Why do hollows appear under the eyes and how to get rid of them

Black circles under the eyes greatly spoil the appearance of not only women, but also men. This phenomenon may be the result of a fun party, overwork, or prolonged work at the computer. But do not forget that bluish shadows under the eyes can be a sign of various diseases. The causes and treatment of bruises under the eyes in men should be determined by a specialist. If cyanosis occurs for too long, do not delay the examination.

Etiology of the disease

Why do bruises appear under the eyes? Very thin skin in the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids, even with excellent health. Under the influence of unfavorable factors, the skin becomes even thinner, becoming like parchment. Blood vessels clearly appear through it, giving the cover an unpleasant bluish tint.

Blueness is the result of decreased tone of blood vessels and skin around the eyes. Over time, the vessels grow in diameter, and the epidermis becomes visible. This is a long process that takes months to develop. But, a fairly rapid development of the process is a sign of a serious illness.

The body uses dark circles under the eyes as a signal of an onset of illness. The doctor, after examining the patient, will determine the source of the manifestation and prescribe drug therapy. The following disorders of the coordinated functioning of internal organs lead to the development of the disease: chronic fatigue syndrome, nervous system disorders, heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders.

And also: kidney dysfunction, metabolic problems, diseases of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, increased functionality of the thyroid gland. In the morning, bruises under the eyes indicate diseased kidneys, plus pressure surges are added.

Darkening of the skin is accompanied by serious disturbances in the circulatory system. There is a failure in the exchange of venous blood. The result is stagnant formations in the subcutaneous layer and darkened areas. Then bags and swelling appear. Sometimes a factor in the development of disorders is improper metabolism.

Disguise with cosmetics

Women know that hollows under the eyes can be disguised with the help of cosmetics. Modern cosmetics are capable of many things.

A correctly selected foundation will hide the unpleasant color and even out defects. Often it is not sleep, but cosmetics that make the skin rested and radiant.

What means are suitable

To properly disguise the hollows under the eyes, you need to take into account some subtleties:

  1. purchase cosmetics from trusted manufacturers;
  2. choose a high-quality foundation, because it should stay on your face all day, fit well, and not cause allergies;
  3. choose a foundation cream that is denser in texture, as it should cover the dark skin under the eyes;
  4. be sure to pay attention to the expiration date;
  5. A green concealer will come in handy; it successfully masks imperfections;
  6. shimmering bronzer gives the look an inner glow, which effectively distracts attention from the bluish tint under the eyes;
  7. the use of nourishing creams intended for the skin around the eyes will moisturize this area and brighten it.

Applying these rules will help you use makeup cosmetics more reliably.

Step-by-step instruction

If you have a few minutes before applying cosmetics, you can cool tea bags in the freezer and make a compress under the eyes or apply special patches. This will help the drainage of stagnant fluid. If you have problems with the maxillary sinuses, this should not be done.

Foundation is applied to the face. Two shades for the area under the eyes. One matches your skin tone, the other is lighter. First, concealer is applied to the problem area. If your skin has a reddish-blue tint, then it is better to take a green concealer. If the skin is yellow, then the concealer is purple.

Use concealer to draw a triangle under the eye. Two corners will be on the outer and inner corners of the eyes, the top will go down to the middle of the cheek to cover the gap. Fill the inside of the triangle with concealer, shade the borders and apply tone on top. Finally, you need to use a highlighter to highlight the corners of your eyes.

Causes of bruises under the eyes

There are many sources of manifestation - physiological, psychological. Significant root causes of the appearance of dark circles include: chronic physical and psychological overload; insufficient night rest; stressful lifestyle; nutrition; lack of vitamins, including vitamin C.

Eye stress; genetic characteristics; heart disease, kidney disease; passive lifestyle; smoking - contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, giving the membrane a blue tint. Some of the factors are constant companions in the lives of residents of big cities. Parts contribute to dilated capillaries, thinning skin structure.

The cyanosis itself is a circulatory disorder, a bruise. To get rid of darkened color, you should understand the reason for its occurrence.

Some people naturally have deep-set eyes. They look mystical and mysterious. Natural blue cannot be avoided. Can be disguised cosmetically. Others are naturally blessed with dry, thin skin. The thinner the cover, the more the capillaries are visible, giving a bluish tint.

With age, various natural changes occur regarding the condition of blood vessels, dermis, blood circulation, hormonal imbalance, and the production of excess melanin. This leads to deterioration of the epidermis of the lower eyelids. The older a person is, the more noticeable the changes are.

With sudden weight loss, the thin layer of fat under the eyes becomes thinner and disappears. Vessels and capillaries become visible. The result is cyanosis. Often girls who use decorative cosmetics remove their makeup incorrectly, which leads to problems.

The use of low-quality cosmetics is the cause of chronic bruises. The skin loses its elasticity, wrinkles, and signs of premature aging appear. Problems may not appear immediately. Regular use of low-quality cosmetics leads to darkened color.

Mechanical damage also leads to the formation of dark circles. These are not necessarily enemy attacks. Any internal bruising is provoked by various external influences, weak blood vessels, the rupture of which is the basis for the appearance of cyanotic zones.

Insufficient rest and chronic fatigue are the most common culprits in the appearance of blue under the eyes. An unpleasant brown tint on the face will appear after a few days if the sleep schedule is not followed. Tension of motor and facial muscles is the beginning of hematolymphatic stagnation.

Cosmetic reasons are temporary and easily corrected. It is much worse if the cause is various inflammatory processes. Be wary if your skin suddenly turns bluish-yellow. A comprehensive examination and qualified treatment will be required.

Causes of dark circles under eyes. Age-related changes and dark circles under the eyes

The most common cause of dark circles is age-related changes.

Age-related changes in the eyelids occur according to an approximate “schedule”:

  • 20-25 years – appearance of “crow’s feet”;
  • 25-30 years – formation of a mild nasolacrimal groove;
  • 35-40 years – appearance of dark circles under the eyes;
  • 40-45 years – formation of fatty bags (hernias) of the lower eyelid;
  • 45-50 years – growth of hernias (bags under the eyes);
  • 45-55 years and beyond - ptosis of the upper and lower eyelids.

It is impossible to fit every person into this scheme - for some, age-related changes in the eyelids begin earlier, for others later. But there is an obvious fact: if you ignore professional care from the age of 30, the regression will be more rapid, and radical interventions will become relevant closer to the age of 40.

So, the main reason for the age-related manifestation of dark circles is the thinning of the fat packet of the lower eyelid and the weakening of the ligamentous apparatus.

Causes of dark circles under eyes. Age-related changes and dark circles under the eyes

The orbicularis oculi muscle and ligaments stretch and sag with age. Moreover, with age, the size of the orbit increases, and the zygomatic bone flattens.

Causes of dark circles under eyes. Age-related changes and dark circles under the eyes

The vascular network and tissues begin to “shine through” through the thinned protection of skin and fat. By the way, this process also leads to the formation of bags under the eyes.

The situation is aggravated by age-related slowdown of metabolic processes and lymphatic drainage in this area.

Combating impaired lymphatic drainage and redistribution of subcutaneous fat with the help of creams and ointments is frankly naive.

Even the most expensive cosmetics are not able to “resolve” fatty bags and redistribute the tissue evenly to compensate for its deficiency in areas with dark circles under the eyes - this is obvious. A good cream only serves as an addition to full-fledged procedures in aesthetic medicine, but will never replace them.

Age-related dark circles under the eyes are also often caused by impaired blood supply, so they are soon naturally supplemented by bags and puffiness. The stagnant processes themselves do not add beauty to the skin - it acquires looseness and an earthy tint - pigmentation.

Biological processes and their disorders

Severe bruises under the eyes are caused by thin skin in the area of ​​the lower and upper eyelids. Under the influence of various factors, the skin becomes thinner and becomes like parchment, through which blood vessels and capillaries are visible. This gives brown, blue, black color to the swelling.

With improper metabolism and an unhealthy lifestyle, the blood supply to tissues is increased. This leads to disruption of lymph supply, venous blood circulation, and stagnation in the subcutaneous layer. Swelling, bags, dark circles appear.

The body will tell you on its own what causes dark circles under the eyes. He uses them as beacons - messages about serious health problems that need to be solved immediately with the help of specialists. You can avoid unpleasant health consequences by contacting a doctor, who, after examining you, will prescribe effective treatment.

Elimination of tear troughs using plastic surgery and cosmetology

Plastic surgery

Correction in plastic surgery is carried out using lower eyelid blepharoplasty. As a result, excess fatty tissue under the lower eyelids is eliminated, and the hollows are filled with fat.

This method is very traumatic and is recommended in combination with solving other cosmetic problems.

Cosmetic procedures

In cosmetology, the procedure for correcting cavities is called contouring with fillers.

Using a needle (under local anesthesia cream), a filler (injectable drug) is injected into the projection of the tear trough under the muscle and fills it.

Typically, fillers based on hyaluronic acid are used in cosmetology.

This procedure is comfortable and painless and lasts 15-20 minutes.

As a result, the skin texture is evened out, and the hollows under the eyes disappear. The effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure and lasts from two to several years.

Both methods are very effective in correcting tear troughs, and each of them has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Thus, lower eyelid blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery that involves liposuction from one area and injection of fat into another.

Contour plastic surgery with fillers is not a surgical procedure; it does not require any preparation and has a low recovery period.

However, if administered ineptly, or with the introduction of a low-quality filler, it can protrude unsightly above the skin, and also retain water and cause swelling, which will be quite problematic to deal with.

And if the filler gets into the vessel, it can damage the visual organ and ruin vision (this is the saddest outcome).

Therefore, you need to be aware that this procedure is quite risky and should be done in trusted places by a good specialist.

Correction procedure on video

Somatic diseases

Any somatic disease leads to a cosmetic defect. Among the diseases are:

  • central nervous system disorders;
  • diseases of the nose, cavity, paranasal sinuses;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • disorders of the pancreas;
  • heart disease;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • renal failure in chronic, acute form.

Go to a specialist immediately. Timely diagnosis, competent treatment, and prevention will save you from trouble. Troubles will definitely arise if you solve the problem yourself without finding out the cause.

Factors influencing changes in eyelid color

There are many factors that influence the change in color of the skin around the eye:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • drug addiction, alcoholism;
  • nicotine addiction;
  • stressful situations, nervous overstrain;
  • eye strain when working with a computer;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • large fluid intake.

Timely identification of the cause of the sudden appearance of dark circles under the eyes will help to effectively cope with the disease.

Non-pathological problems

As a rule, they are associated with the body's response to some external stimulus. For example, if you drank a lot of liquid, alcoholic beverages, or ate salty or spicy food before going to bed, then in the morning your body will certainly react to this by the appearance of swelling under the eyes.

Also, a similar problem can be caused by insufficient fluid intake during the day, stress, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, poor diet, extreme heat and abuse of decorative cosmetics. People who have sedentary jobs, women in the last stages of pregnancy, as well as those who spend a lot of time indoors and at the computer often suffer from blue discoloration and bags under the eyes.

Why do circles appear under the eyes in children?

Bruises under a child’s eyes do not always indicate serious health problems. Children often have a highly branched circulatory network; vessels through which blood circulates are located close to the surface. Thin baby skin is also the culprit for the blue tint of the skin of the lower eyelids.

Lack of vitamins and a recent illness provoke this phenomenon. If the child is healthy and active there is no reason to worry. It is enough to restore sleep patterns and good nutrition for the darkened color to disappear.

Lack of oxygen is the cause of blue skin. If a child spends little time in the fresh air, the processes of formation of intermediate products of hemoglobin metabolism, weakly saturated with oxygen, are started.

Do not overload the child. Overexertion and fatigue lead to blue discoloration. Mental stress should alternate with active rest and physical exercise.

Diseases of the liver and heart lead to the appearance of yellow circles under children's eyes. Toxic substances, affecting liver cells, penetrate the blood vessels, poisoning organs and tissues. With a heart defect, arterial and venous blood mixes, and the result is that the thin covering of the lower eyelids becomes darkened in color.

If the blueness does not go away for a long time, changes in the child’s behavior are noticeable, the alarm should be sounded, since the root cause may be intoxication, dehydration, or kidney problems.

The child should eat right, take active walks, spend more time in the fresh air, and follow a sleep schedule.

An experienced specialist will help adults and children forget about the hated blue stain, who, after consultation, will determine the cause of the disease.

Pathological problems

Puffiness under the eyes can be the cause of quite serious diseases, such as kidney and urinary system diseases, inflammatory processes, eye diseases, allergic reactions of the body, liver diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

If you notice that the bags under your eyes do not go away for a long time, and are sometimes accompanied by headaches, breathing problems or back pain, you should immediately seek help from a medical specialist.

What color is this and the diagnosis

Doctors believe that color is an important indicator by which the source of the appearance of the blue tint of the skin is determined.

  • If there is a slightly red tint, then there are two reasons: an allergic reaction to the irritant, or problems with the urinary system or kidneys. Many people try to get rid of problems on their own, not knowing that the intervention leads to tissue necrosis. Such problems can only be solved by medical treatment.
  • A yellow tint is an indicator of contamination with toxins, especially in the liver and blood. The longer the pathological process lasts, the richer the color. Sometimes it becomes dark brown in color. In such cases, it is necessary to cleanse the blood and bile ducts.
  • A purple tint indicates a serious lack of oxygen. There are several sources of disturbances: pulmonary dysfunction, iron deficiency, low hemoglobin levels.
  • The black tint of circles is caused by: chronic fatigue syndrome, excess melanin, eye strain in the sun, allergies. It is enough to get rid of the irritant and the skin color will normalize on its own.
  • When injured, a hematoma gradually goes through several stages, each of which has its own shade.

The reasons for the appearance of blue discoloration can be different - from anatomical features to serious disruptions in the functioning of systems. A qualified specialist will help determine the source after examining the symptoms. Do not start the development of pathologies, and you will have a strong immune system.

How long does it take for a black eye to go away?

The time it takes to restore skin color depends on the cause of the change. If swelling appears as a result of chronic pathologies or a malfunction of systems, then it will not go away until the person is completely cured.

The color intensity will change from time to time. As the disease progresses to an acute form, the color intensifies. When remission occurs, they become light. But it will not completely disappear until the pathology is eliminated.

As for a hematoma formed as a result of injury, the healing time depends directly on the efficiency and correctness of the measures taken. If you do nothing, recovery will be long, at least three weeks. You should not hope that the measures taken will get rid of the bruise in two days. At least seven days with proper treatment.

Hollows under the eyes - what are they?

The area under the eyes is very sensitive, this is due to its anatomical structure. The eye and the space around it are located in the orbit - the opening of the skull. The eyeball is fixed by muscles.

The facial muscle of the lower eyelid is thin and quickly responds to any changes or unfavorable conditions. It is its deformations that cause depressions under the eyes.

Beneath the muscle fibers is a layer of fat. It is not associated with obesity. With the correct volume and distribution, the tear trough has a good shape and depth. The lack of subcutaneous fat makes the tear trough more noticeable and expressive.

External features of failures

With age, but sometimes also in young girls, depressions with an unattractive tint form under the eyes. It can be bluish or yellow. The muscle in this area has a purple tint; thin skin cannot cover this color. Over time, the elasticity of the skin decreases, the amount of adipose tissue becomes less, so the bluish depressions stand out more noticeably.

This is especially true for women of thin build. The skin gradually slides down and in small folds forms a kind of “bags” under the eyes. It is difficult to straighten them; it is better to prevent their occurrence.

Dark circles under the eyes: methods of elimination

You already know why blue circles appear, and now we’ll tell you how to get rid of them. Often the appearance of circles is temporary. Therefore, it is within everyone’s power to eliminate them. In addition, the right folk remedies can restore the skin to its former beauty. A few simple principles will help:

  • Get enough sleep. A full eight-hour sleep will help you gain strength, get rid of swelling and circles;
  • Choose the right sleeping position. Bluishness and swelling occur due to the use of an uncomfortable pillow during sleep and incorrect head position. The head should not rise above the shoulders. Experts have also proven that sleeping on your side with your knees pulled up to your chest allows the body to rest;
  • Pay special attention to nutrition. The food is balanced. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of salty, spicy foods that retain fluid. Replace sandwiches with sausage with salads made from fresh vegetables. All this will soon improve your well-being and relieve swelling;
  • Drink one and a half liters of water per day. Water normalizes metabolic processes, prevents possible causes of blue discoloration;
  • Use good quality cosmetics. An incorrectly selected cream causes swelling, clogs pores, and does not allow the skin to receive oxygen;
  • Apply compresses and lotions to your eyelids – cucumber, potato, tea. This will allow you to forget about the blue circles forever;
  • Protect your skin from the sun. Use good quality sunglasses, protect your eyes from the negative effects of sunlight;
  • Get rid of bad habits. Stop smoking and alcohol. Do not drink or eat excessively before bedtime. In the morning, the results of night weaknesses are visible on the face.

Modern cosmetology offers several treatment methods: laser correction, microcurrent therapy, electrical stimulation, mesotherapy, lymphatic drainage, massage. Cosmetology procedures allow you to say goodbye to natural shadows forever.

It is very important to first diagnose the cause, then begin treating the symptoms of the underlying disease.

Getting rid of hollows under the eyes

If a person’s problem is caused by lack of sleep or being in a stressful atmosphere, the body must get the necessary rest. You need to walk in the fresh air every day, try to organize weekends in nature, or just get a good night’s sleep.

Hollows in the eye area that appear during treatment with medications (for example, antibacterial drugs) can be eliminated by stopping therapy or changing the medication. If specialists diagnose problems with internal organs, it is necessary to cure all identified diseases. For diseases of the visual organs, the doctor recommends therapy with special ointments and drops.

When the body is starved of oxygen or dehydrated, you need to drink as much fluid as possible, walk in the fresh air and constantly ventilate your home, especially before going to bed.

If you have problems with hormones, there is no need to postpone a visit to an endocrinologist, who will fully examine the body and prescribe effective treatment. By adjusting your hormonal levels, you will be able to eliminate problems with the skin around the eyes.


There are several options that will quickly and effectively remove problems with the dermis in the eye area. It involves administering injections containing certain substances under the skin. Such procedures compensate for the lack of subcutaneous tissue.

The first method is lipofilling. During the procedure, the fat layer is taken from the thigh, after which it is subjected to special treatment, and then injected into the epidermis under the eyes. The advantage of this procedure is that the person does not experience rejection or an allergic reaction. The disadvantages are the price of the procedure, as well as the pain present after it, forcing you to take painkillers.

The second technique is injections of hyaluronic acid. Using a special needle, a mass with a gel texture is injected under the epidermis. It fills all the hollows under the eyes. Hyaluron stimulates the activation of collagen production, which gives the skin elasticity and also has a rejuvenating effect. The method allows you to eliminate wrinkles, cyanosis and hollows in the eye area. Fillers based on hyaluronic acids do not provoke allergies and are not rejected by the body.

The procedure is prohibited in the following cases:

  • for diseases of the epidermis;
  • if there are pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • with insufficient plasma coagulation;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

An injection containing hyaluronic acid can help get rid of hollows.

Why do a huge number of women prefer injections that use hyaluronic acid? The method allows you to remove depressions that are hereditary in nature or caused by insufficient body weight.

Home techniques

You can eliminate the depressions that appear at home. Doctors recommend doing self-massage under the eyes, applying ice compresses soaked in herbal tinctures, and using special creams.

The massage is done twice a day for ten minutes. The procedure helps stimulate blood flow in the vessels located in the eye area, thereby eliminating the cyanosis of the epidermis. Before self-massage, you need to smear problem areas of the skin with apricot oil.

Every day in the morning you need to wipe the skin on your face with ice made from mint decoction or cucumber juice. Ice cubes made from sea buckthorn decoction are no less effective.

You can prepare creams for the skin near the eyes yourself from sour cream, honey and lemon. Applying this product will help lighten the dermis in the eye area.

Before using products that can remove pits under the eyes, you should consult a doctor. There may be diseases that provoke the problem. Until a person cures them, it is impossible to eliminate problems under the eyes using cosmetics.

Cosmetic ice against dark circles under the eyes

This is an affordable, simple way to eliminate and prevent cyanosis. It is enough to prepare cubes of frozen mineral water, boiled water, herbal infusions - thyme, chamomile, sage. They moisturize, tighten the skin around the eyes, and eliminate unpleasant tints. Wipe your skin with a cosmetic ice cube daily in the morning and in the evening after washing your face.

These cubes can be easily prepared using one of the following recipes:

  • from fresh dill, parsley - a spoonful of greens per glass of boiling water;
  • from pharmaceutical herbs - chamomile, cornflower, sage;
  • from tea leaves - a teaspoon of tea per glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes.

Folk tips and recipes

Traditional medicine offers several recipes that help quickly get rid of dark circles around the eyes. You should not use herbal decoctions if you are allergic to plant materials:

  • Brew herbs, St. John's wort, chamomile and sage are suitable. Pour the broth into ice cube trays and freeze. These cubes are used to wipe the area around the eyes several times a day.
  • Fresh parsley is crushed to a puree, wrapped in pieces of bandage, folded in half and applied to the eyes for 20 minutes.
  • The potatoes are peeled and grated on a fine grater. Apply the paste to the eyelids for 15 minutes. A similar procedure should be carried out once a week for one and a half months.
  • Brew tea in bags, squeeze them a little and apply to the eyelids.
  • Brew two teaspoons of cornflower in a glass of hot water. Then they filter. Half of the broth is poured into ice cube trays, and the other half is used warm. Cotton pads are moistened in a warm broth and applied to the eyes, after which the skin is wiped with ice cubes.
  • The fastest way to get rid of unattractive circles under the eyes is to use slices of fresh cucumbers. To do this, slices of the vegetable are applied to the eyelids for 15 minutes.
  • Take a tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese and add ½ teaspoon of strong tea leaves. Mix well and apply the resulting mass to the eyelids for 10 minutes.

You can make a mask based on walnuts. Grate the kernels of one nut on a fine grater, add a teaspoon of butter and two drops of lemon juice.

For treatment with traditional methods to be effective, recipes should be alternated.

Recommendations for preventing the disease

It should be noted that bruises under the eyes are a problem, first of all, of the internal state, and then of the external appearance. To prevent the occurrence, simple measures are necessary.

Having discovered a problem, you should go to the doctor, undergo an examination, on the basis of which the specialist will draw conclusions and prescribe treatment. The sooner effective measures are taken, the greater the chances of coping with the disease at an early stage without consequences.

To prevent the occurrence of blue circles, it is important to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Treatment with medications

As mentioned earlier, dark circles under the eyes can signal serious problems in the body. Self-medication and self-determination of diseases is not allowed! You need to get examined by specialists!

The doctor may prescribe the following tests: urine and blood tests, ultrasound of internal organs, magnetic resonance imaging, electrocardiogram, thyroid hormone testing, and more.

Having a complete examination history in hand, the specialist will identify the causes and prescribe appropriate treatment.

How to quickly remove a symptom after a blow

In case of injury, first aid must be provided.

Apply a cold compress

After injury, you need to apply a cold compress to the site of the impact and the entire cheek within 20 minutes. This could be ice or a cold water bottle.

For acute pain, you can take a painkiller. You should not take aspirin, it thins the blood.

At the pharmacy you need to purchase a product to reduce swelling and resolve the hematoma.


The angioprotective drug effectively acts on capillaries, reduces the severity of swelling and pain. Recommended for use immediately after injury.

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