Emoxipin for barley on the eye
Barley is a sign of problems with the immune system. A very unpleasant disease, accompanied by a lot of negative aspects: pain, swelling, redness of the eyelids, purulent contents of the boil, complications, and a pronounced cosmetic defect. The main panacea is drops and ointments for stye on the eye. Today we will talk about eye drops, since this is the first medicine that an ophthalmologist prescribes for eye inflammation.
Treatment with drops: advantages and disadvantages
It is recommended to have stye eye drops with a broad-spectrum antibiotic in your home medicine cabinet. They will be useful not only in treatment, but also in the prevention of any eye infections. You can put drops in your eyes before stye appears on your eyelid, when you just feel itching or some kind of discomfort. People who are prone to the recurrence of this disease are recommended to put drops in their eyes after hypothermia or prolonged exposure to the street, chapped face, dust, dirt or cosmetics getting into them. eye. The appearance of barley is already a disease process, and if drops are always at hand, then you can act proactively. Modern drugs contain many components: antibiotics, antihistamines, decongestants, painkillers, anti-inflammatory substances. Since the causative agent of barley in 99% of cases is Staphylococcus aureus, pay attention specifically to the antibacterial components of the medicine; the active substance must be sensitive to this bacterium. The main groups of antibiotics in the treatment of staphylococcus: Therapy for any disease must begin with the weakest antibiotics. The pathogen tends to rearrange and mutate, and the next generation that survives after taking the antibiotic becomes insensitive to it and develops resistance. Drops are much more convenient than ointments, especially when treating children. There is no need to touch the inflamed area, which is easier for the child to tolerate. When choosing a product to use with your baby, pay attention to the instructions for the drug and study the side effects in detail. If you have eye drops at home that you have previously purchased for yourself, check with your doctor about the required dosage. The dosage of drugs for children is much less than for an adult. In the photo below, see how to instill the drops. To do this, pull back the lower eyelid and drop 1-2 drops of medicine into the resulting pocket. Try not to touch your eyelid or eyelashes with the dropper, much less your hands. To prevent the drops from flowing down the tear ducts, press them with your finger and gently close your eyes.
How to quickly cure stye, what drops to use
The average duration of ripening and breakthrough of a boil is about 5-7 days. To speed up the recovery process as much as possible, it is important to start treatment at the first signs of the disease. Do not self-medicate, visit an ophthalmologist. Using the right medications prescribed by your doctor will allow you to save time and avoid complications. The most popular and effective medications: We will discuss the main ones of these medications in more detail below. When using drops, warm the contents of the bottle in the palm of your hand or in a water bath to body temperature. Check the expiration date and name of the drug you are going to instill again, maintain hand hygiene, and do not touch the tip of the dropper to your eyes or eyelashes. It is better not to wear contact lenses if you are ill.
Very effective drops for the treatment of stye on the eye. A fast-acting antibacterial drug from the group of aminoglycosides. Main active ingredient: tobramycin - kills staphylococcus, enterococcus, streptococcus. Indications: external inflammatory process of the eye and surrounding tissues. Contraindications: local allergic reactions may occur, only for ophthalmic use. Directions for use: 1-2 each drops, for barley of any nature, every four hours. Cost: from 136 rubles. up to 210 rubles. “Tobrex” is produced in dropper bottles, 0.3% - 5 ml. Shelf life in original packaging is 3 years. The opened drug is stored for 4 weeks at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.
Not the cheapest drops, but very popular in the treatment of stye on the eye. They have proven themselves well in both children and adults. Main active ingredient: ofloxacin - destroys streptococcus, chlamydia, staphylococcus. Indications: inflammation of the conjunctiva, upper or lower eyelid, cornea, lacrimal bursa, with a boil of the eyelid. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, allergy to the components of the drug. Directions for use: instill one drop, four times a day. Phloxal therapy lasts no more than 2 weeks. Cost: from 165 rubles. up to 240 rubles. “Floxal” is produced in the form of eye drops in plastic bottles, 0.3% - 5 ml.
First aid medicine for the appearance of stye on the eye, drops effectively fight the pathogen and relieve inflammation. Main active ingredient: sulfacetamide - sensitive to staphylococcus, gonococcus, streptococcus, chlamydia, E. coli. Indications: conjunctivitis, blepharitis, barley. Contraindications: allergic reaction to components of the drug. Method of use: instill 2-3 drops to treat acute stye on the eye, six times a day, 5-7 days. Cost: from 32 rubles. up to 97 rubles. “Albucid” is produced in the form of a plastic dropper bottle, 20% and 30%, 2 ml, 5 ml, 10 ml. An opened bottle can be stored for no more than a month at room temperature.
The main active ingredient, chloramphenicol, is a broad-spectrum drug; many bacteria are sensitive to it, including those resistant to sulfanilamide, penicillin, and streptomycin.
Eye drops for stye - what they are, how they are used. Latest information
Stye on the eye is not only an unaesthetic condition, but also quite painful. As a rule, this attack threatens those whose bodies are weakened.
Among the first symptoms that signal the maturation of barley are usually pain and swelling in the area of the hair follicle located at the root of the eyelashes, headache, and less often - low fever.
If such manifestations are not noticed immediately, very soon a lump with a festering head will appear on the edge of the eyelid.
On average, during the normal course of barley, the pus matures and then peels off within 3-4 days, without special treatment. But, this is with the best course of the disease, which does not always happen.
In case of complications of the disease, everything may end in surgical intervention, which cannot be called absolutely safe.
In this regard, the question arises: is it possible to prevent such an outcome of events?
Yes, provided that you seek help on time and accurately follow the doctor’s instructions, who may prescribe antibiotic treatment in the form of tablets, ointments or drops.
In the case when barley has already formed, for its rapid ripening, a physiotherapeutic procedure - UHF - can be prescribed.
And yet, one of the most effective methods of treating and preventing this disease is eye drops with antibiotics.
Antibiotic eye drops are solutions with broad-spectrum antibacterial substances that fight inflammatory processes, relieve pain, and prevent the spread of purulent infection.
Such drops are actively used for any inflammatory processes of the eyes, including the treatment of barley. There are enough antibacterial drugs on the modern pharmaceutical market, many of which are sold in pharmacies without prescriptions.
Still, it is better if the drops are selected by an ophthalmologist, taking into account the characteristics of your body and the course of the disease. The success of treatment will also depend on their correct use.
After all, if you handle solutions awkwardly or ineptly, at a minimum, you may not achieve the desired result, and in the worst case, seriously harm the eye, transferring the infection from the patient to the healthy eye.
Rules for using eye drops
When instilling drops from barley, you must strictly adhere to a certain sequence of actions:
- Before instillation, be sure to hold the bottle in your hands and warm the solution to body temperature;
- It is better to perform the first instillation (instillation) in front of a mirror, this will make it possible to coordinate movements and not miss the target, which can lead to mechanical damage to the mucous membrane;
- Before the procedure, you must thoroughly wash and dry your hands without rubbing them with alcohol;
- Once you get the hang of it, you can instill the drug solution in any position (standing, lying, sitting), the only thing is that your head is thrown back;
- When performing instillation, the lower eyelid is pulled down and the gaze is raised up;
- The drug is instilled into the inner corner of the eye;
- For prevention, drops from barley are instilled into two eyes at once (the healthy one too);
- After instillation, you need to close your eyes and move the eyeball so that the medicine is distributed more evenly;
When prescribing several drugs at once, it is necessary to take a break of at least 20 minutes between their use. If you can’t cope with these rules on your own, you can ask someone to help.
As a rule, the frequency of instillation of eye drops for barley is 2-7 times a day, which is determined by the severity of suppuration on the eyelid. To quickly decide on the choice of the necessary drug, below is a list of the most popular antibiotic eye drops.
Floxal (oflaxacin)
This is one of the most powerful modern antibiotics to combat bacterial and infectious eye infections. It is also used as a prophylactic agent (can be instilled when the first symptoms of barley appear).
The main active ingredient of Floxal drops is an antibiotic of the fluoroquinolone group, ofloxacin, with a strong bactericidal effect.
Its concentration in the drug is so significant that it can significantly reduce the impact of resistant pathogens, even when applied topically. Floxal is effective against:
- Infectious microflora of the inner corners of the eyes, including stye;
- Suppuration, as well as corneal ulcers;
- Chronic keratitis and conjunctivitis, enterobacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, most streptococci, pneumococci, chlamydia.
Floxal solution is used for injuries, burns and mechanical damage to the eyes; it is effective for dacryocystitis, blephritis and other infectious diseases of the auxiliary apparatus of the organ of vision. In the treatment of viral pathologies, Floxal is used as a prophylactic agent to prevent further spread of infection.
This drug is especially effective for infectious lesions of the anterior part of the eye. Viral organisms that cause such ailments are very sensitive to the effects of oflaxacin. Barley belongs to this type of disease. When using Floxal, according to patients, inflammation goes away after 2 days.
Floxal eye drop solution is available in plastic dropper bottles of 5 ml. Store the packaging at room temperature. The shelf life of the solution after opening the bottle is 1.5 months.
During treatment with Floxal eye drops, you must stop wearing contact lenses and be sure to use sunglasses. After its use, short-term visual disturbance is possible, which is worth considering when planning to drive.
Levomycetin (chloramphenicol)
It is an effective antibiotic drug produced in Russia, designed to combat a wide range of infectious microflora.
The active substance of Levomycetin ophthalmic solution is chloramphenicol. Boric acid and purified water are stated as additional components.
When applied topically, these substances have a complex effect on barley, easing the course of the disease and accelerating recovery.
Levomycetin has disinfectant properties, prevents infection of the conjunctiva, promotes the ripening of barley on the eye, prevents the consequences of opening an abscess, relieves pain, reduces hyperemia; shortens the course of the disease.
Levomycetin solution is characterized by excellent absorption ability, in addition, it has the property of being evenly distributed over the surface of the eye.
Eye drops are available in glass or plastic bottles and are sold without a prescription at a very affordable price.
The Levomycetin solution is quite mild, its components do not have a negative effect on intraocular structures. When used, it must be instilled into both eyes at once to prevent the spread of infection. True, chloramphenicol has a fairly impressive list of contraindications, including:
- Hypersensitivity to its components;
- Chronic failure of liver or kidney function;
- Eczema and psoriasis;
- Fungal skin infections, mycoses;
- Hematopoietic system disorders;
- Pregnancy, lactation.
Due to its high allergenicity, Levomycetin is not prescribed to children under 10 years of age. If you have no experience using Levomycetin eye drops, it is better to first pass a simple test: drop a drop of the solution into a healthy eye and wait at least an hour.
If an allergic reaction occurs, it will be accompanied by redness of the eye, excessive watery eyes and sneezing, and less commonly, dizziness or a rash on the eyelids.
If a complex of such symptoms occurs, the drug should not be used, but it is better to replace it with another from a series of antibiotics.
Tobrex (tobramycin)
If barley (or other purulent eye infections) appears in a child, the doctor will most likely prescribe a mild but very effective drug, Tobrex. The solution of these eye drops contains Trobramycin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic that is active against staphylococcus and other gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
The principle of action of tobramycin is simple: if it is used in small quantities, it penetrates bacterial cells and blocks protein synthesis, which stops the proliferation of infectious microflora, and in large quantities it causes the death of bacterial cells. Tobrex has very little systemic effect when applied topically by drip. It is excreted unchanged from the body in urine.
Tobrex solution is effective against:
- Haemophilus influenzae and Escherichia coli;
- Citrobacter;
- Most staphylococci;
- Some types of Neisseria;
- Enterococci;
- Protea, Acinetobacter, Klebsiella, etc.
Tobrex can be used for almost all eye infections, including stye. The drug is quite harmless, therefore, it is also prescribed to newborn children (in a strict dosage). The remedy is quite effective for blockage of the nasolacrimal ducts in infants (dacryocystitis) and inflammation of the lacrimal sacs.
They produce a 3% solution of Tobrex eye drops in plastic dropper bottles of 5 ml. The drug is instilled according to the schedule determined by the attending physician in two eyes at the same time. As a rule, the duration of treatment does not exceed 5-7 days.
In order to enhance the effect of the drop solution and longer contact of the active substance with the affected area, it is often recommended to place a strip of Tobrex ointment on the conjunctiva at night.
When the inflammation process subsides, the dose of the drug is gradually reduced.
Side effects of Tobrex solution are almost identical to the effects of Levomycetin. Therefore, before using it, it is also worth conducting a drug tolerance test.
Albucid (sulfacyl sodium)
A solution of eye drops Albucid 20%, with the active substance sodium sulfacyl, is an antibiotic with a bacteriostatic effect for the treatment of any inflammation of the eyes (conjunctivitis, blephritis, purulent ulcers of the cornea), including barley.
Albucid is a long-tested and very popular eye drop, successfully used to treat infectious eye diseases in adults and children. Albucid is not contraindicated for newborns: sometimes it is instilled in the maternity hospital for preventive purposes (to avoid gonoblennorrhea).
Doctors usually prescribe fairly copious, repeated instillations of Albucid up to 6 times a day. In each individual case, the intensity of treatment is determined individually, although the timing, as a rule, is not regulated.
The drops are simply applied until the inflammation subsides and complete recovery occurs. Among the contraindications of Albucid eye drops, it is worth noting the occurrence of allergic reactions to sulfonamides.
This drug is not combined with products containing silver (collargol, protargol solutions) and local anesthetics.
It is worth remembering that in addition to drops, there are other methods of combating barley - physiotherapy, ointments, and many folk remedies. When several foci of the disease occur at once or recur, doctors often prescribe oral antibiotics or injections.
In any case, the stye itself is just the tip of the iceberg; its causes lie deep inside. Relapses of this disease are a signal of danger - the body has serious problems with the immune system.
Therefore, eating healthy foods, staying active, quitting smoking and alcohol are the best ways to prevent stye.
Other drops for barley
Vitabact | Tsipromed | Garazon | Azidrop |
By contacting the Moscow Eye Clinic, you will be able to undergo an examination using the most modern diagnostic equipment, and based on its results, receive individual recommendations from leading specialists on the treatment of identified pathologies.
The clinic is open seven days a week, seven days a week, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. You can make an appointment and ask the specialists all your questions by calling the multi-channel phone number 8(800)777-38-81 (free for mobile phones and regions of the Russian Federation) or online using the corresponding form on the website.
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Source: https://mgkl.ru/patient/aptechka/glaznye-kapli-ot-yachmenya
Clinical effectiveness of emoxipine in the complex treatment of ocular tuberculosis
Relevance: The unfavorable socio-economic situation in the world, the low standard of living in many countries, and active migration lead to instability in tuberculosis incidence rates in various social and age groups of the population [2, p. 12; 8, p. 5]. One of these problems is extrapulmonary tuberculosis. According to statistics, the share of this pathology in the overall structure of tuberculosis incidence ranges from 17% to 42% [8, p. 5].
Consequently, the probability of contracting extrapulmonary tuberculosis, including ocular tuberculosis, among all age groups remains high [9, p. 57]. This is confirmed by the data of a number of authors, indicating 6-16% of extrapulmonary localization of tuberculosis in elderly and senile people [9, p. 57; 3, p. eleven]. According to some authors, extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis when infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in childhood can manifest as diseases, including ocular tuberculosis, after 10-20 and even 25-30 years [7, p. 14; 6, p. 7; 16, p. 376].
Inflammatory eye pathology is one of the main causes of visual impairment, which determines the social significance of this group of diseases [15, p. 232; 10, p. 213; 1, p. 243]. From 50 to 90% of visually impaired people need restorative treatment, with very little implementation of this need in most regions [10, p. 214; 11, p. 79]. Specific tuberculous inflammation of the organ of vision in this sense is no exception. The clinical picture of ocular tuberculosis is characterized by duration and a tendency to relapse, which entails decreased vision, and, consequently, long-term loss of ability to work, even disability [14, p. 250; 5, p. 400].
Until now, the issues of rehabilitation treatment of patients with ocular tuberculosis and its consequences have not received a proper solution in the light of modern achievements of ophthalmology. As before, tuberculosis of the organ of vision remains a difficult diagnostic task both for phthisio-ophthalmologists of anti-tuberculosis dispensaries and ophthalmologists of the general medical network. The few publications on the medical and social status of patients with ocular tuberculosis seem uninformative.
A safe alternative to the use of known antioxidants can be considered the use of the original domestic derivative of 3-hydroxypyridine - emoxypine (2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine hydrochloride). This water-soluble antioxidant is not prone to material accumulation and does not have clinically significant unwanted side effects. Emoxipine is used in the complex treatment of various diseases in ophthalmological, cardiological, endocrinological, surgical, psychiatric, dental and neurological practice [4, p. 58; 12, p. 10; 13, p. 80]. In the available literature, there are few reports on the use of emoxipine in the complex treatment of tuberculosis of the visual organ. At the same time, there is every reason to believe that the expansion of modern standards of treatment for tuberculosis of the organ of vision by introducing emoxypine into complex therapy regimens can significantly increase the effectiveness of etiotropic chemotherapy. This indicates the relevance of the problem under consideration and determines the purpose of the study.
Purpose of the study: to increase the effectiveness of treatment and evaluate the effectiveness of the use of emoxipine in complex therapy of patients with ocular tuberculosis.
Material and research methods: The tuberculous etiology of eye disease in patients was established on the basis of the diagnostic and differential diagnosis system for ocular tuberculosis. All patients received standard anti-tuberculosis therapy.
When studying emoxipine, clinical studies were conducted in 32 patients who were divided into two groups. The main group included 20 patients (62.5%) aged 17 to 50 years (12 women, 8 men) with recurrent, sluggish ocular tuberculosis, to whom emoxipine was used as part of anti-tuberculosis therapy. Lesions of the posterior part of the eyeball predominated (retinitis, chorioretinitis) - 20 people (100%). All patients in this group were administered a solution of emoxipine 1% - 0.5 ml parabulbarly. The course of treatment consisted of 10 procedures. The control group consisted of 12 patients - 37.5% (7 women, 5 men aged 19-54 years), who received only anti-tuberculosis therapy during the treatment and observation period. The duration of the disease in patients of all observation groups ranged from 0.5 to 3 years. The disease in both groups was sluggish, often relapsing, torpid in nature, despite nonspecific treatment previously repeatedly carried out in inpatient and outpatient settings.
To assess the effectiveness of emoxipine, all patients in both groups underwent a standard ophthalmological examination once every 5 days, including a study of visual acuity using optical lenses and the Sivtsev-Golovin table, reverse and direct ophthalmoscopy, biomicroscopy on a ShchL-2B slit lamp using a Goldman lens to determine degree of exudation in the vitreous.
Results and discussion: Analysis of the results of the effectiveness of the use of emoxipine in the complex therapy of patients with ocular tuberculosis revealed certain features of the course of the ocular process. In patients of the first group, slight resorption of the affected areas in the fundus from the original was noted. With further treatment, all inflammatory changes gradually disappeared and after a course of treatment, stable stabilization of the process was recorded. In all cases, a decrease in the size of the affected area, resorption of fresh lesions, and a slight increase in visual acuity were found.
In patients with damage to the posterior parts of the eyes after treatment with emoxipine, after a course of treatment with the drug, a decrease in the size of lesions in the fundus was revealed, the level of exudation of retinal infiltration, penetration of lesions into the vitreous body decreased, and their pigmentation increased (70-80% of cases).
In the control group, these changes were not observed during these periods.
Table 1
Dynamics of visual acuity indicators in patients with ocular tuberculosis in the main and control groups
Index | Main group (n=20) | Control group (n=12) | ||
Before treatment | After treatment (60 days) | Before treatment | After treatment (60 days) | |
Visual acuity | 0,1 | 0,2-0,3 | 0,1 | 0,1-0,15 |
As shown in the table, the decrease in process activity in the main group after a course of treatment with emoxipine in terms of the dynamics of visual acuity indicators is slightly higher than in the control group.
Conclusions: 1. The use of emoxipine in complex therapy of patients with ocular tuberculosis in the active phase of the disease after one month of specific therapy increases visual acuity by 35.7%, reduces the degree of exudation 2-3 times in a shorter time.
2. When administered parabulbarly, emoxipine has a positive effect on the focus of tuberculous inflammation of the eyes.
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- Volchegorsky I.A., Novoselov P.N., Astakhova T.V. Efficacy of ascorbic acid and emoxypine in the treatment of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis // Clinical Medicine. 2007. – No. 12. – pp. 55-58.
- Vyrenkova T. E. Tuberculosis of the eye // Tuberculosis: A Guide for Doctors, ed. A. G. Khomenko. M.: “Medicine”, 1996. – P.398-410.
- Galkin V.B., Korneev Yu.V., Golubeva T.M. et al. Tuberculosis incidence in the Leningrad region in 1999 - 2001 //XII National Congress on Respiratory Diseases. Abstract. report Moscow, 2002. – P. 7.
- Garbuz A.E., Levashev Yu.N., Barinov V.S. Extrapulmonary tuberculosis: problems and ways to solve them // Final Board of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for 2001. Abstract. report Moscow, 2002. pp. 14-15.
- Dovgalyuk I. F. Early detection methods and features of the clinical picture of the initial manifestations of tuberculosis infection // XIII National Congress on Respiratory Diseases. Collection abstract St. Petersburg, 2003. – P. 5.
- Karachunsky M. A., Uvarova T. E. Tuberculosis in the elderly in modern conditions // Probl. tube 2003. – No. 4. – P.55-57.
- Libman E. S., Shakhova E. V. Status and dynamics of blindness and disability due to pathology of the organ of vision in Russia // VII Congress of Ophthalmologists of Russia. Abstract. report 4.2. Moscow, 2000. P.209 – 214.
- Libman E. S., Shakhova E. V. Blindness and visual impairment in the population of Russia // VIII Congress of Ophthalmologists of Russia. Abstract. report Moscow, 2005. P.78-79.
- Novikov, V. E. Pharmacology of 3-hydroxypyridine derivatives / V. E. Novikov, S. O. Losenkova // Reviews on pharmacology and drug therapy. 2004. – T. 3, No. 1. – P. 2-14.
- Okovity, S. V. Antihypoxants / S. V. Okovity, A. V. Smirnov // Experimental and clinical pharmacology. 2001. – No. 3. – P.76-80.
- Chentsova O. B. Tuberculosis of the eye. M.: Medicine, 1990. 254 p.
- Yuzhakov A.M., Khvatova A.V., Travkin A.G. State of ophthalmological care in the Russian Federation // VII Congress of Ophthalmologists of Russia. Abstract. report 4.2. – Moscow, 2000. – P. 229 – 232.
- Harinng G., Nolle V., Kiehne K. et al. Chronic granulomatous chorioretinitis in tuberculosis // Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde. 1996. – Vol. 209. -No. 6. – P.376 – 379.
Emoxipin instructions for use
Ophthalmologists successfully use emoxypine solution in the form of eye drops or injections to treat many eye diseases.
The main property of emoxipine is retinoprotective, that is, the drug protects the retina from high-intensity light. In addition, the drug reduces the permeability of blood vessels and capillaries, thins the blood and is an antioxidant.
Emoxipine prevents a lack of oxygen in organs and tissues by delivering gas in large quantities and enhancing its penetration through the walls of blood vessels. The vasoprotective property of the drug increases the strength and elasticity of the vessel, restores the normal condition of its walls.
Along with an increase in strength, vascular permeability decreases. In turn, restoring the elasticity of the inner walls prevents the adhesion of blood cells, resulting in an increase in its fluidity.
Emoxipine resolves blood clots, reduces hemorrhage in the tissue and promotes their rapid resorption.
Indications for use
Main indications for the use of emoxipine :
- Treatment and prevention of hemorrhages in the retina;
- Eye damage due to diabetes;
- Dystrophic changes in the eye;
- Myopia with complications;
- Thrombosis of the central vessels of the retina;
- Protecting the eye from a light source at high intensity. Mainly used when using laser;
- Wearing contact lenses;
- Cataract;
- Glaucoma;
- Burn or inflammation of the membranes of the eyeball;
In addition to ophthalmology, emoxypine is widely used for the treatment of coronary insufficiency - myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, circulatory disorders in the brain. The drug is prescribed for traumatic brain injuries and for the removal of hematomas located in the membranes of the brain.
The use of the drug for the treatment of eye diseases allows for rapid resorption of hemorrhage and restores damage to the walls of blood vessels. The use of the drug is indicated for dystrophic changes in the retina, especially with such concomitant diseases as diabetes mellitus.
For glaucoma, administration of emoxipine in maintenance doses helps prevent damage to arteries and veins and maintains the functionality of the visual organ.
The use of emoxipine for the treatment of heart disease allows for improved metabolic processes and the resorption of blood clots on the walls of blood vessels.
Find out how to treat glaucoma? Signs and causes of the disease.
General information and recommendations regarding eye drops for red eyes can be found here
Emoxipine is contraindicated only during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You cannot administer the drug in the same syringe with another medicine , and when using different types of eye drops, the interval between instillation should be at least 15 minutes.
Bottom line
Ophthalmologists note the high effectiveness of the domestic drug at its relatively low cost.
Are colored lenses harmful to the eyes? Selection and wearing.
What to do if your eyes are red? Read in this article
You can find instructions for using Quinax eye drops at this link https://eyesmaster.ru/lechenie/glaznye-kapli/kvinaks-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu.html
Release form, composition and packaging
Eye drops 1% are colorless or slightly colored, slightly opalescent. 1 ml methylethylpyridinol hydrochloride (emoxypine) 10 mg. Excipients: anhydrous sodium sulfite, sodium benzoate, monopotassium phosphate, dibasic sodium phosphate, methylcellulose, water for injection.
Clinical and pharmacological group: A drug that stimulates regeneration processes for local use in ophthalmology.
pharmachologic effect
Antioxidant for use in ophthalmology. Emoxipine reduces capillary permeability, strengthens the vascular wall, has a membrane-stabilizing effect, inhibits platelet aggregation, reduces blood clotting and viscosity, and has antiplatelet and antihypoxic effects.
Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Emoxipin-AKOS are not provided.
- treatment and prevention of inflammation and burns of the cornea;
- treatment of hemorrhages in the anterior chamber of the eye;
- treatment of complications due to myopia;
- corneal protection when wearing contact lenses;
- prevention and treatment of hemorrhages in the sclera in the elderly.
Dosage regimen
The drug is instilled into the conjunctival cavity, 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-30 days. If necessary and the drug is well tolerated, the course of treatment can be continued for up to 6 months or repeated 2-3 times a year.
Side effect
Local reactions: burning sensation, itching, short-term hyperemia of the conjunctiva; rarely - local allergic reactions.
- pregnancy;
- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Pregnancy and lactation
The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy. Data on the safety of the drug during lactation are not provided.
special instructions
If it is necessary to use other eye drops simultaneously, Emoxipin-AKOS should be instilled last after complete absorption of the previous drops (at least 10-15 minutes).
Data on overdose of the drug Emoxipin-AKOS are not provided.
Drug interactions
Emoxipine solution should not be mixed with solutions of other drugs.
Storage conditions and periods
List B. The drug should be stored in a place protected from light, at a temperature below 25°C. Shelf life – 2 years.