What does vision minus 2 mean: treatment features and prevention
People with poor vision have their own perception of their surroundings. This causes some inconvenience. Statistics
Causes of myopia - what are the symptoms of myopia in humans?
The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle was the first to guess about the existence of myopia in the 4th century BC.
What is conjunctivitis: types, signs and how to treat it
Who doesn’t know what conjunctivitis is? Perhaps this is one of the most common eye diseases, with
Glaucoma in children
Folk remedies for the treatment of glaucoma
Congenital (infantile) glaucoma is formed at the stage of intrauterine development and occurs already at birth
How to get rid of styes on the eye: 10 simple home remedies
How to treat stye on the eye: medications and folk remedies
A stye is a swelling on the eyelid, usually with a white or yellow pus-filled head.
Fluid circulation inside the eye
Tests in the diagnosis of glaucoma: loading and unloading - how they are carried out, why they are needed
What is glaucoma Glaucoma is a severe progressive eye disease caused by the death of nerve fibers
treatment of sjogren's syndrome in europe
The truth about Sjögren's syndrome
Types of disease Causes of development Pathogenesis Manifestations Diagnostic methods Treatment options Innovative treatment in Belgium
Myopia (myopia), is it a minus or a plus?
Decreased vision with sub-zero readings indicates the development of myopia, that is, myopia. For this
What is stye and how to treat it
What causes stye on the eye according to signs?
Eye diseases require serious attention and immediate treatment. Many parents of young children have experience
How do people with astigmatism see?
Signs of astigmatism in an adult
Astigmatism is a visual impairment caused by changes in the shape of the cornea or lens of the eye. This disease is the most