Do people have purple eyes?

In this article, you will learn about purple eye color and which celebrities had such eyes.

There is an assumption that the first people on Earth had only dark eyes and had dark skin because they lived in a warm climate. And now most people have brown eyes. But in northern countries there are often men and women with fair skin and gray, blue, and very rarely violet eyes.

Some scientists believe that light eye color appeared from the mixing of different peoples and genetic mutation. And if blue and gray eyes with shades are quite common, then violet eyes are rare. In this article we will talk about purple eyes.

Do people have purple eyes?

Eye color depends on 2 factors:

  • The presence of melanin in the body and iris - the more, the darker the eyes
  • Density of the iris - the denser, the lighter the eyes

Attention. Newborn babies have a small amount of melanin, so almost all babies are born with blue or light gray eyes. Gradually, over about six months, most children's eye color changes, but some children's eyes remain the same. With age, the amount of melanin decreases, and in old age people's eyes become lighter.

Naturally violet eyes are very, very rare. There are several dozen such eyes all over the planet. Violet eye color is formed if there is approximately the same amount of melanin in the iris as in blue eyes, and the refraction of light.

There are several theories about how purple eye color is formed:

  • Alexandria theory
  • Marchesani syndrome
  • Albinos

Purple eye color

Features of makeup for turquoise eyes

The rare color allows girls to experiment when choosing makeup for turquoise eyes. If you choose the right base and accent shadows, your look will turn into anything you want: green, bright blue, dark gray. There is another option: to emphasize the natural color by doing makeup in turquoise tones.

Hair color for turquoise eyes is of great importance when choosing makeup. Cosmetics need to be selected carefully, trying to focus on the following features:

  • For blondes, slightly muted tones are suitable: soft lilac for the moving eyelid, light gray or light brown (without red) for the eyebrows, apricot or soft pink for the lips;
  • On brunettes and brown-haired women, beige, chocolate and golden shades on the eyelids, peach blush, greenish eyeliner on the lower eyelid and shades of cherry, ash, rose on the lips look good;
  • Red-haired beauties need to play with light green, beige and gold eye palettes, caramel coral lipstick and peach blush.

Turquoise and green colors of the iris are among the rarest in the world, unlike the common brown ones, and therefore doing makeup for them is not an easy task, but very interesting. There is no one rule for all situations in life. We can only give general recommendations, which must be verified experimentally.

The only rule that should not be broken is this: you should not use shadows in makeup that are absolutely consistent with the natural color of your eyes. It will turn out ugly, inelegant. This applies to owners of any eyes: bright blue, brown, gray.

Magical turquoise-green eyes have an amazing property. The fact is that turquoise-eyed beauties are suitable for both warm and cold shades. Depending on the chosen tone, you will get a pure sea green, transparent green or a mysterious dark blue shade.

Just for fun, try wearing colored lenses to see the fantastic effect that comes with such an unusual shade. So, turquoise lenses on brown eyes will turn a girl into a mysterious beauty. Regardless of hair color, she will be able to try in makeup what is unacceptable with the natural color of the iris. For example, steel gray or cool graphite, light lilac or dark peach shadows.

Do albinos have purple eyes?

Albinos are people who have no melanin in their iris at all. They have very white skin, hair, and their eyes sometimes appear red due to the translucency of the blood vessels, and if you consider that the iris is blue, and in cases where it is reflected more strongly, a purple tint is obtained.

Albinos should not sunbathe or appear in the sun. This is an autoimmune disease.

Albinos have purple eyes

Purple eyes - pathology or feature

Purple eye color occurs naturally; this shade is obtained by mixing blue and red. That is, this is just one of the options for the blue iris. Blue pigment is not uncommon; it is found in many representatives of the Caucasian race. Purple eyes are rare, but you can still find them.

People with violet eyes are rarely seen in everyday life. In most cases, this color is done using colored contact lenses. From birth this shade is very rare.


Few people have seen people with violet eyes. Moreover, many generally believe that there is no such color of the iris. But this is not so, just remember the famous Elizabeth Taylor, who had really lilac eyes and two rows of eyelashes. Although the debate is still ongoing, some people, looking at photographs of the great actress, say that her organs of vision are bluish-gray, but not purple.

There is a widespread legend that the lilac color of the iris is observed in people who suffer from a mysterious illness called Alexandria. According to this legend, several centuries ago over an Egyptian village there was a fiery flash in the sky, which was seen by all the inhabitants. After this, children with pale skin and violet eyes began to be born in the settlement. The first such child was the girl Alexandria. This girl lived a long life, and this iris color was subsequently passed on to her four daughters.

People are somewhat wary of people with purple eyes. Many believe that such people are endowed with unusual abilities.

It is noteworthy that people with violet eyes have truly perfect vision.

Medical versions

Eyes can be lilac in various diseases, mainly genetic. This phenomenon may be associated with albinism. In this case, the pigment melanin is not produced. The patient has too light skin, white hair and light eyes. Sometimes albinos have a reddish iris, but it can also be lilac, which is explained by the mixing of blue pigment, which is found in small quantities in the eyes of albino, and red:

  1. Albinos are very sensitive to sunlight. It penetrates the iris. Due to which it acquires a lilac tint. Albinism is a consequence of a genetic mutation.
  2. The cause of the lilac tint of the organs of vision may be Marchesani syndrome. This is a hereditary disease in which the patient has short stature, subluxated lens and heart problems. Characteristic symptoms of this disease are a short torso, neck and underdeveloped limbs. The patient is often bothered by pain in the joints.

    Marchesani syndrome

The disease is caused by damage to connective tissue. Patients often have a lilac-colored iris. Treatment in this case is aimed at normalizing intraocular pressure. In general, the prognosis for patients is favorable, but glaucoma often develops.

The cause of a purple iris does not always lie in gene mutations. Sometimes such a shade of the iris is simply a feature of a person. At the same time, the purple color is fully manifested by six months of a child’s life.

How many people in the world have the rarest purple eye color?

Apart from Elizabeth Taylor, no other celebrities have had purple eyes. And in general, you have to be very lucky to meet such eyes on the street.

Probably because purple eyes are rare, and to make their novel unique, some authors give their characters purple eyes. These are the books:

  • Author Vera Kashma, fantastic series of novels “Chronicles of Arcia”, where the entire Villiot-Grisier family has purple eyes.
  • The author of the fantastic series of novels “The Congregation” Nadezhda Popova describes the amazing violet eyes of Margaret von Schönborn.
  • The famous writer Anatoly Rybakov also gave purple eyes to Nikolai Yezhov, the head of the NKVD, in the novels “Fear” and “Children of the Arbat”.

Igor Veresnev (Makeevka, Ukraine)
Girl with turquoise eyes

To be honest, I'm not sure that her eyes were exactly turquoise. I will say more, I vaguely imagine what the turquoise color looks like. I like the word. Beautiful and unusual. A little bit magical, even. When I saw it for the first time, I decided that it was very suitable. And now I think so.

We arrived in Simferopol early in the morning and by about ten o'clock we were already at the camp site. Having unpacked our bags, we quickly explored our half of the house - and what to explore! – I went out onto the terrace. I was waiting for my mother to go to the beach. As usual, she took a long time to change her clothes, and I had no choice but to look around. The house stood in the far corner of the camp site, densely planted with cherry plums, fir trees, and some other trees - I’m not good at botany, so I didn’t get to see much. A fence and behind it a forest rising up the slope, the walls of two neighboring houses, our twins, and a piece of path paved with old, cracked asphalt. To the right, the path led to the gates of the camp site, behind them, turning into a sidewalk, to the bus stop, the village and down to the sea. I didn’t know where I could go if I turned left. A girl, my age, walked slowly from there.

Actually, I didn’t pay much attention to girls at that time. They annoyed me even at school with their stupid chatter, giggling, winking, and stupid gossip. But for some reason I got my eye on this one. Thin and slender, in short beige shorts and a top, she walked with amazing grace. She didn’t slouch, didn’t wave her arms, and at the same time didn’t try to sway her hips. This is probably how professional ballerinas walk? I don't know. I just stood there and stared at her.

And the girl, having reached the house, suddenly turned, walked up and began to climb the steps.

- Hello! Are you our new neighbors? Let's introduce ourselves, my name is Asya.

She looked me straight in the eyes and smiled. Not arrogantly, not sarcasticly, she smiled well. And I was confused. I felt myself starting to blush. I can’t say that Asya was such an extraordinary beauty. Oval face, light brown hair gathered in a thick braid lying on the shoulder. Small mouth, nose... not a button, but also small. But the eyes are huge. Turquoise. I've seen prettier girls, even in our school, not to mention the movies. But still she was completely extraordinary. Even now I cannot express in words the feeling that arose under her gaze. And then he squeezed out with difficulty:

- Kirill.

“Very nice,” the girl walked along the terrace and sat down on one of the wicker chairs. - How do you like it here? First impression. I really do. We've been on vacation for almost a week now.

I didn't have time to answer. While I was trying to come up with something smart, my mother came out onto the terrace. And, naturally, she immediately seized the initiative in the conversation. All I could do was nod and assent.

That’s how Asya and I met. She really turned out to be my age and also vacationed alone with her mother. That's almost all I learned about her, although we often chatted about everything in the world. But somehow it always turned out that Asya didn’t talk about herself, and I didn’t dare ask. I didn’t even find out where she was from. Mom was sure that the neighbors came from Russia, from somewhere in the provinces. From the North or from the Urals. In any case, not Muscovites, that's for sure. Muscovites - they are all such troublemakers!

Asya was not a pushover or an imaginary person, although she knew more than all the excellent students in our class combined. And how much she read! Quickly and, in my opinion, everything that came into my hands. I didn't understand what this was for. We had a conversation on this topic. Strange conversation... Although it seemed strange to me much later.

I don’t remember why I ran to the camp site in the middle of the day that time. Maybe my mother sent me or my finances needed to be replenished. Doesn't matter. Asya was sitting on the terrace alone, reading a newspaper. I plopped down on a chair nearby and asked:

- What is happening in the world?

This is what my father always asks my mother when he finds her watching TV in the evening. He never watches the news himself. Moreover, he doesn’t read newspapers - “So as not to get upset.” And I agree with him.

— Hearings on the Iraqi nuclear dossier have begun in the US Senate.

- And is this interesting to you?

- Of course. Classic case. An attempt to forcefully change the status quo in the context of a deliberately dishonest analysis of long-term consequences.

To be honest, I didn't understand half of what she said. But I couldn’t admit it? He said, trying to make his voice sound solid:

— Politics sucks. Chatter and demagoguery.

— Politics is an integral part of psychohistory. I would also like to plan for the future. Like Asimov's Seldon. But my parents, naturally, want to see me as a xenobiologist. This is our hereditary profession. Artificially created genetic predisposition. They say it turned out to be a very successful line. For fourteen generations it has been holding on and not weakening.

At this point I was completely stunned. Probably the expression on my face was still the same. Because Asya, looking at me, laughed.

- Don’t you read science fiction? Even the Strugatskys?

Ah, that's the thing! It turns out she's fantasizing. Well, I love science fiction too. Just think, the Strugatskys! But I read all the books of “Shadows of War”, and “The Ways of the Born Stars”, and a lot of other things.

I really wanted to post this. But... For some reason he didn’t say anything about “Shadows...” or “Paths...”. He just shrugged his shoulders. And she was already asking:

— Kirill, what would you like to become?

I narrowed my eyes, preparing to take revenge. Well, here you go:

— Chrononavigator!

“It’s a cool profession,” Asya nodded, readily playing along. And then she added: “You’re just lying.” If I wanted to, I would probably read Asimov. “The End of Eternity” is a popular exposition of the fundamental theory of chronological movements. But seriously, what do you plan to do with your life?

Seriously though... I started thinking.

— It would be cool to become a lawyer. They make money - God forbid! But studying is a bit expensive, we can’t afford it. Mom says marketing is a promising profession, and father says logistics. I haven't decided yet! There is plenty of time - five whole years. I'll think something. And you? If serious?

She paused for a moment, as if thinking. Then she looked at me with her little eyes. And she answered:

- I'm serious.

And he smiles with all thirty-two teeth. Who does she take me for? I was even offended then. If you don’t want to admit it, just say so, but why fantasize? “Psychohistorian”, “xenobiologist”... She and I are not like kindergarteners!

However, I didn’t take offense at Asya for long. This is not the right situation to be bothered with such trifles. Summer, sea, lots of free time. Three weeks in Crimea flew by at the speed of a jet plane. In the morning - get up, breakfast, beach, attractions, lunch, again the beach or excursions, dinner, disco or cinema, lights out, sleep - and again in a circle.

We saw our neighbors mostly on the terrace. If Asya appeared on the beach, it was early in the morning, when all normal people were sleeping. And she ignored discos even more so. I didn’t know where she disappeared for days on end. And in the end I decided to find out. I asked her directly.

“I’m exploring the surrounding area,” Asya answered simply. – This is Crimea, a crossroads of civilizations. Here, every pebble contains a piece of history. For example, did you know that five thousand years ago, somewhere in these places there was the last Atlantean colony?

I stared at the girl suspiciously. After talking about future professions, I kept expecting a trick from her.

- Atlanta? Here? How could they end up in Crimea? How many thousand keme are there from the ocean?

- Oh, another one, ready to look for Atlantis at the bottom of the ocean. A popular hypothesis, but incorrect. In fact, Atlantis was closer than you think. This ancient human civilization originated at the junction of Europe and Asia, in a fertile valley lying around a large fresh lake. For millennia it flourished. But then disaster struck. The level of the world’s oceans rose, salt water broke through the rocks and poured into the valley,” Asya was silent for a few seconds. Then she waved her hand towards the sea and finished: “That’s how the Black Sea came into being.” And only a few outlying settlements survived from Atlantis. The largest is here in Crimea. They held out for several centuries until their science deteriorated and they themselves were assimilated by barbarian tribes from the north and east. And even after this, their descendants founded several Mediterranean states. Troy, for example, Rome. And so on. But that is another story.

- You're all fantasizing! We studied Troy and Rome at school. But there was nothing there about Atlantis in Crimea.

— To be honest, the founding of these states by the descendants of the Atlanteans is still a hypothesis. There is no reliable information about what happened to them. But the fact that they lived here is absolutely certain. This means that something could have survived since then, some traces of their knowledge, their science. The tombs of Egyptian pharaohs are being found! And the Atlantean civilization was much more developed than the ancient Egyptian one. In some ways it was not inferior to the modern European-Christian one.

- Why did they all drown then, if they were so developed? – I snorted.

Asya stopped smiling and looked at me reproachfully.

- What would you do if the sea suddenly rose two hundred meters? And behind you is not a mountain slope, but a plain?

- Well... I would get on a plane and fly away.

“Ahhh...” she bent down and looked under the table and chairs. She turned her head as if she was looking for something. She looked at me again. -Where are you hiding it?

- Whom?

- Airplane. On which I was planning to fly.

She broke into a smile. There was nothing to cover it with.

- Well, not a plane... There are cars, a bus...

-You have no idea what you're talking about. A wave the height of a thirty-story building rushes at tremendous speed, sweeping away everything in its path. It was the largest flood in human history. I hope you've heard of the Great Flood? Same thing.

It seems that Asya spoke seriously about Atlantis. I even got goosebumps. Ancient dungeons, secrets of forgotten civilizations, unprecedented treasures. Like in the Indiana Jones movie. This is not a joke, not a twenty-dollar won last week in the slot machines.

The Gold Rush really freaked me out. For two days I couldn’t think about anything else. Even diving became uninteresting. It ended up that I got up early in the morning, left a note for my mother so that she wouldn’t worry, and went to the mountains with Asya.

I'd rather not do this! Or vice versa? Were you incredibly lucky that you got involved in the “expedition” then?

Crawling through the mountains, searching every hollow, every notch of rocks overgrown with thorns - this is not like lying on the beach or frolicking in warm water. Four hours later I was no longer thinking about the Atlanteans, but about when we would move back. It was a shame to admit to the girl that I was tired. All we had to do was endure and hope that Aska wouldn’t have enough strength to do this until lunchtime. I had no idea that she was so resilient. And dexterous: she managed to never get knocked down. And I skinned my knee and drove a painful splinter into my finger. In general, my treasure hunting ardor had almost died down...

...When I noticed that hole.

- Look!

It was as if the fatigue had vanished. I gazed in fascination at the opening between the rocky ledges, covered by the thick crown of an oak tree growing just below.

- Entrance to the dungeon!

- Don't think. He's in plain sight for everyone, they would have found him long ago.

Wow, in plain sight! If I hadn't looked back, I wouldn't have noticed. I was very determined. A couple of minutes - and he already climbed to the hole and looked down. The beam of Aska's flashlight illuminated the stone walls going down, the dark opening of the arch leading into the depths of the rock. The heart began to beat faster and faster. Here it is, here it is...

Meanwhile, Asya also managed to get up. She sighed with regret.

- Too cool. Don't go down without a rope.

- Yah! Look, there's a cornice. And there is a ledge. Let's go down now.

Leaving no time to argue, I stepped onto the edge of the slab protruding from the wall. He sat down and sank lower.

- Kirill, stop! How to get back?

Oh my gosh, these girls!

- We'll get out in no time. Here it’s almost like going up steps. Come on, be brave.

I extended my hand to her. After hesitating, she also stepped onto the stove...

Our combined weight must have decided everything. The stone underfoot suddenly sank and slid down. And I, gasping in surprise, followed. Asya would have time to jump back and hold on - if she had unclenched her fingers in time. Or was it I who held it and pulled it after me?

I didn’t have to fall deep – only three meters. But the floor is solid stones. And to top it all off, the broken slab crashed right onto my ankle! There was a disgusting crunch in my leg and it immediately blazed like fire up to my knee. I even howled from the deafening pain. In the heat of the moment he grabbed his ankle and howled even louder.

- Kirill? Kirill? What?

Asya’s face emerged from the darkness and leaned towards me. Her landing was more successful, except that there was a dark abrasion on her forearm.

- Where does it hurt?

I didn’t even have to explain, I understood it myself. The ankle was swelling right before my eyes. And every touch was given off by a new explosion of pain.

- Fracture.

I myself guessed that it was a fracture, but until Asya said something, I tried to hope for something.

- Maybe he just sprained it?

What a dislocation! Tears rolled up into my throat. Fool! The last idiot! Why was there any need to climb into this filthy pit? I so wanted to find myself at the top again, with a whole, healthy leg! However, you can’t turn back time; what’s done is done.

Both Asya and I understood: with a broken leg, I couldn’t climb up. You need to call for help. But how? In those days, of course, I didn’t have my own mobile phone. And if it had been, it would have broken into pieces when it fell.

-Can you get out? – I tried not to grind my teeth in pain.

- Hardly. And how can I leave you? It takes about two hours to get to the camp site, and then another hour to get back. What if I don’t find this place quickly?

- So what do you suggest?!

I was already afraid to look at my leg. Even in the twilight I could see her turning purple. From somewhere in my memory the disgusting word “gangrene” emerged. Ugh, what stupidity! I tried to calm myself down, to convince myself that the fracture was nothing. But I was scared. It's scary that we'll never get out of here. Or we'll get out, but it's too late, and I'll die from blood poisoning. Or they will cut off my leg and have to ride in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.

I was ashamed to cry in front of Asa, but tears flowed from my eyes. I tried not to sob at least. And he turned away. Did she notice? I think yes.

We sat in silence for about five minutes.

- Hey, try to get out.

She sighed. She moved closer. And she commanded:

- No, I'll try something else. Lie on your back.

- For what?

- Need to.

She took the medallion from her neck. An ordinary shiny round piece with some patterns. Asya always wore it, but I didn’t take a closer look: you never know what kind of rubbish girls carry around! She put it in my palm and made me squeeze my fingers. Strong!

- Now be patient. It will hurt.

- Wait, what are you going to do?

All these manipulations alarmed me. But Asya gave orders so confidently that I could not resist. I just watched as she turned to my leg and carefully moved her palm along it. Above the thigh, knee, shin... No, she didn't touch me. But from the tips of thin long fingers, luminous bluish threads stretched out, like tiny lightning bolts, and touched my swollen ankle...

Although the lightning was tiny, it was quite real! It shook so hard that everything went dark in my vision. Where is the pain that was before! I screamed at the top of my voice, not trying to hold back any longer.

Apparently I lost consciousness too. I have never experienced this before or since; I have nothing to compare it to. I woke up still lying on the stone floor of the cave. Asya was sitting nearby, leaning helplessly against the wall. Seeing that I was looking at her, she pushed off heavily and crawled towards me on all fours.

- How do you feel?

I listened to my feelings. There was an unpleasant tingling sensation in my leg. But there was no such unbearable pain. And the tumor practically disappeared.

Asya was pleased with the examination of my ankle. She took the medallion away and hung it around her neck again. Having strained herself, she stood up.

- Now you.

- What am I?

- Now you get up.

I stared at her in bewilderment. The fact that your leg stops hurting doesn’t mean anything. The fracture has not gone away! But the companion was inexorable. She grabbed my hand and pulled.

- Get up, get up! You can rely on me if anything happens.

Yeah, you'll get it! I’m half a head taller than her and ten kilograms heavier. It won't hold, that's for sure. But Asina’s persistence fascinated her. Trying not to lean on my injured leg, I squatted down. He straightened up carefully. It was like a miracle: there was no pain!

- Happened! Try jumping.

What kind of “jump” is there! I was brave enough to at least bend down and feel the place of the recent fracture. No swelling, no pain. But that doesn’t happen!

- Was it broken? Asya, you yourself said it was a fracture? – I didn’t know what to think. - How did you do that? Magic, right? Magic amulet, right? Where did you get it from?

Asya snorted. But there was probably more fear in my voice than when I realized that my leg was broken. And she told.

- This is not an amulet - a mental amplifier. I told you that I have a genetic ability for biology. And that the Atlantean civilization six thousand years ago was no inferior to yours today. And now - even more so.

- So you’re from... But they died! Everyone drowned.

- Here's another! Yes, our ancestors could not stop the giant wave. But they knew something else. They tried to slow down the flow of time along its path in order to escape from the attack. But the displaced time collapsed, covering almost the entire valley with a lens. Atlantis did not perish, it lost contact with the rest of the world. It took our scientists four hundred years to find a way to make a tunnel through time. And four thousand have passed here. During this time, you almost forgot about us and began to consider us a myth. Let it go. So even better. It's easier to study you. And guide when needed.

Under the stone arches of the cave, in the mysterious twilight, I was ready to believe in anything. In magicians, elves, in Harry Potter's magic wand. And even more so the aliens from Atlantis. Yes, if she told me that a week ago she landed from a flying saucer that landed on the top of Ayu-Dag, I would believe it! I was worried about something else.

- Asya... Why are you telling me all this? What if I let it slip inadvertently?

Asya smiled. And she winked.

- Who will believe you? After all, everyone clearly knows the boundary between fantasy and “common sense”, “reality”.

We got out of the cave without much difficulty. I gave Asya a lift, she climbed up, then dragged a hefty piece of wood from somewhere in the forest - an ordinary girl would never have been able to drag it! – she pushed it towards me. I climbed the top, surviving “steps” along the woodcut. Needless to say, we didn’t find any underground passage in that pit? The arch, so clearly seen by me from above, turned out to be just a play of light and shadows on stone ledges.

Two hours later we were at the camp site. We even managed not to be late for lunch! And what happened in the cave began to gradually fade and fade. Sunlight and a full stomach must be very stimulating to "common sense." And just to say: the leg looked exactly the same as in the morning, the pain began to be forgotten, even the tingling stopped.

In the evening, lying in bed, I carefully replayed the events of the past day, trying to understand. Most likely, I only twisted my ankle. Aska, on the other hand, had a good understanding of medicine and biology and was able to straighten things out. And the fact that she has read a lot of science fiction and is also a skilled writer has long been known. With this I fell asleep...

And I woke up from a quiet knock on the window. Not even knocking, just scratching. If the head of my bed had not rested on the windowsill, I would not have heard.

Asya knocked on the window. Seeing that she had woken me up, she began to wave her hand and call. Woke up, I was even a little confused. Darkness, dead night outside. What else emergency happened? Trying not to make a noise, so as not to wake up my mother, I groped and pulled on my shorts and got out of the bedroom. I also didn’t dare turn on the light in the hallway, so I had to tinker with the lock.

Asya managed to run around the house and was waiting for me on the terrace. As soon as she left, she put a folded piece of notebook paper into her hand.

- What is this?

- Here is my... phone number. We'll probably leave tomorrow. Mom is urgently recalled. The war is about to start in Iraq and doctors will be needed.

- Ok, I'll call.

“No, it won’t be possible to call... But if...”, embarrassed, the girl looked down. – If you really decide to become a chrononavigator... Or if you really really want to see me... Send an SMS with some short word. For example, "Crimea". I'll understand. And I'll try to find you.

She spoke so chaotically! And to top it all off, she kissed me on the cheek. I was a little taken aback by all this and couldn’t even answer. And she quickly ducked into her half and slammed the door.

The night turned out to be quite fresh, there was no point in hanging around any longer on the terrace. I trudged off to get some sleep, reasoning that the morning is wiser than the evening, and even more so the night!

But the morning of the next day greeted me with the doors of the neighbors’ rooms wide open and the clank of a bucket and the shuffle of a mop coming from inside. The cleaning lady on duty was preparing the “apartments” for the next resort guests. Asya disappeared from my life as suddenly as she appeared.

Several years have passed since my trip to Crimea. I successfully finished school and entered university. As for logistics, dad’s arguments prevailed. And in my personal life everything is fine, everything is like everyone else.

But I never sent Asya a text message. The number written on that piece of paper... There are no such numbers either here or in Russia. Nowhere, I scoured the Internet looking for something similar. Were you kidding? But why did she need to secretly call me in the middle of the night for this? How many times have I promised myself to put everything that happened that summer out of my head. I almost convinced myself that there was no fracture or magical healing, and even more so – aliens from Atlantis. That all this is a fairy tale that we came up with while sitting on the terrace in the evenings. And this fairy tale was so tightly woven into reality because the very reality of those evenings was a little fairy-tale. An unusual silence for a city dweller, a thick aroma of pine needles, a slight fatigue of a body overheated by the sun. And in addition - an unknown, exciting thrill, because a girl with huge turquoise eyes is sitting next to you.

Yes, you can believe this. And I almost believed...

Almost. But sometimes there are moments - I don’t know if you’ve experienced this? - when you are left alone in a dark room, cars are rumbling outside the window, voices are around on the other side of the walls. In general, life goes on. But suddenly you catch yourself feeling that you have fallen out of it and are now observing from somewhere from the side. It’s as if reality turns a little, allowing you to look at yourself from a strange, unusual angle. And its boundaries cease to be rigid, delineated once and for all. “Common sense” is retreating.

At such moments, the fingers naturally reach out to type something they have learned by heart, which does not exist anywhere in the world - in our world! - number. And suddenly a crazy, childishly stupid thought flashes through your head: “Is it probably more interesting to be a chrononavigator than a logistician?”

Makeevka, 2007

Elizabeth Taylor's purple eye color

The famous American actress Elizabeth Taylor had 2 types of genetic mutations:

  • She had purple eyes like the mythical Alexandria
  • Distichiasis – 2 rows of eyelashes

Thanks to her thick eyelashes and violet eyes, many envied Elizabeth Taylor, but such mutations are associated with heart disease, which is why the actress died at 79 years old.

So, in this article, we learned a little more about purple eye color.

The most famous owner of purple eyes is American actress Elizabeth Taylor.

Video: The rarest eye color. Top 5

We recommend reading more about eyes:

  • Characteristics of people with brown and black eyes
  • Characteristics of people with blue and blue eyes
  • Characteristics of people with green eyes
  • Characteristics of people with gray, gray-blue, gray-green eyes
  • What are eye patches and how to use them correctly?
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