Super-Vision perforated training glasses - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews shatoff I have trouble with my eyesight, one eye + the other - doctor’s prescription

How to use glasses

Training glasses can be used as a complement to methods of vision restoration based on regular eye exercises, such as the Bates method.

They are also suitable for use as an alternative to these methods - in this case there is no need to perform exercises, you just need to put on perforation glasses from time to time and wear them for a while. While wearing glasses, you can do any household chores, read or watch TV, or work at the computer.

If you combine wearing glasses with exercise, the effect of relaxing your eyes and improving your vision will be most noticeable.

Combine training glasses with exercises to restore vision

Manufacturers of training glasses recommend starting with plates with cylindrical holes and wearing them until you get used to it, which usually takes 1-2 months. Then you need to switch to glasses with cone-shaped holes, also wear them until you get used to it, and then switch again to glasses with cylindrical holes.

Basic recommendations for use:

  • It is necessary to wear perforation glasses in good lighting;
  • They should be used no more than 3 hours a day.

Also, when wearing perforation glasses, some caution must be exercised. For example, it is better to refrain from working with sharp objects; you should not use them on the street, and you should not drive a car in them.

To achieve a good effect, wear glasses regularly

To achieve good results, it is very important to wear these glasses regularly. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it - wearing them too often will not increase the effect; on the contrary, there is a risk of developing eye problems. For example, if you wear pinhole glasses for too long, binocular vision deteriorates.

In addition, you need to consider that training glasses also reduce the amount of light that reaches the eyes. Therefore, you should not wear them in poor lighting conditions.

Can pinhole glasses improve vision?

Electronic gadgets, a passive lifestyle, and the environment have a bad effect on the condition of our visual system. It is not surprising that every year more and more devices for improving vision appear on the market. These include diffraction glasses with holes. Whether they can really restore lost vision, we will find out in this article.

Diffraction glasses

Diffraction or perforation glasses resemble regular frames in appearance. Only instead of lenses they have black plates with rows of small holes. Most often, these round holes have a diameter of about one millimeter.

According to the instructions from the manufacturers, diffraction glasses are a real salvation for people with myopia, farsightedness and other refractive errors. They can restore visual acuity, have a positive effect on the condition of the eyes during visual fatigue, and are effective in the prevention and treatment of even such a serious disease as cataracts.

Not all people trust the instructions, so ophthalmologists are often asked the question: can such glasses improve vision?

Before answering it, you need to explain how the human eye works. In the center of the retina, which perceives images, there is a zone of best visibility - the macula. Its size is only 1.5 mm, but it is this small area that guarantees the highest clarity of vision. The action of perforated glasses is based on the effect of the aperture, or, more simply, peeking through a hole. When we look through a small hole, we thereby cut off the “extra” light rays directed to the periphery of the retina, and perceive the image only at the point of best vision. This is why when we wear pinhole glasses, we actually see more sharply. One of the holes acts as a diaphragm, increasing the clarity and sharpness of our vision.

But the fact is that the use of such glasses does not solve the problem of myopia, farsightedness or other refractive error. Visual acuity increases only for the period when we look through the hole. As soon as we take off the glasses, the vision problem becomes obvious again. Ophthalmologists note that today the effectiveness of diffraction glasses has not been proven, and there are no cases recorded in the world when people regained their vision using frames with holes.

According to most doctors, wearing this device does not improve vision and, at best, will simply be useless. And in some diseases (for example, retinal dystrophy or glaucoma), the use of perforation glasses is dangerous and can lead to serious consequences for vision. Today, the level of development of ophthalmology is so high that doctors can help patients with the most severe refractive errors. To correct myopia, farsightedness, and astigmatism, soft contact lenses from world brands - Johnson & Johnson, Alcon, Bausch + Lomb - are widely used. In some cases, an alternative to contact optics can be laser correction, after which there is no need to wear glasses or optical products at all.

Most patients with ophthalmological problems can be helped with proper diagnosis, but for this it is necessary to contact a specialist and not self-medicate with the help of various devices. team

Eye exercises that can be done with perforation glasses

ExerciseNumber of repetitions, recommendations for implementation
Cover your eyes for 5-15 seconds and relax them.Repeat in between other exercises
Close your eyes tightly, then open your eyesRepeat 10 times
Rotate your eyes clockwise, then counterclockwiseRepeat 7-8 times
Look at the far corner of the room for 2-3 seconds, then look at the fingertip placed in front of your eyes at arm's length for 4-5 secondsRepeat 5-10 times
Look at the tip of the pencil, located in front of your eyes at arm's length, and gradually bring it closer until the picture begins to double before your eyesRepeat 7-8 times
Focus your gaze on the tip of the pencil, bringing it closer to your eyes at a distance of 6-7 cm, and then moving it away to arm’s lengthRepeat 7-8 times
Make a mark with a diameter of about 3 mm on the window glass, stand half a meter from the window, alternately focus your gaze on the mark and on objects located outside the window, holding it for a few secondsThe time for performing the exercise should gradually be increased to 6-7 minutes, while you need to focus on the mark for 4-5 seconds and for 8-10 seconds on objects outside the window, looking at their details
Take off glasses, blink quickly for 1 minuteThis exercise improves blood circulation in the extraocular muscles
Massage your eyelids for 1-2 minutesExercise also leads to improved blood circulation

Reviews of perforation glasses

Owners of such glasses note that they:

  • help relieve eye fatigue;
  • improve the sharpness of perception, make the “picture” brighter;
  • support vision, preventing it from deteriorating.

Training glasses relieve eye fatigue

Moreover, the effect of their use appears very quickly, it becomes noticeable almost immediately after the start of use. According to reviews, they help maintain vision with regular use, but cannot cure diseases.

At the beginning of their use, there is slight discomfort, because the opaque plates interfere with the eyes, but this feeling quickly passes.

How to choose training glasses

Perforation glasses can have different shapes, plate sizes and thicknesses, and the holes in it can be located at different distances from each other. At the same time, the principle of operation of all training glasses is the same, so the choice of a specific model does not matter much.

The holes in the plate can be cylindrical or cone-shaped. The first ones are suitable for those who are just starting to use exercise glasses; the second ones need to be switched to after 1-2 months.

To select training glasses, consult an ophthalmologist

Exercise glasses are an interesting invention that anyone can use at home, but you shouldn’t expect miracles from them. These glasses will help improve your vision for a while. If you have serious eye problems, it is better to resort to traditional methods of treatment.

Eye training glasses

Eye training glasses are special glasses with perforations (glasses with holes), which are used to train and improve vision.

Perforation glasses allow you to correctly distribute the load between the eye muscles - relax overstrained ones and load weakened ones. Such training glasses can eliminate eye fatigue and sometimes enhance visual acuity. Their secret is in the special arrangement of the holes.

The perforated glasses themselves consist of a frame, plastic or metal, and black plastic plates instead of spectacle lenses. Small round holes are located in the plates in a certain order. When a person wears such perforated glasses and views objects through small, limited holes, the scattering spot on the retina of the eye is reduced and this allows the depth of field of the image to be increased.

You can purchase training glasses at any Focus optical store. The cost of glasses is from 350 rubles.

When to use eye training glasses

Perforated training glasses are not suitable for everyone; there are certain indications for their use.

They can improve vision and help with:

  • overstrain of the eye muscles - glasses with holes will help relieve eye fatigue after prolonged work at the computer, reading or watching TV and get rid of symptoms of irritation, redness, pain in the eyes, photophobia and even headaches caused by visual fatigue;
  • myopia and farsightedness;
  • astigmatism;
  • presbyopia;
  • different visual acuity of the eyes - anisometropia.

Perforated training glasses will help relieve acute symptoms of disorders, for example, due to overwork, and bring temporary relief; in some cases, perforated glasses can help correct diseases. However, it is worth considering that the use of eye training glasses may be poorly tolerated by patients, especially with astigmatism, so their use should be started with caution, after consulting with an ophthalmologist.


Instructions for vision training glasses - how to use

Since in some cases eye training glasses may be contraindicated, you should consult an ophthalmologist before using them.

Perforation glasses are prohibited for use with the following contraindications:

  • progressive myopia;
  • increased intraocular or intracranial pressure;
  • exotropia;
  • some forms of retinal diseases and glaucoma.

Even if the patient does not have the listed contraindications, exercise glasses with holes should be used carefully, worn for a short time and in sufficient lighting. Improper use of perforated glasses can cause harm.

Here are the basic rules for using eye training glasses:

  • wearing glasses with holes for vision is no more than two hours a day;
  • use training glasses only in good lighting conditions, because they limit the flow of light to the eyes;
  • do not use sharp or dangerous objects while wearing perforated glasses;
  • when using training glasses to relieve eye fatigue, they should be worn for 10 minutes every hour of intense eye work (for example, when working at a computer);
  • For the best effect, while wearing perforated eye glasses, you should shift your vision to different objects, look at objects at different distances, and not look at one point, you can do familiar things and force the eye muscles to do work.

If used correctly, eye training glasses can restore normal vision and relieve many unpleasant symptoms.

How to choose and buy eye trainer glasses with holes

In Focus optics stores you can buy vision training glasses with perforations. An ophthalmologist and consultants at our salon will tell you about the instructions and correct use of perforation glasses. If you need to check your vision and make sure that you can use eye training glasses, you can get tested right in the salon by a professional ophthalmologist. If necessary, he will show additional exercises to relieve tension in the eye muscles and improve visual acuity, which will enhance the effect of perforation glasses.

We will be waiting for you in any of our salons at the following addresses:

st. Malysheva, 108 tel.: 273-67-13

st. Metallurgov, 87 STC "Mega" tel.: 379-30-13

st. Gagarina, 33 tel.: 287-07-89

st. Anton Valek, 12 tel.: 273-94-27

st. Julius Fuchik, 1 tel.: 264-36-56

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