Why blue circles appear under the eyes and how to get rid of them

Dark circles under the eyes

Naturally healthy complexion today, unfortunately, is rare among city residents. Blue circles and bags under the eyes are constant companions of many men and women. Why do they appear?

In the periorbital area, the skin is especially thin and sensitive. Therefore, the skin of this area reacts first to many health problems, poor lifestyle and environmental conditions.

The mechanism of the appearance of circles under the eyes (bruises)

This unpleasant aesthetic defect can be associated both with local processes and with general disturbances in the functioning of the body. Bruises under the eyes are sometimes an isolated symptom, but can appear together with redness of the eyeball, swelling of the eyelids, etc. Usually they do not cause discomfort, in addition to aesthetic imperfection.

For some people, blue circles under the eyes are a consequence of constitutional features. For example, they often appear in people with an asthenic physique, which is characterized by a small amount of subcutaneous fat.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

A characteristic unhealthy shade may be a consequence of:

  • lack of sleep;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • improper skin care, use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • fatigue (due to high visual loads);
  • smoking, drinking alcohol (the toxins they contain worsen the condition of the skin);
  • excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks.
  • Dark circles under the eyes can also signal more serious problems:
  • kidney disease (dark spots in the periorbital area are often accompanied by edema);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder (the circles around the eyes are more brown than blue);
  • problems with the pancreas (in addition to deterioration of complexion, pain in the left side, constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are likely);
  • endocrine pathologies (thyroid disease, diabetes insipidus);
  • disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system (dark circles under the eyes are associated with poor circulation);
  • anemia (an unhealthy complexion is a consequence of a lack of oxygen in the body due to low levels of iron in the blood).

Bruises under the eyes

Blueness under the eyes. What to do?

Author Editorial Board Pravda.Ru

24.02.2004 09:07

Health » Beauty » Beauty techniques

Modern methods make it possible to quickly cope with such a defect as bags under the eyes.

Svetlana Vladimirovna KONKOVA, dermatologist-cosmetologist of the St. Petersburg Medical Association “MEDI”, tells the story .

Are bags under the eyes a congenital or acquired defect in appearance? - More likely, both at the same time. Their appearance can be caused by various reasons. First of all, you need to make sure whether the woman has kidney disease. Then eliminate chronic lack of sleep, late heavy dinners, and excess salty and smoked foods. More prosaic reasons can also lead to the appearance of bags under the eyes, for example, incorrect head position during sleep. In this case, it is better to sleep on an orthopedic pillow. You should also pay attention to your cosmetics. Eyelid products that are too thick can also cause puffiness under the eyes.

But what if all possible causes are eliminated?

“Then we can come to the conclusion that bags under the eyes and long-term dark circles are a consequence of certain anatomical features. The fact is that there is a membrane between the skin of the eyelids and the subcutaneous tissue. Some women are too thin from birth. With age, it thins even more, and subcutaneous fatty tissue extends directly under the skin. This is why doctors often call bags under the eyes hernias.

Is it possible to prevent the appearance of bags?

— You need to start caring for the skin around your eyes from the age of 20-25. Especially if a similar problem bothered one of your close relatives. Eliminate factors such as stress, poor nutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle. Limit your fluid intake. For eyelids, use a light cream with arnica and horsetail. Creams, lotions and tonics with collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid are very effective. In order to reduce swelling and improve blood circulation, you can use masks made from sour cream with parsley (2 teaspoons of sour cream and 1 teaspoon of finely chopped parsley). Lotions made from warm potatoes boiled in their jackets help a lot.

What if neither cream nor potatoes help?

- Then you need to contact a cosmetologist and undergo a course of medical procedures. You will be recommended lymphatic drainage or electrical stimulation, a course of microcurrent therapy, and iontophoresis. Puffiness under the eyes can also be relieved with traditional manual massage. Sometimes mesotherapy - microinjections of various drugs - also helps. But the effect of any of these procedures will not be noticeable immediately. It is necessary to take several courses and constantly use moisturizers. A set of cosmetics for home care is selected by a cosmetologist. We always prepare a woman that she will also be required to have patience, follow all recommendations and, of course, certain means.

In what cases is surgical intervention required?

- When all other methods fail. Excess skin and subcutaneous tissue on the upper and lower eyelids is removed using blepharoplasty. Naturally, after such an operation a small scar remains. But it is usually unnoticeable.

— Is it possible to do without cosmetic stitches?

- It is possible, but only for young women who do not yet have excess skin on their eyelids. We recommend a scarless operation for them - transconjunctival blepharoplasty. This deficiency can also be eliminated using a laser. The effect of the operation lasts quite a long time.

Are there effective remedies to combat blue under the eyes?

— Persistent dark circles around the eyes most often indicate a violation of venous circulation in this area. It is extremely difficult to completely get rid of this congenital defect. But you can significantly improve the aesthetic appearance of your skin. There are a number of procedures and medicinal cosmetics that can reduce this cosmetic defect. Maintenance courses are held every 6-8 months. In addition, the image consultant will advise the use of special liquid tinted eyelid creams as corrective agents for decorative cosmetics. They contain medicinal components and greenish pigment additives. When applied to brownish eyelid skin, a natural, healthy color is obtained. But home measures and folk remedies in this case are ineffective.

"Women Health"

Topics age

Dark circles under the eyes due to age-related changes

This problem is familiar to both adults and children. But with age, the prerequisites leading to the appearance of circles under the eyes become more and more numerous.

Over the years, the skin of the lower eyelid loses elasticity, and its subcutaneous fat layer becomes thinner. Circles appear because capillaries begin to appear through the epidermis, which also undergo changes. They become more fragile and are susceptible to erythrocyte diapedesis. This is the process of blood cells leaving the vessels. Outwardly, it looks like dark circles or bruises under the eyes.

Such a symptom may also indicate the progression of diseases of internal organs with age.

Circles and bruises under the eyes as a result of overwork

Lack of sleep, increased mental and physical stress do not go away without leaving a trace. Have you ever seen blue circles (bruises) under your eyes after a sleepless night or a hard day at work?

To feel well, a person needs at least 7–8 hours of full sleep. In addition to blue circles under the eyes, lack of sleep threatens diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

When overworked, redness of the sclera and pale facial skin are also observed. Dark circles often complement bags under the eyes. As a rule, when the work and rest regime is normalized, the problem goes away by itself.

What can be done to eliminate cyanotic circles?

To begin with, it is important to establish the reason why they appeared. In most cases, this cannot be done without the help of a qualified specialist (it is best to start by visiting a therapist).

If the cause is an incorrect lifestyle, eliminating this pathology is not at all difficult - just give up alcohol, tobacco products, monitor your wakefulness and rest patterns, don’t overwork, watch your diet, regularly walk in the fresh air and don’t drink a lot of water before bed. If, after taking appropriate measures, the problem does not go away for a long time, it is likely that the problem lies in the pathology of the internal organs. To find out whether this is true or not, you will have to undergo an examination that will help determine the root cause.

But quite often there are cases when circular cyanosis in the under-eye area is caused by the characteristics of the skin and will be present in a person, even if he leads a healthy lifestyle and is absolutely healthy. As a rule, in such cases, blue circles can be observed already in childhood. In this situation, various cosmetic products can come to the rescue, including various creams and ointments, as well as hardware cosmetology.

Often, lymphatic drainage massage, microcurrent and laser therapy, as well as photorejuvenation procedures are used to eliminate such circles.

Liver and kidney diseases as causes of circles under the eyes

Diseases of the urinary system lead to fluid retention in the body. This leads not only to bags, but also to circles under the eyes. In this case, symptoms such as urination problems, increased blood pressure, swelling, etc. are observed.

Dark circles and bruises can occur due to pigmentation of the skin of the eyelids due to problems with the liver. As the concentration of bilirubin increases, the skin and sclera acquire a yellow tint. In addition to brownish or yellowish circles in the periorbital region, liver pathologies are accompanied by bitterness in the mouth, dull pain in the right hypochondrium.

Blue circles under the eyes: cosmetic factors

AllMedNews.ru - Blue circles under the eyes in adults and children: causes and how to remove - Health and Medicine

There are often situations where there are unsightly dark circles under the eyes, but it is not possible to accurately determine the cause of their appearance. In this case, bruises may be a sign of a genetic predisposition to this phenomenon or an individual characteristic of the skin.

If this problem has been present since early childhood, and the shade and color of the circles does not change with age, only cosmetic products should be used to combat such a defect. Traditional methods may also be useful.

Unsightly dark circles under the eyes can be the result of smoking, excessive salt and alcoholic beverages. In this case, it will be enough to simply remove these “irritants” and adhere to a healthy lifestyle. After just a few days, dark circles become less noticeable and soon disappear completely.

Poor nutrition

Bruises under the eyes are also associated with a person’s eating habits. Often these defects appear as a result of diet. We are talking, first of all, about dietary nutrition for weight loss, in which blue circles under the eyes are a common phenomenon.

As a rule, attempts to lose weight are associated with a sharp restriction of the range of foods, due to which the body experiences a deficiency of many vitamins and microelements. The result of this approach is unsightly circles or bruises in the eye area. However, therapeutic diets prescribed by a doctor for a specific disease do not have such a negative effect.

Blue circles under the eyes, or as they are more often called, bruises, appear due to a lack of substances such as:

  • vitamin A (improves skin regeneration, slows down aging);
  • iron (its deficiency leads to iron deficiency anemia, a symptom of which is bruising);
  • vitamin K (plays a key role in normal blood clotting; its deficiency causes bruising);
  • zinc (is an important element of many enzymes, is involved in fat metabolism, and its deficiency causes circles under the eyes);
  • vitamin C (strengthens the vascular wall; if it is insufficiently consumed, erythrocyte diapedesis increases, which causes bruising);
  • vitamin E (is an antioxidant, stops the aging process).

The lack of these elements immediately affects the condition of the skin, circles appear in the periorbital area. But the body as a whole suffers when there is a lack of these substances in the diet.

What does the color of the circles under the eyes tell you?

Sometimes it is enough for a doctor to look at the skin tone in the periorbital area to suggest which system or organ of the patient has a problem.

Dark circles of a bluish tint, sometimes resembling a mesh, can indicate disturbances in the functioning of the heart, dystonia, and hypertension. They also indicate oxygen starvation of the body. Such bruises are often found in people suffering from hormonal disorders. This is a reason to get your kidneys checked.

Yellowish-brown circles are a sign of liver pathologies. They occur when the functions of the gallbladder and bile ducts are impaired.

Brown circles under the eyes indicate problems with the endocrine system. Diabetes mellitus, thyroid and liver diseases have such external manifestations. Such a defect may indicate blood diseases.

If the bruises are not just blue, but dark gray or black, then we can assume the worst. Such a person may have cancer.

Looking at the circles under your eyes in the mirror, you cannot diagnose yourself. Only a doctor can find out the exact cause of this problem and give recommendations for solving it.

Diagnosis of dark circles under the eyes

Preventing bruises and dark circles under the eyes

To prevent this unpleasant phenomenon, experts recommend:

  • observe the work and rest regime (during monotonous work associated with strain on the visual apparatus, as well as during heavy physical activity, you need to take breaks, this will protect you from overwork and bruises);
  • normalize sleep (to forget about dark circles, you need to sleep 7–8 hours a day);
  • eat rationally (bluish or brownish circles in the eye area can be prevented if you regularly consume foods rich in vitamins, minerals, microelements, and also containing the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates);
  • perform visual gymnastics (there is a special set of exercises that help remove circles under the eyes);
  • fight bad habits (you should give up smoking and drinking alcohol);
  • play sports (regular physical activity helps get rid of circles under the eyes and generally improve health).

The famous Ayurvedic remedy “Clearvin” is used to improve the color of the skin around the eyes, brighten it and tone it.

Clearvin cream helps in the fight against dark circles under the eyes.

How to get rid of blue circles under the eyes?

Blue circles under the eyes are a medical or cosmetic problem. In the latter case, folk remedies and cosmetics can be used to remove them. If dark circles under the eyes are the result of deteriorating health, you need to seek help from a doctor and undergo a full examination to determine the disease that caused this problem. Then a comprehensive treatment is prescribed, after which the skin returns a healthy, attractive shade.

How to remove blue circles under a child's eyes?

AllMedNews.ru - Blue circles under the eyes in adults and children: causes and how to remove - Health and Medicine

If parents notice dark circles under their child’s eyes, they should consult a pediatrician before starting to look for a remedy to get rid of the problem. In childhood, blue circles under the eyes can be the main sign of the onset of a certain disease. It is also a symptom of a genetic predisposition or severe overwork.

If a child develops blue circles under his eyes, the pediatrician prescribes the following tests:


  • general urine analysis;
  • stool analysis for worm eggs;
  • general blood analysis;
  • blood for immunoglobulin;
  • culture of the nose and mouth for staphylococci.

Thanks to the results of these tests, it is possible to accurately identify the disease and remove it, at the same time getting rid of the problem of dark circles under the eyes. Only medication is used to treat staphylococcal infections, anemia, helminths and other medical causes. Taking into account the severity of the disease, the doctor selects treatment; the general condition of the body, age and external data of the little patient are also taken into account.

If after the examination the disease was not determined, but there is a problem of dark circles under the eyes. This phenomenon may be caused by improper daily routine, unbalanced diet or genetic predisposition.

In this case, simple recommendations will help solve the problem.


  1. For the child, you need to organize unloading for several days so that he can rest.
  2. The child should get a good night's sleep.
  3. Walking in the fresh air, which should last at least 2 hours a day, is beneficial.
  4. A balanced and proper diet is important - the child’s diet should contain as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. It is worth minimizing the consumption of complex carbohydrates. Boiled beef and porridge will be useful.
  5. You can give your child pharmaceutical vitamin complexes.
  6. If your child sits for a long time, you need to take a short break every 30 minutes.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes of adults?

When unsightly dark circles under the eyes become the result of cosmetic problems, various ointments, masks, creams, salon and folk remedies will help get rid of them.

Cosmetics against blue circles under the eyes

AllMedNews.ru - Blue circles under the eyes in adults and children: causes and how to remove - Health and Medicine

The most effective will be proven cosmetics, the most effective of which are:

  • Cooling roll-on gel for the skin around the eyes Nivea Visage
    . This product has a cooling effect on the delicate skin around the eyes and removes unsightly dark bruises. The cost of the product is about 220 rubles (100 UAH).
  • Cooling cream against blue circles under the eyes cooling Eye Illuminator Idealist, Estee Lauder
    . This remedy helps to quickly remove swelling of the eyelids and increases blood flow in this area. As a result, dark circles under the eyes disappear much faster. The cost of the product is about 2000 rubles (800 UAH).
  • Smoothing gel for the area around the eyes Anti-Fatigue Smoothing Eye Gel, Darphin
    . This product becomes simply an invaluable find in emergency situations when you need to relieve signs of fatigue. In just a few minutes, the skin is smoothed and its tone is evened out. The cost of the product is about 2200 rubles (900 UAH).

Folk remedies against dark circles under the eyes

AllMedNews.ru - Blue circles under the eyes in adults and children: causes and how to remove - Health and Medicine

To get rid of unsightly bruises under the eyes, you can use simple but effective methods of folk cosmetology:

  1. Tea brewing
    . You need to take 2 tea bags and pour boiling water over them, leave for a while until the leaves open completely. The bags are removed from the water and wrung out a little, after which they are applied to the eyelids. The compress is left for 15 minutes.
  2. Fresh cucumber
    . The cucumber is washed and cut into rings about 0.5 cm thick. The circles are applied to the eyes and left for 15 minutes. This procedure is recommended to be carried out as often as possible.
  3. Bread and milk
    . The bread crumb is crumbled and filled with milk, then squeezed out a little. Gauze is applied to the closed eyes, and bread threshed in milk is placed on top. The compress is left for 15 minutes.
  4. Chamomile ice
    . First you need to prepare a chamomile decoction, cool and filter. The broth is poured into ice trays. As soon as the decoction freezes, it is used to wipe the skin around the eyes.

How to remove blue circles under the eyes - watch the video:

Regardless of what reason triggered the appearance of unsightly dark circles under the eyes, you need to immediately begin searching for it. Only after eliminating this factor can the beautiful and attractive appearance of facial skin be restored.

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