16 ways to say goodbye to dark circles under your eyes forever

The best recipes and quick-acting ways to remove dark circles under the eyes at home will be discussed in this article.

Not a single person is insured against hematomas, bruises and abrasions. If on the eve of an important meeting, event or activity you managed to get a black eye, the problem can be resolved with folk remedies.

The main thing is not to panic, but to choose the right and timely methods for eliminating hematomas.

how to remove dark circles under the eyes

Even in life safety lessons, we were taught that after a strong blow, something cold should be applied to this place.

Exactly at the point of impact. A mark under the eye does not necessarily appear as a result of a blow to it.

But cold alone is not enough for the injury to completely disappear. To regain your former appearance and beauty, you need to know a few secrets.

Physiological reasons for the appearance of a black eye

A bruise (the so-called black eye) is a subcutaneous hemorrhage. But a black eye is not always a hemorrhage.

For reference! Thin skin is one of the common causes of blue under the eyes. I illuminate the capillaries through it.

The most popular causes of black eyes are mechanical damage. Impacts to the area of ​​the eye, nose, bridge of the nose, cheekbones, temples.

As a result, blood vessels rupture and internal bleeding occurs. The blood gets baked and that’s what causes the bruise.

how to remove dark circles under the eyes at home

Home Recipes

Below are several simple recipes for getting rid of dark circles under the eyes, but in order for each of them to be quite effective, before carrying out any cosmetic procedures, it is recommended to do a special massage, which is performed as follows:

  • Place the index fingers of both hands on the corners of your eyes and make rotational movements, “drawing” semicircles around the eyes (top and bottom). The massage should be performed with light pressure, doing 10-15 approaches at a time.
  • Next, move your fingertips along the line of the lower eyelid in the direction from the temple to the bridge of the nose. Try not to put too much pressure on the skin or stretch it. To enhance the effect, you can use a special eye cream or gel.
  • Close your eyes and place your index, middle and ring fingers on your eyelids, pressed tightly together. Make soft circular movements with them from left to right and from right to left, repeating the procedure 10 times in each direction.
  • Again, place three fingers on your closed eyelids and make circular movements with your eyes, doing 10 approaches at a time in each direction.

Massage increases blood circulation in the eye area, helps get rid of dark circles and puffiness, relieves tension and tones the skin. The procedures should be carried out after washing (preferably in the morning), completely removing makeup from the eyes and washing your hands well with soap.

Green tea compress

Compresses or eye lotions are considered an excellent alternative to multi-component masks - they are quite effective in getting rid of dark circles under the eyes, removing swelling and signs of fatigue, refreshing the skin and giving it a radiant appearance.

One of the most popular products for preparing a compress is strong green tea. In order to make a tea lotion, you need to pour boiling water over a small amount of loose leaf tea and let it brew. Then you should dip cotton pads into the prepared solution (it should not be too hot) and place them on your eyes. The duration of the procedure is at least 20 minutes, after which the discs must be removed and the face should be rinsed with cool water.

First aid for a black eye

To understand the importance of providing assistance when a black eye appears, understand why it occurs in the first place and what awaits you if you do not act.

Even with a minor injury, damage to the blood capillaries under the thin layer of skin can occur. As well as local destruction of epithelial cells of the epidermis.

If the blow is significant, muscle tissue is injured and local metabolism is disrupted.

If the hematoma is not treated in any way, two scenarios are possible:

  • gradual resorption of the bruise during the first week, after 7 days the hematoma will begin to turn pale and dissolve;
  • In case of complications, a persistent compaction of fatty tissue forms at the site of the bruise. Next, the inflammatory process begins, infection, spread of pus through the blood vessels (sepsis, meningitis, as a consequence of this).

From here it becomes clear that first aid and further home treatment for even the most harmless bruise are necessary.

Important! The best recipe for removing dark circles under the eyes is to prevent them. Immediately after an injury, a cold compress is needed.

How to remove a black eye - cold compress

To prevent the bruise from getting larger and larger, apply something cold to the eye immediately after the blow. This could be ice wrapped in a cloth or something similar.

Under no circumstances apply a compress with pure ice to a bruise, as this is about the eye, and direct contact with ice can lead to frostbite of the tissues.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes in 1–2 days

If you happen to encounter such a nuisance as a black eye on the eve of an important day, you will need express methods for quickly eliminating hematomas.

The most popular and effective of them are the following:

how to remove dark circles under the eyes - badyaga


This product in powder form can be purchased at any pharmacy branch. The concentration of the powder is quite high, so follow the recipe carefully.

  • Take a tablespoon of water
  • dissolve enough badyagi in it to make a paste with the consistency of sour cream.
  • Fold several layers of gauze or bandage,
  • put the remedy on it
  • and apply to the injured area for 10-15 minutes.

For reference! Apply the compress at intervals of one hour. After each use, rinse the eye with water at room temperature.

To increase the effectiveness of the first method, you can alternate it with the second recipe.

Compresses from onion pulp

  • You need to take a medium sized onion,
  • finely grind it to a mushy consistency
  • add 1 tablespoon of salt.
  • leave for 15-20 minutes and let the juice drain.

Also put in gauze and make a compress for 10-15 minutes. This procedure is most effective when alternating with badyagi compresses.

aloe plant

This plant is found in many homes. To use you need:

  • take a thicker sheet and cut it lengthwise
  • Apply the pulp to the bruise for 20-30 minutes.
  • Apply 5 times a day.

Aloe relieves swelling, inflammation, reduces pain, and accelerates the regeneration of skin cells. Cabbage leaves have similar properties. But you need to mash it a little so that it releases a little juice and also apply it to the affected area.


This medicine will help cure a black eye in 1 day, or rather overnight. Draw an iodine mesh.

It relieves inflammation, warms the bruise and improves blood circulation. This method will be most effective if combined with any of the other methods of treating black eyes.

Treatment of a bruise under the eye on the second and subsequent days

When first aid has been provided, you should not abandon the treatment of a hematoma under the eye.
Since this does not guarantee a 100% healing effect. Here it’s worth thinking about how to remove dark circles under the eyes using other means. On the second day, you need to continue treatment to promote platelet resorption, improve local circulation and tissue regeneration.

The following options are recognized as the best traditional medicine recipes:

Honey _ Mix two tablespoons of honey with an egg yolk, a tablespoon of sea buckthorn oil and a tablespoon of starch. Use the resulting product as a mask, but apply it not only to the affected area of ​​the face, but near it.

Arnica . Mix arnica and plantain in equal proportions, brew 2 teaspoons in 300 ml of boiling water, then soak a bandage in the solution and apply lotions for 10 minutes. Carry out such procedures about 5 times a day.

arnica folk remedy for black eye

Raw potatoes . Grate the peeled vegetable on a fine grater, wrap it in a piece of gauze, and then apply it to the hematoma until the potato juice dries. Repeat such activities several times a day, the more, the higher the effectiveness of therapy.

Raw liver. Using a blender, you need to grind a piece of raw liver into a pulp, then add a little honey to it and beat the contents again. After this, the paste is used as a compress, applied for half an hour. The more often such lotions are repeated, the faster the consequences of the bruise will disappear from the skin.

Cottage cheese. To achieve maximum effect, you need to find homemade fresh cottage cheese or make it yourself from milk.
After this, the product is simply applied to the area where the bruise appears. There are no restrictions on the duration and frequency of procedures. For reference! When treating a black eye at home, remember that hot baths and showers are contraindicated for the first three days.
Bear and badger fat also has a healing effect in such situations. They are applied in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the skin until the fat has completely melted, and repeated another 3-4 times a day.

For registered users

There is a big difference in what clay to smear in to get a rejuvenating or toning, wound-healing or absorbable effect.

It is not for nothing that clay is considered a very malleable material - it can become a seasoning, a delicacy, a utensil, a toy, a natural preservative, and a magnificent source of beauty and youth! And as a cosmetic product, the color of clay is a determining indicator of its beneficial and healing properties. It is important to know that the color of clay is not just a natural diversity and geographical feature, but also its functional purpose and healing purpose. Choosing the right clay is the key to success.

So, in order:

Blue clay is the most beneficial for normal and combination skin types This type of clay is one of the oldest and most useful. Blue clay has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, tightens pores, nourishes and tones the skin thanks to the ideal combination of micro and macro elements. It is also a remedy for baldness when vigorously and regularly rubbing the diluted paste into dry hair strands and scalp. Blue clay contains silver, known for its antibacterial effect, as well as silica, phosphate, iron, nitrogen, magnesium, and calcium.

Green clay is indispensable as a care product for oily and problem skin. This type of clay has a high absorption: absorbing effect and is indispensable as a means of deep cleaning of pores. Green clay is effectively used to treat oily seborrhea, as it frees pores from accumulated blockages, unclogs and narrows them, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, while simultaneously disinfecting the skin. As a hair product, it helps eliminate dandruff.

Red clay is ideal for improving blood supply and cellular respiration of the skin It can increase the elasticity of capillaries. It has pronounced properties of relieving irritation and allergic manifestations. It also strengthens the blood supply to the hair follicles and roots if used as a hair mask. After perming and coloring, applying red clay will significantly speed up hair restoration. Red clay is the best supplement for skin care when blood vessels are close to the epidermis.

Gray clay is the most effective moisturizer. It is very useful for dry and dehydrated skin. And it returns healthy natural shine to dry hair, improving metabolic processes in the hair follicles.

Black clay is the best lotion for bruises and swelling. Thanks to a black clay mask, bruises leave occupied areas on our body much faster.

Yellow clay is necessary for aging skin. This is the best antioxidant agent that can remove accumulated toxins and harmful radicals.

But it’s worth talking white clay Its color is determined by the main mineral element of this type of clay - kaolinite, which gets its name from the name of the Chinese region Kaolin. Therefore, kaolin is white clay. But the uniqueness of white clay does not lie in its name. Back in the 4th century BC. Hippocrates found that white clay stops inflammatory processes in skin tissues and removes toxins. The composition of clay is a life-giving cocktail for our skin: calcium, potassium, silica, magnesium and kaolinite are a unique combination. Kaolin-based masks are optimal for sensitive and thin skin. They delicately remove the stratum corneum and dead epidermal cells. White clay whitens the skin, improves overall blood circulation, strengthens capillaries, eliminates and smoothes wrinkles, and activates collagen production in cells. pH level = 5.5 - natural skin balance. The antimicrobial property of kaolin makes it an effective remedy for eliminating the effects of acne. And the powerful absorbent effect helps eliminate congestion in the subcutaneous tissue and stimulate the removal of toxins when fighting cellulite. Therefore, white clay is the most ideal remedy for restoring smoothness and elasticity of the skin.

Pro Tips:

When purchasing clay-based cosmetics, carefully read the instructions for use. Clay masks should be used no more than once a week. You can dilute clay in any container except metal. But adding additional ingredients to a clay mask that the skin is accustomed to is very useful - an egg, cosmetic oil or aloe juice will be beneficial.

When treating wounds, clay water should be used. And not the composition itself. This procedure can be performed as often as possible.

When preparing a clay face mask, you should achieve a creamy consistency, since a more liquid composition flows off the face, and a thicker one cannot penetrate the pores.

For the face, clay is diluted at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons of clay powder to 3-4 tablespoons of water. Apply the clay just until it begins to dry out. After which it must be washed off and a nourishing composition applied to the skin.

Clay baths are suitable for the body. To prepare it, pour a handful of powder into a glass of water and add 5 drops of essential oil. After the composition has infused and the water has been absorbed, mix all the ingredients and dilute them in a filled bath. Duration of bathing is 2 minutes.

Stay beautiful for many years!

Or you can just disguise it

If it was not possible to quickly get rid of the bruise, then camouflage means will come to the rescue.

Of course, using cosmetics is a woman’s prerogative, but sometimes men may need it too.

At the pharmacy you can buy a product such as “Sinyakoff”. It not only accelerates cell regeneration processes, but also, thanks to its dense makeup-based texture, has a good mattifying effect. Much stronger than just foundation.

how to remove dark circles under the eyes Bruise OFF - for express removal of bruises

There is also such a cosmetic product as concealer. In this case, you will need a special one for the skin around the eyes.

There are different colors: brown, pink, purple, orange.

To disguise a bruise, you need to take the opposite color:

  • for example, it is better to cover a purple bruise with orange,
  • greenish - purple,
  • yellow - blue.

You should know that the wrong concealer can only aggravate the problem. It is better to contact specialists for advice.

You can also use a corrector. It must be applied in a thick layer to the bruise (the color of the corrector should be the same tone as the skin). Then cover with a thin layer of foundation on top and powder the entire face.

Still, the best option would be not to disguise the bruise, but to treat it by waiting out this period at home.

Cosmetology procedures

6. You can contact a cosmetologist (sometimes this is really the most effective option) and sign up for several mesotherapy . The specialist will use microneedles to inject an individually selected therapeutic cocktail under your skin. Its components can be different: enzymes, vitamins and minerals, plant extracts, caffeine, etc. After 3-6 procedures, you will completely get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes, crow’s feet will disappear, and the skin will return smoothness and elasticity.

7. Another effective procedure is microcurrent therapy. It uses a very weak pulse current, ranging from 10 to 600 μA. Microcurrent passes through damaged and aged skin cells, restores and heals them. The procedure eliminates dark circles under the eyes, smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes, improves local blood circulation, and tightens soft tissues.

8. Cosmetology has in its arsenal many different procedures aimed at eliminating swelling, reducing bags and bruises under the eyes, and smoothing out fine wrinkles. This includes lipofilling , fractional laser therapy, and carboxytherapy . Only after visiting a good cosmetologist will you be able to understand what procedure your skin needs.

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