Lift my eyelids. How to reanimate your face after the holidays

Many women are tearful, and sometimes even short-term hysterics harm not only the psyche, but also greatly spoil their appearance. All this is due to the fact that tears provoke swelling of the eyelids. Then the question arises of how to quickly remove swelling from the eyes after crying. There are many methods that will fix the problem. If a person is aware of his tendency to cry, then it is recommended to always carry paper tissues and wet wipes with him in order to quickly clean himself up in a public place or at work. If possible, swollen eyes should be moistened with cold water after crying.

Why do my eyes swell after crying?

Our eyes take on a non-aesthetic appearance, so much so that it becomes obvious to everyone around us: we have experienced some kind of emotional breakdown. It is customary to hide such facts in modern society. Women cry often, and sometimes men cry too.

What happens to our eyes when a person gives free rein to his feelings:

  • Capillary irritation is the main cause of redness. Everyone knows that tears taste salty. It is salt that affects the capillaries. And here, the more you rub, the worse it gets.
  • Irritation of the ducts. The tear passing through the canal injures the surrounding tissues, which causes mild inflammation.
  • Stagnation of fluid in cells. And again, the problem is the saltiness of the tears. Salt is known to retain water.

Causes of swollen eyes after crying

Swelling of the eyelids after crying is caused by disruption of the internal blood vessels and the accumulation of salt, which in turn retains fluid in the intercellular space. With prolonged strong crying, not only the eyelids, but also the entire face may swell with noticeable redness. The reasons why eyes appear swollen from tears may be associated with an excess amount of salts and fluid in the body itself.

If it is necessary to maintain maximum freshness of the face during prolonged crying, the head should be lowered down so that tears do not roll down the skin and spoil the applied makeup. In such cases, swelling under the eyes will be less noticeable, which means it will be even easier to get rid of them.

Prepare in advance

The time of day at which it occurs is of great importance in combating the consequences of an emotional outburst. Most often, people allow themselves soul-cleansing tears in the evenings after a hard day, at home, with loved ones or completely alone. They especially like to cry at night.

After crying, he usually sleeps well, just like in childhood. The psyche is relaxed and the person, with a final sob like a baby, falls soundly asleep. But in the morning, when we get out of bed and need to go out into the world, our face looks like it’s time to cry again.

So: your eyes are swollen after crying, what should you do? As surprising as this advice may sound, it is better to prepare for the morning awakening in the evening:

  • Do not fall asleep immediately after crying. Let at least two hours pass.
  • Fresh air. Open the window. Go out onto the balcony. Turn your face to the wind. Catch a few snowflakes. Breathe. This will help relieve swelling.
  • Wash yourself. If it’s time to sleep, then cold water will not work, although it relieves swelling quite effectively, as it helps to compress blood vessels.
  • Place your pillow higher. A higher position of the head during sleep will promote the outflow of fluid, which will remove swelling.

However, a woman is capable of bursting into tears at any moment. There are methods that will save you regardless of the time of day.

If you have 10 minutes

Eye lotions

Washing with cold water helps eliminate swelling. In a public place, a toilet room is suitable for this. Fold the paper towel in half. Wet it with cool water. Apply one at a time to closed eyes for 15 seconds. Look up. Hold the wipes under your lower eyelashes for another 15 seconds. After the procedure, let the skin dry. Repeat the process if necessary.

At home, wet a soft, fluffy towel with cold water. Leave it on your face for 10 minutes. The lower temperature will narrow the blood vessels around the eyes and reduce swelling. It's easy to relieve swelling with an ice pack or frozen vegetables. Large fruits are not suitable for this; it is difficult to distribute them evenly over the skin. If swelling occurs frequently, use a cooling bag. Fill a clean sock with uncooked rice and place it in the freezer.

It is important to consider the nuances:

  1. Do not rub your eyes or use soap.
  2. Sometimes in such a situation, a solution of table salt is used - a teaspoon in a glass of ice water. This is contraindicated for red, irritated skin.
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Massage and gymnastics

It would be good to do some exercises. Rotate your eyes in a circle, up and down, from right to left. Blink quickly. Impacts on the active centers will also help: light pressure on the middle point under the eyes, where the hard bone ends, then the same on the inner corner of the visual organ and on the outer one.

Then you need to rub your palms together vigorously until they become warm and close your eyes so as to completely immerse yourself in darkness and the warmth of your palms. This method has been practiced by yogis since ancient times. A finger shower is also good - a quick and light tapping of the fingers along the border between the bone and the lower eyelid.

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There's a whole night ahead

Makeup removal

If the trouble happened in the evening and you need to be in shape for the next day, remove your makeup first. Puffiness under the eyes in the morning will worsen if you go to bed wearing makeup. Remains of shadows cause bacterial growth and skin redness. In any situation, it is better to wash off makeup before going to bed.

How to do it correctly:

  1. Remove makeup with micellar water . This is a gentle and effective makeup remover, a gentle way to cleanse the skin of red eyelids. Apply a few drops of product to a cotton pad and remove eye shadow and mascara with light movements.
  2. Wash with a gentle facial cleanser . Wait for it to dry completely.
  3. Apply cooled cream . Keep the jar in the refrigerator for no more than 10 minutes. Apply the product carefully so as not to injure reddened eyelids. Low temperature will relieve swelling, the cream will soften and lighten the skin. Avoid products with mint. It may cause irritation.

Folk remedies

  • Fresh cucumber

This is an excellent and inexpensive cosmetic product. This vegetable can remove swelling from the eyes, refresh and moisturize the face as a whole. Apply thin slices of cucumber to the bags under the eyes. Naturally in a lying position. The procedure lasts about fifteen minutes. Then you need to go over your entire face with cucumber for overall freshness. It is better to eat the rest of the vegetable, as it has diuretic properties.

  • Black tea

Regular tea is the simplest and most famous remedy for getting rid of swelling. It is also widely used when bags appear under the eyes after a restless night. It is better to use black tea without additives or flavorings.

Soak cotton pads in the tea leaves and apply to each eye. You can fill gauze with tea leaves. The simplest thing is to apply lightly wrung out tea bags. This should be done while lying down. Well, in a different position the lotion simply won’t stay on the eyelids.

Green tea also relieves swelling, but when used externally it is not as effective as black tea. It should be drunk in case of swelling. Including if they arose as a result of drinking alcohol in the evening.

  • Grated potatoes

A raw vegetable is also the first friend of a crying lady. Thanks to starch, ordinary potatoes will perfectly cope with swelling in a couple of minutes. True, it is better to rub the fruits, wrap them in gauze and apply them, but if you urgently need to put yourself in order, then just slices will do.

  • Ice

Every modern woman knows that there should always be ice cubes in the freezer. This is an indispensable remedy for quickly relieving swelling at home. You can freeze pure water, herbal decoction, milk or whey. If after crying there are strong swellings, then you should apply ice cubes and hold them until they melt. Then wipe your entire face.

  • Dairy products

Kefir will also help hide traces of sobbing. The acid contained in this product will shrink irritated blood vessels and the accumulated liquid will go away. A cotton pad soaked in kefir is placed on each eye.

  • Egg white

It is the white without the yolk that is also suitable for removing traces of tears. In addition, it is an excellent remedy for wrinkles under the eyes. But here you need to make sure that the protein does not dry out and tighten the skin. Therefore, we wet our eyelids every two minutes. Micellar water is very suitable for this.

  • Herbal decoction compress

And again, a cotton pad or just pieces of cotton wool are moistened with herbal decoctions. Help here: chamomile, sage, birch leaf. Apply for 10-15 minutes. The last one listed gives results in the form of a drink. It has a mild diuretic effect and helps quickly.

Parsley and dill can also be used, and not only in the form of a decoction, but also in a crushed state, applying the paste to the eyes. Moreover, the effect will be stronger if you mix aromatic herbs with kefir or whey, honey or grated potatoes. They also act when taken orally, as they have a mild diuretic nature.

  • Chilled spoon

Place two teaspoons in the freezer for a couple of minutes. Apply to swelling and leave until the metal warms up. Repeat several times if necessary. This will definitely help.

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Masks for puffy eyes

Sometimes conventional methods cannot cope with severe swelling. In such cases, in search of an effective solution to remove swelling from the eyes after tears, masks will help:

  • Mask of greens and sour cream. A bunch of finely chopped parsley is mixed with rich sour cream. Apply to the lower eyelid and keep for half an hour. Wash off with plain water and wipe the skin with tonic or lotion.
  • Egg white mask. Beat the egg whites until they reach a thick, dense consistency. Then apply to the eyelids and leave for 20 – 30 minutes. Wash with cool water without using soap.

Sometimes the answer to the question of how to remove swelling after crying is quite simple. Decoctions of herbs (sage, cold mint, chamomile) or green juice (parsley and dill) will help relieve swelling. The sponges are soaked in the infusion and pressed against the eyes for a quarter of an hour.

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An additional method that will help get rid of swelling is gymnastics and self-massage of the eyes. They relieve tension, relieve swelling, normalize blood circulation and tighten the skin.

  • The eyes are closed tightly for a couple of seconds and opened. Repeat 10 times.
  • Blink quickly for 15–30 seconds.
  • The eyeballs rotate first counterclockwise, then clockwise.
  • The gaze is directed downward, and the tip of the index finger is passed along the upper eyelid to the outer side from the inner.
  • Looking up, place the pad of the middle finger on the outer edge of the lower eyelid. Touching pointwise, run your finger over the entire surface.

Swollen eyelids are an unpleasant consequence of crying. But effective methods will quickly bring your eyes back to normal and relieve facial swelling after crying.

Pharmaceutical products against puffiness around the eyes

Of course, these methods are good when you are at home and everything is at hand. But life hides surprises and not always pleasant ones. A stream of tears can find us anywhere. And in this case, products from the pharmacy will help. It wouldn't hurt to carry some of them in your purse all the time. For what? Yes, just in case.

  • Diuretics
Tablets should always be taken only after consultation with a specialist and, if this is not a medicine prescribed by a doctor, then taken only once and in exceptional cases.

The use of medications should in no case become something that is used at a time when you want to cry. And once again: before you put a diuretic in your medicine cabinet, consult your doctor.

What pharmacies offer on this topic: the heaviest artillery is Furosemide. The drug has a stunning effect, so if the restroom is outside the easy access zone, then it is better to avoid it. "Bumetanide" is even stronger, but the effect is not so long-lasting. If you still use a diuretic from a pharmacy, it is better to have a mild effect. "Triamterene", "Amiloride".

  • Ointments and creams

“Relief” and “Proctoniz” are good for quickly eliminating bags under the eyes. “Heparin ointment” and a number of others. To purchase, you should consult a pharmacist. It could be: "Troxevasin", "Lioton". The main thing here is to read the instructions carefully and not get too carried away. Any cosmetic cream for the skin around the eyes will do. It is possible to enhance its effect by adding a drop of liquid vitamin E.

  • Drops

Visine is absolutely irreplaceable. One drop in each eye, and the blood vessels will shrink. Lightning effect.

  • Therapeutic plasters

Modern pharmaceuticals also offer a remedy that they were waiting for - a patch. It is much safer than pills and gives quick results. This is a product from, and from “Luzero”, and others. The patches are created from plant extracts and have a gel base. They have a cosmetic effect and not only remove swelling, but also refresh and rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. Literally fifteen minutes and you can do your makeup.

Causes of bags under the eyes

Puffiness under the eyes can occur for many reasons - for example, poor diet, cosmetics, congenital and pathological processes - all this can affect the formation of the hated bags.

Poor nutrition

No matter what anyone says, proper nutrition is an integral part of a healthy body. Junk food can negatively affect not only your figure, but also your skin tone. Therefore, give preference to healthy foods instead of fast food and fried foods. Also, do not overuse salt: as we know, it retains water in the body, which causes the face to swell.

The influence of cosmetics

Poor-quality cosmetics or incorrectly selected care products can provoke an allergic reaction, which may result in swelling under the eyes. Moisturizing creams can also cause morning swelling of the eyelids if you apply the cream generously before bed.

Pathological processes

In addition to acquired factors, the formation of bags under the eyes can be affected by heredity, disease and pathological processes. Thin skin, a predisposition to rosacea and allergic reactions can cause dark circles.

How to remove bags under the eyes at home?

Let's figure out how you can deal with puffiness under the eyes while sitting at home and without resorting to expensive procedures.


Pharmacy ointments can cope well with bags caused by an unbalanced diet, lack of sleep, or sitting at the computer for a long time. When choosing an ointment, pay attention to components such as caffeine, rosemary, heparin, sage, vitamin C, zinc, psyllium, phenylephrine. The most popular ointments are Relief, Zinc, Afulim, Lyoton.


Everyone's favorite patches are a real help against puffiness under the eyes. They not only fight bags, but also smooth and moisturize the skin. You can purchase this miracle product in almost every cosmetic store.

Photo: Pexels

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