Treatment for red eyes
treatment methods
Let us highlight several areas in the treatment of red whites of the eyes.
Moisturizing drops
Only a qualified specialist will be able to determine why the whites of the eyes are red and prescribe the necessary treatment. A traditional medicine is considered to be eye drops that help moisturize and relieve puffiness. For mild forms of illness, overwork and lack of sleep, you can use “artificial tears.” The drops will not cause serious damage to health and will help moisturize the protein mucosa.
Vitamin complexes
If there is a lack of vitamins in the body, which often happens in the autumn-spring period, you can use vitamin-mineral complexes that will tone the body and prevent possible redness of the eyes.
Vasoconstrictor drops
Fatigue is often treated with vasoconstrictor drops; they quickly relieve swelling and help blood vessels return to normal.
compresses from tea bags
In folk medicine, the best means for combating red eyes, as far as knows, are considered to be the remedies described below.
Compresses from decoctions
Compresses made from decoctions of chamomile, calendula or oak bark. Tinctures have a calming effect on the source of inflammation. In mild forms of the disease, such treatment completely helps to overcome it.
Another popular and widely available remedy is ice cubes. By bringing it to the site of inflammation, you can feel pleasant relief. Cold has a calming effect on inflammation and helps reduce pain when it occurs.
Tea bags
Often a cool, used tea bag is placed on the sore eye. Tea leaves are also believed to have anti-inflammatory effects. Despite the banality, this method of treatment is the most popular among folk and is perfect for the home environment.
Complications and consequences
If an advanced disease is incorrectly diagnosed and treated, complications often develop. If red eyes are a symptom of a viral infection, respiratory problems may occur. Bronchitis and pneumonia can occur with the additional addition of a bacterial infection. Otitis often develops when a viral infection is not treated in a timely manner.
An allergy may not be limited to such a “harmless” symptom as redness of the eyes; lack of treatment often leads to serious asthmatic attacks and Quincke’s edema.
Advanced glaucoma and uveitis are very dangerous for a child and pose a threat of complete blindness. |
Due to possible complications, every mother should closely monitor the baby’s condition. If redness of the sclera is accompanied by other symptoms, you should consult a specialist for diagnosis and treatment.
If the cause of redness of the conjunctiva is a viral agent, a complication is an increase in the concentration of bacterial agents in the eye area. Conjunctivitis develops with the formation of purulent fluid. If it is left untreated, the following complications develop:
- spread of infection to the cornea, mucous membrane, eyelids (superficial structures of the eyes);
- entry of bacteria into the internal structures of the eyes, for example, the lens, vitreous body, retina;
- development of superinfection due to improper use of medications, which will not be affected by the drugs;
- entry of a bacterial infection into the bloodstream, which will cause sepsis and death of the patient in the absence of emergency therapeutic measures.
To prevent complications, you must fully adhere to your doctor's recommendations. It is prohibited to use antibiotics in the wrong dosage or in excess of the required course.
Having discovered that a child’s eyes are sour, parents usually do not immediately consult a doctor, but try to treat the child themselves. However, there are situations when specialist consultation is necessary:
- age up to one year;
- no improvement after 2 days or more;
- photophobia, eye pain, blurred vision;
- blisters on the eyelids.
With conjunctivitis, the doctor most often suffices for an external examination; occasionally, in severe cases, tests are prescribed to determine the causative agent of the disease.
Diagnosis of dacryocystitis is also relatively simple. The doctor examines the child's vision for swelling or redness.
Sometimes a dye fade test is performed. In a healthy eye, the dye will disappear in a few minutes, but if there is a blockage, it lingers in the organ much longer. This test will show whether your tear ducts are partially or completely blocked.
During an attack of increased IOP, to make a diagnosis, the doctor, first of all, relies on the child’s complaints and information about the symptoms noted by the parents. Then intraocular pressure is measured and differentiation is made with diseases that have similar symptoms.
In what cases should you immediately contact a specialist?
It’s worth starting with the fact that any increase in body temperature in a baby, accompanied by redness of the eye, requires mandatory consultation with a specialist.
However, there are a number of symptoms that require immediate help:
- severe pain in the eye,
- inability to open the eye due to increased photophobia, pain or profuse purulent discharge,
- increased sensitivity accompanied by severe headache.
In the field of ophthalmology, various types of treatment are used, which combine the use of medications, relaxation exercises and some preventative measures associated with lifestyle changes.
Taking all these steps will help you wake up with healthy eyes every day. |
What drops will help with this symptom?
First, you need to decide on eye drops that eliminate the consequences of the problem:
- Anti-inflammatory drugs for the development of chronic processes in eye tissues: Dexamethasone, Diclofenac, Tobradex.
- Antiviral drops that are prescribed depending on the presence of a certain group of pathogens in the eye: Ophthalmoferon, Actipol, Poludan.
- Antibacterial drops: Tobrex, Sulfacyl Sodium, Levomycetin.
- Drugs that have a positive effect on blood vessels and capillaries: Visin, Octilia, Alomide.
For infants and young children, it is better to use medications such as Oksial and Oftolik. They promote healing and additionally protect the eyes from external irritants. When wearing lenses, Inoxa, Systane Ultra and Natural Tear will help.
Homeopathic treatment
The therapeutic method of treatment, which is based on the principle of similarity “like cures like”, is called homeopathy. This option can be used in combination with generally accepted medications and a set of procedures.
- For various types of conjunctivitis, Acidum Picrinicum, Aconitum after injury, Apis for pain and swelling of the eyelids, Clematis, Nux Vomica are used to eliminate the consequences of hemorrhage.
- For purulent disease: Apis, if stye on the eye regularly makes itself felt, Graphitis moisturizes the mucous membrane, Lycopodium.
- If the redness is accompanied by itching or burning: Silica, Thuja and Staphysagria to eliminate scabies.
Before using this type of medication, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to maximize the effectiveness of treatment and remove all questions regarding side effects.
Traditional medicine to eliminate red eyes
We found out why the whites of the eyes are red in the morning, and how it can be cured with the help of a pharmacy. In addition, there are “recipes from grandmothers” based on life experience and the wisdom of ancestors:
- Compress closed eyes using used tea bags.
- You can make a compress from grated potatoes or green apples, wrap them in a gauze bandage and hold them on the eye for a couple of minutes.
- A decoction of linden, chamomile and oak flowers helps well. Let it sit for one hour and pour the liquid into ice trays. After hardening, the cube should be wrapped in a clean cloth and placed on the eyelid.
- A contrast shower will help relieve fatigue. One cotton wool should be moistened with hot water, the other with cold water. Then apply them to your eyes one by one.
To relax the eyes, gymnastics complexes are used in practice:
- To prevent the mucous membrane from drying out, you should blink quickly for 30 seconds, looking ahead. Then you need to close your eyes well 5-10 times and open them sharply.
- Without moving your head, lift the pupil all the way up, hold it a little, and also down. Then left and right several times.
- With your gaze, describe an imaginary horizontal figure eight in both directions.
- Take the pencil in your right hand, extend it in front of you and look at the tip of the lead. You need to move your hand to the right, slowly and all the way, without taking your eyes off the object. Do the same with the left, moving the pencil to the left.
- Look out the window into the distance, then focus your gaze on the tip of your nose.
- It will also be useful to stretch your earlobes when sitting in front of the computer for a long time. This is an easy way to relax your visual muscles.
The main thing is not to forget to look up from the monitor every half hour and close your eyes for a while so that they rest. Exercises should be done regularly.
Treatment by a doctor
The cause of redness is determined by your family doctor or ophthalmologist. It is better to contact a specialist in a narrow field. Drops and ointments and other therapeutic and preventive measures are used.
Hyperemia caused by the allergen is eliminated with antihistamines. The most common method of treatment is taking second-generation antihistamines - Claritin, Kestin, Zyrtec. Immunostimulating medications are prescribed.
Dacryocystitis is treated by massaging the lacrimal sac, washing the eyes with Furacilin solution and Levomycetin eye drops. Treatment lasts 2 weeks. The regimen for using medications and rinses varies depending on the severity of the condition. If conservative therapy does not help, the doctor prescribes lavage of the lacrimal ducts.
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia; a probe is inserted into the lacrimal canaliculus and passed through the lacrimal ducts.
For ophthalmological pathologies of an infectious nature, treatment is long-term. Blepharitis in a newborn is treated with lotions of medicinal plants, eye washes and treatment of the eyelids with special gels.
For conjunctivitis, rinsing with a solution of potassium permanganate or furatsilin is prescribed. Both products have antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Next, antibacterial eye drops are used. In severe cases, medications are given by injection.
Uveitis is treated with anesthetics, glucocorticosteroids, antiviral and antimicrobial medications. Medicines are selected exclusively by the attending physician. The type of drugs chosen depends on the origin of the inflammatory disease.
How to treat an adult
To remove redness and swelling of the eyes, you must first eliminate the cause of the disease. For this purpose, medications and other means are used: etiotropic and pathogenetic drugs that affect the virus or block enzyme systems that allow it to multiply. At the same time, eye drops and other medications are used to alleviate negative symptoms in the eye area.
For treatment you need:
- disinfect hands;
- lie down in a horizontal position and let the drops drop into your eyes or do it yourself.
To treat viral eye diseases, recombinant interferon eye drops are required. In addition to interferon, the drug contains the antiallergic drug diphenhydramine, which reduces swelling and itching. You need to instill 1-2 drops of the drug into each eye up to 6-8 times a day.
For bacterial conjunctivitis, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used (in the form of eye drops and ointments). When instilling eye drops, you need to pull back the lower eyelid and use your other hand to drip in the drops. Redness of the eyes does not require special treatment other than rinsing with a solution or drops. In a couple of days, immunity is developed, and the body is able to cope with inflammation on its own.
Vasoconstrictor drops with an alpha-adrenergic agonist narrow the capillaries of the sclera and conjunctiva. The drugs are used for conjunctivitis of various origins and inflammation of the eye mucosa during colds. If the cause is blepharitis, then apply warm compresses.
General principles of therapy
Umifenovir, oseltamivir and zanamivir are used for treatment, which are preferably used within the first two days from the onset of the disease. Etiotropic therapy shortens the duration of the disease, removes symptoms, and prevents the development of complications such as pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis and others. It is better to stay in bed and stay in an isolated room.
Parents' actions
If a symptom has not gone away by the evening or morning of the next day, you should not ignore it. Even if there is a physiological problem, you should consult an ophthalmologist or pediatrician to prevent complications.
The child should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. Before visiting the doctor, you can take the following measures to alleviate the baby’s condition:
- observe the rules of personal hygiene of the child;
- change bed linen (boil dirty ones);
- disinfect toys so that the child does not introduce infection into an already inflamed eye;
- ventilate the room more often, humidify the air in the baby’s room so that the eyes do not dry out;
- walk at least 2 hours a day;
- cut your nails and keep them clean;
- do not allow rubbing of eyes;
- do not allow watching cartoons for a long time, this will worsen the redness;
- make the light in the room less bright.
Before visiting a doctor, it is recommended to rinse your eyes with boiled, cooled water at least 2 times a day.
Each visual organ is treated with a separate cotton pad. You should rinse from the outer corner to the inner one, this will prevent the development of an infectious process if the baby has conjunctivitis, blepharitis or uveitis. If you have a runny nose, sneezing, lacrimation and hyperemia, this is an allergic reaction. Write down on paper all the foods your child ate that day. This will help the doctor identify the allergen. If an allergic reaction occurs, protect the child from flowers and pets, monitor the condition before visiting a doctor and write everything down in a notebook.
Prevention measures
Note! Any disease that negatively affects eye health is a fairly serious problem and poses a potential threat to a child’s vision.
The following rules will help alleviate the baby’s condition during illness and avoid the development of negative symptoms:
- Keep your child's hands clean
- Be careful not to let mucus from your nose get into your eyes. This rule is relevant for children under one year old,
- the child must have a separate face towel ,
- it is important to regularly clean your child’s toys , especially during pregnancy,
- to ventilate the child’s room daily ,
- a certain level of humidity must be maintained in the room . Otherwise, you can buy a humidifier,
- It is important to monitor your child's diet . His diet should contain a maximum of healthy foods and vitamins.
What should parents do: self-treatment or see a doctor?
When deciding to wait a few days, if the redness is not accompanied by purulent discharge, it is better not to take any measures on your own.
You can independently apply soothing compresses based on tea or chamomile infusion.
Self-treatment can lead to undesirable consequences.
However, after diagnosis, parents will still have to carry out treatment procedures on their own, since most diseases associated with red eyes do not require hospital treatment.
It is worth noting! After identifying the causes of the disease, antibacterial drops are generally prescribed in the form of tablets, drops or ointments.
Among them, the most commonly used for treating children are:
- tobrex;
- chloramphenicol;
- video;
- doxycycline;
- cephalosporin;
- vitabact.
If the disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature, aspirin, ibuprofen, paracetamol are used to lower it (but only if the temperature is more than 38 degrees).
If redness is caused by allergic reactions, antihistamines (suprastin, loratadine) are used.
Only the attending physician can prescribe medications and accurately determine the dosage: independent use of such medications is fraught with side effects resulting from an overdose.
In this case, it is preferable to start treating red eyes without pus not with medications, but with folk remedies.
Know! In this case, it is advisable to follow certain recommendations and instructions in order to speed up the treatment process and not provoke the development of complications:
- When self-treating, it is unacceptable to use dry heating methods - this can lead to increased inflammatory processes.
- The child's eyes should be washed with warm water every day to remove contaminants and reduce the risk of additional infection.
- Between the use of medicines, you can make lotions from ordinary used tea bags - for children this is the safest method of traditional treatment.
- During treatment, the child should be limited to other people. If the redness of the eyes is caused by an infection, this will prevent the development of an epidemic.
Often redness without pus is caused by excessive stress on the eyes (watching TV, reading).
Such a symptom can be excluded in these cases only with adult supervision of the child.
Carefully! Red eyes are a symptom of coronavirus
There are the main reasons why the eyes may turn red during ARVI:
- Increased body temperature. If a child has a cold, increased body temperature affects the dilation of blood vessels, including the eyeballs. Therefore, the capillary network becomes visible on the surface structure of the eyes.
- The release of toxins by viruses that spread through the blood and enter all organs and systems. The eyes become very red.
- Severe headache, malaise.
- Frequent crying, which is always observed in children during colds, as they become overly irritable.
- Complications of a bacterial infection in the eye area are especially common if the child has increased levels of staphylococcal and streptococcal microflora.
To eliminate red eyes, your doctor needs to identify the root cause.
How it manifests itself
Both children and adults often experience pain and redness during a cold. Even if the conjunctiva is not inflamed, the discomfort becomes more intense while watching TV or reading newspapers.
Sometimes the condition improves only after closing the eyes and turning off the light.
If additional fever, pain and redness become more intense, when the temperature readings become normal, the accompanying symptoms also decrease in intensity.
Regardless of its origin, in addition to redness, conjunctivitis is manifested by the following symptoms:
- Stinging and itching in the eyes.
- Isolation of secretion and conjunctival cavity.
- Photophobia.
- Increased sensitivity to bright light.
If the eyes are affected by the flu, symptoms such as rhinorrhea and the feeling of a foreign object in the eyes often appear. After waking up, eyelashes stick together. Sometimes unpleasant manifestations occur only in one eye, affecting the second one after a while.
If you have a cold, the following symptoms may occur that accompany red eyes:
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- increased body temperature;
- malaise, manifested by weakness, fatigue, drowsiness, decreased appetite;
- a sore throat;
- increased sensitivity to bright light;
- increased tearfulness, which can be altered by dryness of the mucous membrane, leading to microtrauma and damage to the cornea;
- if the condition is complicated by a bacterial infection, purulent discharge will begin to form in the eyes, which sticks the eyelashes together in the morning;
- headache, dizziness.
Most of the above symptoms are formed due to the release of toxins by viruses that spread through the blood. They negatively affect the patient's well-being.
Eyes become red and swollen
If the redness of the eyes is accompanied by swelling, this is the result of the influence of the immune system. Cells of the immune system accumulate in the lesion and begin to release mediators. Therefore, exudate passes from the vessels into the tissue fluid.
Also, swelling of the eyes with redness during a cold can develop as a result of viral and bacterial conjunctivitis, which complicates the disease. This condition can occur in one or both eyes. The doctor needs to identify the type of pathology, since the treatment of viral and bacterial conjunctivitis is completely different.
Red eyes with high fever
Most colds are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. It can increase to subfebrile values, that is, be in the range of 37-37.5 degrees.
In some cases, the increase in body temperature may be more than 38 degrees. In this case, the eyes become very red because the blood vessels dilate from the heat. As a result, the capillaries of the eyes are highly visible.
Additionally, cells and inflammatory mediators come out of them, enhancing the immune response, which causes swelling, pain, and itching.
Incorrect, untimely treatment of an eye disease against the background of influenza can provoke the development of various complications.
An eye disease is an inflammatory process of the cornea. There is clouding and disturbances in optical function. Keratitis occurs against the background of conjunctivitis. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are:
- redness of the eyes;
- pain syndrome;
- fear of bright light;
- lacrimation;
- visual impairment.
An inflammatory disease. As a result, damage to the vascular tract of the eyeball occurs. The pathology is formed against the background of an infectious lesion, influenza, or sore throat. The cause of uveitis is prolonged exposure to cold, which leads to damage to the respiratory organs. Signs of uveitis are:
- pain;
- active tear production;
- pain in the eyes in bright light;
- blurred vision.
Purulent conjunctivitis
Untimely treatment of the affected eye and a runny nose leads to the spread of infection to other mucous membranes.
Attention! The development of otitis media, bronchitis, and inflammation of the inner ear is observed.
For the treatment of colds accompanied by redness of the eyes, medications are used, as well as folk remedies. In both cases, it is important to consult a doctor, as the child may be allergic to one of the components of the product. Also, some medications are strictly contraindicated for young children; they negatively affect their growth and development.
During viral diseases, the use of antiviral agents is indicated. Systemic medications are recommended to completely eliminate the virus itself and its waste products from the blood. If the patient experiences redness of the eyes, it is additionally recommended to take the following medications:
Treatment options
If a child’s conjunctiva of the eye turns red, it is imperative to show it to an ophthalmologist if there are the following additional signs:
- limiting the time spent watching TV and staying at the computer does not reduce the severity of symptoms;
- over-the-counter medications do not help;
- redness is accompanied by sticking of the eyelids in the morning from purulent discharge;
- photophobia develops;
- the child complains of blurred vision and gets tired quickly when the eyes are stressed.
If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, there is always a chance to start treatment on time, and therefore to eliminate the pathology before it leads to the development of serious consequences and complications.
General approach to treatment and prevention
Treatment for this type of redness depends entirely on what disease is diagnosed.
Important! In addition to the fact that parents will have to independently instill and place the prescribed products under their eyelids, it is also important for them to comply with the general requirements for child care and medical procedures:
Without the approval of a doctor, you should not perform warming procedures on your own. If redness of the eyes occurs due to the development of inflammatory processes, such actions will only contribute to the intensification of pathological processes. During the treatment period, it is necessary to reduce the load on the visual organs as much as possible. This means minimal time spent in front of the TV and computer (and if possible, it is better to exclude them altogether). The child should go to bed on time and get enough sleep - adequate sleep will eliminate unnecessary irritation of the visual organs.
Particular attention must be paid to hygiene. Before instilling drops into a child, the adult who will carry out this procedure should wash their hands thoroughly with soap. In turn, when washing, the child should use only a personal towel, so as not to introduce additional infection into the eyes or transmit the disease to other family members.
If the eyes are severely inflamed and purulent discharge is present, the organs of vision can be washed with furatsilin, tea or chamomile decoction as necessary.
Know! Self-medication for such a symptom is undesirable (at least without the consent of an ophthalmologist or pediatrician). Also, you should not use medications on the advice of friends and family.
Only a specialist can prescribe medications, but before doing this, the child’s vision organs must be examined to accurately determine the cause of the redness.
Why do eyes turn red during colds and acute respiratory viral infections?
During the autumn-winter period, viral and infectious diseases often occur.
They are accompanied by characteristic clinical symptoms such as fever, coughing, sneezing, and redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes.
For each of the listed signs, there is a specific treatment that will help prevent complications after ARVI. It is recommended to consult a doctor so that he can select the drug individually for each patient.
If the conjunctiva of the eyes turns red in a patient with a cold, this condition is caused by the following reasons:
- a complication from the underlying disease, which forms in the form of a viral or infectious lesion of the conjunctiva;
- release of waste products by a viral agent that have a toxic effect on the human body, including the organs of vision;
- the individual sensitivity of the eyes of a person whose conjunctiva turns red when a cold occurs;
- a sharp increase in body temperature, causing an increase in blood flow in the microcirculation vessels of the eyes.
If the redness is caused by an individual symptom, no treatment is required. The condition will go away on its own. When a symptom develops due to pathological reactions, it is important to carry out symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy.
Red eyes due to colds in children
If the disease develops in a small child, redness of the eyes occurs much more often. This is due to reduced functionality of the immune system. Also, an increase in body temperature occurs in them much more often than in an adult.
This is how the child’s body tries to destroy the pathogen that caused the disease.
If red eyes develop in children, parents should remember that not all medications are applicable for the disease. To prescribe therapy, consult a doctor. He prescribes medications that will not have negative effects on the growth and formation of the baby’s organs.
To prevent redness of the conjunctiva due to colds and the development of complications, you must adhere to the following rules:
- periodic visits to an ophthalmologist to determine visual acuity and the condition of the eyeballs;
- timely treatment of viral and infectious diseases;
- proper nutrition, with the help of which the body receives nutrients, microelements, vitamins;
- periodic use of complex vitamin preparations;
- hardening to strengthen the immune system, which is carried out in the form of going to the pool, walking in the fresh air, swimming in cool water.
With colds, redness of the conjunctiva often develops. With proper treatment of the underlying disease, the condition quickly resolves. If a complication develops, you must consult a doctor and use prescribed medications.
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Causes of eye redness due to fever
Typically, red eyes in children with fever are observed with the development of the following diseases:
- adenovirus infection;
- flu;
- rhinitis;
- whooping cough
Adenovirus infection
This infection can occur in several forms, one of which is accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane of the eye and causes conjunctivitis.
Know! The disease begins with a sharp increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees. After this, the little patient experiences a sore throat, body aches, nasal congestion and red eyes.
It is worth noting that conjunctivitis caused by adenovirus has some features. Its main symptoms are:
- a burning sensation in the eye;
- swelling of the eyelids;
- tearing and purulent discharge from the eye;
- the presence of a whitish coating.
The disease first affects one eye, and then moves to the second.
Redness of the eyes with the flu occurs on a completely different principle.
The fact is that the infection affects small vessels of the mucous membranes, including the eyes.
As a result, they begin to expand in order to increase blood flow. Enlarged vessels become clearly visible against the background of the eye sclera, and the eyes begin to appear red.
In addition, your child may experience the following symptoms:
- temperature rise to 38-40 degrees;
- body aches;
- nasal congestion;
- sore throat;
- photophobia and increased tearfulness.
Red eyes with rhinitis are a common phenomenon associated with the physiological characteristics of the body.
It is worth noting! Inflammation from the nasal cavity often affects the mucous membrane of the eyes and is expressed in the form of conjunctivitis and increased tearing.
Typically, redness of the eyes is observed at the initial stage of the disease. In this case, the patient may experience accompanying symptoms such as:
- photophobia;
- itching;
- burning;
- formation of purulent discharge from the eyes.
In addition to everything, the patient experiences severe inconvenience associated with nasal congestion.
It is worth noting that allergic rhinitis has similar symptoms that resolve after taking antihistamines.
Whooping cough
A fairly serious disease that is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- slight increase in temperature;
- paroxysmal cough with wheezing and sputum production.
Keep in mind! Redness of the eyes due to the disease occurs due to increased pressure in the blood vessels, which is formed as a result of increased tension during an attack.
At the same time, during a cough, not only the eyes, but also the face turn red. Minor bruising may occur on the skin.
Red eyes, cough and runny nose
Everyone knows the symptoms of a cold. Malaise, fever, cough and runny nose - all these manifestations accompany most acute respiratory diseases. This group of infections is caused by viruses with different biological properties.
Some viruses can cause specific symptoms. What does red eyes along with a cough and runny nose indicate in a child?
Red eyes are most often the main symptom of conjunctivitis. This condition involves inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. The conjunctiva covers the outside of the eye and the inside of the eyelid, so redness can also affect these areas of the eye.
In addition to redness of the eyes, conjunctivitis may be accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Eye pain or itching.
- The eyelids swell and may become heavy.
- Slight blurred vision.
- Lacrimation, sometimes profuse.
- The appearance of discharge from the eye. Mucous for viral infections, and purulent for bacterial infections.
There are many reasons for the development of conjunctivitis. The mucous membrane of the eye can be damaged by physical factors, foreign bodies, and chemical burns. But most often infections lead to the pathological process.
Cough and runny nose are familiar to everyone. These symptoms are manifestations of catarrhal syndrome. The mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract becomes inflamed and swelling occurs. This promotes increased secretion of fluid from the nose, and in the lower respiratory tract, irritation of the mucous membrane leads to a cough reflex.
Conjunctivitis and catarrhal syndrome simultaneously occur in the following situations:
- Attachment of infection to the eye during ARVI.
- Adenoviral infection.
- Flu in moderate and severe forms.
Each of these options is possible in children. Let's look at them in more detail.
Redness of the eyes due to a cold
Respiratory infections occur when the body's immune strength decreases. Pathogen viruses are found everywhere in the environment, but with strong immunity they are not capable of causing disease.
However, if the body becomes hypothermic, is exposed to stress, or diseases of the internal organs worsen, then the viruses actively multiply and cause illness. Symptoms will be:
- The onset of the disease is catarrhal symptoms: runny nose or sore throat.
- Slight increase in body temperature.
- Cough with difficult sputum, often dry.
- General weakness and malaise.
In conditions of decreased immunity, bacteria very often join viral inflammation. This is how bronchitis, pneumonia, abscesses, and tonsillitis arise. But these pathogens can also cause inflammation in the mucous membrane of the eye. In this case, purulent conjunctivitis joins ARVI.
Then the listed symptoms will be joined by redness of the eye, tearing and purulent discharge on the eyelids.
This condition must be treated with antibiotics. The product can be used topically in the form of drops. Consult your doctor before choosing a drug for your child.
A fairly common and dangerous respiratory infection is influenza. The disease is caused by a virus that has a complex antigenic structure. The microorganism contains special proteins that can damage the cells of our body and contribute to intoxication.
Features of flu symptoms:
- The disease begins acutely with intoxication.
- The first manifestation is a sharp increase in body temperature to high numbers.
- There is headache and muscle pain, weakness, weakness.
- Then catarrhal phenomena appear.
- Runny nose and cough are mild.
Very often, with the flu, the patient does not tolerate light well, the eyes hurt and swell. This may be a manifestation of severe intoxication. In this case, the eyes may be red without conjunctivitis.
The virus rarely affects the mucous membrane of the eye directly, but sometimes it happens. To confirm the diagnosis, doctors perform serological or molecular genetic tests.
We should not forget that the flu itself causes a serious impairment of the immune system. With this condition, the conjunctiva becomes susceptible to other pathogens, including bacterial ones.
It can be concluded that influenza infection may present with red eyes and other ophthalmic symptoms. However, their mechanisms may be different.
However, the most likely cause of simultaneous conjunctivitis and catarrhal symptoms in a child is an adenovirus. This microorganism causes adenoviral infection, which belongs to the ARVI group.
Symptoms can be completely identical to a common cold. This is what happens with a mild form of the disease.
However, if the disease is severe, then its manifestations are a characteristic triad:
- Rhinitis is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Always manifests itself as a runny nose.
- Pharyngitis - during this process, the pharynx is affected and a cough reflex occurs, as well as sore throat and sore throat.
- Conjunctivitis - the symptoms of this process were described above. It is conjunctivitis in a child with ARVI that always speaks in favor of adenoviral infection.
Do not forget about another disease syndrome - intoxication. Adenovirus leads to an increase in body temperature, a feeling of weakness, fatigue, and malaise. However, compared to the flu, these manifestations are rather mild.
Adenoviral infection is not a severe acute respiratory viral infection; it usually proceeds quite mildly. It is extremely rare for a child to develop complications from the disease.
Note! With adenoviral conjunctivitis, there is no purulent discharge from the eye. This symptom indicates the presence of bacteria and requires the use of antibiotics.
Red eyes, cough, runny nose - these symptoms can occur simultaneously or sequentially with different diseases. How to make the correct diagnosis?
If these symptoms occur during ARVI in an adult, there is no need to worry. It is necessary to change the treatment of the disease only if yellow or green discharge from the eye is observed.
The situation is somewhat different in children. The simultaneous development of conjunctivitis and cold symptoms may indicate influenza or adenovirus. The doctor must examine the baby and prescribe a number of examinations:
- General blood analysis.
- Biochemical research.
- General urine analysis.
- Serological tests.
- Polymerase chain reaction.
- Examination by an ophthalmologist.
Sometimes severe manifestations of a respiratory infection even require an X-ray of the lungs.
Using these methods, the doctor will identify the pathogen and prescribe medications. There are no special remedies against adenovirus. For treatment, detoxification and symptomatic therapy are carried out, and immunomodulators are prescribed. But influenza is treated with special antiviral drugs.
You should not be afraid of the phenomena of conjunctivitis in children with ARVI, but it will not hurt to contact a specialist to receive specific recommendations.
Should you see a doctor if your child's eyes are red?
Almost all of the conditions described require consultation with a doctor. Dangerous situations can be disguised as ordinary ones, which often costs the child good vision. Parents are usually unable to distinguish one from the other.
If possible, you need to come with your child to the local district clinic, where there is a permanent doctor.
Usually, in order to get a scheduled appointment at the clinic, you need to make an appointment in advance or pick up a coupon from a special machine or at the reception desk. But doctors also see children with urgent requests on a “live” basis, usually at the end of the work shift.
If you can’t get to the local doctor, then you need to take your child to a children’s eye emergency room. If there is no pediatric emergency room at your place of residence, the child will be admitted to an adult. This is how specialists dealing with difficult cases work. They will quickly and efficiently help the child.
As a last resort, you can go to a private clinic that has an ophthalmologist on staff. Their practice is usually not the richest, but in principle they will be able to provide assistance.
But be that as it may, it is unacceptable to self-medicate and drop into a child’s eyes what is recommended on the Internet, recommended by neighbors, or what helped him last time. Even if a child has chronic conjunctivitis, the doctor first determines what caused it this time, and then determines a treatment regimen, but does not use a previously defined algorithm.
What to pay attention to and what is prohibited
There are a number of rules that must be followed to achieve a speedy recovery:
- Never allow your child to touch or rub his eyes with his hands.
Do not overexert your baby.
Do not allow yourself to work at the computer for a long time, play on your phone, or watch TV.
You should not warm your eyes, especially with dry heat. Avoid high indoor temperatures.
Avoid exposing your child to direct sunlight: use sunglasses with sufficient UV protection.
Provide isolation for your baby and do not allow him to contact other children.
The best treatment is prevention. Take care of your baby's hygiene, wash your hands often. Monitor your child's vision.
If you notice a burst capillary on your eye that appears for no apparent reason, seek help from a specialist. The doctor will examine the patient, help eliminate the problem and restore the eyes to health.
Treatment of red whites symptom
Red spots on the sclera indicate minor hemorrhage. Before you begin to treat the pathology, it is necessary to find out the cause of the rupture of blood vessels. The capillary can burst due to overexertion, heavy physical activity and severe stress. In most cases, the clinical syndrome goes away on its own and does not require any specific treatment. In the first hours after a rupture, experts recommend applying ice.
If ice compresses do not reduce the area of the spot, you can use eye drops. Medications help expand the lumen of blood vessels, which minimizes the risk of their rupture.
When a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed
After the eyes turn red, accompanying signs may appear indicating the development of dangerous pathologies. If, simultaneously with hyperemia, a burning sensation, itching, pain on palpation, purulent discharge, or peeling of the skin around the eyes occur, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist. All signs indicate the development of a viral or bacterial infection inside the visual organ.
Complex of therapeutic measures
Pathologies of the visual organs, accompanied by an inflammatory process, can be treated in two ways. Drug therapy includes the use of topical medications and drops. According to reviews, these are accessible and inexpensive medicines with a different spectrum of action. They come in 3 types:
- non-steroidal;
- combined;
- steroid.
Nonsteroidal drops can be used regardless of the stage of the disease. They help most well with mild degrees of inflammation. Steroid drops are used for severe illnesses and during the rehabilitation period after surgery. Combined drops can be used not only for inflammation, but also for allergic reactions. Main indications for use: conjunctivitis, barley, blepharitis.
Traditional medicine acts more gently, especially in the initial stages of eye inflammation. Pathologies are treated by brewing - soak a cotton pad or gauze folded in several layers in strong black tea and apply to the eyes for 10-15 minutes. After each procedure, used cotton pads must be disposed of; they cannot be reapplied to the organ.
For barley and conjunctivitis, wash the eyes with infusion of chamomile or dill. The drugs have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Before using any medications, you must remember the possible contraindications that are indicated in the instructions for use.
Prevention of red blood vessels on the cornea
If redness is visible on the whites of the eyes for the first time, this should be a signal that the organs of vision need rest and care. How can you help yourself prevent dilatation of the eye vessels? If your work requires increased eye strain, then you definitely need to take a break. It’s a good idea to do simple eye exercises during this interval and try to blink frequently.
Avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet rays and wear sunglasses. Train yourself to drink water - in small sips up to 10 glasses a day. If you are hypertensive, monitor your blood pressure for fluctuations. Avoid anything that can cause dry eyes and damage the cornea.
When red vessels appear on the cornea, it is important to find out the reason for the dilation of the capillaries. Since the eyes are the first to react to vascular changes, knowing the cause of this symptom can prevent, for example, the onset of cardiovascular diseases
There are actually many reasons, so a visit to the doctor would be the right decision. Perhaps the ophthalmologist will prescribe vitamins to improve blood circulation and strengthen capillaries. When the blood vessels are weak, metabolic processes are disrupted, the flow of oxygen and nutrients slows down, which means that the retina and eyeball may be damaged, which will sooner or later affect vision. Blockage of blood vessels can cause blood clots to form.
It is important to pay attention to your diet and, if possible, use products that are useful for nourishing the eyes, containing vitamins A, B and P. Vitamin elements are also used in eye drops - these are the drugs Katachrom and Quinax, but they must be prescribed by a doctor
If you find that your baby's eyes are inflamed, look for other symptoms. They are very different in the case of a bacterial infection, when a virus enters the body or an allergic reaction occurs in a child. Let's consider the characteristic signs that appear in different cases:
- When an adenovirus enters the body, the baby begins to become intoxicated with fever, muscle pain, headache, cough and sore throat. These symptoms are accompanied by redness of the sclera, and slight discharge may be observed.
- In case of infection with a rhinovirus infection, a runny nose is added; due to swelling of the nasal cavity, not only the sclera, but also the skin under the eyes may turn red.
- Measles disease is characterized by severe intoxication and muscle pain, the temperature rises significantly, the eyes become red, photophobia and a rash on the skin and mucous membranes appear, and lacrimation is noted.
- When the body has an allergic reaction, the eyes not only turn red, but also become very itchy, swelling of the eyelids occurs, and lacrimation begins. Additional symptoms appear: intense runny nose, persistent coughing and sneezing, rash on the skin.
- Red eyes and swelling in the morning may indicate kidney disease, so pathologies of these organs need to be excluded.
- In newborns, the eyes may turn red due to passage through the birth canal (puberty crisis). In this case, pimples are observed in the area of the baby's eyes and cheeks.
- Infection with chlamydia leads to an increase in temperature and the development of urethritis, later conjunctivitis occurs and arthritis begins. Catarrhal conjunctivitis in this case can last for several months, uveitis or episcleritis may develop, and this leads to decreased vision. It is difficult for parents to independently diagnose this disease, so if such symptoms appear, they should contact a specialist.
- If your child's eyes are red after visiting the pool or swimming in sea water, there is no need to worry. The symptoms will go away soon, but you should purchase special glasses for your child to protect their eyes.
- Glaucoma causes headaches, nausea and vomiting, and blurred vision. In this case, the mother needs to immediately consult an ophthalmologist, because glaucoma can lead to blindness.
- Uveitis is characterized by similar symptoms: red eyes and spots under the lower eyelids, pain, photophobia and blurred vision.
Why do my eyes turn red when I cough?
In case of colds and many other diseases, the eyes often become red and watery. The eyelids swell, and there is a feeling of sand or, on the contrary, profuse lacrimation. Let's consider what the causes of such symptoms are and how this problem can be solved.
Causes of redness of the sclera during ARVI
When suffering from ARVI (an infection that affects the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract), many patients experience redness of the sclera. Due to a runny nose and a strained cough, small blood vessels expand and sometimes burst. In addition, viruses also colonize the outer shell of the eye, causing inflammation and, accordingly, redness of the protein.
Causes of red eyes in a patient:
- conjunctivitis;
- keratitis (inflammation of the outer membrane of the eye);
- acute inflammatory diseases (eyelid abscess, barley, etc.);
- allergic reaction;
- not only ARVI, but also exposure to cigarette smoke, incorrectly selected lenses;
- glaucoma or subconjunctival hemorrhage;
- damage to the vessel, which leads to the accumulation of blood between the sclera and conjunctiva;
- high blood pressure.
Conjunctivitis is caused by a virus, bacteria or allergy. The causative agents are Koch-Wicks bacillus, pneumococci, streptococci and staphylococci. Exogenous infection of the conjunctiva is observed, including through contaminated hands. Conjunctivitis is the main reason why the whites of a person's eyes turn red.
During the illness, the mucous membranes are affected. Tearfulness, itching, burning, photophobia and swelling of the eyelids occur. To become infected, it is enough to rub your eyes with dirty hands and introduce staphylococci or other bacteria. The situation becomes more complicated if the patient wears contact lenses or frequently rubs his eyes. You may also experience: inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, burning and dryness, photophobia.
IMPORTANT! Redness of the sclera can appear not only with ARVI, but also with influenza. The infection affects not only the epithelium of the respiratory tract, but also the eyes - the capillaries dilate and become visible on the white of the eyeball.
Why does the symptom occur in a child?
Children also suffer from red eyes if they become ill with ARVI, as well as whooping cough or measles. In the case of adenovirus infection, the respiratory system is affected in the upper sections, which have close communication with the eye conjunctival sac.
Measles also negatively affects the capillary vascular system, causing redness of the eyeballs. The disease affects the capillary system of blood vessels, causing prolonged spasms and redness of the eyeballs.
Redness of the eyes is accompanied by a runny nose and other unpleasant symptoms. With whooping cough, severe coughing can also cause sclerotic vessels to burst, causing the eyes to become red and watery, and the eyelids to swell.
Unlike ordinary ARVI, with whooping cough the eyes literally become bloodshot. In addition, the jugular veins in the child’s neck swell. The whole face also turns red, not just the sclera. Even newborn babies can have red eyes. In the first three months, dacryocystitis may also be detected, in which purulent discharge from the eyes is observed.
The reason is poor patency of the tear duct. In newborns, redness of the eyes can also be a consequence of infection during passage through the birth canal. Therapy for adults and children is slightly different. For children, Albucid solution and other cold remedies are prescribed to relieve eye pain. A chamomile compress is also used to relieve irritation and discomfort.
Associated symptoms
Redness of the eyes is accompanied by other symptoms: fever, runny nose, cough.
If conjunctivitis is diagnosed, the patient may still experience profuse tears, a feeling of a foreign body in the eyes, and a feeling of glued eyelashes in the morning. But there can also be complications.
If the eye flu has damaged the cornea, there may be pain, twitching of the eye and severe fever, requiring more serious treatment.
ARVI is also characterized by symptoms:
- sore throat;
- redness and sore throat;
- dry, intermittent cough with sputum;
- feelings of general intoxication.
Redness of the eyes appears only if a bacterial infection is associated with the disease. With eye flu, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes (keratitis) may also occur. Severe forms of the disease are observed mainly only in the case of an epidemic of colds.
During illness, the body is greatly weakened. The patient may feel lethargic, tired, and have sore eyes due to the spread of the virus in the body. Toxins even penetrate into the muscles of the body, weakening them. The mucous membrane of the nose swells, pain appears in the frontal part of the head and around the eyes.
Eye pain may include:
- like a sensation of a foreign body, sand;
- excessive dryness, causing itching;
- feeling of stickiness due to purulent discharge.
Migraines may worsen when turning or tilting the head. It is recommended to drink as much warm liquid as possible and take medications that reduce fever and treat a runny nose. During illness, pain may radiate to the head and some areas of the face (if the trigeminal nerve is affected).
Expert opinion
Kim Oksana Alexandrovna
Head of the ophthalmology clinic. Ophthalmologist with more than 10 years of experience.
In particularly difficult cases, headaches intensify with exacerbation of the disease and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. There may be dizziness and even loss of consciousness. The temperature during ARVI can rise to 38°C on the first day, but does not stay high for long.
With ARVI, due to intoxication of the body, the eyes may water all the time. When moving the eyeballs, painful sensations, photophobia, and burning may occur.
Tearfulness usually begins due to a severe runny nose and cough, when the nose is stuffy and the nasopharyngeal mucosa is swollen.
Red and constantly watery eyes during ARVI lead to the fact that it becomes difficult to work at the computer or look at the light.
A complication can lead to epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. Not only uncontrollable tears occur, but also a sensation of a foreign body in the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, redness of the mucous membrane, eyelids, photophobia, and decreased clarity of vision. At first, all these symptoms may occur in one eye, and then move to the second.
Causes of red blood vessels
Why does dry eye occur? With each blink, the cornea is washed with a tear, which cleans and lubricates the surface of the eyeball. Excess tears collect in the corners of the eye socket and are removed through the tear ducts, which pass through the nose.
The appearance of blood vessels in the eye
When the process of tear production is disrupted, the organ of vision begins to suffer from unfavorable environmental factors. Tears are produced by glands located around the eyelids. They consist of water, fat and a sticky substance called mucin. Each of the components performs a specific function:
- water - cleanses the eye of dust and foreign bodies;
- fat - prevents rapid evaporation of water;
- and mucin distributes tears evenly throughout the cornea.
If this process is disrupted, the eye begins to dry out, which causes irritation of the surface layer.
Dry eye syndrome is medically called keratoconjunctivitis sicca. The appearance of reddened blood vessels in the eyes is accompanied by a feeling of burning, tightness, itching. A person has a desire to rub his eyelids.
Dry eye syndrome
Factors that disrupt the natural process of tear production are:
- long reading;
- working on a computer;
- car driving;
- watching TV;
- windy weather;
- dusty or smoky room;
- dry air in rooms where air conditioning, heater, fan, etc. are used;
- taking anticoagulants.
Symptoms decrease in cold and wet weather.
Reasons for the appearance of red vessels on the cornea:
- Age. Over the years, as the body ages, dry eye sockets may develop.
- Medicines. Some drugs intended to lower blood pressure, diuretics, and antihistamines can affect the production of tears.
- Diseases. Diseases such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid disorders can cause redness of the cornea and a decrease in the number of tears.
- Contact lenses. The use of lenses has an adverse effect on tear production.
- Conjunctivitis. Red vessels can form due to infection, resulting in inflammation of the conjunctiva. If at the initial stage, when the disease is just beginning to progress, you use eye drops or ointments that eliminate the infection, then in a short time it will be possible to overcome the redness of the cornea.
- Subconjunctival hemorrhage. After acute viral respiratory diseases, a severe cough is often left behind. It can cause the whites to turn red. Due to a sharp increase in venous pressure, hemorrhage under the conjunctiva may occur. This phenomenon can also occur from physical overexertion, heavy lifting, high blood pressure, etc. With subconjunctival it looks very red, but the disease does not pose a particular danger to vision and health. Hemorrhage in small areas disappears in 2-3 days, and in larger areas - in 2 weeks. If there was no mechanical impact on the eyeball, and the hemorrhage occurred for no reason, then you should see a doctor to rule out hidden diseases of any organs.
- . This disease causes red blood vessels in the eyes and is caused by a viral, bacterial or fungal infection. The disease is quite serious and can cause complications, so it requires treatment from a specialist.
- Glaucoma. This disease affects people who have crossed the 40-year mark. It is associated with an increase in intraocular pressure, which causes redness of the blood vessels.
- Rhinoconjunctivitis. Upon contact with an allergen, the eyes begin to water, swell and turn red. This disease is seasonal. The solution to the problem is to limit contact with the source of the allergy.
What to do if your eye is red? Treatment of children from 6 months to one year
Before going to the doctor, parents should try to eliminate the cause of eye irritation on their own:
- Make sure there is no foreign object in the child's eye. You can remove it yourself, but it is better to consult a doctor.
- The child should be in a comfortable environment and avoid stressful situations. This way the capillaries will not burst.
- It is necessary to teach your child to observe the rules of visual hygiene.
- If redness of the eyes occurs due to an allergy, the allergen is identified and contact with it is excluded.
Quite often, the problem of red eyes can be dealt with at home.
However, in some cases it is necessary to visit a doctor, for example, in case of a viral or bacterial infection. Only a pediatrician, based on tests, will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.
Eye rinsing is prescribed for almost any irritation. Its main goal is to cleanse the organ of vision from secretions and reduce inflammation. This procedure is the initial stage of treatment; after it, as a rule, drops are instilled or ointments are applied.
You can wash the eyes of children under one year old with chamomile, a weak solution of tea or furatsilin. It is necessary to treat each eye with a new cotton pad from the outer corner to the inner one. Before the procedure, parents should wash their hands thoroughly with soap. Washing is done 3-4 times a day.
Medicines for one-year-old children
Children from 6 months of age are prescribed gentle medications so as not to harm the eyes.
Drops prescribed for babies under one year of age:
- Tobrex.
- Albucid.
- Oftalmoferon.
- Cipropharm.
Photo 3. Packaging and bottle of the drug Cipropharm in the form of eye drops with a dosage of 0.3%, volume 10 ml.
Ointments that are allowed to be used by children under one year of age:
- Tetracycline.
- Erythromycin.
- Phloxal.
The ointment should be applied about 3 times a day to a previously cleaned eye.
Attention! Medicines and dosage are prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication leads to irreparable consequences
Common Causes
Most often, redness is caused by excessive fatigue of the body and eye muscles. In the absence of regular sleep, the eyes practically do not rest and begin to stick together, which leads to inflammation.
It is worth paying attention to the symptoms of the disease. When a red eye hurts, there may be chronic inflammation of the eyelids or blepharitis (staph infection)
A hypertensive crisis can also cause redness due to vascular damage from increased venous pressure.
Diseases such as conjunctivitis are accompanied by redness not only in the morning, but also on an ongoing basis, depending on the type of inflammation of the mucous membrane. Women often experience redness of the white body due to exposure to makeup particles that remain in the eye after evening care.
Bad habits can have a negative impact on the body as a whole: drinking alcohol leads to increased intracranial pressure, and cigarette smoke irritates the mucous membrane of the eye. |
Red eyes with a cold: main symptoms
During the autumn-winter period, viral and infectious diseases often occur.
They are accompanied by characteristic clinical symptoms such as fever, coughing, sneezing, and redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes.
For each of the listed signs, there is a specific treatment that will help prevent complications after ARVI. It is recommended to consult a doctor so that he can select the drug individually for each patient.
If the conjunctiva of the eyes turns red in a patient with a cold, this condition is caused by the following reasons:
- a complication from the underlying disease, which forms in the form of a viral or infectious lesion of the conjunctiva;
- release of waste products by a viral agent that have a toxic effect on the human body, including the organs of vision;
- the individual sensitivity of the eyes of a person whose conjunctiva turns red when a cold occurs;
- a sharp increase in body temperature, causing an increase in blood flow in the microcirculation vessels of the eyes.
If the redness is caused by an individual symptom, no treatment is required. The condition will go away on its own. When a symptom develops due to pathological reactions, it is important to carry out symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy.
If redness appears in the eye area during a cold, the condition is accompanied by the development of the following symptoms:
- sensation of a foreign object under the eyelids;
- the formation of an inflammatory process that spreads to the cornea, conjunctiva, mucous membrane, eyelids;
- swelling of the eyes;
- production of clear or purulent secretion, depending on the factor causing the disease;
- increased sensitivity of the eyes to exposure to bright light;
- increased production of tear fluid;
- Sometimes itching and burning occurs in the eyes.
The disease may be accompanied by one or more of the above symptoms.