Floaters before eyes
Cataract after surgery, black dots appeared, what are they?
Floaters appear in the eyes of each of us from time to time. This may be related to
Eye hurts after cataract surgery a month later
Glaucoma is a dangerous disease that affects more and more people every year.
shape of the cornea with astigmatism
Why does hypermetropic astigmatism develop in children: the main reasons
Children's astigmatism caused by improper refraction of the cornea is called corneal, lens - lenticular. Fine
Why does conjunctivitis occur in children and how is it treated?
Fungi and spores are constantly present on the surface of the mucous membrane of the eyes. They are normal
What you need to know about blepharoplasty: After blepharoplasty, the look becomes young and open. Blepharoplasty is undergoing
ophthalmologist examination
Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis - how does it differ from other forms of the disease?
With hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, extensive hemorrhages, or hemorrhages, appear in the eyes, which gives it its name
Facial burn during welding: how to treat with folk remedies
The welding process is a hazardous type of work. Hands, face, eyes, and respiratory organs are at risk.
Research work “Problems of eye disease in schoolchildren”
Diseases of the organs of vision Chronic infectious kerato-conjunctivitis, accompanied by diffuse inflammatory infiltration of the submucosal tissue with the formation
From glaucoma to cataracts. How to recognize eye diseases in time | Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay
From glaucoma to cataracts. How to recognize eye diseases in time
Yana Khvatova Health August 08, 2019 Only on the website How to preserve vision, an ophthalmologist tells.
Traditional recipes for treating cataracts with honey
Many people consider cataracts to be a disease of older people. However, statistics indicate the opposite process. Actually 5%