Do people have purple eyes?
In this article you will learn about purple eye color and who had such eyes
Binocular vision and methods of its research | Ophthalmology
The ability of a person to simultaneously see with both eyes and obtain a three-dimensional image of surrounding objects is called
Heterochromia of the eyes. Why can people have different eye colors?
What do Alexander the Great, Mila Kunis, Jane Seymour and David Bowie have in common? Besides,
Almond shaped eyes
Almond-shaped eyes: features of daytime and evening makeup
Questions discussed in the material: What is unique about the almond-shaped eyes? How to emphasize the beauty of almond-shaped eyes
People with rare eye colors exist, and they live among us
Everything about the meaning of blue eyes for their owners
Have you ever seen a person with amber eyes? And a person with green or red
Why were people with green eyes considered dangerous in Rus'?
Magical green eyes: character or superstition? It has always been believed that green eyes endow their owner with
Cameras of the eye
Report on the topic: “Structure of the human eye”
In the vision system, each element has a strict purpose, even the cameras of the eye, despite the fact that
Structure of the human eye | Anatomy of the eye (pictures and diagrams)
The human eye is a paired organ that provides the function of vision. The properties of the eye are divided into physiological
What does brown eyes mean?
Reveal the secrets of your soul by eye color
The most reliable method There are enough ways to determine the basic traits of a person’s character, but the most
The concept of eye accommodation and types of deviations from the norm
Indicators of accommodation Forms of disturbance of accommodation Accommodation is an adaptive function of the eye, providing the ability to clearly distinguish