Swollen lower eyelid in one eye

Skin care


Swollen eyes in the morning are unsightly, uncomfortable and unpleasant.

Understanding the cause of swelling can help you find the best treatment.

However, dermatologists and estheticians recommend several natural remedies for when you want to quickly reduce puffiness in the morning.

Cold Spoons/Ice Cubes

An old recipe is that applying cold spoons or ice cubes reduces swelling. It also works if you apply ice to swelling on other parts of the body.

Always keep two spoons in the freezer. When your eyes are swollen, simply apply them to the problem area for 2 to 3 minutes.

Don't use them straight from the freezer - wait 1 minute to warm them up a bit, as very cold spoons will irritate the delicate skin around the eyes.

You can also wrap two ice cubes in a thin towel and press them gently onto the swollen area.

Causes of edema

There are 3 large groups of causes of eyelid edema: allergic, inflammatory and non-inflammatory. Already in these categories, individual factors causing swelling are grouped.

Allergic reaction

The manifestation of an allergic reaction in the eyes is called allergic conjunctivitis. It can be triggered by various factors: medicines, cosmetics, insect bites, food, dust, pollen, animal hair, etc.

This reaction of the eyes to external stimuli is almost always accompanied by swelling of the eyelid. In this case, the following symptoms may be added:

  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Redness
  • Tearing
  • Sensation of sand/foreign body in the eye

The disease can be either seasonal (with allergies to pollen, flowering) or chronic (due to constant contact with the allergen).

Note! Allergic eye damage primarily affects the conjunctiva (the membrane covering the white part of the eye). Due to its thin and sensitive structure, all eye diseases are extremely painful.

Impaired blood flow

Healthy blood flow allows blood to circulate freely throughout the body. It moves back and forth through the veins. If for some reason movement is difficult, this leads to swelling. The same mechanism applies to the eye area. If blood flow slows, the eyelid may swell.

There are many reasons for poor circulation:

  • Lack of sleep (causing changes in blood pressure);
  • Stress;
  • Surgical manipulations in the facial area (in particular, rejuvenation procedures);
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Visual strain and general fatigue of the body.

Prolonged concentration of the eyes (working at a computer, driving a car, reading books, etc.) causes overstrain of the eye muscles. This leads to disruption of the blood supply to the eyelids.

Flabbiness of the muscles of the eyelid

The lower eyelid has a complex structure that provides protection to the eye. In addition to fat and epithelial cells, it contains muscle tissue. The role of the muscle is to ensure uninterrupted pumping of interstitial fluid, as well as normal venous blood flow in the eye area.

When a muscle weakens, it loses its ability to contract effectively. Hence, there is a violation of its function to support surrounding tissues. Through a chain reaction, the connective tissue, which is responsible for the condition of subcutaneous fatty tissue, also weakens. As a result, the fiber also loses its tone and further complicates the outflow of fluid and venous blood flow in the eye area.

Muscle weakening can be caused by both natural physiological reasons (aging, slowdown of lymph during sleep), and lifestyle, in particular, bad habits, excessive strain, etc.

Excess water

The standard reason for the development of edema in any part of the body is fluid retention. This problem can also affect the eyelids. Water is retained in the tissues and leads to swelling.

Such swelling can be caused by:

Hormonal problems and pregnancy

Increased production of certain types of hormones, particularly estrogen, during pregnancy leads to fluid retention, which can cause puffiness under the eyes. Failures in the functioning of the body can be caused by changes in a woman’s hormonal levels during puberty, menopause, and treatment with specific drugs (hormones) for various diseases.

Excess salt in the body

Salt significantly retains water in body tissues. Regular consumption of salty foods, canned food and others leads to the accumulation of water in the fatty tissue around the eyes, which is expressed in the form of swelling. Moreover, eating spicy and salty food causes thirst, which forces a person to drink large amounts of liquid. Due to excessive salt consumption, the water that enters the body is difficult to remove from the body.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Unbalanced, “harmful” diet, drinking alcohol, visiting nightclubs: all this can lead to stagnation of fluid in the body.

Note! In some cases, swelling of the eyelids may be a specific manifestation of serious pathologies of internal organs (in particular, the kidneys). If there are no other provoking factors for edema, it is better to consult a doctor for a full diagnosis.


The lower eyelid may also become swollen due to infection. The eyes can be affected by:


This is a purulent inflammation of the sebaceous glands, which is caused by various types of staphylococci. When infected, a painful nodule appears on the eyelid. It is completely filled with pus. The inflammation spreads to adjacent tissues, causing them to become red and swollen. As the infection progresses, the boil swells, changing color from white to yellow-green.

The sore spot is throbbing. A headache, general malaise and even fever may appear. The boil may burst on its own. Then all the symptoms will quickly disappear, and scars will remain in place of the abscess. Antibacterial drugs are used to treat boils.

Green tea - bags

Green tea is a source of caffeine , a vasoconstrictor, and is therefore effective in reducing morning eye puffiness.

Research shows that green tea has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. There is evidence that topical use of green tea has benefits for the skin. You can use green tea bags chilled in the refrigerator or you can prepare some green tea ice cubes.

To use just the packets, rinse them under cold running water, squeeze out the excess, and then place them in the refrigerator. To eliminate puffy eyes in the morning, it is recommended to apply the bags to the eyes and lie down for about 10 minutes. Then simply wash your face.

To use green tea ice cubes, you need to prepare concentrated green tea and let it cool. Then pour it into the ice cube tray and wait until the water freezes. Wrap green ice cubes in thin gauze and press them gently under your eyes.

Types of edema

There are several types of edema:

  • Inflammatory.
  • Non-inflammatory.
  • Allergic.
  • Mechanical.

Inflammatory edema always has vivid manifestations:

  • Redness.
  • Increase in local temperature.
  • Pain on palpation.
  • Compaction in some cases (stye, boil, etc.).

Non-inflammatory swelling of the eyelids is caused by internal physiological reasons:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Kidney pathologies.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Hormonal imbalances.

In such cases, the involvement of the eyelids is almost always bilateral. Symptoms are most severe in the morning, after waking up. May be combined with swelling of other parts of the body (legs).

Allergic edema is sudden. It develops rapidly, but also passes quickly. The lesion is most often unilateral. Usually develops on the upper eyelid.

Mechanical (traumatic) swelling of the eyelids is caused by various injuries. It is almost always accompanied by extensive subcutaneous hemorrhage and has a bluish tint.

In the summer, swelling of the eyelids can occur due to insect bites. In these cases, against the background of a swollen eyelid, you can always find the site of the bite: a pale papule with a hemorrhagic point center. Treatment is usually not required: within 1-2 days the swelling disappears.

The difference between swelling of the lower and upper eyelids

The location of the swelling and its external manifestation will depend on the cause of the development of edema, as well as its type.

When the upper eyelid swells, it swells and increases in size, as if hanging over the eye. It is the upper eyelid that is most often susceptible to inflammatory swelling. It happens that swelling is caused by anatomical features and the eyelid begins to “drop” upon reaching a certain age. Edema develops because fluid is not retained in the tissue due to the weakness of the membrane located between the skin of the eyelid and the fatty tissue.

Swelling of the lower eyelid is always accompanied by pronounced swelling and bags under the eyes. Most often, swelling of the lower eyelid is bilateral, non-inflammatory.

Rosemary sachets / Rosemary essential oil

You can add two drops of rosemary oil to your eye cream before applying it to reduce puffiness in the morning.
Rosemary, like green tea, has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Rosemary tea bags can also tighten the skin under the eyes by constricting the capillaries.

In the same way as for green tea bags, you can also use rosemary bags to quickly reduce puffiness under the eyes in the morning.

You can also use rosemary essential oil.

Add one drop of oil to a teaspoon of your favorite carrier oil (such as olive or avocado oil) and use your fingertips to gently massage the mixture into the swollen areas, making sure you don't apply the oil too close to your eyes.

Clean your face afterwards with a regular napkin to remove any residue.



Drug therapy is carried out in the presence of a pathological process, if the eyelid hurts, swells, turns red, or barley (furuncle) has formed. Eye diseases cannot be treated on your own; before using any medications, you must visit a specialist.

Medicines include drops, ointments, intramuscular injections and lotions. If swelling is caused by bacteria, painkillers, antibiotics, vitamins and antiseptics are prescribed for external use.

Treatment with antiseptics is carried out if papules or wounds form under the eyelid. Antiviral medications are prescribed to combat the underlying pathology.

Hydrocortisone and tetracycline ointment are used if pain appears under the lower eyelid. Prednisolone, Celestoderm and Levomycetin drops help cure infectious diseases.

If swelling is caused by an allergic reaction, Claritin, Tavegil or Zodak are prescribed.

Furunculosis is treated with sedatives, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs. At the time of opening the abscess, it is important not to introduce infection into the eyes, so you cannot squeeze out the boil or stye yourself.


Microcurrent therapy restores microcirculation and metabolic processes in tissues. Current treatment is used for severe swelling of the face, age-related skin changes and pigmentation.

Physiotherapy is contraindicated for cancer and infectious problems, herpes and unhealed scratches.

Home treatment

Chamomile is widely used by traditional healers against puffiness under the eyes. It soothes the skin, so it is suitable if the lower eyelid is swollen and itchy. Chamomile accelerates regeneration processes and relieves inflammation if the eyelid is swollen due to blepharitis.

Suitable for preparing infusions that are taken orally or made into lotions. Chamomile is beneficial in combination with green tea.

Other useful recipes:

  • Brew strong tea. Strain and cool. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid and apply to the lower eyelids for 10 minutes.
  • Grate the cucumber. Squeeze the mixture lightly and wrap it in cheesecloth. Apply the compress to the swollen area for 15 minutes.
  • Raw potatoes are an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce swelling after a blow. Use similarly to cucumber. If the swelling needs to be eliminated quickly, just cut the potato in half and apply the cut side to the swelling.
  • Apply badyagi gel to the problem area. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • A sage compress helps relieve swelling. 1 tsp. Pour boiling water over medicinal herbs and leave. Heat one part, leave the other cold. Use the hot and cold parts alternately, soaking a cotton swab in them, and applying them to your eyes for 2-3 minutes.
  • Mix equal amounts of chopped herbs - dill, chamomile and parsley. Pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. glass of water. Cool the medicine and use it as a lotion.
  • Do not throw away rose petals; even when dried, they will bring a lot of benefits, including removing puffiness. Wrap several petals in a gauze bandage and place them in hot water to soften them. Apply to eyes for 7 minutes.
  • Ice is the cheapest and fastest-acting remedy. Apply after a blow, bruise, or for chronic fatigue.
  • Pass the lemon through a meat grinder, add 10 g of gelatin and leave the mixture to swell. Stir occasionally so that a film does not form on top. Distribute the mixture under the lower eyelid and leave for 10 minutes. Lemon is replaced with apple, grapefruit, orange.
  • Pass the carrots through a meat grinder, add 35 g of sour cream and 3 g of ground cinnamon. Apply the prepared mixture to the lower eyelids for 40 minutes.

Cucumber slices

Thanks to flavonoids, caffeic acid and vitamin C, cucumbers have anti-inflammatory properties.

Cucumbers help soothe irritated, puffy eyes in the morning.

You need to cut a fresh, clean cucumber, preferably from the refrigerator, place a piece of cucumber on each eye and lightly press them against your skin.

It is recommended to lie down and rest for 5-10 minutes.

The cooling effect of cold cutting provides additional tumor reduction benefits.

After use, simply rinse your face.


Now there are many patches on the market. Many are not effective, but are simply a publicity stunt. Patches can relieve you of puffy eyes in 15 minutes and also brighten this area. Thus, you look younger! Of the tested patches we recommend:

  1. Secret Key Gold Patches
  2. Jayjun Eye Patches
  3. Shangpree hydrogel eye patches with ginseng
  4. Enhelbeauty (high price, but very effective)
  5. Check out our list of TOP 10 patches for the skin around the eyes.

Finally: additional tips

  • Drinking plenty of water, especially if you go to bed very late, helps prevent swelling.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption, as it can lead to dehydration and puffy eyes in the morning.
  • Sleeping on two pillows instead of one helps prevent fluid from accumulating on your face.
  • Get plenty of rest - 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.
  • Have you tried Iridina eye drops? Refreshes the look.
  • Use an eye cream that contains peptides to strengthen the skin around the eyes and rub it in gently.
  • Propping your pillow higher at night can also help prevent fluid buildup.
  • Don't eat a lot of salty foods, especially in the evening.
  • Don't overeat on junk food at night; dinner should be healthy. If you eat a hamburger or a chocolate bar before bed, you are more likely to experience swelling in the morning.
  • It is recommended not to eat at all 2 hours before bedtime.

How to make your eyes red at home

How to make your eyes red at home

Apply a little cosmetic cream containing mint under your eyes. This could be a volumizing lip balm or any other cosmetic product. Peppermint will make your eyes water and turn them red. The effect of such an influence is very short, and most likely, to achieve the desired result, you will have to apply the cream again and again.

  • Use a small amount of cream each time, otherwise, due to excessive tearing, it will be difficult for you to open your eyes.
  • Be careful that the cosmetic product does not get into your eyes and harm them.

Cut a piece of onion and rub it under your eyes. When chopped, onions release a lot of caustic essential oils that irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and make them water. Especially a lot of such oils are contained in the onion center. To make your eyes red, run the center of the bow several times under your eyes and they will turn red.

  • To make the effect less strong, you should wrap the onion pieces in a paper napkin and only then rub it under your eyes. In this way, the eyes will be protected from direct contact with onion esters, but the desired effect will be achieved, unless, of course, the napkin is too thick.

Get upset. True, if you are not one of those who cry out of frustration, this method will be powerless. This method is also not very good because there is a possibility that if you are very upset, you will not be able to regain your good mood after achieving the desired result. However, if you still decide to go this route, then memories of the death of loved ones or the biggest failure in life can be a good reason for frustration. You can also listen to a sad melody or watch a sad film. Just rub under your eyes. If you start rubbing the eye itself, you can introduce bacteria and other irritations from your hands, which will cause inflammation. If you rub under your eyes, the most you will get is skin irritation, which may be transferred to the eye itself. To achieve the red eye effect, you will most likely have to rub under the eye for quite a long time.

To make your eyes red, run the center of the bow several times under your eyes and they will turn red.

Pinch yourself. Before cosmetics were invented, women achieved a glow on their cheeks by lightly pinching them. The same can be done for the eyes. True, strong pinching under the eyes can lead to tears, but a slight pinching will create a rush of blood and the eyes will turn red.

Visit the pool. Bleach can be both an excellent disinfectant and an excellent irritant. The gas released by this substance is quite a strong irritant to the eyes, especially on the surface of the water. Chlorinated water will make your eyes red if you stay in it long enough. Don't wear swimming goggles as this will allow water to get into your eyes, giving you a great red-eye effect.

Spend the night without sleep. True, this is not the best solution, especially if you need to be in good shape the next day. Insomnia will definitely make your eyes blood red. At the same time, if lack of sleep is not your usual way of life, then one sleepless night will not cause significant harm to the body. However, there can be no question of any concentration the next day, therefore, you should not deprive yourself of the necessary rest, even just once.

Apply red makeup around your eyes. Do this correctly and your eyes will appear puffy and red without causing any harm to them.

  • Draw a red lip liner around your eyes and use red eye shadow as well. The red eye effect will look better if you apply a pencil outline not as a line but as a point. Place dots under the lower eyelid and on the upper eyelid. Blend them with a cotton swab so that no dots or stripes are visible.


. Avoid getting chemicals in your eyes. The eyes water to wash away irritants, and this reaction of the body is normal, because irritants can harm your eyes.

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Recommended Products

  1. Try a cool cream from Origins - GinZing Refreshing Eye Cream to Brighten and Depuff 0.5 oz . Helps very well against swelling, puffiness and bruises under the eyes!
  2. Kiehl's Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado. A small jar will last more than a year.
  3. Also, a decent gel from Clarins - Eye Contour Gel - warm it up with your fingertips and apply lightly with your fingers to the skin (without rubbing).
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