Why do red capillaries appear in the eyes?

Among the common symptoms of eye diseases is redness of the organ of vision. The main reasons are various eye pathologies, as well as if the visual analyzer is overstrained. Against the backdrop of daily long hours of work at the computer, the symptom cannot be avoided. If you drive for a long time, a pathology appears: one eye is red, the other is normal.

Eye pain

The vessels located on the surface begin to dilate, as a result of which the vessels dilate, and as a result the eye turns red. If the vessels are damaged, bloody spots appear on the mucous membrane of the organ of vision. In general, redness of the eye indicates the appearance of many ophthalmic diseases. Such a symptom is the first reason to consult a doctor.

Broken eye vessel in children

In children, blood vessels in the eye burst more often than in adults, but blood stains also resolve better and faster. This is largely due to children's increased ability to heal wounds.

In newborn children, a burst vessel in the eye is a particularly common occurrence, which can even be called common. It does not require treatment and resolves within a few (2-4) weeks. Parents should not panic. If you are extremely concerned, you can contact your doctor.

In older children, the causes of a burst vessel in the eye are identical to those in adults. Parents should never panic if something like this happens. You need to try to take the most adequate measures: without fuss and haste.


  • The most common cause is eye strain . Due to the growing fashion for gadgets, tablets and smartphones, a child’s eyes are constantly under strain. Add to this the TV, computer and textbooks, and we get a day in which the eyes practically do not rest. In this case, you just need to change the child’s daily routine and limit his access to gadgets;
  • Eye injury (even an ordinary speck in the eye can cause damage to the vessel). In this case, you need to contact the clinic. There is no point in taking the risk of removing a foreign object from the eye yourself, because you can only further injure the child;
  • If there is a high temperature (the child is sick with ARVI, flu), then problems with blood vessels in the eye are normal. You just need to consult an ophthalmologist, who will prescribe the necessary drops that correspond to the cause of the disease. In most cases, such drugs are Tobrex or Ophthalmodek. As a last resort, you can use Floxal.

What to do?

When a problem with the blood vessels of the eye is not an isolated case, but a frequent occurrence for a child, then it is worth taking a number of measures:

  • include more vitamins in your diet;
  • include more liquid in your diet;
  • limit time spent on gadgets;
  • monitor the orderliness of your sleep schedule;
  • get rid of stressful situations as much as possible;
  • if nothing helps, consult a doctor who will identify the cause of vascular problems and prescribe treatment and diet.

These measures will improve the child’s health and allow his eyes to resume their maximum performance. Still, it is fraught with the loss of vision from childhood, so parents are obliged to intervene and monitor the child’s health.

Causes of red eyes in a child

The reasons may be:

  • eye injury;
  • fatigue from overexertion;
  • irritating factors;
  • infection and infectious diseases.

Redness of the eye in a child can be caused by fatigue, tension of the optic nerve, a foreign body entering its shell, or injury to the eyeball.

Foreign body

Red eye in a child

If a child complains of tearing, cutting pain and burning in the eye, then there may be a foreign object in it. Only a pediatric ophthalmologist will be able to discern the cause of pain in the eye.

You can remove the disturbing speck yourself by rinsing your eye with a small amount of clean water. If this step fails and the speck is still in the eye, wet the tip of a handkerchief and try to repeat the procedure.

If a child’s red eye is the result of an injury, then you should urgently go to the emergency room.

Eye pressure

If the redness occurs due to increased sensitivity to light, accompanied by tearing and the appearance of spots before the eyes, go to the clinic immediately, as these symptoms indicate increased eye pressure. The cause of redness can be a blockage of the lacrimal opening. This phenomenon is more common in children under 3–4 years of age. In such cases, special drops and massage are prescribed.


In young children, symptoms of red eyes can be caused by inflammation of the vascular network of the eye (uveitis), which, if properly treated, can help prevent blindness in the future.


Redness under the eyelashes, in which crusts form and itching is felt, indicates the development of an infectious disease - blepharitis. With this disease, you should not act on your own. A pediatrician will help solve the problem.

Infectious diseases

Red eye in a child: symptoms and causes

If, with redness of the eyeballs, other types of symptoms also occur in the form of cough, nasal discharge and increased tearing, this may be a cold, which subsequently develops into an inflammatory process of the eyes - conjunctivitis. If action is not taken promptly, this bacterial infection will spread to the other eye and treatment may become lengthy.

In addition to the eyeball, redness can also affect the child’s eyelids. If you find inflammation of the eyes and eyelids, you should contact an ophthalmologist or dermatologist for recommendations.

Read also: Why do my child’s eyes fester?

Causes of broken capillaries in the eyes

There are a large number of possible reasons why problems have arisen with the blood vessels in the eye. You can identify those that do not affect the body as a whole.

However, there are also those that can become a manifestation of a more serious disease:

  • eye fatigue;
  • the lowest possible level of physical activity;
  • constant overwork of the body as a result of frequent exercise;
  • constant consumption of alcohol;
  • weather sensitivity;
  • crying in a newborn baby;
  • allergy;
  • taking medications that work as blood thinners.

The above list lists the causes that cause the simplest types of damage to the blood vessels of the eye, and in which case medical intervention is almost never required.

For example, if a person’s work involves a lot of strain on the eyes or the constant need for enormous physical exertion, then a burst vessel in the eye is a signal to take a vacation and give the body a rest. If a person’s life is full of constant physical inactivity, then a burst vessel in the eye is a sign by which the body communicates that it needs more physical activity.

You need to include in your life:

  • charging;
  • walks;
  • playing sports;
  • leisure;
  • yoga;
  • any possible physical activity.

A blood vessel in a child's eye may burst while crying.
This is a common occurrence, and as mentioned above, the blood resolves within 2-4 weeks. But much more often, damage to a vessel is a sign that you need to quickly use the services of professional doctors, because the causes can also be a sign of a serious illness, the prompt treatment of which is vitally important.

These reasons may be:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus of varying degrees of severity;
  • diseases of the circulatory system (hematological diseases);
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • pathologies of the vascular system;
  • eye injuries;
  • pathologies of an ophthalmological nature;
  • Sjögren's syndrome;
  • tumor;
  • avitaminosis;
  • keratitis (a disease associated with the entry of a foreign body into the eye);
  • conjunctivitis.

The above list of diseases lists only the most common causes of vascular damage in the human eye. In any of the above cases, the help of a doctor is necessary.

For example, in the case of arterial hypertension, a burst vessel in the eye is even good, because high blood pressure a priori provokes vascular damage.

Similar damage could occur in the blood vessels of the brain, which would irreversibly lead to serious consequences. But this is also an SOS sign that the body sends. After all, the damage might not be so simple; it could occur in the brain and lead to serious consequences for the body.

Measures must be taken as soon as possible. Especially if the vessels in the eye burst frequently. If the cause of the burst vessel in the eye is an eye injury, you should consult a doctor immediately, otherwise there is a risk of losing the vision of that eye partially or even completely.

Causes of eye redness

Redness of the whites of the eyes does not just happen; there are good reasons for this:

  • constant eye strain;
  • when staying under water for a long time;
  • when hit by a foreign object;
  • if damaged;
  • soap getting into the eye;
  • due to smoking;
  • after being exposed to strong wind for a long time;
  • from occupational hazards;
  • irrational lighting affects the eyes;
  • eyes may turn red from incorrectly chosen glasses;
  • after using contact lenses;
  • from crying for a long time;
  • if a person drinks a lot of alcohol;
  • Sometimes the eyes turn red after a strong cough.

Symptoms of red capillaries

The most obvious and consistent symptom of a ruptured vessel in the eye is the appearance of a blood stain on the lining of the human eye.

The appearance of this spot is accompanied by:

  • discomfort in the eye;
  • slight blurred vision;
  • mild pain in the area of ​​the affected eye;
  • pressure on the eye.

But also a lot depends on the part of the eye in which the capillary ruptured:

  • Retinal damage . Retinal damage is the worst option and is accompanied by significant vision loss. Vessels that often burst in the area of ​​the retina will eventually cause complete blindness. And under no circumstances should the matter be brought to a critical state. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible;
  • Orbital damage . Most often it occurs due to mechanical trauma to the eye. Accompanied by bruising caused directly by injury. Depending on the severity of the injury, it may disappear on its own within a few days or require surgical intervention to eliminate it;
  • Damage to the vitreous body . A rather problematic injury that requires the help of an ophthalmologist. You cannot take any action on your own in case of damage to the vitreous body; there is a high risk of aggravating the injury;
  • Damage to the anterior chamber of the eye . Accompanied by the appearance of a blood spot in the lower part of the eye. It resolves on its own within 7-10 days in most cases. In rare cases, when the blood does not resolve, surgery may be required to remove the bloody spot;
  • Damage to the sclera and conjunctiva . Happens in most cases. You need to go to see a doctor and tell him in great detail about the symptoms and your feelings. The intensity and appropriateness of future treatment depends on how accurately the doctor understands the problem.

The mechanism of development of eye redness

During redness of the organs of vision, the vessels located in the sclera greatly expand. Because of this, the wall of the blood vessels becomes thin, and blood is visible to a person. The organ of vision appears red because blood is red. The sclera along with the mucous membrane is subject to abundant blood supply. This is due to the presence of many blood vessels.

Redness appears in different parts of the eye, depending on where the blood vessels are located. Strong blood flow along with dilated blood vessels creates redness of the skin around the eyes. When blood stagnates, there is excessive blood supply to the organ of vision. In addition, redness appears when inflammation occurs, as well as under the influence of allergens and other irritants.

A blood vessel burst in the eye: is treatment necessary?

Treatment for a burst vessel in the eye is not always necessary. In most cases, the vessel bursts due to overstrain of the eye, overwork of the body or lack of vitamins. A simple change in routine will help avoid recurrence of such an injury.

A person can simply take a vacation, take care of his health, and this will instantly give results. But if a person understands that an injury to a vessel in the eye is a consequence of a more serious disease, then he should definitely consult a doctor. It is quite difficult to understand the symptoms on your own.

The doctor will examine the problem, prescribe the necessary consultations with specialists and ultimately make a diagnosis, according to which it will be possible to take adequate therapeutic measures:

  1. You need to understand that any medications are contraindicated unless prescribed by a doctor. Especially if a person does not know what caused the blood stain in the eye;
  2. The recommendation to wash the eye where the hemorrhage has occurred with tea only works in certain cases (conjunctivitis, allergies), but in other cases it is strictly forbidden to wash the eye with tea, because this can lead to an infectious eye disease;
  3. If the cause of a burst vessel is pressure , you need to reduce it with the help of appropriate medications;
  4. If the eye becomes dry , you need to use drops to moisturize;
  5. Anti-infection - antibiotics;
  6. The injury can only be treated with the help of an ophthalmologist.

You should always look for the cause of a blood stain in the eye. Only after discovering this cause can any action be taken and determine whether the blood stain will resolve on its own, or whether a thorough examination and subsequent treatment is necessary.

How to quickly get rid of red eye?

Red eyes are a sign that not everything is in order with a person’s health. Often it is necessary to get rid of them as soon as possible. But how to do this safely, and in such a way as not to harm the body in any way?

First you need to figure out the cause of the redness:

  • If the cause of redness is fatigue , this means that your eyes just need to be given a rest. If you don’t strain your eyes, this redness will go away within a few hours. To avoid relapses, it is recommended to take breaks in sessions when working on a PC, and also practice simple eye exercises;
  • If the cause of redness is a cold , you should resort to compresses on the eyes, and also consume foods with the maximum amount of vitamin C. Compresses and proper nutrition will help remove redness of the eyes within 1-2 days;
  • If the cause of red eyes is a chronic or any other serious illness , you should not take any measures without consulting a doctor. In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of red eye within a short period of time, but it may be possible to identify a serious disease at an early stage and reduce the time of its treatment to a minimum.

The fastest way to get rid of redness is to consult an ophthalmologist. A good specialist will prescribe medications that will help cope with redness as soon as possible, and will also prevent such diseases in the near future.

Emergency conditions

Emergency conditions in the case of a burst capillary in the eye occur infrequently, but require correct and timely action. If these actions are not taken, then in the event of an emergency, the resulting hemorrhage can cause subsequent blindness.

Panic in such cases often leads to a worse outcome, so in any of the following cases it is very important to try to keep your cool. There are several urgent situations, and in each of them you need to act clearly and without panic.

Acute attack of glaucoma

Glaucoma is a chronic disease characterized by attacks of high blood pressure in the

to the human eye. If glaucoma is not treated, it can eventually lead to complete blindness.

Any stressful situation can provoke attacks of this disease.

An acute attack of glaucoma can also be triggered by ordinary stress. It must be stopped within a few hours, otherwise it may start a process that will inevitably lead to complete blindness.

To help, you need to take the following steps:

  • Every 15 minutes, 2 drops of 1% pilocarpine are instilled into the eye;
  • An analgesic is administered (parenterally);
  • Diuretics are taken;
  • Hospitalization is carried out as quickly as possible.

Hypertensive crisis

Hypertensive crisis is a condition characterized by many simultaneous symptoms:

  • headache;
  • weakness throughout the body;
  • dizziness;
  • prolonged tinnitus;
  • high pressure;
  • a broken capillary in the eye.

A hypertensive crisis threatens not only vision, but also life in general.

A fatal outcome as a result is possible, so you need to minimize all risks:

  • you need to call an ambulance;
  • for symptoms of heart pain, take 2 aspirin tablets (chew);
  • it is necessary to take an antihypertensive drug recommended by the attending physician (captopril, nifedipine).

Overdose of anticoagulants

Anticoagulants are taken in many cases. During illnesses that require the use of blood-thinning medications, a lot. An overdose of these drugs is as harmful as an overdose of any other potent medications.

Its symptoms are numerous:

  • damage to blood vessels in the eyes;
  • bleeding gums;
  • hemorrhagic rash;
  • headache, dizziness.

In case of an overdose of anticoagulants, there is only one recommendation - go to a hospital or an ambulance as soon as possible. Taking any measures on your own is fraught.

Drops that can be used

As has been mentioned several times above, treatment for a ruptured vessel varies depending on why it occurred. And most often, it is advisable to use any drops only after prior consultation with a doctor and a medical examination.

However, there are universal drugs that almost never cause harm.

They can be used in most cases, but are recommended only when you are sure that the eye damage is not due to serious illness.

The following medications can be safely used in cases where the cause of vascular damage is simple: overwork of the body, overwork of any part of the eyes, dryness of the eye shell, constant intake of alcoholic beverages or insufficient physical activity. In most other cases, they will also not be superfluous.

  • Visine - eliminates dry eye syndrome and helps the rapid resorption of blood stains in the eye. This effect lasts 12 hours. You need to instill 2 drops;
  • Taufon is a drug that is used to accelerate the healing process of eye defects. Very versatile. Can be used even in chronic cases, such as glaucoma;
  • Hyphenosis - the effect of the drug is slightly weaker than, for example, that of Taufon, but the health risks are minimized. Perfect for eliminating dry eyes;
  • Emoxipin - created exclusively to solve the problem of resorption of blood stains in the eye. Apply three times a day, one drop. Acts faster than analogues;
  • Systane - moisturizes the eyes very well. This is a so-called “artificial tear” with elements beneficial for vision, which allows you to relieve eye strain. It is worth remembering that this drug is not compatible with other similar drugs (including drugs from this list);
  • Vitabact, Okomistin is the safest drug among the existing ones. Suitable for the eyes of newborn children and pregnant women. Very good if you need to get rid of the symptoms of bacterial inflammation;
  • Tetrizoline - helps get rid of red eye syndrome, moisturizes the mucous membrane. Use 3 times a day, one drop each time. It should be used throughout the entire treatment period until the red eye symptoms completely disappear;
  • Spersallerg is most effective if problems with capillaries in the eye are caused by an allergic reaction of the body. The effect of this drug is anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and anti-allergenic. Recommended for the treatment of inflammatory and allergic diseases of the conjunctiva.








In cases of emergency, you should use only medications recommended by your doctor.

Reasons why a child’s eyes may turn red without discharge of pus?

For your information! Redness of the eyes without purulent discharge may indicate certain diseases and develop for the following reasons:

  1. Tired eyes after watching TV or playing on the computer for a long time . In such cases, the eyes may turn red due to excessive exposure to electromagnetic radiation, and the eye muscles experience severe additional stress. In addition, with increased concentration during such activities, the child blinks less often, as a result of which the tear film dries out and the conjunctiva experiences irritation, as a result of which it turns red.
  2. Any colds . As a rule, such ailments are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, as a result of which the normal functioning of the vascular system is disrupted and the capillaries begin to expand, due to which redness of the eyes is observed. And since these processes are not associated with the impact of pathogenic microflora on the organs of vision, there is no purulent discharge. In such cases, even with severe redness, there is no need to put ophthalmic drops into the eyes - the cold must be treated, and the redness of the eyes will go away on its own.
  3. Allergic reactions . In particular, we are talking about allergic conjunctivitis (with other types of this disease, pus is usually present in varying quantities). Also, the eyes may turn red with seasonal allergies, when contact of the mucous membrane of the eye with allergens is more likely.
  4. Irritation experienced by the organs of vision when foreign bodies enter. Most often, children themselves bring such foreign objects into their eyes, since at a young age they still have no idea about eye hygiene. A foreign body can be any debris, sand, or pet hair. Often, when such objects get into the eyes, infection occurs, and in addition to irritation and damage to the conjunctival membrane, inflammatory processes develop in the eyeball.
  5. Impact of weather and climatic conditions . Unlike adults, redness of the eyes in children can occur even with chapping and hypothermia of the organs of vision. This symptom can also occur with prolonged exposure to the sun (in this case, the redness is due to sunburn). In such cases, no pus is observed, and complications or serious consequences are extremely rare. Therefore, if redness of the eyes occurs for this reason, you can use herbal lotions and compresses at home, and after a couple of days the symptoms will disappear.

Note! If there is no pus at all when your eyes are red, you should wait one or two days before contacting an ophthalmologist.

In itself, spontaneous redness, which quickly passes, is not a cause for concern and most likely this is how irritation manifests itself under the influence of external provoking factors.

Traditional methods

The relevance of traditional methods in medicine cannot be underestimated, because it is from these methods that official medicine takes its roots. Regarding the treatment of an eye in which a vessel has burst, traditional medicine has several useful tips, and they should not be disdained.

These methods will help to cope with a blood stain in the eye if a person does not have the opportunity to seek medical help at the moment when the capillary bursts.

Traditional medicine, like

official medicine separates the causes of a capillary burst in the eye, which are caused by lack of sleep, dry eye, and the causes that are caused by serious diseases.

In the second case, traditional medicine recommends consulting a doctor as soon as possible.

In the first case, he gives several tips, following which will help the blood to dissolve and the eyes to rest as much as necessary.

You can use the following folk remedies:

  • tea (black, green) or regular boiled water ( cool ). You need to soak small cotton pads in tea or boiled water, then apply them to your eyes for a few minutes. Such actions will help relieve eye tension, relieve fatigue and reduce redness of the eye. In case of a burst capillary, this procedure will speed up the resorption of blood;
  • water of different temperatures (cold and hot) . Alternately, compresses are applied to the eyes, moistened first with cold and then with hot water. This will have an anti-inflammatory effect. The procedures cannot be carried out for too long, because the cold has a negative effect on the human eye.

In cases where the cause of a burst vessel in the eye is unknown, you should not experiment with self-medication due to the fact that the situation can be aggravated.

Preventive measures

The following preventative measures will help avoid most causes of blood spots in the eye. These measures will also help the general condition of the human body as they are aimed at changing lifestyle, diet and the like.

  1. When working with a PC, carry out activities to relax your eyes . Try to give your eyes frequent rest and do special exercises for your eyes;
  2. Your sleep schedule should become unshakable . The risks of eye diseases are greatly reduced if the eyes have at least constant adequate rest at night;
  3. You need to take care of lighting . Internal light in a building should correspond to natural light from the sun. Frequent changes in lighting intensity have a very negative effect on vision;
  4. Bad habits are an enemy to the eyes . They must be abandoned;
  5. The diet should be as healthy as possible . It should include vitamins of groups A, C and P, as well as products containing rutin. Coffee and strong tea should be left out of the diet as caffeine has a very bad effect on the condition of the eyes. You can use vitamin complexes;
  6. Avoid drying out the mucous membrane of the eyes as much as possible . Eyes should be washed with cool water 2-3 times a day;
  7. It is important that the air humidity in the room in which a person is located is not too low and meets the standards;
  8. It is necessary to protect yourself from eye injuries : wear safety glasses wherever recommended;
  9. Dry eye syndrome must be treated with artificial tears . Its use must be maximized;
  10. Blood pressure should always be normal . If your blood pressure “jumps,” you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, look for and solve problems with blood pressure;
  11. Blood sugar levels must be constantly monitored . This will help identify diabetes mellitus in the early stages, help combat this problem more effectively and not expose your eyes to unnecessary risks associated with this disease;
  12. Blood thinners should be taken in strict accordance with your doctor's recommendations;
  13. It is necessary to monitor intraocular pressure and have this parameter checked at the clinic regularly;
  14. You need to be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist;
  15. You need to monitor your physical activity . You cannot force the body to work more than it can;
  16. It is necessary to undergo a general medical examination regularly .

Prevention of redness of the whites of the eyes

Using preventive methods, you can not only eliminate unwanted symptoms that appear on the mucous membrane of the eyes, but also improve your vision. The disease needs to be prevented, this will help avoid the development of negative factors and long-term treatment. There are a lot of useful and beneficial procedures that help remove redness of the eyes:

  • while sitting at the computer, it is better to take periodic breaks;
  • the mucous membrane of the eyes must be moistened frequently, so it is recommended to blink frequently;
  • To work in front of any monitor, you need to purchase special glasses;
  • It is recommended to do gymnastics for the eyes, which helps eliminate fatigue;
  • rest at night should not be less than 8 hours;
  • the visual organs, like other other organs, need vitamins, so you need to eat natural foods;
  • It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, namely water, during the day.

The amount of water required for the body per day

The beauty and health of your eyes will last for a long time if you follow these simple rules. In addition, do not forget to visit an ophthalmologist, who will also identify a number of causes and establish the correct treatment and prevention.

Useful tips

By adhering to the advice and theses, a person will be able to protect himself from all kinds of risks and adequately solve the problem of a red eye or a burst capillary in the eye in the shortest possible time.

You may not be able to remember everything, but a few basic tips are worth knowing well:

  • You can't panic . Panic is the main ally of any disease. In case of problems with hemorrhage in the eye, you need to keep a cool head and first of all look for the reasons for what happened;
  • You can take any action on your own only after you are confident that the cause of the burst vessel in the eye can be solved with regular rest and a change in diet. In this case, you can resort to traditional medicine;
  • It is best to consult a doctor as quickly as possible and undergo a thorough examination in the hospital. A burst vessel can cause a serious illness, which should be treated as early as possible. This is especially true if the vessels in the eye burst frequently, and this problem is accompanied by other symptoms such as: high blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, the appearance of bruises throughout the body;
  • In a newborn baby, a burst vessel in the eye is a normal occurrence. In most cases it will go away within a few weeks;
  • The best thing a person can do to eliminate the problem of damage to blood vessels in the eye is to change their lifestyle: add foods with a high proportion of vitamins to the diet;
  • carry out exercises and physical exercises;
  • organize your sleep schedule;
  • regularly exercise your eyes;
  • limit the time spent on a personal computer, laptop and any other gadgets.

Dmitry Arkhipov

Ophthalmologist of the highest category and author of the website vizhuchetko.com. For more than 10 years, she has been successfully helping adults and children fight eye diseases.

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