Psychosomatics of eye diseases: astigmatism, cataracts, strabismus

How often does each of us follow the course of our thoughts? How do we feel about our obsessions, which we repeat like a spell several times an hour? Are we paying attention to the consequences? Not every one of us thinks about how just one careless thought can influence a person’s destiny, breaking it or correcting it. The influence of the brain on the course of history has been proven by many scientists and there is nothing illogical in this, because any thought can come true. But do we want every thought to come true? One of the popular consequences of careless thoughts is eye diseases.

How is this connected and what do you need to know to maintain your health or regain it?

How to Heal Metaphysical Factors of Wet Eyes

Firstly, you should allow yourself to rest without waiting for overwork and illness. Let your body recover, and let the whole world wait! Secondly, you need to find out what the root of the problem is. You can take tests for a long time and persistently, and go to doctors. But we advise you to look at this issue from a different perspective. Pay attention to the psychosomatics of dark circles under the eyes. After all, until the soul becomes easier, the body will also suffer.

One of the most progressive methods that will help you do this is Spiritual Integration. It allows you to quickly work out the mental causes of problems with the organs of vision and other diseases.

This technology, the author of which is the famous psychologist Konstantin Dovlatov , can be used by anyone who has undergone training. Its essence is that any problem has deep reasons hidden in our subconscious. Using the method, we can extract them, heal them and begin to live in a new way.

At the same time, we not only heal the body, but also ourselves and our environment, we begin to behave more effectively and reveal our abilities to the maximum. This allows us to realize ourselves and benefit the world.

Exit by touch or my eyes would not see you

The eyes are one of the sensory instruments of the brain. Thanks to them, the brain receives visual information about the external environment. Thus, the eyes serve as a means of transmitting an impulse, the brain is involved in its interpretation, and it is also involved in the emotional perception of this information, depending on its preferences. If visual receptors bring a negative emotional reaction that irritates the nervous system, the brain begins to look for a way to maintain a state of rest, - stabilization of mental state.

In practical everyday language, if a person is in an unfavorable environment for himself, is forced to constantly encounter people who are especially undesirable for him, he has every chance of losing his sight. Dissatisfaction with the situation and the inability to change it forces the body to take extreme measures. To protect itself from constant irritants, the brain instructs itself to eliminate unfavorable factors.

The best way for him is to deteriorate or completely lose his vision. The attitude toward this action is expressed in constant thoughts, such as: “don’t catch my eye,” “I don’t want to see you,” “my eyes wouldn’t see you,” or the popular youth “gouge out my eyes.”

Such desires are embodied in physiological changes. Vision begins to fade slowly and imperceptibly. A person’s consciousness may not accept this fact and may not be aware of what is happening. But in the subconscious, this process causes a certain pleasure and calm.

According to many of those who lost their sight, for a reason unknown to them, they closely examined and memorized every detail of the environment, as if saying goodbye to it. In fact, all these small details are necessary for the brain to continue the functioning of the body. So he stores all the necessary information in the “attic” of his memory.

Folk remedies for eliminating circles under the eyes

  • Freeze infusions of chamomile and parsley in ice cube trays. Rub ice on the skin in the eye area 2 times a day.
  • Finely grate the fresh cucumber Mix with sour cream. Apply to eyelids for ten minutes.
  • Peel the raw potatoes Mix with vegetable oil in a 2:1 ratio. Apply to the lower eyelid, closing your eyes for 20 minutes.

These procedures will help lighten the skin of the eyelids a little. However, remember that psychosomatics is also important. The circles under your eyes will return if you continue to be dissatisfied with your life and do not change anything about it.

Text of the book “Psychosomatics: the most dangerous emotions”

Pavel Evdokimenko Psychosomatics: the most dangerous emotions

All information in the book is educational and informational in nature. There are contraindications. Before using the recommendations and advice from the book, be sure to consult with your doctor! © Evdokimenko P., text

© AST Publishing House LLC



Most people's world is very...materialistic.

Even if one of us claims to be a person of devout faith, whether Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu, when it comes to serious health problems, almost all of us behave like inveterate materialists.

When we get sick, we usually don’t want to talk about our mental problems. We want to quickly receive fast-acting, completely material (physical) treatment.

When we go to the doctor and ask the question “Why did I get sick and how can I get better now?”, we most often want to hear an explanation that suits us. In which there will be a maximum of specifics and a minimum of talk about our state of mind.

And it is right. Any doctor should, as quickly as possible, alleviate the patient’s condition: relieve pain, remove painful bodily sensations and dangerous symptoms. And the soul... The soul will wait until a person can again breathe freely, live without pain, move without pain.

Because what kind of heart-to-heart conversations can there be when something really hurts; and sometimes it hurts so much that the pain makes you want to climb the wall!

This is why almost any doctor must first heal the patient's body.


If we heal the body without healing the soul, there is a high probability that the disease will soon return again, and it may become chronic and more severe.

After all, at least 70% of our diseases are provoked by stress, anxiety, our mental suffering and excessive emotions. That is, they start “because of nerves.”

And here’s what’s curious... Although in everyday life people often say the hackneyed phrase “All diseases are from nerves,” it turns out that in fact many people do not believe in this. They don’t believe that “because of nerves” you can get seriously ill.

Getting sick due to poor ecology or poor quality food, smoking, alcohol abuse, gluttony, or due to some “parasites” or mythical “toxins” - yes, most people will agree that this is possible.

But to get sick “due to nerves”... many people think that this is unlikely. This, they say, is some kind of excuse from bad doctors. If the doctor doesn’t know why you got sick and doesn’t know how to cure you, he will attribute everything to stress and nerves - something like this is what many people


Indeed, how can you get sick because of some kind of “nerves”, because of worries or emotions?

I was once quite amused by how one of our viewers commented on my video on psychosomatics. It sounded something like this:

“It’s strange, but he was a normal doctor! He spoke well about diseases and their treatment. And now he suddenly started talking about emotions. But what do emotions and health have to do with it? Emotions are not material!”

So, my dear readers, throughout the book I will demonstrate to you more than once or twice and justify from a scientific point of view that emotions are very material! And that they directly affect our health.

I will tell you about how people get sick “due to nerves” and give tips on how to avoid many health problems.

Read, develop yourself and... of course, be healthy!


your doctor Evdokimenko

Part 1 The beginning began

Psychosomatics: science or not?


Scientists began to seriously study the influence of emotions on the body relatively recently. Of course, scientists have long found out that there is a certain connection between our emotions and our state of health. However, to study this connection seriously... the professionals somehow never got around to it.

But recently, scientists have been paying more and more attention to issues of psychosomatics.

Psychosomatics is a science in which we consider how our emotions (and strong emotions are ALWAYS accompanied by the release of certain hormones) affect our endocrine system, the heart and blood vessels, the brain, breathing and much more.

Moreover, within the framework of psychosomatics, we study the influence of any emotions on our body. Both positive, joyful, and negative, such as anger, anger, irritation, sadness, resentment, fear, guilt, etc.

But, of course, scientists who study psychosomatics are primarily interested in how, why and in what situations negative emotions lead to the development of a particular disease.

All this will be discussed throughout the book. But a little further. In the meantime, I’ll voice a “question from the audience” that I get asked quite often:

– Doctor, is psychosomatics even a science or not? Isn't this some kind of sect by any chance? This isn't a religion, by any chance? Maybe it has something to do with faith, like what you believe in is what you get?

No, dear friends, psychosomatics is not a religion, not a sect, or a newfangled creed. Psychosomatics is a completely materialistic (not to be confused with atheistic) science, which does not depend on what you believe or not believe.

Let me remind you, emotions = hormones. And as I like to say, hormones affect everyone the same. Kings and beggars, believers and atheists - emotions and the subsequent hormone surges have the same effect on everyone, adjusted for some of our individual characteristics.

It is this effect, as I said at the beginning of the chapter, that is studied by a science called psychosomatics.

Another thing is that this science is still young, it is almost not taught in medical institutes (and if they are taught somewhere, it is most often in passing and as an addition to psychology), and therefore even doctors sometimes treat psychosomatics with skepticism.

Well, advanced scientists and new sciences are no strangers to skepticism...

Above Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, who was the first to see microbes through a homemade microscope and describe them - and he was not even a professional scientist! – many “great scientists” also laughed at first. Like, I saw some small animals through the glass. Haha, how funny.

And at first they couldn’t even think about the fact that these “little animals” could cause diseases. And only then, much later, from this “ridiculous” the science of microbiology developed, and the doctrine of infectious diseases began to be taught in medical institutes.

Fortunately, Leeuwenhoek was at least not hunted down, unlike the great Ignaz Semmelweis.

In the early to mid-19th century, the mortality rate of women giving birth from puerperal fever in European hospitals was appalling. In the maternity wards of seemingly advanced clinics, ten to thirty percent of women in labor died from fever (that is, sepsis)!

And in many ways this happened because the doctors in the maternity wards did not treat their hands in any way before giving birth.

No matter what they did, they often didn’t wash their hands at all! Even if ten minutes earlier an autopsy was performed in the hospital morgue on other women who died from sepsis!

That is, without knowing it, these doctors transferred, excuse the rudeness, the infection - from women who died due to sepsis - to the women for whom they delivered babies. Literally, they brought quick death to many women in labor.

The great doctor Ignaz Semmelweis, who worked at that time as an obstetrician-gynecologist, was able to “figure out” the cause of puerperal fever infection.

Being an observant person and having analyzed various facts, Ignaz Semmelweis suggested that doctors carry “cadaveric particles” in their hands, which cause fever in women in labor and lead to the death of both the women themselves and their newborns.

And then Dr. Semmelweis began to force all doctors in his obstetric clinic to wash their hands in a basin of chlorine water before giving birth.

Now we all know that bleach disinfects. But at that time no one even knew about it. And, apparently, the great Doctor Semmelweis was also the first to think of the fact that bleach has a protective and disinfecting effect.

He experimentally found out that a solution of “chlorine water” can extinguish the smell of the morgue, which means it washes away all the “cadaveric particles” that doctors unwittingly carry.

And just imagine... the clinic’s doctors wash their hands with a solution of “chlorine water”, the result is an unprecedented success, the mortality rate in the maternity hospital drops tenfold as a result of such a simple procedure! This is fantastic! Triumph! Doctor Semmelweis is carried in their arms, showered with laurels, awarded the title of academician of all possible academies, he dies at a ripe old age, surrounded by honor, wealth, and in an aura of glory. Introduced? And now... how can I put it mildly... “distribute” it back.

It was just the opposite. No, the mortality rate in the maternity hospital, thanks to the genius of Semmelweis, actually decreased tenfold. But this did not bring laurels or honor to the great doctor.

Almost all of European medicine rose up against Semmelweis; for instructing him to wash his hands with a solution of chlorine water, he was accused of anti-scientific quackery.

And no matter how hard Ignaz Semmelweis tried to reach out to his colleagues, it was all in vain: almost no one listened to him, he was bullied and ridiculed. Many of the most famous doctors and scientists of the time called Semmelweis an eccentric, a madman and a charlatan.

Towards the end of his life, the great Doctor was tricked into being committed to an insane asylum. Ignaz Semmelweis died in 1865, misunderstood and ridiculed by his colleagues. And just 5 years after his death, the English surgeon J. Lister proved the theory about pathogenic microorganisms. And the era of a new science began - the era of microbiology.

In 1906, with donations from doctors from all over the world, a monument to Ignaz Semmelweis was erected in Budapest with the inscription “Savior of Mothers.”

As sad as it may be, I learned from the story of the great Doctor back in college that being booed by some narrow-minded or conservative fellow doctors is not a shame, but an honor.

But, thank God, things probably won’t come to the point of mass “booing” - the science of psychosomatics is developing and raising its head more and more; talking about psychosomatics among thinking doctors is no longer shameful.

Another thing was 20 years ago, when I wrote my first notes on the psychological basis of certain diseases. Back then it was somehow not comme il faut to talk about psychosomatics... not accepted.

Therefore, I had to write my first book on psychosomatics, which I published in 2003 under the title “What Doctors Guess But Don’t Say,” in a persuasive style. In this book, I convinced and persuaded my readers, using examples from practice to prove that psychosomatics is not a fiction and that excessive negative emotions can really cause enormous harm to the body.

It worked... Most of my readers were convinced by the book, which I later renamed “The Cause of Your Illness.”

But then, to consolidate the result and to make it even more clear, I wrote a book called “The Secret Formula of Health.”

“The Secret Formula” was a hooligan, scandalous book, but it was intelligible and “hit you right on the head.” This is how I intended it to be. After “The Secret Formula of Health,” issues of psychosomatics became clear even to people very far from medicine.

So it turns out that this is my third book on psychosomatics. And if with


Astigmatism is the shape of the eyeball, due to which the ray is refracted incorrectly in the lens and is projected at two points on the retina at once. For such a patient, the shapes and sizes of surrounding objects may change. This is typical for those people who adhere only to their own opinions. For them, the information received from others is incorrect. Such a patient can only see himself and his own “I”.

Glaucoma is the accumulation of fluid in the chambers of the eyes. Gradually, these formations expand and compress the neighboring structures of the eyeball. This condition is caused by uncontrolled secretion of intraocular fluid. A symptom of the disease is constant pain in the eyes and internal structures.

The disease is typical for those people who have an unforgiven grudge against a loved one or relative. If he cannot forgive, grief accumulates and increases in size. Hatred gradually develops. This leads to strong internal pressure.

It is important for the patient to learn to express his emotions and convey feelings. It is necessary to throw out the sadness, cry, so that the pressure inside decreases. Glaucoma can be accompanied by frequent headaches, which indicates the accumulation of unpleasant emotions within oneself.

If a child has glaucoma from birth, this means that his mother experienced internal sadness and resentment during pregnancy. The overflow of emotions moved to the fetus that lived inside her.

The lens is located in the internal structure of the eye. Inside it is filled with an absolutely transparent liquid. If it begins to become cloudy, rays passing through the retina are refracted incorrectly. Therefore, visual acuity decreases and blindness may occur.


Myopia is a condition in which a person sees well near, but poorly at a distance. This is due to the fact that a person wants to live only in the immediate environment. It is stressful for him to move forward and implement any further plans. He is comfortable in society, which is his close circle, the closest people.

People with myopia are obsessed with themselves. It is difficult for them to break their stereotypes and life preferences.

To correct vision, psychologists advise moving forward, making plans for the future, and expanding your range of interests.

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