What does Dr. Komarovsky say about conjunctivitis in a child? Treatment tips

Factors influencing the formation of the disease

The task of the eye mucosa is to protect the visual organs from external influences.
If harmful microorganisms enter the eyes, corresponding diseases develop. Among them is conjunctivitis. It is found in children because they touch their vision with their hands, for example, while playing in the sandbox or with animals. Before starting treatment, you need to figure out what was the source of the painful condition.

In children, conjunctivitis occurs because:

  • bacteria enter the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • there are manifestations of an allergic nature;
  • hypothermia occurred;
  • there is eye irritation;
  • the baby has a cold or is suffering from a runny nose;
  • there is ARVI;
  • The child developed dry eye syndrome.

As Dr. Komarovsky advises, treatment should be started on time so that conjunctivitis does not develop. In the initial stages, it is much easier to cope with the disease. Moreover, this way you can prevent possible complications.

Causes of conjunctivitis in newborn infants and children 2-3 years old

Conjunctivitis is an infectious viral disease that is accompanied by inflammatory processes and irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Treatment in children is recommended in the first stages of development; do not start the disease, otherwise it will lead to complications.

Treatment at home is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Before treating a disease, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its development.

  • getting bacteria into the eyes;
  • allergic reaction;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • eye irritation;
  • runny nose or cold;
  • with ARVI;
  • dry eye syndrome.
  • at birth;
  • during the birth process due to non-compliance with hygiene rules by medical personnel.
  • The incubation period lasts from 2 to 3 days, during this period it is important to provide timely treatment for children and limit communication with other children, as it is contagious. The baby looks tired and tired.

How and with what to treat conjunctivitis at home using folk remedies

Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky emphasizes that before treating conjunctivitis in a child, first determine the cause and form of inflammation.

Viral form

Viral conjunctivitis in children is treated with local antiviral agents: eye drops, ointments. If viral inflammation of the conjunctiva develops against the background of ARVI, then complex treatment will be required. The doctor will prescribe tablet forms of antiviral drugs.

Komarovsky notes that treatment of herpetic infection requires the prescription of medications, since the herpes virus can cause severe damage to the visual organ.

Bacterial form

Bacterial conjunctivitis is treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. The instructions for some drugs indicate age restrictions. This suggests that clinical studies have not been conducted on children, so the pharmacological company cannot approve the use of the drug in children. But Komarovsky allows the use of some prohibited antibiotics in consultation with a doctor.

For purulent conjunctivitis, antibacterial ointments and eye drops are suitable. Rinse your baby's eyes first, soak them and remove any dried crusts.


The allergic form of inflammation requires identification of the allergen. This is not an easy process, because anything can be an allergen. Start by eliminating the most common ones: pet hair, laundry detergents, food allergens, dust.

Drug treatment includes antihistamine drops and tablets. Sometimes, to relieve severe inflammation, the doctor may prescribe glucocorticosteroids. Hormonal drugs act more quickly and powerfully than antihistamines.

Dr. Komarovsky does not recommend home treatment for conjunctivitis in children, especially using traditional methods. This can lead to serious complications, irreversible deterioration of vision, and the disease becoming chronic.

Traditional methods of treatment in combination with drugs will help reduce the inflammatory manifestations of conjunctivitis. Instillation of diluted aloe juice is effective. To do this, mix 1 part aloe juice with 10 parts boiled water. Instill the resulting solution in 2 drops, 1 time per day. Lotions are also effective. Apply a cotton pad or gauze pad soaked in the solution to the baby’s closed eyelids.

Allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva can occur due to:

  • Purchasing new household chemicals that were not previously in the house;
  • The appearance of an animal in the house;
  • Purchasing a soft toy, etc.

It is known that children, especially newborns, are very sensitive to various allergens.

The main manifestations of allergic conjunctivitis:

  • Red eyes;
  • Swelling of the skin around the eyes;
  • Itching;
  • Profuse lacrimation.

If a child rubs his eyes, then you need to remember whether there has been any recent contact with a potential allergen.


In addition to eliminating the allergen from the child’s environment, the doctor prescribes an antihistamine. This allows you to quickly relieve unpleasant sensations - itching, redness and tearing.

Treatment at home is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Before treating a disease, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its development.

In most cases, the disease develops in a child under 3 years of age for the following reasons:

  • getting bacteria into the eyes;
  • allergic reaction;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • eye irritation;
  • runny nose or cold;
  • with ARVI;
  • dry eye syndrome.

In a newborn baby, the development of the disease can occur for 2 reasons:

  • at birth;
  • during the birth process due to non-compliance with hygiene rules by medical personnel.

If a one-year-old baby is diagnosed with viral or bacterial conjunctivitis, then it is necessary to rinse the eyes with a special solution or use Furacilin. How to dilute the solution correctly and better (add 1 tablet to half a glass of water). Carry out the procedure 3 times for several days until complete recovery.

You should not wash your eyes with the solution if you have an allergic disease. Even if in children aged 2-3-4 months only 1 eye is inflamed, prevention is carried out on the second one too. Prevention should be carried out one month after treatment.

Recommendations and how to treat bacterial conjunctivitis:

  • Children should not wear an eye patch at night;
  • take only those antibiotics and medications prescribed by your doctor;
  • first aid should be provided at the first symptoms;
  • swimming in ponds or rivers is prohibited;
  • wash your eyes with special solutions (chloramphenicol, futsitalmic, penicillin, ophthalmoferon, derinat, erythromycin) as you see in the photo;
  • You cannot swim in pools and ponds.

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Doctor Komarovsky

, as he often scares parents.

In the case of conjunctivitis, the specialist claims that the success of treatment depends on the correct determination of the type of pathology and the cause that provoked its development. To do this, it is necessary to show the child to an experienced eye specialist who can draw up a competent treatment regimen.

Dr. Komarovsky strongly recommends that moms and dads seek ophthalmological help if:

  • the sick baby is not a year old;
  • within 2-3 days from the start of treatment, a deterioration in the condition is observed;
  • the eyelids or conjunctival membrane are covered with small watery blisters;
  • vision deterioration occurred;
  • a painful reaction of the eyes to light sources occurs.

Effective treatment will be provided that you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and use not only medications, but also folk remedies. Treatment at home should be aimed at reducing swelling and clearing pus from the eye.

Conjunctivitis of the eye and its treatment with aloe juice is carried out in two ways:

  • drop 2 drops into the eyes once a day (dilute with water 1:10);
  • wet the swab and apply it to the sore eye.

Conjunctivitis in infants treatment Komarovsky

You also need to wash your eyes with sodium sulfacyl solution. It helps relieve tearing and kills bacteria. It is recommended to use folk remedies for children for at least 5 months, after consulting with your doctor.

At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor who will determine the type of conjunctivitis and prescribe treatment. For instillation, use albucid and wash the eyes with a solution of furatsilin three times a day (1 tablet for ½ water).

How to carry out the procedures correctly:

  • Wipe and apply eye drops only with clean hands, boil the pipette after the procedure or otherwise disinfect it;
  • During the instillation procedure, try not to touch the eyes and eyelashes with the pipette, where bacteria accumulate;
  • Despite the fact that the second eye may be healthy, both eyes need to be instilled at once.

For allergic inflammations of the eyes, rinsing should not be used.

TV presenter and pediatrician Komarovsky about conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis in infantsDoctor Komarovsky claims that the main cause of conjunctivitis of viral origin is an infection that penetrates through the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx or oral cavity.
Therefore, this type of disease is not a purely ophthalmological pathology.

Conjunctivitis, the etiology of which is bacterial microflora, most often occurs through contact of a child with contaminated household items, or through dirty hands.

Evgeny Komarovsky believes that parents can help the doctor make a diagnosis. It is their story about the onset of the development of the disease that can reveal the cause and type of this pathology.

When should you see a doctor?

Mild forms of this disease can be treated at home. But, according to Dr. Komarovsky, if certain signs appear, it is necessary to urgently visit a pediatrician or ophthalmologist.

Such manifestations are:

  • If for several days there is no positive dynamics in the therapy of this process. On the contrary, the clinical picture becomes pronounced.
  • The body temperature rises, which is difficult to reduce, even with the use of antipyretics.
  • There is a fear of bright or sunny colors, the child prefers not to get out of bed.
  • If a feeling of discomfort appears, which the baby explains as pain and pain in the eyes, this is also an alarming signal in which a doctor cannot be avoided.
  • In the event that a small patient developed fine-bubble rashes that are localized in the area of ​​the upper eyelid, or in the morning, after waking up, dirty yellow crusts began to appear on the eyes.

Dr. Komarovsky argues that it is unacceptable to leave such symptoms without proper attention. The development of the disease may be delayed and lead to undesirable consequences (the deeper tissues of the eye may be affected).

Treatment according to Komarovsky

With a viral infection

If a child develops symptoms of viral conjunctivitis, Komarovsky argues that there is no need to do a special type of treatment, with the exception of washing the eyes.

Great care should be taken if the herpes virus is involved in the inflammatory process.

For bacterial

Conjunctivitis in infantsIn case of bacterial infection of the eye, there are many antibacterial drugs prescribed by the doctor.
As Komarovsky says, if the instructions do not indicate the method of using the medicine (local action) in childhood, this should not cause concern, since many pharmacological agents, after clinical trials, have not yet published their results.

To wash the eyeball, the doctor prefers saline solution (Sodium chloride), which is best purchased at the pharmacy chain.

For allergic conjunctivitis

To eliminate the symptoms of conjunctivitis caused by allergens, if the cause and its type are not established, it is necessary to prescribe parallel therapy using antihistamines and drugs of the pharmacological group of corticosteroids.

Home therapy using traditional methods

Dr. Komarovsky warns parents about the dangers of self-treatment of conjunctivitis in a child. This type of therapy can only be used for bacterial eye infections.

Conjunctivitis in infants
In such cases, rinsing is prescribed using:

  • A decoction of medicinal chamomile flowers.
  • Sage herbs.
  • Medicinal calendula.
  • A weak solution of tea leaves.
  • Not a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

For other types of conjunctivitis, it is best to use saline sodium chloride solution.

Moms and dads need to know that conjunctivitis is a contagious infection (with the exception of allergies)

Therefore, if a child gets sick, he should have individual dishes, towels, and bed linen.

It is very important that all procedures prescribed by the doctor are carried out correctly and in full, even after the symptoms of the clinical picture of the disease disappear, therapy continues for at least three days.

It is necessary to conduct conversations with the child, explain to him the importance of observing the basics of hygienic care for the face and hands.

It is very important to harden the child’s body, this will help the immune system cope with the penetration of pathological infections. To do this, it is necessary to walk in the fresh air more often and engage in outdoor sports.

Particular attention should be paid to proper nutrition, avoid snacking on the go, eating fast foods, and other unhealthy foods.

Children's conjunctivitis, what does Dr. Komarovsky say about this?

According to E.O. Komarovsky cannot be treated for “simple conjunctivitis”. The primary and most important task is to determine its cause.

There are three causes of inflammation of the conjunctiva:

  • Viral infection;
  • Bacterial infection;
  • Manifestation of an allergic reaction.

Each case requires a special approach that will determine the success of treatment.

Common symptoms are characteristic of all three forms of conjunctivitis: purulent discharge, itching and soreness. To more accurately determine why the disease occurred, the degree of manifestation of a specific symptom is assessed, as well as an analysis of the overall picture and the presence of probable causes of inflammation of the ocular membrane.

If it is not possible to urgently visit a specialist, then treatment of conjunctivitis can be started at home using folk remedies, says Komarovsky. For this, proven and safe natural antiseptics are used - chamomile and calendula. They should be brewed according to the recipe, cooled to body temperature and the eyes should be washed three times a day.

Conjunctivitis in infants treatment Komarovsky

If a child has a predisposition to allergies, then you should refrain from such methods. You can use a decoction of tea - you should take loose leaf tea (not bags). For older children, chloramphenicol drops (0.25%) are instilled as first aid.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is a disease of bacterial origin. It occurs more often in children than in adults. Moreover, the younger the child, the more severe the course of this disease.

The main distinguishing feature of the disease is the presence of profuse purulent discharge from the eyes, and most often both eyes are affected.

Conjunctivitis occurs more often in young children. The main cause of this disease is colds and ARVI, since the infection, once in the eyes, develops very quickly. Dr. Komarovsky conjunctivitis in children offers to get acquainted with his methods of treating children and is willing to share the secrets of treatment.

The danger of conjunctivitis lies in the disruption of the visual function of the eye. The acute form of the disease occurs suddenly and with timely treatment goes away quickly. The disease in chronic form is more typical for older people, it progresses slowly and frequent recurrences are possible.

The name conjunctivitis refers to an inflammatory process affecting the mucous membrane of the eye. The disease is accompanied by severe redness, swelling of the eyelids, and the presence of mucous or purulent discharge.

An ophthalmologist can make a diagnosis when examining a patient. If the symptoms do not manifest themselves sufficiently, a smear taken from the conjunctiva of the eye is sent for analysis. The results of the smear examination will clearly determine the nature of the disease, and it can be: viral, bacterial, allergic.

The culprits of bacterial conjunctivitis can be streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, gonococci that have penetrated into the eye. In newborn children, the disease is transmitted from the mother through the contaminated environment of the birth canal.

Often the disease develops in the spring and summer when plants are flowering; this is seasonal conjunctivitis. The disease can occur all year round due to animal hair or dust. Papillary is a type of allergic conjunctivitis caused by a foreign body in the eye.

Conjunctivitis in infants treatment Komarovsky

Viral conjunctivitis develops against the background of a viral disease. It can occur in a person with weak immunity, during long-term treatment of the nasopharynx when its mucous membrane is damaged, through the lacrimal canals.

This type of conjunctivitis is highly contagious, and more than 60% of those infected are hospitalized and treated in a hospital. Patients' vision deteriorates and an unpleasant sensation appears in the eyes. In addition, the eyes react sharply to light, get tired, and after sleep it is difficult to open the eyelids, as the pus dries out and forms a crust.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in children, according to Komarovsky, is falsely carried out by a specialist; independent treatment can lead to the development of chronic conjunctivitis, loss of vision and other eye diseases. Additionally, most conjunctivitis is contagious and can cause harm to those around you.

The appearance of conjunctivitis is associated with many factors that provoke the disease in its various forms:

  • Irritants: dust, chemicals or smoke.
  • The development of the disease when a viral or fungal infection occurs.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Incorrect use of contact lenses.
  • Intolerance to certain medications.
  • Increased eye fatigue, poor eye hygiene.
  • Lack of vitamins and metabolic disorders.
  • Visual impairment: astigmatism, farsightedness, myopia.
  • Some chronic diseases of the nose.

The causes of conjunctivitis in children are primarily associated with poor hygiene and cleaning.

There are some requirements that can reduce the risk of a child getting conjunctivitis:

  • Careful and timely hand hygiene.
  • Clean bed linen and towel. The child must have a separate towel.
  • Daily walk in the fresh air.
  • Keeping the children's room clean, ventilating and humidifying the air if necessary.
  • Proper healthy nutrition, providing the growing body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.
  • Protect the child from unhealthy people, including family members.

It is necessary to observe the baby’s personal hygiene conditions with special care. Newborn children, whose immunity is just developing, are at constant risk of developing various diseases if the child lives in unfavorable conditions.


Symptoms of childhood disease:

  • The eyes become red and swollen.
  • Tears often flow.
  • There is pus coming out of the eyes.
  • The eyes react to light (fear of light).
  • By morning, the child's eyelids stick together.
  • Crusts of dried pus on the baby's eyelashes and corners of the eyes.

School-age children experience impaired vision clarity (blurred, vague). The child feels unpleasant sensations in the eyes, such as itching, burning and discomfort.

With the allergic form of conjunctivitis, the eyes are very irritated, but never fester. This type of disease is not dangerous to others, since conjunctivitis is caused by an individual irritant.

There is no way to delay visiting a doctor if you are ill. But it is not worth leaving a child without treatment at the very beginning of the development of the disease. If the doctor sees you by appointment, or the illness occurred on the weekend (or for other reasons the visit to the doctor is postponed), you can safely take some actions.

In the first days of treatment, washing should be done as often as possible, at least five times a day. When purulent discharge decreases, the frequency of the procedure is reduced to two or three.

What medications can the doctor prescribe? Treatment of the disease involves getting rid of germs or viruses that have gotten into the eyes, or using anti-allergy drugs, that is, it completely depends on the type of conjunctivitis.

The simplest treatment is for allergic conjunctivitis. It is necessary to exclude the allergen and take anti-allergy medications (Suprastin, Zodak, Zyrtec and others). But complications also occur with this form of the disease. In this case, corticosteroids (for example, Prednisolone) are prescribed.

A viral disease should be treated with drops (Levomecitin, Albucid). In case of complications, drops containing an antibiotic (Ophtalferon) are prescribed. If there are symptoms of viral diseases (cough, runny nose), treatment should be carried out comprehensively. For antiviral ointments, the doctor may prescribe Florenal or similar drugs.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is much easier to fight. For this purpose, treatment is carried out with antibacterial agents. Pus is removed by rinsing.

Conjunctivitis in infants treatment Komarovsky

The use of eye drops has several nuances. The drops should fall strictly under the lower eyelid, so it is necessary to open it slightly. There is very little space under the eyelid from below, so you do not need to drip more than 1 drop of the drug.

Tetracycline ointment is well suited for these purposes. If only one eye is affected, the second also needs treatment.

Only an ophthalmologist can accurately determine the type of disease, and you should call him to your home, since most forms of conjunctivitis are contagious, and communication with other sick children in a medical facility can also add a disease (viral origin, or infectious).

Dr. Komarovsky believes that acute respiratory infections and conjunctivitis of the eyes are interconnected, since bacteria can develop in the respiratory tract and then spread to the mucous membrane of the eyes, so coughing may be one of the symptoms. Babies as young as 1 year of age may become more likely to become infected with the disease than adults.

How to determine the type of conjunctivitis in a child?

In order to choose the right treatment method for conjunctivitis, confirming its diagnosis is not enough; it is necessary to establish the cause of the pathology. Only then can you successfully cope with its manifestations and prevent complications.

This mistake is often made by overly “caring” parents who prescribe treatment on their own. They have no idea that each form of conjunctivitis is treated with certain groups of pharmacological agents.

Depending on the etiology, the following types of conjunctivitis are distinguished:

  1. Bacterial.
  2. Bacterial purulent.
  3. Viral.
  4. Allergic conjunctivitis (caused by allergens).
  5. Contact.

Each type of conjunctivitis has its own clinical picture with its own symptoms. Based on this, differential diagnosis occurs and the type of disease is established.

Bacterial conjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis is most often caused by penetration into the body:

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
  • Staphylococcal or streptococcal infection.
  • Gonococcus Neisser.
  • Meningococcal infection.
  • Haemophilus influenzae and diphtheria bacillus.

This disease, in most cases, develops rapidly, progresses rapidly, and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • There is a feeling of the presence of a foreign body. To eliminate it, the child begins to rub his eyes with his hands, blink frequently, and wash his eyes under running water.
  • The skin around the eyes becomes dry and slightly swollen.
  • The mucous membrane of the eyeball takes on a reddish tint.
  • Discharge appears from the eye, which initially has a gray, cloudy color, and as the process progresses, it acquires a dirty yellow color, which indicates the presence of pus.
  • In the morning, it becomes difficult to open the eyelids; they stick together due to purulent contents, and purulent crusts appear on the eyes.

Purulent conjunctivitis

Purulent conjunctivitis has the same clinical picture as bacterial conjunctivitis.
In some cases, it is supplemented by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • The swelling takes on a pronounced form, which leads to thickening of the eyelids.
  • The sclera of the eyes acquire a pronounced red color.

It should be noted that purulent conjunctivitis is a secondary infection, that is, it can develop against the background of diseases of the ear, nose or throat.

Viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis most often develops in parallel with a viral infection:

  • Herpes virus.
  • Adenoviral infection.
  • Diseases of measles, mumps, chickenpox, influenza, ARVI.

With this type of conjunctivitis, the following symptoms appear:

  • Increased secretion of tears.
  • Hyperemia of the eyelids.
  • Swelling of the eyelids and the appearance of circles under the eyes.
  • A small blistering rash may appear on the mucous membranes, or films may appear in the form of a gray coating.

In parallel with the above symptoms, the child appears:

  • Cough.
  • Very often the temperature rises to critical levels (39 degrees).
  • A runny nose may appear.
  • There is an increase in the palatine tonsils.

The characteristic difference between viral conjunctivitis and bacterial conjunctivitis is:

  • Significant increase in temperature.
  • Slight swelling of the eyelids.
  • Severe redness of the conjunctival mucosa.
  • The appearance of follicular vesicles.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis is accompanied by a feeling of unbearable itching. Other signs of the disease are not pronounced.

The main difference from previous types of pathology is the absence of any discharge from the eyes.

The child may have:

  • Painful sensations.
  • Unbearable itching.
  • Slight swelling of the eyelids.
  • Watery eyes.
  • Severe runny nose.

Thus, if redness of the eyes occurs and there is no discharge from it, this suggests that the child has conjunctivitis of allergic etiology. Parents may also notice that the disease has developed within half an hour. This is due to how quickly the allergen penetrated the child’s body (the infectious process develops much more slowly).

Contact conjunctivitis

Contact conjunctivitis can develop:

  • When a child cries for a long time.
  • After rubbing your eyes with dirty hands.
  • Under the influence of smoke or vapors of harmful chemical compounds.

The child’s main complaints come down to pain and a feeling of discomfort, which he associates with some object getting into the eye. All other signs are insignificant and have a mild manifestation.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis

Chlamydial conjunctivitis in a child develops when a chlamydial infection gets into the eye (there is debate in the scientific world whether it is a bacterium or a virus).
A child becomes infected with this infection through the use of someone else’s personal hygiene items (towel, washcloth, bed and underwear).

Infection can also occur at birth.

This disease begins with the appearance of a fear of daylight, bright light. On the second day, severe redness and swelling of the upper and lower eyelids appear.

If treatment does not occur, then pus accumulates under the lower eyelid. This leads to difficulty opening the eyes in the morning, after sleep, due to the fact that the eyelids stick together.

Principles of treatment

Komarovsky notes that children tolerate eye drops better. They are effective for about 2 hours, the ointment remains effective longer, but when placing the ointments behind the lower eyelid, children feel discomfort and may be capricious. It is generally accepted to combine drugs in treatment: ointment before bedtime, and drops the rest of the time.

Before using local dosage forms, Komarovsky recommends rinsing your eyes. This is allowed for all forms of conjunctivitis, except allergic. You can rinse with isotonic sodium chloride solution (saline), furatsilin, or chamomile infusion. Washing will help reduce the concentration of viruses and bacteria, reduce inflammatory symptoms, and remove accumulated secretions.

Parents also need to know that a child with conjunctivitis can be bathed. Just make sure that water does not get into your sore eyes. If you have several children, do not bathe them in the same water. Swimming in pools, natural reservoirs, visiting baths, saunas is prohibited.

Useful video

Information for parents from Dr. Komarovsky, whether it is possible to take a child to kindergarten with conjunctivitis.

Evgeniy Olegovich about the mixed form of the disease - bacterial conjunctivitis is often combined with otitis media.

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Signs and symptoms of the disease (photos)

Conjunctivitis happens:

  • bacterial;
  • purulent;
  • viral;
  • fungal;
  • contact;
  • chlamydial;
  • allergic.

If conjunctivitis is of bacterial origin, the child experiences suppuration of the eyes. The baby may feel the presence of a foreign body.

In newborns and older children, conjunctivitis manifests itself:

  • swelling and redness of the eyes;
  • pronounced itching that is difficult to tolerate;
  • regular purulent discharge;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • dry cough;
  • discharge from the nose;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • swelling of the eyes;
  • burning sensation.

It's easy to notice when your baby is irritated by light. He tries to turn away from him and close his eyes. Most likely, he is worried about the onset of the disease.

How quickly the child’s body can cope with it will depend on what stage the disease is at.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is accompanied by purulence and the sensation of a foreign body inside the eyes. The kids always want to rub their eyes, which makes the situation even worse. How long the treatment of the disease lasts depends on the degree of its severity and neglect.

Signs and symptoms of eye conjunctivitis in infants and adults:

  • there is swelling and redness of the eyes;
  • unbearable severe itching;
  • frequent purulent discharge;
  • eyelids are red;
  • dry cough;
  • green snot;
  • the appearance of follicle film;
  • severe tearing;
  • swollen eye;
  • Constant burning sensation inside the eyes.

The first signs of the disease are the appearance of severe unbearable itching and a burning sensation. An infant may have a high fever. The disease is transmitted if it is of a fungal or viral type. Before finding out how to treat the disease, it is necessary to determine the cause of its development.

Follow the link to see various photos of conjunctivitis in children.

Symptoms of the disease

Adenoviral conjunctivitis in children has a latent period of 1 week. At this time, the child is a carrier of infection, but he himself does not get sick. The disease begins to actively develop with hypothermia or decreased immunity.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis vary depending on its form. Traditionally, the inflammatory process begins in one eye, infecting the second within 2-3 days.

There are a number of common symptoms:

  • chills, increased body temperature;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the neck;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • diseases of the ENT organs;
  • swelling of the eyes and redness of the mucous membranes and eyelids;
  • lacrimation;
  • discomfort in the eye area, burning sensation, itching;
  • moderate blepharospasm.

Gradually, the swelling completely covers the entire conjunctiva. The semilunar and inferior folds of the eye become visible.

There are individual signs for different forms of the disease.

  1. In the case of catarrhal conjunctivitis, the child reacts painfully to bright light. There is profuse lacrimation. There is a burning sensation and pain in the affected eye. The eye swells and partially closes.
  2. The follicular type is characterized by multiple fluid-filled vesicles. Purulent formations appear.
  3. The film type is determined only by the presence of films of arbitrary sizes.

Treatment for conjunctivitis caused by adenoviruses is prescribed based on the symptoms present.

Conjunctivitis in infants

There are different types of adenoviral conjunctivitis in children. Only a qualified specialist can make a correct diagnosis.

Komarovsky's advice

Recommendations by Evgeny Komarovsky for the prevention and treatment of conjunctivitis:

  1. If there is an outbreak of viral diseases at a school or kindergarten, limit visits to educational institutions. If the child is already sick, then provide him with separate hygiene items and dishes so as not to infect loved ones.
  2. Teach your child about eye hygiene. Talk about not touching your face with dirty hands.
  3. Follow the rules for using local forms of medications: do not touch the affected eye with the bottle or tube, apply the product to both eyes, starting with the healthy one. Apply the product with clean hands. The drug is pre-warmed to room temperature.
  4. If a child goes to the pool, Komarovsky recommends buying safety glasses.
  5. Rinse your eyes after swimming in contaminated waters. But you should not overuse rinses, so as not to interfere with the formation of natural immunity.
  6. Encourage healthy lifestyles. Limit your time on electronic gadgets.

Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky is a pediatrician of the highest category. Its peculiarity is that it explains the causes of diseases in a form accessible to parents, and gives useful advice and recommendations. According to Komarovsky, conjunctivitis in children usually occurs in an uncomplicated form. Therefore, you should not worry too much, but also do not leave the sick person unattended.

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The essence of the healing process

Why can't the disease be started? If complications occur, vision will deteriorate and other pathological diseases may appear. As soon as conjunctivitis is detected in a newborn, treatment must begin immediately. The use of Albucid is recommended.

A viral or bacterial type of conjunctivitis requires the use of Furacilin for eye rinsing. One tablet is diluted until completely dissolved in half a glass of water.

Viral conjunctivitis should be treated with a similar solution 3 times a day until complete recovery occurs. For allergic types, the solution is not used.

There are general recommendations that must be followed if bacterial conjunctivitis is present:

  1. Treatment should be carried out without using a bandage.
  2. A small child should be treated only with medications prescribed by the doctor.
  3. The disease must be dealt with immediately at the first manifestations.
  4. It is worth keeping children away from bodies of water so that they do not swim.
  5. Both one and the other eye need to be washed with Levomycetin, Penicillin, Ophthalmoferon, Erythromycin.

Dr. Komarovsky claims that the disease of allergic origin is not transmitted to others.

The child must be treated with local as well as systemic medications. In the first case, we mean the drug in the form of Dexamethasone drops, and in the second, tablets with an antihistamine effect. To relieve discomfort in the visual area, cold compresses are applied.

If we talk about the purulent type, it can become chronic due to the fact that the treatment was untimely and incorrect. Throughout life, first in a child and then in an adult, chronic conjunctivitis will present itself with various complications.

This type of ailment in children should be treated with tetracycline ointment or another equally effective remedy recommended by the doctor. The affected area is washed with a cotton pad, the main thing is to use clean material each time. Tetracycline ointment will help eliminate unpleasant discomfort.

It is not difficult to cope with the purulent form. The main thing is to do everything right. It is recommended to use a solution of potassium permanganate. The drops will be useless. Chamomile infusion or tea will eliminate the infection.

The listed means are used for washing. Traditional medicine You can also use traditional medicine methods. Treatment of children involves reducing swelling and eliminating discharge with pus.

You should do this:

  1. Mix the plant juice with water (1:10), and then drop 2 drops once a day.
  2. Moisten a swab in the resulting solution and place it on the affected area.

Komarovsky draws the attention of parents to the fact that there is a direct connection between eye inflammation and acute respiratory infections. The development of bacteria occurs in the respiratory organs. The process further spreads to the mucous membrane of the organs of vision.

Before using the drops, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly. The pipette must be changed constantly to avoid contamination.

Treatment will certainly be effective if parents show responsibility towards the child’s health. By correctly following the prescribed recommendations, you can get rid of the disease in a short time.

Also here you will find information about the symptoms of the disease in a newborn baby and a child aged 2-3 years, how to treat it and which remedy is best suited for allergic, purulent, bacterial or chronic conjunctivitis.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes is accompanied by the development of conjunctivitis. The mucous membrane protects the eyes from negative external influences. The ingress of various harmful microorganisms causes irritation and the development of eye diseases.

The most common among them is conjunctivitis of the eyes, since children often rub their eyes with dirty hands (playing in the sandbox or with a cat). It is not surprising why a child often develops conjunctivitis in childhood.

About the stages and contagiousness of the disease

  • isolated conjunctivitis - the cause of the disease is a specific virus: enterovirus, adenovirus, herpes, herpes zoster, Coxsackie virus.
  • conjunctivitis caused by a certain viral infection - the causes of the disease are the following diseases: rubella, measles, chickenpox, mumps, influenza.
  • The majority of all patients with viral conjunctivitis, namely 70%, require hospitalization. This is caused, first of all, by the fact that the disease is easily transmitted through human contact.

    As for infection by airborne droplets, it is less likely than by contact.

    It is important to remember that the disease affects both eyes of a person. Although symptoms initially appear in only one eye, over time they will spread to the other eye.

    Viral conjunctivitis

    Conjunctivitis is often a complication as a result of a viral infectious process - after suffering from ARVI or influenza. In this case, the infection can spread from the nose to the eyes, since they are connected to each other. Tear fluid enters the nasal cavity through a special channel.

    The viral form of conjunctivitis manifests itself:

    • Excessive tearing;
    • Redness and swelling of the skin of the eyelids;
    • Redness of the eyeball;
    • The conjunctiva is covered with an easily peelable film;
    • Grayish discharge from the eyes.

    Komarovsky’s advice is that if you get sick, your eyes and nose should be washed with special solutions that help destroy the infection. The most basic version of such a solution: 1 liter of water and 1 tsp. table salt.


    Viral forms of the disease usually resolve within a week if treated correctly. But there are also more complex forms when recovery occurs within 3 weeks. With adenovirus infection, the disease is mild, but herpetic conjunctivitis is more complex.

    The traditional opinion of Dr. Komarovsky regarding viral diseases, as well as conjunctivitis, is that the virus is destroyed by immune resistance. The body is able to defeat the virus on its own by producing antibodies.

    If there is inflammation of the conjunctiva after ARVI or influenza, the doctor will prescribe antiviral drops or washing the eyes with special antiseptics.

    But there are two forms of conjunctivitis that require treatment under the guidance of a doctor. These are the following diseases of the eye mucosa:

    • Herpetic conjunctivitis - characteristic photophobia and blisters appear on the upper eyelids;
    • Adenoviral conjunctivitis.

    Eye conjunctivitis - treatment in children

    Effective treatment will be provided that you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and use not only medications, but also folk remedies. Treatment at home should be aimed at reducing swelling and clearing pus from the eye. Aloe juice helps a one-year-old baby relieve the allergic reaction of conjunctivitis and get rid of the feeling of burning and itching.

  • drop 2 drops into the eyes once a day (dilute with water 1:10);
  • wet the swab and apply it to the sore eye.
  • The first rays of sunshine knocked on the window, and my beloved baby woke me up with her morning cry. Only the baby called me in an unusual way: restless and sad.

    Woke up, I didn’t pay much attention to this, I began to feed him and then I noticed that one of his eyes was swollen and would not open. My heart immediately sank to my feet, and my brain began feverishly wondering what it could be... The only real reason for such symptoms, as it occurred to me, could only be conjunctivitis, but how, where.

    It turns out he could...

    Conjunctivitis is a common disease among infants and older children.

    Successful treatment depends on the correctly classified etiology of the disease. Before making a diagnosis, it is better not to do anything on your own, but if in the near future the issue of classifying the disease together with a specialist cannot be resolved, then you can provide first medical aid to a child if you suspect CD or VK by putting drops of Levomycetin in the baby’s eyes (if the child is older than 4 months) or “Albucid” (there are no age-related contraindications).

    If you suspect AK, give your baby an antihistamine.

    Levomycetin is one of the most common eye medications for children.

    If you are diagnosed with VK or CD, be sure to wash your child’s eyes every 2 hours with a furatsilin solution (1 tablet per 250 ml of water) or chamomile.

    Dr. Komarovsky in his video magazine also recommends using saline solution for rinsing (dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a liter of water). You should rinse your eyes exclusively in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner (from the temples to the bridge of the nose).

    If crusts have formed, then to remove them, use only sterile gauze wipes soaked in a rinsing solution. Use a new tissue for each eye.

    As symptoms subside, rinsing can be reduced to 3 times per day.

    Use a clean tissue for each eye.

    Doctors recommend treating VK with antiviral drops (Actipol, Poludan. Trifluridine), ointments (Oxolin. Tebrofen, Virolex, Zovirax, Acyclovir, etc.), interferon (since immunity usually decreases).

    To relieve or eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of VK, warm compresses and, in rare cases, corticosteroid medications are used. The course of treatment varies between 1-3 weeks. With timely treatment, you can completely get rid of VC in 3-4 weeks.

    “And we washed ourselves with everything... all to no avail. Both were exhausted.

    A midwife I knew, having learned about the illness that befell my child, recommended Protargol drops. Yes, the remedy is ancient, but effective - it used to be instilled in infants in maternity hospitals.

    I found the drug and bought it. I applied it literally 2 times and the symptoms almost all disappeared.

    I almost jumped up to the ceiling with joy, but I continued to drip for a few more days to calm down.”

    Typically, the baby is prescribed Levomycetin 0.25% drops and erythromycin or tetracycline eye ointment. Complicated CD is treated with certain antibiotics. The disease can rage from 5 to 10 days. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

    “And Tsipromed helped us a lot. Although it has contraindications for up to 1 year in the annotation, they are present in every drop. The doctor recommended Tsipromed to us. I was wary at first, but then I took the risk because the rinses were useless. And now I don’t regret at all that I did just that.”

    AK is treated without rinsing. Cool compresses can be used to relieve symptoms that irritate your child. The main medications in the fight against this type of conjunctivitis are antihistamines, for example Olopatodine, Dexamethasone, Cromohexal, Lecrolin, Allergodil and others. An important point in treatment is to eliminate the causes of allergies.

    "Lecrolin" helps relieve allergy symptoms.

  • undertreatment of the primary disease and its transition to a chronic form (with infectious conjunctivitis);
  • incorrect identification of the AK provocateur.
  • Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by cytological and virological studies, as well as on the basis of the enlargement and sensitivity of the parotid lymph nodes.

    Adenoviral conjunctivitis

    As a treatment, the doctor prescribes antiviral eye drops with interferon.

  • "Ophthalmeron" - eliminates the inflammatory process, strengthens the immune system and actively fights the virus. To treat the acute phase of the disease, it is necessary to instill 1-2 drops into the eyes. The frequency of the procedure is at least six times a day. Further, the frequency of the procedure can be reduced to twice a day.
  • "Poludan" - used to eliminate the herpes virus and adenovirus. The drug should be instilled 1-2 drops at least six times a day (when the disease is in the active phase), subsequently instilled into the eyes three times a day. The duration of treatment is from one week to ten days.
  • "Aktipol" is an antiviral drug, a strong antioxidant, and has regenerative properties on tissues and mucous membranes. The instillation procedure should be carried out at least eight times a day, two drops each, for ten days.
  • Treatment with eye drops can be supplemented with antiviral ointments. The drugs should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

    Before applying the ointment, you need to rinse your eyes with infusion of sage, chamomile or tea. After this, apply drops to the infected eye. The ointment must be applied thirty minutes after instillation.

  • "Florenal" - used to eliminate the herpes virus, adenovirus, in the case of chickenpox. The ointment should be used at least twice a day. The drug is placed behind the lower eyelid of the eye. The duration of treatment is from 10 to 45 days.
  • “Tebrofen ointment” has a wide spectrum of action. The drug is placed behind the edges of the eyelids at least three times a day.
  • "Bonafton" is prescribed for certain adenoviruses and in case of eye damage by the herpes virus. Course of treatment for adults: 0.1 g at least three times a day. The duration of taking the drugs is from 15 to 20 days. Course of treatment for children: 0.025 g 1 to 4 times a day. The duration of taking the drugs is from 10 to 12 days.
  • For more effective treatment, it is possible to prescribe antibacterial drugs in combination with an antibiotic.

    Treatment for low myopia is aimed at correcting vision with glasses and contact lenses.

    Will drops help with allergic conjunctivitis? You will find the answer in this article.

    Herpetic viral conjunctivitis

    Activation of the herpes virus in the body of both adults and children is usually accompanied by damage to the mucous membranes and skin. The conjunctiva of the eyes is no exception.

    If the rash spreads to the eyelids, they must be treated with a brilliant green solution.

    You cannot do without ointments with an antiherpetic effect, for example, Zovirax, Acyclovir, Florenal, Tebrofenovaya ointment, Bonafton. The drugs must be placed under the lower eyelid.

    If the herpes virus affects not only the conjunctiva, but also the skin around the eye, treatment with oral antiherpetic drugs is necessary. In addition, immunomodulators are needed.

    Prescription of antibiotics can be carried out for prophylactic purposes to avoid the development of the disease again.

    First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the purulent discharge. Otherwise, the eye will become a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microbes. To do this, you can use boron solution and antibacterial eye drops.

    Treatment of the acute form of viral conjunctivitis requires the use of viruscidal drugs, in particular, solutions and ointments made on the basis of components such as florenal, tebrofen or oxolin.

    The use of albucid or tetracycline in this situation should have no effect. However, they can be used as prophylactic agents to avoid re-development of the infection.

    Treatment methods for ocular keratitis are based on the use of antiviral drugs.


    A bacterial infection provokes characteristic purulent discharge, and it is this factor that allows us to talk about the bacterial etiology of the disease. This is the most common cause of inflammation of the conjunctiva in children - just rubbing the eye with dirty hands.

    With the bacterial nature of conjunctivitis, the following is observed:

    • Cloudy, viscous pus of a gray or yellowish tint;
    • Purulent discharge is especially active at night, so in the morning the child sometimes cannot even open his eyes;
    • Dry skin around the eyes;
    • In advanced forms, there is pain and a sensation of a foreign body in the eye.


    The bacterial form is longer lasting - normally the symptoms disappear within 21 days, but in more severe cases the disease lasts 3-5 weeks. With gonococci, meningococci and diphtheria bacillus, conjunctivitis can last up to 60 days.

    Treatment of the bacterial form of conjunctivitis must necessarily be accompanied by antibacterial drops. As an addition, the child’s eyes are washed with decoctions of antiseptic herbs. If you have a weak immune system, you need to take a vitamin complex.

    The first signs of a bacterial type of disease in babies 8-9-10 months old are the appearance of purulent discharge and dry skin around the eyes. What parents are most interested in is how long does it take to treat the disease? With timely medical care, the disease recedes within 2-3 days.

    When is a doctor required?

    According to Evgeniy Komarovsky, all self-medication is strictly prohibited if conjunctivitis, and especially purulent conjunctivitis, occurs in a newborn, as well as in children under one year old. A reason to consult a doctor should also be an illness in which improvement in the condition of the eyes is not observed for two days.

    A doctor should also be called in case of photophobia, even if the redness of the eyeball appears slight and insignificant. With this symptom, the baby will squint, close his eyes against bright light, avoid rooms with sufficient lighting, may begin to ask to turn off the lights and complain of pain in the eyes, which even daylight causes.

    If a child complains of intense pain in the eyes or decreased clarity of vision, you should immediately call a doctor, says Komarovsky. Inflammation of the eyes, in which watery blisters appear on the upper eyelid, will also require urgent medical attention.

    How is it transmitted

    Considering that a baby's immune system is not yet fully developed, it is understandable why illness can occur due to a cold. Treatment of the disease in newborn children is carried out inpatiently, in order to avoid complications and the development of other pathological diseases, for example homeopathy.

    Children from 5-6-7 years old can catch the infection when interacting with other kids or while playing (for example, sharing toys, holding hands while playing). However, allergic conjunctivitis develops due to intolerance to specific odors, dust or pollen.

    There are the following types of disease:

    • bacterial conjunctivitis;
    • purulent conjunctivitis;
    • viral;
    • contact;
    • fungal;
    • chlamydial;
    • allergic.

    Often, a decrease in immunity is the presence of parasites in the body; to get rid of it, we recommend buying Intoxic, because this drug perfectly destroys various types of parasites from the body.

    See a doctor urgently!

    Pediatrician Komarovsky advises immediately seeking medical help for conjunctivitis in the following cases:

    1. If a newborn or a child under 1 year of age is sick;
    2. Improvement as a result of adequate treatment did not occur on the 2nd day;
    3. There is photophobia;
    4. Excessive redness of the eyes;
    5. The child reports that he sees poorly;
    6. Pain in the eyes;
    7. A blister (herpes) began to form on the upper eyelid.

    Additional measures

    For conjunctivitis, in addition to direct treatment, it is worth taking additional measures:

    • Wash the child's toys with soap and hot water;
    • Change bed linen and towels, and wash and disinfect the old ones by ironing;
    • Change pillowcases in children's beds every day;
    • For a child who wears lenses, remove them for a while, disinfect them and put on glasses. Lenses can only be returned after complete restoration.

    A child with even a mild form of conjunctivitis should not be taken to kindergarten, since the disease can be contagious.


    Preventive measures make it possible to avoid this disease in most cases.

    To do this you need:

    • Monitor the cleanliness of toys, change bed linen more often, and carry out daily ventilation and wet cleaning in the children's room.
    • Teach your child to wash his face and wash his hands with soap and hot water before eating and after visiting the street.
    • Choose a diet that does not contain foods that can cause allergies.
    • Food should contain a large amount of coarse fiber, vitamins, beneficial micro and macroelements.
    • Take frequent walks in the fresh air. School-age children are recommended to engage in active sports.
    • To increase the protective functions of the body, resort to hardening methods.
    • Each child should have an individual towel for hands, face, and after taking a bath.
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