Eye structure
Visual analyzer Visual analyzer. Represented by the perceptive department - receptors of the retina, optic nerves,
Congenital eye pathology, which is expressed in albinism or heterochromia, can be corrected using surgical
All people with blue eyes are descended from the same ancestor. Share on FacebookVKontakteTwitterOdnoklassniki Blue eyes
In this article you will learn about purple eye color and who had such eyes
It is well known that the eyes are the window into the human soul, but can they be
Structure The outer zone of the anterior chamber is limited to the inner part of the cornea, and the inner zone is limited to the anterior side
The conjunctival sac is a cavity formed between the eyeball, more precisely, its anterior surface, and
Physiognomists of any direction seemed to see eye color and human character not only as deeply interconnected, but
https://twizz.ru/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/1614250877_8c7dd922ad47494fc02c388e12c00eac.jpg If the science of style dictates its own rules to us when choosing a color palette in clothes,
One of the reasons for decreased visual acuity is clouding of the internal refractive media. If this happens