What functions do eyelashes and eyebrows perform: structure and characteristics of hairs

Long and thick eyelashes are the dream of many women. Yes, they really make the look more expressive and attractive. But the main function of eyelashes is to protect the eyes from possible contamination and mechanical damage. We will tell you in more detail about why eyelashes are needed in this material.

Eyelashes are located in two rows along the free edge of a person's eyelids. Behind them are the openings of the sebaceous glands, which are also called meibomian. These glands are found in the dense connective tissue inside the eyelid. An eyelash lives on average 90 days before falling out.

Features of the structure of eyelids and eyelashes

If you examine the eyelash from the inside using special devices, you will find out that it consists mainly of keratin. Its content is 97%, and the rest is water. Keratin refers to a special protein that is present in the body, in the upper layer of the skin and nails.

The structure of the eyelash is amazing. Despite the fact that it is small, it has its own characteristics and performs important functions. The main components are the root, the rod, the follicle. Each individual hair follicle is equipped with a blood vessel responsible for supplying the eyelash with oxygen and nutrients. The follicle also connects to the sebaceous glands and sweat glands. It is a depression in which the bulbs are located. A bulb is usually called a small compaction on the root, which tends to rapidly divide and form a hair.

eyelash extensions

On the lower part of the bulb there is a special papilla containing blood vessels. This papilla performs an important function - like a computer, it regulates the growth of the eyelash and controls its condition.

The hair follicle is in close contact with sweat glands, nerve fibers, muscles, and sebaceous glands.

The eyelash itself is divided into the following parts:

  • The core consists of the keratin we know.
  • The shaft - this part of the hair is visible and called the eyelash.
  • The cortical layer is a kind of coating consisting of keratinized cells that are responsible for the strength of the hair.
  • Cuticle - it contains several layers of cells covering the hair. It is necessary to protect against harmful environmental influences.

eyelash growth phases

Along the upper eyelid there are 2-4 rows of cilia, which can contain up to 250 hairs. The length varies from 7 to 12 m. Along the lower eyelid there are only 1-2 rows with the smallest number of eyelashes - a total of 75-100 pcs. On average, the length does not exceed 8 mm.

How fast do they grow?

Hair renewal and hair loss are natural; if 2 to 5 hairs fall out per day, then this is considered normal. However, when the number of lost eyelashes increases, it can be stated that a reason has appeared that provokes premature death of hair on the eyelids.

Video: Hair and eyelash growth cycles

After extension

The eyelash extension procedure is incredibly popular today.

Of course, one can understand those girls who resort to this method of decorating their appearance. After visiting a beauty salon, eyelashes become thick and long. But how many ladies think about the negative consequences of such “decoration”?

Especially if the procedure was carried out by an unqualified specialist or the beauty herself did not follow all the mandatory recommendations for caring for eyelash extensions.

There are several factors that harm your own eyelashes after extensions:

  • Artificial villi stick to natural hairs, weighing them down. Weak natural eyelashes cannot withstand the load and fall out;
  • An adhesive is used to attach artificial eyelashes. The advertisement says that it is completely natural and does not harm the hair. But the promise does not always coincide with reality. Vegetable adhesive resin is not the cheapest product. Some cosmetologists use cheaper glue options with chemical components that weaken the hair structure;
  • Not all girls pay due attention to eyelash extensions; they sleep with their faces buried in the pillow, rub their eyes with their hands, and apply a thick layer of mascara to their hair. All this leads to the fact that newly acquired eyelashes break and fall out, while natural hairs are pulled out;
  • In this case, losing eyelashes is even better than breaking them. A fragment of hair remains in the bulb and does not allow a new hair to grow;
  • After the row of extended “beauty” begins to thin out, not all girls bother to go to the salon and have the artificial villi removed. More often they do this at home, literally tearing off the glued eyelashes, and along with them their own.

After such an “execution” it seems that the eyelids have gone bald. How long will it take for eyelashes to recover? It all depends on the extent of the “damage” caused. But in any case, this process will not be quick; on average, it will last up to 60 days.

Due to the weight of the hairs, the bulbs weaken, and the birth of a new eyelash slows down.

In order for new eyelashes to grow faster and stronger, it is recommended to lubricate them every morning and evening with vegetable oil: wheat germ, almond, burdock, apricot and others. To do this, the hairs are thoroughly cleaned with a mild makeup remover and treated with a cotton swab dipped in oil.

Repeated extensions cannot be done until the hairline around the eyes is completely restored, which is about 3 months.

After the burn

Unlike the prescribed procedure for acquiring new eyelashes, the burn occurs suddenly. There are dangerous unforeseen accidents, as a result of which a person receives a chemical or thermal burn to the eyes. In this case, eyelashes often suffer, they partially or completely burn out. No one is immune from this.

If the degree of burn is severe and the skin of the eyelids is damaged, then eyelash restoration should begin after appropriate treatment, when the epidermis has healed after blisters and other burn damage.

When the skin is damaged, the root hair follicles also suffer; it will take about 3 months for the roots to gradually revive and the growth phase to resume.

If only the tips of the eyelashes are singed, then procedures to heal them are carried out immediately. Often the whitish burnt “curls” are cut off, but this is done, rather, for aesthetic reasons. For faster hair restoration after a burn, it is recommended:

  • Feed them with decoctions of medicinal plants, make compresses and lotions from cornflower, calendula, chamomile;
  • To stimulate growth, use castor and burdock oil;
  • Lubricate the eyelashes with oil solutions of vitamins “A” and “E” - this will strengthen the structure of the affected roots and hairs;
  • Special serums, ylang-ylang and lavender esters will moisturize the skin of the eyelids and make hair firm and elastic.

After the haircut

Since ancient times, there has been an opinion that frequent hair cutting strengthens it and activates growth. In relation to hair, this may “work”, but drawing an analogy between curls and eyelashes in this case is not just wrong, but stupid. It is strictly forbidden to trim your eyelashes, as this will make them neither longer nor thicker.

If this does happen, then it will take a lot of time for new hairs to grow, about 70-80 days. The structure of the eyelash after a “haircut” is disrupted, its life cycle is slowed down or stopped. This protruding “stump” is the same as a fragment of a hair, inhibiting the development of a new villus.

You will have to methodically and systematically restore your eyelashes after such a careless attitude towards your own appearance. To do this, massage the eyelids, lubricate them with peach, almond, wheat germ, and sea buckthorn oils. Apply cotton pads soaked in a warm decoction of chamomile, linden, sage or aloe juice to your eyes every day.

After chemotherapy

Chemotherapy, aimed at ridding a person of a terrible disease, does not spare the body as a whole. After several courses, hair rapidly begins to fall out, and along with it, eyelashes. To restore them, you need to choose the right moment to start caring procedures.

You should not start the hair healing process in between chemotherapy courses, the result will be zero. As a rule, hair begins to recover 30-40 days after the end of treatment, and from this moment on, enhanced measures must be taken to stimulate eyelash growth.

Modern pharmaceuticals offer patients various medical and cosmetic products to strengthen curls and hairs around the eyes. But, as experts note, nothing better than natural remedies has yet been invented.

Homemade mixtures for lotions and lubrication of eyelashes are prepared from castor and almond oil, mixing them in equal proportions. It is lubricated daily in the evenings along the hair growth line for a month. During such procedures, care should be taken to ensure that the oily product does not get into the eyes.

If the patient wants to try purchased products that activate eyelash growth, pharmacies offer a wide selection of drugs: emulsions, serums, solutions, activators, gels containing the following components:

  • Amino acids, which are the building material of hairs;
  • Minerals to strengthen the structure of eyelashes;
  • Bio-peptides that nourish roots;
  • Taurine is a source of energy.

Functions and life cycle of hairs

The main function is to protect the eyes from dust and mechanical particles.

The life of one eyelash lasts 3-6 months. This period is different for all people and depends on the characteristics of the body.

The first phase is called anogenic. It is where hair follicles grow. Its length is approximately 30 days. During this time, one hair grows by 0.12-0.14 mm in one day.

We recommend reading:

  1. Is it possible to curl eyelashes at home?
  2. What are the differences between 2D and 3D extensions
  3. Makeup with white mascara

The second phase is called catagen. This is one of the shortest cycles, as it is transitional. During this period, the growth of the eyelash stops. Length – 15 days.

The third telogen phase characterizes the end of the hair follicle division cycle; it goes into rest, which lasts on average 100 days. At the end of this period, the eyelash falls out.


Depending on what was the root cause of damage to the protective elements of the eyes, the following symptoms may appear:

  • permanent itching in the eyelid area;
  • changing eyelash color;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • increased hair loss;
  • increased fragility and split ends;
  • formation of plaque on hairs.

These symptoms may indicate the development of unpleasant diseases and the need to consult a specialist.

Features of development phases

The life cycle of eyelashes is divided into several main stages, characterized by their characteristics and purpose.

  • During anagen, a new hair follicle grows.
  • During transitional catagen, the follicle shrinks. The process lasts only 5 days.
  • The follicle enters the resting stage during telogen, which lasts 100 days.
  • In early anogen, the formation of the root of the future hair is observed. At this time, the old eyelash falls off, and a fresh one begins to break through.

structure of human eyelashes

A person in good health has 85% of the hairs on their head that are actively dividing. But in the area of ​​the eyelids and eyebrows, a different picture is observed - due to the short growth phase, the “bristles” are in a dormant state most of the time.

Factors that influence growth

It has been scientifically proven that there are several factors that influence the life cycle of an eyelash. True, there is still no exact data on how exactly they work.

  1. Retinoic acid and its derivatives. These substances allow you to increase the anagen phase.
  2. Androgen hormones. They affect receptors, are concentrated inside the papilla and regulate growth.
  3. Glucocorticoids, substances in the form of growth hormones, prolactin, insulin. They have a particular effect on hair follicles, but exactly how they act is not known.
  4. Insulin-like growth factor I. Under its influence, the anagen stage slows down and the follicle grows longer.
  5. Prostaglandins can regulate the process of growth and division of hair cells.

Eyelash growth can be controlled using special means, but they cannot be used in every case. When purchasing advertised drugs, be sure to pay attention to contraindications and consequences of use. For example, hormonal products actually increase the number and length of eyelashes, but after their withdrawal the opposite effect occurs. If you want to safely add expressiveness to your look. contact a professional lash maker. Artificial framing can give real luxury without harming the health of natural hairs.

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