How to choose glasses for yourself: secrets of a successful purchase

If you choose the wrong glasses

What happens if you choose the wrong glasses?

It would seem that choosing glasses, what could be easier?
The main thing is that they look beautiful, fit well, and the doctor will write a prescription. It doesn’t even matter for what purpose we purchase medical or safety glasses. But, despite all this apparent simplicity, we somehow acquire glasses that can cause irreparable harm to our eyes! And many people continue to wear these glasses for quite a long time. There are excuses for everything, either it’s lazy or there’s no time. In order to scare careless glasses-wearers a little, we will tell you about the consequences of incorrectly chosen glasses.


When we wear glasses we can feel very comfortable. But, after a few years, out of the blue, we develop a fairly common disease - astigmatism.

What is astigmatism?

The lens of the eye and the cornea must have a completely flat surface. With their help we observe the world around us. And when we look at objects we see them clearly. If the cornea or lens of the eye is damaged, then some distortion of the image occurs.

Everything seems blurry and distant to us, objects are pretentiously curved and irregular. The most dangerous thing is that the initial stages of the disease are practically imperceptible. And our confidence in 100% vision continues to exist.

How to determine astigmatism?

If your eyes become overworked, then headaches begin. The image appears blurry and may even appear double. After working at the computer or reading, such symptoms are felt most sharply. Astigmatism can only be cured through surgery.

Eye of the people

Russia is becoming a country of bespectacled people.

Myopia is steadily advancing, rightfully occupying first place in the list of eye diseases. Doctors have estimated that today almost a third of schoolchildren approach the last bell with vision loss. And after college this figure reaches 55%.

It is important to know that myopia can be treated. And we’re not even talking about the surgical correction that is fashionable today. In many cases, the disease can be overcome with special exercises. And even if it is not possible to restore 100% vision, then it is quite possible to stop its decline.

Moreover, the fight against this disease largely depends on the person himself. The main thing here is not to be lazy, because restoring vision is a long process. But the end result is worth the effort.

How to pump up your eye biceps

With myopia, a person usually sees objects located at a distance of up to 30-40 cm well, and dimly sees objects located further away. This happens because during prolonged work associated with examining small objects close up, the eye muscles become overtired and the eyeball gradually begins to change shape. But muscles can be trained! We have chosen a set of exercises that, according to oculists, have already restored vigilance to many people.


Blink rapidly for sixty seconds. After this, take a short break and repeat the exercise again.


Sitting in a comfortable position, you need to close your eyes tightly for three to five seconds. After this, you need to keep your eyes open for the same amount of time and repeat the exercise again. Repeat 6-8 times.


Standing, extend your hand forward and look at the tip of your finger, which should be located along the midline of your face. Without taking your eyes off your finger, slowly move it towards your nose. You need to look at your finger until it starts to double. Repeat 6-8 times.


Using three fingers of your right and left hands, lightly press on the upper eyelid of both eyes, hold them there for one or two seconds, then remove them from your eyes. Repeat 3-4 times.


Press the skin of the brow ridges with your index fingers and slowly close your eyelids without removing your fingers. Repeat 8-10 times.


Slowly move your gaze from the floor to the ceiling and back. During this, under no circumstances should you move your head. Repeat 8-12 times.


Make slow circular movements with your eyes, first clockwise, then in the other direction. Repeat 4-6 times.


Move your hand to the right side, then slowly move the finger of your half-bent hand from right to left. Follow the moving finger without moving your head. Repeat 10-12 times.

Exercises are done daily. And until you feel improvement.

According to doctors, the effect of treating myopia with exercises (experts call it “accomodo training”) becomes noticeable only after several months of use. But if you don’t stop there, then in some cases you can almost completely restore your vigilance.

By the way, these exercises should be done not only by bespectacled people. Such training helps to maintain visual acuity for ordinary people.

These eyes don't mind

Here's another effective eye workout:

A paper circle slightly larger than a match head is glued to the window glass at eye level with tape or regular office glue.

Then, paying attention to the mark, you select any object outside the window that is in line with the mark and your eyes.

Now you need to slowly move your gaze from the mark to this object and back.

The exercise should be performed 2 times a day for a month. The duration of such training of the intraocular muscles in the first 2 days should be 3 minutes, then for 3 days - 5 minutes, and then you need to do 2 workouts a day for 7-8 minutes. Until the end of the month.

By the way, similar gymnastics for the eyes can be done not only at home. For example, you regularly ride the tram and wait for it at the stop every day. Take this time to exercise. When you see a tram approaching, try to identify its number without glasses, even if you can barely see it! Then move your gaze to a closer object (for example, to the nearest pole, kiosk). Again, focus your gaze on the tram number. Over time, you will notice that you will begin to detect it at increasingly greater distances.

And my head hurts

A frequent companion of myopic people is headaches. They can be so strong and long-lasting that they are often confused with migraines. And the reason is spasms of overtired eye muscles.

An attack of pain is preceded by aching in the eyeballs. It may be accompanied by a feeling of “fullness.” This is due to a temporary increase in intraocular pressure. Then there is a burning sensation and pain in the eye sockets, pressing pain in the head. Often one of the eye sockets hurts more than the other, since one eye, usually the dominant one, is more tense.

Sometimes even pills don't help with these attacks. But gymnastics saves. It also has another positive effect. It has been observed that people with poor vision are more likely to suffer from depression. And this is understandable, because we receive 90% of information about the world around us through our eyes. And poor eyesight is directly related to bad mood. And here, of course, no medications will help. But regular eye training can be a salvation in this case too.

Medical fact

“It turns out that when both parents are myopic, the likelihood that their children will also begin to suffer from it at school age is 50%. If both parents have normal vision, myopia appears in only 8% of children.

— Incorrectly selected glasses or their absence at all at the first appearance of myopia leads to further eye strain and contributes to the progression of the disease. Sometimes this even leads to amblyopia (lazy eye syndrome) and strabismus.

— Poor nutrition can also affect the development of eye diseases. A lack of microelements in the diet (such as zinc, magnesium, copper, chromium, etc.), as well as “eye” vitamin A, contributes to the progression of myopia.

Glasses for nearsightedness (myopia)

Nearsightedness (myopia) is a common vision problem. It affects about four out of ten people.

The simplest, cheapest and safest way to treat (correct) myopia is glasses. They use concave diverging (minus) spectacle lenses. They refract light rays in such a way that the focus of the observed object falls directly on the retina. As a result, the object in question becomes clear.

Without correction, light rays are focused in front of the retina and distant objects appear blurry.

For first degree myopia (up to -3 diopters), glasses are often not prescribed unless the patient experiences discomfort. A small degree of this pathology does not significantly affect the quality of vision. However, the danger lies in the possibility of disease progression.

If glasses are required, those that provide complete correction of myopia are prescribed. That is, they provide 100% vision. They are used only when necessary - for distance. A person performs work at a close distance from the eyes without glasses.

If the patient suffers from moderate myopia (from -3 to -6 diopters), he is prescribed glasses to wear constantly. Since with such indicators a person sees poorly not only distant objects, but also those located closer to the eyes. You can't do without glasses in such a situation.

For various types of work at close distances, a second pair of glasses (for near) is often prescribed, or bifocal glasses are prescribed. The upper half of the lenses of these glasses is designed to correct distance vision. The lower half improves near vision. Moreover, the lower half of the glass is several diopters weaker than the upper half.

In case of a high degree of this pathology (more than -6 diopters), glasses are prescribed for constant wear.

With a significant number of diopters, full correction is intolerable. Therefore, the ophthalmologist prescribes a correction based on tolerance. That is, they provide not 100% vision, but one with which the patient will be comfortable.

If glasses are prescribed in childhood and adolescence, they are usually well tolerated. During this period, you can use lenses that completely correct myopia. While it is much more difficult for adult patients to get used to glasses. They are prescribed weaker glasses, since complete correction of myopia will cause eye fatigue.

Difficulties in getting used to glasses arise with a combination of myopia and astigmatism, correction of anisometropia (different optical powers of the eyes).

In addition, the problem with wearing glasses is that they distort the image. Objects in them seem smaller than they are in reality.

About visual acuity with and without glasses.

A few more subtleties about our vision from Erica Dolgatova.

“I noticed this pattern: patients are usually interested in visual acuity without glasses, for them this is an indicator of whether they need to wear glasses or not.
And ophthalmologists are interested in visual acuity in glasses, because it is this that shows whether one can limit oneself to the prescription of glasses or whether treatment is necessary. Let's think about what determines visual acuity with and without glasses, and also try to understand why wearing glasses naturally reduces visual acuity without glasses. The most common mistake made by those who use glasses is when they confuse visual acuity and refraction. For example, they often tell me something like this: “my vision is either minus 5 or 0.2, the doctor said something unclear.” In this case, the patient’s clinical refraction is myopia of 5 diopters, and visual acuity is 0.2 (note: no diopters, just 0.2). Usually, the higher the refraction, the worse the visual acuity, but there is no strict connection here. There are no special calculations. Therefore, to describe the condition of the eyes, we necessarily indicate visual acuity without glasses, refraction and visual acuity with maximum correction, that is, with lenses corresponding to the refraction. Visual acuity with maximum correction shows whether there are any concomitant or complicating diseases, because if it’s only a matter of glasses, then vision with glasses should be 100%. If we cannot achieve 100% correction with any lenses (that is, visual acuity of 1.0 is not achievable with any lenses), then we are looking for a disease. And visual acuity without glasses is the eye’s adaptation to disproportionate refraction, that is, to a state where the focus does not fall on the retina. Of course, it depends on the degree of refraction, but it also depends on the size of the pupil, on visual tension and on other factors. It can be developed. By the way, this is exactly what the Bates, Norbekov and similar systems do. Moreover, increasing visual acuity without glasses is not a guarantee that myopia is not progressing. I had a patient - a schoolgirl with slowly progressing myopia of 1.5 D. Her mother was fascinated by the Bates system, did not bring the girl for an examination for two years, and when she brought her in, she boasted that she did not allow her daughter to wear glasses and her vision had improved. Indeed, the girl’s visual acuity without glasses became higher, but myopia increased to 3 D. Mom bitterly regretted the lost time. By the way, it is precisely this adaptation of the eyes to the absence of glasses that is associated with the myth that as soon as you start wearing glasses, your vision will deteriorate. The fact is that when a person wears glasses, he sees the world much better than without glasses (we, of course, initially believe that the glasses are chosen correctly). The eye adapts specifically to vision with glasses; you quickly get used to a good life! And visual acuity without glasses may decrease. Imagine that your tap water is of poor quality. You drink it (there is no other one!), you even like it because it quenches your thirst. And suddenly, within a month, you have the opportunity to drink crystal spring water. Pleasure! What will you experience next when you take your tap water into your mouth again? That's right, you will immediately understand how bad she is. And you will probably look for an opportunity to drink good water - now you know what drinking water should be like! And if this is not possible, over time you will again get used to your tap water. And there will definitely be people who will tell you: “Why install these water filters, why buy purified water? Water purification systems are advertised to make money from you! A normal body does not need additional water purification. He can handle this kind of water too. And so on." And many people believe and drink what comes from the tap and do not think about the harm they cause to their body. But many people don’t have this problem, because their tap water is already of good quality. I hope my allegory is clear? If visual acuity itself is high, of course no glasses are needed. For example, I prescribe glasses for myopia only if visual acuity without glasses is below 0.6. And we forcefully assign glasses only to children. And if you are over 15 years old and your visual acuity suits you, for God’s sake, you don’t have to go to the ophthalmologist at all, unless there is progression. I am not struggling with visual acuity, but with the progression of myopia. If visual acuity is below 0.6, then this already affects the quality of life. And why endure if you can get the opportunity to see the world fully with the help of glasses or contact lenses? But in the end, this is a matter of taste, and everyone decides for themselves whether to wear glasses or not, if there is no progression of vision loss (I won’t get tired of repeating this). But there may be such a situation, for example: a person has myopia of 1.5 D, visual acuity of 0.6. We were prescribed glasses that completely correct the refraction, that is, minus 1.5 D, with these glasses the visual acuity is 1.0. After some time after constantly wearing such glasses, visual acuity without glasses becomes 0.3, because the eye has adapted to the normal visual conditions that the glasses provided it with. You see, here everyone is free to decide whether to wear glasses or train their visual acuity without glasses. It's a completely different matter when myopia progresses. When working with my patients, I first try to stop the progression, and only then allow them to choose whether to wear glasses or not. And further. I noticed this pattern: patients are usually interested in visual acuity without glasses, for them this is an indicator of whether they need to wear glasses or not. And ophthalmologists are interested in visual acuity in glasses, because it is this that shows whether one can limit oneself to the prescription of glasses or whether treatment is necessary. Visual acuity depends on two components: 1) the quality of the optical system of the eye 2) the size of the cones in the center of the fundus of the eye. I'll start with the second one. The smaller the diameter of the cone, the greater the resolving power of the eye. If the images of two points fall on one cone of the fundus, we will perceive them as one point (because one cone reacts). If the distance between the points increases so much that their images fall on two adjacent cones, we will see a line, that is, we will perceive them together. For dots to be perceived separately, their images must fall on two non-adjacent cones, that is, between two reacting cones there must be at least one intact (sleeping) cone. Its diameter will determine visual acuity. The angular size of the cone is 1 minute (I hope everyone remembers the angular units: 1 degree = 60 minutes) as the norm corresponding to visual acuity of 1.0. But now visual acuity of 1.5 and even 2.0 is becoming more common. This suggests that the diameter of cones in humans has decreased compared to what it was, say, 30 years ago. So it turns out that with astigmatism of 1.0 D, one person will have a visual acuity of 0.4, and another - 1.0. This means that one has a larger cone diameter, and the other has a smaller one. In principle, a person feels comfortable already with a visual acuity of 0.8-0.9. And if he has no complaints and no desire to wear glasses, then we can assume that he does not have astigmatism. Now let's talk about the quality of the optical system of the eye. My Teacher, professor-pathophysiologist M.G. Kishov, said: “In biology, and especially in medicine, two and two will never be four, it will be 3.99 or 4.002, but not four.” The spherical shape of the cornea is an unattainable ideal; we all have astigmatism of varying degrees. With a constant cone diameter, visual acuity will be greater, the smaller the focal line. In this case, maximum vision is achieved when the retina is located between the main foci. In this zone, the light scattering spot on the retina will be smallest and close to a circle. With the small size of this focal circle and the small diameter of the cones, visual acuity can even be one hundred percent. From time to time, patients with high myopia come to my office who have never worn glasses and have no intention of wearing them. They ask to prescribe contact lenses. After wearing contact lenses for three months, they can no longer refuse them - visual acuity drops without correction. You quickly get used to a good life! One patient was so delighted when she put on the lenses: “Oh, I can see every leaf on the tree!” Recently there was a girl with myopia of 26.0 D!!! She wears glasses minus 18.0D, she calmly walks around the city in them, travels by transport - in a word, she lives. Adapted. Higher glasses greatly reduce visual acuity due to image reduction. She urgently needed contact lenses for some celebration, but I didn’t have any in stock above minus 10.0 D. She put them on and calmly left. He says, of course, I don’t see very well, but it’s acceptable. I advised her to take lenses of the same strength as glasses - minus 18.0 D. She is used to this correction, there will be no tension either far or near, and the image quality will be much higher than with glasses, due to the absence of aberrations . There is a famous joke about a foreigner who said to a citizen of the Soviet Union: “You are happy people, because you don’t know how badly you live.” If you don’t wear glasses, you can live; a person adapts and doesn’t know how good it can be when the focus falls on the retina. But once you have felt the beauty of clear vision, you really don’t want to return to the previous quality of vision! This means that this is a double-edged sword: you start wearing glasses, and your visual acuity without glasses begins to fall. But with glasses you can see so well! And correctly selected glasses do not cause progression of myopia. And then there are contact lenses. So everyone decides for himself whether to wear glasses or not, if his refraction is stable, that is, myopia does not progress.”

Spectacle glasses and frames

Glasses for myopia correction have a number of features. This must be remembered when choosing glasses.

  • The lenses are thinner in the center and thicker towards the edges.
  • Mineral glass is a traditional material for making spectacle lenses. However, they have a number of disadvantages, in particular their significant weight.
  • Today, most lenses for myopia glasses are made from different types of plastic. They are lighter, highly impact-resistant, and scratch-resistant. There are different types of plastic lenses. They can be polycarbonate, high-index, aspherical, photochromic and others.
  • Polycarbonate lenses are lightweight, durable, and resistant to impacts and scratches. They have a high refractive index. They are a good choice for children and myopic people involved in sports.

Symptoms that the glasses are not chosen correctly

A blurry image is the main sign that the glasses are not chosen correctly. The patient may not experience discomfort if the difference between the prescribed lenses and the required ones is insignificant.

However, a big difference can cause eye strain and resulting headaches, dizziness, and nausea.

In some cases, these phenomena may occur during the period of adaptation to new glasses. When glasses to correct myopia are prescribed for the first time, objects seen appear smaller and further away than they actually are. You need to get used to this effect. It may cause some spatial disorientation.

If after 7-10 days the headaches and blurred vision do not stop, it is necessary to determine what is causing this. Do you need more time to get used to your glasses, are the glasses fitted incorrectly, or are the glasses not installed correctly in the frame?

If the ophthalmologist confirms that the parameters of the required lenses are determined correctly, you should contact the optical salon that manufactured the glasses. It is likely that the position of the lenses in the frame needs to be adjusted.

Incorrectly chosen glasses can cause constant eye fatigue. In the long term, they may contribute to the progression of myopia.

We sit on the bow, looking far away

If a person complains of frequent headaches and general fatigue, an urgent need to reduce eye strain. Otherwise, before he knows it, he will join the ranks of bespectacled people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are now about a billion glasses wearers on the globe, that is, every sixth person has vision problems!

Alas, I am also one of them. Hours of reading, computer and other overloads have done their dirty work. I had to visit Optics. The first thing I noticed was the huge selection of frames. I choose one at random and place it on my nose. "Hooray! Looks like it’s coming!” - I rejoice from the bottom of my heart. But my enthusiasm was immediately cooled by the consultant: “Have you thought about lenses? What are we going to put in – plastic or glass?”

Attention: plastic!

Ophthalmologists are horrified by how we, ordinary people, choose glasses for ourselves. For some reason, it is believed that the main thing is to choose a frame, but many people don’t even think about what lenses will be inserted into it.

“For the most part, people treat glasses not as a medical product, but rather as an ordinary product,” an ophthalmologist I know is indignant. — Glasses are sold by all and sundry: from stalls in the market, at train stations, on trains. In underground passages they generally promise to fulfill orders of any complexity. But the quality of optics in such stores, so to speak, is not even subject to discussion.

Those who bought at low prices will face big troubles: if the optical parameters (diopters and center-to-center distance) are not met, the body will definitely try to compensate for the distortion. As a result, the person will experience eye fatigue, headaches and further deterioration of vision.

You need to choose lenses for glasses not only by dioptres, but also by the material from which they are made. Plastic lenses are much stronger than glass lenses and usually won't break if the glasses are accidentally dropped. That's why they are inserted into children's frames. In addition, since plastic is thicker and lighter than glass, it is inserted if there are a lot of diopters. “Can you imagine how much the glasses in the glasses will weigh if the vision is, say, minus eight? They can no longer be inserted into an elegant frame,” says Zinaida, a consultant at the Optika salon. The best plastic - with anti-reflective, hardening, water-repellent and antibacterial coating - has a greenish tint. Such lenses do not fog up, eliminate glare and make the image clearer.

True, this material also has disadvantages: it must be handled with extreme care. If you put these glasses on a hard surface with the lenses facing down, scratches immediately appear. So, if you’ve already splurged on plastic, buy soft rags or disposable napkins, of which any “Optics” is full. They will clean the lenses from dust and grease and prevent fogging. And it is best to store glasses in a semi-rigid or hard case.

What frame do we need?

However, you shouldn’t forget about the frame. You also need to choose it skillfully. A good frame has flexible metal (say, titanium) and flexible temples with a spring. Such glasses will never put pressure on your temples. In addition, the “correct” frames have soft and movable nose pads that will not cause pain to the bridge of the nose.

Inspect the temples: they must indicate the country of manufacture (both on the inside and outside) or have a company label (it must indicate the country of manufacture, the name of the company, its telephone number and address). In this case, it is useful to compare the brand name on the label and on the temple of the glasses (sometimes the name is printed directly on the lens). Coincidence? So everything is fine. You can also rub the inscription on the temples. If it wears off, this means it’s obviously a fake. Some craftsmen cover the homemade inscription with a layer of varnish. So look to see if the marking is different in gloss from the rest of the surface and if there are visible boundaries of the varnish coating.

The material from which the frame is made is also important. Dermatologists warn that low-quality plastic or metal can cause a so-called contact allergy (low-quality materials may contain toxic substances). Manifestations of such an allergy are reddish rashes on the skin.

Glasses should not slide down your nose. If your face is thin and long, choose oval frames. If you have a round face, buy rectangular glasses without rounded parts with very dark frames. They will optically narrow your face. A square face will look more attractive if you optically reduce the width of your cheekbones and lower your chin. Therefore, you need glasses that sit high on the bridge of your nose and have thin metal frames. It is better if the lenses are slightly rounded downwards. For a rectangular face, massive glasses with a wide bridge on the bridge of the nose in black or dark brown frames are suitable. And for a triangular face, you need to choose glasses that sit low on the bridge of the nose in thin metal oval frames with small lenses.

Another subject of eternal dissatisfaction is the nose. If it is too long, it can be visually shortened by frames with slightly raised edges and a double bridge on the bridge of the nose. And if you are large, buy a large frame that extends far beyond your cheekbones. To prevent a small nose from appearing like a button, buy a light frame with a curved bridge on the bridge of the nose.

In addition, stylists advise blondes to buy frames in black, blue or green. Brunettes, on the contrary, need light frames: silver-gray or gold. Red-haired people, who already attract attention, can have glasses with lilac, light green or blue frames. If you have noble gray hair, you can buy frames of any color except gray (but not silver) and yellow (but not gold).

And remember: any frame should go along the line of the eyebrows, and not higher. Otherwise, especially if you are farsighted, you will look like a bug-eyed monster.

After choosing a frame, show the prescription to the consultant. Only he knows about some very important nuances. For example, about the fact that it is impossible to install a lens with a small centering in a large frame (R.Ts. 58-62). And an astigmatic person is contraindicated with an open frame on a fishing line. With such complex vision, it is important to respect the angle at which the lens is ground. Frames with polymer (on a fishing line) gradually become loose. And over time, the astigmatist will see everything in the fog.

How to choose glasses for a child

At best, children's glasses last two years. The child grows, his head enlarges, and gradually the glasses begin to slide down his nose. This is a signal: it's time to change your frames and lenses. When choosing frames for your baby, do not forget about safety: your baby should play, run and jump while wearing glasses. It is better if the frame is made of light but durable metal or plastic. In young children, the bridge of the nose is usually flat and wide, so fitting should take quite a long time.

Even if your child claims that everything is fine, check that the frame does not leave marks. Pay attention to the shape of the temples. For fidgety people, it is better to choose ones that can be twisted around the ears so that the glasses do not fall off.

Children under 15 years of age are not recommended to wear contact lenses.

Glasses or contacts?

They say glasses are inconvenient: they sometimes fog up, sometimes get dirty, sometimes they slide down your nose or fall off. And in general, they interfere with running, jumping, swimming, digging and even sweeping. Those who are dissatisfied are usually advised to buy contact lenses. But here, as in any other matter, you need to act with feeling, sense, and alignment.

First of all, you will have to consult an ophthalmologist. Contact lenses are contraindicated for inflammatory eye diseases (keratitis, conjunctivitis, scleritis, blepharitis), obstruction of the lacrimal ducts and inflammation of the lacrimal sac. They are not recommended to be worn by people with benign formations that mechanically interfere with the movement of the lenses. And also for those who work with toxic and chemically active substances.

The doctor will determine the power of the lenses in diopters and the radius of curvature of the cornea (the lens should automatically be located in the middle of the cornea and not move to the side).

What are the benefits of lenses? The eye and the lens are a single optical system, so the image visible through contact lenses is much closer to that perceived by a person with normal vision. The glass of glasses, located at some distance from the lens of the eye, by definition does not provide such naturalness. It is safer to lead an active lifestyle wearing lenses: after all, unlike glasses, they cannot be broken or forgotten while visiting or at work.

Flaws. Opponents of contact lenses argue that in the first seven minutes of wearing the lenses, the lenses cause swelling of the cornea, interrupt the contact of the eye with the atmosphere and make it difficult to remove toxins. It is not recommended to fly on an airplane wearing lenses. Low humidity in an airplane cabin can dry out your eyes and cause discomfort. To get rid of this feeling, you need to use special moisturizing drops or even remove your lenses during the flight. In addition, some people simply cannot get used to the fact that, although there is not a log in their eye, there is still a foreign object. Sometimes lenses cause allergies.

However, for every “fie” addressed to contact lenses, manufacturers have a worthy answer. If your eyes feel dry when wearing lenses, choose hard lenses. Their newest modifications are air and gas permeable. In addition, compared to soft lenses, hard lenses correct vision defects better, although they are more difficult to get used to.

Modern soft contact lenses, unlike hard ones, are very elastic and can contain up to 70% liquid. Thanks to this, even though the lenses fit tightly to the cornea, its nutrition is not disrupted.

How to care. The most important thing is to remember how long you should wear your lenses. If you wear lenses, not only do you need to soak them in a multi-purpose solution every day, but you also need to clean them with enzymatic cleaners. This removes various types of deposits that contaminate the pores of the lens and prevent it from passing oxygen. The enzyme solution is prepared immediately before the procedure.

Help for bespectacled people:

• Photochromes, or “chameleon” glasses, whose color intensity changes depending on the lighting, will save you from the blinding sun.

• Anti-headlights have the same property. They suppress glare from oncoming headlights, improve color contrast and image clarity. Therefore, they are convenient for drivers.

• Computer lenses. Protects against electromagnetic radiation and relieves eye fatigue.

• Training glasses. Needed for prevention. There are no glasses in them, but there are rows of holes, passing through which the flow of scattered light that usually enters the eyes is weakened by 4-5 times. Without the use of surgical, medicinal or optical means, such glasses can increase visual acuity by 25-30%. But in order not to fall for the bait of scammers, make sure that the preventive glasses you choose have a Russian Federation patent and certificate.

It is not recommended to swim or swim in the pool wearing soft contact lenses: water can easily wash the lenses off your eyes. In addition, there are a lot of microbes in open water, chlorine in a swimming pool, and soft contact lenses have high absorbency.

Rules for handling lenses:

• Store lenses in a closed container at room temperature.

• Do not clean lenses with saliva or water.

• Do not use the same solution twice or a solution that has expired.

• Put lenses on before applying makeup and remove them before removing makeup.

• It is not recommended to wear lenses if you have a cold.

• Do not wear lenses in the sauna, bathhouse or swimming pool.

• Do not expose lenses to aerosols, hot steam or paint fumes.

• If redness, irritation, a persistent foreign body sensation in the eye occurs, or vision changes, immediately remove the lenses and consult a doctor.

• Unlike glasses with lenses, as you can see, there is quite a lot of hassle. Maybe that’s why in the debate about what is better - glasses or contact lenses, so far the bespectacled people are winning. At the same time, women who follow fashion trends have both glasses and lenses in their arsenal. But men are conservative in this regard: it’s easier for them to buy glasses and not fool themselves.

Incorrectly fitted contact lenses. What will be the consequences?

Those who have vision problems do not need to wear glasses.
Glasses are a method of the last century, but nowadays contact lenses are becoming more and more popular. Such contact lenses are most often used for vision correction, even in very difficult cases, where glasses simply cannot be used due to certain features. Depending on the degree of vision and the type of problem, the doctor may prescribe soft or hard models. Soft CLs are used much more often, but hard ones are used for correction in serious cases.

Contact lenses are used not only to improve vision, but also to radically correct the color of the iris or change the shape of the pupil, etc. They are called colored contact lenses and are used most often by young people. The demand for such fashionable accessories has led to the availability of colored lenses with diopters. Such models can not only change eye color, but also correct vision.

Colored lenses do not in any way change the color of the perception of the surrounding world. It must be remembered that they are contraindicated for children and it is better not to aggravate them for adults.

Consequences of wearing the wrong glasses

So, we found out that there is no correct way to select glasses. And except for the obvious cases when the plus is confused with the minus, and the right lens with the left, there is only one criterion by which the glasses can be considered incorrect - the patient could not get used to them.

Are these glasses dangerous? Most likely no. Even if you wear the wrong glasses for a very long time, the only problem will be symptoms of discomfort: eye fatigue, nausea, dizziness, headaches, blurred vision, distortion of the shape and size of objects, but there is no information about irreparable visual impairment in adult patients.

But in children, you can miss the moment to treat strabismus!

Read about the rules for prescribing glasses for children

"Floating" lenses

It is very important to carefully consider the choice of lenses, whatever they are - for vision or for a cosmetic effect. The most common problem that develops due to improper selection is the so-called “floating” of the lens. That is, the ophthalmic device will move along the surface of the eye when the eyeball moves, when blinking. This shouldn't happen. In any case, such a result will cause inconvenience to the person and will create discomfort. In addition, this behavior of the device can contribute to inflammation. Micro-particles of dust and microorganisms will get under the lens.

Optical power mismatch

The biggest danger lies in incorrectly selected optical powers of the CL. In a similar case with glasses, the patient often takes them off, looks over the glasses, and a slight deviation in the optical powers is almost imperceptible, although with prolonged use of such glasses, sooner or later it will affect vision.

But with lenses everything is much more dangerous. The patient does not remove the lenses for a long time and the eyes are forced to adjust and strain additionally, instead of perceiving the clearest possible image without stress. The result will be poor vision.

A few words about caring for CL

For hygiene, there are special liquids that help clean lenses, disinfecting them. This procedure must be carried out regularly so that, along with the lenses, an infection does not penetrate into the mucous membrane, which can cause many diseases and complications, inflammations that will become irreversible in the future.

Remember that even a properly selected ophthalmic device, if not properly maintained, will cause serious problems. It is within your power to prevent additional hazards.

Follow the selection and care rules! Be healthy!

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