Hidden strabismus: symptoms, causes, treatment of the disease

How to disguise squint?

Strabismus is a disordered functioning of the muscles of the visual organ, manifested by different directions of the eyes. Special makeup for strabismus, glasses and contacts will help hide it. If a person is very embarrassed about his peculiarity, he can undergo surgery, which is often recommended for severe forms of strabismus.

Causes of strabismus

To diagnose the cause, a group of specialists is needed, including, in addition to an ophthalmologist, an endocrinologist, a neurologist, etc., because strabismus can be congenital or acquired. Factors for the development of strabismus:

  • fear or mental trauma;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • infectious and somatic diseases;
  • paralysis, paresis;
  • farsightedness and myopia;
  • stress.

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Types of heterotropy

There are several types of pathology:

  • Concomitant strabismus - light rays are focused not on the retina, but outside/in front of it, a person suffers from myopia or farsightedness, which is the main cause of the pathology. Manifestation: full mobility of the visual organs is maintained when the squinting eye fixes attention on the object - the healthy one is moved to the side, at the same angle as the squinting eye.
  • Paralytic strabismus is damage to nerves and muscle function due to injuries, tumors, and infections. Manifestation: one eye squints and its mobility is limited, possible double vision.

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Is there a need for correction and how to hide it?

Most people with strabismus are embarrassed about their defect. But for a large number of stars, for example, Jennifer Aniston, who was never shy about convergent heterotropia, Brigitte Bardot with obvious divergent strabismus, this did not stop them from making a stunning career. In the case when a person is too complex, the pathology can be hidden or cosmetic correction can be made. Experts recommend surgery:

  • when the eye is strongly displaced towards the bridge of the nose;
  • with severe paralysis heterotropia;
  • with divergent strabismus.

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Correct makeup

It will hide squint perfectly, the main thing is to follow a few rules. No eye pencils or eyeliner that will highlight the defect. It is better to focus on the lips and eyebrows. You can use light shadows (not bright, without glitter) and mascara. Eyelash extensions will do the job perfectly, provided they look natural.

Wearing glasses

An excellent option, because glasses can be a good accessory and complement to your look. If you have normal vision with strabismus, you can wear glasses with regular lenses. Anti-reflective coating will reflect flash in photos. They will also help you correct your face shape, you just need to choose the right frame. It should not be large, it is better to choose from medium sizes. There is no need to focus on color when choosing dark shades.

Pointed, rectangular glasses are well suited for round and oval face shapes. The round shape of the frame will look great for rectangular and square ovals. Cat glasses, aviators and vibers will be a winning option for heart-shaped and triangular faces.

Can it be camouflaged with lenses?

A very effective method, but for certain forms of heterotropia, special lenses are used. For this reason, they should be selected by an ophthalmologist who is familiar with the angle of deviation and the shape of strabismus. It’s easy to learn how to wear them, don’t be afraid that it will move behind your eye - this is impossible. You need to put it on with clean, dry hands and do it before applying makeup. Start wearing it gradually, from a couple of hours a day.

Sources used: etoglaza.ru

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Colored and optical lenses

You can “hide” the squinting pupil behind the colored outline of colored lenses. Choose models with dense, opaque coloring pigment, through which the natural iris is not visible. If strabismus is of a high degree and the deviation of the pupil is quite strong, you can opt for colored lenses of increased diameter - they will better hide the visual defect. An additional benefit of tinted lenses is that they allow you to change your eye color and experiment with your looks.

There is a special type of strabismus called accommodative. With this form of the disease, the pupil independently takes the correct position if the eyes are provided with the correct refraction. In this case, selecting optical lenses with the required diopters will automatically solve the problem of squinting eyes.

In conclusion, strabismus is a medical problem that cannot be cured by masking. Therefore, be sure to consult a doctor.

How to photograph a person with strabismus

Some tips for photographing children with glasses and/or squint

Sometimes, when filming in kindergartens and schools, I have to face the problem of photographing children with glasses and squints. But all parents want to see their child beautiful in the photo! Of course, the photographer will not be able to radically solve this problem, but there are techniques that will help significantly improve such photographs.

Photographing someone with glasses is much more difficult than photographing someone without them. But I always ask if the child wears glasses all the time or wears them sometimes, for example, for reading. If he always wears glasses, it is better to leave them on during the shoot.

Diagnosis of hidden strabismus in children

The problem of hidden strabismus is typical for childhood. Children's eye muscles are often overstrained as they grow. Children actively explore the world, spend a long time drawing, playing on a smartphone, etc. When looking at objects, the vision of such children remains binocular, and strabismus is not noticeable. Hidden strabismus can be detected in a child when the eyes are separated. To do this, cover one eye with your hand, changing the conditions necessary for binocular vision. In this case, the existing muscle weakness will be fully manifested, so the child’s eye will squint outward, inward, down or up.

How is latent strabismus diagnosed?

  • Cover Test is a cross-over test in which the subject is covered first with one eye and then with the other, since with single closure pathology is not always detected;
  • Lancaster test - study of eyeball mobility;
  • research using the Maddox method - in the diagnostic process using this method, a Maddox cylinder and a scale of vertical and horizontal bars are used;
  • visual acuity check, fundus examination;
  • consultation with a neurologist.

visual acuity test

Early diagnosis of the disease in children is very important. The sooner strabismus is detected in a child, the greater the chances of successfully solving the problem. Children's visual apparatus continues to develop, which means that it is easily amenable to positive changes. How to treat strabismus? Particularly effective are hardware treatment methods, eye exercises, and a set of physical exercises aimed at improving the health of the body as a whole.

How to take passport photos with strabismus?

Don't use colored eyeshadow. Only natural shades or a little dark brown or gray. Blue, purple, green shadows can look funny in a photo, they are too noticeable. We also use only matte shadows.

  • Eyeliner or pencil is a must. Draw the line strictly along the growth of the eyelashes. However, the arrows may be thicker than usual if you have thick eyelashes. But there is no need to go beyond the outer corner of the eye!
  • Volumizing or separating mascara will do. Paint the eyelashes on the outer edge of the eye especially carefully.
  • The lipstick should not be pale, otherwise the lips will not be visible at all in the photo. It is better to choose 1-2 shades darker than your natural color. Avoid bold and overly saturated shades. For clarity, you can line your lips with a pencil along the contour or 1 mm above the natural contour.

We advise you to think carefully about your outfit. It’s better to have it in a restrained business style than in your favorite grunge or hippie style. Avoid deep necklines and daring designs. Explore the list of fashionable items, but remember that ultra-fashionable items may lose popularity over time. And a photo in a passport will “survive” many designer “whims”. Dress simply and not too flashy.

And most importantly, don’t frown in the photo if you want to look like yourself. It has been proven that smiling people look best in photos, but in our country it is not customary to smile for a passport... Remember something good, imagine a loved one, your first date. Your eyes should be bright and cheerful, but your lips should not show emotions openly.

And take photos in a good mood! And we can suggest effective methods to lift your spirits! Read! Then you won’t be ashamed to look at your passport!

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I don’t know about you, but I don’t have any friends who are happy with their passport photos. And by the way, among these acquaintances, the overwhelming majority are people of pretty and even very attractive appearance. The question "why?" appears somehow on its own. And, oddly enough, there is an answer to it. More precisely, the answer is to the question “how to take photographs of documents so that you are not ashamed to show them later.”

The editors of Interesting to Know have put together 5 simple rules that should be followed by everyone who is going to take photos for their passport and other documents.


Makeup should be discreet: under no circumstances use shimmering or pearlescent textures; not only will they shine in the photo, but they will visually make your eyes appear smaller and your cheeks larger. To make your makeup look as natural as possible, use only mattifying products.

Eyelashes and eyebrows

Document photos are often very dim, so it is recommended to make eyebrows, eyelashes and eyeliner a little darker than usual. Be careful not to overdo it though.


It's not good when your lips are the same color as your skin. Especially in the photograph. Therefore, even if you can't stand lipstick, you should still use it. Choose soft pink matte shades - they will look best in photographs.


The photo will look a little better if you slightly, almost imperceptibly, tilt your head to the left. People whose nose is a little longer than they would like can correct it in the photo by tilting their head back a little, and a long face will be more proportional if it is tilted.


The smile that the photographer requires from you simply cannot and should not be sincere. But to prevent the photo from turning out harsh, a smile, although strained, is still required. True, a few tricks will make it less “harsh”: before you smile at the camera, slightly raise your eyebrows and direct your (open) gaze into the lens and only then slightly stretch your lips into a smile.

Sources used: lechenie-glaza.ru

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Hidden strabismus in children: treatment

Is it necessary to treat heterophoria if it does not cause any discomfort to the child and he has good vision, and the external manifestations of the disease are not always noticeable to others? Yes, like any disorder, such strabismus needs timely correction, taking into account the reasons that caused the pathology.

How to treat hidden strabismus in children:

  • correction of the child’s existing disorders;
  • daily eye exercises;
  • classes on the synoptophore and other medical devices;
  • taking vitamins, treatment with eye drops that improve blood supply and metabolism in the organs of vision;
  • surgical intervention.

Without treatment, the pathology in the child may develop further, the angle of strabismus will increase, which will affect visual acuity. In young children, the progression of the disease is often accompanied by asthenopia, a condition in which even a slight visual load causes dizziness and malaise, which requires a long break from work. What is needed to completely cure hidden strabismus? If you start treating this type of strabismus in a child under 7 years of age, there is a high chance of completely getting rid of the disease without surgery. In adults, treatment of this pathology is much more difficult.

Photographing people with visual impairments

#1 levsha

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  • 119 messages
  • City: Nizhny Tagil

All the best! Share your experience in photographing people with strabismus. I analyzed several photosets on the Internet.

Take it off: - either half sideways so that only one eye is visible. - or in profile - almost always they don’t look at the camera.

What else to consider so that people like the final product.

#2 Lomus

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  • 2,174 messages
  • City: M.O.

#3 Sergey Z

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  • 4 messages
  • Moscow city

Are there such MCLs?

There are no special contact lenses suitable exclusively for people with strabismus. The ophthalmologist chooses from the same models that he could recommend for myopia, presbyopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism not complicated by strabismus.

If you have strabismus, you need especially comfortable contact lenses that are not felt on the cornea even with excessive activity of the eyeball. Soft contact lenses are just such an option.

Thanks to the texture of the material used (silicone hydrogel), they are thin and light, do not interfere with the access of oxygen to the cornea, and are maximally saturated with moisture (this prevents the development of dry eye syndrome).

There are no age restrictions for wearing SCLs. They are suitable for both adults and children.

An ophthalmologist, when selecting contact lenses for strabismus, mainly considers products from well-known, well-established brands with a solid reputation. They are strict about quality control and regularly introduce innovative technologies into production aimed at increasing comfort, extending the wearing period of contact lenses, and improving other parameters.

These companies include:

  • Coopervision;
  • Acuvue;
  • Alcon;
  • Bausch&Lomb;
  • Johnson & Johnson.

Contact lenses for strabismus are a popular alternative to corrective glasses

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