Why does a baby rub his eyes and nose at 4 months?

Why does a child rub his eyes?

• The most common and at the same time common cause is the entry of a foreign body into the eye.
For discomfort, an eyelash, dust or hair on the mucous membrane is enough. In this case, the object that caused the discomfort may not be in the eye - slight damage to the eyeball can already cause the child to rub his eyes. • The cause of this reaction may be an inflammatory process accompanied by itching. Bacterial or infectious contamination can trigger this type of reaction.

• Pain or poor vision. A child, like an adult, can rub his eyes due to poor vision - do not forget about this.

• Allergic reactions are an equally common reason for this behavior.

Why does a child constantly scratch his nose - possible reasons

Many parents at some point notice that their child is constantly scratching his nose. Naturally, this causes them concern. There are several explanations for why a child scratches his nose. Moreover, in some cases there is absolutely nothing to worry about, while in others you need to take action as soon as possible, and, in particular, consult a doctor.

The most common reasons why a child scratches his nose

There are a number of the most common reasons why a child’s nose is constantly itching. They are characterized by the characteristics of these manifestations and additional symptoms.

Allergic reaction

The most common reason why a child constantly scratches his nose is the presence of some allergens in the room where he lives. One of them most often is ordinary dust. In this case, there is no reason to worry - you just need to thoroughly clean the room, and then do it as often as possible.

The following can also act as allergens:

  • cat and dog hair;
  • plant pollen;
  • some drugs and household chemicals;
  • certain foods.

If your child constantly scratches his nose, you need to try to find out what the provoking factor is. This is quite easy to do - you need to alternately prevent the baby from interacting with all potential allergens. As a result, the person who is causing the baby's nose itching and possibly sneezing will be identified.

It is quite easy to determine that a child scratches his nose all the time precisely because he is in contact with an allergen. Allergies usually have additional symptoms:

  • causeless lacrimation;
  • redness of the eyeballs;
  • swelling of the face;
  • change in the shade of the epidermis.

It is very rare for a child to often scratch his nose due to an allergy, but he does not have additional symptoms.

State of the environment

Itching and sneezing in a child’s nose can occur as a result of exposure of the nasal cavity to excessively low temperatures. For example, a child can be taken for a walk when it is -20 or less outside.

And if his face is not well covered, some time after returning home, he may experience quite severe itching. It should be noted that this can also happen when overheated - for example, when visiting a bathhouse.

The epidermis of a small child is not yet very well adapted to high temperatures, so minor burns can easily occur on it, which can cause discomfort.

The second exogenous factor is dry indoor air. Under such conditions, the mucous membrane simply dries out, which is why the child, firstly, experiences discomfort, and, secondly, is forced to sneeze, since the nerve receptors in his nose are overly irritated due to lack of moisture.

It should be borne in mind that the condition of the mucous membranes in an adult and a baby is significantly different. Therefore, if a parent feels comfortable in the existing climate conditions, this does not mean that they are unable to negatively affect the child.

The third factor is poor ecology. Harmful emissions from factories and plants, gas pollution in the city, etc. - all this irritates the mucous membrane. At the same time, parents who have lived in the corresponding area for a long time and are already accustomed to such conditions, and therefore usually do not feel a burning sensation in the nasal cavity because of them.

Important! Lack of hygiene is another factor that can cause an itchy nose and sneezing.

And the last reason on this list is insect bites. This is more typical for the warm period of the year, when, for example, midges and other insects can fly into an apartment or house. But in some cases, insects can act as a factor that provokes itching, even in winter - if bedbugs, blocks, etc. live in the room where the child is.

Dermatological diseases

The following reasons why a child’s nose itches are dermatological pathologies. Infections cause severe irritation of areas of the skin where microorganisms are present.

Most often, itching in a child’s nasal cavity is caused by the following diseases:

  • eczema of the nose (characterized, among other things, by severe burning and pain when a foreign object is inserted into the nostril);
  • sycosis of the nose (a pathology in which bacteria attack the hair follicles. Most often it occurs due to previous injuries that were not properly treated);
  • dermatosis (this disease is genetically determined and is characterized by the sensitivity of the epidermis to microflora);
  • scabies (occurs relatively rarely, and the causative agent is scabies mites).

Self-treatment of any of the above pathologies is meaningless and even harmful. Only a specialist can accurately diagnose the disease. Therefore, the answer to the question: a child’s nose itches, what to do, in this case, a visit to the doctor.

And, of course, itching and sneezing can cause colds. With such an infection, the human body reacts by producing large amounts of mucus, which irritates the nerve receptors located in the nose. But the main thing is that bacteria settle in the corresponding cavity.

In the process of their life, they produce waste, which, in turn, is highly acidic. Nerve endings react sharply to acid and tell the brain that they are being negatively affected.

As a result, sneezing occurs, and in parallel with it, an unpleasant itching is felt. In cases of a cold or especially the flu, you should definitely seek help from a doctor. Children's immunity is not yet developed enough, so it is unlikely that the child will be able to cope with the infection on his own.

Folk remedies may also have an insufficient effect for complete recovery.

Previous nasal injuries

Also, previous injuries to the corresponding area can be a cause of itching in the child’s nose. This is especially typical for children aged 2 to 5 years, when they are very active, but do not yet know how to control their actions, and their vestibular apparatus is not yet sufficiently developed.

In this case, the answer to the question of how to relieve an itchy nose in a child is the recommendation to treat the wound with an antiseptic. This will eliminate the bacteria in the cavity, which, in turn, increases the discomfort.

If your child experiences itching and/or sneezing, do not ignore it. Of course, in most cases, the corresponding manifestations do not indicate the presence of serious pathologies that should be promptly treated.

However, it is still necessary to analyze the baby’s condition and find out the cause of the symptoms in order to exclude the presence of diseases. And if you can’t do this on your own, you need to visit a doctor.

He will not only determine the factor that caused the illness, but will also tell you about ways to get rid of itching and sneezing.

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Source: https://ZudMed.ru/zud-golova/pochemu-rebenok-cheshet-nos-vse-vremya-i-nuzhno-li-po-etomu-povodu-bespokoitsya.html

When to worry

Why does a child scratch his eyes - About itching

Here are signs of trouble that should force parents to see a doctor as soon as possible:

  • the appearance of swelling of the eyelids;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • prolonged release of tears;
  • the appearance of other discharge from the eye;
  • souring of the eyes.

Wiping a child's eyes has no negative consequences. The only unfavorable consequence of this is the appearance of small scratches and wounds around the eyes. They can become irritated, fester, or become inflamed. To prevent your child from accidentally injuring the skin around his eyes, you need to cut his nails short. At night, you can protect your skin with special mittens.

But if a child’s eyes itch at primary school age, you need to show him to a doctor to check his visual acuity. The fact is that a constant desire to rub your eyes may be associated with a decrease in visual acuity as a result of myopia (myopia). The sooner myopia is detected in a child and treated, the better the outcome of therapy.

When you shouldn't worry

Most often, a child rubs his eyes when he wants to sleep. This is a natural reaction of a child's body to fatigue. Therefore, if such behavior is observed before the child goes to bed, you should not worry at all.

Often mothers pay attention to the fact that the baby rubs his eyes when he is teething. Most often, this is one of the first signs that a quiet life will soon come to an end. In addition, children often rub their nose.

You should definitely pay attention to whether there are other symptoms besides the fact that the child constantly rubs his eyes. If there are none, you shouldn’t worry for no reason.

Slight redness, coupled with the child’s desire to rub his eyes, may also indicate that foam or water may have gotten onto the mucous membrane during bathing. Naturally, the irritant will not be detected upon examination, but this type of injury may lead to the desire to rub the disturbing eyes.

Traditional methods

The washing procedure can be carried out using traditional methods, but you should not get carried away with self-medication, you can simply make the wrong diagnosis and begin to treat the wrong disease.

  1. Tea infusion. Place a gram of black tea brew on a glass of boiled 100-degree water and cover with a lid. Infuses for half an hour. The solution is filtered and used after cooling to wash the eyes.
  2. If your child constantly scratches his eyes, an infusion of marshmallow (rhizome) will help you. Place a teaspoon of powdered raw materials into a glass of boiled warm water. Leave to brew in a well-sealed container for approximately eight hours. The prepared product is filtered and used.
  3. Decoction of medicinal chamomile. Place a teaspoon of the plant's flowers in a glass of cold boiled water. Then you need to put it on low heat and cook for up to 10 minutes after boiling. After cooling, the solution is filtered.
  4. A decoction of medicinal eyebright. Add 2 teaspoons of dried plant to 300 ml of water. Then cook over low heat for approximately 5 minutes. After cooling, filter and use for washing.

Now you know what factors can provoke the occurrence of such behavior in children. If eye friction is an isolated incident, then there is no cause for concern. If it is permanent, most likely the baby experiences severe discomfort, possibly pain, and you cannot do without consulting a doctor. Remember that timely assistance significantly reduces the risk of complications and speeds up the treatment process.

When the situation is more serious

There is no need to sound the alarm, but it is better to show the child to a specialist if the following is observed:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • redness;
  • tearing or discharge from the tear glands;
  • “sticking” of the eyelids after sleep.

These facts may be an indicator of the presence of a disease or allergy. A child often rubs his eyes because something is bothering him. For example, it could be an allergy. The causative agent may be dust, pillow filling, pollen and other irritants. Only a special examination will help determine or exclude this possibility.

The entry of a foreign body into the eye cavity can also provoke a child’s desire to constantly rub the eye. It's about suppressing discomfort. First of all, you should carefully check the baby’s eyes, and preferably also rinse them with water.

When to see a doctor

In general, any unpleasant symptom or deviation from the norm is a reason to consult a specialist. Of course, you shouldn’t call an ambulance for this, but you shouldn’t delay your visit to the doctor.

The most striking indicator that a child should be shown to a specialist is the appearance of discharge from the eye cavity or excessive tearing. In this case, the reasons that the child rubs his eyes may be much more serious.

The likely cause is the development of conjunctivitis caused by infection with Staphylococcus aureus. We should not forget about the possibility of infection with demodicosis mites, which multiply in the eyelash pockets.

Often a child rubs his eyes due to the presence of stye - purulent inflammation in the eyelid cavity. In this case, the causes of discomfort are immediately obvious, since they are visually clearly distinguishable.

The reasons may be different, but if you see that something is really bothering your child, it is still better to show him to a doctor. This will eliminate the most unpleasant possible causes and help establish ways to get rid of the current problem. If a child rubs his eyes, this is a signal from the body in response to a certain stimulus. The parents’ task is to find out why this happens, what the baby’s body says using this signal.

Traditional methods

On the recommendation of a doctor, you can use a decoction or infusion of medicinal herbs for rinsing.

  1. Chamomile decoction. To prepare the decoction you will need the flowers of the plant. Place a teaspoon of herbs in a glass of boiled water, stir, pour into a container and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes after boiling. Then the broth must be cooled and strained.
  2. Marshmallow infusion. The marshmallow rhizome must be crushed into powder and placed in a glass of boiled water (you will need 1 teaspoon of the herb). Infuse the medicine for 8 hours under a closed lid. Then filter and use.
  3. Eyebright decoction. Place two teaspoons of herb in 300 ml of boiled water and cook for 5-6 minutes. After preparation, the broth is left to cool, and then filtered and used.

You can use regular black tea to wash your baby's eyes. To do this, you need to throw no more than one gram of tea leaves into a glass of boiling water. Then the glass must be tightly closed with a lid and left for half an hour. The finished infusion must be filtered and used for its intended purpose.

If a baby rubs his eyes and this is an isolated case, then there is no cause for concern. If the friction is constant and is accompanied by the appearance of dangerous symptoms, then you cannot do without the help of a doctor. It is important to remember that timely assistance to the baby will greatly ease the situation and speed up recovery.

Good day, dear parents. You will be interested in this article if you are looking for an answer to the question of why a child rubs his eyes. Here we will look at the probable causes and ways to help.


Preventive measures are as follows:

  • adherence to daily routine;
  • maintaining a balance of visual load;
  • avoidance of physical overload;
  • maintaining a balanced diet;
  • teaching the child to observe the basic rules of personal hygiene;
  • compliance with hygiene rules while caring for the baby.

To prevent symptoms such as itching, gas, runny nose and swelling, you need to teach your child not to touch his face with dirty hands and follow the rules of hygiene. A timely visit to your doctor if your child is in pain, has swollen eyes or a stuffy nose will help you avoid unpleasant consequences. In some cases, when swelling quickly spreads to other parts of the body, an urgent call to the ambulance and emergency hospitalization are required.


Foreign body entry

The most common reason why a baby rubs his eyes is a foreign object getting into them. Even an eyelash or a grain of sand can cause an unpleasant feeling of discomfort. Do not forget that the presence of the smallest object in a baby’s eye can cause a lot of complications. The child will reflexively try to get rid of the foreign body, begin to scratch his eyes with his hands and can cause an infection.

If a grain of sand or speck gets into the baby’s eye, the procedure for parents is as follows:

  • conduct an eye examination and identify its location;
  • Rinse your eyes with boiled water or weak tea.

If a large foreign body or parents cannot cope with the problem on their own, then it is better to consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Your attempts to remove the object can cause pain and only harm the child, while a specialist will deal with this quickly and painlessly.

When to take action

If your baby scratches his eyes while feeding or after a walk, it's time to put him to bed. In all other cases, it is necessary to find out the cause of the itching and try to eliminate it.

The selection of eye drops, ointments, antihistamines and other drug treatment is the prerogative of the doctor. Household members can only provide all possible assistance before contacting a specialist:

  1. It is advisable to remove any speck that gets into the eye immediately. To do this, the mother takes the following actions:
  • washes his hands first;
  • then washes the child's face;
  • taking warm boiled water into a pipette, rinses the little one’s eyes;
  • Taking a sterile napkin or cotton swab, use it to remove the foreign body.

How the eye is processed

Important! If an object caught in a child's eye is inaccessible, there is no need to make efforts to remove it. In this case, it is better to seek help from a specialist.

  1. Measures should be taken immediately when a crust appears in the corners of the baby's eyelids. It is removed with a sterile damp cotton swab.
  2. For dry eye syndrome, the air in the room is humidified using a special device or by placing containers of water in the room. The child is provided with plenty of fluids, and the eyes are washed with chamomile decoction.
  3. A compress made from tea bags helps relieve irritation.

If it is difficult to protect the baby’s actions and he continues to pull his hands towards his eyelids, it is advisable to put mittens on his fists. This way, the child will not be able to injure his eyes with his nails and will not introduce an infection into them.

The first measures that a mother should take to relieve itching in her baby’s eyes are not a reason to continue self-medicating. Having provided the little one with all possible help, they immediately go with him to the doctor or call the local pediatrician at home when the baby is in a feverish state.

Possible causes of itchy eyes in a child

It is impossible to miss the appearance of problems in a baby: the baby becomes restless and irritable. Individual symptoms will more clearly indicate the cause of this condition. In particular, itchy eyes usually suggest a local problem rather than a systemic disease.


The most common cause of itchy eyes is the activation of pathogens due to infection. The diagnosis can be made very differently (depending on the location of the inflammatory process):

  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • uveitis;
  • blockage of tear ducts.

    Types and symptoms of conjunctivitis

Typically, this causes swelling of the tissues of the organ of vision, redness of the whites of the eyes, and increased lacrimation.

Itchy eyes can also be a sign of allergies. The child’s body is quite weak and does not always adequately perceive the surrounding world, particles of which may be allergens. Especially often, such manifestations appear in the autumn-summer period, as well as after the appearance of new dishes on the menu.

Very often, the reason why a baby’s eye itches is that a foreign body – a speck or grain of sand – gets into it. Unlike adults, children do not always keep their hands clean, and they then rub their faces with the same hands, including touching the mucous membrane of the eyeball. The consequence of this is irritation, discomfort and itching.

A provocateur of this condition can be eye fatigue. This is especially true for preschool and school-age children who like to spend time in front of a monitor screen or gadgets (phones, tablets). This modern trend is leading to earlier onset of vision problems. Fatigue in the eyes and itching indicate the body’s inability to recover, and it needs a break.

If the baby begins to show anxiety and rub his eyes, then there is a high probability that the cause is the growth of new teeth. If you look into your baby's mouth, you will see swollen gums - a harbinger of the imminent appearance of teeth. There are special products that, when applied to the gums, reduce pain and cool the tissue. The baby forgets about the pain and feels good again.

However, it is still worth sharing your concerns with your pediatrician, because it is very easy to miss the symptoms of serious diseases.

Possible reasons

Let's figure out why a child scratches his eyes.

  1. Fatigue. Children at different ages can express their desire to fall asleep in this way.

Until the age of five, my son, when he really wanted to sleep, always rubbed his eyes and twisted his ears.

  1. Lack of normal sleep. The child does not sleep enough during the day or little at night, perhaps he is tormented by nightmares, in fact he falls asleep on the go.
  2. Lack of daily routine. As a rule, here we are talking about a forced change of regime, for example, when leaving for a visit or while traveling, while staying with your grandmother.
  3. Entry of a foreign body, such as a speck. This often happens when playing in the sandbox or on the beach. The fact that the baby begins to rub his eye is a normal reaction to irritation.
  4. Itchy eyes can be caused by excess or lack of fluid in the body.
  5. The baby may rub his eyes if he was abruptly transferred from the dark to a brightly lit place.
  6. Allergic reaction. Most often, itching in the organs of vision is observed when plants are flowering. The situation returns to normal after stopping contact with the probable allergen.
  7. Symptom of the disease. This reaction may be evidence of both infectious and viral pathology. Children scratch their eyes during acute respiratory infections, blepharitis, and conjunctivitis of various etiologies.
  8. Use of medications. Itching may occur as a reaction to taking a specific medication. If this symptom occurs in conjunction with the use of drugs, then it should be discontinued and notify your doctor.
  9. Dacryocystitis. This disease is often diagnosed at an early age. In addition to itching, pain may also be present.
  10. A bad habit that develops due to the characteristics of the nervous system. If this is your case, then you need to gradually wean your child from rubbing his eyes. As soon as the baby pulls his hands towards his face, be sure to transfer his attention to another activity. Also, do not forget that children get into their eyes with dirty hands, and this can lead to infection.
  11. If a child rubs his eyes in his sleep, he is likely infected with demodectic mites. This parasite multiplies in the eyelash pockets. The baby's sleep will be restless, the baby often wakes up, is capricious, and loses his appetite.

In infants

  1. The child often rubs his eyes when teeth emerge. You will notice that the little one becomes whiny and also rubs his nose and ears. As a rule, this condition may be accompanied by the presence of the following additional symptoms:
  • excessive salivation;
  • moodiness;
  • hyperthermia;
  • decreased appetite;
  • changes in the functioning of the digestive system;
  • clear discharge from the nasal passages;
  • a desire to chew or gnaw something;
  • swelling of the gums.
  1. Penetration of an eyelash or speck of dust into the eye, irritating the mucous membrane.
  2. If a toddler often rubs his eyes, there is most likely an inflammatory process in the body, for example, conjunctivitis.
  3. Allergic reaction. If you have allergies in your family or you know that ragweed or poplar fluff is blooming outside your window, this is most likely the reason. Special medications will help alleviate the condition of the toddler.
  4. Itching in the eyes due to penetration of soapy water during bathing. As a rule, the soap comes out with tears.

Treatment method

It depends on the cause that caused the corresponding symptoms. Most often, medicinal antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs are used (topically for conjunctivitis, orally for colds or general systemic diseases).

Colds are treated with anti-inflammatory or antibacterial drugs, more often in the form of tablets or syrups (therapy for very young children involves the use of rectal suppositories). These may be drugs such as Panadol, Nurofen, Sumamed, Augmentin, etc.

Children are prescribed medications such as Fenistil, Zyrtec, Suprastin, which are taken orally. The specialist may also recommend taking local remedies (drops and ointments) with an antiallergic component (Prevalin).

First aid

First of all, you need to carefully examine the eye. If possible, it is necessary to slightly retract the upper and lower eyelids and conduct an examination. Perhaps a grain of sand, an eyelash, or a speck has stuck to the mucous tissue under the eyelid. It is best to remove it with the corner of a napkin or scarf. It is inconvenient to do this with your hands (fingers), and hand hygiene is not always the best even among adults.

If itching in the eyes is clearly caused by overwork, then it is urgent to turn off and remove all gadgets, including the computer and TV, from visibility. It's best to dim the lights to give your eyes a rest.

If the baby shows an inflammatory process in the tissues of the eye, then the only thing you can do on your own is rinsing.

What and how to rinse

This procedure is extremely important. Firstly, rinsing allows you to clean the mucous membrane of the eyeball from foci and waste products of pathogens. This means that the local remedies used will be more effective. Secondly, rinsing compositions have a slight antiseptic property, which means they disinfect the surface of the eye and reduce the inflammatory process.

So what can you use for rinsing? The simplest recipe is tea leaves (of course, without sugar), saline solution or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The potassium permanganate solution should be almost transparent and have a subtle pink tint. Otherwise, you can burn the mucous membrane of the eyeball, and the eye will have to be treated for a chemical burn.

How exactly is the procedure carried out? The easiest way to do this is with sterile cotton pads. Wetting the cotton pad generously, wipe your eyes from the outer corner to the inner. Do not reuse a used cotton pad. After rinsing, you need to give your eyes a rest. How often should you wash your eyes? The procedure is performed 4-6 times a day, and always before instilling the medicine.

Inflammation of the eye

This pathology is diagnosed in infants quite often and can have the following forms:

  • barley;
  • inflammation of the eyeball, tear ducts or eyelid;
  • furuncle.

With any of these diseases, the baby constantly rubs his eyes, he experiences symptoms such as lacrimation, redness of the eyelid, swelling, copious discharge (usually purulent), itching and pain in the eyelids, increased sensitivity to light, possible blurred vision and increased temperature. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination. It is important for parents to remember that they should not self-medicate. This can lead to a worsening of the situation and provoke the development of complications.

Prevention methods

Children are not immune from inflammation of the conjunctiva or debris getting into the eye. Parents can reduce the risk of severe irritation of the cornea and mucous membranes if they adhere to a number of rules:

  • make sure that the little one does not put dirty hands in his eyes;
  • maintain hygiene regularly;

  • adhere to wakefulness and sleep patterns;
  • they try to protect the baby from contemplating a working TV (monitor);
  • find ways to protect the little one’s eyes from dust and debris during walks;
  • select children's cosmetics and hygiene products taking into account the sensitivity of the body;
  • Responsibly treat the diet of a nursing mother and the choice of products introduced into the baby’s menu;
  • protect the baby from contact with animals from which the child can become infected with worms;
  • treat colds in a timely manner so that rhinitis does not lead to inflammation of the eye mucosa;
  • maintain the air humidity in the room where the baby is located at an optimal level.

Important! The main measure for preventing eye problems is regular examinations of children by specialists (pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist, allergist).

Paying attention to your baby's health will help avoid discomfort caused by itchy eyes. If a problem occurs, do not fix it yourself. It is better to immediately show the little one to a specialist who will make the correct diagnosis and select therapy appropriate to the case.


This disease is characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye due to a bacterial or viral infection, as well as allergies. Symptoms of conjunctivitis in infants are:

  • itching and burning;
  • photophobia;
  • sticking of eyelids after sleep;
  • formation of purulent yellow crusts;
  • swelling and redness of the eyes.

In addition, the baby may not eat well, sleep poorly, become capricious and whiny. Nowadays, pharmacies have a fairly large selection of anti-conjunctivitis medications. However, only a doctor can advise individual treatment.

Warning signs

Parents should be aware that itching in the eyes may be accompanied by additional symptoms, which will be evidence of the presence of some kind of pathology and requires immediate consultation with a doctor. So such signs could be:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • their hyperemia;
  • prolonged lacrimation;
  • the occurrence of discharge of various types;
  • souring of the eyes.

If these symptoms are present, the child may be diagnosed with inflammation, infection, or severe allergies.

Washing rules

So, the parents’ actions, if the baby rubs his eyes and the doctor recommends rinsing, will be as follows:

  • put the baby on a changing table or bed;
  • take a solution for washing (neither hot nor cold, optimally at room temperature);
  • moisten a clean swab or cotton wool and gently rub it over the eye (it is better to lead to the nose, paying special attention to the corners);
  • We blot the baby's eye with a napkin soaked in boiled water.

There is another way to wash your baby's eyes. You will need a regular medical pipette for this. First, you need to take the rinsing liquid into a pipette, drop it into the baby’s eye, then turn the baby’s head to the side. The liquid will flow out on its own through the outer corner. After the procedures, it is necessary to leave the baby in a lying position for 20-30 minutes.

  • put the baby on a changing table or bed;
  • take a solution for washing (neither hot nor cold, optimally at room temperature);
  • moisten a clean swab or cotton wool and gently rub it over the eye (it is better to lead to the nose, paying special attention to the corners);
  • We blot the baby's eye with a napkin soaked in boiled water.

How to instill drops correctly

Why does a child scratch his eyes - About itching

When a baby rubs his eyes with his hands and there is a need to rinse and put drops into the eyes, you need to know the following:

  • observe hand hygiene: when performing procedures, hands should be clean, nails should be cut short;
  • the solution and drops should be warm or at room temperature;
  • the child must be distracted from the procedure in every possible way so that he is not afraid;
  • It is better to sterilize the pipette by boiling it or lubricating it with a special liquid;
  • Before instilling the drops, the baby’s eyes need to be rinsed;
  • the baby must be placed on his back, his head tilted back (you can swaddle the baby at this time so that he does not wave his arms);
  • when instilling drops, the baby’s eyelid should be pulled back, the drops should be dropped and released; you should avoid touching the mucous membrane of the baby’s eye with your own hands;
  • After instilling the drops, you can massage the eyelid so that the medicine disperses.

The procedures for instilling drops and washing the eyes of a baby are simple. Don't be nervous, worry or rush. The child will not cry and kick if he feels the mother’s confidence and calmness.

  • observe hand hygiene: when performing procedures, hands should be clean, nails should be cut short;
  • the solution and drops should be warm or at room temperature;
  • the child must be distracted from the procedure in every possible way so that he is not afraid;
  • It is better to sterilize the pipette by boiling it or lubricating it with a special liquid;
  • Before instilling the drops, the baby’s eyes need to be rinsed;
  • the baby must be placed on his back, his head tilted back (you can swaddle the baby at this time so that he does not wave his arms);
  • when instilling drops, the baby’s eyelid should be pulled back, the drops should be dropped and released; you should avoid touching the mucous membrane of the baby’s eye with your own hands;
  • After instilling the drops, you can massage the eyelid so that the medicine disperses.
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