Eyelash restoration at home and in a beauty salon

From this article you will learn:

  • When do you need eyelash restoration?
  • How can you restore eyelashes after extensions?
  • What homemade recipes exist for eyelash restoration?
  • What is protein eyelash restoration?
  • How does keratin eyelash restoration work?

Ask any woman why she needs eyelashes, and she will first of all talk about beauty, and only then about protecting her eyes. And this is quite normal, since for most peoples the length and volume of eyelashes are indicators of female attractiveness. However, eyelashes are exposed to various external factors every day, which have a detrimental effect on their structure. Therefore, eyelash restoration procedures are necessary. This will be discussed in this article.

Why do eyelashes deteriorate during extensions?

Eyelashes do not always require special care after removing eyelash extensions. If the client's natural hairs are strong and strong, and the skin of the eyelids is healthy, they will not look so bad after the removal procedure. It depends not only on the client, but also on the master: his professionalism and the quality of the materials with which he works.

But such cases are very rare. No matter how skillful the lash maker is, no matter how good the materials he uses, often natural eyelashes after removing hair extensions do not look as good as we would like. This situation is fixable, you just need to provide proper care.

But there are often cases when the client’s eyelids come to a completely deplorable state. This may be due to:

  • the master is not experienced enough or uses materials of dubious quality;
  • The client tried to remove the hairs on his own, and it didn’t work out well.

In the first case, you can easily recognize an unscrupulous master. If after extension:

  • artificial eyelashes began to fall off ahead of schedule;
  • your own hairs become weak and fall off;
  • inflammation and irritation appear on the eyelids;

– then the client will probably have to undergo the withdrawal procedure ahead of schedule and spend a lot of time and effort on recovery.

It is important to make it clear to the client that eyelashes are simple hairs on our body, they are not teeth - they will grow back! Each hair on the human body has its own period of life: it grows, lives and falls off, and a new one grows in its place. Restoring eyelashes after extensions means not interfering with what nature intended, but only helping the natural growth of hairs and their strengthening.

Special means

We are talking about drugs specially created to restore eyelashes after extensions. These include all kinds of ointments, gels, creams.


It is a growth stimulator for eyelashes and eyebrows. The double formula “day” and “night” improves the thickness of eyelashes, increases their length, thickness, and growth. The product comes in a tube that looks like a double-sided mascara. On one side there is a tube and a brush for day care, and on the other - for night care. The active components of the product include:

  • ceramides;
  • panthenol;
  • extracts of nettle, eleutherococcus, chestnut;
  • sodium hyaluronate;
  • taurine

They actively help restore eyelashes after extensions.


This product comes in the form of drops. It is designed to restore eyelashes after extensions, to solve the problem of weakness, dullness, and damage after a decorative procedure.

Bimatoprost is used as an active ingredient, which promotes the growth of vegetation in the cyclic phase. Increasing the duration of this phase has a beneficial effect on the length and number of cilia. After 4-8 weeks of regular use, you can notice a pronounced result.


This product is enclosed in a tube similar to mascara, but at the end it has not a brush, but a brush, reminiscent of eyeliner. This product from an Irish manufacturer contains natural ingredients:

  • chamomile and bearberry extracts;
  • ginseng root;
  • Healing coralline extract.

All of them work for results, penetrating the hair follicles, stimulating active growth, and also providing additional care. After 3 weeks of regular use of the product, the manufacturer promises a noticeable result. You can restore eyelashes after extensions, make them longer, fuller, thicker, and more well-groomed.

Features of eyelash growth

Every beauty master must understand what he is working on, not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a medical point of view. We are not discussing the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, this is already clear. We talk about the physiological and anatomical characteristics of the body parts we work with, and this applies to eyelashes too.

As we have already said, each eyelash has its own development cycle. It includes three phases:

  • anagen - active growth of hair from a hair follicle, requires from two to six weeks;
  • catagen - slow growth followed by a state of dormancy, lasting from four to six weeks;
  • telogen – the phase of complete rest followed by hair loss, takes approximately twelve to thirteen weeks.

As we can see, a new hair grows quite slowly, about 0.4-0.6 mm per month, and its length can reach 12 mm. But it lives for a relatively long time, up to six months or more.

How can you restore eyelashes after extensions?

Before starting to select products, the client must first understand what task he is facing, because the concept of “eyelash restoration” is quite vague. The process itself consists of several stages:

  1. Saving natural eyelashes left after extensions. Each hair contains keratin, which forms hair scales. Have you ever observed the separation of ordinary hair on your head? Lack of nutrients or any stressful situation (coloring, hot styling) leads to keratin delamination, and the hair bifurcates at the end. The same thing happens to natural eyelashes after removing extensions. No matter how good the remover is, it does not always cope with dissolving the glue, and some of the keratin scales come off along with the artificial hair. The remaining scales stick out in different directions, so they need to be smoothed and further strengthened.
  2. Maintenance of eyelid skin. This is where the hair follicles are located. If the follicle does not have enough nutrition, it dies forever, and the hair in this place will never grow again. For complete recovery, you need to use nourishing serums and eye creams that will moisturize the skin and add all the necessary nutrients to it.
  3. Stimulates the growth of new eyelashes to replace lost ones. This is usually done in combination with the restoration of the remaining hairs.

Now let's look at effective means and methods that will help eyelashes gain strength and health.

Folk remedies

We will classify as folk products those that are either multifunctional or intended for other uses, but have an excellent effect on eyelashes.

The first, most famous and proven option by our grandmothers is castor oil. Before applying it to your eyelids, you need to warm it up a little. The procedure should be carried out every day for a month, before thoroughly clearing the eyes of makeup. The oil must be applied to the eyelash line (and the eyelashes themselves), left for about an hour and removed with a napkin.

Cosmetic oils also work as well as castor: peach, olive, grape seed, almond, etc. Practice shows that the greatest effect is achieved by mixing oils. Castor and any cosmetic oil in the mixture not only nourishes and moisturizes the eyelashes, but also improves blood flow to the follicles, stimulating hair growth.

It is better to mix oils in a 1:1 ratio, one part castor and one part cosmetic. This part can also be composed of several oils. And for an even greater effect, fat-soluble vitamins A and E are added to the mixture, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

Usma oil deserves special mention. It has long been used in Arab countries to treat alopecia, as well as restore damaged hair roots. In our country, this product is not so widely distributed, but it has already become a favorite of many girls who restore eyelashes after removing hair extensions.

Another unusual remedy that has been used for thousands of years is antimony. If you have previously heard of it as a cosmetic product, then it is probably as an eyeliner. But in addition to being decorative, antimony also has a strengthening function for both eyelashes and eyebrows. So why not combine business with pleasure - do eye makeup and at the same time strengthen your eyelashes? Today you can buy antimony in the form of powder or stick (eyeliner).

Effective means for restoring eyelashes after extensions are homemade masks and compresses made from herbal decoctions.

The recipes for homemade masks are as follows:

  1. Mix castor oil, burdock oil and aloe juice in equal proportions, add a drop of vitamin E. The mixture is not recommended to be applied to hair follicles.
  2. To part of aloe juice add 2 parts of any cosmetic oil and finely chopped parsley. The mixture is applied to the eyelashes, left for 15 minutes, then thoroughly washed off.
  3. Mix a tablespoon of burdock and olive oil, add a handful of rose hips and put in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then transfer to the refrigerator and use overnight.
  4. Add a few drops of vitamin A and E to the mixture of wheat germ and jojoba oils. Apply to eyelashes carefully, avoiding contact with eyes.
  5. Add one part aloe juice and one part cognac to two parts olive oil, apply to eyelashes, also avoiding contact with eyes.
  6. Mix equal parts of carrot juice and flaxseed, castor and burdock oil.
  7. Add two parts of almond oil to one part of lemon juice and apply to the eyelids - this mask helps get rid of morning puffiness under the eyes.
  8. A mixture of equal parts of oils and olive is applied with a brush to the eyelashes every time before going to bed for a month.

As for herbal decoctions, two recipes are considered the most effective:

  • regular black, green or chamomile tea in bags - brew, cool, put on your eyelids and leave for 15 minutes (such a compress will help remove swelling);
  • warm compress from a decoction of sage, chamomile, calendula, cornflower - moisten a cotton pad with the warm decoction and place on the eyelids for 15 minutes.

There are reliable “restorers” of eyelashes among pharmaceutical products. Their main active ingredient is bimatoprost. This is a prostaglandin-like substance, the main purpose of which until recently was the treatment of glaucoma - increased intraocular pressure. But this substance also has a pleasant side effect - strengthening and stimulating eyelash growth. Bimatoprost-containing products are available in the form of eye drops or serum in a bottle with a brush.

If eyelashes fall out: causes and treatment

When eyelashes fall out, it is necessary to analyze the causes and begin treatment. All skincare treatments can be completely useless if more serious health problems are not addressed first. If you cannot determine them yourself, we recommend making an appointment with a specialist.

Most often, hair falls out due to:

  • conjunctivitis or inflammation of the skin of the eyelids;
  • allergies to low quality cosmetics;
  • frequent use of mascara, leaving it on the eyelashes overnight;
  • taking hormonal medications, weakening the body after illness or surgery;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • lack of vitamins, poor nutrition;
  • stressful situations, metabolic disorders.

Eyelash loss can also be caused by eyelash extensions. The use of low-quality materials and non-compliance with the rules of the procedure can also negatively affect the condition of your hairs. If this happens, it is not recommended to perform this service again. It is necessary to immediately begin to restore damaged rods.

What will help speed up the process of eyelash restoration?

Let's imagine that your clients have already decided on a product for restoring, strengthening and growing eyelashes. Now your task is to give them some useful tips that will help significantly reduce the recovery period:

  1. Set up nutrition. You should include foods with vitamins A, B, E in your diet, and minimize the consumption of sweets, flour and fatty foods.
  2. Care for the skin around the eyes using special emollients - tonics, lotions, gels, creams, milk, lotions, etc.
  3. Do not use decorative cosmetics for at least two weeks.

However, not every girl can completely eliminate mascara, eyeliner or eye shadow, because they always want to look stunning. In this case, before applying mascara, it is necessary to use castor oil or one of the branded products, which can also act as a base for makeup. You cannot remove mascara from your eyelashes with washing gels or soap; in addition, you should not rub your eyelashes or pull them with a cotton pad. It is necessary to generously moisten the swab with makeup remover, press it to the closed eyelid and hold for several minutes. The procedure should be repeated until the makeup is removed.

And if the client cannot help but use mascara, she needs to carefully study the composition or purchase mascara that will contain:

  • protein – promotes rapid hair growth (manufacturers often include wheat germ proteins in cosmetics);
  • melanin – protects hairs from adverse external influences;
  • UV blockers – protect against sun rays and fading;
  • Castor oil;
  • glycerin - usually acts as a preservative, prevents bacteria from multiplying in the carcass and prevents the occurrence of eye infections;
  • panthenol – reduces fragility of eyelashes, strengthens them from the inside;
  • keratin – restores the structure of damaged hairs;
  • vitamins A, B, E and F – nourish and strengthen hair, give elasticity, activate growth;
  • Lanolin – moisturizes eyelashes and gives them elasticity.

If your mascara does not contain vitamins or castor oil, you can buy them at any pharmacy and add 1-2 drops to your mascara.

Symptoms and diagnosis of trichiasis

During the development of the disease, eyelashes grow towards the eyeball, consequently causing erosion of the cornea and irritation of the mucous membranes. Symptoms such as photophobia and blepharospasm also develop. The patient has frequent squinting and blinking. Depending on the form of the disease—partial or complete, bilateral or unilateral—differently expressed symptoms may be observed. Eyelashes are usually short, thin, and their direction is chaotic.

The eyelashes that come into contact with the eyeball are usually not endowed with pigment, therefore, they are almost impossible to see with the naked eye. Doctors use powerful magnifying lenses to examine people.

During the examination, the doctor may prescribe additional tests: checking visual acuity, biomicroscopy of the edges of the eyelids, biomicroscopy of the conjunctiva and cornea using special dyes that are safe for the eye mucosa.

How to restore eyelashes after lamination?

Eyelash lamination, unlike eyelash extensions, does not involve gluing artificial hairs, but allows you to make eyelashes thicker, fuller and longer. The essence of the procedure is that the eyelashes are coated with a special composition that polymerizes. As a result, each hair is enveloped in a durable elastic film that protects from adverse effects. However, this procedure, like extensions, does not leave its mark on the eyelashes, especially if it was carried out by an uncertified or inexperienced technician.

Restoration of eyelashes after lamination is carried out according to the same principle as after extensions. Both clients and experts consider castor oil to be the best remedy for strengthening and stimulating eyelash growth. It is important to remember: regularity and correctness of caring procedures is the key to quick and successful restoration of damaged eyelashes!

Professional care

If you are used to making a choice in favor of ready-made cosmetic products that you can buy in the store, then to restore eyelashes after extensions, use the following principles:

  • Choose cosmetics that suit your skin type;
  • Many or Amway produce special gels for eyelash care;
  • Do not use soap when washing your face. To remove makeup and washes, use only gels, lotions and tonics specially designed for this purpose;
  • Try to go without eye makeup for a while. As a last resort, stop using mascara until the end of the eyelash recovery period;
  • After recovery, give preference only to expensive and high-quality cosmetics from well-known brands.

Along with professional care, you can also use folk remedies to speed up the recovery process.

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