Bags under the eyes - causes of formation

Photo: Bags under the eyes how to get rid of them
It is very pleasant to realize that when you look at yourself in the mirror, you receive aesthetic pleasure. Oh, what eyes you’ll rock: huge, bottomless, shiny, inviting, and surrounded by fluffy, thick eyelashes. What an amazing “mirror of the soul” I have! I watched it this morning and I love it! Great. And a positive mood for the whole day is guaranteed. This is me - a confident, beautiful, successful woman. In his prime. Bliss!

And suddenly there comes a moment when, out of habit, looking at your reflection, you begin to wonder: Who is this? What it is? Where are my eyes? What is this hanging over them? Where do these bags under the eyes come from? Why is there swelling around the eyes? What are these circles around the eyes? Why, instead of bottomlessness in my eyes, is there all the sadness of the world, melancholy and a tired, sleep-deprived look in the morning? But I'm only 35? Or 37?

Symptoms of swelling of the eyelids above the eyes

When swelling appears above the eyes, a person will be concerned about the following symptoms:

  • when closing the eyelids, an unusual feeling of tension appears;
  • the skin on the mobile eyelid is itchy and looks irritated;
  • the skin becomes denser and tighter to the touch;
  • the color of the skin on the upper eyelid can be either red, pale or even bluish;
  • sometimes even small capillaries on the skin can be distinguished;
  • any touch brings severe discomfort and pain;
  • Sometimes a small rash appears.

The number of symptoms may vary from person to person. This is influenced by the cause, as well as individual factors (the body's immune response, skin type, etc.).


Why do my eyelids swell in the morning? What factors cause such an unpleasant phenomenon as swelling of the eyelids? In fact, there are many reasons. Among the numerous list of non-physiological reasons, several main points can be identified, and they all relate to an unhealthy lifestyle:

  • Excessive consumption of salty, spicy foods, especially in the evening, contributes to severe swelling in the morning.
  • Drinking large amounts of liquid in the evening can also affect your appearance in the morning.
  • People who abuse alcoholic beverages develop chronic swelling of the eyes.
  • If you abruptly stop drinking and limit yourself to liquids, the process of accumulation of liquid from the internal reserves of the body may begin, and this in turn provokes this problem.
  • With chronic fatigue, stress, and prolonged lack of proper sleep, the eyes begin to feel very tired, which also leads to swelling.

  • If the position is incorrect during night rest or the pillow is uncomfortable, the eyelids may swell.
  • Tears are one of the main reasons.
  • A diet devoid of proteins, vitamins and useful and essential microelements is the cause of puffy eyes and the entire face.
  • In hot weather, especially if this period lasts for a long time, the eyelids and face swell in the morning, as well as other parts of the body, especially the limbs.
  • In the second phase of menstruation and during pregnancy, especially in the second half, women's faces become slightly blurred and swollen.

These factors are not physiological, except, perhaps, the state of pregnancy and the time of the menstrual cycle. There is another list of reasons where diseases appear, the clinical manifestations of which can also provoke swelling of the upper eyelids.

Mechanical or other reasons:

  • Wearing contact lenses also contributes to swelling. This is nothing more than the body’s reaction to a foreign object. Rejection of the “stranger” begins, this is especially often observed with incorrectly selected lenses or special sensitivity of the eye membranes. Watery eyes appear and mucus begins to come out of the nose. The best way to stop and resolve the symptoms is to remove the lenses and discard them.
  • With a hereditary predisposition, swelling of the skin on the eyelids often appears. The reason is the membrane that is located between the subcutaneous tissue and the upper layers of the epidermis. If it becomes even thinner than it was at birth, then with the slightest ailment, be it a runny nose, cough, or stress, swelling appears above the eyes.
  • The upper eyelid swells due to subcutaneous hemorrhage, which is caused by mechanical trauma. Here, in addition to the pronounced swelling of the eyelid, a blue color appears, and it will be difficult to notice such changes.
  • Changes in appearance can be caused by various cosmetic procedures such as tattooing or Botox. When chemicals are introduced under the skin, the structure of thin and delicate skin is disrupted, but such negative manifestations do not last long. Provided that the manipulation is done by a professional, changes on the face will not last more than one day. It is worth paying special attention to this fact, since with longer swelling, you need to consult a doctor, otherwise complications may arise in the form of an allergic reaction or inflammation.

How to do first aid for an eye injury is described here.

There is also such a thing as the body’s individual rejection of procedures such as Botox and tattooing.

What Causes Puffiness Above the Eyes

There can be many reasons for this condition. In general, they can be divided into three main groups:

  1. Loss of skin elasticity. This reason can be called one of the main ones. This is usually called aging of the body, since over the years the skin's ability to synthesize collagen decreases. The modern rhythm of life, when people sit for a long time in front of a monitor screen or gadgets and overstrain their eye muscles, only intensifies this process. By the way, some people have a genetic predisposition, although this cannot be solely blamed.
  2. Accumulation of fluid under the skin. This is exactly what many people habitually call edema. Watery bags usually indicate kidney problems. If such swelling occurs only once, then most likely the food consumed during the evening meal is to blame. Most likely, the person ate too much salty food at dinner. Sodium retains water in the body, and as a result, swelling appears in various parts of the body. They are more noticeable on the eyes, since even small (literally a millimeter) shifts towards increase in the tissue of the eyelids are very noticeable to others.
  3. Overgrown adipose tissue. Excess weight appears not only in the waist, hips and back. When overeating occurs, skin grows literally all over the body, including the eyelids. When losing weight, stretched skin cannot shrink on its own, and an excess of it appears. This looks like drooping eyelids or bags over the eyes.
  4. Allergy. Manifestations of allergies most often affect areas where there is mucous membrane (nasal cavity, eyes). This is how classic hay fever can manifest itself, which begins in the spring. But if only the eyelids swell, there is a possibility of an allergic reaction due to the cleansing and cosmetic products used by the person. Finally, food, as well as household items, including animal hair, cannot be excluded as an allergen.
  5. Infection in the eye. Conjunctivitis, stye, blepharitis and other inflammatory eye diseases can appear in different parts of the organ of vision. When pathogens are activated in the tissues of the upper eyelid, in response to inflammation, the body provides an increased influx of prostaglandins and lymphocytes. As a result, the tissue of the eyelid becomes dense, and the eyelid itself looks swollen.
  6. ENT diseases. Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx negatively affect surrounding tissues. Metabolism in the latter worsens, and bags appear over the eyes.

Symptoms of blepharitis

A person’s lifestyle is of no small importance. In particular, your daily routine (or more specifically, your bedtime) can be critical. If you regularly violate the recommended norms (go to bed no later than 11 p.m.), even youth will not save a person’s beauty, and even in the morning he will look tired.

Some women also experience this condition at regular intervals. So, swollen eyelids may be a consequence of a hormonal surge - during (or on the eve of) menstruation or during menopause.


Photo: Bags under the eyes how to get rid of them
The worst thing is that there have always been bags under the eyes and swelling above the eyes. Since birth. Which is typical for both mother and grandmother (or father-grandfather). Well, no luck with the dominant trait!

Well, in general, the mirror was upsetting. And how. That's harmful! After all, I am still!! What about it?!? You can, of course, remove the mirror out of sight (you can even throw it away) and look at something else. The same bags under the eyes, the same swelling around the eyes and dark circles. Hmm... There is only one disorder.

What to do? How to get rid of bags under the eyes? Of course on the Internet. Wow, so many things! There are tons of offers. From folk, supposedly proven remedies, to newfangled, expensive creams and masks. It helps... but not much. In the sense: it stops helping very quickly.

It is interesting that applying tea bags, cucumbers, pieces of ice, as well as ultra-modern, ultra-fashionable creams and masks give an effect, but it is short-lived. The day has passed and don’t even look in the mirror - the same bags, bruises, swelling... And any lack of sleep and fatigue makes them more noticeable. All this would be very funny if it weren’t so sad. Let's try to understand from a medical point of view the causes and mechanisms of the appearance of bags under the eyes.


You can view the work of our surgeons on the website of the Abrielle Plastic Surgery Clinic in the Photo Gallery section.


  • You are experiencing health difficulties. It would be good to visit your local physician and check the function of your kidneys, thyroid gland, pancreas, etc.
  • Heredity. You have always had bags under your eyes, which is due to the anatomical structure of your face. It’s unpleasant that over time they become larger and therefore more noticeable.
  • The main and most common cause of bags under the eyes, unfortunately, is age-related changes.

Why can the eyelid of one eye swell?

In most cases, swelling of the eyelid tissue is symmetrical. Why do eye bags sometimes appear over only one eye? There are two main reasons here. The first is a local infection in the tissues of the upper eyelid of only one eye. The likelihood of further spread of the inflammatory process to the other eye is very high, and therefore treatment usually involves therapeutic procedures with both eyes. The second reason is an insect bite or injury. In this case, the local spread of the swelling process is completely excluded. With proper treatment, swelling can completely disappear without consequences within a few days.

Clinical picture

Regardless of the origin, eye swelling manifests itself as a combination of several symptoms:

  • eyelid hyperemia;
  • general swelling of the face;
  • reduction of the palpebral fissure;
  • thickening of swollen eyelids;
  • soreness.

Facial swelling is most pronounced in the morning, immediately after sleep. This happens due to the relaxed state of the facial muscles during sleep - which creates favorable conditions for stagnation, the external manifestation of which is swelling of the face and eyes.

It is necessary to examine in more detail the reasons that cause swelling of the face and eyes, since they determine the methods for resolving the issue.

What do swollen eyes warn of?

Women often talk about this problem, but men also face it. It’s just that women, by their nature, tend to pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and they try to minimize any change in it as much as possible. What can permanently swollen eyes warn of?

The main thing a person should pay attention to is kidney function. To do this, you need to undergo appropriate diagnostics and visit a specialist (nephrologist). If a problem is detected, therapy should be started immediately to reduce the likelihood of disease progression.

If a person’s eyelids swell during any activity, then it is necessary to pay attention to occupational hygiene. This can be either a time limit for focusing attention (on a monitor, the road), or exposure to harmful components in the air (in the case of working in a dusty or smoky room).

Impaired lymph flow may indicate heart problems (pericardial dysfunction, heart failure).


You should not self-medicate, wash your eyes with various solutions on the advice of aunties and grandmothers, this is fraught with serious complications. Only an experienced doctor, after diagnosis, can decide how and with what to eliminate the disturbing swelling.

If this is a consequence of an allergy, medications, creams and ointments are prescribed to eliminate itching and stop inflammation. After the symptoms disappear, a special regimen or diet is recommended. This is required to consolidate the result obtained. Most often, the patient is advised to eat mainly plant foods high in vitamins.

There are cases when the swelling is similar to fatty hernias, then you cannot do without plastic surgery and a surgeon’s scalpel. Such external defects are removed in specialized clinics by experienced doctors.

There are many cosmetic procedures that can improve your appearance. Among them are effective ways to combat edema:

  • Mesotherapy.
  • Dermotonia.
  • Electrical stimulation.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage.

For inflammatory signs, complex therapy methods are used:

  • Medicines (antibiotics, antivirals and painkillers).
  • Procedures in the physiotherapy room.
  • Eye wash.
  • If the swelling is caused by an injury, treatment against infection using special means is required.
  • Ice is also “first aid” for bruises.

Find out how to treat a hernia under the eyes in the material.

How to remove swelling

Therapeutic procedures depend on the causes of bags over the eyes:

  1. If there is an infection in the eyes, it is necessary to constantly clean the eyes and carry out instillations (instillations) of medicinal compounds, more often with antibacterial components.
  2. If you have allergies, you will not be able to cope with swelling of the eyelids without antihistamines. It is important that treatment should last as long as possible contact with the allergen is planned. If the allergen is any household item, then after it is eliminated, allergy therapy may last only a couple of days. With hay fever, a person has to take appropriate medications for several months until the flowering of plants completely ends.

Local procedures can also help remove swelling above the eyes:

  1. Ice made from parsley juice. They need to wipe their swollen eyelids immediately after sleep, but the procedure can be repeated throughout the day. The use of ice helps to “awaken” small vessels, as a result of which local blood flow improves and swelling subsides. Parsley juice also has diuretic properties and helps relieve swelling. If you are predisposed to such a cosmetic defect, you should always have such ice cubes in the freezer to use when necessary.
  2. Raw potatoes. The good thing about this recipe is that it doesn’t require any preparation. So, medium-sized potatoes need to be washed and cut into slices. They need to be applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes. You can repeat the procedure throughout the day. Potatoes soothe the skin and promote its restoration.
  3. Fresh cucumber. This recipe is similar to the previous one, only the action here is slightly different. When applied to the skin, cucumber slightly tightens it, thereby making the skin seem to decrease in size. This recipe is especially effective for loss of elasticity of the eyelids.
  4. Tea bags. Applying brewed tea bags to the upper or lower eyelids helps to quickly tone the tissues, resulting in the elimination of puffiness.
  5. Alternating hot and cold compress. To do this, you need to take 2 glasses and 2 cotton pads. Pour hot water into one glass and cold water into the other, and place one cotton pad or piece of cloth in each. Now you need to alternately remove the cotton pad from the glass and apply it to your eyelids. The tissues of the eyelids will respond to such temperature differences by dilating and constricting blood vessels, which increases blood flow. The last compress should be cold.

And of course, even the best masks will not have the desired effect if a person does not get enough sleep. Sleep is the main medicine against edema. The duration of sleep should be sufficient, but not excessive (no more than 9 hours). Otherwise, the person will also feel bad, and appearance will only confirm the general condition of the body.

In addition to those listed, there are the most modern methods for eliminating and preventing swelling above the eyes. These are salon cosmetic procedures:

  • mesotherapy;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • infrared irradiation of the eyelid area (to eliminate inflammatory processes).

Lymphatic drainage massage for puffiness under the eyes


Photo: Bags under the eyes how to get rid of them
Age-related changes in the eyelids (the area around the eyes) layer by layer:

Layer 1: The skin around the eyes is very thin, there is no layer of subcutaneous fat underneath. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is primarily a marker of age-related changes. The skin of the orbital area loses elasticity, turgor and elasticity decrease (due to a decrease in the body's production of elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid), a network of fine wrinkles appears, the number of which is constantly increasing. Externally, the skin thins even more, becomes dry, and begins to “lay down” on the upper eyelid like a parchment-like, flabby bag. The eyes visually begin to appear smaller.

Layer 2: Orbicularis oculi muscles and hernial packets. Today, there are two opposite theories about the aging of facial muscles and the mechanism of the appearance of bags under the eyes - bulging hernias.

The first (generally accepted) theory states that the ligaments, which are attached on one side to the facial bones of the skull, penetrate through all layers of the face, cover the facial muscles and on the other side are attached to the skin of the face. Thus, dense, inextensible, immovable ligaments form a kind of corset to maintain facial tissues in the “correct position”. The soft tissues between the ligaments form “spaces”, which, on the contrary, are very mobile and extensible. In the process of aging, the “spaces” located between the dense supporting but already stretched ligaments expand (increase) and begin to bulge. This happens because, on the one hand, we are constantly experiencing the action of gravity, and on the other hand, the orbicularis oculi muscles are overstretched, lose elasticity, fullness, and their tone decreases. Such muscles begin to sag along with the fatty hernias of the eyelids located underneath them. As a result, we see large bags above and below the eyes.

Photo: Bags under the eyes how to get rid of them

Fig 1. B.Mendelson's theory a) young face; b) a person with signs of age-related changes.

The second theory, proposed in 2006 by French plastic surgeons Claude LeLouarn and Jacqees Buis, tells the opposite point of view. In their opinion, gravity has a relatively small effect on facial muscles. According to the “Face Recurve” concept, facial muscles in young people have a curved shape and are located in the deep fat layer. Under the influence of constant contraction, muscles straighten and shorten over time. This tight, straight, short muscle pushes the underlying fat more superficially. As a result, bags appear under the eyes (so-called fatty hernias). This theory justifies the use of botulinum toxin to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and bags under the eyes. Botulinum toxin injections can reduce the tone of tense, shortened facial muscles.

Figure 2. “Face Recurve” theory by Claude LeLouarn and Jacqees Buis.

a) the orbicularis oculi muscle and the zygomatic muscles in a relaxed state; b) the same muscles contract (the fat underlying them is pushed outward); c) blue arrows - the direction of pushing out fat during contraction of muscle fibers: fatty “hernias” of the lower eyelids bulge, the nasolacrimal groove worsens, and the uneven contour of the cheekbones intensifies.

Be that as it may, bags appear under the eyes as a result of prolapse (protrusion, bulging) of hernial bags. Adipose tissue is prone to swelling, which occurs with any excess fluid in the body - the bags under the eyes increase. The thin skin around the eyes stretches accordingly. And if at first (up to 30 years old) the skin quickly returns to normal (shrinks) after the swelling disappears, then again, over time it does this less and less willingly. As a result, we begin to observe a network of small wrinkles.

Layer 3: Bones of the facial skull. According to the famous surgeon and anatomist Bryan Mendelson, during the aging process, some areas of the facial skull undergo resorption (resorption), as a result of which the appearance greatly changes.

Photo: Bags under the eyes surgery
Figure 5. Orbital aging. The superomedial and inferolateral parts of the orbit have the greatest tendency to resorption. This leads to the appearance of signs of aging of the periorbital region, in particular, to the bulging of the medial fatty “hernia”, raising of the inner part (head) of the eyebrow and lengthening of the transition line of the upper border of the cheek.

B. Mendelson in his works proved that the upper inner and lower outer parts of the orbit are most susceptible to resorption during age-related changes. This causes the medial fatty hernia of the upper eyelid to bulge, raise the inner part (head) of the eyebrow, and deepen and lengthen the nasolacrimal groove. A decrease in bone support in the middle zone of the face (the upper jaw is most susceptible to resorption) contributes to the deepening of the nasolacrimal groove and the appearance of paint bags.


“When I talked to Ilona Sergeevna, I immediately gained trust and respect for her; I no longer wanted to go looking for an alternative.
The first impression turned out to be undeceiving; further communication only confirmed the first impressions: I promptly received answers to my questions and test results via email. Ilona Sergeevna also performed the operation professionally, together with competent and courteous operating nurses. After blepharoplasty, I stayed in the clinic for a day and constantly felt the care that nurse Anya provided me. The next day, Svetlana magically performed procedures to promote the healing of stitches and swelling. “Many thanks to all the staff and the head of the Abrielle aesthetic surgery clinic for the friendly and homely atmosphere, for the impression that the patient is not in a medical institution, but among relatives, from that participation, concern and desire to always come to the rescue.” Ekaterina, 54 years old Other reviews about blepharoplasty on our website.

Photo: Bags under the eyes how to get rid of them
Thus, it becomes clear that:

  1. The use of various modern creams and masks to improve the properties of the skin has only preventive value, since these products are not able to penetrate the barrier layer of the skin. They act very superficially.
  2. Quitting smoking and alcohol is also a preventative measure, as these bad habits worsen the condition of the skin and accelerate its aging.
  3. Mesotherapy - the introduction of special preparations through injections to improve the properties of the skin around the eyes - is a good prevention of aging.
  4. Botulinum toxin injections are a necessary preventive procedure to reduce the number of wrinkles around the eyes.
  5. Plastic massage and microcurrent therapy help to increase tone, improve the properties of the skin and circular muscles of the eyes, and give a more lasting result.

However, all these procedures have only preventive value. They need to be performed in order to delay the appearance of bags under the eyes, and not to get rid of them. If bags, swelling and excess skin under and above the eyes have already appeared, it is useless to try to eliminate them with such measures. The effect will be immediate and fleeting.


Photo: Bags under the eyes how to get rid of them
A plastic surgeon will tell you how to get rid of bags under the eyes using blepharoplasty during an in-person consultation. With the help of this operation, normal anatomy is restored: excess skin, a strip of stretched muscle are eliminated, and hernial sacs are removed. Blepharoplasty is simple to perform, easily tolerated by patients and provides a guaranteed, lasting aesthetic result. It will no longer be possible to examine the “traces” of the operation after 2-3 months.

If we talk about rejuvenating the eye area, understanding all the mechanisms of age-related changes in this area, then blepharoplasty almost always needs to be supplemented with lipofilling. By injecting fat to fill the brow area, filling the tear trough, filling the cheekbones and temples, we perform true rejuvenation of the eye area in two ways. The first is the replenishment of lost volumes and the restoration of smooth contours inherent in young faces. The second is skin rejuvenation (thickening, increasing turgor, elasticity, reducing pores, vascular and pigment formations) due to the potential of stem cells, always present in adipose tissue.

Blepharoplasty in combination with eye lipofilling will not leave any traces behind and will completely preserve your individuality. Such simple surgical procedures will not only restore former attractiveness, but also bring youth, freshness and a unique radiance to a woman’s image. Why carry with you the burden of the past in the form of bags under your eyes? If you want to look young and evoke admiring glances from others, you will have to get rid of bags under your eyes, sooner or later. Better early. Then it’s time for you to seek advice from an experienced plastic surgeon. The plastic surgeon will determine the extent of the operation, the type of blepharoplasty, and most likely this small operation will help change your life for the better.

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