Modern approaches to the problem of normotensive glaucoma
As a result of increased intraocular pressure, damage to the optic nerve occurs. It appears gradually and lasts for
Human eyes have the ability to see at different distances
Accommodation disorders (cycloplegia, accommodation spasm, accommodation paralysis)
What is accommodation? Human eyes have the ability to see at different distances. This allows them
Army and vision
The army and poor eyesight: are they allowed to serve?
The beginning of the autumn conscription into the army is literally just around the corner. As is known, before departure to
eye astigmatism
The story of one eye and 20 operations (not to be read by the impressionable) or he wanted to be a pilot, but he was not allowed into the sky
With astigmatism, after refraction in the optical system of the eye, light rays do not converge into one
Possible consequences of eye cataract surgery
What is a cataract? Typically, our natural eyeball lenses are clear. They
Video Eye drops for cataracts
Prevention of cataracts - reliable ways to prevent the disease
Long before the advent of eye microsurgery, healers tried to understand the mechanisms of cataract development and find healing
Blefarogel in cosmetology: properties and application
Composition and release form Medicinal gel Blefarogel 2 – a drug for therapy and prevention
Effective eye drops for allergic conjunctivitis in adults: types and features of use
132 Author of the article Elena Vladimirovna Tsareva Reading time: 14 minutes A A For
treatment of high myopia
Myopia (myopia) - description, causes, diagnosis, treatment.
Myopia - what is it? Myopia is a visual impairment in which one can see well near
blood vessels and nerve endings of the eye
Retinal angiopathy - causes, symptoms, types and treatment
Angiopathy is a pathological change in blood vessels caused by a disorder of nervous regulation. Retinal vascular angiopathy independent