  • Begins to act 20 minutes after administration.
  • The effect lasts up to 3 days after the last dose of the drug.
  • Suitable for use in children over 6 years of age4.

Cetrin is suitable for the treatment of exacerbations of neurodermatitis in adults and children. It relieves itching, the severity of skin hyperemia, and improves the quality of life of people suffering from atopic dermatitis1.

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